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Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
1. The woman speaking is one of Solomon's love interests--the condemnation on him was that he went after thousands of GENTILE women, including a famous AFRICAN woman the Queen of the South or Queen of Sheba. Could've been her.
2. That particular Book of Enoch gives the wrong reason for Noah having received his name (meaning, "rest, comfort") so I do not accept its authenticity.
Genesis 5:29And he named him Noah,e saying, “May this one comfort us in the labor and toil of our hands caused by the ground that the LORD has cursed.”
Enoch 106:18 ...And now make known to thy son Lamech that he who has been born is in truth his son, and call his name Noah; for he shall be left to you, and he and his sons shall be saved from the destruction, which shall come upon the earth on account of all the sin and all the unrighteousness, which shall be consummated on the earth in his days. And after that there shall be still more unrighteousness than that which was first consummated on the earth; for I know the mysteries of the holy ones; for He, the Lord, has showed me and informed me, and I have read (them) in the heavenly tablets.
Your response didn't reflect anything about his skin color which is what my post was referring to
As far as how he got his name and why.... I like this commentary a lot better.

What is the significance of Noah's name?
A central theme of these chapters is the relationship between humanity [adam] and the earth [adamah] from which they were created. When the man and the woman eat the forbidden fruit, the man's relationship with the ground is cursed:

Genesis 3.17-19
And to the man he said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, “You shall not eat of it”, cursed is the ground [adamah] because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’
This is amplified further when Cain, a worker of the ground, kills his brother Abel:

Genesis 4.10-12
And Yahweh said, ‘What have you done? Listen; your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground! And now you are cursed from the ground [adamah], which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.’ Cain said to Yahweh, ‘My punishment is greater than I can bear! Today you have driven me away from the soil [adamah]
The narrative continues up to Cain's descendent Lamech, who fathers three sons and a daughter. The sons, Jabal, Jubal, and Tubalcain, are identified as developing culture in three major ways (music, nomadic shepherding, and blacksmithing). Soon after, Lamech fathers a fourth son:

Genesis 5.29
he named him Noah, saying, ‘Out of the ground [adamah] that Yahweh has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and from the toil of our hands.’
This is then addressed directly, when Noah renders an offering to Yahweh after the flood:

Genesis 8.21
Yahweh said in his heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground [adamah] because of humankind’
Out of Lamech's four sons, Noah's own contribution to cultural development is to work the ground in a new way: vineyard-keeping. This is the 'relief' from the curse, which Lamech predicted would happen through his son.

Noah, a man of the soil [adamah], was the first to plant a vineyard.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
Your response didn't reflect anything about his skin color which is what my post was referring to
It did : the woman was not Jewish but one of Solomon's many Gentile love interests 1 Kings 11:1-8. She wouldn't have been talking about her skin color unless it had been exceptional, conspicuous, to the "daughters of Jerusalem"--just as the Cushite (whom Moses had married)'s skin had been to Miriam Numbers 12.

As far as how he got his name and why.... I like this commentary a lot better.

What is the significance of Noah's name?
A central theme of these chapters is the relationship between humanity [adam] and the earth [adamah] from which they were created. When the man and the woman eat the forbidden fruit, the man's relationship with the ground is cursed:

Genesis 3.17-19
And to the man he said, ‘Because you have listened to the voice of your wife, and have eaten of the tree about which I commanded you, “You shall not eat of it”, cursed is the ground [adamah] because of you; in toil you shall eat of it all the days of your life; thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you; and you shall eat the plants of the field. By the sweat of your face you shall eat bread until you return to the ground, for out of it you were taken; you are dust, and to dust you shall return.’
This is amplified further when Cain, a worker of the ground, kills his brother Abel:

