Matthew 24

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Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24 ~D. W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24; Mark 13, and Luke 21 must be considered as some of the most important words in the scriptures, and the reason being is that Jesus himself thought it wise to speak these words as he was preparing to leave this world and go unto the Father. Because of this, we must consider these scriptures as words that we must seek to understand properly in order for us to heed them and hold them fast.
This discourse has without question been a battleground for many over the years, specially so in the last one hundred and fifty years or so, and most likely will increase as time grows closer to Christ's second coming.

Righteous men disagree over this discourse, and the reason why is that so many false prophets are out in the world with their message that is diametrically opposite of what Jesus Christ chose to warned his saints of concerning the last days of this world.

This thread will take several weeks to complete, so I ask folk to be patience as I labor to give an exposition of this prophetic message by the LORD of the all prophets, Jesus Christ, the Son of God.

A person's understanding of this discourse will reveal his eschatology beliefs.

Jesus will give us a understanding of what Daniel was speaking about in his dark prophetic teachings, not the other way around, as some would have you to believe. Some will take what they believe Daniel is saying and come to Matthew 24 and force their understanding upon Jesus' words, and from here go the Revelation and do the same. There is a progressive revelation from the OT to Revelation, so that by the time we arrive at Revelation, we should have enough light to interpret those highly symbolic language, if indeed we have the Spirit of God as our teacher and guide, and the faithful know that they do indeed.

How shall we read Matthew 24? As I have said a few times over that we must come to all scriptures and read them at face value first and foremost. No man should be bold enough to play with God's word, as if he has the right to do with God's word as he pleases, so as, to fit his own system of doctrine. So many have no fear over over-spiritualizing, and interpreting them more literally than they should. These are the two ditches that men fall into.

Let us consider this point a little more before moving on concerning taking God's word at face value.

The conventional mode of communication among men in order to minimize any possible misunderstanding between us should be our approach to the scriptures when reading them. Let me explain myself: If I say to someone, that the cow jumped over the fence~then the word cow means cow and fence means fence, or else, there is no means of communicating between us~according to the rules of grammar, communicating and logic~words we are saying and reading, must be true to their use, or else, there is no communication between man and man~or God and man. I trust my readers are following me. Words "do" have meaning at face value, or the scriptures are left open for men to teach anything under heaven. One man's doctrine is good as the next man's, if there are no rules of governing our use of words. I even take this approach to the book of Revelation. I read every word at face value, and then, and only then, do I allow the scriptures to dictate to me how I should understand what I am reading. I am totally convinced that this must be our methodology as we come to God's testimony to us from heaven. If a brother or sister has a better method of studying the scriptures~then speak and I will listen carefully.

I read this statement many years ago: "In the scriptures the contrast is not between the spiritual and literal~but between the spiritual and natural, for a passage may refer, when taken literally, either to that which is natural or, to that which is spiritual*."* We must allow themselves to determined that for us, by seeking the proper sense thereof, by comparing scriptures with scriptures, and other rules lay down for us in the scriptures. So, it is imperative, at least from my viewpoint, to come to them and read them at face value, and then seek its hidden truth with other scriptures.

If all men did this, then they would not come to Matthew 24 like they would a salad bar, just picking and choosing what they like and and dislike. The Historic and Preterit's are the worst at this. I believe the Premill just refuse to be open to the leading of the Spirit concerning how he uses his word to hide truth.

To be continue~Red Baker
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Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24 by D. W. "Red" Baker​


Let us start with Matthew 24 by asking questions, and then give answers to those questions, maybe this would save time and get directly at the heart of this all important part of the scriptures. If one can leave Matthew 24 with understanding/truth, then the rest of the scriptures will gloriously open up to them.

Question #1~"What does 70 A.D. have to do with Matthew 24; Mark 13 and Luke 21?

According to history, it was when the Jews and Jerusalem fell to the Romans. This event in history has absolutely nothing to do with the contents of Matthew 24, no more than it does with Genesis chapter one, or any other part of the scriptures. The reason why is this: there is very little said about Abraham's natural seed and their temple after the death of Jesus Christ, and the reason why is that God's purpose for that nation had ran its course, and his eternal purposes in Christ concerning Jews and Gentiles was on the brink of being revealed to the the apostles, and prophets and his saints, which were both Jews and Gentiles, a hidden mystery since the world begun.

You would think, based upon the Historic and Preterist camps that there are several scriptures in the NT supporting the 70 A.D. theory But the contrary is true~the NT writers and apostles are totally silence concerning any prophecy concerning the destruction of the Jewish nation and their temple. These two camps approach the scriptures with this mind set that they have much to say, and wherever they can find sound bites that seem to them some support, they quickly latch upon such scriptures.

Let it it be known, that we are not denying those two events, only that they have no biblical significant whatsoever, other than, God was totally finished with both Israel as a nation, and Jerusalem and its temple as place of where He meets with his people. There is a new temple made up of Jews and Gentiles~Ephesians 2:11-3:9 That is the eternal Tabernacle of the Most High, that is much more magnifical than Solomon~1st Chronicles 22:5!

So, let me say this~the Historic and Preterit used a history truth, to teach as bible doctrine a theory which which destroy much of the Lords' warnings for his church for the latter days. I trust when we are finished, many will see through their logical fallacy concerning using a historical truth, as a biblical prophecy which in turn, destroys many biblical warnings by Christ, Paul and John. It will leave many unprepared and in darkness and ignorance, even to the point of denying that saints shall be overcome by the beast during the the little season, when Satan's regains his full power.

As I said, you would think that there are many scriptures in the NT warning the Jews of an impending Judgement coming upon them of the Romans, if 70. A.D. was such an important part of God's prophecy as many would have us to believe. As far as I know, there are only three places in the NT writings of Paul and others that the Historic and Preterist use to support their system, and they are these:

A. Acts 2:40

"And with many other words did he testify and exhort, saying, save yourselves form this untoward generation."
I have heard men use this verse to say that Peter is warning them that judgment was coming upon the Jews by the Romans , and that they should save themselves from that coming judgment. That is twisting the scriptures to support a false position. Every child of God should warned anyone who shows a desire to fear God, that they should save themselves from the untoward generation of people living around them! Every generation has these type of people living around them. An untoward generation is an evil and wicked people, which certainly is not limited to the Jews of Christ's day. Beside, there were thousands of Jews converted during the early days of the church after the death of Christ, many thousands! Acts 2:41; 4:4; 5:14; 21:20

B. 1 Thessalonians 2:14-16

"For ye, brethren, became followers of the churches of God which in Judea are in Christ Jesus: for ye also have suffered like things of your own countrymen, even as they have of the Jews: who both killed the Lord Jesus, and their own prophets, and have persecuted us; and they please not God, and are contrary to all men; Forbidding us to speak to the Gentiles that they might be saved, to fill up their sins always: for wrath is come upon them to the uppermost.:

I trust before God that we can read the word of God with much more reverence and fear than men whose heart is bent to pervert the scriptures. The sins that the Jews were guilty of, that the Holy Ghost through Paul, pronounced God's wrath upon them~the saints of Thessalonica suffered the like things of their own countrymen! They both would receive the same wrath from God, at the same time, in the day of his wrath~2 Thessalonians 1:7-9

For anyone to use these scriptures and teach that that the Jews of Jerusalem, were at that very moment were about to experience the wrath of God from the Roman army for their sin of rejecting and killing the Son of God, are teaching more than what these scriptures are saying to us! This is a classic way of men trying to force their interpretation on God's word to support their doctrine.

C. Hebrews 10:25

"Not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as the manner of some is; but exhorting one another: and so much the more, as ye see the day approaching."

Can you believe it, only three scriptures even lend themselves to give them a thin ice of hope that they are correct in their doctrine of 70 A.D. as the greatest fulfilled prophecy of all time, to hear them say it?

