Warning about vaccines from doctors and scientists

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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
sounds a little like human trafficking
Yes, the slaves part sounds like that to me too. But then it says, “and souls of men.” That sounds different to me. im working on it still. It’s percolating. But souls can mean people. If it just said souls, I wouldn’t have really noted it. But it says souls OF men….to me, that involves something…different?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
My expertise is smelling bs a mile away.
and what medical expertise do you have? A PHD in presumptive jumping off a cliff?
By who? Many have made an association. I don't expect the fox guarding the hen house to say what he had for supper last night.
Well if you have the forensic evidence that shows the blood clots are attributed to the shots- I am all eyes to read it.
Whose stats are those?

All the hospitals, coroners and forensic analysts who did post mortems. That is whose stats. but their medical professionals so to you they are all liars.
Birds in bed together.
Like you and the heathen?
Justifying the wicked again eh?
Bearing false witness against a brother is a serious offense to God- you should stop while you are behind.
One does not get saved by the type that bends over to take whatever big brother decides to shove on them. Many people prefer some integrity and guts.
And what does that mean? Are you going to start a revolution against the FDA and CDC? That is so un-Christian. And people get saved by trusting in Jesus regardless of what a government does/ Try going to China and talking like this- see how long you stay alive! Free speech is a relative thing that government can take. We just have to be prepared to pay the price if they do.
Covering up deaths is not cutting tape.
You need professional help. The majority of drugs have deaths associated with them that do not get reported to the public- where were you when chemo therapy was going through trials and they were killing hundreds? If you were howling agaqinst teh FDA and CDC I would be on you rside, but you chose the wrong target and are constantly lying about it. Teh drug companies covered nothing up!
Deaths do not look good or cover ups, however they fudge the numbers after the fact.
Get some help. Maybe some prozac also.
We can disagree. Looking at some doctors speak about the tinkering and effects, I will lean toward thinking it does mess with the way God made us and natural immunity etc.
Well at least you are now showing you are relying more on hairs standing up on the back of your neck more than actual empirical evidence. Just like all the other nut jobs- feelings over facts.
Most people apparently still have no clue what is going on despite the many many warnings from experts and the circumstantial evidence! (sudden deaths of young people, clots and etc)
Then that is on the people and not the ones who have issued warnings and listed the side effects that could happen.
How would I know the motives of those covering up death dealing experimental treatments and pushing them on the world population? Maybe in 100 years people will be talking about the motives once they are exposed more. Meanwhile I will go with what Jesus said. By their fruit you will know them.
Well you are the one alleging guilt by associating the covid shot manufacturers with Nazi Germany. You made a terrible vile accusation and now you admit you do not even know their motives- presumptuousness is a grievous sin.
AS above how would we now know the motives? We might asked who benefited from the 'crime' etc.

Then maybe you should shut you mouth before making such serious allegations and associating the drug manufacturers with Nazi Germany without getting facts.
JWs do not believe Jesus is God. I would not be getting advice from them.
Then stop acting like they do! Gullible and willing to strain at gnats to swallow camels.
Looking at who rebukes them might tell us something. I would say that the whole medical profession as a whole is afflicted with a disease. The Rogans and Laura Lynn Tylers, and others try to expose that disease.
And what makes them experts at determining the motives and ability of all medical professionals globally?
There are experts who testify. Experts that may not have been part of wuhan virus research or etc. Experts that refuse to be gagged as many other cowardly experts might be.
Well until you and the legion of others who cry wolf can show me that 99.999% of all virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and geneticists are all involved in a global cover up, your .001% are just henny penny's. that is where the we must discover truth vs. fiction. YOu and others made the charge and yet cannot prove that the medical profession is coveing up this stuff.
You don't get to define real.

