I’m in a strange place: very conservative, but not Christian

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Jul 20, 2022
Other Faith
United States
Cats, wild dogs, foxes, birds of prey, snakes and even certain kinds of arthropods have been known to prey heavily upon mice. Despite this, mice populations remain plentiful. Due to its remarkable adaptability to almost any environment, the mouse is one of the most successful mammalian genera living on Earth today.

Mouse - Wikipedia

Luk 12:24 Consider the ravens: for they neither sow nor reap; which neither have storehouse nor barn; and God feedeth them: how much more are ye better than the fowls?

Why Do Roaches Exist? | What is the Purpose of a Cockroach?
The main goal of a roach is to feed, breed, and survive. They play a non-negligible role in the eco-life while doing so. Cockroaches are a significant part of the food chain as they are a major food source for small birds, reptiles, and mammals. Roaches are also excellent recyclers and contribute to the disposal of different types of waste.

We might not like them, but God takes care of all his creatures.
There do come times due to man's unsanitary ways, like massive dump sites and rotten food, that these critters become rather unruly and they need to be tamed. They will spread diseases if left unchecked.
And that's all a part of tending the garden.


When you said God takes care of its creatures and it’s a part of tending the garden regarding pests…are you suggesting that we are god? Because it is us who would hire a pest control company or fumigate a room or put poison out.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
I said “you are Elohim”
We can see the air we breathe. Ever been outside during winter and exhaled? If you’re exhaling a gas, it must of been inhaled too. This is exactly what I mean. Even when someone tries to offer a comparison to believing in God, it always turns out not being too great of a comparison after all logically speaking. Let me help you out a bit more. Let’s say you offered a different comparison instead of air that we can see with our eyes…something like infrared radiation. That we cannot see with our eyes directly. But through the use of special instruments, we can. So even that is thrown out

In fact, my problem isn’t even Christianity. It’s believing in a God I can’t see and that’s not exclusive to Christianity only. You also have the Muslims and the Jews who believe in one god only.

It all boils down to, “Show me evidence of this god which can’t be seen.” I’m not the one making any assertions about god, theists are (the Christians, the Jews, the Muslims). The burden of proof is on them and unfortunately their actual “evidence” is not very compelling.
“existence” implies “objective evidence,” so that may not be the best metric for Yah, Who causes to exist…but there is an imo pretty good argument for Unknown God in the Bible, which you might search, and even grope for :)
Not a whole lot has been said regarding politics
strikes me as a pursuit of the world…like religion
you might alo consider how you have somewhat defined "God" in your search for His "existence," if you will; "If God really existed, ________ would happen," or "If there really was a God, _________ would be true," stuff like that?

And you might see that the orig Hebrews had an empty room for a holy-of-holies, and surely did not anticipate an Olde Whyte Guy with a long white beard and i guess like a staff, or something? That they might have a convo with one day, after they have died? Anyway, they were apparently deemed "atheist" by the Romans, fwiw.

but regardless, i suggest that the Bible has anticipated and will address your perspective, be it in the passages refed above, or the "I AM" passages, etc
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
When you said God takes care of its creatures and it’s a part of tending the garden regarding pests…are you suggesting that we are god? Because it is us who would hire a pest control company or fumigate a room or put poison out.
We're supposed to plough the land and pluck out thorns too.

Are we God?
Yes, if you believe that God created you in his image and his likeness, we are his children, sons of God.
We are also his husbandmen, his servants, his gardeners, his teachers and doctors and scientists and and and...
God created everything in the material world, and he put man smack dab in the middle of it and said, take care of it.
If you don't take care of it, it will grow wild and you will be overcome by thorns and the thistles.
But he also said to leave the bugs alone. Don't eat them. Because the bugs are the food for the other animals.

Bugs have many functions, some aerate the ground, others eat dead waste off forest floors.
You ever have a fish tank? Sometimes you invest in sucker fish, because they eat the access algae and help keep the water clean.

There comes a point where maybe a species of animal that feeds on insects are going through a population control situation.
Many deer go through this usually the winter but at different cycles could be years or decades. But when they become overpopulated, they get sick and die off. So whatever their main menu was, now has a chance to refurbish itself.
And eventually they came back one doe at a time, unless they are reduced to such low numbers it becomes very difficult "endangered species"

I'm not fond of bugs. And for the life of me, I have no idea why there are fleas. I have 7 cats, it's the middle of summer, and it cost $10. a dose to treat them for 1 month. I may be able to afford 1 month out of the whole summer.
Now these irritants, bite, create worms in cats and dogs from their larvae if their ingested. And they don't go into that good night very easily.
So I would Google: Are there any benefits to fleas?
Lets find out together...
Funny, it comes back to rats..LOL

Fleas are meant to keep an animals population down in the long term. If there were no fleas then an animal, like rats, would breed without anything to stop them. Fleas introduce diseases to rats, which can then keep the population down. And whenever the rat dies, so does the fleas it was carrying because they no longer have anything to feed on.
Purpose of the Flea?

