Homosexuality Being Accepted And Embraced By Christians

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
It's always of interest to me that people such as amigo de christo and others can't even write in acceptable English, yet posit themselves as experts in God's word. Often they quote the King James translation, but I wonder how, if they don't express themselves coherently, they can claim to understand early 17th Century "Englyshe". Their self-righteousness is the ultimate form of hypocrisy!
Jesus never said lest ye become as well written scholars , He said lest ye become as small children .
You know what i notice . When a person cannot disprove what i am saying they often resort to belittling and attacking .
And yet are we to belittle anyone . exactly . As far as how the world sees my intelligence i seriously care not
My care and my concern is simply for their soul no matter what they say against me . Yet its me , YE SAY who has not the love .
Yet who belittles who ......................exactly . Often those who accuse the other is the one who is actually guilty
of the very accusation they bring against the other . Ye say i have no love , Yet who is the one without love .....


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
It's always of interest to me that people such as amigo de christo and others can't even write in acceptable English, yet posit themselves as experts in God's word. Often they quote the King James translation, but I wonder how, if they don't express themselves coherently, they can claim to understand early 17th Century "Englyshe". Their self-righteousness is the ultimate form of hypocrisy!

When one can't succeed in others accepting one's point,
you can always talk down on them about the fact that
english is not their mother tongue.

To bad a discussion ends that way.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Jesus never said lest ye become as well written scholars , He said lest ye become as small children .
You know what i notice . When a person cannot disprove what i am saying they often resort to belittling and attacking .
And yet are we to belittle anyone . exactly . As far as how the world sees my intelligence i seriously care not
My care and my concern is simply for their soul no matter what they say against me . Yet its me , YE SAY who has not the love .
Yet who belittles who ......................exactly . Often those who accuse the other is the one who is actually guilty
of the very accusation they bring against the other . Ye say i have no love , Yet who is the one without love .....

"The pot calling the kettle black". You set yourself up as the source of Biblical wisdom and truth, but you are seriously deluding yourself. You make absurd statements like "When a person cannot disprove what i am saying they often resort to belittling and attacking", which exactly what you do.

Read what you wrote... "Often those who accuse the other is the one who is actually guilty of the very accusation they bring against the other . Ye say i have no love, Yet who is the one without love" Don't you see the contradiction in what you wrote??? Your second sentence contradicts your first!

You are confused, judgmental of others, and semiliterate.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
When one can't succeed in others accepting one's point,
you can always talk down on them about the fact that
english is not their mother tongue.

To bad a discussion ends that way.

A perfect example of what I wrote! Not only does this make no sense, but the English is horrible!

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
When one can't succeed in others accepting one's point,
you can always talk down on them about the fact that
english is not their mother tongue.

To bad a discussion ends that way.
English is my mother tongue . I just type fast and never bother correcting things .
This is a tatic amongst folks . When you cant expose their error then belittle them . its not a new tactic .
And yet my soul desires all good for jim . I just see he is in a very dangerous place
and i am simply trying to help the man . We truly should have stuck to our bibles and rather not have let men deceive us .
All i can do is pray for jim . He is in a very dangerous place and on a very slippery slope .
If only he would return to just reading the bible over and over again for himself . Perhaps then he would not see us as the enemy .
He would realize we have been simply speaking the truth or in this case typing the truth to him .
The truth is this mindset they have will destroy them . Most folks dont realize what is going on .
They are reshaping christanity as well as the other false religoins into a religoin that all can accept .
Even atheists can accept this religoin . They preach on love and make this their god
and yet if one has eyes to see and ears to hear they would realize this love god contradicts THE GOD and HIS LOVE , AND HIS TRUTH .
Sadly the world and her religoins will unite as one under this new religoin called love . YET it aint FROM GOD
and it aint LOVE EITHER .

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
English is my mother tongue . I just type fast and never bother correcting things .
This is a tatic amongst folks . When you cant expose their error then belittle them . its not a new tactic .
And yet my soul desires all good for jim . I just see he is in a very dangerous place
and i am simply trying to help the man . We truly should have stuck to our bibles and rather not have let men deceive us .
All i can do is pray for jim . He is in a very dangerous place and on a very slippery slope .
If only he would return to just reading the bible over and over again for himself . Perhaps then he would not see us as the enemy .
He would realize we have been simply speaking the truth or in this case typing the truth to him .
The truth is this mindset they have will destroy them . Most folks dont realize what is going on .
They are reshaping christanity as well as the other false religoins into a religoin that all can accept .
Even atheists can accept this religoin . They preach on love and make this their god
and yet if one has eyes to see and ears to hear they would realize this love god contradicts THE GOD and HIS LOVE , AND HIS TRUTH .
Sadly the world and her religoins will unite as one under this new religoin called love . YET it aint FROM GOD
and it aint LOVE EITHER .