Neither do you, nor Joe Rogan nor Alex Jones or any other conspiracy theory person.
Enough of the profession has gone along with the skulduggery that we should view it all with one eyebrow raised
I await you putting up actionable evidence to back up this accusation. Otherwise you are just spewing verbal methane.
"Dr. Hoffe says the clots, which could number in the thousands and are hard to detect due to their
microscopic size, are caused by messenger RNA molecules in the vaccine which cause spike proteins to
form, which in turn attach to the cell walls of a cell impeding blood flow and damaging blood vessels

So normally the cells that surround your blood vessels have to be very, very smooth to enable good and
unimpeded flow of blood, but as soon as you’ve got all these little spike proteins that become part of
the cell wall it’s now a rough surface. It’s going to be like a very coarse sandpaper. It’s now what the
platelets are going to interpret as a damaged vessel. It’s no longer smooth. It’s rough. So clotting is
inevitable because the platelets that come down that vessel are going to hit a rough spot and assume
this must be a damaged vessel. This vessel needs to be blocked to stop the bleeding. That’s how our
clotting works. So...because of this and because of the nature of this, clots are inevitable, because of
these spike proteins in the capillary networks.
YOu should read your supposed evidence before posting it! These articles speak about the covid-19 spike proteins and not the impotent proteins of the shot! Failed again.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Ron ~

You presume people react negatively and with a big question mark, on scant information.

IF you have been paying attention “over decades” of particular AGENDAS set forth by particular men SEATED IN World Power Seats....AND the METHODS they USE to advance their AGENDAS, you would be CAUTIOUS and paying CLOSE attention WHEN they move on a wide scale TO FURTHER THEIR AGENDA.

BOTTOM LINE AGENDA...and has been in effect for decades!
...(don’t believe it? You can sift through the out-right and leaked United Nations and WEF meetings results and proposals; and the US Democrat Reps and Rino Reps speeches and proposals).
...(don’t believe it? You can sift through the numbers of men continuously sent under military death squads guise all around the world, yearly, to fight other nations CONFLICTS and CIVIL WARS, at the American People’s Expense)
...(don’t believe it? IN the US, advocation, encouragement, paying for; Abortions, Influx of drugs, open borders and influx of untracked foreign criminals, increase of thefts, crimes, murders....and the very people Oathed and seated in Government Offices....perpetuating such atrocities....stand at their podium and say “gee that’s terrible”....”we should take AWAY American’ Liberty to protect themselves”.....BECAUSE “hush, hush...Downsizing the Population IS the AGENDA.”

* Have you NOT noticed, the centuries LONG expectation and hopefulness of Eliminating men through WARS, is on the down-slide of effectiveness?(considering the advancement of technology).
* Are you NOT informed? To get INSTANT world wide attention, only requires TWO LITTLE WORDS....fear...and ...freebies.
* WHEN men seated in Governing Power Positions ... emerge from their secret, heavily arm guarded, behind door pow-wows and begin Announcing to the People on their loud speaker....fear and freebie. Absolutely, I am Cautious.
* WHEN those same men begin ANNOUNCING voluntary human experiments...Absolutely, I am Cautious.
* WHEN those same men begin DICTATING voluntary is out and mandatory is in....(WITHOUT Congress, (who IS the only US Law Making Authority), Making NOT ONE such Mandatory Law. Absolutely, I am furious at the Corruption occurring....AND the failure of the People’s elected and OATHED representatives TO Do their “DUTY” STAND UP AGAINST the CORRUPTION, as is their DUTY, and promised Oath, or BE removed from OFFICE, FOR dereliction of DUTY...from the Rep and Up.

* It is NOT, a “PARTY” problem, as the Dictators would HAVE the People at Large Believe.
* SADLY, the majority, DO NOT pay attention to history to know what is Suspect before their Eyes, SADLY, the majority, are completely UNINFORMED. SADLY, the majority are busy gulping street and prescription drugs, eating crap food void of nutrition, buying crap they can not afford, engulfed in entertainment sports, music, movies, games, playing, wondering what gender they want to try out....AND? Waiting for their MASTER DADDY to stumble up to the podium and TELL them what to do.

POINT IS: Everyone is an individual. If you do not know History, you will not recognize the Negative or Positive “REPEAT”.

* The holocaust was an express INTENT and carried out PLAN to:
Eliminate humans BY DEATH.

