The gifts of the Spirit: some principles

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
Continued... may God cause the increase...

They are not entitlements

“The Spirit distributes them to each one, just as He determines.” (I Corinthians 12:11) There is no reason why we should not ask for a particular gift - Paul encourages the Corinthians to seek especially the gift of prophecy (I Corinthians 14:1) - but we won’t necessarily get it! For the distribution of the gifts is entirely at the Giver’s discretion.

They are not a permanent possession

Gifts are not to be confused with ministries (although there is obviously some overlap). Gifts are usually given for use on a specific occasion, when they are needed. Some people are given the same gift repeatedly (a Biblical example is Agabus, who was recognised as having a prophetic ministry), but this can never be assumed. A spiritual gift is never our own property; it remains under the ownership of the Spirit, and He is free to give it or to take it away.

Tongue speakers that claim receiving the Holy Spirit with evidence of tongues separate from salvation do act as if their tongue is permanent and one of entitlement because they had another drink of the One Spirit and the others did not.

They must be used with love
Love is not ‘superior’ to the gifts, nor should it displace them. But without love, they are valueless – and, ultimately, pointless (I Corinthians 13:1,2). This is especially true of tongues and prophecy, which some Christians try to impose on other members of the congregation with a complete lack of sensitivity - thus causing offence rather then edification.

This is why this phenomenon cannot be of Him when tongues that comes by receiving the Holy Spirit separate from salvation is not of His love as it separates.

They are not the most important thing

The spiritual gifts, like the sacraments, are for this age only - they will be superfluous in the next one. They are valuable tools for our Christian service, aids for our spiritual growth, and a foretaste of the coming Kingdom; but for that very reason, they are a reminder that it has not yet arrived. When we reach our destination, we will no longer need a means of transport. When the sun rises, the lights get turned off. And when Christ returns, the gifts (wonderful though they are) will become irrelevant.

There is not another baptism with the Holy Spirit with the gift of prophesy. There is not another baptism of the Holy Spirit with the gift of healing. There is not another baptism with the Holy Spirit for any other gift, but one; tongues which never comes with interpretation.

This comes as a second calling... another gospel.. another receiving of Jesus Christ... another receiving of the Holy Spirit. This is apostasy.

Preaching a baptism of the Holy Ghost with evidence of tongues has become the most important thing to those that have gone astray. They cannot see themselves as preaching another gospel.

Any one that seeks gifts from the Spirit should go before that throne of grace to ask the Son of God for those gifts; they should not be addressing the Holy Spirit for those gifts. Yes, He gives them, but by way of the Son. Therefore thanks be given to the Son; to glorify the Son; not the Spirit.

John 16:14 He shall glorify me: for he shall receive of mine, and shall shew it unto you. 15 All things that the Father hath are mine: therefore said I, that he shall take of mine, and shall shew it unto you.

If you doubt that, see where the fruits of the Spirit comes from.

Philippians 1:6 Being confident of this very thing, that he which hath begun a good work in you will perform it until the day of Jesus Christ:....1 Being filled with the fruits of righteousness, which are by Jesus Christ, unto the glory and praise of God.

Only Jesus, the Son of God answers prayers so that the Father may be glorified in the Son for answered prayers.

John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me....13 And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name, that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. 14 If ye shall ask any thing in my name, I will do it.

Those that have prayed to the Holy Spirit to come and fall on them ... again and again and again.. even after tongues but for other signs also like falling down.. that is not the Holy Spirit answering that prayer. Catholics say Mary answers prayers too and with signs. So don't give an inch.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Why is it "obviously not the gift of healing", then? What percentage would you require to call it a gift of healing?

No I am asking what you think would constitute the gift of healing what is the percentage in your experiance?
And what name would you give to the peole who are get less healed? You are talking like there are two groups of people them with the gift and them who get a lot less healed? Is that right, is that what you are saying?

Most people don't need a special 'word' from God to know what their gift is. I've never had one. Usually it's other Christians who will tell you what your gift is, because they can see it.
How can other Christians tell if I have the gift of prophesy if I dont know and never tried it. or any other gift for that matter becaus ethere are obviouly many out there with the gifts who dont even try to use them because of all the teaching about the gifts are not for all. Even in here the majority believe the gifts are either past and not for today. and only for the selective few. So because of that not very many are looking or believing its for them. So how will they know? I find it very strange you would say this. In other words how will the other Christians see you have a gift when you are not even walking in it. And how many would you say in your quite long walk with Christ.

