The gifts of the Spirit: some principles

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
well, let's be fair there, it is you that is not reporting from St Jude's or anything :/
hmm, like to see you try that with "reap what you sow" lol
Funny is it? You made a very bold stetment that you been found out on havent you. and you think that is funny do you. Why cant you just say I got it wrong and move on. You with all the preaching you done to everyone in here and you cant humble yourself and admit you got it wrong. That there is your problem pride.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Funny is it? You made a very bold stetment that you been found out on havent you. and you think that is funny do you. Why cant you just say I got it wrong and move on. You with all the preaching you done to everyone in here and you cant humble yourself and admit you got it wrong. That there is your problem pride.
ah, guess you weren't around for it, or i maybe need to say it more often, but you are definitely right there. I got it wrong, and i work hard--but i guess maybe not hard enough--to assure people that i do not know what i am talking about, please seek other sources if you are looking for answers, and etc, i put it a couple other ways too.

Now, with that out of the way, it would be nice to examine this concept of "it is not God's will that one be infirm" with "you reap what you sow," which is hard to apply to, say, a newborn with autism, perhaps, unless the "you" is considered the collective you, "you all," which is often just rendered "you" in translations for clarity, forcing a historical perspective when reading Scripture and making it harder to associate, don't even get me started, but the point is that obviously it is not God's will that anyone be sick, but also it was not God's will that the world fall.

Stay with me here.

Because although these are phrased as not being "God's will," there is surely another sense in which if all this is not God's will then it cannot even be happening. God was not surprised when Eve took a bite, just as you are not surprised when your child still puts his finger in a fire after all of the warnings. The difference is mostly that God will let your finger sting until it gets better, whereas we seek palliative care for our children.

And this is a hard lesson to understand. But it is in fact God's will that you be sick, if you have sown sickness. Eve did not do anything "wrong" or even unexpected; Eve had to learn "you reap what you sow" which cannot be learned any other way. This is intrinsic to the Law of sin and death. What there is no escape from is pitched to us as "hell," but in fact it is the consequences of our actions, from which there is no escape, and this is put many different ways in Scripture.

If you grasp "you reap what you sow" you are in a much better position to understand why it is God's will that you have some sickness, with the understanding that it is not God's will. Otherwise you must also claim that you can cure diabetes II patients miraculously, so that they can continue their overconsumption of sugar analogs, etc, obviously violating "reap what you sow."

which does not mean that one is not forgiven for these, ok, or even that physical miracle healing might not occur in some context, but Scripture is referring to a change of heart/mind, symbolically, and "miracle-healing" even has quite a reek of "quick fix" to it, right. So, the Emperor got new clothes, don't be fooled lol


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
ah, guess you weren't around for it, or i maybe need to say it more often, but you are definitely right there. I got it wrong, and i work hard--but i guess maybe not hard enough--to assure people that i do not know what i am talking about, please seek other sources if you are looking for answers, and etc, i put it a couple other ways too.

Now, with that out of the way, it would be nice to examine this concept of "it is not God's will that one be infirm" with "you reap what you sow," which is hard to apply to, say, a newborn with autism, perhaps, unless the "you" is considered the collective you, "you all," which is often just rendered "you" in translations for clarity, forcing a historical perspective when reading Scripture and making it harder to associate, don't even get me started, but the point is that obviously it is not God's will that anyone be sick, but also it was not God's will that the world fall.

Stay with me here.

Because although these are phrased as not being "God's will," there is surely another sense in which if all this is not God's will then it cannot even be happening. God was not surprised when Eve took a bite, just as you are not surprised when your child still puts his finger in a fire after all of the warnings. The difference is mostly that God will let your finger sting until it gets better, whereas we seek palliative care for our children.

And this is a hard lesson to understand. But it is in fact God's will that you be sick, if you have sown sickness. Eve did not do anything "wrong" or even unexpected; Eve had to learn "you reap what you sow" which cannot be learned any other way. This is intrinsic to the Law of sin and death. What there is no escape from is pitched to us as "hell," but in fact it is the consequences of our actions, from which there is no escape, and this is put many different ways in Scripture.