"When you cant expose their error then belittle them . its not a new tactic ." It takes one to know one, as the old saying goes.

FYI, I read the Bible every single day and understand what it says. I put the teachings of others in a far-distant place, including yours. When your message doesn't agree with the Bible, I don't pay attention to it.

You can pray for me all you want; perhaps it will do us both some good.

BTW, your excuse for not writing your posts carefully is tragic. You're just writing to get the words out with no regard for others reading them. Here is a perfect example: "Sadly the world and her religoins will unite as one under this new religoin called love ." You're both lazy and careless!


Well-Known Member
Jun 12, 2022
United States
Again, you have neglected the admonition in both the OT and the NT: love your neighbor as yourself. Your posts are full of judgement and condemnation.

You can love your neighbor and judge what they are doing is wrong and let them know that God will condemn them if they continue to embrace their sin and not repent. Jesus did not say "Believe in the Gospel". He said "Repent and believe in the Gospel". Christo says some harsh things, but so did John the Baptist when he was preaching: (Matthew 3:7-8) "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with repentance... Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire". That doesn't sound very lovey-dovey to me. And it is straight from God's word about devils believing in God: (James 2:19) "You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe and tremble."

Was John not loving them in telling the Pharisees and Sadducees their error? I say that he was. There is a time and place for such things, of course. Rosaria Butterfield was not converted when the pastor who became her friend condemned her for being a lesbian. Her conversion came from the friendship she developed with the pastor and his wife. Much wisdom in involved in knowing how to use the sword of the Lord, his word. I feel condemnation of sin should be preached to those in the church. Those outside of the church will not be won over to the Lord by such things for they do not believe in sin in the first place. It is my impression that a good percentage of unbelievers are won over to God by the love shown to them by believers

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
You can love your neighbor and judge what they are doing is wrong and let them know that God will condemn them if they continue to embrace their sin and not repent. Jesus did not say "Believe in the Gospel". He said "Repent and believe in the Gospel". Christo says some harsh things, but so did John the Baptist when he was preaching: (Matthew 3:7-8) "You brood of vipers! Who warned you to flee from the wrath to come? Bear fruit in keeping with repentance... Every tree therefore that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire". That doesn't sound very lovey-dovey to me. And it is straight from God's word about devils believing in God: (James 2:19) "You believe that there is one God; you do well: the devils also believe and tremble."

Was John not loving them in telling the Pharisees and Sadducees their error? I say that he was. There is a time and place for such things, of course. Rosaria Butterfield was not converted when the pastor who became her friend condemned her for being a lesbian. Her conversion came from the friendship she developed with the pastor and his wife. Much wisdom in involved in knowing how to use the sword of the Lord, his word. I feel condemnation of sin should be preached to those in the church. Those outside of the church will not be won over to the Lord by such things for they do not believe in sin in the first place. It is my impression that a good percentage of unbelievers are won over to God by the love shown to them by believers

You wrote "You can love your neighbor and judge what they are doing is wrong and let them know that God will condemn them if they continue to embrace their sin and not repent." That's your definition of loving someone? Really? Is that what you tell family members? "Dear, I love you but God will kill you if you don't change your ways"?

You have a very, very strange way of loving someone.


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
You wrote "You can love your neighbor and judge what they are doing is wrong and let them know that God will condemn them if they continue to embrace their sin and not repent." That's your definition of loving someone? Really? Is that what you tell family members? "Dear, I love you but God will kill you if you don't change your ways"?

You have a very, very strange way of loving someone.
You sure love homosexuals.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Exactly I've said the same about Islam, for all their wrongs they got something right.

Yet you have people on here attacking you because you don't accept LGTBQ+, as they now refer to themselves and speak the truth regarding their depravity.
I support the Gays in that they had a right to issues that need to be addressed in the beginning of such the initial Gay rights points, but it went way overboard into something stupid and then progressed into something far worse, a insanity of pure evil ! and a total Nazi like agenda ?

