When did Daniel 7:13-14 happen?

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Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Who calls one into spiritual life? You think the Holy Spirit sits outside of a body, waiting to be let in? The seal of the Holy Spirit starts at conception until it is broken or one has passed from death unto life. The Holy Spirit replaces our spirit, because being born into Adam's family, we do not have a spirit with us. It is with God. The spirit will not join the soul and body until the Second Coming, when the complete image of God will be restored to those under the Atonement Covenant. The word for spirit is the same as breath, but the breath leaves our body at physical death, not the spirit. At conception the spirit is with God, and the Holy Spirit seals us instead of the spirit that is with God. The separation of body soul and spirit happened when Adam ate. Adam lost the spirit. Adam lost the incorruptible permanent physical body. The soul became a sin nature. Everything about Adam died. All his offspring from Seth were in a state of death. The only thing going for them was the work of the Holy Spirit. Faith being the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. After Pentecost the power of the Holy Spirit was given to all freely.

Did all of humanity have the ability to please God, or only a select few? Do you think we have been able to manufacture our own faith, since Seth? Seems to me those who exercised faith since Enoch, did so because of the Holy Spirit, not their sin nature.
I can't help but to keep on saying it this way, because the Tares are in control of the visible churches. You are regurgitating THEIR slop!!

Our Holy God cannot, will not, and does not ever permanently indwell unholy beings!!

The permanency of His indwelling of us, was NEVER going to happen, UNTIL the shedding of the perfect and Holy Blood of Christ Jesus, "the lamb OF God".
Prior to that, aside from John the Baptist and Jesus, God the Son (the two anointed ones- KJV Zechariah 4:14), the best that God could do for all others, was to "visit upon" them TEMPORARILY, but He could not ever stay with them or in them.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
You are not hearing the Holy Spirit's voice in the scriptures concerning that event, but would rather heed the fantasies of church-ianity.
Listen closely: KJV- Genesis 3[22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and
** live for ever:

[23] Therefore the LORD God sent him forth from the garden of Eden, to till the ground from whence he was taken.
[24] So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.

**One can't lose, what one NEVER HAD.
However, they DID lose the opportunity to "live forever", and through them, so did we!
Of course after they were dead, they needed to eat just to have life. They were not created dead. They were created to live forever.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I can't help but to keep on saying it this way, because the Tares are in control of the visible churches. You are regurgitating THEIR slop!!

Our Holy God cannot, will not, and does not ever permanently indwell unholy beings!!

The permanency of His indwelling of us, was NEVER going to happen, UNTIL the shedding of the perfect and Holy Blood of Christ Jesus, "the lamb OF God".
Prior to that, aside from John the Baptist and Jesus, God the Son (the two anointed ones- KJV Zechariah 4:14), the best that God could do for all others, was to "visit upon" them TEMPORARILY, but He could not ever stay with them or in them.
Talk about slop. You can not distinguish being sealed, and taking advantage of being sealed.

You also seem to think we can manufacture faith, to take that first step of being filled with God. "But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." It is not that God fails in being omnipresent. It is humans who fail to take advantage of God's omnipresence.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Of course after they were dead, they needed to eat just to have life. They were not created dead. They were created to live forever.
Honestly, I am not understanding what you are saying. Please provide more detail about "after they were dead" and "they were created to live forever".

Many professing Christians assume that Adam and Eve were "good". However, that was not the case in their creation.
They were created as being innocent, knowing not evil or good!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Talk about slop. You can not distinguish being sealed, and taking advantage of being sealed.

You also seem to think we can manufacture faith, to take that first step of being filled with God. "But where sin abounded, grace did much more abound." It is not that God fails in being omnipresent. It is humans who fail to take advantage of God's omnipresence.
Again- KJV
Luke 11:13
Romans 8:9
Revelation 3:20

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The AoD prophesied in Daniel, WAS FULFILLED by Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid (Grecian) Empire in 168 BC, aka "in the latter time of their kingdom" of the 3rd Beast.
I provided to you the facts and the scriptures to support it. Please study it.

When Jesus spoke of that event of the AoD, he spoke of it as being PAST. He knew it was FULLILLED, and used it in "type" and anti-type" to POINT to Himself.

Your understanding of grammar is atrocious! Jesus did not speak of it as past- but as yet to be. It is in teh aorist active subjunctive- which cannot ever be rendered as past!

Antiochus never made a 7 year covenant with Israel. also He did cause the sacrifice and abolation to cease 3 1/2 years after a covenant He never made.

also He is not a prince of Rome- for Rome is the people who destroyed the city and the sanctuary. That was Rome.