You know the song about the knee bones connected to the shin bone, the shin bone's connected to the ankle bone...

I know your new here and probably haven't followed my life story left throughout this forum like pages of a diary. Some in this thread, others in that post. But I'll be honest with ya. I have a 6th grade education out of the Boston city school system during the time of the bussing when no one really cared if you learned or not, you just got pushed ahead. I played hookey most of 7th grade, and became a mom in the 8th grade and dropped out. Some years later I got my GED, and my left hand just totally cramped up on me but ima keep going. A couple years later went for a business degree in but had to drop out one year later or lose my job.
So, (better now, that was uncomfortable) as you can see I'm not very book smart. I don't have a lot of academic education.
I try to use critical thinking, commonsense, rational and reasoning.
I think with my heart more than my head. And I question everything.

As far as do I think that we are God.. that sounds so accusitory. I rather think of it as we have been given a great responsibilty to be good stewards over this planet we call home. If no one ever felt they had to answer to anyone for anything, I think we would be whwere we are today, 5000 years ago. Why bother, who cares, if no one is responsible. And if you feel responsible, the to whom do you feel it towards?

There is something positive in everything, you just have to look for it.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
We're supposed to plough the land and pluck out thorns too.

Are we God?
Yes, if you believe that God created you in his image and his likeness, we are his children, sons of God.
We are also his husbandmen, his servants, his gardeners, his teachers and doctors and scientists and and and...
God created everything in the material world, and he put man smack dab in the middle of it and said, take care of it.
If you don't take care of it, it will grow wild and you will be overcome by thorns and the thistles.
But he also said to leave the bugs alone. Don't eat them. Because the bugs are the food for the other animals.

Bugs have many functions, some aerate the ground, others eat dead waste off forest floors.
You ever have a fish tank? Sometimes you invest in sucker fish, because they eat the access algae and help keep the water clean.

There comes a point where maybe a species of animal that feeds on insects are going through a population control situation.
Many deer go through this usually the winter but at different cycles could be years or decades. But when they become overpopulated, they get sick and die off. So whatever their main menu was, now has a chance to refurbish itself.
And eventually they came back one doe at a time, unless they are reduced to such low numbers it becomes very difficult "endangered species"

I'm not fond of bugs. And for the life of me, I have no idea why there are fleas. I have 7 cats, it's the middle of summer, and it cost $10. a dose to treat them for 1 month. I may be able to afford 1 month out of the whole summer.
Now these irritants, bite, create worms in cats and dogs from their larvae if their ingested. And they don't go into that good night very easily.
So I would Google: Are there any benefits to fleas?
Lets find out together...
Funny, it comes back to rats..LOL

Fleas are meant to keep an animals population down in the long term. If there were no fleas then an animal, like rats, would breed without anything to stop them. Fleas introduce diseases to rats, which can then keep the population down. And whenever the rat dies, so does the fleas it was carrying because they no longer have anything to feed on.
Purpose of the Flea?

You know the song about the knee bones connected to the shin bone, the shin bone's connected to the ankle bone...

I know your new here and probably haven't followed my life story left throughout this forum like pages of a diary. Some in this thread, others in that post. But I'll be honest with ya. I have a 6th grade education out of the Boston city school system during the time of the bussing when no one really cared if you learned or not, you just got pushed ahead. I played hookey most of 7th grade, and became a mom in the 8th grade and dropped out. Some years later I got my GED, and my left hand just totally cramped up on me but ima keep going. A couple years later went for a business degree in but had to drop out one year later or lose my job.
So, (better now, that was uncomfortable) as you can see I'm not very book smart. I don't have a lot of academic education.
I try to use critical thinking, commonsense, rational and reasoning.
I think with my heart more than my head. And I question everything.

As far as do I think that we are God.. that sounds so accusitory. I rather think of it as we have been given a great responsibilty to be good stewards over this planet we call home. If no one ever felt they had to answer to anyone for anything, I think we would be whwere we are today, 5000 years ago. Why bother, who cares, if no one is responsible. And if you feel responsible, the to whom do you feel it towards?

