The Coming Global Mandates of Evildoers - Ready for the Harvest?!

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Feb 4, 2018
United States

It seems the Vax and Marketing Strategy are WORKING in harmony!

Bobby Jo

One of the major sorcery scams of the age; and we have only begun
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Feb 4, 2018
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Post-COVID: South Park Satirizes Pandemic Hysteria Over New Variant

Can you picture yourself in this town...?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
There you go then, the Fed mandated Vaccine database that will be linked with MANY databases....your medical history data and health and even life insurance data. Maybe linked to your driver's license, and travel history all retail databases when they get the face recognition networks all up and running.

The right to privacy begins with not providing the information to be put into databases.


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Christianity on Trial in Finland as Bible Deemed “Hate Speech”

by daniel_g10 hours ago10 hours ago

Religious liberties are in danger in Finland, and Christianity has a giant target on its back.

In a court case with monumental implications, a pastor and a member of the Finnish Parliament are on trial for their faith.

Juhana Pohjola, 49, faces criminal charges for teaching the Christian word that has been established for thousands of years.

Pohjola has ministered to small delegations of only dozens and has worked a lifetime building a tight-knit network of churches across Finland.

Many of the humble churches started as a handful of people gathering for Bible study, singing hymns, prayer, and communion.

But Pohjola’s life work faces a harrowing test of persecution when he and Finnish MP Päivi Räsänen go to trial on January 24th.

In Case With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith

— Mollie (@MZHemingway) November 23, 2021

Meanwhile in Finland With Global Implications, Finland Puts Christians On Trial For Their Faith

— Rodney Howard-Browne (@rhowardbrowne) November 27, 2021

What’s the accusation against Pohjola and Räsänen?

Hate speech!

The Federalist wrote:

Rasanen’s alleged crimes in a country that claims to guarantee freedom of speech and religion include tweeting a picture of a Bible verse. Potential penalties if they are convicted include fines and up to two years in prison.

Finnish Authorities: The Bible Is Hate Speech
Rasanen and Pohjola are being charged with “hate speech” for respectively writing and publishing a 24-page 2004 booklet that explains basic Christian theology about sex and marriage, which reserves sex exclusively for within marriage, which can only consist of one man and one woman, for life. The Finnish prosecutor claims centuries-old Christian teachings about sex “incite hatred” and violate legal preferences for government-privileged identity groups.

For a country that supposedly believes in free speech and religion, this prosecution is nothing more than a witch hunt.

The American Conservative noted:

Päivi Räsänen is a member of the Finnish Parliament from the Christian Democratic Party, and a practicing Lutheran. She is also facing hate speech investigations for having questioned publicly her own church leaders’ decision to affirm LGBT pride. Now, the Finnish police have expanded the investigation to consider charges against her over a 2004 pamphlet she wrote defending the Lutheran Church’s traditional teaching about marriage (which entails denying that same-sex marriage is a real marriage). It’s worth noting that Räsänen wrote that pamphlet seven years before LGBT was added to the national hate-speech law as a protected class. She was investigated once before for the pamphlet, and cleared — but now she’s going to undergo another interrogation.

Below is a screenshot of the tweet that started the persecution:


*Source – The American Conservative*

The world will be watching the trial of Päivi Räsänen. One thing is certain: violations of religious freedom must be condemned wherever they occur. Tweeting a Bible Verse Should Never Result in Jail Time: @FRCdc Tweeting a Bible Verse Should Never Result in Jail Time

— Päivi Räsänen (@PaiviRasanen) June 22, 2021

FINLAND: The trial against the Christian parliamentarian charged with “ethnic agitation” against homosexuals will start in January. Russian churches and US parliamentarians express support for Finnish politician Päivi Räsänen

— Evangelical Focus (@Evan_Focus) November 25, 2021

Pohjola and Räsänen have faced relentless interrogation from police about their theology, and Finnish authorities admit their interpretation of Finland’s law makes publishing the Bible a hate crime.

The case is expected to have major international implications for freedom of speech and religious liberty in Western society.

