23 major reasons to reject the Premil doctrine!

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Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Typical twisted reply of OSAS believers.

I knew you were OSAS.

I've never met any OSAS Christians with any honesty in disputes of Scripture. You always purposely misstate the arguments of others, in order to make them something they are not.

As I said, I don't believe any of you are capable of properly stating opposing arguments, because you cannot allow anything to remotely even appear to correct you.

Once you allow any correction at all, no matter how slight, your whole house of self-justifying cards falls apart.

And every one that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand:

And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell: and great was the fall of it.

No man is saved and justified by his own faith and personal doctrine alone, but only by the faith of Jesus doing His Word.

The light of OSAS faith shines in the doctrinal house of sand,

But if thine eye be evil, thy whole body shall be full of darkness. If therefore the light that is in thee be darkness, how great is that darkness!

You seem to know it all. Your vicious sweeping writing off of millions of sincere Christians reveals your heart. You seem to lack assurance of your salvation. That is at the core of your ignorance and bitterness. If people do not agree with you, you write them off. Arminianists do that. That is the god you possess - 1 strike and you are out. He is not faithful or keeps His word.

You do not seem to know whom you have believed and are not persuaded that He is able to keep that which you have committed unto Him. That is why you think you might one day go to hell. That is why you question eternal salvation. That is why you reject His promises that we are sealed until the day of redemption. That is why you think He will leave you and forsake you. That explain a lot of what you are constantly angry and frustrated. Your hope is in yourself and not Him. Sad!

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
There you go again. More avoidance. This is your default response when your beliefs are exposed. Ignore the contradictions in your position as if they don't exist. You are living in denial. You avoidance does not cause these to go away, but rather expose them as marking your error. I refer you back to my last post that remains unaddressed.
And you make accusations without backing them up with biblical facts, just fancy sounding catch phrases.

If I am avoiding- show me how or where.

Show me how the seals, trumpets and bowls are all concurrent from Scripture- just don't throw out your catchy little phrases.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
And you make accusations without backing them up with biblical facts, just fancy sounding catch phrases.

If I am avoiding- show me how or where.

Show me how the seals, trumpets and bowls are all concurrent from Scripture- just don't throw out your catchy little phrases.

I did. You avoided them. You know it. That is your MO. I will repost the avoided evidence:

The book of Revelation is not chronological. It is a series of repetitions. It is a number of recaps describing the spiritual battle going on during the intra-Advent period. How could Revelation be chronological when we do not read of the birth of Christ until Revelation 12? The millennium does not follow Revelation 17-19 in time, but rather parallels it. Revelation 20 is the last of 7 recapitulations.

Looking at Revelation 10:5-7, there is clearly a major dilemma for you those who take Revelation to be a literal chronological unfolding of last day events. They must surely concede, if they are going to be consistent with their view that everything after Revelation 11 (which also makes reference to the seventh trumpet) is in the realm of eternity and the after-life. After all Revelation 10 plainly records that with this particular event “there should be time no longer.” For those who would lightly dismiss this important narrative as anything other than a magnificent picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious Second Coming, they do foolishly ignore the great wealth of explicit and consistent end-time teaching on this subject and divorce the undoubted harmony of this chapter from the rest of New Testament prophetic teaching.

The ESV Study Bible states: “Revelation unveils the unseen spiritual war in which the church is engaged: the cosmic conflict between God and his Christ on the one hand, and Satan and his evil allies (both demonic and human) on the other. In this conflict, Jesus the Lamb has already won the decisive victory through his sacrificial death, but his church continues to be assaulted by the dragon, in its death-throes, through persecution, false teaching, and the allure of material affluence and cultural approval. By revealing the spiritual realities lying behind the church’s trials and temptations during the time between Christ’s first and second comings, and by dramatically affirming the certainty of Christ’s triumph in the new heaven and earth, the visions granted to John both warn the church and fortify it to endure suffering and to stay pure from the defiling enticements of the present world order.”

