King of Tyre or a Supernatural Creature of Darkness

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Show me the verse?
All its states is the serpent was more cunning from all the animals the Lord God had made.
Sorry to cut you off on your first sentence but I'm guessing you will have a hard time proving a fallen angel from Gen 3.

At Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 God’s principal opposer, Satan, is referred to as “the original serpent,” because of his employing the literal serpent in Eden as his means of communication with the woman. (Genesis 3:1-15) As “the original serpent,” he is also the progenitor in a spiritual sense of other opposers; so Jesus’ classed others as “serpents, offspring of vipers.”(Matthew 23:33; compare John 8:44; 1John 3:12) Revelation 12:9 says that Satan is the person who is deceiving the whole world. So you trying to say Satan isn't the person who deceived Eve. Everyone has been deceived by Satan but not Eve. You can believe that if you want but you won't convince me to believe that Eve wasn't deceived by Satan.

The fact that the scriptures say that Satan is the original serpent shows us that Satan was the one controlling the serpent in the garden of Eden, otherwise Satan wouldn't be the original serpent.

Satan, keeps trying to transform himself into an angel of light.(2 Corinthians 11:14)
Satan is always trying to imitate God. In Numbers 22:26-31 God’s angel spoke to Balaam through a she-ass, Obviously, when this ‘voiceless beast of burden talked with the voice of a man,’ the power for the action came from the spirit realm, from an angel.(2 Peter 2:16)

Referring to this incident in Genesis 3 the apostle Paul warned fellow Christians: “I am afraid that somehow, as the serpent seduced Eve by its cunning, your minds might be corrupted.” The danger Paul spoke of came from “false apostles, deceitful workers.” The threat that such “superfine apostles” presented was their speech—their cunning words, spoken to mislead others.(2 Corinthians 11:3-5, 13)

All this evidence that's in the scriptures proves to me that Satan was the person who spoke to Eve through a serpent, proving that Satan is the original serpent.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
At Revelation 12:9 and 20:2 God’s principal opposer, Satan,
No Barney...dont go to the highly symbolic prophetically charge Revelation to prove your evil creatures existence. Straight away I perceive you do not understand that book just from the very start of your post.

The imagery there needs unpacking.

Now what you are saying is God waited till the raising of his son to be at His right side, for him to deliver a message to the seven churches while all the people up until that point, had no idea of a fallen evil angel?

Surely not!

If you cant make a case for it in the first five books of the Bible what type of case have you got?

Why dont you choose one section and prove the existence from that text.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
No Barney...dont go to the highly symbolic prophetically charge Revelation to prove your evil creatures existence. Straight away I perceive you do not understand that book just from the very start of your post.

The imagery there needs unpacking.

Now what you are saying is God waited till the raising of his son to be at His right side, for him to deliver a message to the seven churches while all the people up until that point, had no idea of a fallen evil angel?

Surely not!

If you cant make a case for it in the first five books of the Bible what type of case have you got?

Why dont you choose one section and prove the existence from that text.

What you choose to believe is your choice, I'm not going to argue with you. What I know is this, that among the many things originally purposed by YHWH God was to have the earth filled with intelligent creatures who would be perfect in body, righteous in mind and thought, and fully obedient to their Creator in their activity. To that end YHWH God created a perfect human pair, male and female, and commanded that they “be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28) In the theocratic arrangement of things a glorious heavenly cherub was given oversight of human affairs in the garden of Eden to see that the Creator’s will and purposes were carried out. But, early in man’s history sedition broke out. Impressed with his dazzling glory and exceptional beauty the covering cherub coveted a position in the universe like that of the Most High God (Ezekiel 28:13-15) He rebelled against the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, persuaded Eve and then Adam to break their integrity to YHWH God and in the course of time caused a great host of angelic creatures(his demons) to join the rebellion. As a result the ringleader of this treasonous gang was expelled from his honored position in YHWH God's organization and was placed under the sentence of death as a despicable criminal. He has since been identified by the loathsome and contemptible label “Satan the Devil.” From that time until the present, under satanic rule of wickedness the earth has been filled with crime and violence as generation after generation of imperfect creatures, born in sin and shaped in lawlessness, has continued in their open opposition to God.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
What you choose to believe is your choice, I'm not going to argue with you. What I know is this, that among the many things originally purposed by YHWH God was to have the earth filled with intelligent creatures who would be perfect in body, righteous in mind and thought, and fully obedient to their Creator in their activity. To that end YHWH God created a perfect human pair, male and female, and commanded that they “be fruitful and become many and fill the earth and subdue it.” (Genesis 1:28) In the theocratic arrangement of things a glorious heavenly cherub was given oversight of human affairs in the garden of Eden to see that the Creator’s will and purposes were carried out. But, early in man’s history sedition broke out. Impressed with his dazzling glory and exceptional beauty the covering cherub coveted a position in the universe like that of the Most High God (Ezekiel 28:13-15) He rebelled against the Sovereign Ruler of the universe, persuaded Eve and then Adam to break their integrity to YHWH God and in the course of time caused a great host of angelic creatures(his demons) to join the rebellion. As a result the ringleader of this treasonous gang was expelled from his honored position in YHWH God's organization and was placed under the sentence of death as a despicable criminal. He has since been identified by the loathsome and contemptible label “Satan the Devil.” From that time until the present, under satanic rule of wickedness the earth has been filled with crime and violence as generation after generation of imperfect creatures, born in sin and shaped in lawlessness, has continued in their open opposition to God.