The Federalist explained:

“Although all European countries have these hate speech laws, and these hate speech laws are increasingly being used against citizens for things that they say, this is the first time we’ve really seen Christians face criminal prosecution for explaining their biblical views,” Coleman said. “…It’s unprecedented. We’ve not seen attacks on free speech on this level in Europe, and that’s why they are extremely important cases, not just for the people of Finland and Paivi Rasanen and the bishop themselves, but for all of Europe. If this is upheld in one jurisdiction, we will no doubt see it in other jurisdictions as well.”

Such “hate speech” laws exist in every European country and Western countries such as Canada and Australia, and descend from Soviet influence. Coleman called them “sleeper laws,” saying that in other countries “they could be used any time just like they are in Finland. People need to mobilize against these laws and overturn them.”

ADF International is providing legal support for the cases and noted the grave dangers to freedom of speech:

“Freedom of speech is one of the cornerstones of democracy. The Finnish Prosecutor General’s decision to bring these charges against Dr. Räsänen creates a culture of fear and censorship. If committed civil servants like Päivi Räsänen are criminally charged for voicing their deeply held beliefs, it creates a chilling effect for everyone’s right to speak freely, ”said Paul Coleman, Executive Director of ADF International and author of “Censored“.

Learn more about the case in the video below:



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The right to privacy begins with not providing the information to be put into databases.
I agree, although that is easier said that done. For example, my wife just went into to see a new doctor/surgeon as a new patient a couple of days ago. Now I've always briefed/ strongly advised my wife not to volunteer info of a person none of their business nature. After her appointment when she told me about her session, she also said the nurse asked her if she took the jab. She said no. Now with this response they can code her in a dB (at least at the local level) as a non-compliant patient because she's has not had the shot. I queried them afterwards and they said they needed the info ahead of time just in case she needed surgery....I was still disgusted and dropped the conversation. I do not trust them whatsoever. So how does not getting the shot affect the surgery prep...a test is required? You would need this it seems if you had the jab already. So it does not add up....I'm disgusted!


Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2021
Shining City on a Hill
United States
the nurse asked her if she took the jab. She said no.
You have the right to remain silent.

Medical tyranny is no less tyranny because it is medical.

I would say I am here for Reason X, not for the purpose of discussing other matters. They may reply with what they ‘need’ to do or what burden they have. Sorry, that’s not my problem.


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
‘Chinafication of Europe’: EU President Hints at Bloc-Wide Vaccine Mandate


European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen has called for discussions regarding the implementation of forced vaccination throughout the entire EU, in a move that has been described as the “Chinafication of Europe”.

Just hours after the incoming chancellor of Germany said he was in favour of imposing mandatory vaccinations, Angela Merkel protegé-turned European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen appeared to follow suit, hinting on Wednesday that the entire bloc may seek to impose vaccine mandates.

“Not each and every one can be vaccinated – children, for example, or people with special medical conditions – but the vast majority could and therefore, I think it is understandable and appropriate to lead this discussion now,” the Commission president told reporters in Brussels, according to The Guardian.

“How we can encourage and potentially think about mandatory vaccination within the European Union, this needs discussion,” the president continued. “This needs a common approach, but it is a discussion that I think has to be met.”

Responding to the EU chief, the President of the Irish Freedom Party Hermann Kelly — who was also Nigel Farage’s comms Tsar in the European Union before Britain left the European Union — told Breitbart London that “state coercion” and the “lockdown of dissenters” should be resisted.

When individuals were at the point of even having lost the right to choose what was taken inside their own body in the face of government diktats, it becomes questionably exactly what liberties an individual has at all, the veteran Eurosceptic said.

He continued: “If you allow the state to dictate what chemical or biological agent you must take inside your body, exactly what liberty have you left? We are witnessing the Chinafication of Europe with identity cards or mandatory digital certificates and it is becoming very dangerous indeed.”

“We need to reject this EU imposition and choose freedom instead,” Kelly said.


Austria: Unvaccinated Could Face Prison As Govt Announces Mandate

The EU Commission president’s comments come after a number of European countries have discussed implementing the measure in the hopes of combating rising COVID cases, with Austria announcing that they will be implementing forced vaccination from February next year. Those refusing vaccination face perpetual lockdown, fines of up to €7,200, and potential prison time.