Too many people are guilty of close enough is good enough in prophecy. Sorry but a prophecy must be fullied as prophesied and not just kind of sort of. all your evidence requires a retranslation of Scripture as if god didn't know what He was talking about.

Prophecy that is fulfilled, cannot be fulfilled again!!
However, it can be used as type/anti-type to illustrate an event that will be in kind!
The Temple of Jesus' mortal body was about to be destroyed and then restored!!

Well type antitype is used in scripture, but you are incorrectly applying that priniciple. for if true then when Jesus body was destroyed, then the city would have to be destroyed and what is that a type of??

^ In 2 Peter 3:8- KJV pay attention to the word "as", meaning equal to, like unto, being equivalent to, in both directions.
Why is it that His thoughts say "a thousand years AS one day, and one day AS a thousand years"?
Why did He say it that way?? Think!!
All it means is that His Grace period is for as LONG AS He shall find faith on the earth.

Wrong again. the passage itself defines this metaphor (and it is a metaphor) It simply is saying metaphorically, that in order for not one lost sheep to perish, God is patient to wait.

You need to learn greek use of metaphors. You just don't get to define them anyway you wish because it felt good to you!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Honestly, I am not understanding what you are saying. Please provide more detail about "after they were dead" and "they were created to live forever".

Many professing Christians assume that Adam and Eve were "good". However, that was not the case in their creation.
They were created as being innocent, knowing not evil or good!
"Created innocent" is not Scripture. That is conjecture.

Adam was a Created son of God. 1 John 3:2

"Beloved, now are we the sons of God, and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that, when he shall appear, we shall be like him; for we shall see him as he is."

We are in Adam's dead flesh image. In Christ we are sons of God, yet not the full image that Adam was created with, until the Second Coming. When Christ appears at the Second Coming, we will be like Adam was when Adam was created. Now we are dead with a sin nature, a corruptible body, lack of the spirit part.

At the Second Coming we will have a soul free from sin, an incorruptible permanent physical body, and the spirit making us lights in the full image of God. We will be like Christ was on the mount of Transfiguration.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Your understanding of grammar is atrocious! Jesus did not speak of it as past- but as yet to be
Did you want to think that the AoD was a new religious event for the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem? Wrong! It already happened 149 years prior to Jesus talking about it.
It WAS fulfilled ALREADY. Jesus used it in type and antitype, to point to HIMSELF.
So then why was He saying: "when YE shall see the AoD, then know that the destruction thereof (Jerusalem Temple) is nigh"?
Jesus answered the Jews question!!
"Destroy this temple [speaking of Himself], and I will RAISE it up in THREE DAYS.

So, was the Jerusalem temple destroyed, when Jesus spoke those words? NO!
In fact the Jews had just informed Him that it took 46 years to rebuild it. So then, WHY was it needing to be rebuilt?
It had been desstroyed
Please reference: Daniel 9:25.
Now ask yourself, was the temple in Jerusalem restored/rebuilt? YES!!
Did the Messiah come? YES!
Why did it need to be rebuilt?
Antiochus Epiphanes had desolated it!!
See 1 Maccabees 1:20-54
READ IT and wake up!!
(Specifically, in verse 54, historically it is recorded about the AoD):
[54] Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side;

You can deny it all you want, but if you do, you WILL NEVER KNOW that truth, and what Jesus Himself is actually saying.

And as for the book of Revelation, you will always be riding church-ianity's carnival rides in their fantasy land.

So now, to get to His point, what did Jesus RAISE in three days?
Answer: the Temple of His mortal body!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
"Created innocent" is not Scripture. That is conjecture.
Which single answer describes their state of being, before they ate of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Please select the single correct answer
1. They were good.
2. They were evil.
3. They were both good and evil.
4. None of the above.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Again- KJV
Luke 11:13

Being sealed is one thing. Being filled another.

Romans 8:9

Many do not ask, nor take advantage of the Holy Spirit.

Revelation 3:20

A metaphor, of Christ standing outside of a door, is not the point. It is still the Holy Spirit seal since conception that is covered by this metaphor. If a soul does not take advantage of nor accept the seal of the Holy Spirit, they will die in their sin condition, and literally taste death, for eternity.

If you want to equate that the Holy Spirit is literally Christ outside of a door, waiting to be let in, the Holy Spirit has been your advocate against sin since conception. Working in your subconscious calling you to the family of God, whether you are aware of that or not. That is the promise to every offspring of Adam ever to be conceived.

"Likewise the Spirit also helpeth our infirmities: for we know not what we should pray for as we ought: but the Spirit itself maketh intercession for us with groanings which cannot be uttered."