What do you mean by "walking in a gift" Where in Scripture do you find that expression? I've seen countless numbers of people using their gifts, but I've never heard the expression "walking in a gift" before.

I could say where in scripture do you find this strange idea you have about how we find the gifts that you just mentiond.
But I wont.
Do you also find it strange that I would ask you about you quite long walk with Christ. Is that in scipture? but you know exactly what I mean by walking in a gift. DO I really need to reword it for you to tie it i=n with scripture? It simply means doing what your supposed to be doing with the gift. So what would you call it scripturally?


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
I dont know David Watson. But if He died of cancer it was not Gods will. And it is because there was not one Christian there who believed and could stand in faith for him. and that is the great pity in the Christain world Christ paid for what He is not getting.
If you weren't around at the time, you wouldn't know - but that was very far from being the case. He was a very high-profile preacher and author, who believed in the power and gifts of the Spirit, and there were many who were absolutely convinced that God would heal him. They turned out to be wrong.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
No I am asking what you think would constitute the gift of healing what is the percentage in your experiance?
And what name would you give to the peole who are get less healed? You are talking like there are two groups of people them with the gift and them who get a lot less healed? Is that right, is that what you are saying?
Every Christian prays for the sick; we don't get special titles for doing that.
I have no desire to commit myself to a percentage success rate that should be taken as evidence of a 'gift'. Suppose I said 20% - would someone with just 19% not qualify? Who keeps such a close tally of their "successes" anyway? And how many sick people would you have to pray for to make the statistics reliable? In practice, it's not that difficult to know who has the gift and who doesn't.

How can other Christians tell if I have the gift of prophesy if I dont know and never tried it. or any other gift for that matter becaus ethere are obviouly many out there with the gifts who dont even try to use them because of all the teaching about the gifts are not for all. Even in here the majority believe the gifts are either past and not for today. and only for the selective few. So because of that not very many are looking or believing its for them. So how will they know? I find it very strange you would say this. In other words how will the other Christians see you have a gift when you are not even walking in it. And how many would you say in your quite long walk with Christ.
If your church supports the use of the gifts, and teaches on them, and (for example) people are standing up in a service and prophesying, it's just a normal part of contributing to the service. Anyone can do it if they think the Spirit is prompting them. Then it's for the church to decide if the prophecy is genuine. You make it sound far more difficult than it really is.
My own church often teaches about the gifts, and we sometimes have special seminars with visiting speakers. Everyone is encouraged to find and use whatever gift the Spirit has decided to give them. It is usually a matter of being aware of what the Spirit might do, and taking opportunities that present themselves.

I could say where in scripture do you find this strange idea you have about how we find the gifts that you just mentiond.
But I wont.
Do you also find it strange that I would ask you about you quite long walk with Christ. Is that in scipture? but you know exactly what I mean by walking in a gift. DO I really need to reword it for you to tie it i=n with scripture? It simply means doing what your supposed to be doing with the gift. So what would you call it scripturally?
I'd just call it "using your gifts". (I Peter 4:10) "Walking with Christ" is something I do all day, every day; it is (I hope) a definition of my life. "Walking in a gift" seems to imply a similar full-time commitment - that you are using that gift many times a day, maybe in a particular ministry. And I wasn't sure if that was what you meant.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
If you weren't around at the time, you wouldn't know - but that was very far from being the case. He was a very high-profile preacher and author, who believed in the power and gifts of the Spirit, and there were many who were absolutely convinced that God would heal him. They turned out to be wrong.