Following the announcement, the leader of the Austrian Freedom Party, Herbert Kickl, said that the measure crossed a “dark red line” and that the state had turned into a “dictatorship”.

Greece has meanwhile announced it will be implementing monthly fines of €100 for over-60s who remain unvaccinated after December, a move that Greece’s main opposition party has called punitive and financially excessive, according to the BBC.

Germany’s incoming chancellor — who is set to succeed Angela Merkel this month — Olaf Scholz also voiced his support for mandatory vaccinations, blaming the unvaccinated for the recent surge in coronavirus cases seen within the country.

“It is the case that the fact that there are so many who have not been vaccinated is the reason why we have a problem today as a whole country,” Scholz said.

Scholz also announced on Tuesday a number of new anti-COVID regulations, including forced mask-wearing in schools and the barring of unvaccinated individuals from all retail shops, as well as from attending events, regardless of whether they have a negative COVID test or not.

Germans appear to be willing to accept mandates from the state on vaccines, with a recent survey finding that nearly seventy per cent of those polled would back forced vaccinations in Germany.


New German Chancellor Will Push for Mandatory Vaccinations for all


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
The Nefarious Hidden Agendas Behind OMICRON!....


Posted on November 29, 2021 by State of the Nation


What better way to perpetuate the highly organized and premeditated Covid Plandemic than to roll out a never-ending series of COVID-19 variants, strains and mutants.
State of the Nation

What follows is the “OMICRON” global psyop explained by one very telling graphic.

KEY POINT: There are always multiple objectives behind the launching of any new COVID-19 bioweapon such as OMICRON, also known the “Nu” Variant (PANGO lineage B.1.1.529). However, there is one purpose for this holiday season release which reigns supreme in the minds of the NWO globalist perpetrators: they needed a plausible reason for the rapidly increasing number of deaths, cases of disease, hospitalizations and serious injuries CAUSED DIRECTLY BY THE WEAPONIZED COVID VACCINES. See: Covid “Nu” (Omicron) variant a COVER STORY for accelerating wave of vaccine deaths (Video)

There should be absolutely no doubt about the explicit goals of both OPERATION COVID-19 and the Covid Super Vaccination Agenda at this late date.
First, they released the COVID-19 bioweapon which they deceitfully name SARS-CoV-2*; then, they super-charged that fastidiously bioengineered weapon with the various generations of meticulously weaponized Covid vaccines.

*SARS-CoV-2 is NOT a coronavirus, or EVEN A VIRUS, as it has NEVER been proven to exist by way of a microbiological laboratory analysis or post mortem examination; nor does its existence comply with the rigorous assessments prescribed by Koch’s postulates. The COVID-19 bioweapon is actually a lab-fabricated SYNTHETIC PARASITE that works in tandem with a highly pernicious and opportunistic pathogenic bacteria that particularly infects the respiratory system.

What’s the critical point?

OMICRON is simply the latest variant of the highly sophisticated COVID-19 bioweapon which was bioengineered to mutate in vivo so as to forever plague humanity with new strains.

So what?!
Infectious diseases, including every single named influenza going back to the 1918 Spanish Flu Pandemic, have undergone similar evolutions via both natural and programmed mutation.
However, what the medical authorities and government officials are not telling us is that each successive generation of variants always decreases in severity as the symptom set associated with them becomes less damaging and/or debilitating.

People with the Omicron variant have ‘extremely mild’ symptoms
and haven’t had to be hospitalized

Nonetheless, the New World Order globalist cabal has amped up the OMICRON fearmongering to fever pitch.

Fauci, the Fearmonger-in-Chief, has been given strict orders to use OMICRON to shut down the USA — yet again — as just one of many deceptive schemes being executed worldwide in the interest of locking down planet Earth for the entire winter.