Revelation is designed to enlighten God’s people, stir their hearts and increase their faith. Significantly, the conclusion of each parallel terminates with a record of the glorious Second Advent, which includes the rescue of His saint and the final destruction of the wicked.

Those who have eyes to see will get the general thrust of the book! That does not mean we will grasp every minute detail. But we should get the overall message of the apocalypse.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The book of Revelation is not chronological. It is a series of repetitions. It is a number of recaps describing the spiritual battle going on during the intra-Advent period. How could Revelation be chronological when we do not read of the birth of Christ until Revelation 12? The millennium does not follow Revelation 17-19 in time, but rather parallels it. Revelation 20 is the last of 7 recapitulations.
Prove it biblically. YOu made the claim, repeat it, but now provide the evidence to support your hypothesis.
Looking at Revelation 10:5-7, there is clearly a major dilemma for you those who take Revelation to be a literal chronological unfolding of last day events. They must surely concede, if they are going to be consistent with their view that everything after Revelation 11 (which also makes reference to the seventh trumpet) is in the realm of eternity and the after-life. After all Revelation 10 plainly records that with this particular event “there should be time no longer.” For those who would lightly dismiss this important narrative as anything other than a magnificent picture of the Lord Jesus Christ and His glorious Second Coming, they do foolishly ignore the great wealth of explicit and consistent end-time teaching on this subject and divorce the undoubted harmony of this chapter from the rest of New Testament prophetic teaching.

That is what you try to tell us we must believe- No one I know doesn't accept your hypothesis of what we must believe. We follow grammar, logic and Scripture with Scripture.
The ESV Study Bible states: “Revelation unveils the unseen spiritual war in which the church is engaged: the cosmic conflict between God and his Christ on the one hand, and Satan and his evil allies (both demonic and human) on the other. In this conflict, Jesus the Lamb has already won the decisive victory through his sacrificial death, but his church continues to be assaulted by the dragon, in its death-throes, through persecution, false teaching, and the allure of material affluence and cultural approval. By revealing the spiritual realities lying behind the church’s trials and temptations during the time between Christ’s first and second comings, and by dramatically affirming the certainty of Christ’s triumph in the new heaven and earth, the visions granted to John both warn the church and fortify it to endure suffering and to stay pure from the defiling enticements of the present world order.”
And when did the ESV study bible become the final arbiter of eschatological fact? Scofield study says different. Zodiates study says different. And a host of other study bibles disagree. You found one that agrees with you in there study notes. Others disagree in their study notes.

Time for you to prove that the differing results of the seals trumpets and bowls are all happening at teh same time.

Just one that shows you are illogical.

in the trumpets God destroys 1/3 of the sea while concurrently according to you- in the vials he destroys all the seas.

If you claim that this describes the church age form approx. 30AD to present, please show from history the opening of the seals, the sounding of the trumpets and the pouring of the bowls to date.

It is eassy to simply paste and post but now show the evidence that supports it from history and Scripture.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Prove it biblically. YOu made the claim, repeat it, but now provide the evidence to support your hypothesis.

That is what you try to tell us we must believe- No one I know doesn't accept your hypothesis of what we must believe. We follow grammar, logic and Scripture with Scripture.

And when did the ESV study bible become the final arbiter of eschatological fact? Scofield study says different. Zodiates study says different. And a host of other study bibles disagree. You found one that agrees with you in there study notes. Others disagree in their study notes.

Time for you to prove that the differing results of the seals trumpets and bowls are all happening at teh same time.

Just one that shows you are illogical.

in the trumpets God destroys 1/3 of the sea while concurrently according to you- in the vials he destroys all the seas.

If you claim that this describes the church age form approx. 30AD to present, please show from history the opening of the seals, the sounding of the trumpets and the pouring of the bowls to date.

It is eassy to simply paste and post but now show the evidence that supports it from history and Scripture.