He died and it wasnt the case? You said "They absoloutly convinced". So he died why did he die? I will tell you because they were not in faith and not one of them prayed the prayer of faith there was no faith none zero. If there had been he would have been healed. As I said faith moves the mountian. Nothing else will move it. Being convinced wont move the mountian. being 100% sure will NOT move the mountian. faith and faith alone the size of a mustered seed will move the mountian. He may have been high what ever but even he had no faith for himself to be healed and he obviously never new or meet a elder who could pray the prayer of FAITH either. There is no way round this. Why do you think I am very far from the case?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Every Christian prays for the sick; we don't get special titles for doing that.
I have no desire to commit myself to a percentage success rate that should be taken as evidence of a 'gift'. Suppose I said 20% - would someone with just 19% not qualify? Who keeps such a close tally of their "successes" anyway? And how many sick people would you have to pray for to make the statistics reliable? In practice, it's not that difficult to know who has the gift and who doesn't.
Every Christians does not pray for the sick. what most Christians do is hide in there churches and only pray for the members they hear are sick and there one family and friends.
How often do you pray for the sick on the street? or all these praying Christians you know. Is it daily.? Because you see the sick daily.
I dont know a single Christian from my old church who prayed ever on the street for one person.
I keep a tally of people who were and were not healed thats who. You dont think its important to remeber and give testimony to encourage the breathern?

Ok lets take jesus as an example. what was His percentage rate. It was 100% Jesus healed them all bar none. I am quite sure you will or someone will be back with one or two scriptures telling me I am wrong. even though I have 10/20/30 scriptures.
Did Jesus have the gift of healing. Jesus left behind His Godly powers and walked as a man in a right realationship with God. You could say He walked in healing.

If your church supports the use of the gifts, and teaches on them, and (for example) people are standing up in a service and prophesying, it's just a normal part of contributing to the service. Anyone can do it if they think the Spirit is prompting them. Then it's for the church to decide if the prophecy is genuine. You make it sound far more difficult than it really is.

I dont know the numbers but seriously how many churchs even believe the gifts very few. even the ones that do cant agree how it works. No what I believe is very simple all the gifts are available to anyone who loves the Lord. Your system is the difficult one this is why I am asking you how it works. "Anyone can do it if they think the Spirit is prompting them." Ahh more confusion. have you not constantly meet Christians who dont know if its God or satan that is talking to them. As soon a believer "thinks" They have something to say in church fear grabs them every time. How many push through and say no I know this is from the Lord. expecially when they dont know if they have a gift or not. satan loves confusion and they way you are telling it is full of confusion. and in that case very very few will ever make it through as is evidenced today. so even if the ones who made it through thenn came in here they would leave dejested, because anyone who stands up in the Christians world and saya I will get shot as is also evidenced in here. I have been called a liar rediculled because of spelling from adults calling them selves Christians. You system Deborah is not working.

My own church often teaches about the gifts, and we sometimes have special seminars with visiting speakers. Everyone is encouraged to find and use whatever gift the Spirit has decided to give them. It is usually a matter of being aware of what the Spirit might do, and taking opportunities that present themselves.
So in your church how many members and how many walk in these gifts. and when these poeple come to teach because you dont have any that can teach? How many on the average occasion find what the Holy Ghost has for them. Its kinda like a treasure hunt. maybe He will maybe He wont. How many avoid going incase there left out again and dejeted. People do not stand up. people sit down, people hide in church and dont preach or pray on the streets. Most of the ones who do preach on the streets are as hard as nails inside and only push through cause they think its the right thing to do. Noit becaus ethe have a heart for people.

I'd just call it "using your gifts". (I Peter 4:10) "Walking with Christ" is something I do all day, every day; it is (I hope) a definition of my life. "Walking in a gift" seems to imply a similar full-time commitment - that you are using that gift many times a day, maybe in a particular ministry. And I wasn't sure if that was what you meant.