In this way, these NWO genocidal manics will implement the same medical mass murdering regime that Governor Andrew Cuomo used to carry out the deliberate “Geriatric Genocide” plan throughout New York State. That’s why he was really removed, quite ignominiously, from office on sexual harassment charges. The other Democrat governors who conducted the very same geriatric genocide in their states had to be protected from exposure by his expeditious removal from office.

Bottom Line: The Covid mass murderers are, once again, looking to take out as many elderly folks, people with multiple co-morbidities, as well as institutionalized patients in nursing homes, ALFs, memory care units and hospitals as possible with OMICRON being used as the pretext. These are the “useless eaters” that The Powers That Be have scathingly talked about for decades. To the power elite, these needful souls are a tremendous drain on the treasury—all national treasuries; and, therefore, they must be genocided post-haste. There’s no room on Earth for those who only consume ‘precious’ resources, according to the predatory Davos crowd who live at the very top of the planetary food chain.

Hence, with the intentional release of OMICRON and subsequent Covid variants, the WEF camarilla is further preparing to roll out the long-planned GREAT RESET.

The 2022/2023 time frame is clearly the identified period for the main event of the GREAT RESET, so OMICRON will likely be grossly misrepresented as the worst phase of this Plandemic—EVER!

In point of fact, there are several highly significant synchronicities lining up, especially throughout 2022, which spell nothing short of: 2022: The Controlled Demolition of Everything.

KEY POINT: The annual administration of a global Covid vaccination regimen is central to the creation of a COVID-1984 New World Order. Toward that end, the globalists will aggressively utilize the OMICRON scare to compel and coerce and con every individual to get vaxxed. Although an extremely mild variant, governments the world over will use this wholly manufactured and baseless panic to order new, and even more draconian, vaccine mandates. Just watch the fearmongering crescendo throughout the winter north of the equator.

While all of the forgoing explanations for this carefully timed Christmas season launch of OMICRON are perilously relevant, there is one hidden motive that cannot be denied.

The Covid crime perps have already crossed every line (and they have gone way over those lines). Their exceedingly brazen, utterly reckless and shamelessly desperate scheme to jab every single person on the planet with a patently poisonous and lethal Covid ‘vaccine’ has backed them into the corner. WITH NO WAY OUT!

In other words, the NWO cabal and all of their Covid crime co-conspirators are in a VERY serious “do or die” situation for the rest of their lifetimes. Either they permanently lock down everyone who is not killed during their incessant biowar against humanity; or, they will face the wrath of every populace on Earth.

Many are even saying and writing that:

“They All Need To Be Hung — LIVE — On The Internet !”
State of the Nation
November 28, 2021


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Feb 4, 2018
United States
New Patent Proposes Digital Surveillance to Vaccinate People Based on Social Credit Style Scores
November 6, 2021
by Tom Parker, Activist Post:


Patent and trademark attorneys Dr. Gal Ehrlich and Maier Fenster of Ehrlich & Fenster recently had a US patent approved for a technology that aims to surveil people via their digital activity, give them a score that defines “the potential level of super-spreading activity of each individual,” and then vaccinate people based on this score.

The patent proposes collecting a wide range of personal information from sources such as mobile devices, apps, social media, web browsing records, payment records, medical records, employment records, the government, and surveillance cameras.


It also suggests collecting highly specific personal information via these sources such as:

  • Precise location data
  • The length of time people spend at the locations they visit
  • The ventilation rate of the places people visit
  • Images of people looking at the screen of their mobile phone
  • Sounds from the microphones in personal devices
  • Facial recognition data

The patent proposes numerous potential surveillance applications for this data which include detecting when people are using public transport by using “geolocation and/or regular start-stop movement that matches a public transportation profile,” monitoring when people are washing their hands by “analyzing sounds of water running or movement by a smartwatch,” and checking whether people are wearing a mask by “analyzing images taken during calls or other looking at screen of cellphone.”

Once the data has been gathered, the technology outlined in the patent analyzes the data and assigns a “score” to their electronic device. It suggests using this score to predict the “the potential level of super-spreading activity of each individual” and recommends “vaccinating according to score.”