Lol. I presented the argument. You avoided it, as you do. The ball is in your court. Obviously you have nothing.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Lol. I presented the argument. You avoided it, as you do. The ball is in your court. Obviously you have nothing.
Yes you did present an argument. but you have to date avoided presenting the evidence to support your argument. One could say you have none other than opinion seeing as you refuse to provide it.

Back it in your court.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
Yes you did present an argument. but you have to date avoided presenting the evidence to support your argument. One could say you have none other than opinion seeing as you refuse to provide it.

Back it in your court.

LOL. The evidence is in the text. It is compelling. Each parallel is climactic. You have no answer to the actual evidence. It is the end! Your avoidance goes with being a Premil.

The last trumpet is the end of the world. It could not be more climactic. Whichever way you look at it, there is an unquestionable finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet. This corresponds with the conclusiveness associated with Second coming passages elsewhere in Scripture. Let us look at some of the all-consummating detail.

• “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.”
• “he shall reign for ever and ever” – not a thousand years or for a measurable time-span.
• The time of God’s “wrath is come.”
• We have a general judgment where Christ will “give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints” and judge the wicked at the same time. He will “destroy them which destroy the earth.”
• “the mystery of God” will be “finished.”
• “time” shall be “no longer.”

It is hard to see how the Holy Spirit could have made it more final. All the bases are covered. All the boxes are ticked. The finishing of “the mystery of God” at the “sound of the last trumpet (trumpet 7) ushers in the end of time (chronos) and the beginning of eternity.

There is no such thing as time after Jesus comes. There will be no such thing as 24 hours. You will not need a watch or a calendar any more. We are into eternity.

This is the time when “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” NOT for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.”

This is the end of the old temporal sin-cursed order and the introduction of the new eternal glorified order. Also, the undoubted finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet proves beyond doubt that it is the last trump – the final trumpet sound for all mankind. “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” not for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.” Those who reject such evidence do so (in the main) in order to support the Pretribulationist doctrine.

1 Corinthians 13:12, Ephesians 4:13 and Revelation 10:5-7 show that the curtain coming down on the mystery of God, thus confirming we are at the end of time and entering into eternity when all will finally be revealed. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

John 6:39-44, 54, John 11:21-27, John 12:48, Ephesians 1:10 and Revelation 10:5-7 would seem to suggest that time reaches its fullness at the climactic return of Christ. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

Luke 20:34-36, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 8:19-23, 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 ,1 Peter 1:3-5 and Revelation 21:1-5) all show that the end of the bondage of corruption occurs when Jesus comes. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Armageddon & Gog/Magog are the very same battle in parallel teachings

The book of Revelation is written in parallel teachings of same events

There won't be a Millennial Kingdom on this earth, Jesus returns in fire and final judgement (The End)
Your opinion. There is no camp of the saints surrounded in Revelation 19, but I guess your opinion overrides logic.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
What you are saying is: Rev 20 does not say what you are saying. All you have is speculation. The reality is: the millennium is overrun by wicked followers of Satan in their billions (as the sand of the sea) who surround the saints of God at the end. This seems to relate more to our day, and what Scripture teaches about the intra-Advent period.
There is certainly no Scripture making this opinionated claim by you, nor any one else. The Millennium is not overrun by sinners.

Even after the Millennium is over, and Satan's little season, there is no implication declaring sinners just magically pop up and overrun the earth, as you imply, they were waiting in the wings just itching to be deceived by Satan. Did they even know who Satan is, do they read Revelation once a year?

Each year the father points out to his offspring: this is us folks, in 600 years we will overrun the earth? This is your fantasy argument. If any one had such a thought, under the iron rod rule, they would instantly be killed, because even the thought is sin.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Lol. I presented the argument. You avoided it, as you do. The ball is in your court. Obviously you have nothing.
Revelation 10 is not the end.