* People NOT KNOWING, negative ingredients in pharma drugs?
* Have you missed the umpteen (for years) pharma TV advertisements?
* The happy smiling “actor” humans promoting treating a runny nose;
and the 90 mile an hour unseen speaker; WARNINGS of the negative causes including DEATH for taking that drug?
* Have you NOT heard of a PDR? It’s a physicians desk reference book. It tells the physician exactly what is in every drug, and what other drug to NOT prescribe mixing drugs....Have you NOT went to a Library, went to a book store to obtain such book, to KNOW what is in the drugs you might consume?

* Did you NOT pay attention to Drug Companies, WHO, solicited the Courts to GAG and PREVENT them from being OBLIGATED to release their (so called Vaccination) ingredients information for Public view? (Nothing suspect there!!)

* And you comment about Christians...”hysterical with false information”?
* Are you familiar with Scripture, whereby a person in a RULING position WHO agrees to Govern over a people....DO SO, by the Word of God or the word of man....and the People being under that Governor ARE OBLIGATED to MAKE the Governor Comply with his “own word”...or OUST him? Follow God RATHER THAN CORRUPT MEN, ring a bell?

* IF you are convinced that men of the world sitting in Power seats are all in agreement, TO “protect and defend” the LIBERTY of their own nations “individual” citizens....then you are WELL to do “without question”, that which your MASTER dictates.

* Because the FACT is: IF you have not CHOSEN WHO your MASTER is...it will be decided for you.

* IF you “willingly Submit yourself TO a MASTER”, he is your Master.
And Yes the US Government does have laws that expressly “position the US Government IN the MASTER role OVER willing citizens”....which conveniently completely FLIPS the role of the US Government FROM it’s “SERVANT” of the People role...to “MASTER over the People”.

* THAT is the CURRENT DIVISION between and among the People at Large.
* Some Choose, to relent and become the Servant, Some Don’t...
* The whole hokey “pseudo news” about Political Party, is simply an effective, propaganda method to instigate Division among men.
It is solely an individuals choice.
* WHEN the CHOICE is OPPRESSED....you betcha, “Christians and any man who understands the Big Picture”...WILL stand against the oppression and other men who are supportive of the oppression.

* Bottom Line...
I do not take ANY drugs, wear a mask, distance from my family and friends, not travel, Because some mentally incompetent ding bat stumbles up to a microphone and preaches FEAR, FREEBIES and MANDATES.
* Bottom Line...
Any other person According TO THEIR OWN Choice, can hang on every word of a Servant who wants to BE a MASTER and DO what he says.

Simple....you choose one thing....I choose another thing.
And neither agrees with the others choice.
So what? Isn’t that each of us, individually CHOOSING for ourselves?
Neither is obligated to explain, prove, our own individual Choices...
I have known and taught this stuff for decades. My library has a large selection of books about the open conspiracies worked by men but derived by Satan.

As believers we are forbidden by Jesus to rebel against government. We can speak out against tyranny and the like but we are not to foment rebellion and violence.

But this has nothing to do with the half truths, mostly lies and faulty data being spewed by some paranoid believers about the shot for covid.

I am not a supporter of the shot nor an antagonist for the shot. I have said people need to make informed decisions for themsleves about the shot.

What I am against is believers lying in the name of Jesus.

Such as
Teh medical profession is all liars.
You can't trust doctors and nurses they are part of the system.
The drug companies are covering up adverse results.
Accusations without researh about things happening ot people who have gotten shots.
Christians are jumping to conclusions and that is what I am fighting here.

I have said and will keep saying- show me real data that blood clots happen as a direct result of the shot etc. We know of all the potential side effects and som eof them are very serious and even fatal! It is all out there.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Yes, the slaves part sounds like that to me too. But then it says, “and souls of men.” That sounds different to me. im working on it still. It’s percolating. But souls can mean people. If it just said souls, I wouldn’t have really noted it. But it says souls OF men….to me, that involves something…different?
You bring up an interesting point. I never really pondered this in all the decades I have taught eschatology.


