This is why Christians need to be in Politics

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New Member
Feb 27, 2011

This is so sad....


And you think getting into politics is going to stop that? It could. But your battle will not end. There is so much injustice going on and increasing daily, that it would take all of your time and effort that you would not have any time left to do what Jesus commissioned us to do. The more you try the more injustice multiplies......remember that the Bible tells us this. I think you have lost sight of the fact that it says in the Bible that Satan is the god of this world......the system is his system. So until you can restrain Satan from deceiving the world you are fighting a losing will be fighting him on your own because Satan is not slated to be bound untill after Jesus returns.

Darling I do believe that satan is the cause of sin and death, but I do believe that on the cross my Savior won the battle over sin and death..Jesus defeated all on the cross, it has just not been banished from the earth yet...No I am not getting into politics, do not have time for it..I am busy doing what God has for me to do...I do not think you know me or what I do just to give you a small example of what I do...I run a charity, full time with 100% volunteers..that my husband and I started 7 years ago on a word from God...we receive no funding from the government of any type, I rely on God and donations, we received $32,000 last year, we gave out $1.5 million worth of food, housing, furniture, paid medical bills, furnish handicapped equipment and clothing...Several cars and trucks all donated, which in turn went to others...we are in the process of putting a food van on the streets to fee the homeless..but you can read about my organization at

So we are to sit back because we can comfortably say Prentis...we are not of this word?...Do you really think that God wants on to sit on our hands and do nothing? If all we do is sit back, don't you think the murder of all those babies are on our hands too? Sorry, will just let it drop...

Have a pleasant evening guys, God Bless you all and I am sure glad I am not in that school on the first link, I would fail all the teachers classes...


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A

This is so sad....


Darling I do believe that satan is the cause of sin and death, but I do believe that on the cross my Savior won the battle over sin and death..Jesus defeated all on the cross, it has just not been banished from the earth yet...No I am not getting into politics, do not have time for it..I am busy doing what God has for me to do...I do not think you know me or what I do just to give you a small example of what I do...I run a charity, full time with 100% volunteers..that my husband and I started 7 years ago on a word from God...we receive no funding from the government of any type, I rely on God and donations, we received $32,000 last year, we gave out $1.5 million worth of food, housing, furniture, paid medical bills, furnish handicapped equipment and clothing...Several cars and trucks all donated, which in turn went to others...we are in the process of putting a food van on the streets to fee the homeless..but you can read about my organization at

So we are to sit back because we can comfortably say Prentis...we are not of this word?...Do you really think that God wants on to sit on our hands and do nothing? If all we do is sit back, don't you think the murder of all those babies are on our hands too? Sorry, will just let it drop...

Have a pleasant evening guys, God Bless you all and I am sure glad I am not in that school on the first link, I would fail all the teachers classes...

What you just describe is a good thing even though it’s not the main thing that you should be doing. Yes, Jesus did feed and heal people which was a sign of whom He was but His main message was the preaching of the gospel.

But what I was simply saying that it is not our responsibility to make sure our believe is taught in school. Jesus never tried to impose His teaching on the religious people of His day. But instead, He called out a set of people out of that society and commissioned them to go out and preach the gospel and baptize those who believe.

The Jewish Christians were not welcomed in the temple so rather than demand that the temple priest teach the New Covenant and acceptance of Jesus, they instead had service in homes of members or a noted person in the community. The system that we live in is dead and it’s not God's intention to save a dead and Satanic system. Jesus is coming back to this Earth to set up His system.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
I agree with Buzzfruit. That's what I'm trying to say Shep. :)
I think what you do is really good, it's a righteous thing to do, and I'm glad you do that!

But that is not, in itself, the calling of Christ for his disciples.


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
So you both think that I don't tell people about Jesus? Mercy, do you know how many I pray with each week, how many I tell about Jesus? How many come to Jesus through my ministry? How many different people I see giving their lives to Jesus or the number of people He heals from addictions...Mercy, if you both sit at home on a Saturday night instead on the streets preaching the truth, then you have no idea...the food opens doors, they respond to Jesus when we show them how much He provides...Get real, I invite you both to go out and volunteer in a soup kitchen, or stand on the streets on a Saturday night and preach Jesus....Then come back at me with your stories and how it will not only change your life, but in fact can save a life...



New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
No no no. Not at all Shep. I would readily believe the Lord has called you to do this, and IN this to serve him, that is very possible. I think of George Muller.

But our faith is not politically based. We help people, but not with political tools, rather with spiritual ones. We might do it while doing something else, feeding, etc, if the Lord calls us there. But ultimately the ministry must be spiritual, and wherever the Lord has called us. :)

Lord bless you


New Member
Mar 30, 2011
What you just describe is a good thing even though it’s not the main thing that you should be doing. Yes, Jesus did feed and heal people which was a sign of whom He was but His main message was the preaching of the gospel.

