Astral Projection: The Devil's Playground

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I never thought Satan would come up with something so insidious as to argue that the apostle Paul actually practiced witchcraft to astral project himself to Third Heaven, but then maybe I shouldn't be surprised. Having done a few internet searches, apparently this argument is now being used by occultists to paint "Christianity" as a demonically-inspired, demon-infested religion. Since it appears this teaching will not be going away, I felt the need to write up a piece exposing this lie. The following are excerpts from various articles I found that show how astral projection is actually performed and through whose aide, and what sorts of traumas people can willfully subject themselves to if they engage in it. I will use this article as future reference whenever anyone tries to present this teaching at Christian forums to deceive and delude God's people into engaging in something that could be not only exceedingly detrimental to their spiritual life, but potentially fatal to their eternal well-being.

God bless,
Hidden In Him

Astral Projection: The Devil's Playground

For starters, astral projection does not happen without the aide of demonic spirits. Should a person seek to engage in this occult practice, they willfully open themselves up to a demon that will enable their soul to leave the body, float up, and begin traveling in the astral plane. In seeking out what demon should specifically be invoked when attempting to astral project on one occult website, the poster was directed to the following link (click the question mark):

To reprint the caption here: Thalos is the spirit that teaches the art of projection... Thalos will guide in the methods of True Self-Projection, teaching his student how to rise from his body and enter the realms of finer substance. Mastery over the astral body of Light is possible when working with Thalos. Once he is certain that the basic procedures of Self-Projection are mastered, Thalos will begin to give the magician the secret keys to the portals of the astral realm.

The link was provided by the Demonology Sub-reddit, a Satanist community which states concerning itself, "This subreddit was created in order to gather like-minded people who are interested in the following: Demonolatry, demons, magick, theistic Satanism, Paganism, and left-hand path practices."

This means the practice itself is not even possible without the aide of demonic spirits, and the importance here is that once a person has given themselves over to these demons, the results can be catastrophic; astral assault, astral rape, astral terror and a number of unpleasant experiences that one can be subjected to, which even powerful magicians have admitted they can be subjected to if their powers are not strong enough to resist and overcome the demons attempting to do them harm. The Satanist Aliester Crowley wrote about this in some of his works, which brings up another subject. That this occult practice is performed through the use of magick. The Joy of Satan Ministries website for one provides instructions on how to create your own astral temple to perform Satanic rituals and meet with demons. As one Satanist describes it:

“A satanic astral temple is a place where you can follow magick rituals in any form you want, even when physical conditions are not ritual friendly. There is a main hall with with a huge Baphomet figure on the altar and glowing pentagram on the floor, black and red candles around and pillars. It’s a place where I summon demons, do celebration rituals for Satan and shape energy as I want. Pentagram is some sort of universal portal to demonic dimensions... and an astral temple can be used as an alternative method of summoning demons.”

For the typical, unsuspecting novice, however, astral projection can often result in horrible experiences taking place, because the victim has willfully opened up the door for allowing it. As one Christian writer put it:

The demons don’t care. When you are in their territory, it’s all fair game. A proof of this is the very common experience of demonic astral rape that happens against people’s wills in the astral planes... This is a very, very common experience that people have while astral projecting. There are a bunch of lies out there that “astral entities” can only have sex with you if you want them to or if you are open to it. This is not true at all. Demons trick people into astral rape by posing as other beings.

A link to one of this man's articles is provided at the end of Post #2. He gives the following accounts as proof:

One woman describes her experience with her “spirit guide” named Aaron who used to make love with her in the astral, and one day the veil was lifted and this apparently loving spirit guide revealed its true nature: “So, I called out for Aaron, and I thought it was him. Before whenever I would see Aaron, there was a huge light. This time it was all dark, which should’ve been an indication…. but I ignored it at the time. “So it was pleasurable at first. It felt like it started in my base chakra, and whatever was touching me was working its way up... but all of the sudden it felt like there was an energy change in the room. “Aaron or, whatever had been with me originally was gone, and now I could sense at least three or more entities. They were standing by me, looking down and discussing what to do to me. “One of them said, ‘let’s take her back with us.’ I got a ‘flash’ of what one looked like, and it WAS NOT pleasant at all. He had long stick legs - like as skinny as a broom, and a head of a ram, or something with horns (kind of like that pan creature). “The female entity he was talking to, had a lot of hate she was directing at me... Then all of the sudden, they started running at me from across the room, and darting down on top of me. It’s like they were taking turns ‘taking energy.’ I couldn’t really do anything about it, physically or astrally. I was just kind of stuck. Their talking was getting louder, and now I could hear music. It felt very obscene, and I didn’t feel anything positive or warm coming from them.” So this spirit guide showed up with a host of demons and they pinned down her astral body and all took turns raping her. This account alone debunks the objection that “if you are scared or are of a low vibration then you will manifest scary entities in the astral,” because this woman called out to her loving spirit guide.

Here is another account (and warning: This is cleaned up somewhat so as not to be too graphic, but I include it here to make crystal clear what sort of beings one potentially encounters through astral projection, and how they are with no uncertainty demonic):

“I spent about an hour getting sodomized by astral demons. This was a pretty similar scenario. While I’m being attacked, I reach down and try to grab the thing that’s penetrating me and it’s a circular tube of some kind, but then it shifts and becomes an arm and I follow the arm and reach the hand and the instructions are to bite it, and I don’t want to bite it so I lick it, but I can’t help but do something to it orally … it’s embarrassing. At some point, I begin to believe I’m back in the real world and it’s still happening. I’m in my actual life and I still feel this giant rod going up my .... and I’m helpless, so then the instructions are to pray for God to help me. (This happens a lot). So, I’m reciting bible verses I don’t even know and crying and the sodomizing gets harder. This is the demons way of mocking God, I believe."

In addition to rape and terror, there also exists the potential for demonic possession, which I will discuss in the next post. I will also provide proofs that the name of Jesus can break the power of these spirits, which proves all the more that they are demonic and not of God.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
In addition to rape and terror, there also exists the potential for demonic possession. From the same article:

Another common experience is that of “astral parasites,” where demons attach themselves to your astral body and feed off of your energy. In an article written by a metaphysicist of 20 years and a certified hypnotist and Reiki healer with much experience in the astral, he attests to the existence of evil astral entities and admits that they have attached themselves to his spirit. He writes: “I have had a number of personal experiences with these troublesome creatures. I initially attempted to remove them by taking Epsom salt baths and posting glasses of sea salt around my house. That didn’t work. Next, I attempted to send them on their way by burning sage and using a banishing script. I employed this method several times without success. These spirits are incredibly stubborn. I began yelling at them. I told them that I am in charge, and that they must vacate the property immediately. One night I was meditating in a dark room, when I suddenly felt a sensation that I would describe as a bug crawling under my left eye. I looked in a mirror and saw that I had a scratch. That was the evil being’s way of expressing their displeasure with my behavior. At this point, I realized that these parasites had no intention of leaving.”

His solution? “Just ignore them. Fear encourages them. Focus on your life.” He hasn’t gotten rid of them. We will talk about the REAL solution to astral horrors later. But here is another account of astral parasites: “I have the impression that I have parasites latched onto me. I’ve been getting sleep paralysis for years, and I always feel things clinging onto me from behind, and feel the sensation of needles or something being injected into my spine, it’s not very painful but it feels like whatever’s going on there on my back is not good... If these are astral parasites, then how do I get rid of the things? I’ve had a problem with lethargy for years now, it would be very cool if I suddenly cured myself of that by getting rid of some kinda astral parasites attached to me. I’ve tried reaching behind me and grabbing things while I’m in sleep paralysis, and it always feels like I’m grabbing some kinda small (about 3 ft. tall) bony creatures. I’ve tried strangling them, breaking their bones, biting them... they don’t react at all.”

The power of the Lord Jesus Christ is the only thing that breaks the hold these demons can gain over others. Let me first post a video testimony of a young man who experimented with astral projection only have very frightening experiences, and eventually turned to the Lord Jesus Christ who both delivered and saved him.