If you grasp "you reap what you sow" you are in a much better position to understand why it is God's will that you have some sickness, with the understanding that it is not God's will. Otherwise you must also claim that you can cure diabetes II patients miraculously, so that they can continue their overconsumption of sugar analogs, etc, obviously violating "reap what you sow."

which does not mean that one is not forgiven for these, ok, or even that physical miracle healing might not occur in some context, but Scripture is referring to a change of heart/mind, symbolically, and "miracle-healing" even has quite a reek of "quick fix" to it, right. So, the Emperor got new clothes, don't be fooled lol
I stopped reading when I saw you still have no scripture


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
really i signed back on to get your take on Cayce, what do you think of him?
Never heard of him and have no interest unless He can help me die to self quicker. I just dont have the desire for much that I used to. All I want is more of Christ or to be more like Him and fully represent him here to the world. All the things I loved are falling away from me. That is God not me. I asked for more of His heart to serve people die to self lay dowm my life for real. ie He comes first I am here to honour and obey and its not happening quick enough for me. I really want to lay down my life my oppertunitys as the world knows it. I want to live for Christ. I say it in prayer lord I want to lay down my life and life for you, to serve the world to heal the sick. To love the unlovable


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Never heard of him and have no interest unless He can help me die to self quicker. I just dont have the desire for much that I used to. All I want is more of Christ or to be more like Him and fully represent him here to the world. All the things I loved are falling away from me. That is God not me. I asked for more of His heart to serve people die to self lay dowm my life for real. ie He comes first I am here to honour and obey and its not happening quick enough for me. I really want to lay down my life my oppertunitys as the world knows it. I want to live for Christ. I say it in prayer lord I want to lay down my life and life for you, to serve the world to heal the sick. To love the unlovable
so iow, Cayce in a nutshell, so to speak. Guy has been dead for like 100 years and i guess is still curing people. Never asked for any money. As close as we get to a "Miracle Healer," practically speaking, yet he is usually deemed heretical. I'm not sure what to make of him myself. He is an anomaly, and does not fit the symbology of Scripture or salvation (which is the point), or at least skates on the thin edge of violating "You reap what you sow," at least imo.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
He comes first I am here to honour and obey and its not happening quick enough for me. I really want to lay down my life my oppertunitys as the world knows it. I want to live for Christ. I say it in prayer lord I want to lay down my life and life for you, to serve the world to heal the sick. To love the unlovable
we say all this from one side of our mouths, but then belittle and castigate others for their current perceptions lol.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
we say all this from one side of our mouths, but then belittle and castigate others for their current perceptions lol.
I never said I was Jesus. What I am is at least looking searching trying. And open.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Really thabnk you now would you care to show us it so we know you are correct thanks.
The Greek word is 'astheneia'. It refers to any kind of illness and sickness, from the serious to the trivial, and is also used for other kinds of physical and moral imperfections (the Greeks believed that bodies and minds were meant to be perfect).

ἀσθένεια |

In Matthew 8:17, where it says that Jesus "took up our infirmities and bore our diseases", one of the words used there is 'astheneia'. So whatever you want to call Paul's affliction in Galatians 4:13, it is included in Matthew 8:17.

Bible translators are experts in Greek, and you really should trust them.

Incidentally, the 'best guess' for Paul's illness is malaria. This was rife on the coastal plain, where Perga was situated (Acts 13:13). Obviously they didn't know what malaria was in those days, but they did know that one way to get better was to go to the higher ground inland - which would explain why Paul and Barnabas headed straight for Pisidian Antioch in the mountains (Acts 13:14), thus bringing the Gospel to Galatia.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
The Greek word is 'astheneia'. It refers to any kind of illness and sickness, from the serious to the trivial, and is also used for other kinds of physical and moral imperfections (the Greeks believed that bodies and minds were meant to be perfect).

ἀσθένεια |

In Matthew 8:17, where it says that Jesus "took up our infirmities and bore our diseases", one of the words used there is 'astheneia'. So whatever you want to call Paul's affliction in Galatians 4:13, it is included in Matthew 8:17.

Bible translators are experts in Greek, and you really should trust them.

Incidentally, the 'best guess' for Paul's illness is malaria. This was rife on the coastal plain, where Perga was situated (Acts 13:13). Obviously they didn't know what malaria was in those days, but they did know that one way to get better was to go to the higher ground inland - which would explain why Paul and Barnabas headed straight for Pisidian Antioch in the mountains (Acts 13:14), thus bringing the Gospel to Galatia.

