can i take notes when i study the bible

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Mister Michael

Active Member
Sep 13, 2018
United States
i am thinking of studying other version of the bible like KJV.

But i don't know how to study. when i was a fully witness i would use a WT study Aid.

But i know that won't work so if you all can help me that be Great.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2018
United States
does this site favor a certain demon. if so i am not really for it . but if not i will check out.

I read demon bahaha.

And no, there are a lot of different denominations...I was just trying to find something Christian based for you to start with. It talks about who God is and what it means to be a believer. Christian discipleship. I haven't checked it out too deeply, but looks legit. I don't know if anyone else has any suggestions...


Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I too read it as Demon too instead of "denom" :D
I thought "WHAT" !! :eek:

Well will guess what I am going to say.
Yep...I am going to say...
Start with the gospel book of about three or four verses a day...( or where ever there is a break) just chat to the Father, and ask Him to talk to you through the verses. If you ask Him to speak to you..He will, you will find that even if the mind doesn't understand things...your heart will begin to glow.

Just trust Him , relax, and don't overthink everything.
Keep it simple..

We are praying for you. x

Mister Michael

Active Member
Sep 13, 2018
United States
I read demon bahaha.

And no, there are a lot of different denominations...I was just trying to find something Christian based for you to start with. It talks about who God is and what it means to be a believer. Christian discipleship. I haven't checked it out too deeply, but looks legit. I don't know if anyone else has any suggestions...
lol i didn't spell it right my bad
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I suggest taking a pencil or highlighter and underlining or highlighting verses that speak to you or jump out at you. Sometimes you can just underline phrases. This is what I do; and when I go back and read it again it helps me to memorize and also to think of what I understood the first time I read that verse. You can also put references next to the verses that spoke to you when you come across something that relates. It will be easier to find because you highlighted or underlined it before.

Sometimes there are contrasting verses that, in your study time, you may think they contradict each other. But if you think on how the verses relate and also ask the Lord to show you verses that also apply to their reconciliation, you will gain insight and understanding the more you delve into what the scripture teaches. Also good are verses and passages that say basically the same thing, and seeing how they relate.

Always pray for insight, wisdom, understanding, revelation, knowledge, and faith when you go to God's word. I also ask God to break up the fallow ground of my heart to make my heart an honest and good heart (Luke 8:15) so that when the seed of the word is planted, it will be in good soil.

Any time you hear a teacher teach, be a Berean and search the scriptures to see whether what he says is so (Acts of the Apostles 17:11). Study to shew thyself approved unto the Lord, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth (2 Timothy 2:15).

I am praying for you too (will be doing so tonight before I go to sleep; along with Nancy's prayer need).
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Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
i am thinking of studying other version of the bible like KJV.

But i don't know how to study. when i was a fully witness i would use a WT study Aid.

But i know that won't work so if you all can help me that be Great.
God is its author Michael. You need to ask him directly with an open and willing heart for understanding, for wisdom, for patience and discernment.
Any attempt to decipher it under your own steam is wasted energy.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
does this site favor a certain denom. if so i am not really for it . but if not i will check out.

Not really. There are some denominations which are a little more well-represented here, but no conscious push for one particular Christian theology.

About studying the Bible, your use for different Bible aids grows with time. So as others have stated, pray for the Lord to reveal things to you instead of just trying to figure everything out in your head. If you do that, the Lord will also lead you to different types of books that can help you learn what different words, phrases and expressions mean. :)

Blessings in Christ!
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
Also look up: The Inductive Method of Bible Study.

Question: "What is inductive Bible study?" (From "Got Questions?")

Answer: Inductive Bible study is an approach to God’s Word focusing on three basic steps that move from a general overview to specifics. Through these three steps, we apply inductive reasoning, which is defined as the attempt to use information about a specific situation to draw a conclusion. The steps are observation (what does it say?), interpretation (what does it mean?), and application (what does it mean for my life?). Inductive Bible study is a valuable tool in understanding and applying the principles of God’s Word. Inductive Bible study can be done on many different levels. The shorter version is good for a brief devotional. The more extensive study is wonderful for digging deeper into the mind and heart of God.

A sample verse to illustrate the method is 2 Samuel 9:1: “David asked, ‘Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?’” As we observe this verse and ask ourselves "what does it say?", we see that David simply wants to know if there are any living relatives of Saul’s that he may be kind to for Jonathan’s sake. Whether or not there are any relatives or why David is asking are to be determined in the next step. The first step of observing the verse is generally confined to a simple understanding of what the verse is saying. At this first step, there may be words or phrases that are unfamiliar to us, in which case checking different Bible translations is helpful.