If you are ever in a position where you are in a scary situation in the spirit, these testimonies are proof that these beings fear and are under the authority of the name of Jesus Christ. If these beings were just “negative trickster entities”, “thought forms”, or “astral aliens,” why would they at all be subject to people saying His name? This tells us a lot about both the nature of these beings in the spirit realm and the nature of Jesus Christ.

Here is one testimony of a woman named Lisa: “The first time this happened was last year, in April. Whatever it was, picked me up by my hair and when I yelled Jesus Christ I was released. On the next occasion was right after that, and I was literally being lifted up out of the bed ‘spiritually,’ I could see my daughter from above, and I said the name again, and it dropped me. (whatever it is). The next incident, and this is going to sound very crazy, a ‘wolf’ was pacing around my bed. It reminded me of the ‘wolf in sheep’s clothing.’ My two little boys were stolen through the court system here in the US and the wolf was in direct correlation to them. The one thing about this one was that I remember was sweating and in a panic, as if I was having heart failure. It was very real, just as the other experiences. I experienced in February of this year, a long alien like finger that was stroking my face and tried to drag me out my bedroom door. Once again, i said the name and it let me go. When I say drag, it was a spiritually leaving of my body, not physical, however, its swift moving.”

This woman was getting lifted off of her bed in the astral realm and dragged down through her door in the astral realm.
Both experiences stopped immediately when she called out to Jesus, which means these beings are scared of, subject to, and inferior to Jesus.
If you are ever under a demonic attack in the astral, simply call out the name of Jesus and you will be saved by the attack.
Even astral demons know Jesus is Lord. The name of Jesus is poison to them.

This writer includes additional information on his Facebook page:
Log into Facebook

And also here:
puricare chronicles: ASTRAL PROJECTION - The Demonic “Astral” Realm - If you’ve ever been stuck in a sleep paralysis state and felt someone touching you in your special areas, and got aroused even though you were terrified, you’re basically being astrally raped. This is a very, very common experience that people have while astral projecting. There are a bunch of lies out there that “astral entities” can only have sex with you if you want them to or if you are open to it.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
This really is disgusting.

Ephesians 11 Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. 12 It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret. 13 But everything exposed by the light becomes visible—and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. 14 This is why it is said:

“Wake up, sleeper,
rise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Thanks @Hidden In Him for that info. Excellent.
I had been a Christian for about 5 years when I met a new young guy who started work with me. He was from Wellington, I was living in a small city, Napier, NZ. I began witnessing to him, telling him about Jesus and explaining the gospel. He was very interested, and expressed a desire to accept Christ, but shared some information about himself as to why he thought he couldn't. His mother was a witch. She presided over her own coven, they had a large pentagram built into their living room floor under a rug, which was removed several times every week for their meetings and rituals.
Ian, (not his real name) practised astral travel on regular occasions. This was the first time I had heard of this experience. I asked my church to fast and pray for Ian. One morning he came up to me at work and told me that the night before he had been on a 'trip'. (Not sure of the actual term used)...I mean this was 40 years ago. He said he travelled through a very long tunnel until he reached an extremely large cavernous space wherein were numerous demons. He was escorted to the foot of a throne and there met Satan. Now I didn't know how true this was, and was certainly having my doubts as he told the story. But he wasn't finished. He then told me that the devil asked...told... Him to kill someone. But he didn't tell him who, that was to come later. The holy Spirit however told me immediately in no uncertain terms that the person intended was myself. I asked the church to pray and fast... Again.
This didn't phase me at all however, and I invited Ian to dinner. Wtfe cooked up a roast and we enjoyed a good meal and a good conversation. It was actually a pleasant evening, once again Ian heard the gospel and left in good spirits. We walked with him to the gate, said goodnight and returned indoors. Both my wife and I sensed the presence of evil spirits in the home. I walked through the house and threw them out. We prayed and enjoyed a good night's sleep.
The next day Ian resigned from the job and returned home. I never heard from him again.
Just one of those curious episodes in life to which one will have a number of questions when he meets Jesus in person.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
Early in my adult life and before I learned not to play with evil spirits, I had a few out-of-body experiences. My sister, who also had abduction experiences and was involved in the occult, also experienced such things. Bad stuff!