Wow theres no beating you. I find it amazing that you only see the words that suit you. How many of that defination exactly fit what you think three? How many of the definitions fit what i think seven eight? You will never be convinced because your mind is closed. Curry blake gave you all you need but you know better than him. My mind is open to what you or anyone has to say. Your mind is closed. You clearly are only going to see what you want to. You are told clearly satan attacks Apul and buffits him with many aflictions not one is a sickness in any way shape or form. You clearly do not have a single scripture for Gods will is for us to be sick. So clearly you have your belief systenm and are not going to even try and look at what anyone else says. Carry on in your own free will to be willfully ignorant. There is nothing I can do for you.
I am still waiting on the scripture Gods will for us to be sick???? Your friend pulled out because he cant find one either and nither will you. I challange anyone to find one scripture telling us like YOU DID. That sickness is Gods will.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
Wow theres no beating you. I find it amazing that you only see the words that suit you. How many of that defination exactly fit what you think three? How many of the definitions fit what i think seven eight? You will never be convinced because your mind is closed. Curry blake gave you all you need but you know better than him. My mind is open to what you or anyone has to say. Your mind is closed. You clearly are only going to see what you want to. You are told clearly satan attacks Apul and buffits him with many aflictions not one is a sickness in any way shape or form.
ah you lost me here, sorry; are you disputing that that is the standard ref for "sickness?" ty


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man ...
You will always harvest what you plant. English Standard Version Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
We are talking about if God gives you sickness or allows it for a greater purpose. obviously if you clim trees and mess about you will eventually reap the rewards. You know what I am talking about. I would have though anyways.


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2016
United Kingdom
ah you lost me here, sorry; are you disputing that that is the standard ref for "sickness?" ty
Wasnt talking to you. No wonder your lost.
ah you lost me here, sorry; are you disputing that that is the standard ref for "sickness?" ty
I have avoided you since I got here I really dont get the way you talk and most of your posts to me are confusing


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Wow theres no beating you. I find it amazing that you only see the words that suit you. How many of that defination exactly fit what you think three? How many of the definitions fit what i think seven eight? You will never be convinced because your mind is closed. Curry blake gave you all you need but you know better than him. My mind is open to what you or anyone has to say. Your mind is closed. You clearly are only going to see what you want to. You are told clearly satan attacks Apul and buffits him with many aflictions not one is a sickness in any way shape or form. You clearly do not have a single scripture for Gods will is for us to be sick. So clearly you have your belief systenm and are not going to even try and look at what anyone else says. Carry on in your own free will to be willfully ignorant. There is nothing I can do for you.
I am still waiting on the scripture Gods will for us to be sick???? Your friend pulled out because he cant find one either and nither will you. I challange anyone to find one scripture telling us like YOU DID. That sickness is Gods will.

I find this difficult to follow as well. Three what? Seven eight what? It wasn't me who did the translation, so what does what I think have to do with it?

If you don't know anything about translation, don't claim to know better than a real translator. But if you have a good source for your claim, produce it.

You've been given the scripture you asked for. If you insist on altering it, I can't do anything about that.


Well-Known Member
Jun 7, 2015
Swansea, Wales
United Kingdom
Wow theres no beating you. I find it amazing that you only see the words that suit you. How many of that defination exactly fit what you think three? How many of the definitions fit what i think seven eight? You will never be convinced because your mind is closed. Curry blake gave you all you need but you know better than him. My mind is open to what you or anyone has to say. Your mind is closed. You clearly are only going to see what you want to. You are told clearly satan attacks Apul and buffits him with many aflictions not one is a sickness in any way shape or form. You clearly do not have a single scripture for Gods will is for us to be sick. So clearly you have your belief systenm and are not going to even try and look at what anyone else says. Carry on in your own free will to be willfully ignorant. There is nothing I can do for you.
I am still waiting on the scripture Gods will for us to be sick???? Your friend pulled out because he cant find one either and nither will you. I challange anyone to find one scripture telling us like YOU DID. That sickness is Gods will.

I find this difficult to follow as well. Three what? Seven eight what? It wasn't me who did the translation, so what does what I think have to do with it?

If you don't know anything about translation, don't claim to know better than a real translator. But if you have a good source for your claim, produce it.

You've been given the scripture you asked for. If you insist on altering it, I can't do anything about that.