The day approaching is to these dreamers~the destruction of Jerusalem and the Jews, by the Romans army. No where in Acts of the apostles, where Paul and others preached to the Jews over and over, is there even a hint of the destruction of Jerusalem, NOT EVEN A HINT. So, why would men think that Paul, or whoever wrote Hebrews, is speaking of that event? Only men who have a false agenda would try to teach such things. The Historic and the Preterist, almost put little or no emphasis on Christ's second coming; thereby, it is no surprise that they look for another meaning in scriptures such as this one.

To be continue...RB

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24 by D.W. "Red" Baker​


The only three scriptures used by both the Historic and the Preterists that they use to prove that Matthew 24 has reference to the destruction of Jerusalem by the Romans and that the great tribulation that is spoken of within Matthew 24, took place in 70 A.D. It is hard to believe that men would allow themselves to be deceived concerning their position on eschatology, by cleaving to only three scriptures that lends themselves to the sound bites that seems to give them somewhat support, in spite of the many scriptures that speak otherwise~but they do.

Please consider some more important facts, that will help guide our hearts into the truth of the scriptures. Please consider~Truth or fables?

I have heard men over the years, say things that is a absolute lie, in order to push their lies off as "thus saith the Lord". All Politicians know the art of deception better than preachers~they know that "if" you say something over and over again, even though it is a lie, people will begin to believe it! They have no conscience of doing this. Politicians and false prophets have a lot in common, most would agree.

True or Fable? The Jews of Jesus' generation were the most wicked men that has ever lived in this world~and because of that, Jehovah, the LORD God of heaven and earth sent the Romans to destroy that nation because of their wickedness~and at that point, almost totally destroyed the Jews AS A PEOPLE. Most historist and Preterist believe that this is so. I have heard them say this. Some back off a little from going to the point of saying that there are no true Jews left in this world, but some do not. I even heard one say, that you could not find a true Jews, even with a search warrant, that's just how strong some believe in that theory.

I reject this as heresy, and so should my reader. You decide by the only true source available in this world~the word of Him who cannot lie. This is a key position for those who push their 70 A.D. theory, it make it easy for them for others to receive their 70 A.D. doctrine, if you can convinced them that those Jews were indeed the most wicked men that ever lived in this world at any given time of its history; and that, the Roman army were chosen of God to destroyed them because of their wickedness and rejection and actions against God's Son.
Those who hold to the 70 A.D. fable, teach these lies, and they do so through the help of a unbelieving Jews named Josephus . They put more faith in the words of this reprobate, than they do in the word of God. They do use some scriptures, but out of their context. Let us consider some.

Matthew 23:34-36

Wherefore, behold I send unto you prophets, wise men, and scribes: and some of them ye shall kill and crucify; and some of them shall ye scourage in your synagogues, and persecute them from city to city that upon YOU may come ALL the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, who ye slew between the temple and the altar. Verily I say unto you, all these things shall come upon this generation."

There are many thiefs and robbers in the churches of Christ. In their madness they are once again stealing sound bites in order to support their fables. They are guilty of hijacking verses from the mouth of the Son of God, and using them for evil purposes. Woe be unto them.

Matthew 23:34-36 are not referring to the present Jewish generation then living. Many of that Jewish generation belong to that generation that Jesus was referring to, only he was not exclusively meaning the Jewish generation then living, as some want us to believe~but to another generation of men, who have been in this world since Abel and WILL BE here until the very end of this present world.

Remember: the content of any given context drive the interpretation of the context! Overlook or pervert the contents of the context, then you will end up with a pretext. Some will will agree with this, and still do.

As I said: the surrounding words of the context drives its meaning. Example: You cannot take Psalm 95:10 and say that the word generation has the same meaning as generation in Psalm 12:7

As the Lord continue speaking to this generation of vipers, he spoke words that would be impossible to make them applicable to all men then living, in the generation in which Jesus was born, and lived around for around thirty three years, or so.

In Matthew 23, it is very plain to whom Jesus was speaking to and about, when he said these words:

"That upon YOU may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of Abel unto the blood of Zachaias son of Barachias, whom YE SLEW *between the temple and altar. "*Matthew 23:35

The generation that Christ is exposing (wonder who does not want to be exposed?) are the the generation wicked and sinful children of the wicked one, the old serpent. These little vipers will be charged by the Judge of all the earth with the blood of all righteous men and women whom they have killed form Abel to the very last one. In our Lord's day, they were among the Pharisees and scribes, in our day, they are among just about every religion under heaven. Who killed Abel? The Jews were not even a nation or people at that time! God is just, and will not charge someone who did not do wickedness. But, all of those who are of the generation of the wicked, will give account of their evil deeds, specially shedding the blood of the righteous.

So, the answer to the first question is Fable. The generation of which Jesus lived was not the most evil generation that ever lived. That's not the generation in which Jesus was speaking concerning. Beside, Jesus' generation in which he was born, was most likely the most godly of all generations that ever lived at one time upon this earth. John the Baptist; the apostles, and the many, many thousands that came to the knowledge of the truth at that time. From there it went down hill. More questions concerning truth or fable.

To be continue....RB
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Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24~ by D. W. "Red" Baker​


Truth or Fable

We have three more questions to answer concerning truth or fables that should help us to see that the theory 70 A.D. does not have any sufficient to Matthew 24; Mark 13; and Luke 21.

Let us first add some more comments to Truth or Fable, concerning Jesus' generation being the most wicked generation that ever lived, or will live. Remember, men must be able to convince others of this, so as to push their lies concerning 70 A.D. theory, and thereby, stamp most of the scriptures concerning prophecies FULFILLED 70 A.D.!

Truth or Fable~
"The Jews living within Jesus' generation was the most wicked ever, and because of that, God destroyed both them, their city and temple. "

That's a fable, and this is not my opinion, but God's word will testify otherwise.

2 Timothy 3:13
"But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse deceiving and being deceived."

The last generation standing when Jesus returns again at the end of this world, will be the most wicked and God haters that had ever lived in this world at any given time in its history, so said the Holy Ghost, through Paul~so, there can be no debating concerning this truth. The scriptures have spoken clearly concerning this point.

Now, let us see if Jesus' generation was the most wicked that ever lived in this world. Compare Jesus' generation with any one that one desires, and they will come up far short of their godliness, truth and power, zeal and love for God. It is not even a close race, or comparison.

Excluding Jesus~we have John the Baptist, the greatest one born of a woman, base upon Jesus' testimony. All of the apostles, including Paul lived during that time. The book of Acts would prove that some of the most godly, informed, Christians lived during that time, without question, most all of them Jews!

Acts 17:6

"And when they found them not, they drew Jason and certain brethren unto the rulers of the city, crying, these that have turned the world upside down are come hither also."

We have record after record of this happening in Acts, of the holy apostles and other godly saints.

There are not men living today that can even turn a small community upside down~because of lack of power and knowledge to do so! The generation living in the NT times was a Holy Ghost filled generation when overall considered. But men need you to believe otherwise, in order to push their lies and lure you into believing them.

Truth or Fable~"The Jews as a nation were destroyed in 70 A.D."~that's a fable. Read through Acts and see for yourself that many thousands of Jews were converted to the religion of Jesus Christ, out of Judaism. Do not listen to men who say otherwise, believe the scriptures. There were literally thousands of Jews who were first to make up the churches of Jesus Christ, throughout Jerusalem, Judea, Samaria and the regions beyond. From Acts one to Acts 10, it was only Jews, from Acts 10 to now it is both Jews and Gentiles. The church of Jesus Christ is made up of both Jews and Gentiles~These are the two Olive trees~Romans 11; Zechariah 4; These are the two prophets of Revelation eleven, make no mistake about about that, and we might add, you will not, if one allow the scriptures to render its own interpretation, and not follow what others may say, not even what I am says separate from his plan where both Jews and Gentiles are part of his NT body of saintsing. Our duty is to prove all things by the scriptures.

I have heard men say that there are no true Jews living today. Base upon God's testimony, not my opinion, I know that there are indeed true Jews living in our days, and the reason why is this: Revelation chapter eleven, said that the two witnesses will be here until they have finished their testimony, and then they shall be killed, (or put to silence, out of sight) and they together will be caught up at the end of this world, when the kingdoms of this world, will become the everlasting kingdom of Jesus Christ and his people, both Jews and Gentiles. I might not know who are Jews, but God does, and I refuse to listen to men who believe that there are no true fleshly sons of Abraham left in this world.

