Are you a Christian confused about taking the vaccine? Part 1

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Marty fox

Well-Known Member
Jun 1, 2021
If you are a Christian, like me, who is confused about whether or not to take the vaccine, where can you go to find the answer?

The Bible seems to be oddly silent about it. It’s not a cut and dry subject because taking the vaccine or not isn’t actually a sin, and it’s also not the mark of the beast. To confuse the matter even more, there are respectable Christians and pastors on either side of the matter whom some have taken and support it and some have not taken or support it. There are even pastors within the same church who have different views and have acted on them. Where can we turn to and what answer is right or wrong?

If taking the vaccine isn’t actually sinful then we need to treat each other’s decisions with respect, grace, and love and not condemn and divide people or the church and families over it.

Some of us are in turmoil over the matter and feel pressure from friends, family, spouses, coworkers and even fellow Christians. Some of us are scared to make a mistake and get sick and pass the virus on or to even go against God’s will. Whether or not the vaccine is evil the attitude behind the mandated agenda is.

We as Christians should not make our choice based on science alone, and no one should ever decide for you what to put into your body, which is a Holy temple of God that God gave us dominion over.

If taking the vaccine isn’t actually a sin, maybe it’s not actually about the vaccine after all. Maybe there is a much deeper reason for all of this and a greater lesson behind it. While talking to my wise wife last night, I came to the conclusion that it’s about fully trusting Gods will for you and putting God first. It’s about taking a journey with God and seeking His personal will for you. What else could it be if it’s not a sin whether or not to take the vaccine? It would be a much easier decision if it was sinful.

It’s all about obedience and taking a journey with God and spending time seeking His will for you through reading the bible, praying, and conversing with God or even journaling. There is no overall right or wrong answer, only searching and listening to God for His personal answer for you.

God is faithful and if we seek Him on this journey, He will guide us through it. God knows our hearts and He also knows the future and what is best for each of us individually. When God takes us on a journey, we always end up better at the end of the journey than when we began, and what matters most is who we are when we get to the end of our journey. Each person’s journey is different and personal.

When coming to the end of your personal journey with God about the vaccine and hearing Gods answer for us, we can have different decisions and both can be right and not let it affect our relationship with our spouses, parents, children, siblings, friends, coworkers, pastors and fellow Christians.

Whether or not we take the vaccine and it hurts our body, or we catch Covid-19 and get sick or even die, it’s not our fault there’s no guilt but freedom in that. God has a plan for each of us in this matter and He can have different reasons for His choices for us.

One reason could be our health whether the vaccine can help protect us or harm us as our bodies are all different and react differently. Another reason is that God wants to pull us out of our current situation because He has a bigger better plan for us or even a better new job. One other reason is that He wants to keep us in our current situation with the blessed life and job He has already given us.

Although God didn’t give us Covid-19, He has allowed it and used it for His greater purpose. Today there are people up in heaven who wouldn’t have been without the virus. Because of Covid-19, there are Christians today who have come to Christ during this season and many Christians who have come back to or even drawn closer to Jesus as He has, in some cases, woken up a sleeping Church. God has used Covid-19 because of His grace and mercy, as He is always in control.

God wants our obedience in this matter and can protect us even though He doesn’t always promise us protection. It may be the hardest thing to do but we have to trust God and give our entire life over to Him even onto death for His greater purpose, just like we see examples of in the Bible.

If you have already decided or even acted without seeking Gods will for you in this matter, it’s never too late you can still repent and trust God you don’t have to live with regret.

To take your own personal journey and seek Gods will takes the pressure off of you and your decision and brings great freedom.

Romans 12:2
“Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.”

Jeremiah 29-11-14
11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. 12 Then you will call on me and come and pray to me, and I will listen to you. 13 You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. 14 I will be found by you,” declares the Lord,
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
If you are a Christian, like me, who is confused about whether or not to take the vaccine, where can you go to find the answer?
Why should any Christian still be confused about taking BOGUS VACCINES after all the discussion and all the articles which have shown how harmful these lethal and toxic injections are? Have you not been paying any attention, or have you been swallowing the garbage which is being spewed out by all governments and public health agencies?

The whole COVID Scamdemic/Plandemic was designed to get everyone jabbed with poisons. This is a Satanic conspiracy to destroy humanity and nations. Go to Principia Scientific and do some serious study.


Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
how do you know it's not the mark of the beast have you been living in a cave and you haven't heard the shout of the world no jab no work, discriminate unvaccinated, put the unvaccinated in jail, kill the unvaccinated haven't you heard these things yet? and you say it's not the mark and you even say
it’s about fully trusting Gods will for you and putting God first.
that's exactly what we or i doing previously i've been willing to take the vaccine but the word of God just keeps popping and come to think of it we are in the last days i've been comparing reality and the word of God for days in order for me to decide whether to get the vaccine or not in the end i decided not to because it smells like 666 but of course i am not 100% sure so let's waste more time more years and see what will happen if people implemented shoot to kill the unvaccinated then i am more unwilling to be injected by the mark of the beast
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Well-Known Member
Dec 16, 2019
( ^◡^)
and after my relatives took the vaccine they then experienced something weird it was like a lifetime side effect like having frequent headaches but to go on for more detail we need to past more time

yes this vaccine is not complete but for sure still under experiment


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
I think that vaccines, generally, are beneficial and highly advised.

I have one spiritual test and three practical tests for each specific vaccine,
  1. Is it ethical?
    Most are, or have ethical alternatives available.
    (See Children of God for Life - Pro-Life Leader in Campaign for Ethical Research )
  2. Is it safe?
    Many are well-established, or made using well-established methods.
    Other types are too new to know for sure, especially where preexisting conditions are present.*
    (This is particularly true about long-term effects.)
  3. Is it effective?
    Established ones, yes.
    New ones, uncertain.*
  4. Is it necessary?
    Some vaccines, like rabies, are not necessary for everybody.
    It is also questioned for those who have already developed a natural immunity to the infection in question.*
Only #1 is a spiritual consideration.