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Well type antitype is used in scripture, but you are incorrectly applying that priniciple. for if true then when Jesus body was destroyed, then the city would have to be destroyed and what is that a type of??
God's voice in prophecy is coming from His Eternity, who sees and speaks in the past, present and future, ALL AT the same time. Hence- Isaiah 55:8-9.

Not all prophecy is fulfilled physically, but is also fulfilled spiritually. Many times prophetic scripture is fulfilled twofold.

Only by His Holy Spirit, can we know when His prophecies WERE fulfilled, are BEING fulfilled, and SHALL BE fulfilled.

Squinting at literal biblical words, disecting them into fragments and pieces of human meaning, will NEVER deliver His Truth to you, unless and until He reveals HIS meaning of those words to you personally, "by His Spirit"- Zechariah 4:6 and John 16:13


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
A metaphor, of Christ standing outside of a door, is not the point. It is still the Holy Spirit seal since conception that is covered by this metaphor. If a soul does not take advantage of nor accept the seal of the Holy Spirit, they will die in their sin condition, and literally taste death, for eternity.
Of course its a metaphor, similar to a parable.
Correct!! A person needs to ASK God for the Gift of His Holy Spirit through faith in the sacrifice of Jesus. Luke 11:13.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
If you want to equate that the Holy Spirit is literally Christ outside of a door, waiting to be let in, the Holy Spirit has been your advocate against sin since conception. Working in your subconscious calling you to the family of God, whether you are aware of that or not. That is the promise to every offspring of Adam ever to be conceived.
Thanks! I now understand your meaning.
I agree! However, the Holy Spirit never shall take up permanent residence within us, to be sealed unto the day of redemption, until WE ASK through faith in the shed Blood of Jesus. Luke 11:13


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Tim- did you have an answer to my previous post:
"Which single answer describes their state of being, before they ate of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Please select the single correct answer
1. They were good.
2. They were evil.
3. They were both good and evil.
4. None of the above."


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Which single answer describes their state of being, before they ate of that tree of the knowledge of good and evil?
Please select the single correct answer
1. They were good.
2. They were evil.
3. They were both good and evil.
4. None of the above.
They were sons of God. In the image of God's likeness. An eternal soul. An incorruptible permanent physical body. A spirit as a light surrounding them. They had dominion over the earth. Adam and Eve had their own place to take care of. They had an open relationship with God, lacking nothing.

Why does their state of being before sin entered, be hard to figure out? They knew what they needed to know. They figured creation out just like we do. Did they need to know evil to know good? What one knows does not necessarily indicate one's state of being.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
They were sons of God. In the image of God's likeness. An eternal soul. An incorruptible permanent physical body. A spirit as a light surrounding them. They had dominion over the earth. Adam and Eve had their own place to take care of. They had an open relationship with God, lacking nothing.

Why does their state of being before sin entered, be hard to figure out? They knew what they needed to know. They figured creation out just like we do. Did they need to know evil to know good? What one knows does not necessarily indicate one's state of being.
God knows both good and evil!
What I hear you saying, in the midst of all your fantasizing, is that Adam and Eve were Good, having no knowledge of evil. Were they made better than God, to know only good? If then only good, how were they to know what evil was, since it wasn't in their knowlege. No! The knowledge of good and evil come together through one Tree. Therefore, to have the one, is to have the other.

Therefore by your conclusion, A&E were already in possession of both good and evil, before they ate of that tree.
But that is not the case, because God said this: Genesis 3[22] And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil:
You can't have one without the other.
So what did they have before they ate of that Tree? They had Innocense!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Did you want to think that the AoD was a new religious event for the rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem? Wrong! It already happened 149 years prior to Jesus talking about it.
It WAS fulfilled ALREADY. Jesus used it in type and antitype, to point to HIMSELF.
So then why was He saying: "when YE shall see the AoD, then know that the destruction thereof (Jerusalem Temple) is nigh"?
Jesus answered the Jews question!!
"Destroy this temple [speaking of Himself], and I will RAISE it up in THREE DAYS.

So, was the Jerusalem temple destroyed, when Jesus spoke those words? NO!
In fact the Jews had just informed Him that it took 46 years to rebuild it. So then, WHY was it needing to be rebuilt?
It had been desstroyed
Please reference: Daniel 9:25.
Now ask yourself, was the temple in Jerusalem restored/rebuilt? YES!!
Did the Messiah come? YES!
Why did it need to be rebuilt?
Antiochus Epiphanes had desolated it!!
See 1 Maccabees 1:20-54
READ IT and wake up!!
(Specifically, in verse 54, historically it is recorded about the AoD):
[54] Now the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred forty and fifth year, they set up the abomination of desolation upon the altar, and builded idol altars throughout the cities of Juda on every side;

You can deny it all you want, but if you do, you WILL NEVER KNOW that truth, and what Jesus Himself is actually saying.