Not only does the patent suggest mass electronic surveillance of people to create a social credit style score that determines when they should be vaccinated but it also proposes that the technology could be deployed as part of a “dedicated mandatory app” where “the government may order the citizens to install a dedicated application on their smartphones (or other smart devices like tablets, smartwatches, smart glasses, etc.) to help the government with the logistics of the vaccination procedures.”

The patent adds that “in some embodiments” of this mandatory system, “the app and/or the smart device is configured to inform on the user’s location at all times and to communicate with adjacent smart devices (via Bluetooth for example) to assess the interactions between users, for example, vicinity between users, movement of users, etc.).”

When it comes to factors that determine an individual’s score, the patent suggests that a person’s profession, medical data, the nature and type of locations they visit, their frequently visited locations, and the length of time they spend at locations should be used as part of the calculation.

“In some embodiments, subjects that are prone to frequent religious or secular events, like in a synagogue, a church or a mosque or a dancing venue, where the people are in close proximity to each other, and talk, pray, sing and/or breathe deeply and/or mingle more, will receive a higher score (e.g., for such a contact event) than those who do not frequent religious events,” the patent adds.

The patent was approved on August 31 and follows governments around the world implementing increasingly far-reaching surveillance measures amid the coronavirus such as vaccine passports that aim to exclude people from economic and social activities and apps that use geolocation and face recognition to police quarantine.

Read More @
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Feb 4, 2018
United States
Candace is one of my favorites....yes, she is preaching we are not building back anything depends from whose standpoint.

The goal of these hollow pathetic creatures is to coerce, force, and threaten people to serve them whilst they enjoy never-ending profits, power and to their psychopathic desire to rule - the latest variant of the Beast system.


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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
I agree, although that is easier said that done. For example, my wife just went into to see a new doctor/surgeon as a new patient a couple of days ago. Now I've always briefed/ strongly advised my wife not to volunteer info of a person none of their business nature. After her appointment when she told me about her session, she also said the nurse asked her if she took the jab. She said no. Now with this response they can code her in a dB (at least at the local level) as a non-compliant patient because she's has not had the shot. I queried them afterwards and they said they needed the info ahead of time just in case she needed surgery....I was still disgusted and dropped the conversation. I do not trust them whatsoever. So how does not getting the shot affect the surgery prep...a test is required? You would need this it seems if you had the jab already. So it does not add up....I'm disgusted!

It’s indoctrinated Peon Mentality.
Meaning Government Agencies, Are “Required” to gather particular “Information”, from the Person, who IS “Seeking that Agencies AID”.
The “particular Information”, is “USED” by the Agency to determine IF and How much the person IS QUALIFIED to receive “in Aid”.

Private Employers, Are enticed with Government “incentives”, beneficial TO the Employer, FOR the Employer gathering “sensitive”, “private” information from;
potential employees, employees, clients, etc. (and sharing that “sensitive and private” information with the Government).

A Private Employer, its employees....glowing smile, pleasant greeting, friendly attitude, simply begin asking reasonable questions...your name, what specific service you are desiring....Dr Office, likely asking for known medical history of diseases, med usage, surgeries, etc. The smiles, small talk, (appearing as your best friend), begin asking for more personal number, address, email address, insurance carrier, family members names, (in and out of your household) contact information....SS number, where you bank, and anything else that seems so general, car you drive, places you like to dine, entertainment you like, church....blah, blah, blah....

It is a persons Nature to engage with other people. People love to talk about themselves, their family, what they like to do... And when another appears interested, the depth of what they can learn about you, is astounding.
And most people simply answer Everything they are asked...
They have been programmed....IF you do not answer, you are hiding something. If you are hiding something you MUST BE Guilty of Something.
Most people are not prepared, to challenge what they are asking, or simply not answer....Because...uh, then you are labeled RUDE and a Troublemaker.

See how that WORKS? Answer everything, because people are “conditioned” there is no Pleasant recourse for NOT Answering! Pffft.

When a Private Employer has agreed to accept Government “incentives”...
The Employer becomes Obligated to ASK certain Questions...
IF they ASK, they have filled their Obligation.
A client, person seeking the Service the Employer is Offering, has LITTLE Obligation to ANSWER everything they are being ASKED.