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
The following are excerpts from various articles I found that show how astral projection is actually performed and through whose aide
Shamanism is also involved with astral projection and communication with evil spirits.
"...Although there is talk of a shamanic initiation process, the belief in a call from the mediums has also stood out, which is explained as a form of inheritance of shamanic work that can pass from one person to another through a series of extraordinary processes including visions of astral travel, among others...From the moment of the call, the shaman begins to know the secrets and hidden aspects of the rites, as well as has an approach to the spiritual language, the names and terms of the spiritual guides he will have, and even receives the identification of a part of the evil spirits of the spirit world..."
Shamanism 101: The Most Comprehensive Guide About Shamans

Those "spiritual guides" are presumably demons. In any event, Christians must have nothing to do with any aspect of the occult. And when sorcerers were saved in apostolic times, they burned their occultic books immediately. So anything connected with occultism should be burned.

And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts [occultic or magical practices] brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. (Acts 19:18-20)
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Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
It is well known, evil spirits prey on the weak.
It is well known, God established an ORDER:
...God, the Lord, angels, man, woman, child <— Power order

It is well known, the weakest is the weakest because of lack of knowledge/confidence
It is well known, children are “curious”...
It is well known, a child who “knows” what another does not, is repeatedly “rewarded” by society....It is the whole basis of “school” education.

Devilish teachings; the dark, the secrets, the closed doors, secret meetings..
The attire, symbols, rituals, magical illusions...different, wondering, cunning to capture attention.
It Is intriguing and a cunning vise to lure ... the weak, the curious and they become involved and captured before they recognize what has happened.

Brainwashing techniques can be accomplished by a skilled person (even a stranger)...against a child (or any weak person) Minutes, Weeks, Months.

Scripture teaches for Parents to teach their children BEFORE they unleash them into the World.
Society teaches it is Nobel for both parents to work and “institutionalize” infants care centers, preschools, schools, bus drivers <—-> a possible 18 years, 8-9 hours a day, parents sending their children out to the care and trust of complete strangers.....sort of a mixed message to kids. Eh?
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Do you know about out of body experiences, if that is considered astral projecting? Something like in a trauma situation?
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Do you know about out of body experiences, if that is considered astral projecting?

I'm familiar with NDEs, yes. My first girlfriend told me about a car wreck she was in as a child where she had one, and came out of body and was viewing the accident scene in spirit. But such incidents are when an out of body experience occurs naturally, after the body is dead for a short amount of time, and the soul disconnects from it to exist in spirit. Astral projection, on the other hand, is the deliberate use of witchcraft to enter the spirit world even though the body is still alive.

As for Paul, the same thing can occur through the Spirit of God, only in such cases the person is not the one making the deliberate decision to do it by occult means, and a demonic spirit is not the one accomplishing the act. The Holy Spirit is the One taking the believer up in spirit for a limited time to view the spirit realm, after which He returns him or her to their own body.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Those "spiritual guides" are presumably demons. In any event, Christians must have nothing to do with any aspect of the occult. And when sorcerers were saved in apostolic times, they burned their occultic books immediately. So anything connected with occultism should be burned.