Walking in any thing is simple same as walking the dog every day.
Ok so I hear a guy telling healing is for today. I think welll I always thought so . But the church teaches differently and stole it from me. Then As I listen the guys say anyone can lay hands on the sick. I say I thought that to but the church stole all that good feeling and stuff away from me long ago. So as I listen. I learn as I learn Holy ghiost convinces me this is right as my heart burned with in as it did for the guys on the road to arameues or where ever it was. So I lay hands on the sick and they are healed. Great I have the gift according to you. I lve in a very small village. I go to a very small church. So I teach my children and hey presto they have the gift or healing aint that really something. 5 of us in one house have the gift, dang you would think in such a small church and in such a small village God would know its needed else where. really five of us with the gift of healing kinda a waste of time in a world that is so needy and hurt and brocken and in pain and suffering. So I leave my unbelieveing church who doesnt want to look at this. Ok so I leave that church. I know two freinds who are really out there for Christ and ask where do you go. They are decent and must go somewhere half decent. Yep they go to a little church I never heard of. No way a church who believe already what I just found. and guess what they lay hands on the sick in the street, and they quote every healing scripture on the first day I go. wow whats the chances. now there are 35 who lay hands on the sick. whats the chances almost every one in this church believe they have the gift of healing. what god doing does He not know theres a whole world hurting out there? No God is fully aware and is waiting for the sons of God to stand up and walk in what Christ walked in. He is looking for someone to believe His simple message. But the church is so full of unbelief and confusion and ridicule and hatered and fear and anxiaity, bitterness selfishness and is not prepared to die to self and life for Him. Oh yes so we then strat to reach and share with friends and anyone who will listen that healing is for today and healing is for every belivers because the bible clearly says so. But satan came to steal kill and destroy and we say it God who destroyed Job. Our friends are now laying hands on the sick and they are getting healed. wonder Debora if God realy paid for all to be healed.
Tell me how come we have a cluster of people in the same church all seeing healing to varing degrees. I had more teaching on healing than the minister in our church and I have to some times wuite often tell this or that is not quite right and correct it.

So please could you explian why we have so many walking in one gift of healing that I believe is for everyone. and If healing is for everyone so is all the rest. This is not difficult its simple


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
He died and it wasnt the case? You said "They absoloutly convinced". So he died why did he die? I will tell you because they were not in faith and not one of them prayed the prayer of faith there was no faith none zero. If there had been he would have been healed. As I said faith moves the mountian. Nothing else will move it. Being convinced wont move the mountian. being 100% sure will NOT move the mountian. faith and faith alone the size of a mustered seed will move the mountian. He may have been high what ever but even he had no faith for himself to be healed and he obviously never new or meet a elder who could pray the prayer of FAITH either. There is no way round this. Why do you think I am very far from the case?

2 Corinthians 12:8 For this thing I besought the Lord thrice, that it might depart from me. 9 And he said unto me, My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me. 10 Therefore I take pleasure in infirmities, in reproaches, in necessities, in persecutions, in distresses for Christ's sake: for when I am weak, then am I strong.

1 Corinthians 9:22 To the weak became I as weak, that I might gain the weak: I am made all things to all men, that I might by all means save some. 23 And this I do for the gospel's sake, that I might be partaker thereof with you.

1 Peter 3:15 But sanctify the Lord God in your hearts: and be ready always to give an answer to every man that asketh you a reason of the hope that is in you with meekness and fear:

Sometimes dying helps sinners believe in God by how saints face death. Sometimes saints facing death and have passed on, encourages believers to be diligent in their walk with Him to grow in their faith in Him.

Do you propose that those who have been killed for their faith did not have enough faith to survive any assault or death measure?

Where was the faith of the apostle Peter when he was crucified upside down and set on fire? Did he not believe that Christ would heal him and bring him back to life as well?

Or how about the faith of those that got beheaded? Would not many believe in Jesus Christ if your head was chopped off and you headless corpse suddenly got up, picked up your head and place it on your neck and got healed?

And yet you propose that a believer who got sick and died, had not enough faith or no faith to prevent that, and so his death is his fault? Wake up. The sick and the dying will see no hope in Christ if christians never got sick nor had died from sickness.

Have you gone to the hospitals to do all of this boastful healings that you claim you are doing? Then we would be hearing about this in the news, but no. Only here in a christian forum where you are not even supplying a video on youtube for us to watch... which needs discernment anyway when it is not on the national news since youtube can produce CGI effects.


So naturally, I do not believe everything I see on youtube. Discernment is needed, even when it is real.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Sometimes dying helps sinners believe in God by how saints face death. Sometimes saints facing death and have passed on, encourages believers to be diligent in their walk with Him to grow in their faith in Him.
We are not talking about what is inevitable death. We are talking about faith not being present when the guy the all expected to be healed never got healed. And we know what you said might or might not be the case in some cases. I never read that in the bible , but if you think the bible is short and we are in need of some encouraging thoughts Hmm ok. Thank you.