Even stores often ask, your name, zip, address, phone number, CASH purchase an item. You want to be in their data base (they use to endlessly contact you with junk mail or sell your information to telemarketers and other junk mail providers)?

It doesn’t matter WHICH Business or Govt. you give your private information to...THEY WILL USE IT FOR “THEIR BENEFIT.” And most Often to “YOUR ANNOYANCE”.

Don’t be fooled. Hiding your personal information IS Not Sneaky or Criminal.
It is you exercising your Right!


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
It’s indoctrinated Peon Mentality.
Meaning Government Agencies, Are “Required” to gather particular “Information”, from the Person, who IS “Seeking that Agencies AID”.
The “particular Information”, is “USED” by the Agency to determine IF and How much the person IS QUALIFIED to receive “in Aid”.

Private Employers, Are enticed with Government “incentives”, beneficial TO the Employer, FOR the Employer gathering “sensitive”, “private” information from;
potential employees, employees, clients, etc. (and sharing that “sensitive and private” information with the Government).

A Private Employer, its employees....glowing smile, pleasant greeting, friendly attitude, simply begin asking reasonable questions...your name, what specific service you are desiring....Dr Office, likely asking for known medical history of diseases, med usage, surgeries, etc. The smiles, small talk, (appearing as your best friend), begin asking for more personal number, address, email address, insurance carrier, family members names, (in and out of your household) contact information....SS number, where you bank, and anything else that seems so general, car you drive, places you like to dine, entertainment you like, church....blah, blah, blah....

It is a persons Nature to engage with other people. People love to talk about themselves, their family, what they like to do... And when another appears interested, the depth of what they can learn about you, is astounding.
And most people simply answer Everything they are asked...
They have been programmed....IF you do not answer, you are hiding something. If you are hiding something you MUST BE Guilty of Something.
Most people are not prepared, to challenge what they are asking, or simply not answer....Because...uh, then you are labeled RUDE and a Troublemaker.

See how that WORKS? Answer everything, because people are “conditioned” there is no Pleasant recourse for NOT Answering! Pffft.

When a Private Employer has agreed to accept Government “incentives”...
The Employer becomes Obligated to ASK certain Questions...
IF they ASK, they have filled their Obligation.
A client, person seeking the Service the Employer is Offering, has LITTLE Obligation to ANSWER everything they are being ASKED.

Even stores often ask, your name, zip, address, phone number, CASH purchase an item. You want to be in their data base (they use to endlessly contact you with junk mail or sell your information to telemarketers and other junk mail providers)?

It doesn’t matter WHICH Business or Govt. you give your private information to...THEY WILL USE IT FOR “THEIR BENEFIT.” And most Often to “YOUR ANNOYANCE”.

Don’t be fooled. Hiding your personal information IS Not Sneaky or Criminal.
It is you exercising your Right!
Excellent assessment....most people, putting aside contractual obligations etc, with employees, are as you say 'conditioned' ..and as social creatures without any intent to deceive will volunteer information, even innocently. And today they do not think that there are those that will profit from our answers.

And today this natural innocent conditioning has become twisted, or its process reversed, where if you refuse to respond, society now believes you are hiding something and it needs to revealed....privacy is being destroyed...and we need to focus and understand we are 'free' people in society and have the choice to speak or be quiet when we want...


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
The New Digital Driver’s License Will Include Your Vaccine Status – May Eventually Include Your Credit Score, Travel Records and Social Credit Score (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 1, 2021 at 11:34am


This will be the end of individual rights as we know it.
Don’t count on the fickle Supreme Court to help you. If the totalitarians are able to implement this you will no longer have any rights in America. It is the China model at work here in the US and the globalists LOVE it.

Mississippi is also discussing the Mobile ID program.

And already their card will contain information from your driver’s license and vaccine status.


The mobile ID can allow users to store a virtual driver’s license and coronavirus vaccination card.