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
and what medical expertise do you have?
Detecting lies is not a medical skill. To say the least! The docs with the credos who did diss the shotz have medical skills. All that remains for us is to have an ability to know truth from lies.

Well if you have the forensic evidence that shows the blood clots are attributed to the shots- I am all eyes to read it.

If dead bodies have the stuff, and doctors and experts make an association, that does it. Expecting any proper honest stats or forensic evidence from people trying to hide things for 70 years is not a sane proposition.
All the hospitals, coroners and forensic analysts who did post mortems. That is whose stats. but their medical professionals so to you they are all liars.

That depends which ones you choose to believe. I prefer to demote opinions of liars. They go to the bottom of the pile.

Bearing false witness against a brother is a serious offense to God- you should stop while you are behind.

You do try to justify the wicked as far as I am concerned. Really.

And what does that mean? Are you going to start a revolution against the FDA and CDC? That is so un-Christian.
Not believing organizations that are not only involved in child sacrifices (abortions, abortion pills etc) but who covered up deaths of little people demands that whatever they say be treated with the utmost scrutiny.

And people get saved by trusting in Jesus regardless of what a government does/ Try going to China and talking like this- see how long you stay alive! Free speech is a relative thing that government can take. We just have to be prepared to pay the price if they do.

See how long China stays alive! Only the believers there will live. Winnie the Pooh over there has one choice. Repent or perish.

You need professional help. The majority of drugs have deaths associated with them that do not get reported to the public- where were you when chemo therapy was going through trials and they were killing hundreds? If you were howling agaqinst teh FDA and CDC I would be on you rside, but you chose the wrong target and are constantly lying about it. Teh drug companies covered nothing up!
There is enough claims out there to question the integrity and purity of the drug companies. Do you need professional help to look into it?

"Pfizer, the US-based multinational pharmaceutical corporation, during clinical trials of its COVID-19 vaccine, violated scientific norms, including falsifying data, unblinded patients and covered up negative side effects, the British scientific journal The BMJ stated on Wednesday."

Again you believe who you like. I try to consider both sides and have many reasons to be wary of claims by the drug pushers and lying politicians, and media! If you don't want to keep an open mind and take what they claim with a grain of salt, then go ahead and swallow whole. Don't accuse others of being duped if they do not do likewise.

Get some help. Maybe some prozac also.
Childish. Maybe get a pacifier?

Well at least you are now showing you are relying more on hairs standing up on the back of your neck more than actual empirical evidence. Just like all the other nut jobs- feelings over facts.

The fact is that to get facts we should not restrict where we look to known deceivers.

Then that is on the people and not the ones who have issued warnings and listed the side effects that could happen.

Well you are the one alleging guilt by associating the covid shot manufacturers with Nazi Germany. You made a terrible vile accusation and now you admit you do not even know their motives- presumptuousness is a grievous sin.

The similarity is that we now see children dying of 'flu' in significant numbers, young people dying suddenly, clots in bodies, side effects, etc etc and that this should not be ignored. Just as when people in Germany should not have ignored stuff.
And what makes them experts at determining the motives and ability of all medical professionals globally?

They interview experts. This is news? Not just the experts you might choose to believe either.

Well until you and the legion of others who cry wolf can show me that 99.999% of all virologists, immunologists, epidemiologists, and geneticists are all involved in a global cover up,
I do not recall people claiming that. The general gist of interviews I have seen seem to suggest that many are threatened to go along with it and are fairly ignorant.

Neither do you, nor Joe Rogan nor Alex Jones or any other conspiracy theory person.

Try to get over the fact that you do not get to call other opinions conspiracy. Alternative news sites that interview experts are a source of news. Sorry if you thought that censored fake news was all people were allowed to consider.

YOu should read your supposed evidence before posting it! These articles speak about the covid-19 spike proteins and not the impotent proteins of the shot! Failed again.
Who said anything about the spike proteins needing to be in the vaccination?? What happens after it gets in the body is most of the problem according to the experts I have heard.