Do you propose that those who have been killed for their faith did not have enough faith to survive any assault or death measure?

Did I say that? No I never and I have no idea why you would even concider I said that?

Where was the faith of the apostle Peter when he was crucified upside down and set on fire?
Maybe he was glad to get home ya think? Shhhh man how many times did you lose blood for Christ none. You think after many many times stoned whipped ship wrecked. No wife or family / You think He might have wanted no more thanks?

Did he not believe that Christ would heal him and bring him back to life as well?

He never ever asked Christ to heal him ever. You are talking about something that has nothing to do with what we are talking about.

Or how about the faith of those that got beheaded? Would not many believe in Jesus Christ if your head was chopped off and you headless corpse suddenly got up, picked up your head and place it on your neck and got healed?
What is your point and what on earth are you thinking about? Why are you just talking nonsense in a relativley sensible thread? Who said any thing like what you are talking about out there on your own? I have no idea whare you are going with this?

And yet you propose that a believer who got sick and died, had not enough faith or no faith to prevent that, and so his death is his fault?

Yes the people who all expected him to be healed had not enough faith to get him healed. I amn guessing you dont know any thing about the healing scriptures. Are you another one of those I asked to read the document in God heals today thread? Did you read it ? If not Go and read it and you will soon realse how short you are selling Christ for what He compled and paid for, for you and everyone else on the planet. Unbelievers included. So He died No one had faith for the cancer to go. Of caosrse its his fault and theres. If the mountian doesnt move gets whats missing. Faith. Nothing else in scripture.

Wake up. The sick and the dying will see no hope in Christ if christians never got sick nor had died from sickness.
Ahhh here we go again with the unbeliever with little or no experiance in healing trying to teach on healing.
What experiance do you have in healing?????????????????????????????? Just in case you miss the question I would like an answer please and thank you.

Have you gone to the hospitals to do all of this boastful healings that you claim you are doing?
And right on que another dejested Christian who does not walk in healing comes to tell one who deos how it should be. Listen see what you have got tem people instantly healed tyou can then come and tell me what you think. You dont and never will because of your unbelif in the scriptures.
@Deborah_ See This is the typical Christian responce I was talking to you about in todays post. When you were talking about people stepping out in faith for a gift only to be knocked down again by unbeliving Christians. Its actully vile at heart.
So for clrufication porpouses you never layed hands on the sick ion the streets did you????????. Thats another question for you.
But some how you feel qualified to teach me or call me out as if I am lying. Bless him /her Lord I forgive him/her.

Then we would be hearing about this in the news, but no. Only here in a christian forum where you are not even supplying a video on youtube for us to watch... which needs discernment anyway when it is not on the national news since youtube can produce CGI effects.

lol man you look exacly like the pahrisees did in Jesus day. I dont understand it I really dont i seen so many of your kind with your dumb belief system. Why did you not take me on in the 1v1 debate on healing when I asked for it. You all ran away. It still stand for anyone who would like to tell me anything on healing. So if I was healing and had videos that would help you. But No you would now need decerment lol. Just like the pharisees you wont proof. You want a sign. Listen here there are thousands of videos on and they are still not in the news, You really think the world wants good news you are unbelievebly gullible if you think the world news want Christ are you nuts. You tell me to wake up and then come asking why the world does not show them to us lol. You are absoulutly clueless. Have you been asleep all your life. You will never believe even if someone came back from the dead. Thats what Christ said to unbelievers and I say the same to you. Stop trying to teach when you are totally clueless. You have ZERO experiance in healing so shhhhhh and dont embaress your self any further. And please dont take uop the challange.

So naturally, I do not believe everything I see on youtube. Discernment is needed, even when it is real.

I never looked at you silly vids.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
We are not talking about what is inevitable death. We are talking about faith not being present when the guy the all expected to be healed never got healed. And we know what you said might or might not be the case in some cases. I never read that in the bible , but if you think the bible is short and we are in need of some encouraging thoughts Hmm ok. Thank you.

I do not believe chastising people for not having faith for someone to be healed after that person had died is considered encouraging.