Public Safety Commissioner Sean Tindell says “From a law enforcement perspective, it will allow a law enforcement officer approaching the car to interact via Bluetooth with that phone so that they can know exactly who they’re dealing with before they even get to the car. And I think that’s a great feature for law enforcement, and it would be able to be utilized for any lawful purchase that you could otherwise use a regular ID.”

Here is a Utah report on the program.



Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Excellent assessment....most people, putting aside contractual obligations etc, with employees, are as you say 'conditioned' ..and as social creatures without any intent to deceive will volunteer information, even innocently. And today they do not think that there are those that will profit from our answers.

And today this natural innocent conditioning has become twisted, or its process reversed, where if you refuse to respond, society now believes you are hiding something and it needs to revealed....privacy is being destroyed...and we need to focus and understand we are 'free' people in society and have the choice to speak or be quiet when we want...

It has become funky, in that if you refuse, a peon employee will get testy and say YOU HAVE to GIVE them the information. Ive had my bouts, simply saying no, you have ask. You did. Leave that line blank. I had employees say, oh, I’ll just write in this or that. No. That is not my answer. Leave it blank...AND after I sign...I want a copy....(so they don’t fill in the blanks after you leave!)

I cashed a large check once. The Bank Prezy was there, the teller, the manager...fiddling with their paperwork, asking me questions. The bank prezy ask me what I was going to spend MY money on, all posed to record my answer on his paperwork. I look at his ring finger saw a band, said you appear to be married. He said yes. I asked when was the last time he and his wife engaged in sex. His jaw dropped and said that was personal and private. I said so also is it personal and private for you to ask me what I intend to spend MY money on! That was extreme, but effective. I had that situation before, and asked the person asking me, if I could look through their wallet. LOL
Funny how people who are PAID to PRY, all of a sudden get how intrusive they are when you reverse the situation and Suggest pawing into their personal information.


Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
The New Digital Driver’s License Will Include Your Vaccine Status – May Eventually Include Your Credit Score, Travel Records and Social Credit Score (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 1, 2021 at 11:34am


This will be the end of individual rights as we know it.
Don’t count on the fickle Supreme Court to help you. If the totalitarians are able to implement this you will no longer have any rights in America. It is the China model at work here in the US and the globalists LOVE it.

Mississippi is also discussing the Mobile ID program.

And already their card will contain information from your driver’s license and vaccine status.


The mobile ID can allow users to store a virtual driver’s license and coronavirus vaccination card.

Public Safety Commissioner Sean Tindell says “From a law enforcement perspective, it will allow a law enforcement officer approaching the car to interact via Bluetooth with that phone so that they can know exactly who they’re dealing with before they even get to the car. And I think that’s a great feature for law enforcement, and it would be able to be utilized for any lawful purchase that you could otherwise use a regular ID.”

Here is a Utah report on the program.

OH GAG! Designed to PROTECT your Private Information?
Play it again Sam, the Govt having my Private Information is the BEST WAY to Protect my Private Information? LOL...seriously...Who believes that?

Guess I let them know my dietary preference after they offer me housing in one of their camps...I mean prisons. I’m sure that will be taken into consideration...:rolleyes:


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Feb 6, 2018
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Germany Has Fallen
Dec 2, 2021

Germany Has Fallen

If men do not learn from History they are doomed to repeat it.
Germany’s Historical Mark Of Fame....
Round ups, people calmly walking, boarding the long black train to DEATH!
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The New Digital Driver’s License Will Include Your Vaccine Status – May Eventually Include Your Credit Score, Travel Records and Social Credit Score (VIDEO)
By Jim Hoft
Published November 1, 2021 at 11:34am


Chinese invention!

Social Credit Scoring is Tracking your, messaging, emails, blogs, forums, social media’s, etc.

IF, you advocate, promote, speak highly of the Government...
YOU get high social credit points.
A high social credit score will ALLOW you “benefits”... a job, allowed to shop, allowed to have children, allowed internet access, allowed to have a nicer home, etc. You will OWN NOTHING, but you will be ALLOWED “certain” privileges.
IF, you advocate against the Government your score AND privileges will DROP!

If these are not the END days you will wish they were!
Agenda 30...goal of population 5%!