But what I was simply saying that it is not our responsibility to make sure our believe is taught in school. Jesus never tried to impose His teaching on the religious people of His day. But instead, He called out a set of people out of that society and commissioned them to go out and preach the gospel and baptize those who believe.

The Jewish Christians were not welcomed in the temple so rather than demand that the temple priest teach the New Covenant and acceptance of Jesus, they instead had service in homes of members or a noted person in the community. The system that we live in is dead and it’s not God's intention to save a dead and Satanic system. Jesus is coming back to this Earth to set up His system.
I think Jesus came to give us all the gift to do his will but the devil is still at work so it has always been a struggle.
Some backsliders lay back waiting for another to do all the work for them convinced that they need do nothing at all, foolishly believing in the OSAS and hide behind a wall of just blind faith.
Reaping and sowing ? and what about the you will know them by 'their' works ?
I think we are called to do the work in Christ and this will shine through the people of God as i have seen it first hand and know it is true.
Their is only one real thing that stands in mans way and that is the stain of original sin in ourselves but Christ has come and shown us the way through him and in him only.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
So you both think that I don't tell people about Jesus? Mercy, do you know how many I pray with each week, how many I tell about Jesus? How many come to Jesus through my ministry? How many different people I see giving their lives to Jesus or the number of people He heals from addictions...Mercy, if you both sit at home on a Saturday night instead on the streets preaching the truth, then you have no idea...the food opens doors, they respond to Jesus when we show them how much He provides...Get real, I invite you both to go out and volunteer in a soup kitchen, or stand on the streets on a Saturday night and preach Jesus....Then come back at me with your stories and how it will not only change your life, but in fact can save a life...


No! Even though the true gospel not about Jesus. The gospel that Jesus preached is about the kingdom of God. It is fine to tell people about Jesus but it should not stop there. People need to know something about the kingdom of God. They need to know that Jesus is coming back to this Earth, and the He is coming to set up His Father's kingdom. They need to know that Jesus is inviting all and any that believe this gospel, repents and is baptized will rule with Him. The world knows about Jesus, but very few know the gospel of the kingdom. But that gospel is key, because until it is preached Jesus will not return.

I think Jesus came to give us all the gift to do his will but the devil is still at work so it has always been a struggle.
Some backsliders lay back waiting for another to do all the work for them convinced that they need do nothing at all, foolishly believing in the OSAS and hide behind a wall of just blind faith.
Reaping and sowing ? and what about the you will know them by 'their' works ?
I think we are called to do the work in Christ and this will shine through the people of God as i have seen it first hand and know it is true.
Their is only one real thing that stands in mans way and that is the stain of original sin in ourselves but Christ has come and shown us the way through him and in him only.

Regardless of whatever gift we might have our commission is to preach the gospel that Jesus preached. And if one wants to know what that gospel is just study the scriptures that tells us what most of His teachings was when He spoke to the people.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Western US
No! Even though the true gospel not about Jesus. The gospel that Jesus preached is about the kingdom of God. It is fine to tell people about Jesus but it should not stop there. People need to know something about the kingdom of God. They need to know that Jesus is coming back to this Earth, and the He is coming to set up His Father's kingdom. They need to know that Jesus is inviting all and any that believe this gospel, repents and is baptized will rule with Him. The world knows about Jesus, but very few know the gospel of the kingdom. But that gospel is key, because until it is preached Jesus will not return.
Amen! Amen!
Yes! The gospel is about His Kingdom, His Kingdom is inside of us. The result is salvation, people think that's what it's all about but it's not!


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Wow... Amen guys! It is the gospel of the Kingdom! :)

Our being born into the kingdom is the new creation! We are a new creation in him when we are born INTO the kingdom of God! Just thought of this...


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
Amen! Amen!
Yes! The gospel is about His Kingdom, His Kingdom is inside of us. The result is salvation, people think that's what it's all about but it's not!

I would not say it is inside of us (I know the scripture you have in mind with you say that - Luke 17:21). Jesus was speaking to the Pharisees whom did not believe in Him. The word that is translated within can also be translated among. (ἐντός, entos -"within," or "among") So in one sense you are not incorrect.

The kingdom of God was among them but they did not recognize it......Jesus was within the midst of them. It was among them because Jesus was a representative of that kingdom. And just like Jesus those who are filled with the Holy Spirit represents the kingdom of God......we are not only ambassadors of God's kingdom we are kings as well. We are not ruling as kings yet over the Earth but we have been crowned kings and is waiting for the return of Jesus whom will reward us with various positions in His government.