Genesis 4.10-12
And Yahweh said, ‘What have you done? Listen; your brother’s blood is crying out to me from the ground! And now you are cursed from the ground [adamah], which has opened its mouth to receive your brother’s blood from your hand. When you till the ground, it will no longer yield to you its strength; you will be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth.’ Cain said to Yahweh, ‘My punishment is greater than I can bear! Today you have driven me away from the soil [adamah]
The narrative continues up to Cain's descendent Lamech, who fathers three sons and a daughter. The sons, Jabal, Jubal, and Tubalcain, are identified as developing culture in three major ways (music, nomadic shepherding, and blacksmithing). Soon after, Lamech fathers a fourth son:

Genesis 5.29
he named him Noah, saying, ‘Out of the ground [adamah] that Yahweh has cursed this one shall bring us relief from our work and from the toil of our hands.’
This is then addressed directly, when Noah renders an offering to Yahweh after the flood:

Genesis 8.21
Yahweh said in his heart, ‘I will never again curse the ground [adamah] because of humankind’
Out of Lamech's four sons, Noah's own contribution to cultural development is to work the ground in a new way: vineyard-keeping. This is the 'relief' from the curse, which Lamech predicted would happen through his son.

Noah, a man of the soil [adamah], was the first to plant a vineyard.
I think you missed the point : I rejected your argument you brought (perhaps about race?) from 3 Enoch based on the fact that I thought 3 Enoch was inauthentic, because it disagreed with the Bible's explanation for how Noah got his name (which, when I say I go with the Bible's explanation, is actually a recognition of this "commentary" you have now brought and said you "prefer"--which is actually just you finally coming into agreement with my point).
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
It did : the woman was not Jewish but one of Solomon's many Gentile love interests 1 Kings 11:1-8.
1 Kings 11
1Now King Solomon loved many foreign women along with the daughter of Pharaoh: Moabite, Ammonite, Edomite, Sidonian, and Hittite women, 2from the nations of which the LORD had said to the sons of Israel, “You shall not [a]associate with them, nor shall they associate with you; they will certainly turn your heart away [c]to follow their gods.” Solomon clung to these in love. 3He had seven hundred wives, who were [d]princesses, and three hundred concubines; and his wives turned his heart away. 4For when Solomon was old, his wives turned his heart away [e]to follow other gods; and his heart was not [f]wholly devoted to the LORD his God, as the heart of his father David had been. 5For Solomon became a follower of Ashtoreth the goddess of the Sidonians, and of [g]Milcom the abhorrent idol of the Ammonites. 6So Solomon did what was evil in the sight of the LORD, and did not follow the LORD fully, as his father David had done. 7Then Solomon built a high place for Chemosh, the abhorrent idol of Moab, on the mountain that is [h]east of Jerusalem, and for Molech, the abhorrent idol of the sons of Ammon. 8He also did the same for all his foreign wives, who burned incense and sacrificed to their gods.

About which thing the Jewish Kings had already been warned...

Deuteronomy 7
3Furthermore, you shall not intermarry with them: you shall not give your [c]daughters to [d]their sons, nor shall you take [e]their daughters for your [f]sons. 4For [g]they will turn your [h]sons away from following Me, and they will serve other gods; then the anger of the LORD will be kindled against you and He will quickly destroy you.
Deuteronomy 17
17And he shall not acquire many wives for himself, so that his heart does not turn away;...

So, yeah, that woman was one of the Gentile love interests, not a Jewess--again, her dark skin was conspicuous, just as the Cushite (whom Moses had married)'s was conspicuous to Miriam and Aaron and on account of whom Moses having married they had spoken against Moses Numbers 12.


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
It did : the woman was not Jewish but a Gentile love interest. She wouldn't have been talking about her skin color except that it was exceptional and conspicuous to the daughters of Jerusalem--just as the Cushite (whom Moses had married)'s skin was to Miriam Numbers 12.

