John Calvin and Calvinism.

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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Not according to Scripture

You guys are so silly you are funny. Completely removed from reality. total depravity....what does that look like. You step outside your house somewhere in Iowa and you look around and you wave at the neighbors as they drive by going to church. The guy next door is setting his trash out. The lady down the street is trimming her rose bushes. The guy a crossed the street is mowing his yard. Kids skate boarding down the street. Your neighbor next door comes up and starts talking to you about the Songkran Festival because you and most of your neighbors are Buddhists from Thailand. Going to hell but not totally deprived of morals.

Does this look like the land of total depravity. They are going to hell but everything else seems totally norm. So lets flip the switch to Calvin's world of the totally deprived. In this world the road are useless because the roads are filled with totally depraved people and they are killing and raping and fighting in the streets. Some are cannibals eating people. The people look like rats running in and out the stores with arms full of stolen goods and the rest of the town is on fire. Kind a like a BLM riot. Tens of thousand are killed everyday. Of course the only "normal" people are the robots of God, but they are being wiped out by the totally morally deprived. They cannot even drive to church because the streets are full of mayhem and murder and their cars are full of bullet holes and they have not even left their driveway yet.

The world of the totally morally deprived is something that only exist between your ears.
Most people are decent people....they may not have heard the Word of God and they may be going to hell because they are not Christians, but most are not cannibals and murders and child molesters. Most people choose to live a moral and normal life, it might not be completely Christian and they will pay for that later. But the mothers and dads do not eat their kids.

In the normal world people choose to be Christians, they get married and have families and go to church. The world does not look like the purge. Evil people and the criminals are usually the people that have weird things going on between their ears. The Christians that do molest children are those that have weird things going on between their ears. So you might consider getting the weird things out of your head. And that would be a choice.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Some Christians are going to hell? Yep, you don't read the Bible.

You follow the man Calvin....If you read the Bible you would know that Christ and Apostles warned Christians about the sins that would prevent them from inheriting the kingdom of God. Read the Bible.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
You follow the man Calvin....If you read the Bible you would know that Christ and Apostles warned Christians about the sins that would prevent them from inheriting the kingdom of God. Read the Bible.

do you even read what you type out? Christians going to hell?? I think you have confused christians with false converts.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
John Calvin and Calvinism.
I didn't think he was klein ( German) but his undies sure got some momentum up.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2019
Somewhere in the USA
United States
You guys are so silly you are funny. Completely removed from reality. total depravity....what does that look like. You step outside your house somewhere in Iowa and you look around and you wave at the neighbors as they drive by going to church. The guy next door is setting his trash out. The lady down the street is trimming her rose bushes. The guy a crossed the street is mowing his yard. Kids skate boarding down the street. Your neighbor next door comes up and starts talking to you about the Songkran Festival because you and most of your neighbors are Buddhists from Thailand. Going to hell but not totally deprived of morals.

Does this look like the land of the total depravity. They are going to hell but everything else seems totally norm. So lets flip the switch to Calvin's world of the totally deprived. In this world the road are useless because everyone is killing and raping and fighting in the streets. Some are cannibals eating people. The people look like rats running in and out the stores with arms full of stolen goods and the rest of the town is on fire. Kind a like a BLM riot. Tens of thousand are killed everyday. Of course the only "normal" people are the robots of God, but they are being wiped out by the totally morally deprived. They cannot even drive to church because the streets are full of mayhem and murder and their cars are full of bullet holes and they have not even left their drive way yet.

The world of the totally morally deprived is something that only exist between your ears.
Most people are decent people....they may not have heard the Word of God and they may be going to hell because they are not Christians, but most are not cannibals and murders and child molesters. Most people choose to live a moral and normal life, it might not be completely Christian and they will pay for that later. But the mothers and dads do not eat their kids.

In the normal world people choose to be Christians, they get married and have families and go to church. The world does not look like the purge. Evil people and the criminals are usually the people that have weird things going on between their ears. The Christians that do molest children are those that have weird things going on between their ears. So you might consider getting the weird things out of your head. And that would be a choice.
Total Depravity does not mean bad as you can be. So moving on.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
We are talking about a doctrine, not a single word. Theology is not that hard, you should try learning something.

Total + depravity = 2 words and they have a meaning....are you going to change the English language next.
And yes it is a doctrine, a false doctrine that revolves around a man---which defines Calvinism as a cult.

Still, all things in perspective, I had a aunt that was a Jehovah's Witness, in my youth she would take me sometimes to the Kingdom windows. And because I have been there I know what they do in those halls. Still she was a great woman....great cook.... best fried chicken I have ever ate. She loved God and prayed as much as anyone I know. Still when she is standing in front of the God Yeshua on Judgment Day she will have to explain why she believed He is not a God. Sad for her.

Just like her there are a lot of good Calvinists....sweet Calvinists....that believe in God....that love God.....a horrible tragedy that they are trophies on Satan's shelf....and he dances the aisles of their churches. People that love God in a religion where they horribly blaspheme the character of God....denying mankind free-will....damning them before they were born....did not have a chance....damning them before Judgment Day. Billions of Babies damned to hell with no mercy and no escape. Still a lot of good people but I would not want to be in their shoes on Judgment Day.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
Total + depravity = 2 words and they have a meaning....are you going to change the English language next.
And yes it is a doctrine, a false doctrine that revolves around a man---which defines Calvinism as a cult.