Truth or Fable~"God has another plan for the Jews that is separate from the NT church." That is a fable. Jews and Gentiles are reconciled into ONE BODY by the cross. We all, both Jews and Gentiles are part of the household of God; we, Jews and Gentiles, are builded TOGETHER for an habitation of God through he Spirit. We, Jews and Gentiles are part of the same covenant of grace with the same promises attached for each other. We are of the same family of God, that shall live together , world without end, with our same Lord Jesus Christ. Read Ephesians 2 and three. God does not have a separate plan for the Jews outside of his promise in and through Christ. This is the mystery that is hidden in the OT and revealed in the NT. So it is a Fable.

Truth or Fable~
"God destroyed the OT temple and scattered the Jews all over the world for their wickedness. " This is also a fable. If that were so, then where does such scriptures have any force, or understanding:

Galatians 4:4
" But when the fulness of time was come*, God sent forth his Son, made of a woman, made under the law."*

Bible believers are not deist in their theology! We trust in a Powerful and Absolute, Sovereign Jehovah God, who worketh all, yes all things after the counsel of his own will. Of which Holy will, purposes will bring to pass everything that is pleasing in his own sight. This Jehovah God , leaving nothing to chance, and knowing that all things come to pass, because he so willed that it be so~again, nothing is left to chance, since he purpose and plan every single details. That being said:

God was finished with both Jerusalem and its temple, and he was finished with limiting his love to only to the Jews as a nation. God thereby purpose and plan for both Jerusalem and its temple to be forever destroyed for both had served their purposes and the rest of God eternal purposes was going to be revealed and carried out. Since that time, everything is on course according to the determinate counsel and foreknowledge of God, which means: God having knowledge of what he WOULD DO!.

To be continue...RB

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24 by D. W. "Red" Baker​


Let me finish this section concerning those men who believe that Matthew 24, has reference to 70 A.D. and then we shall consider Matthew 24:34 and the biblical meaning of "this generation" and then start with Matthew 24:1 and work our way through it. The Lord willing.

Matthew 24~the Olivet Discourse does not have one jot or tittle to do with 70 A.D. theory, that so many trust in, instead of trusting in the scriptures alone. Since they do not have spiritual eyes to see, then they must trust in extra-biblical help to help them to have some hope in trying to understand Christ's teachings. They look to Josephus, we trust in the Living God for light. What is so sad is that some good men are guilty of this~So, we must rebuke them sharply, that they may be sound in the faith. Titus 1:13

In Matthew 24 there are no Romans soldiers, horses, or chariots~only in men's wishful thinking, and listening to voices other than the scriptures. After verse two, the Jewish temple is not even on Jesus' thoughts, as he gave to us many warnings in his exhortations to his disciples. Allow me to bring this section to a close, by giving to my readers a few things that were said to me, by a gentleman who takes pleasure in applying Matthew 24 to 70 A.D.

He wrote to me: "Our Lord used Matthew 24:1-35 to warned his disciples of the impending destruction of Jerusalem, the signs leading up to it, and what they could do to escape it. You have taken this prophetic warning and reduced it to nothing." This pastor is well known and I might add, very gifted, but on this point is wrong.

Notice if you will where he stop at: ***Matthew 24:1-***35! Why not stop at Matthew 25:46 where our Lord stop this discourse. The reason being is that without question, this whole discourse has reference to the end of this present world and related events leading up to the end of this world. I wrote back and said this:

"You and others like you have taken away warnings of Jesus Christ for his people to heed. The warnings from Jesus Christ are for every saint from Christ until the end of the world. I still have my warnings for people to heed, where are yours? You have removed them back two thousands years away from us, even the Lord's coming in this chapter, and have put it back two thousand years ago!"

Someone help me~How can someone call scriptures prophetic warnings~when they stamped them FULFILLED 70 A.D.! Pray tell me, who has taken Matthew 24 and reduced them to nothing? Not me, nor anyone else who is a futurist when it comes to Matthew 24.

The warnings in Matthew 24, are the very same warnings as in 2 Thessalonian 2! Both Christ and Paul started out their exhortations with the exact same warnings for us to heed~and heed we shall, by the grace of God. Compare Matthew 24:4 with 2 Thess. 2:2! The Holy Ghost gave to us both of these inspired scriptures to heed for a reason, because they are for us to heed. Thank you most blessed God.

Now, let us consider "This generation".

Red Baker
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Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24:34,35~"This generation" by D.W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24:34,35~"This generation"

"Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled. Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words will shall pass away."

Without question,
this is a very critical and important scripture to understand, in order to leave this discourse with its true meaning. One may have some truth within this portion of God's word, even if he err concerning "this generation", but only in part, and maybe very little. But, if one can come to the knowledge of the truth of how the Lord Jesus was using "this generation" then he will will have a overall knowledge of not only Matthew 24, but he will also have a solid understanding of Daniel's little horn/abomination of desolation; Paul's man of sin~2nd Thess. 2; John's antichrist~1st John 2:18, and the beast of Revelation~for they are ALL are speaking of the very same thing, which should not surprise us in the least, but should encourage us that we are indeed in perfect agreement with Daniel, Jesus, Paul and John, and with one voice are proclaiming God's truths that he has hidden within the scriptures of truth~Daniel 10:21.

This has been one of the most heated discussed scriptures in all of the word of God, concerning eschatology, for the Historic and Preterits doctrine stands or fall base upon the meaning of this one scripture~Matthew 24:34 If they can prove that this generation has reference to its common use and that the things spoken of in Matthew 24 were somehow fulfilled before those people died off, then their doctrine stands, and everyone else must repent and change their overall beliefs, or be in error. To the child of God, it matters very little which side is right or wrong, but what does the scriptures teach, that's all important to them, at least it should be, God forbid that it would be otherwise. But, this I do know, some of the men that I have debated in the past have so much out on the Internet, that for them to recant their position, would take so much humility that I am not sure some are willing to do that, specially one person that I debated. He would only debate me privately, without his church knowing about it, so they would not see the holes in his position, he did not say that, but I knew why he wanted to keep it private. I have over sixty pages of just my words to him concerning this one scriptures, which he finally refuse to respond back.

Bible believers know that God's word will render the biblical sense of the words that are recorded therein. God's word is its own dictionary, first and foremost. Of course we use books like~American Dictionary of the English language by Noah Webster 1828." To help us to know the primary meaning of the words we read and use, that's a given. That being said, it is obvious to any enlighten, sincere, and honest person, that biblical truth comes not from Noah Webster's dictionary, but from the Holy Ghost, by comparing scriptures with scripture. We search the scriptures and allow them to give us their true biblical sense. John 5:39; 1 Cor, 2:13

Isaiah 28:9,10

"Whom shall we teach knowledge? and whom shall we make to understand doctrine? them that are weaned from milk, and drawn from the beast. For precept must be upon percent; line upon line line upon line; here a little, and there a little:"

This is the way that God said that it must be done. Truth is hidden within the scriptures, with words that lend themselves to error, if one that is reading them refuses to follow scriptural hermeneutical rules given by the Spirit of God. If man person comes to the scriptures with a humble, and godly spirit trusting only them to render to them its truth~then that person will not be disappointed. God's ways are just and equal; our at their very best are sinful in his sight, apart from the blood of Jesus Christ.

Now~Let us spend some time with Matthew 24:34...

To be continue~RB

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

This generation~Matthew 24:34 by D. W. "Red" Baker​


This generation~Matthew 24:34

Please consider the following points as we labor to give the biblical sense of how we must understand this generation from Matthew 24:34

We all know the primary meaning of the word generation, but we want to know how Jesus used it within this discourse, and can it be supported from other scriptures.

Please consider the following scriptures and see if we should allow and follow its primary meaning, or should we be on the alert and consider and be open for its spiritual meaning? Every student must decide for himself before God.