I do not believe looking down on any one as if they lack faith when God is free to say "No.." to prayer request for healing.

You are going to have to find another way to encourage or just don't say anything negative at all when healing does not come and death had been the result.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
He died and it wasnt the case? You said "They absoloutly convinced". So he died why did he die? I will tell you because they were not in faith and not one of them prayed the prayer of faith there was no faith none zero. If there had been he would have been healed. As I said faith moves the mountian. Nothing else will move it. Being convinced wont move the mountian. being 100% sure will NOT move the mountian. faith and faith alone the size of a mustered seed will move the mountian. He may have been high what ever but even he had no faith for himself to be healed and he obviously never new or meet a elder who could pray the prayer of FAITH either. There is no way round this. Why do you think I am very far from the case?
Well, there may be no way round it in your system of theology, but that should make you stop and rethink your rigid theology, shouldn't it? It just doesn't fit the facts of the situation. Maybe it wasn't faith that was lacking, but the will of God... That's why faith only has to be as big as a mustard seed. Considering you admit to knowing nothing about David Watson, you are so very sure he "never knew or met" anyone who could "pray the prayer of faith" - whatever that is, if it's not ordinary prayer. John Wimber was one of those who prayed for him - and if he didn't know how to pray for healing in faith then nobody does.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Tongues and interpretation

The gift of tongues is surely the ‘ultimate’ spiritual gift, the one that shows beyond all doubt that the speaker is filled with the Holy Spirit. Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that evidenced the coming of the Holy Spirit and kick-started the Church in the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-16)? Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that proved to Peter that Cornelius had been accepted by God through faith (Acts 11:15-17)? Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that assured Paul that the strange group of disciples at Ephesus had become genuine believers (Acts 19:1-7)?

All this makes a pretty impressive case… and yet it is also true to say that the gift can easily be counterfeited, that there have been many Spirit-filled Christians in the history of the Church who have never spoken in tongues, and that Paul takes several paragraphs of his first letter to the Corinthians to dampen down their enthusiasm for tongues. When he writes, “Do all speak in tongues?” (I Corinthians 12:30) the form of his question (in Greek) clearly implies that the answer is “No”.

So the gift of tongues, though valuable, is not the greatest gift of all (prophecy, says Paul, is superior). Speaking in tongues has numerous psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits (I find that it ‘lubricates’ my prayer life), and in our private devotions we can do it as much as we like. But at the wrong time or in the wrong place, the most eloquent-sounding tongues are just a loud, irritating noise. Whether or not they really are angelic languages, the effect they have on other people is all too often like that of a constantly barking dog!

In a public meeting, the gift of tongues has one very substantial defect: no-one can understand it! Without the complementary gift of interpretation, it is just a form of showing off. The number of tongues should therefore be strictly limited, and all must be interpreted (I Corinthians 14:27,28). Otherwise, there is a tendency for tongues to ‘take over’ a meeting, crowding out the other gifts and causing the uninitiated (and the un-gifted) to feel excluded. Such a situation is neither edifying for the church nor glorifying to God.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I do not believe chastising people for not having faith for someone to be healed after that person had died is considered encouraging.

I do not believe looking down on any one as if they lack faith when God is free to say "No.." to prayer request for healing.

You are going to have to find another way to encourage or just don't say anything negative at all when healing does not come and death had been the result.
So please tell us how you would go bout telling them what wrong.
You accused me of looking down on them and saying I chastist them.
I look forward to how you would explian it to then in full?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Well, there may be no way round it in your system of theology, but that should make you stop and rethink your rigid theology, shouldn't it?
ridgid it may be but I never wrote it. It is not my tholigy. Its bible. show me what is not scripture then you would have something to build on in destroying what I claim. You should be able to counter it with scripture if it was wrong. But you dont have any scripture. So there is nothing to rethink. I know what works and what doesnt work. No faith the moutian wont move . FACT.

It just doesn't fit the facts of the situation. Maybe it wasn't faith that was lacking, but the will of God...
MAybe is not a fact deborah is it?. Facts are facts. Christ told the deciples you never had any faith. That is why the boy never got healed. is that correct or not? Ofcoarse its correct and a fact. Your maybes dont stand show me scripture that says God only heals if its His will?