It clearly states in the days of the 7th Trumpet is when time is no more. How can time be over before the 7th Trumpet even sounds? Your only Scripture does not back up your logic, not your opinion. The 7th Trumpet stops sounding when the battle of Armageddon is over, at 6 pm. Then time is over for Daniel's 70 weeks. Time is over for Adam's punishment. Sin is removed from creation, and everlasting righteousness is declared.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The last trumpet is the end of the world. It could not be more climactic. Whichever way you look at it, there is an unquestionable finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet. This corresponds with the conclusiveness associated with Second coming passages elsewhere in Scripture. Let us look at some of the all-consummating detail.
That is your false assumption
“he shall reign for ever and ever” – not a thousand years or for a measurable time-span.
But yet Scripture tells us that in 1 Cor. 15:

25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

Where you err is that forever and ever also is defined as ages.
LOL. The evidence is in the text. It is compelling. Each parallel is climactic. You have no answer to the actual evidence. It is the end! Your avoidance goes with being a Premil.
Well I agree the trumpets and bowls end with climatic results. Teh seals do not. they introduce the 7 trumpets.

and a climatic result does not mean the end of time
It is hard to see how the Holy Spirit could have made it more final. All the bases are covered. All the boxes are ticked. The finishing of “the mystery of God” at the “sound of the last trumpet (trumpet 7) ushers in the end of time (chronos) and the beginning of eternity.
The mystery of God does not mean the end of time and the beginning of eternity. that is your forced conclusion on

the passage.
This is the time when “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” NOT for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.”

See 1 cor. 15 again.
1 Corinthians 13:12, Ephesians 4:13 and Revelation 10:5-7 show that the curtain coming down on the mystery of God, thus confirming we are at the end of time and entering into eternity when all will finally be revealed. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
To you it would but Scriptures says differently.
John 6:39-44, 54, John 11:21-27, John 12:48, Ephesians 1:10 and Revelation 10:5-7 would seem to suggest that time reaches its fullness at the climactic return of Christ. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
To you it seems, but SCripture speaks differentrly
Luke 20:34-36, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 8:19-23, 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 ,1 Peter 1:3-5 and Revelation 21:1-5) all show that the end of the bondage of corruption occurs when Jesus comes. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
No they speak of the end, but not the return of Jesus. the Messianic kingdom is explained in great measure in teh minor prophets.

If you would like a synopsis of all that HAS to take place because God said it would, please ask and I will gladly show you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
LOL. The evidence is in the text. It is compelling. Each parallel is climactic. You have no answer to the actual evidence. It is the end! Your avoidance goes with being a Premil.

The last trumpet is the end of the world. It could not be more climactic. Whichever way you look at it, there is an unquestionable finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet. This corresponds with the conclusiveness associated with Second coming passages elsewhere in Scripture. Let us look at some of the all-consummating detail.

• “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.”
• “he shall reign for ever and ever” – not a thousand years or for a measurable time-span.
• The time of God’s “wrath is come.”
• We have a general judgment where Christ will “give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints” and judge the wicked at the same time. He will “destroy them which destroy the earth.”
• “the mystery of God” will be “finished.”
• “time” shall be “no longer.”

It is hard to see how the Holy Spirit could have made it more final. All the bases are covered. All the boxes are ticked. The finishing of “the mystery of God” at the “sound of the last trumpet (trumpet 7) ushers in the end of time (chronos) and the beginning of eternity.

There is no such thing as time after Jesus comes. There will be no such thing as 24 hours. You will not need a watch or a calendar any more. We are into eternity.

This is the time when “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” NOT for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.”

This is the end of the old temporal sin-cursed order and the introduction of the new eternal glorified order. Also, the undoubted finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet proves beyond doubt that it is the last trump – the final trumpet sound for all mankind. “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” not for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.” Those who reject such evidence do so (in the main) in order to support the Pretribulationist doctrine.