There is something positive in everything, you just have to look for it.
you say for eating other bugs, check out this shrimp major symbiosis, I don't know if i could let one do it hehe.. the ocean dentists
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
you say for eating other bugs, check out this shrimp major symbiosis, I don't know if i could let one do it hehe.. the ocean dentists
Free dental cleanings..lol
yeah, even if I still had teeth, I don't think I would try that. I'd be afraid they would wander down my throat.
Thar's cool though
thanks for sharing
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Well-Known Member
Jul 9, 2022
Hampton Roads
United States
Free dental cleanings..lol
yeah, even if I still had teeth, I don't think I would try that. I'd be afraid they would wander down my throat.
Thar's cool though
thanks for sharing

Yea pretty neat, it seems the ocean has more symbiosis living animals then land animals. a term I recently learned lol. different species living close quarters taking care of each other.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Yea pretty neat, it seems the ocean has more symbiosis living animals then land animals. a term I recently learned lol. different species living close quarters taking care of each other.
We could learn a lot from them
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
It bothers me that schools K-12 and college, universities, have left off teaching the children about anything of value and instead have decided to focus on sexuality and gender fluidity.
There's a whole world out there I don't have enough time to learn about it all.
And these kids years are being wasted with everything focused on self gratification and identification.
Someday they will find the world doesn't revolve around them, and they won't know where to go with that.
They're missing out on so much.
We're going to lose them.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
3 nights a week I watch this guy Salty Cracker. He is absolutely offensive in every verbal way possible.
He says he used to be a lefty, lives in california, and has a mexican wife.
He collects stories and articles and memes between his shows (they can last up to 3 hours)
criticizing and mocking the left for their hypocricy and lack of reasoning.
I like watching his shows, not because of the mocking, but the stories he shares are ones we don't typically see in main stream media, or the ones they try to keep hidden.
If you have any sense of humour, can take a knock on the jaw without getting offended, and have the ability to hear what's being said without cringing at every foul word that comes out of his mouth, and willing to look at the "real" world objectibly and not believe everything is all coffee and roses. You might like this guy too.
I don't like the language, but sometimes to get a certain audience to listen and make what's being said "hit home"
you have to speak the same language.
The world is crazy out there and he finds a way to shine a spotlight on it in a most peculiar way.
This is tonight's show. If your sensitive to foul language I would suggest just passing this post.
But if you hear the message beyond the offence, you'll see the world according to Salty Cracker and thousands of others who watch his show.
Is he a liberal or conservative?
I guess I've lost the definition of what these are. I consider myself a conservative, but the way Webster's dictionary keeps redefining words, I get confused sometimes.
Anywho, consider it along the lines of a George Carlin comedian show with real life news and articles.
Just sharing for the fun of it.
Monkey Aids ReeEEeE Stream 07-24-22
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Well-Known Member
May 7, 2021
United States
It bothers me that schools K-12 and college, universities, have left off teaching the children about anything of value and instead have decided to focus on sexuality and gender fluidity.
There's a whole world out there I don't have enough time to learn about it all.
And these kids years are being wasted with everything focused on self gratification and identification.
Someday they will find the world doesn't revolve around them, and they won't know where to go with that.
They're missing out on so much.
We're going to lose them.

We have to pray for people to "come out of her". To come out of the world's system. It's all on an individual to gain knowledge and not be too absorbed with the cares of this life and cares of the world.
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Active Member
Jul 20, 2022
Other Faith
United States
It bothers me that schools K-12 and college, universities, have left off teaching the children about anything of value and instead have decided to focus on sexuality and gender fluidity.
There's a whole world out there I don't have enough time to learn about it all.
And these kids years are being wasted with everything focused on self gratification and identification.
Someday they will find the world doesn't revolve around them, and they won't know where to go with that.
They're missing out on so much.
We're going to lose them.

I agree. It’s no longer about learning how to think, but what to think. Getting an education is now indoctrination.

heated exchange b/w senator & liberal professor

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I agree. It’s no longer about learning how to think, but what to think. Getting an education is now indoctrination.

heated exchange b/w senator & liberal professor

I watched that live. I just shook my head...
This is where we are now.
They are running out of time.
Thank you for sharing


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
I’m in a strange place: very conservative, but not Christian
hmmmmm, I'm a Christian but not very conservative......even if I have been conserved!.......too many jokes, too much joy, thinking laterally is bursting the box while being outed by the blessed......and it's not even choose day!


Active Member
Jul 20, 2022
Other Faith
United States
I’m in a strange place: very conservative, but not Christian
hmmmmm, I'm a Christian but not very conservative......even if I have been conserved!.......too many jokes, too much joy, thinking laterally is bursting the box while being outed by the blessed......and it's not even choose day!

I honestly don’t see any compatibility with Christianity and conservatism. Christianity revolves around diminishing your individuality and being saved by someone else. Conservatism values the individual, and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. I don’t need any government or god to save me. Christianity is the immaterial form of being saved as opposed to an actual government. One of the biggest issues I see with Christianity involves the LGBT community. They’ve adopted this mentality of ‘don’t hate the sinner, hate the sin’ which in my opinion is a more subtle version of outright hating LGBT. And by that same token, I am against the whole classroom grooming thing because I don’t think children need to be learning about genders.