That's why faith only has to be as big as a mustard seed.
And all that is ,is believe God will do what He saysHe will, simple. Butyou are unsure of Gods will and that is a problem. You keep tell me my thinking is complicated. No its really simple. I know Gods will is to heal all, I know only faith moves the mountian. this is all scripture Deborah.

Considering you admit to knowing nothing about David Watson,
Makes no difference who he is or what he done. No one prayed for him in faith or he would not have died. ( I dont want to go into all that entails at this point but can do in another thread any time you like. What does matter and you should know this. and that is I know God I know scripture and I know what works Fact. maybes are not in my thinking ever. That is called mind renewal. Corrintians

you are so very sure he "never knew or met" anyone who could "pray the prayer of faith" - whatever that is,
Really you never heard of the prayer of faith and you are in here trying to teach on healing? Oh deborah you should not be doing that. James 5:15 And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him.

if it's not ordinary prayer. John Wimber was one of those who prayed for him - and if he didn't know how to pray for healing in faith then nobody does.
Really so John had 100% did he? I dont know him either but I doubt very much he had 60% healing sucsess rate? SO what was his % rate?
You should not be teaching on what you think maybe right. You need to stop that . I am teaching from what I know. You are not.

I asked you seven questions and you ignored all of them. where do you people learn to comunicate? I added four people to the ignore list. Because they only want a one way conversation. My mother none Christian taught us as children to be respectfull. the world acutolly doesnt it aswell. in other forums but for some reason Christians seem to think it is ok to ignore someone else in a conversation. Please tell me Deborah you are not the same. Obviously you did ignore me and delete some of my posts that you could not answer in your blog. You cant do that here. But you can ignore here and no one can forse you to reply as per tos. So did you miss the questions and would you like to adress them for me so we can continue as adults do?
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Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Seven questions? I think I must have missed some of them somewhere. Perhaps you could make a neat and tidy list of the ones I haven't answered, because I'm losing track of them all.

"This is the confidence we have in approaching God: that if we ask anything according to His will, He hears us"
(I John 5:14)

When James refers to "the prayer of faith", I presume he is referring to an ordinary prayer made in response to a word of faith or revelation from the Holy Spirit that God's will in that particular situation is to heal. If you understand it to mean something different - a special kind of prayer (which I suspect you do) - then explain what you mean.

You have yet to convince me from Scripture that it is God's will to heal everyone, all the time. This is the basic issue underlying all our other disagreements.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
You should not presume. You already know that as presumptions and mybes are completly useless. I dont know why you are finding it had to keep track a a few posts. Just do what I do with your posts I missed nothing that you said ever. I answerd ever point you made. Your mind is closed to healing Deborah you made that abundantly clear. You are not answering my questions what you are doing is avoiding them. Like you did in your blog. If you wanted truth you would be open but you are relying on what you heard and studied out and you believe that is all fact. If you wanted healing truth you would read the document . I sure asked if you read it? iwill ask here and be sure . Did you read the document i posted in the Does God heal today thread? It gives every scripture in regaurd to Gods will for healing all today. I never wrote it. But I understand and believe it. There is nothing in it but scripture.


May 20, 2017
United States
Tongues and interpretation

The gift of tongues is surely the ‘ultimate’ spiritual gift, the one that shows beyond all doubt that the speaker is filled with the Holy Spirit. Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that evidenced the coming of the Holy Spirit and kick-started the Church in the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:1-16)? Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that proved to Peter that Cornelius had been accepted by God through faith (Acts 11:15-17)? Wasn’t it the gift of tongues that assured Paul that the strange group of disciples at Ephesus had become genuine believers (Acts 19:1-7)?

All this makes a pretty impressive case… and yet it is also true to say that the gift can easily be counterfeited, that there have been many Spirit-filled Christians in the history of the Church who have never spoken in tongues, and that Paul takes several paragraphs of his first letter to the Corinthians to dampen down their enthusiasm for tongues. When he writes, “Do all speak in tongues?” (I Corinthians 12:30) the form of his question (in Greek) clearly implies that the answer is “No”.