Barney, by the looks of it you haven't read the thread because if you had you wouldn't be referring to Ezek 28. The myth is busted! So also is Isaiah 14. Job's adversary is weak and powerless so what have you got left?


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
I know you believe that I have fanciful notions, but I believe that's true about you just as you believe that's true about me.
The only difference is I can explain this Scripture with context and meaning showing an understanding of context whereas you are importing foreign ideas that are nowhere to be found.
You are better expounding the verses as I have done rather than simply labelling the box...try opening it to see the treasures hidden there.


Prayer Warrior
Staff member
Feb 4, 2011
Land of the Long White Cloud
New Zealand
What is the broader context of Ezekiel 28?

Ezekiel 28:1 The word of the Lord came to me: of Tyre, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:“ ‘Your heart is proud and you said, “I am a god;

Ezekiel 28:11 The word of the Lord came to me: a lament for the king of Tyre, and say to him, ‘This is what the sovereign Lord says:

So the anointed cherub is identified in the passage (and context), not to be a rebel angel but the "king of Tyrus". Again, a high degree of honestly is required to honor the context and it's primary reading. In addition to this fact Ezekiel 26 & 27 are prophecies concerning the coming destruction of the city of Tyre.

I've heard it said by a fellow Christian that King of Tyre is not a man but actually Satan himself disguised as the King of Tyre. This is the first time I've heard this "theory" so thought it best to use this section as a means of teaching Christians how to interpret the Bible text rather than forcing ideas and notions upon it.

First and most obvious point is the words satan, fallen angel and devil are nowhere found in the chapter so straight away from a satan believers viewpoint their argument is inferred.

However, there is some beautiful imagery in the chapter which we need to explore if we are to open its light.
I have also heard that the King of Tyre is Satan and also the prince being a principality....I don't think Iv'e heard anything that disputes that theology, yet...


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
The only difference is I can explain this Scripture with context and meaning showing an understanding of context whereas you are importing foreign ideas that are nowhere to be found.
You are better expounding the verses as I have done rather than simply labelling the box...try opening it to see the treasures hidden there.

No you contradict it.


Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015
I have also heard that the King of Tyre is Satan and also the prince being a principality....I don't think Iv'e heard anything that disputes that theology, yet...
You need to read the thread from the beginning - it requires a spiritual mind to understand the imagery.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 22, 2015

Here is a task for you - consider it a joint study between you & I.

“‘You were the sealer of perfection, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty. 13 You were in Eden, the garden of God. Every precious stone was your covering, the ruby, topaz, and emerald, the chrysolite, onyx, and jasper, the sapphire, turquoise, and beryl; your settings and mounts were made of gold. On the day you were created they were prepared. 14 I placed you there with an anointed guardian cherub;
you were on the holy mountain of God; you walked about amidst fiery stones.

Let's just look at this text first.

Can see the imagery?
Where in the Bible have you seen this imagery? List each of them and for now dont mention a thing about what you think it means - just list where the imagery is coming from!

Remember God is always working with what He has already revealed to mankind in His Word.

All the best.
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