And as for the book of Revelation, you will always be riding church-ianity's carnival rides in their fantasy land.

So now, to get to His point, what did Jesus RAISE in three days?
Answer: the Temple of His mortal body!

Well it is verse 57 in the DR.

57 On the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred and forty-fifth year, king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of God, and they built altars throughout all the cities of Juda round about:

First you misquote Jesus for He did not say it occurred but will occur. but you have shown yourself deficient in grammar and understanding how tenses work.

Second the abominable idol was upon the altar. Now go google an image of the rebuilt solomonic temple and you will see the altar of God is outside not within the holy place!

Maybe with you when god makes a prophecy close enough is good enough, but for thse who love Gosd and His Word we know when god says something specific He will fulfill it specifically.

We have reached an end here.

I have no desire to constantly correct your atrocious abuse of grammar.
Nor do I wsh to keep having to read your vomitous ad-hominems.

Have the last post and make sure your accusations are real juicy- I won't respond!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Well it is verse 57 in the DR.

57 On the fifteenth day of the month Casleu, in the hundred and forty-fifth year, king Antiochus set up the abominable idol of desolation upon the altar of God, and they built altars throughout all the cities of Juda round about:

First you misquote Jesus for He did not say it occurred but will occur. but you have shown yourself deficient in grammar and understanding how tenses work.

Second the abominable idol was upon the altar. Now go google an image of the rebuilt solomonic temple and you will see the altar of God is outside not within the holy place!

Maybe with you when god makes a prophecy close enough is good enough, but for thse who love Gosd and His Word we know when god says something specific He will fulfill it specifically.

We have reached an end here.

I have no desire to constantly correct your atrocious abuse of grammar.
Nor do I wsh to keep having to read your vomitous ad-hominems.

Have the last post and make sure your accusations are real juicy- I won't respond!
Whatever! You will find grammar errors all over this site! The heart of the matter is, you choose to be in denial, so you will even quibble over jots and tittles!

Facts are facts, in the literal prophetic fulfillment found in 1 Maccabees 1:54, as prophesied approx. 400 years prior in KJV- Daniel 11[31] And arms shall stand on his part, and they shall pollute the sanctuary of strength, and shall take away the daily sacrifice, and they shall place the abomination that maketh desolate.
And Daniel 12[11] And from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety [1290] days.
OH! And what's this?
[12] Blessed is he that waiteth, and cometh to the thousand three hundred and five and thirty [1335] days.

Well wouldn't you know, in 1 Maccabees 1:36-61 it's Judas Maccabeus RESTORING the Temple, and right on time too!

So, will you be mature enough to do the math of the 1290/1335 days with all of
1 Maccabees and it's "time stamps"?
Most likely not!

But, if you do, then you will be "
blessed" as the disciples were, when they were told to "wait" in Jerusalem FOR THE PROMISE from the Father. Acts 1:4.

After Jesus' Crucifixion/Resurrection (Restoration), the Days of Pentecost came 45 days later.

Let's see that again!
After Jesus was in type and antitype the Abomination of Desolation.
It was by His sacrificial death that
CAUSED the daily sacrifice and oblation to cease (permanently). 45 days later, came the Day of Pentecost, the blessing that was long waited for, the Giving of God's Holy Spirit to all people, who believe in Jesus.
The disciples waited and came to the 1335 days, and were BLESSED!!


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
First you misquote Jesus for He did not say it occurred but will occur
Of course the AoD occurred (was fulfilled). 1Mac. 1:54(57).
But, prophecy once fulfilled cannot be fulfilled again!
So in type/antitype, the AoD REALLY occurred, being that OF HIMSELF.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
You are right, we have reached an end here! Your head is too full of church-ianity's
Hair splitting mumbo jumbo, over jots and tittles, and the picking apart of words, which is a definite pharasaical trait, of which caused them to miss their "time of their visitation".
1. There is no Jewish Temple that is going to be re-built ever!
2. There never again shall be anymore AoDs to come!
3. The 70th week of Daniel is fulfilled, and was not ever missing, that it should be attatched at the end of time.
4. There is NO singular man, that you/they love to call THE Anti Christ to come.
5. There is NO "secret rapture" of the church!

The book of Daniel was for Israel, as Revelation is for Christ's church!