Still, all things in perspective, I had a aunt that was a Jehovah's Witness, in my youth she would take me sometimes to the Kingdom windows. And because I have been there I know what they do in those halls. Still she was a great woman....great cook.... best fried chicken I have ever ate. She loved God and prayed as much as anyone I know. Still when she is standing in front of the God Yeshua on Judgment Day she will have to explain why she believed He is not a God. Sad for her.

Just like her there are a lot of good Calvinists....sweet Calvinists....that believe in God....that love God.....a horrible tragedy that they are trophies on Satan's shelf....and he dances the aisles of their churches. People that love God in a religion where they horribly blaspheme the character of God....denying mankind free-will....damning them before they were born....did not have a chance....damning them before Judgment Day. Billions of Babies damned to hell with no mercy and no escape. Still a lot of good people but I would not want to be in their shoes on Judgment Day.

Right back at ya. I have to wonder what you’ll say when He asks why did you deny His sovereignty? Judgement day is gonna be rough for everyone.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yes. The Bible disproves Unconditional Election.

Wrong again, but thanks for playing! what conditions have to be meant to be the elect from before the creation of the universe????

Yes. Paul told Timothy that God knows THOSE (Plural) that are His. Paul didn't say the rest of what you just said. That is your false narrative and ADDING to the Scriptures.

so you are saying god is not omniscient then?

Strawman. I concentrate on becoming a better fisherman. You don't care to be any better because you don't believe you have anything to do with it.

NO Strawman, you chided me for sharing the parable of the sower that he sows seed on bad ground. YOu said you are a better farmer. It doesn't take more than an IQ of 3 to know you mean you only sow seed on good ground!

Strawman. I don't believe in individual election because the Scriptures don't teach it. I know the Scriptures. Eph 2 is Plural and a corporate body with only the HEAD named among men. If you were named, you'd be equal with God. That is what you desire.

YOu equal with God is your strawman you create to beat! As for teh plural? I giess you are lousy at grammar as well! He was not writing to AN Ephesian but to teh believers (plural) in Ephesus. REally, if you cannot even know how grammar is used, we will not get far! And the plural is copmposed of many singular individuals! Your argument after that is just made up.

Plural.... you're pretending you can appeal to YOURSELF in that number. Get over yourself. I'm making all men equal. God will save you if you seek Him. He came seeking man. He expect men to seek Him now...

Act 17:27 That they should seek the Lord, if haply they might feel after him, and find him, though he be not far from every one of us:

Funny... you tell me to get "over myself" and you're the claiming to be special at the expense of your fellowman.

So now you pretend to know what I feel? well you suck at that as bad as you do grammar. I was chosen, not by anything I did but by the will of God. YOu should not bear false witness based on your own bias.

That is the exception. Not the rule. You're making the exception the rule. Do you see your mistake?????

We do not sow all our seed on rocks. We plow the ground. Sure. FEW will find its way to unproductive ground but that is the exception.

And how do you know which is good and which is bad ground? Do you read the hearts of men to tell you??

God sent forth Adam to subdue the earth and till the ground. Nature itself teaches you that you don't throw seed just anywhere. You till the ground just like God told Adam to do. I expect we would all starve if you were actually the only farmer doing any work....

Another strawman! Jesus spoke of a farmer sowing on four grounds, I am merely repeating that. but as you imply of yourself you rarely if ever sow seed on unproductive soil! YOu accuse me of thinking I am special, when it is you who claims superior knowledge!

I explained the issue well. Your strawman is full of hot air. We plow the ground when we pass the Gospel across generations to faithful men......

Faith to Faith.

Rom 1:17 For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, The just shall live by faith.

2Ti 1:5 When I call to remembrance the unfeigned faith that is in thee, which dwelt first in thy grandmother Lois, and thy mother Eunice; and I am persuaded that in thee also.

So plowing the ground is only passing on teh gospel to other believers? what about the lost? You don't bother with them? They are unproductive ground!

Impressive. You told them ALL that God destined MOST of them to hell without remedy.......

Impressively arrogant.

It seems that lying and slandering and bearing false witness are your special gifts! Maybe if instead of creating a strawman of me and then beating that, ytou bothered to ask questionjs you would not sound so benighted!


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
Right back at ya. I have to wonder what you’ll say when He asks why did you deny His sovereignty? Judgement day is gonna be rough for everyone.

Definition of sovereignty
supreme power or authority.

There is nothing in the definition of sovereignty that equates to enslaving mankind. There is nothing to suggest that God would want to do that. Who would think of such a thing....who would equate sovereignty to would take a cruel and evil mind to equate sovereignty with the enslavement of mankind....Hitler! Was Hitler in tune with God? A deranged mind....the vision of John Calvin. It would take a deranged mind to believe God has that character....evil to blaspheme God like that.

God has powers to do anything....but it is not His nature to do evil.

God has the power to predestinate but He does not predestine everything.
God has power to make it rain....He just does not make it rain all the time and everywhere.
He does good and what is beneficial for mankind. Denying free-will and enslavement and damnation is not that.