And many that believed came, and confessed, and shewed their deeds. Many of them also which used curious arts [occultic or magical practices] brought their books together, and burned them before all men: and they counted the price of them, and found it fifty thousand pieces of silver. So mightily grew the word of God and prevailed. (Acts 19:18-20)

Very good point in light of the discussions lately. The idea that occult and demonic power can somehow be used for good is a pure deception. It's what occultists refer to as "The Right Hand Path," but it's just another lie set up to deceive people and keep them enslaved to the demonic.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
I know what it's like to seek spiritual experiences outside of God. They have always ended very badly for me. You have no idea what it is like to be tortured by evil spirits until you have been there. I haven't sought these experiences in a long time.
I seek the God of the bible. Sometimes He gives me spiritual experiences and they are always beautiful, blissful, experiences. Astral traveling is evil...period! Notice how I didn't say I seek the experiences. I leave those up to the Lord.
Those of us who know what's what need to make sure that the young in the faith understand these things. Good thread, H!
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Do you know about out of body experiences, if that is considered astral projecting? Something like in a trauma situation?
With severe trauma, a severing happens that makes it easier to come out of the body. I have been pondering this as well. All my out of body experiences that involved trauma ....I never had help of an entity. Many times, the trauma was so severe, the severing happened due to the sheer "force" of the trauma.

But there were other times when there seemed to be a spiritual force or aspect to it .... such as times when I was sent on assignments out of body or there was a specific spiritual skill they were looking for.

There was a distinct difference in being severed from the body due to a severe trauma, and coming out of the body on purpose, for a purpose. I hope that helps.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
But there were other times when there seemed to be a spiritual force or aspect to it .... such as times when I was sent on assignments out of body or there was a specific spiritual skill they were looking for.

There was a distinct difference in being severed from the body due to a severe trauma, and coming out of the body on purpose, for a purpose. I hope that helps.
@Mayflower I need to clarify and elaborate on this. With SRA/MK, they know that trauma itself will cause such a severe breaking that the child is able to be outside the body pieces. I can't explain it any other way. Being outside the body to survive trauma (rapes, tortures, etc) is not the same as leaving the body for spiritual purposes such as astral ritual or astral sex.

Some of my earliest memories are from outside my body. I was 2 yrs old and I had already been shattered and severed enough that I spent most of my time outside the body. I was outside the body, in our kitchen. And I could see my mom, dad, aunt, and uncle sitting at the table playing cards. At some point, my dad and uncle left the table and entered my sister and I's bedroom. I stayed outside the body ....and after a bit, I saw another "me" (part of me that was shattered/broken off by a trauma) come flying through the bedroom door. (The door was closed.) I flew up to meet/join with her and we flew out the front door ....over the trees, and into the stars far as we could go escape that trauma. In situations like that, someone (a part of the person) stays in the body ....and others leave the body. There was absolutely no demonic help in being outside the body. The trauma itself severed that tie to the body.

BUT .....MK programmers know how to use trauma to send children out of the body. From there, they will introduce other aspects, such as spiritual help to accomplish other tasks.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
Sorry T... Something happened where I felt held by something or someone and was watching myself as a child. I felt pulled back into my body. There was one other time, but the past is the past. I pray against ever leaving my body like that again for any reason.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Sorry T... Something happened where I felt held by something or someone and was watching myself as a child. I felt pulled back into my body. There was one other time, but the past is the past. I pray against ever leaving my body like that again for any reason.
That is the approach that has to happen ....praying that God will bind you and every part of you back to the body that was broken or shattered during trauma. That is what I have done and it hasn't been an issue in years.


Well-Known Member
Jul 31, 2020
The last time I had an out-of-body experience, I believe, was when the doctor pronounced me dead.
That happened because I ignored the Lord's prompting not to take a medication, instead, listening to the doctor.
No vax for me, no siree!


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
@Hidden In Him I will say that in the past, I had parts (alters) who left the body on assignments, given coordinates and a map (by handlers). Parts/alters would leave the body to find someone ...or spy, gather information. This was the reason they used trauma to sever connections so one is more able to leave the body.

When I was in later stages of deprogramming, an alter left the body to find someone who hurt me and my loved ones and there was a literal fight outside the body in the astral plane with that person. Parts/alters had to learn that they couldn't win over evil people using satan's methods. An integration happened after that one (alter) turned to Jesus.

The last time an entity tried to pull me from my body was several years ago. They attempted while I was asleep and weren't able to pull me out bc I called on Jesus immediately. At that point, I prayed to ask Holy Spirit to bind every part of me back to the body and prevent any leaving from the body.
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