1 Corinthians 13:12, Ephesians 4:13 and Revelation 10:5-7 show that the curtain coming down on the mystery of God, thus confirming we are at the end of time and entering into eternity when all will finally be revealed. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

John 6:39-44, 54, John 11:21-27, John 12:48, Ephesians 1:10 and Revelation 10:5-7 would seem to suggest that time reaches its fullness at the climactic return of Christ. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

Luke 20:34-36, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 8:19-23, 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 ,1 Peter 1:3-5 and Revelation 21:1-5) all show that the end of the bondage of corruption occurs when Jesus comes. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
There are no Seals, Trumpets, Thunders, nor Trumpets, nor need for them in Revelation 20. You foist that onto the text, just to get your opinion to work, because none of that comes close to what is written.

We keep pointing out that in Revelation 19 Jesus comes and Jerusalem is being controlled by Satan who is defending the throne. In Revelation 20, it is Satan who raises an army, against Jesus defending Jerusalem. But your claim is that we foist that on the text, even though the text clearly says the camp of the saints is ruling and reigning with Christ. When Jesus was with His disciples, He was on earth. Now you claim "with the saints" does not necessarily mean on earth. You are hypocritical by saying "with" means one thing in one context, and totally different in the other context. I suppose you don't have Jesus on the earth at the Second Coming, because on earth meant one thing in the first century, but something totally different at the Second Coming.


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
There are no Seals, Trumpets, Thunders, nor Trumpets, nor need for them in Revelation 20. You foist that onto the text, just to get your opinion to work, because none of that comes close to what is written.

We keep pointing out that in Revelation 19 Jesus comes and Jerusalem is being controlled by Satan who is defending the throne. In Revelation 20, it is Satan who raises an army, against Jesus defending Jerusalem. But your claim is that we foist that on the text, even though the text clearly says the camp of the saints is ruling and reigning with Christ. When Jesus was with His disciples, He was on earth. Now you claim "with the saints" does not necessarily mean on earth. You are hypocritical by saying "with" means one thing in one context, and totally different in the other context. I suppose you don't have Jesus on the earth at the Second Coming, because on earth meant one thing in the first century, but something totally different at the Second Coming.

Where does it say billions "as the sand of the sea" are "few"?


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
That is your false assumption

But yet Scripture tells us that in 1 Cor. 15:

25 For he must reign, till he hath put all enemies under his feet.

26 The last enemy that shall be destroyed is death.

27 For he hath put all things under his feet. But when he saith all things are put under him, it is manifest that he is excepted, which did put all things under him.

28 And when all things shall be subdued unto him, then shall the Son also himself be subject unto him that put all things under him, that God may be all in all.

Where you err is that forever and ever also is defined as ages.

Well I agree the trumpets and bowls end with climatic results. Teh seals do not. they introduce the 7 trumpets.

and a climatic result does not mean the end of time

The mystery of God does not mean the end of time and the beginning of eternity. that is your forced conclusion on

the passage.

See 1 cor. 15 again.

To you it would but Scriptures says differently.

To you it seems, but SCripture speaks differentrly

No they speak of the end, but not the return of Jesus. the Messianic kingdom is explained in great measure in teh minor prophets.

If you would like a synopsis of all that HAS to take place because God said it would, please ask and I will gladly show you.

The evidence is in the text. It is compelling. Each parallel is climactic. You have no answer to the actual evidence. It is the end! Your avoidance goes with being a Premil.

The last trumpet is the end of the world. It could not be more climactic. Whichever way you look at it, there is an unquestionable finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet. This corresponds with the conclusiveness associated with Second coming passages elsewhere in Scripture. Let us look at some of the all-consummating detail.

• “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.”
• “he shall reign for ever and ever” – not a thousand years or for a measurable time-span.
• The time of God’s “wrath is come.”
• We have a general judgment where Christ will “give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints” and judge the wicked at the same time. He will “destroy them which destroy the earth.”
• “the mystery of God” will be “finished.”
• “time” shall be “no longer.”