God made human beings to rule with Him.......we are not just another of God's creations. Christians are not just servants; we are sons of God and as sons we have the right to rule the same way the son of a Earthly king has rights that does not apply to subjects.

Mankind will one day become lord or ruler over the entire will be under our authority. But we will not be ruling over empty space and dead plants. The same way God created life on the Earth the other planets will also one day be populated with life.....even intelligent life and we will be there king/ruler. The potential of the universe will not be seen until we first have been liberated from our bondage.

Romans 8:17-23 (ASV)
[sup]17 [/sup]and if children, then heirs; heirs of God, and joint-heirs with Christ; if so be that we suffer with him, that we may be also glorified with him.
[sup]18 [/sup]For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be revealed to us-ward.
[sup]19 [/sup]For the earnest expectation of the creation waiteth for the revealing of the sons of God.
[sup]20 [/sup]For the creation was subjected to vanity, not of its own will, but by reason of him who subjected it, in hope
[sup]21 [/sup]that the creation itself also shall be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the liberty of the glory of the children of God.
[sup]22 [/sup]For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.
[sup]23 [/sup]And not only so, but ourselves also, who have the first-fruits of the Spirit, even we ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for our adoption, to wit, the redemption of our body.

Wow... Amen guys! It is the gospel of the Kingdom! :)

Our being born into the kingdom is the new creation! We are a new creation in him when we are born INTO the kingdom of God! Just thought of this...

Correct...we are citizens of Heaven living on the Earth.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Western US
The way I see it is we are in the heavenlies now, we are a new creature born into the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom is in us, among us and all around us. Where the Lord rules, that is His Kingdom. It is in us and it's coming.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
That is my understanding also. The kingdom is in spirit, and so we may enter it now, and it is within us because we are the temple of the Holy Spirit. The kingdom is among the brethren, within the brethren, and coming. In all cases it operates in the spirit. :)


New Member
Feb 27, 2011
Buzzfruit are correct...Jesus taught the Kingdom of God....We are to preach the Good News..that is my understanding..That Jesus came, He died and He rose...He died for all...He died so we may live...


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
The way I see it is we are in the heavenlies now, we are a new creature born into the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom is in us, among us and all around us. Where the Lord rules, that is His Kingdom. It is in us and it's coming.

Jesus right now is ruling on behalf of His Father.....He is sitting on His Father's throne in Heaven. But when Jesus returns to the Earth He will sit on His own thrown here on Earth and this is where we will rule with Him over the Nations.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Jesus right now is ruling on behalf of His Father.....He is sitting on His Father's throne in Heaven. But when Jesus returns to the Earth He will sit on His own thrown here on Earth and this is where we will rule with Him over the Nations.

It's been neat talking with you Buzzfruit, you bring some good insight! :)

Now I have some questions out of this statement, just out of curiosity, to better understand what you say and the scriptures.

The second part I understand. It says the saints will live in the New Jerusalem, and Christ will be the light of the nations, that is, in the new earth. (Rev. 21)

It is the first statement I have a hard time getting. Maybe I don't understand what you're saying right. I don't think Christ has taken the Father's place in heaven, but rather sits at his right hand, as Stephen saw when he was being stoned. The Father is above all. While Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, he is also the advocate of those who love him, and intercedes for us as a priest. Just trying to understand what you're saying!

God bless you, Buzzfruit! :)


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Western US
"Now putting everything in subjection to Him, He left nothing outside of His control" Hebrews 2:8

"For He must reign until He has put all His enemies under His feet" 1 Cor 15:25

Jesus right now is ruling on behalf of His Father.....He is sitting on His Father's throne in Heaven. But when Jesus returns to the Earth He will sit on His own thrown here on Earth and this is where we will rule with Him over the Nations.

I don't disagree with this, yet the Kingdom of God is in us, and it is coming, as you have stated.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
It's been neat talking with you Buzzfruit, you bring some good insight! :)

Now I have some questions out of this statement, just out of curiosity, to better understand what you say and the scriptures.

The second part I understand. It says the saints will live in the New Jerusalem, and Christ will be the light of the nations, that is, in the new earth. (Rev. 21)

It is the first statement I have a hard time getting. Maybe I don't understand what you're saying right. I don't think Christ has taken the Father's place in heaven, but rather sits at his right hand, as Stephen saw when he was being stoned. The Father is above all. While Christ sits at the right hand of the Father, he is also the advocate of those who love him, and intercedes for us as a priest. Just trying to understand what you're saying!

God bless you, Buzzfruit! :)

Yes, I should have said Jesus is ruling with His Father......though He is on His Father's throne. Of course it does not mean that Jesus or the Father is literally sitting on a literal throne.

I don't disagree with this, yet the Kingdom of God is in us, and it is coming, as you have stated.

What part of what I said you don't agree with? Because I did make a small correction to Prentis question.