So the gift of tongues, though valuable, is not the greatest gift of all (prophecy, says Paul, is superior). Speaking in tongues has numerous psychological, emotional and spiritual benefits (I find that it ‘lubricates’ my prayer life), and in our private devotions we can do it as much as we like. But at the wrong time or in the wrong place, the most eloquent-sounding tongues are just a loud, irritating noise. Whether or not they really are angelic languages, the effect they have on other people is all too often like that of a constantly barking dog!

In a public meeting, the gift of tongues has one very substantial defect: no-one can understand it! Without the complementary gift of interpretation, it is just a form of showing off. The number of tongues should therefore be strictly limited, and all must be interpreted (I Corinthians 14:27,28). Otherwise, there is a tendency for tongues to ‘take over’ a meeting, crowding out the other gifts and causing the uninitiated (and the un-gifted) to feel excluded. Such a situation is neither edifying for the church nor glorifying to God.

Any babbling fool who believes they have a special gift from God will perish without ever knowing what us servants of God testify to during this millennium reign of Christ.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
You should not presume. You already know that as presumptions and mybes are completly useless. I dont know why you are finding it had to keep track a a few posts. Just do what I do with your posts I missed nothing that you said ever. I answerd ever point you made. Your mind is closed to healing Deborah you made that abundantly clear. You are not answering my questions what you are doing is avoiding them. Like you did in your blog. If you wanted truth you would be open but you are relying on what you heard and studied out and you believe that is all fact. If you wanted healing truth you would read the document . I sure asked if you read it? iwill ask here and be sure . Did you read the document i posted in the Does God heal today thread? It gives every scripture in regaurd to Gods will for healing all today. I never wrote it. But I understand and believe it. There is nothing in it but scripture.

You complained on another thread that I hadn't answered all your questions. But when I did, you showed no interest - not even so much as a thankyou in response. So are you really interested in what I have to say, or are you just looking for an excuse to criticise anyone who disagrees with you?
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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2015
United States
So please tell us how you would go bout telling them what wrong.
You accused me of looking down on them and saying I chastist them.
I look forward to how you would explian it to then in full?

I reckon the saying is true for believers then that believers sin and they know not what they do.

Just judging in this forum by citing believers in general for not having faith for someone to be healed and to be saved from death when it can be read by believers that may have gone through a medical crisis of their own wherein their prayers did not get the results that they had prayed for is like leaving a loaded gun around for little children that do not know any better than to take that crack shot of yours as applicable to them when it is not.

You do not have to say to anyone directly when you raise a standard of judgement on believers in your replies. That is you in your eyes, leaving the shoe out for somebody to wear it when you know a lot of believers have prayed for those that were sick but have died anyway. Not good.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
You complained on another thread that I hadn't answered all your questions. But when I did, you showed no interest - not even so much as a thankyou in response. So are you really interested in what I have to say, or are you just looking for an excuse to criticise anyone who disagrees with you?
Thats what I would say if I wanted to avoid a question. But its harder in here Debroah when you cant delete my posts.

I answerd every single part of all your posts that I got involved in Deborah.
Isnt that true ?

If I never replied to you with not as much as a thank you. I missed it as you missed mine like you said you did. Is it possible I missed it or are you once again presumming I saw it and ignored you? Or are you thinking maybes again ? Two question one answer will sufice thank you.

Please tell me what thread you are talking about that i showed no interest in? If I get involed in a discussion it will be to the end. I will never walk away . unless I get deleted and as I said you cant do that here. SO I can see why it is more difficult for you in here.

And if I complianed it seems that you have a bad habit of not answering questions??????????????


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
I reckon the saying is true for believers then that believers sin and they know not what they do.

Just judging in this forum by citing believers in general for not having faith for someone to be healed and to be saved from death when it can be read by believers that may have gone through a medical crisis of their own wherein their prayers did not get the results that they had prayed for is like leaving a loaded gun around for little children that do not know any better than to take that crack shot of yours as applicable to them when it is not.

You do not have to say to anyone directly when you raise a standard of judgement on believers in your replies. That is you in your eyes, leaving the shoe out for somebody to wear it when you know a lot of believers have prayed for those that were sick but have died anyway. Not good.
Seems you might have missed the question as is a bad habit of many Christians in here for some reason.

HOW would YOU explian this biblcal truth to someone was the question?