Such totally disgusting filthy down right grubs lording it all over everyone ! with total outright threats of anyone who even thinks of challenging them on any issue at all.
They will use total malice to destroy anyone's livelihood in fact and such does not compute in the minds of most dupes that this nonsense is an outright Nazi act a tactic that is worthy of such Malice on the public ! but it is carried out with the precision of just how the Nazis worked in fact, by such cunning ? That the people would not call such out, for fear !
Where ever you have anyone working to undermine Freedom of speech you will find a Communist or a Nazi bunch of low life deranged Devils behind it all. If you give such an inch they will always take a mile. That's how it is with criminals.
All deranged criminals have an intent to undermine everything and everyone is their target.

Their are Gays and then their are another types of Gays or are under the same banner ? but such should be identified differently so as to better serve the facts of who is truly what ? So the way it's set now only works to hide the total morons within.
What we have now is one group who are all under one banner and if anyone speaks out about such then the MSM etc will play it out on the side of the issue that is not the problem at all ! when the address is not directed at such at all in fact, but is addressing the totally depraved ones as a issue in fact. and tis tactic works wonders with a MSM that is full of Satanist.

Remember what Jesus said of this world, that it was full of Deceptions and Delusions. that's how Satan works !

So some moron will come out and say that I am anti Gay and demand such, bastardising the real issue that I put forward. I see one type as not being an issue really but another is type is an issue in fact, we have people being raped in prison and they do not have a leg to stand on under the Law. it's a non issue to the Government ! Sodomy is a non issue to the Government. Child molestation is going to be free in the future, the righting is on the wall and marriage to even animals is legal in some Country's ! so this is were our society is heading in fact. It's a Human rights issue ? and when one bothers look into "The Human Rights Organisation" you may find such is not what you would think it truly represents in fact, but is another Satanic front that hides behind such a label ! Communism Socialism is all the work of Satanist in fact.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2018
North America
Well.....it looks like that this is the end of the discussion.
For me personally anyways.
Since English is not my mother language I should probably not be involved here, lol.
I am totally disqualified.;-)

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
King James Version

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Well.....it looks like that this is the end of the discussion.
For me personally anyways.
Since English is not my mother language I should probably not be involved here, lol.
I am totally disqualified.;-)

1 Corinthians 6:9-11
King James Version

9 Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,

10 Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God.

11 And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.
You write well to me brother, ignore Jim B.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
No Jesus would tell the homosexual go and sin no more, meaning to abstain from his deviant activities.
The JESUS of the bible told those who he had even healed and believed on him . NOW GO and SIN NO MORE
He even says lest something even worse come upon you .
Rather odd todays version of their jesus says , OH daddy GOD knows ya cant stop , do as thou wilt All is well daddy God is love .
How come the GOD of the bible always corrected , warned , JESUS did , the apostles did ,
God even instructs us to , and yet today if one does most considers that person a hater , judgmental .
The answer ..........cause most are following another jesus . And that one cannot save .
How come even from heaven JESUS warns the churches to repent or else . YET TODAY that same JESUS dont seem to exist
in the minds of many . WELL same answer , cause most are following a version and an image of
He who desires to be as GOD and thus has told many , HAS JESUS , HAS GOD REALLY said , NO NO GOD is love do as thou wilt
ONLY the dragon would do such a thing . My advice to all stands , we had better open bibles and learn them well
lest any gets deceived and falls into the trap of the wicked which has led many souls captive to a jesus that cannot save .

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
So does Jesus. He loves all of us.
This is a hard message to get across to some people....hatred replaces the kind of “love” that Jesus advocated. In Greek, there are four words that are translated by the one English word “love”. The kind of love that Jesus recommended wasn’t “philea” (brotherly love) it wasn’t “storge” ( the love we have for close family members) and it wasn’t “eros” ( romantic love)....it was “agape” (love based on principle) This is the “love” we can express even for an enemy. It means not allowing ourselves to “hate” anyone, which is a form of self-righteousness. Making ourselves out to be better than they are....that is NOT what Jesus said we were to do. We cannot claim to serve the Prince of Peace whist we are creating conflict with others in hateful judgment. We are told to love others as Jesus loved them.....he was criticised for hanging around with “sinners”.....but God had sent him to save them, not to judge them. Who criticised him? The biggest hypocrites of all.

The way we judge others is the way we will be judged. Sin is sin, and when we know better but still justify it in ourselves, it’s not the magnitude of the sin so much, as knowing what to do and not doing it. (James 4:17)....we automatically lose whatever good standing we might have had with God....and for what? Our own self righteousness??? That is just very sad IMO....
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