I think people are free to check out various opinions, regardless of whether some people may like it or not.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Detecting lies is not a medical skill. To say the least! The docs with the credos who did diss the shotz have medical skills. All that remains for us is to have an ability to know truth from lies.
Then I await the evidence that shows the lies detected about teh shot. Not the politics and BS from the talking heads, but the shot itself.
If dead bodies have the stuff, and doctors and experts make an association, that does it. Expecting any proper honest stats or forensic evidence from people trying to hide things for 70 years is not a sane proposition.
We are done- you have jumped off the cliff. Yourr hatred has pushed you far down the dark side anakim! Have the last word, I will not respond. You are a believer who lacks real integrity and trusts fairy tales and partial truths to go out and condemn the innocent with the guilty. Yo uneed to acknowledge this sin so God may cleanse you .


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2020
Then I await the evidence that shows the lies detected about teh shot. Not the politics and BS from the talking heads, but the shot itself.
Great. Have a good wait. I accept the experts that warn against it as just as valid as the ones on the other side. I prefer a balanced view.

We are done- you have jumped off the cliff. Yourr hatred has pushed you far down the dark side anakim!
Your false accusations in the face of defeat speak for themselves.

Have the last word, I will not respond. You are a believer who lacks real integrity and trusts fairy tales and partial truths to go out and condemn the innocent with the guilty. Yo uneed to acknowledge this sin so God may cleanse you .
Didn't you say this same thing several posts ago? It is cheap false piousness and bad religion to falsely accuse and to justify the wicked. You are welcome to value whatever experts you like. I will do the same thank you very much.

Proverbs 11:1
A false balance is abomination to the Lord : but a just weight is his delight

The same crowd that kills babies and covers up and is involved in gender confusion are the ones who pushed the so called vaccine to little children.

Psalms 1:1
Blessed is the man that walketh not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor standeth in the way of sinners, nor sitteth in the seat of the scornful

Whooh ha
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Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Dated April of this year.
Hmm…DNA damage and inflammation…
They slip that in way further down, after they’ve talked about these micro plastics.
Sounds like they’re setting up a new culprit to save their hindquarters…
First time Ive heard of these micro plastics.

And now ANOTHER story I’ve never heard of before today - nanotechnology pieces and particles in our food, from as far back as the ‘90’s, approved by the FDA with a “GRAS” rating and, supposedly causing, as you can probably guess already, inflammatory freak outs and autoimmune disorders and able to cross the blood/brain barrier and lodge in tissues, Yada, Yada. Sheesh, yeah, all the best food has the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier, that’s what I look for in food... Sounds like maybe another culprit to blame. Or maybe I’m currently just in crazy conspiracy mode. At the very least, I can say the FDA is, quite literally, useless as any form of protection.
GRAS - “Generally Recognized As Safe.” So our butts are covered at the FDA, no worries!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
And now ANOTHER story I’ve never heard of before today - nanotechnology pieces and particles in our food, from as far back as the ‘90’s, approved by the FDA with a “GRAS” rating and, supposedly causing, as you can probably guess already, inflammatory freak outs and autoimmune disorders and able to cross the blood/brain barrier and lodge in tissues, Yada, Yada. Sheesh, yeah, all the best food has the ability to cross the blood/brain barrier, that’s what I look for in food... Sounds like maybe another culprit to blame. Or maybe I’m currently just in crazy conspiracy mode. At the very least, I can say the FDA is, quite literally, useless as any form of protection.
GRAS - “Generally Recognized As Safe.” So our butts are covered at the FDA, no worries!
Well many times as time goes on and technologies advance, what was once GRAS is not so GRAS anymore and vice versa.

Look at Saccharin, it had to have a warning label that it caused cancer in lab rats. What they didn't tell you is that the lab rats were given the human equivalent of 5 pounds of saccharin a day!