It is hard to see how the Holy Spirit could have made it more final. All the bases are covered. All the boxes are ticked. The finishing of “the mystery of God” at the “sound of the last trumpet (trumpet 7) ushers in the end of time (chronos) and the beginning of eternity.

There is no such thing as time after Jesus comes. There will be no such thing as 24 hours. You will not need a watch or a calendar any more. We are into eternity.

This is the time when “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” NOT for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.”

This is the end of the old temporal sin-cursed order and the introduction of the new eternal glorified order. Also, the undoubted finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet proves beyond doubt that it is the last trump – the final trumpet sound for all mankind. “The kingdoms of this world” have finally “become the kingdoms of our lord, and of his Christ” and “he shall reign” not for 1000 years as some would have us believe but “for ever and ever.” Those who reject such evidence do so (in the main) in order to support the Pretribulationist doctrine.

1 Corinthians 13:12, Ephesians 4:13 and Revelation 10:5-7 show that the curtain coming down on the mystery of God, thus confirming we are at the end of time and entering into eternity when all will finally be revealed. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

John 6:39-44, 54, John 11:21-27, John 12:48, Ephesians 1:10 and Revelation 10:5-7 would seem to suggest that time reaches its fullness at the climactic return of Christ. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

Luke 20:34-36, Acts 3:19-21, Romans 8:19-23, 1 Corinthians 15:50-55 ,1 Peter 1:3-5 and Revelation 21:1-5) all show that the end of the bondage of corruption occurs when Jesus comes. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The evidence is in the text. It is compelling. Each parallel is climactic. You have no answer to the actual evidence. It is the end! Your avoidance goes with being a Premil.
I have given you the evidence and answer. You just keep revomiting this false answer. One climatic conclusion does not mean it is the same as another!

I posted the enormous differences between teh seals, trumpets and bowls and yet you persist they all run concurrently.
The last trumpet is the end of the world. It could not be more climactic. Whichever way you look at it, there is an unquestionable finality surrounding the echo of the seventh trumpet. This corresponds with the conclusiveness associated with Second coming passages elsewhere in Scripture. Let us look at some of the all-consummating detail.
But yet God says that after the trumpets come the vials for these are the last plagues of Gods Wrath! One of you is wrong and I vote for God!
• “the kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ.”
• “he shall reign for ever and ever” – not a thousand years or for a measurable time-span.
• The time of God’s “wrath is come.”
• We have a general judgment where Christ will “give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints” and judge the wicked at the same time. He will “destroy them which destroy the earth.”
• “the mystery of God” will be “finished.”
• “time” shall be “no longer.”
And yet after Jesus defeats death He leaves the throne and resubmits HImself to the Father! And the bible speaks of two end time resurrections. Separated by 1,000 years. Yo0u reject the bible by mysticizing it to mean something other than written.
There is no such thing as time after Jesus comes. There will be no such thing as 24 hours. You will not need a watch or a calendar any more. We are into eternity.
Yes there is! There is the Kingdom on earth, all th promises fulfilled. Isaiah speaks of how life is lived on teh millenial earth. there is enormous prophecies to be fulfilled once Jesus returns to earth and sets up His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years.
1 Corinthians 13:12, Ephesians 4:13 and Revelation 10:5-7 show that the curtain coming down on the mystery of God, thus confirming we are at the end of time and entering into eternity when all will finally be revealed. This would be a strong argument to me that the second coming is “the end.”
Just because a mystery ends does not mean time ends- you are forcing that conclusion


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
I have given you the evidence and answer. You just keep revomiting this false answer. One climatic conclusion does not mean it is the same as another!

I posted the enormous differences between teh seals, trumpets and bowls and yet you persist they all run concurrently.

But yet God says that after the trumpets come the vials for these are the last plagues of Gods Wrath! One of you is wrong and I vote for God!