I think you missed the point : I rejected your argument you brought (perhaps about race?) from 3 Enoch based on the fact that I thought 3 Enoch was inauthentic, because it disagreed with the Bible's explanation for how Noah got his name (which, when I say I go with the Bible's explanation, is actually a recognition of this "commentary" you have now brought and said you "prefer"--but it's actually just an agreement with my point).
You do know there are hundreds of scrolls that were left out of the KJV don't you?
Here is a list

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Many claim the apocrypha should never have been included in the first place, raising doubt about its validity and believing it was not God-inspired (for instance, a reference about magic seems inconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6, verses 5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed- that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2,000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church, but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible: Revelation 22:18. The word 'apocrypha' means 'hidden.' Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source].

Keep this in mind when reading the following apocryphal books. Martin Luther said, "Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read." (King James Version Defended page 98.)

Books of the Apocrypha


Spiritual Warrior
Staff member
May 10, 2018
United States
Matthew Henry's Commentary:
Song of Solomon 1 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (complete)
In this chapter, after the title of the book (v. 1), we have Christ and his church, Christ and a believer, expressing their esteem for each other. I. The bride, the church, speaks to the bridegroom (v. 2-4), to the daughters of Jerusalem (v. 5, 6), and then to the bridegroom (v. 7). II. Christ, the bridegroom, speaks in answer to the complaints and requests of his spouse (v. 8-11). III. The church expresses the great value she has for Christ, and the delights she takes in communion with him (v. 12-14). IV. Christ commends the church's beauty (v. 15). V. The church returns the commendation (v. 16, 17). Where there is a fire of true love to Christ in the heart this will be of use to blow it up into a flame.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
You do know there are hundreds of scrolls that were left out of the KJV don't you?
Here is a list

The apocrypha is a selection of books which were published in the original 1611 King James Bible. These apocryphal books were positioned between the Old and New Testament (it also contained maps and geneologies). The apocrypha was a part of the KJV for 274 years until being removed in 1885 A.D. A portion of these books were called deuterocanonical books by some entities, such as the Catholic church.

Many claim the apocrypha should never have been included in the first place, raising doubt about its validity and believing it was not God-inspired (for instance, a reference about magic seems inconsistent with the rest of the Bible: Tobit chapter 6, verses 5-8). Others believe it is valid and that it should never have been removed- that it was considered part of the Bible for nearly 2,000 years before it was recently removed a little more than 100 years ago. Some say it was removed because of not finding the books in the original Hebrew manuscripts. Others claim it wasn't removed by the church, but by printers to cut costs in distributing Bibles in the United States. Both sides tend to cite the same verses that warn against adding or subtracting from the Bible: Revelation 22:18. The word 'apocrypha' means 'hidden.' Fragments of Dead Sea Scrolls dating back to before 70 A.D. contained parts of the apocrypha books in Hebrew, including Sirach and Tobit [source].

Keep this in mind when reading the following apocryphal books. Martin Luther said, "Apocrypha--that is, books which are not regarded as equal to the holy Scriptures, and yet are profitable and good to read." (King James Version Defended page 98.)

Books of the Apocrypha
1. Maybe you could clarify your point here? Not sure how it relates.
2. I already have been convinced by a Russian Orthodox priest that these are Scripture. I have yet to go to reading though.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
Matthew Henry's Commentary:
Song of Solomon 1 Bible Commentary - Matthew Henry (complete)
In this chapter, after the title of the book (v. 1), we have Christ and his church, Christ and a believer, expressing their esteem for each other. I. The bride, the church, speaks to the bridegroom (v. 2-4), to the daughters of Jerusalem (v. 5, 6), and then to the bridegroom (v. 7). II. Christ, the bridegroom, speaks in answer to the complaints and requests of his spouse (v. 8-11). III. The church expresses the great value she has for Christ, and the delights she takes in communion with him (v. 12-14). IV. Christ commends the church's beauty (v. 15). V. The church returns the commendation (v. 16, 17). Where there is a fire of true love to Christ in the heart this will be of use to blow it up into a flame.
Let's not lose the forest for the trees : this woman is not a Jewess, the Jews were not Black.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
You do know there are hundreds of scrolls that were left out of the KJV don't you?
1. Maybe you could clarify your point here? Not sure how it relates.
Ohh.. I think you were somehow thinking that I'd rejected 3 Enoch "out of hand", "unthinkingly"... no, again, as stated, the reason I rejected it was because as I held to Scripture I found it conflicted with Scripture.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
did Jesus speak Greek or Hebrew. Was so called Jesus’s prophesied in Greek or was it Hebrew ? It was Hebrew. Respect my lord and call him by his name. If my name is jack don’t call be joaquin just because that fits your language , I won’t respond because it’s not my name. Understand ?