There’s a conservative transwoman named Blaire White who recognizes that there are differences between biological women and transwomen, and is against transwomen participating in women’s sports. One would think that being part of the LGBT community would make them a liberal by default.

One thing I do like about Christian liberals is that many of them don’t recognize Christianity as the only pathway to God, they have the epistemology of seeing the value of all other religions without succumbing to outgroup bias. They’re less dogmatic religiously speaking. I know the fundamentalists love quoting the verse where Jesus said, “I am the way, the truth” as a means of justification for Christianity being the one and only correct religion, but Jesus also spoke in parables…so how would we know if what he said wasn’t also a parable? We can’t be sure, it’s up to subjective interpretation.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
I honestly don’t see any compatibility with Christianity and conservatism. Christianity revolves around diminishing your individuality and being saved by someone else. Conservatism values the individual, and pulling yourself up by your bootstraps. I don’t need any government or god to save me. Christianity is the immaterial form of being saved as opposed to an actual government. One of the biggest issues I see with Christianity involves the LGBT community. They’ve adopted this mentality of ‘don’t hate the sinner, hate the sin’ which in my opinion is a more subtle version of outright hating LGBT. And by that same token, I am against the whole classroom grooming thing because I don’t think children need to be learning about genders.

There’s a conservative transwoman named Blaire White who recognizes that there are differences between biological women and transwomen, and is against transwomen participating in women’s sports. One would think that being part of the LGBT community would make them a liberal by default.

One thing I do like about Christian liberals is that many of them don’t recognize Christianity as the only pathway to God, they have the epistemological knowledge of seeing the value of all other religions without succumbing to outgroup bias. They’re less dogmatic religiously speaking.
That’s a good observation. I have always been fiercely independent, thus a conservative. I love freedom. Freedom to do what you want to do. I had an FFL and sold firearms for some time. Basics my politics were leave me alone and keep your hands off my money and guns. Not much has changed in that regard except I am dependent on the Lord. As you know the Lord laid a heavy physical burden on me making me dependent on him. He doesn’t want you depending on the government anyway. He wants you depending on him. Jesus.


Active Member
Jul 20, 2022
Other Faith
United States
That’s a good observation. I have always been fiercely independent, thus a conservative. I love freedom. Freedom to do what you want to do. I had an FFL and sold firearms for some time. Basics my politics were leave me alone and keep your hands off my money and guns. Not much has changed in that regard except I am dependent on the Lord. As you know the Lord laid a heavy physical burden on me making me dependent on him. He doesn’t want you depending on the government anyway. He wants you depending on him. Jesus.

Yes, it’s replacing depending on a government with depending on Jesus. And yes, Jesus is very different from a government…however the principle remains the same which is that at the end of the day…you still have an ultimate authority outside of yourself. I love my guns, I opposed vaccine mandates, freedom is of paramount importance and kneeling before a god only serves to compromise my desire for freedom. One might argue that god gave us free will, therefore we are free..but I can’t agree with that because there is no freedom in being born in sin. It’s like someone giving you the choice between losing an arm or a leg. Coercion is not a choice. I am being coerced into deciding between heaven or hell.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Well you are in the process of making a choice. As for me I choose Jesus because my way doesn’t work out. Nor will yours if you reject him. He is real. It is not some fantasy escapism. He is the only hope.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 21, 2009
North America
That’s a good observation. I have always been fiercely independent, thus a conservative. I love freedom. Freedom to do what you want to do. I had an FFL and sold firearms for some time. Basics my politics were leave me alone and keep your hands off my money and guns. Not much has changed in that regard except I am dependent on the Lord. As you know the Lord laid a heavy physical burden on me making me dependent on him. He doesn’t want you depending on the government anyway. He wants you depending on him. Jesus.
@Mantis Interesting comments.

So to look at one example of government at work - let's say in the regulation of tattoos: across the US, the way tattooing is regulated differs considerably at a state level.

Some states regulate tattooing rather closely.

Other states have a more hand off approach; such as Idaho, where with parental consent getting tattooed can happen to anyone from the age of 14 onward.

So - just to use something that you know a lot about and will have had a lot of time to think about - do you have any views from the point of view of what would be a good conservative position on tattoo regulation?


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
And the choice is between being with your creator forever or being without him forever. It’s not coercion. It’s a choice between heaven or hell, period.


Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
@Mantis Interesting comments.

So to look at one example of government at work - let's say in the regulation of tattoos: across the US, the way tattooing is regulated differs considerably at a state level.

Some states regulate tattooing rather closely.

Other states have a more hand off approach; such as Idaho, where with parental consent getting tattooed can happen to anyone from the age of 14 onward.

So - just to use something that you know a lot about and will have had a lot of time to think about - do you have any views from the point of view of what would be a good conservative position on tattoo regulation?
Just that they need to be hospital like sterile. Using autoclaves and such.