In Genesis 7:1 and Exodus 1:6 we see and understand that the word generation is used in its common use that any dictionary would define as: "A class of person among a people, or in the world, that are born together, or so nearly together, that the time of their being in different stages of the age of man is the same. They shall be young persons, middle aged, and old together. Or, they shall be together
upon the stage of action. Altogether upon the face of the earth, or stage of action, these are very often accounted as one generation.

In Matthew chapter one we see for the first time the word generation in the NT, and will notice that within this chapter, there are two different senses, or signification in which the word generation is used. One, it is used as: "a certain race of mankind, whose birth agree, not as to time, but as to descent and pedigree, or as to those persons from whence they originally proceeded.

So Matthew give to us the account of Christ's family tree by using the word generation. Not only was Abraham and David progenitors of Christ~but an election of grace went through the family of Seth to Abraham to David to Christ, who came and died for his people. In other words, there is a chosen generation~1 Peter 2:9. More on this later.

We must decide when reading the word generation in what sense is the Holy Ghost using the word~is it speaking about men born in and around the same time, the common use of the word, the only use that men outside of Christ would never use or consider, for the most part? Or, is it speaking of a progenitor? Or, is it speaking of a kind of person like a righteous person or evil person, in which the scriptures said much about, as we shall see?

Before the next post, please consider these scriptures:

1st Peter 2 :9~"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

Matthew 3:7~"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them O generation of vipers, who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come?"

Matthew 23:33~" Ye serpents, ye generation pf vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell?"

They cannot! The word generation that is used in these scriptures above were spoken by the greatest prophets that has ever lived in this world, it would be wise to hear them very carefully on the sense in which they used the word generation, would you not say?

To be continue~RB

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24:34 by D.W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24:34~"Verily I say unto you, this generation shall not pass, till all these things be fulfilled."

What does this generation in Matthew 24:34 mean? If my grandchildren ask me the meaning of the word generation, then I would give to them Oxford English Dictionary of generation, which is: The whole body of individuals born about the same period; also, the time of the lives of these."

But, if a believer in the scriptures, seeking for truth, that are hidden therein from the wise and prudent, the mighty and noble, ask me~then I would labor to give to them, the sense that the Holy Ghost has chosen to used the word generation within His word.

God is the Author of all language, thereby, he can determine how words can be used. He has that sovereign right and infinite wisdom, to choose which way he desires to use certain words~it is our duty to read the scriptures distinctly, so that we can seek God's sense of them, so that, we can understand what we are reading. Nehemiah 8:8

To show just how deceitful man is, then consider this: most men who have read the scriptures for some time and with the desire to know them, cannot help from seeing, that God uses the same word to mean two different things. To name just a few: Israel; Jerusalem; Babylon: Zion; etc.

Even though man knows these things, yet, when it comes to words like "this generation"~they chose to use only Oxford's definition, and that for a reason: they are using deceit since the biblical definition will not support their doctrine of 70 A.D. theory, which they must convince their followers that this generation has reference to Jesus' generation in which he lived in order for them to have a chance of convincing their followers of their deceived doctrine. If they are going to even have a chance of taking Matthew 24:5-33 and putting those scriptures back into 70 A.D. they must sell them Matthew 24:34 to mean Jesus's generation, they must!

These same preachers will when it serves their purpose will make a big ado about rightly dividing the scriptures. Let us take heed and beware of the leaven of these 21th century prophets.

It is our duty to search after me, and every other man, who said: "the Lord saith"~and I might add, that that should never offend us by men searching after us and testing our words with the scripture. "IF" a man is offended, then he has fears of being exposed. Why else would one be offended?

Matthew 15:12~"Then came his disciples, and said unto him, Knowest not thou that the Pharisees were offended, after they heard this saying."

Jesus just had condemn them for their hypocritical spirit, and false doctrine. They were guilty of both, yet Jesus said leave them alone!
Let us test the word generation in the scriptures and let the reader judge for themselves who are corrupting the word of God.

Proverbs 30:11-4:
V11~"There is a generation that curseth their father, and doth not bless their mother.
V12~"There is a generation that are pure in their own eyes, yet are not washed from their filthiness."
V13~"There is a generation, O how lofty are their eye! and their eyelids are lifted up"
V14~"There is a generation, whose teeth are as swords, and their jaw teeth as knives, to devour the poor from off the earth, and the needy from among men."

How does God's word use the word generation in these four Proverbs? The word generation in these four Proverbs has no reference to time, but to a specific type of person, or kind or sort of man~which would be: a evil, arrogant, self-righteous, rebellious toward authority and unmerciful toward the poor type of man who lives in this world. These type of men have been here since Cain and will be here until the Lord comes and destroyed this evil generation.

Deuteronomy 1:35~"Surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation shall see that good land, which I sware to give unto your fathers"

Why any man would use this scripture, and they do, to prove that the word generation has reference to time is puzzling to me! God plainly states that surely there shall not one of these men of this evil generation see that good land.. Verse 36 will interpret 35! Caleb and Joshua who lived among those evil generation, did see that good land, because they were part of a chosen generation, who were truly a holy nation unto the LORD God of Israel. As it was then so is it now~two generations of people live side by side in the professing church of Jesus Christ, one is evil and one is righteous~one will not enter the promise land, not one single one of them~those righteous souls, who wholly follow the Lord, will enter in and enjoy the promises made unto Abraham through Christ.

So these scriptures has reference to a type of people, not to time. But, there are so many more for us to consider.

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Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24~ This D. W. "Red" Baker​


1st Peter 2:9~"But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvelous light."

It is a simple theology for God's elect to follow, and we bless our God that it is so; but, it is a stone of stumbling and a rock of offense, even to them which stumble at the truth, who are stiffnecked and hardhearted: where unto also they were appointed.

There are only two types, or generations of men living in this world: one chosen by grace, the other, appointed to wrath; one generation are a holy nation of people, the other; a crooked and perverse nation; Philippians 2:15~one that are a wise generation; the other, are a untoward generation; one that are fools, difficult to guide, instruct: Acts 2:40~One generation that are kind, merciful to all, even to their enemies; the other generation will rob from their mother's and will turn their ears away from the cry of the poor.

Yes, there are indeed only two types of people in this world, those who are of this world, and those who are only passing through, in order to get to their promise land. On and on we could go.

Two generations of people in this world~the righteous and the wicked; the saint and the ungodly; those who love to call upon God~and those who say: WHO is the Lord that WE should obey him? To them, there is no one as important as them is their inward thoughts!
Listen to the cry of holy David as he mourns the increase of the ungodly and the decreasing of the wicked.

Psalm 12~"Help LORD, for the godly man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the children of men. They speak vanity every one with his neighbor: with flattering lips and a double heart do they speak. The Lord shall cut off all flattering lips, and the tongue that speaketh proud things. Who hath said, with our tongues we will prevail: our lips are our own: who is LORD over us? For the oppression of the poor, for the sighing of the needy, now will I arise, saith the LORD; I will set him in safety from him that puffeth at him. The words of the LORD are pure words: as silver tried in furnace of earth, purified seven times. Thou shalt keep them O LORD, thou shalt preserve them from THIS GENERATION for ever. The wicked walk on every side, when the vilest men are exalted."

In what sense did the prophet David used the words: this generation? Again this is simple theology, and it should not be hard to follow this short Psalm of David's. All that is require is a humble and teachable spirit, nothing more, and then it should be easy to see the scriptural sense of this generation from Psalm 12. The ungodly living among the just, or I should say, the just living among so many ungodly, evil, and wicked children of men who are living under the power of their father, the wicked one.

Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States
Psalm 12~finishing thoughts:

If the godly begin to cease, then what is increasing? Wicked and evil men. David saw this and cried out for God's mercy to help. When iniquity begins to abound, then the love of many will wax cold. Wicked men are a master of flattering their neighbours, in order to make room for them to use others. They can make you feel like you are the most important person in the world, but they only do it, for their own personal gain, and for no other reason. They speak with a double heart, so said the word of God. Beware when men pour the sugar on! They are laying a net for your feet, when they are excessively in praising you. When we read this short Psalm, then we will see that David is describing the wicked among the children of men.