You speak about me yet you don’t know that the Greek word yeshua is a transliteration. The septuagent was rewritten in Greek but originally written in Hebrew. So you have a Hebrew translation into Greek and then into English.

The apostles themselves called Him Iesous, when they wrote the NT, completely destroying your argument that His Hebrew name must be used, regardless of what language is being used.
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
The apostles themselves called Him Iesous, when they wrote the NT, completely destroying your argument that His Hebrew name must be used, regardless of what language is being used.
I think it makes people "feel" (again, "feelings" not "facts") "special"--they "know" something they (wrongly) think others don't know, and so they think they can stand in judgment of others, who are not "special", because they don't have the "special" knowledge, and when they consider this "special" position they imagine they are in, it increases their feeling of "specialness"

It's all satanic pride.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Ethiopians come from the line of Ham . Israel or the Jews come from Shem . you are saying they are hametic and shemetic people . That’s off you can only come from one nation. Ethiopians biblically are hamites.

You apparently confuse adopting the Jewish religion, as they did in Ethiopia with being an ethnic/genetic/national Jew by bloodline.

Being converted to Judaism does not make them related to Abraham.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
No , salvation is only according to the house of Israel. According to the gospel
So, like so many before you, you reject God's Word Deuteronomy 32:21 in order to preserve your empty tradition.
All right.


May 10, 2021
United States
Again and again, Paul told people they'd be saved if they called on the Name of "Iesous".
Was that "disrespectful" of Paul? You're "correcting" him?

LOL Why would the Septuagint, a Greek translation, ever have been written in Hebrew?

Read up buddy.
Ecclesiasticus 1:1 The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach. Whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might profit much more in living according to the law. Wherefore let me intreat you to read it with favour and attention, and to pardon us, wherein we may seem to come short of some words, which we have laboured to interpret. For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them: and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
Read up buddy.
Ecclesiasticus 1:1 The Prologue of the Wisdom of Jesus the Son of Sirach. Whereas many and great things have been delivered unto us by the law and the prophets, and by others that have followed their steps, for the which things Israel ought to be commended for learning and wisdom; and whereof not only the readers must needs become skilful themselves, but also they that desire to learn be able to profit them which are without, both by speaking and writing: my grandfather Jesus, when he had much given himself to the reading of the law, and the prophets, and other books of our fathers, and had gotten therein good judgment, was drawn on also himself to write something pertaining to learning and wisdom; to the intent that those which are desirous to learn, and are addicted to these things, might profit much more in living according to the law. Wherefore let me intreat you to read it with favour and attention, and to pardon us, wherein we may seem to come short of some words, which we have laboured to interpret. For the same things uttered in Hebrew, and translated into another tongue, have not the same force in them: and not only these things, but the law itself, and the prophets, and the rest of the books, have no small difference, when they are spoken in their own language.
Again, the LXX was never in Hebrew.


May 10, 2021
United States
You apparently confuse adopting the Jewish religion, as they did in Ethiopia with being an ethnic/genetic/national Jew by bloodline.

Being converted to Judaism does not make them related to Abraham.
Exactly it doesn’t make them from the seed of Abraham , Isaac and Jacob so the promise is not for them.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2021
United States
You just ignore scripture so I will not cast my pearls before swine as the Bible says
LOL! Which Scripture said "the LXX was originally written in Hebrew"? That's like saying the King James Bible was originally written in Hebrew Aramaic and Greek--no, it was always a translation.