*These are areas where media sources are quite conflicted. That contention, by itself, discourages me from embracing said vaccines (outside of my family's poor response to the last "advancement" [1979] in vaccines).
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Are you a Christian confused about taking the vaccine? Part 1
OP ^

Converted in Christ? Yes
Confused over vaccine? No.

Zero interest in volunteering to be part of a human experiment of having a Lab concocted virus injected into my body.

** vaccines contain a version of the living virus or bacteria that has been weakened so that it does not cause serious disease in people with healthy immune systems.

** vaccines "weakened" version of living virus, repeated, with "boosters".
** TYPICAL historical Vaccines..."boosters", given several YEARS LATER.
** CURRENTLY..."boosters"...are being given within "WEEKS"!

(Think that "weakened Covid Vac version" is still "weakened", with another dose within "weeks" ?)

Compromised immune systems...
AT RISK of negative effects by receiving a Vaccine
A compromised immune system Can be long term or short term...
Long term examples;
* diabetes
* cancer
* lupus
* Rhumatoid arthritis
* Certain meds especially steroids.
Short term examples;
* certain meds especially steroids.
* any infections, lungs, colds, cuts, etc.

Think the majority of the US Population, takes meds regularly?

Mayo Clinic study, say 7 in 10 US persons regularly take prescription meds.

YOU DECIDE...Did you elect a President, or professional Health dictator, (without a clue of an individuals health issues) that the entire US population must be vaccinated?


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Do I look confused?


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I find it a bit sad that one thread that could be a place for others on the forum to discuss the vaccine because they have other views is instantly responded to by the many that already have relayed their views continuously …….the opening post states ‘ Are you confused about the vaccines ‘ ……… it should, in theory, only be for those who don’t have definite views
It’s like the elections all over again, people pounce if you have differing views to the point where you can’t actually have a constructive alternative conversation……surely the forum is big enough to allow both……….


Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
I am not confused about the vaccines as such, well I had both of them over six months ago. However I stuck with the AstraZeneca because it was not a mRNA ……now the boosters are doing the rounds, not mandatory at work yet but I keep getting ‘ pinged ‘ by the NHS !!!!
I can get the AstraZeneca if I have a letter from my gp stating it’s the only one I can have……….it’s not available locally unless I produce this letter and they can sort something out. The alternative is to have the Pfizer or Modena ,which I don’t want ……….
I have prayed about it and have no conviction that having the vaccines was wrong. However I was protected from getting the Pfizer one and I have concerns about the moderna one, i agree about it being about trusting the Lord as Individuals , you can just as easily follow the crowd either way ……..
I honestly don’t know what I will decide at the moment……not doing anything unless I know in my heart what is right……….
I have to make the decision about the flu vaccine as well as they are pushing for that at work too……..



Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
For me a simple man who has lived in Alabama all of his life. I’ll die when it’s my time, no need to get vaccinated.

Now If you have diabetes that is a totally different story. You may need to get insulin.

Just saying.

People who do are don’t it’s between them and their self. Haven’t worked at a company that mandates however did ask if you want the vaccine you can have it. It’s a choice.

And from what I’ve seen in life people will make a big deal over these things especially when it’s thrown in your face constantly on the news or the radio.

Change the station.


Well-Known Member
Sep 17, 2019
Northern Wisconsin
United States
** vaccines contain a version of the living virus or bacteria that has been weakened so that it does not cause serious disease in people with healthy immune systems.
That is how the old, established vaccines work. Those that are developed without human fetal cells have a long track record of being safe for most people, including people with partially compromised immune systems (like us). For covid, such vaccines are the French/Japanese Valneva and its Chinese equivalent, Sinovac.

A vaccine from France is said to be 'variant proof' — here's what we know about it
Valneva says its COVID-19 vaccine shows similar protection to AstraZeneca's, fewer side effects

mRNA [Pfizer, Moderna] and "viral vector" [J&J, AstraZeneca] vaccines are not "whole virus" vaccines.
They recreate a copy of the virus' "clothes," instead.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
I’m not confused about taking the vaccine, I’m not afraid of it and this communist administration is not forcing me to take it, like I’ve said before they’d have to put a gun to my head and they’d wind up pulling the trigger, cause I still wouldn’t take it, and then I pray I’d enter my Father’s kingdom and be part of the Lamb’s army who will return as the Lion and fight the adversary and his minions.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
So I should interpret the OP by what they meant, and not by what they said.
So I should have the freedom to not speak my mind.
The more I think about it, the more confused I get.
Perhaps I should feel free to not express that.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I’m not confused about taking the vaccine, I’m not it it and this communist administration is not forcing me to take it, like I’ve said before they’d have to put a gun to my head and they’d wind up pulling the trigger, cause I still wouldn’t take it, and then I pray I’d enter my Father’s kingdom and be part of the Lamb’s army who will return as the Lion and fight the adversary and his minions.
If you're talking about Jude 14, 15, the Lord transported me there back in '89. It was cool, man! An army of thousands, on horseback, riding on the clouds, stretching to the horizon! Hallelujah!
You stand for what you believe in, let the chips fall where they may! Good man, J.P.!
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
So I should interpret the OP by what they meant, and not by what they said.
So I should have the freedom to not speak my mind.
The more I think about it, the more confused I get.
Perhaps I should feel free to not express that.
Is that an indirect comment to my post Truman ? just wondering as it’s a bit cryptic !
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