We ask: what type of person is David speaking of? These type of persons are the very reason why David penned vss six and seven of this Psalm. They are the ones wicked and bold enough to corrupt the word of God, for they are without the fear of God! God through David promised us to protect his word from this generation FOREVER. David called the wicked in this Psalm "this generation".

Matthew 3:7

"But when he saw many of the Pharisees and Sadducees come to his baptism, he said unto them, O generation of vipers, who hath warned you top flee from the wrath to come?"

John called them a generation of vipers~how shall we understand the word generation as it is used in this verse? Time, or, kind of person? Simple question, right? It should be, but sadly it is not. To prove that John is speaking of a kind/type of person is clear by hearing what John said to them. He told them to bring forth fruit worthy of repentance, which they did not have and John knew it, or he would have never called them a generation of vipers.

Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

This generation of Matthew 24~By D. W. "Red" Baker​


Luke 17:25~"But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation*."*

When reading the words: "this generation", in the gospel's, then consider carefully, and you will see the people to whom Christ is speaking to and about, every time, without an exception. Luke 17:20,21 are spoken to his disciples in the presence of the Pharisees~vss 22-37..

These scriptures are very close connected with Matthew 24, even though spoken at a different time.

These scriptures before us are corrupted by the Preterist' and historicists' view of generation and 70 A.D. as they are force to use hermeneutical gymnastic in order to convince others of their theory from Luke 17:20-37.

Let us examine these words spoken by Christ and see in what sense he wants his words to be understood by his elect from Luke 17.

Verse 20 is a important part of the context before us. The scriptures say that the Pharisees demanded Jesus to tell them when the kingdom of God should come. The audacity of these arrogant hypocrites! Totally void of any humbleness of mind. These unthankful swines! The meek and lowly Jesus answered them, in such a way that they could not understand, yet, he answered them with truth. If they had came with a humble spirit, then they might had left him with understanding his teaching.

Of a TRUTH, the kingdom of God was within them, that is, within their mist! The heir to the throne was come! The KING was speaking to them, and they knew him not!

I know that Jesus was not telling these viper that the kingdom of God was within their hearts, for that was not true, they were of their father, the devil, the old serpent. But, Jesus was indeed within their mist daily, yet they mocked him, and rejected his unadulterated truths; they hated him, and despised him without a biblical cause, and sought many times to kill him, which they finally did, when God allowed them to do so.

From verses 22-37 of Luke 17, our Lord will teach his disciples and us, concerning the last days of this world. I ask every saint this question: is not verse 22 the desire of your heart? I know that it must be, if living according to God's word. Let me ask a few questions:

1. Who are they and them in Luke 17:23? Answer: the men of this generation that are mentioned in Luke 17:25.
2. Who have lived in this world from the beginning to the present, and have rejected the wisdom of God and his truth, from the scriptures, saints, from his prophets, and apostles, and finally God's Son?

Luke 17:25~But first must he suffer many things, and be rejected of this generation*."*

This generation cannot mean that present generation of people living~the reason being: that was not absolutely true, because many of that present generation in which Jesus lived in the flesh, loved and received him, and we might add, some of the greatest of all saints, both men and women that has ever lived in this world were part of that generation, in which Jesus lived. But it is 100% absolute truth that every one, without exception, that were part of this generation that Jesus was speaking about, rejected and hated him.

This generation in Luke 17:25 pointed back to Luke 17:23, where Jesus was warning them of false prophets speaking lies in the ears of the elect, as they labored to turn them aside from the truth, to follow them, who were saying: "see here or see there"~ Christ is doing marvelous work among us! Christ warns us to not go after them.

Next we shall consider how Moses used the words: this generation.


Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
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Matthew 24...This generation by D.W. "Red" Baker​


Deuteronomy 23:5~"They have corrupted themselves, their spot is not the spot of his children" they are a perverse and crooked generation."

Deuteronomy 32:20~"And he said, I will hide my face form them, I will see what their end shall be: for they are a very forward generation*, children in whom there is no faith."*

Let us see how Moses, the man of God, used the word generation. The content of the context will determine its use by the Spirit of God. It is our duty to be faithful in applying the proper sense when reading the scriptures.

The scriptures above will prove that Moses used the word generation here to mean **a type of kind of person, not to time~**even though it is used a very limited time in the scriptures, but not here. We just want folk to understand that God does indeed use it differently than the world would~this so far, should be plain.

Perverse generation~is a person who is obstinate in opposing what is just and right, and reasonable, and acceptable in God's sight.

Crooked generation~are people who are dishonest in speech and of their actions toward others. They are out only for themselves.

Froward generation~are people that are habitually disposed to disobedience and opposition.

These generation of men are not children of God. They are children in whom there are no faith, and their spots are not the spots of God's elect. So said Moses, the man of God.

Ask yourself~How did Moses use the generation in these two verses?

Let us consider David again. We have already considered Psalm 12, which is one of the most powerful of all the scriptures. But there are more in David's Psalms.

Psalm 24:3-6 Read them and then notice David's words: "This is the generation of them that seek thy face, O Jacob." David in this Psalm, ask some important questions, and then he gave the answer to his own questions. David in this Psalm described a specific type, or, kind of people, and then, called them a generation! So, by following David, we know how he used the word generation sometimes, and this should put us on the alert when reading God's word on how we should understand the word generation. There are so many more, that it is hard to know which ones to use and one to just skip over, for time sake. Here's another:

Psalm 112:3~"His seed shall be mighty upon the earth: the generation of the UPRIGHT shall be blessed"

If there is a generation of the upright, and there are~then there are also a generation of the wicked! And all of God's children said: Amen and Amen~we know that it is so.


Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24~This generation by D. W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 11:16-19~"But whereunto shall I liken this generation*? It is like unto children sitting in the markets, and calling unto their fellows, saying, We have piped unto you, and ye have not danced; we have mourned unto you, and ye have not lamented. For John came neither eating or drinking, and* they say he hath a devil. The Son of man came eating and drinking, and they say, Behold a man gluttonous, and a winebibber, a friend of publicans and sinners. But wisdom is justified of her children."

Again, the phrase, this generation cannot be limited to the people then living, and the reason why, is that many of them were not like the men that Christ just described to us from these scriptures. But, many of the Pharisees, Sadducees and rulers of the Jews were~they were the specific type of people that are described for us. The gospel can easily prove this, as most know that it can.

The children of this parable above are John the Baptist and Jesus. Their fellows that they are piping to, are this generation of children who flatter themselves with confidence of their own wisdom and knowledge, as they separate themselves from others. They only look on their own things and take great pride in whom they are and in what they believe as truth. They believe that all men should be like them, and do as they do. They are out to make proselytes, and they take great pains in doing so, only to experience the pride of men following them. Regardless what you do with or toward them, you will never convinced them of truth, they will find fault with whatever you say or do~you can go from one extreme to just the opposite, and you will never move them, much more convinced them of truth, never. It is all about them, their way, and they look down upon others with scorn! They are always looking for fault in other men's life, instead of their own. They put down others, so they can lift up themselves. With this generation, they win, you lose, and that makes them feel more important to God than you.

Have you met this generation? I know that most of you have.

John the Baptist's life was very different than Christ. John's life was a austere one. He had a peculiar diet in which he abstained from ordinary food. John's apparel was mean. He fast often and lived a very secluded life in the wilderness. He never came to the temple, as far as we know, at least it is not recorded, if he did. Jesus' life was much different~as far different as dancing is to a funeral! As much as John was unsociable, Christ went to weddings, feast, and was indeed a friend of sinners and publicans. He enter acted with people daily, with very little time to himself.

This generation spoken of by Christ, said that John had a demon that Christ over indulged in eating and drinking. They were convinced that wisdom was born with them and with them would died! No one else had the true wisdom of God but them, according to their proud spirit.

Jesus closed out this short parable with these words: ".......but wisdom is justified of her children." Matthew 11:19 Which I understand to mean~"True wisdom is justiifed of her children, that is: the ones she gives birth to!" True children of God, can hear both John and Jesus, and know that they both are of God, and true prophets of God. The children of this generation do not have the true wisdom of God to discern truth, regardless the means that God uses to help people to see truth!


Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24..... This generation by D.W. "Red" Baker​


Luke 11:53,54~"And as he said these things unto them, the scribes and the Pharisees began to urge him vehemently*, and to* provoke him to speak of many things: laying wait for him, seeking to catch something out of his mouth, that they might accuse him."

It would very profitable read all of Luke 11:15-54. In Luke eleven you will see Christ using the phrase this generation, a few times. Let us consider some of them as we bring this part of our work on Matthew 24 to a close. Of the times the phrase this generation is used in the scriptures, eighteen percent of those times are recorded with this chapter alone. If we read this chapter carefully, it will be plain to whom Christ is directing his condemnation to, when using the words~ this generation.

Christ is describing a specific type of men, of whom the righteous will rise up in the judgement and condemn them! The flow of the contents within this chapter must be followed carefully for us to know to whom Christ is pronouncing his woes upon. Within this chapter you read of the blood of Abel, whom Cain slew; down to the blood of the prophet Zachariah. You will read of some righteous people who proved their righteousness by certain godly deeds, such as: the queen of the south coming to hear the wisdom of Solomon. Let me ask a few questions.

Is God just and righteous in his wrath and punishment toward all workers of iniquity? Of course he is. Did God required the blood of Abel from the Jew's who lived in Jesus' generation (as some suppose) and not from Cain? Did God required the blood of all his prophets that been shed upon the earth from the Jews that lived in Jesus' generation, and not from the very ones that actually slew them?

Men who interpret "this generation" to mean the generation then living at the time that Christ lived must convince their followers that all the blood ever shed in this world, was judged upon the generation that lived when Jesus lived in this world at 70 A.D.~is this what Luke is saying? Men who say such things, have watered down all the warnings in this chapter.

Let us consider the character of the men that Christ labeled~this generation.

There are two specific kind of children of men~one found in Luke 11:28~"But he said, Yea rather, blessed are they that hear the word of God, and keep it." And another kind of children of men, are they that hear it, and reject it with hatred, both the message and the messenger. You can find both within this chapter.

Luke 11:14-16~"And he was casting out a devil, and it was dumb. And it came to pass, when the devil was gone out, the dumb spake; and the people wondered. But some of them said*, he castheth out devils through Beelzebub the chief of the devils. and* others, tempting him sought of him a sign from heaven."

Luke 11:29~"And when the people were gathered thick together, he began to say, this generation*: they seek a sign; and there shall no sign be given it, but the sign of Jonas the prophet."*

I ask: who were seeking a sign from Christ? All men? Of course not. Only those that came to him tempting him~see verse 16 again. It was an evil generation of men that the chosen generation, lived among. Not too hard to follow.

Again, we ask this question: Who will the queen of the south rise up in the judgment against? And we ask: Who will the men of Nineveh rise up in the judgment against? The answer to both question is this: All men that have never humbled themselves under the mighty hand of Almighty God~ ALL of the wicked that have ever lived in this world. All of the righteous will rise up in the judgment and condemn them. This honour have all of God's saints. Psalm 149; 1 Corinthians 6:3, we shall even judge the fallen angels!

Read Luke 11:338-54. There should not be any questions as to whom Christ is addressing his condemnation to; and to whom he has reference to when he use the words this generation.

There were a specific kind of people that always vehemently provoked Christ, and his apostles after Christ. They spent their time in nothing more than hindering believers from entering the kingdom of God~ Luke 11:52. I have one more post on this subject then we shall be ready for Matthew 24.


Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24...This generation by D.W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 23:33,36~"Ye serpents, ye generation of vipers, how shall ye escape the damnation of hell?" ......"Verily I say unto you, All these things shall come upon this generation*."*

We ask, to whom are the woe's directed to within this chapter? To all men living within Jesus' generation, or, to a specific generation of hypocrites that lived within that generation? Those men whose eyes have been opened by the Spirit of God should not linger too long with this answer.

Matthew 23 words are directed to the multitude, and to Jesus' disciples~verse one~so, the message within this chapter should be easy to follow, as to whom Christ is speaking about, as he teaches the people and warns them of a specific type of men to beware of. In verse two, Christ leaves no doubt as to whom he is warning his disciples about within this chapter. The scribes and Pharisees, were the men who sat in Moses' seat, they were the main leaders of the Jews. They indeed said right things at times ~v2...Oh, did they ever appear beautiful outwardly! v27. They did certain things very strictly, such as giving, and rightly so; yet they omitted the weightier matters of the scriptures~love, judgment, and faith. They left no stone unturned to convert men to their religion. v15

their works they did, was to be seen of men, so that they could just hear their praises~vss 6-12 Because of their man made commandments, they were guilty of shutting up the kingdom of heaven against men, while they themselves knew nothing about the kingdom's true nature, they hinder some of entering in. v13 Remember, that they omitted the weightier matters of the law, which would have aided men in having a better understanding of how they could do the will of God, thereby, submitting to the LORD of the holy scriptures, whereby it could be said of that man, that God's commandments rules that man's life, which is the way of entering into God's kingdom, a spiritual kingdom whereby, God rules over the hearts of men according to his word, not man's commandments. All of their works that they did, they did so, just be to seen of men, and to receive their praise. WHAT a pitiful exchange! A temporal feeling for that which is eternal!

Matthew 23 should not be very hard to connect with Matthew 24,25. Our Lord laid the foundation for us to follow his discourse from those two chapters (Matthew 24,25) with his strongest rebuke found in all of the gospel, when he said the the scribes and Pharisees: Ye serpent, ye generation of vipers, how can ye escape the damnation of hell? The answer to that question is that they cannot escape! These type of men that is fully described in details for us by Christ, are children of the devil! The Lord himself called them a generation of vipers. We ask you, how shall we interpret the word generation from Matthew 23:33? We ask again, is the generation that is mentioned in verse 33, the same generation that is mentioned in verse 36? Remember, we have two kinds of people that Christ is addressing in his speech~his disciples and the multitude, which included the scribes and the Pharisees~verses 14,15,15,19,23-36 are all directed toward the scribes and Pharisees, specificity. This is easy to follow, at least it should be.

So, it is clear that Christ called these false prophets a generation of vipers, who were thereby, the children of the old serpent~children that were a evil and wicked generation, that labored to hinder God's elect from serving him. They hated the truth, Christ and his children. They killed the prophets, since the beginning of the world, up until Christ, and then killed him. They are still with us today, only in greater number than in any time in this world's history, and they will increase as this world comes to its end, per Daniel; Matthew 24; 2 Thess. 2; 2 Timothy 3:4:5; and Revelation.

Now to Matthew 24...RB

Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

MAtthew 24....By D. W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24:34~"Verily, I say unto you, this generation shall not pas, till all these things be fulfilled."

This scripture in this chapter will determined the person's overall position concerning his views of eschatology to a great degree, if not almost totally. Of course I have been surprised before, and I am sure I will yet be again.

Why would anyone come to Matthew 24:34 and give the word generation any other biblical sense, than the one that Christ gave every time that he used the word generation? Our Lord was consistent in his used of the word generation, he used the word in the same sense every time, not once, did he ever use the word generation in any other sense than the way it used it the from the first time to the very last time. This can be proven, by searching this for yourself~do not take my word for it, do your homework. The Lord Jesus knew exactly what he meant by saying what he did in Matthew 24:34~and he also knew that men would pervert this all important saying until the very end. The Holy Ghost purposely used these words to confuse the proud spirit of false prophets, so that he could take them in their own craftiness and confound them. He will indeed destroy the wisdom of the wise, and bring to nothing the understanding of the prudent. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31; Matthew 11:25-27. Again, never forget, that every time the Prince of all preachers use the words this generation hew used it in the same sense, so that his little ones would know exactly what he meant by that expression.

Also, if we are faithful with dealing with the contents of the context that is before us, and very carefully follow the flow of this discourse, than by doing so, that within itself, will be a true witness to us, as to exactly how we should understand this generation. Specially verses 5-30.