Just look at cocaine! for decades it was sold over the counter and even found in old coca cola (coca=cocaine). As science advances dangerous things are found safe and safe things are found dangerous.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
what was once GRAS is not so GRAS anymore
Haha. Yes. I guess we have no choice and must just trust the experts until they are proven wrong in what they say…even though I know how bad men are and how they take bribes, (even if the bribe is just a trifle such as flattery!) and how every mans heart is very deceitful - still, it would not be right to be suspicious of men. Well…I guess one could look at their track record…

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Haha. Yes. I guess we have no choice and must just trust the experts until they are proven wrong in what they say…even though I know how bad men are and how they take bribes, (even if the bribe is just a trifle such as flattery!) and how every mans heart is very deceitful - still, it would not be right to be suspicious of men. Well…I guess one could look at their track record…
Well at times they cover up-- like the tobacco industry did. but the majority of the time it is simply they run with the best information they have available.

We, as believers do not have implicit trust in the arm of man, but trust in God. Even the best science is faulty, but we can learn and grow and discover and adjust as we learn.

All the screamers about the covid shot could be right about the long term effects. What they know now is that there is apparently no long term side effects, but that could change when the long term comes!

While I know that Satan his the god of this world and has his master plan to dominate man and become the false god of the whole world, I cannot get hooked up in the fringe conspiracy theories.

Most people still act in a kind way and drug houses while looking to make a profit, also are trying to do good for mankind. I just can't buy inot the theories that they are intentionally trying to kill off tens of millions of people with a covid shot. There just is no evidence that is credible and provable even a little.


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2018
United States
Well at times they cover up-- like the tobacco industry did. but the majority of the time it is simply they run with the best information they have available.
So your mindset is that men are basically, mostly, good, and that they have good intentions?

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
So your mindset is that men are basically, mostly, good, and that they have good intentions?
No mankind is dead in sin. Mankind is not as bad as they can be, but are as bad off as they can be because we have a sin nature.

Mankind is capable of doing many marvelous good deeds. But that does not make them godly deeds. Jesus in Matt. 7 and Paul in 1 Cor. 13 show us that!

Even satan does not want anarchy when he rules the world. He will bring peace and safety. Do not confuse mankind doing noble things as they have no sin nature.

It is not the doing of evil that makes man a sinner. Man sins because they have a sin nature.

Example: If on is brought up an atheist but is taught to be kind, patient, gracious and generous to the needy- those are good things to do- but they are still lost.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
I have known and taught this stuff for decades. My library has a large selection of books about the open conspiracies worked by men but derived by Satan.

As believers we are forbidden by Jesus to rebel against government. We can speak out against tyranny and the like but we are not to foment rebellion and violence.

But this has nothing to do with the half truths, mostly lies and faulty data being spewed by some paranoid believers about the shot for covid.

I am not a supporter of the shot nor an antagonist for the shot. I have said people need to make informed decisions for themsleves about the shot.

What I am against is believers lying in the name of Jesus.

Such as
Teh medical profession is all liars.
You can't trust doctors and nurses they are part of the system.
The drug companies are covering up adverse results.
Accusations without researh about things happening ot people who have gotten shots.
Christians are jumping to conclusions and that is what I am fighting here.

I have said and will keep saying- show me real data that blood clots happen as a direct result of the shot etc. We know of all the potential side effects and som eof them are very serious and even fatal! It is all out there.

I would challenge your comment about yielding to Govt. without question.

~ Per Scripture...* Yield to Govt Governance...when Govt Governance is per Gods Word.
~ Per Constitutional Republic..* Yield to Govt Governance...when Govt Governance is per Constitutional specifics and limits.

I have no issues with individuals commenting about their Negative Experiences with human Drs. / health care providers....and their Conclusions to not Trust.

Advocacy to Trust health care providers ... IS widely promoted.
Scripture promotes to Trust ... what one tests/verifies.

Regarding the JAB, whatever pharma calls it....FOR; particular named; “illnesses”, (AIDS, flu, Covid, etc.) certainly is going have a WIDE range of individual opinions, Based on their own individual, health issues, (be they, compromised immune systems, individual organ issues, regular diets, habits, regular drug regiments. etc.)

