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St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
Excerpt from the OP (see the rest of post #1 for my stance)

Because of another topic on the forum that has a title that asks the WRONG question,
I wanted to launch a topic that would ask the right questions.

I have done my homework as part of that other topic.
And I am still making some discoveries about the subject.
Here are a few.

- There is a 40% suicide rate among gays, which is driven by societal rejection. (genocide)
- Parental testimony shows children indicating a transgender preference as early as 3 to 5 years old.
- 1 in 1,500 children are born intersex, meaning either both, or ambiguous genitalia.
- Birth sex is determined by what is between your legs; gender identity is determined by what is between your ears.
- Christian gays that come out are at risk of losing family, friends, church, employment, housing...
- Many gay couples are monogamous, and great contributors to our society.

There are other factors as well. This is a place to discuss them. Thanks.




Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
Excerpt from the OP (see the rest of post #1 for my stance)

Because of another topic on the forum that has a title that asks the WRONG question,
I wanted to launch a topic that would ask the right questions.

I have done my homework as part of that other topic.
And I am still making some discoveries about the subject.
Here are a few.

- There is a 40% suicide rate among gays, which is driven by societal rejection. (genocide)
- Parental testimony shows children indicating a transgender preference as early as 3 to 5 years old.
- 1 in 1,500 children are born intersex, meaning either both, or ambiguous genitalia.
- Birth sex is determined by what is between your legs; gender identity is determined by what is between your ears.
- Christian gays that come out are at risk of losing family, friends, church, employment, housing...
- Many gay couples are monogamous, and great contributors to our society.

There are other factors as well. This is a place to discuss them. Thanks.


There is only one truth. No matter what you see, feel, or read, God is truth. Study the Bible and won't have to look to the world.

Jesus hates sin, He can love the sinner and if that sinner repents(turn away from their hearts desires and turn to His) then they can be healed and have the Holy Spirit to be born again. Only then is someone set free and will inherit the Kingdom of God.

So what should we do:
2 Timothy 3:16-17
All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: that the man of God may be perfect, thoroughly equipped for every good work.

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
There is only one truth.
One size fits all?

Jesus hates sin, He can love the sinner
Does Jesus hate sin? We have been told that all our church lives. But is it true? Jesus died for us when? (while were were yet sinners)

Sin is a problem and Jesus did something about it. If LGBTQ is a problem, we should do something about it. (love)

So what should we do:
Do what Jesus does, love the sinner.

What are you doing personally to show the love of Jesus to LGBTQ humans? Do you even know any? Do you frown when you see them? Would you talk to them in the check-out line at the store? Or do you turn away?



Active Member
Nov 15, 2022
United States
One size fits all?

Does Jesus hate sin? We have been told that all our church lives. But is it true? Jesus died for us when? (while were were yet sinners)

Sin is a problem and Jesus did something about it. If LGBTQ is a problem, we should do something about it. (love)

Do what Jesus does, love the sinner.

What are you doing personally to show the love of Jesus to LGBTQ humans? Do you even know any? Do you frown when you see them? Would you talk to them in the check-out line at the store? Or do you turn away?

I will first tell you right now that you are not a follower of Christ Jesus if you don't believe that yes there is ONLY ONE TRUTH. He is THE WAY, THE TRUTH and THE LIFE. so yes one size fits all

Yes Jesus is God and God hates sin, the entire Bible is about Him, His character, His ability, His commands, His expectation, His judgement, His mercy, His power, His authority...

First, God exiled Adam and Eve from the garden because they sinned, Crain was punished for his sin, God flooded and killed all but 8 because they were sinning so badly, God rained down fire to Sodom and Gomorrah (all in it) due to their sin, God had sinful men punished all through-out history. Jesus came to save those who will repent. If you don't know what the true meaning of repent is , it is not feeling sorry, or having regret. It is changing of your mind and turning to God's thinking.

God has already spoken over and over that those that practice sexual sin will not be in heaven but will spend eternity in hell. and that also applies for the liars, cheaters, gossips, idolators, etc.

if you want to know what I do: first, I don't treat people ugly based on their looks. Love will correct, teach, and discipline. It is not love to agree with, tolerate, or accept evil and sinful ways. It is not love to stand back and watch someone go to hell. I will point all sinners to Christ no matter the sin. I do that with people that are living together, believer dating a non-believer, drunks, drug users, those practicing yoga/tarrot cards/horoscopes/crystals, and even those using foul language.

Am I disgusted with homosexual and transgender behavior, yes. It breaks God's heart therefore it breaks mine. God said be "Holy because I am Holy."

St. SteVen

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2023
United States
From the OP with new emphasis.

Christians tend to treat LGBTQ as if it is a singular thing. It's not.
It's a very complex subject that the church has, for the most part, swept under the rug.

Those who have stepped up to be inclusive have taken the heat for it.
And there is even a broad spectrum of how inclusion can play out.
LGBTQ is not a B+W issue. There is a whole spectrum of gray to be considered.


Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
LGBTQ is not a B+W issue. There is a whole spectrum of grey to be considered.

People do not like B and W issues as they always like being never being wrong so that they then like to argue and defend their position in the Gray areas of life and always be at logger heads with God.