Again, remember, that Jesus gave to us in Matthew 23 a clear biblical sense of the word generation; and in Matthew 24 when speaking concerning his second coming, give to us some signs concerning what shall take place just before his coming~along with warnings for us to heed, concerning of a time coming, in which if God had not shortened those days at the end of this world, no flesh would have been saved (saved only in a practical sense of this world having no one with true spiritual knowledge of the word of God), from the many false prophets that shall indeed flood this world, as the bottomless pit is open and wicked angels/spirits given their power back to go forth and to deceived and to destroy those men who have not the seal of God in their foreheads. After given those many warnings, Jesus reminds his children, that this generation will not pass until ALL be fulfilled. They will be here until the very last even in greater numbers than this world has ever seen, even to a point where they surround the camp of the saints to destroy them, but fire will come down from heaven upon the kingdom of the beast, and this world of the beast shall fall down never to raise again.

I know well that even some of the children of God may not accept what I say, due to so much confusion centered around this chapter. We do not want to hurt them, but help them. We know that even the very best of God's children have errors, that it may take time for them to overcome them. Truth is not easy to receive, sometimes it take time, and we are commanded to be patience unto all men, and allow the Spirit to do his work in his own good time. Truth did not come easy to us, so why should we expect it to be so with others, we should not.
Let me give a warning. Do not not allow any man to divorce Matthew 24:35 to the end of Matthew 25 from Matthew 24:1-34! Matthew 24,25 is one complete discourse~and must not be separated from Christ's warning from Matthew 24:4. Read it.

Not many men are bold enough to try to say that Matthew 25 is speaking about 70 A.D.~but are bold enough to be dishonest about Matthew 24, even though, there are divisions among the 70 A.D. holders as to what to do with Matthew 24:36-51~maybe, there is hope for some of them.

Many of the warnings from the Son of God in Matthew 24:15-26, are reiterated in Matthew 24:42-25:30! I challenge any man to prove me wrong. Search and see for yourself. We shall (the Lord willing) see that when we look at the verses in Matthew 24 which we are now ready to do.


Red Baker

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Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24....By D. W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24:1-2~"And Jesus went out, and departed from the temple: and his disciples cam to him for to shew him the buildings of the temple. Jesus said unto them, See ye not all these things? verily I say unto you, There shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down."

We need not to be long with these verses and we will not. We do have a literal temple and buildings under consideration. Jesus said plainly that all that they are looking at~that there is a day coming when one stone shall not be left upon another. We have no reason to believe that it shall not be so, exactly as Jesus spoke those words. There shall not be left one stone upon another, that shall not be thrown down.

First, this did not happen in 70. A.D. as many claim when this was fulfilled. It did not happen. Nevertheless, it will be totally fulfilled just as Jesus spoke. When Jesus returns back to this earth in that day, in flaming fire, taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of of our Lord Jesus Christ: they shall be punished with everlasting destruction form the presence of the Lord, and from the glory of his power. Both the wicked and their dream world will be totally destroyed, by the Almighty power of the Son of God; and in that day there shall be not one stone left upon another, that shall not be thrown down. The Romans and what they did to the Jews and their city, can not even be compared to this day, not even close, regardless how men may try to convince you otherwise~not even close!

Anyone can use Google, and see for themselves that even until this very day, some of the old Jewish temple still stands, with many stones upon another. Ever heard of the Western wall, or wailing wall? Sure you have. In spite of this, some men still believes that this was fulfilled in 70 A.D.~go figure!

Matthew 24:3~"And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, syaing, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and the end of the world?"

Peter and James, John and Andrew, came and ask Jesus three questions. 1. Tell us, when shall these things be? 2. What shall be the sign of thy coming? 3. ANd the end of the world?

Here is where men begin to twist the scriptures and corrupt God's sacred word to fit their own desired interpretation. When shall not one stone be left upon another? Whatever was said between them that is not recorded in the scriptures we do not know, and neither do we need to know~but this we do know: they knew that Christ was teaching them things concerning the end of this world.

means world, for there are no reasons for us to believe anything other than that. We are not force to consider any other meaning than its common use of the word, there is no reason to do anywhere within this discourse. For anyone to try to teach that the word world means the Jewish system of worship will not find any support in this discourse. The Jewish system of worship and world are two different things that have no similarity whatsoever. But, above that, for anyone to think that Peter, John, James and Andrew would use the word world in the sense of the Jewish system of worship coming to and end~would be giving them much more light than they had at this time in understanding of spiritual truths. People need to consider Acts ten and Acts fifteen if they believe otherwise. All of the young church at that time was going to go through a reformation of their religion in just a few short days, months, and years, as the Gentiles begin to flow into the church of Jesus Christ, to be part of the promises of Abraham through Jesus Christ. Even though it was indeed true, that the temple and their form of worship was going to end, shorty, this is hidden from them for a few more years. Beside, all that follows in this chapter and chapter twenty five prove how the word world must be understood, which is the strongest proof.

There will be signs given by Christ, starting at verse five of this chapter concerning what shall take place in the latter days just before Christ's second coming.

Matthew 24:4~"And Jesus answered and said unto them, Take heed that no man deceive you."

Before our Lord said one word, he first gave to his disciples and to us a very sober warning. Take heed that no man deceive you. Is this warning for us, or should believe that it was only for the disciple and their generation? Mark 13:37 will answer that question for us~ Read it.

Paul in 2nd Thess. 2 when speaking on the very same subject, did exactly what Jesus did~before starting his teaching concerning what shall take place just before Christ's coming, he said the very same words that Jesus did.

2nd Thessalonians 2:3a~"Let no man deceive you by any means:..." This is a very timely warning for us to heed. There are so many ways that the devil labors to deceive us on this so important doctrine. Between Christ and Paul both warning us not to be deceive, we see a co-determination effort under the guidance of the Spirit of God to prepare us to withstand the effort of false prophets to turn us away from God giving truth concerning what shall come to pass in the latter days just before Jesus' coming back to receive us unto himself.
Both Matthew 24 and 2 Thess. 2 are speaking of the same period of time, which is the little season when the devil shall be loose from being restrained, and shall be turned loose upon the world of God haters, who believe not the truth, but have pleasure in unrighteousness~and a time when God's elect shall be overcome by them, but not destroyed.


Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew D.W. "Red" Baker​


Matthew 24:5.... Part one of two......"For many shall come in my name, saying, I am Christ; and shall deceive many."

That is why Christ said what he did in verse four, that we must take heed that no man deceives us~as Paul added, by any means*.* Many, yes many shall come! For anyone to take these warnings in Matthew 24 and stamp them FULFILLED 70 A.D.! are one of those many ways that men can leave God's elect deceived and unprepared for the evil days that are coming just before the coming of Jesus Christ to gather his people unto himself.

Let Jesus and his apostles be our witness, and not man, as to when many false prophets shall arise and deceive many. Believers look to the word of God for their doctrine; while others trust in Josephus for their biblical source of information and trust. They can have him and his apostate spirit, give us the word of God only for the foundation upon which we shall build our faith upon.

Our faith is in the word of God, not from outside source, of what is properly called~"extra-biblical poison and lies~because, any teachings outside of the scriptures that some use as truth and a confirmation of what they believe, can be at best, mixed with error, with maybe some truth, maybe. Beware of men, who try to use extra-biblical source to teach bible doctrine. Why would one do so, and why would they need to do so? I think some know the answer to that question. Let all men, who are disciples indeed, step forth and prove it, by using only the scriptures are their source for bible doctrine. Let others believe in fables if they desire to do so, but true children of God live by every word of God, period.

Many SHALL come~ To these words agree the apostle John and what he and other apostles taught.

1st John 2:2:18~"Little children, it is the last time: and ye have heard that antichrist shall come*, even now are there many antichrists; whereby we know that it is the last time."*

This scripture among others, proves what John received from Jesus' teachings from Matthew 24; and he in turned taught others~that is: that in the last days of the last time (for there are no more dispensational periods after the one in which we are now living, from Christ's birth to the end of the world!) that antichrist, or the man of sin, or false prophet, all of which are one and the same shall come.