Considering the well known WIDE range of Health issues individuals Have...
Volunteering for a human experiment is one thing.
Mandating and Forcing a human experience is reckless and dangerous...LEST the result is intended to be a negative result to the recipient.

Again, simple advice. Discover who is advocating and what the goal is.
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
I would challenge your comment about yielding to Govt. without question.

~ Per Scripture...* Yield to Govt Governance...when Govt Governance is per Gods Word.
~ Per Constitutional Republic..* Yield to Govt Governance...when Govt Governance is per Constitutional specifics and limits.

I have no issues with individuals commenting about their Negative Experiences with human Drs. / health care providers....and their Conclusions to not Trust.

Advocacy to Trust health care providers ... IS widely promoted.
Scripture promotes to Trust ... what one tests/verifies.

Regarding the JAB, whatever pharma calls it....FOR; particular named; “illnesses”, (AIDS, flu, Covid, etc.) certainly is going have a WIDE range of individual opinions, Based on their own individual, health issues, (be they, compromised immune systems, individual organ issues, regular diets, habits, regular drug regiments. etc.)

Considering the well known WIDE range of Health issues individuals Have...
Volunteering for a human experiment is one thing.
Mandating and Forcing a human experience is reckless and dangerous...LEST the result is intended to be a negative result to the recipient.

Again, simple advice. Discover who is advocating and what the goal is.
Well I did not advocate obeying without question. But if a govt. passes a law that is not unbiblical we as followers of Jesus are duty bound to obey.

while as humans we obey the laws of the lands God has placed us in, our law first and foremost is SCripture, and not a const9ituional republic or socialist democracy etc.

Remember God allowed Hitler to rule to serve His purposes.


Well-Known Member
May 3, 2022
United States
Haha. Yes. I guess we have no choice and must just trust the experts until they are proven wrong in what they say…even though I know how bad men are and how they take bribes, (even if the bribe is just a trifle such as flattery!) and how every mans heart is very deceitful - still, it would not be right to be suspicious of men. Well…I guess one could look at their track record…
Problem: Many of the "experts" are simply puppets of LYING politicians, and will soon be promoting the Mark of the Beast!

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
It's absurd that people post medical advice on forums such as this, adding the opinions of "experts" to bolster their arguments. I follow the advice of my personal physician, augmented by those who have specialized knowledge and training. I will never accept the opinions of biased people who have something to prove without the requisite credentials.

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
Problem: Many of the "experts" are simply puppets of LYING politicians, and will soon be promoting the Mark of the Beast!
Of course -- not. This is simply absurd! Why should anyone believe you?


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Well I did not advocate obeying without question. But if a govt. passes a law that is not unbiblical we as followers of Jesus are duty bound to obey.

while as humans we obey the laws of the lands God has placed us in, our law first and foremost is SCripture, and not a const9ituional republic or socialist democracy etc.

Remember God allowed Hitler to rule to serve His purposes.

Obey “unbiblical” ? No.
Obey “unConstitutional” Laws? No.

Acts 5:
[29] Then Peter and the other apostles answered and said, We ought to obey God rather than men.

The purpose of the US Constitution is to Limit the Power of the Government, NOT the People.

An UnConstitutional Law, is no Law at all.
Federalist Papers, Created and Established BY America Founders;
Federalist Essay #78 9th paragraph.
Federalist Essay # 45 9th paragraph.

And...NO ONE is claiming the US Government “created” an “UNConstitutional” Law regarding “Forcing of human experiments called Covid Vaccines”....
The “Forcing” was implemented by “Verbal Spoken Mandate”.....
NOT by a Congressional ACT of “Congress Creating a Legislative Law”.

There “IS” a Master / Servant relationship Biblically and Secularly...
If you do not KNOW what constitutes/establishes that Relationship and it’s LIMITATIONS, ‘YOU” can choose to “DO” what any man tells you to “DO”.

Same as I can “choose” to “IGNORE” what any man tells me to “DO”.

Yes, very familiar, God has “Established” every individual with Freewill “TO DO what they choose”.

Biden IS NOT in any way, shape, or form... My Master.
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