And yet after Jesus defeats death He leaves the throne and resubmits HImself to the Father! And the bible speaks of two end time resurrections. Separated by 1,000 years. Yo0u reject the bible by mysticizing it to mean something other than written.

Yes there is! There is the Kingdom on earth, all th promises fulfilled. Isaiah speaks of how life is lived on teh millenial earth. there is enormous prophecies to be fulfilled once Jesus returns to earth and sets up His kingdom on earth for 1,000 years.

Just because a mystery ends does not mean time ends- you are forcing that conclusion
It doesn't matter what climatic passage that you are presented with in Scripture, you are always going to explain it away by your faulty opinion of Revelation 20. You view the whole of Scripture through the lens of your opinion of that one lone highly symbolic passage. That is horrible hermeneutics.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
tter what climatic passage that you are presented with in Scripture, you are always going to explain it away by your faulty opinion of Revelation 20. You view the whole of Scripture through the lens of your opinion of that one lone highly symbolic passage. That is horrible hermeneutics.
You say it is symbolic, but the Word of God itself disagrees with you. but you will see in time. and I won't even need to have you say "you were right all along and I was wrong". I will just be glad you will have gotten over this allegorical reinterpreting scheme of yours.

God gave the bible for all to learn. No one, comes up with that reinterpretation of REv. 20 by simply reading the passage. It is plain, simple and straightforward. there are no metaphorical words to tell us something should be viewed as symbolic or allegorical.

Wait!!!!!!!!!! After rereading your explanations I finally found it! Because of the allegories in your writing and God giving me that revelation, I now see you accept the 1,000 years as literal and there is a first resurrection and Jesus reigns on earth for 1,000 years!!!!!!! It is really good to see you agree with the Word of God and me!!!


Well-Known Member
May 10, 2022
United States
You say it is symbolic, but the Word of God itself disagrees with you. but you will see in time. and I won't even need to have you say "you were right all along and I was wrong". I will just be glad you will have gotten over this allegorical reinterpreting scheme of yours.

God gave the bible for all to learn. No one, comes up with that reinterpretation of REv. 20 by simply reading the passage. It is plain, simple and straightforward. there are no metaphorical words to tell us something should be viewed as symbolic or allegorical.

Wait!!!!!!!!!! After rereading your explanations I finally found it! Because of the allegories in your writing and God giving me that revelation, I now see you accept the 1,000 years as literal and there is a first resurrection and Jesus reigns on earth for 1,000 years!!!!!!! It is really good to see you agree with the Word of God and me!!!

Twisting what I said does not advance your argument, it actually weakens it. It shows that you do not grasp what I am saying or that you deliberately want to twist what I am saying.

What is am saying is: Premils reject the crucial principle of corroboration - interpreting Scripture with Scripture - when it comes to Revelation 20. This is a major proof of the error of Premil. What they attribute to Rev 20 contradicts numerous passage throughout the Word. It also shows how they have no support for all their main tenets pertaining to a future millennial age.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Twisting what I said does not advance your argument, it actually weakens it. It shows that you do not grasp what I am saying or that you deliberately want to twist what I am saying.

What is am saying is: Premils reject the crucial principle of corroboration - interpreting Scripture with Scripture - when it comes to Revelation 20. This is a major proof of the error of Premil. What they attribute to Rev 20 contradicts numerous passage throughout the Word. It also shows how they have no support for all their main tenets pertaining to a future millennial age.
No premils are anal about comparing SCripture with Scripture because we use the literal/historical/grammatical hermeneutic.

Please list some of these numerous passages that supposedly contradict accepting REv. 20 as written.

Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Twisting what I said does not advance your argument, it actually weakens it. It shows that you do not grasp what I am saying or that you deliberately want to twist what I am saying.
Well you twit what God says so what is sauce for the goose.............

If you do not accept Gods Word as written, why should I accept your words as written???? I see your words as allegorical and symbolic.