Even in John's generation there were many false prophets/man of sin/antichrists, but, in the days leading up to the coming of Jesus Christ, they would increase greatly. It will be the time when God removes his restraint upon the devil, and allow him his freedom of using his power greater than at time in the history of this world. He will go forth to deceive those men and women who have not the seal of God in their foreheads; men who have sold themselves to do wickedly; whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb from the foundation of the world.

Many **shall come~**When Paul said in 2 Thessalonians 2:3, the day of Christ (which he referred to as the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ, and our gathering together unto him~2 Thess. 2:1) shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that the man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition. Paul had reference to the time at the end of this world, just before the coming of Jesus Christ, that the professing church of Jesus Christ shall fall away from the love of the truth, for a love of pleasure, and unrighteousness.

The phrase: man of sin is a collective noun, which can be scriptural defined as all men who live under the power of sin~these men shall reign in the temple of God, just before the coming of Jesus Christ. God's true children will flee from the professing churches, when they begin to see and know that the abomination of desolation sits/stands where it ought not to stand! Mark 13:14. Paul learned these things while in Arabia where he was taught many truths by revelation of Jesus Christ. This is his own testimony on how he learned what he preached to others~ Galatians 1:11-17 What Paul taught us from 2 Thess. 2; and John from 1 John and Revelation are the same truths that we shall see from Matthew 24. Why should they not be?

Red Baker

Active Member
Jan 10, 2024
United States

Matthew 24...By D. W. "Red" Baker​


Part two....of verse 5

**In MY NAME~**In the last days of this world, known in the scriptures as the little season, men shall come preaching in the name of Jesus Christ. The evil spirit of antichrist does not deny Jesus Christ~by no means! The name of Jesus flows freely from their lips. But, it is another Jesus, another spirit, preaching another gospel. They will tell you that Jesus loves you just as you are, even the sodomites~just as they are! Their message is that Jesus died for every single person, and that he has done all that he can do to save you, the rest is up to you! With this Jesus, it is all about love, he hates divisions, and those that cause them. Doctrine is not important to this Jesus, it is all about love and peace. It is all about love and praise, causal dressing, living, and preaching!

These folk have forsaken the old paths, the old songs of Zion, mourners bench and praying in the Holy Ghost, for a praise band, that could almost be equal to most rock concerts! The False prophets stand on the sideline, as cheerleaders, as they labor to work their worshipers into a frenzy devilish spirit, which they call: worshiping God in the Spirit. It is indeed worshiping in the spirit, but the spirit of antichrist, not of God! It is against the word of God. But, they would never know that, since they very seldom use the word of God as their source of truth. Everything is now done on a big screen before them, and the blinded puppets follow the blind guide, instead of the word of God. There are not a few of these people, but many. But, it is not just limited to these, but to all, who have no love for the truth of the holy scriptures, yet profess that sacred name whereby we are called.

That is one reason why Paul said these words:

2nd Timothy 3:1a~"This know also, that in the last days, perilous times SHALL COME*......."*

**Saying, I am Christ~**These false prophets have one thing correct: Jesus is indeed Christ. Jesus is not saying that these false prophets will make claims to be Christ, for that would deceive at most, only a handful of lunatics at best~but these false prophets would deceived many. I could name many false prophets that have deceived multitudes of people, all which would fall under the meaning of antichrist, man of sin, abomination of desolation: The Popes, prosperity preachers of the twenty first century, The Billy Graham crusades of the twenty first century has been used to deceived many into believing that all is well with their souls, base upon a one time confession~and so many more. But the Jesus that these preach is not the Jesus that true believers are trusting in for their salvation. It is a different as night and day. I have limited myself so as not to mention as many names as I really know to be, but will leave it to the reader to be convinced themselves. It is indeed a sad time in this world's history, and expect it to be much worst, specially for those few who are willing to be sold out to God and his word. There are only a handful of these type of people left in this world, are you one of them?
And shall deceive MANY~ These are sobering and fearful words. Better to consider them now, then to hear Christ say: "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity!"

There might have been a time in this world when one could have just wander into a place of worship, and hear the true gospel preached; or, at least one preaching in the fear of God, base upon the light that he had; but, I believe those days are long gone. There is hardly a place where the scriptures alone are loved, fear and preached from. I am not saying there are none, but will say this, there will not be a large place where one could find many of the true elect there. This world is indeed full of religious folk, no question, just not many God fearing believers in one place.

These words spoken by Christ will be fulfilled just as he said that they would be. These things mentioned in verses 5-30 are signs pointing to the days in which Jesus shall return again. They are very obvious in our own days, only they shall get worse, not better


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2022

Matthew 24...By D. W. "Red" Baker​


Part two....of verse 5

**In MY NAME~**In the last days of this world, known in the scriptures as the little season, men shall come preaching in the name of Jesus Christ. The evil spirit of antichrist does not deny Jesus Christ~by no means! The name of Jesus flows freely from their lips. But, it is another Jesus, another spirit, preaching another gospel. They will tell you that Jesus loves you just as you are, even the sodomites~just as they are! Their message is that Jesus died for every single person, and that he has done all that he can do to save you, the rest is up to you! With this Jesus, it is all about love, he hates divisions, and those that cause them. Doctrine is not important to this Jesus, it is all about love and peace. It is all about love and praise, causal dressing, living, and preaching!

These folk have forsaken the old paths, the old songs of Zion, mourners bench and praying in the Holy Ghost, for a praise band, that could almost be equal to most rock concerts! The False prophets stand on the sideline, as cheerleaders, as they labor to work their worshipers into a frenzy devilish spirit, which they call: worshiping God in the Spirit. It is indeed worshiping in the spirit, but the spirit of antichrist, not of God! It is against the word of God. But, they would never know that, since they very seldom use the word of God as their source of truth. Everything is now done on a big screen before them, and the blinded puppets follow the blind guide, instead of the word of God. There are not a few of these people, but many. But, it is not just limited to these, but to all, who have no love for the truth of the holy scriptures, yet profess that sacred name whereby we are called.

That is one reason why Paul said these words:

2nd Timothy 3:1a~"This know also, that in the last days, perilous times SHALL COME*......."*

**Saying, I am Christ~**These false prophets have one thing correct: Jesus is indeed Christ. Jesus is not saying that these false prophets will make claims to be Christ, for that would deceive at most, only a handful of lunatics at best~but these false prophets would deceived many. I could name many false prophets that have deceived multitudes of people, all which would fall under the meaning of antichrist, man of sin, abomination of desolation: The Popes, prosperity preachers of the twenty first century, The Billy Graham crusades of the twenty first century has been used to deceived many into believing that all is well with their souls, base upon a one time confession~and so many more. But the Jesus that these preach is not the Jesus that true believers are trusting in for their salvation. It is a different as night and day. I have limited myself so as not to mention as many names as I really know to be, but will leave it to the reader to be convinced themselves. It is indeed a sad time in this world's history, and expect it to be much worst, specially for those few who are willing to be sold out to God and his word. There are only a handful of these type of people left in this world, are you one of them?
And shall deceive MANY~ These are sobering and fearful words. Better to consider them now, then to hear Christ say: "Depart from me, ye workers of iniquity!"

There might have been a time in this world when one could have just wander into a place of worship, and hear the true gospel preached; or, at least one preaching in the fear of God, base upon the light that he had; but, I believe those days are long gone. There is hardly a place where the scriptures alone are loved, fear and preached from. I am not saying there are none, but will say this, there will not be a large place where one could find many of the true elect there. This world is indeed full of religious folk, no question, just not many God fearing believers in one place.

These words spoken by Christ will be fulfilled just as he said that they would be. These things mentioned in verses 5-30 are signs pointing to the days in which Jesus shall return again. They are very obvious in our own days, only they shall get worse, not better
The disciples heeded Jesus' warning in Matthew 24:15,16; fled prior to 70 AD; and survived.

They understood the relevance to them of Jesus' warning.

Thankfully, they were not dispensational futurists.
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