The second step—interpretation (what does it mean?)—requires a more in-depth examination than the first step. At this step, we want to be careful to find the meaning of the verse in its context. For our sample verse, as we look into the background of the incident we find that the relationship between David, God’s anointed future king of Israel, and Jonathan, son of King Saul, was very close. Jonathan had saved David’s life when Saul was pursuing him (1 Samuel 20). David had described their relationship as “extraordinary” and he mourned Jonathan’s death greatly (2 Samuel 1:25-27). In this context, we see David wanting to do something nice for any of his relatives who might still be alive. His love and loyalty were still strong even though Jonathan had been out of his life for some time. David did not sit passively and wonder about this; he took action and searched for these people.

The third step in inductive Bible study is the practical application of the principles (what does it mean to me?). Among the ways we can apply our sample verse to our own lives is to see David’s action as one of love and loyalty. We might ask ourselves: How loyal am I to my earthly friends and my heavenly Friend? Am I casual and passive about the relationships? Or am I willing to go out of my way to honor them? What can I do this week to let them know that I love them? Based on my detailed research, what did God communicate to me? Has He given me any commands, warnings, promises, or encouragement? Part of the application process is asking ourselves where we go from here. How can we use what we have learned from the passage in the future? A crucial part of any Bible study is asking God to implement the principles into our lives and praying for His wisdom as we go forward with this knowledge.

It is important to note that, while inductive Bible study or any other method is helpful to Christians as we delve into God’s Word, ultimately it is the Spirit of God who opens the Scriptures to us because He has first opened our hearts to Truth. It is the Spirit who interprets spiritual truth to those who are spiritual. The natural man does not and cannot understand spiritual truth (1 Corinthians 2:12-14). So before attempting any Bible study method, we must be sure we have the Holy Spirit living in our hearts (1 Corinthians 6:19) through faith in Christ as Lord and Savior.

Recommended Resource: The Inductive Study Bible
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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
i am thinking of studying other version of the bible like KJV.

But i don't know how to study. when i was a fully witness i would use a WT study Aid.

But i know that won't work so if you all can help me that be Great.
I actually prefer to study without any study guide whatsoever-- just going where inspiration takes me, rather than following a guided path. Now of course, study tools like dictionaries or concordances are very useful.

The difference between just reading scriptures verses studying is the in-depthness. Reading is always good, but if things are going in one ear and out the other, that is sub-optimal. Study you read the words on the page and deeply consider what does this mean? How does this apply to my life? What reflections do I get from this? If it links to a different section of scripture, but all means turn to it! I actually perfer to study on my computer so I can have a million tabs open and really see things. I take my notes on Microsoft word documents.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I actually prefer to study without any study guide whatsoever-- just going where inspiration takes me, rather than following a guided path. Now of course, study tools like dictionaries or concordances are very useful.

The difference between just reading scriptures verses studying is the in-depthness. Reading is always good, but if things are going in one ear and out the other, that is sub-optimal. Study you read the words on the page and deeply consider what does this mean? How does this apply to my life? What reflections do I get from this? If it links to a different section of scripture, but all means turn to it! I actually perfer to study on my computer so I can have a million tabs open and really see things. I take my notes on Microsoft word documents.
Yes. Basically, Inductive Study.
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2017
i am thinking of studying other version of the bible like KJV.

But i don't know how to study. when i was a fully witness i would use a WT study Aid.

But i know that won't work so if you all can help me that be Great.
There are two ways to read the bible.
One is to just read the New Testament and hear what God has to say to you.
You'll find many verses that seem like they were written just for you. It's also a great way to get to know Jesus better.

The other way is to study it...that would require a highlighter, a paper and pen and even a commentary would be good. I think the Mathew Henry Commentary is very good and very spiritual.

Just make sure you like the KJV and that you could understand it.
I can't. I feel like I have to translate it first, and then get the message.

Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I HONESTLY CAN'T STRESS IT ENOUGH.... I truly don't think anyone should begin reading the Bible in any sort of serious way UNTIL they have read the book: "How To Read The Bible For All Its Worth." It really is that important a book to have under your belt.

And, "Yes", it is free online.... or I will email anyone that wants it, a free copy of the book in MS Word Format.
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I'm sure it's a good book and all...but I wouldn't put off reading my Bible until I can get a hold of it and read it all the way through.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
i am thinking of studying other version of the bible like KJV.

But i don't know how to study. when i was a fully witness i would use a WT study Aid.

But i know that won't work so if you all can help me that be Great.

I love studying scripture and have journals full of notes and Scriptural references.

What works for me, Is Trusting All Scripture IS TRUE....and that the understanding of the Scriptures of a natural mans Not the same as Gods.

Additionally, I make notes, pursuant to Scripture of What DOES and does NOT Apply to me.

We are all different; even those ON THE Same Path...YET at different distances...thus what Applies to one person, may not apply to another.

Since we All Are individually accountable To the Lord, I find it paramount To know exactly what the Lord reveals I personally should expect, by what I personally Do.

God Bless,