I'm concerned that Trump is illuminati

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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I saw that even though someone attended seminary, it doesn't mean they're more advanced than a regular person who studies their bible and the signs of the times.

Absolutely. The problem isn't with scholarship so much as with who is doing the teaching. I admire scholarship and own a good-sized library of it, but I only turn to it when the Holy Spirit leads me to. It's because a great deal of knowledge without divine inspiration just creates that many more opportunities to be off in one's interpretations.
Yes they have the long goal in mind. It's kind of sickening when you think that Obama and ilk sold their souls for power and money. They agreed to be pawns in the game. I think they're implementing their goals at an accelerated pace. Maybe it's not in your area yet but our area is half foreigners. We went into a local doctors office and half the room was speaking Spanish. They're all on Medicaid. All the middle-easterners own the gas stations and the Indians own the dollar stores and 7-11s. I stopped using the dollar stores because the Indian women would add things to your bill. Most of the college professors here are all foreign. It's hard because you can't understand it when they talk.

I understand. But let me show you something. There are always two ways of looking at things. My wife is Hispanic, and I've spent a great deal of time around Hispanic churches. Something I've learned is that despite their shortcomings (everyone has some), they are as a race actually pretty good for this country spiritually, the reason being that most come from strongly Christian backgrounds, and they are still having multiple children. The Western countries are actually slowly depopulating (in keeping with globalist goals) because the typical couple averages below 1.5 children. Muslims meanwhile are averaging some god-awful number, like 4 per couple or something. So despite the fact that they have a different culture, the presence of Hispanics is part of what is still keeping this nation Christian in a sense.

Not all of them are saved; I'm not saying that. But as a people they have a strong Christian tradition, so I learned that what Satan intends for evil God can sometimes turn for good. :) This is why I say to keep your eyes on what God is doing, and try to see things from His perspective. He is way ahead of the globalists, and they will see His power at work in the earth before the end comes.
I was approached by a middle easterner while shopping who said something filthy and started kissing my arm.

This is disgusting, but don't let the enemy cause you to view an entire race or religion of people negatively. I firmly believe Islam is the religion through which the Antichrist will come, yet I have also met many wonderful Muslim people in my life who were warm, kind, considerate and respectful, and better people than most of the Christians I was associating with. Satan will try to use sinners from every walk of life to make you reject entire classes of people. Don't let him do it, because then he will shut you off from being able to reach them for Christ, and they need Him. They need to know the truth.
Then I went to our government building and was shocked.. (cut short to keep this post within the word limit).

See, much of this is disheartening, especially the part about your friend. But there is a verse here that you REALLY want to master, and it is something I think Brakelite was trying to get over to you as well: Philppians 4:8, "Whatever is of good report... think on these things." Paul was trying to cheer them up because he knew that they were spiritually strong if they were looking on the positives, but would be spiritually weak if all they ever focused on was what Satan was doing. It's the same today.

I'm not saying any of this because I disagree with you. I'm just trying to help you stay happy and joyful in life despite all of it. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. and they will fill your life the more you focus on what God is doing and view things from His perspective.
I think your words are wise to not let this stuff consume your mind more than the Lord. It's just all new to me and things I've been seeing now make sense. It's a big "Aha!" moment for me. That's why I'm eager to find out what others know. Nothing made sense before - now it does.

I fully understand this, and so does anyone else who's been there. You will probably be studying this stuff for many years to come, because the Spirit is actually the one opening your eyes to it. Not everyone sees it. But in studying it, just don't let it bring you down. Judgment is coming to every man, and of all men on earth one should feel sorry for in some ways its the globalists and Satanists that are running the show. They will have millions of souls on their hands that they led to Hell by the lives they lived, and I most certainly would not want to be them in eternity. So as you learn, try to rest in the fact that justice will be served to every man and woman on earth, both the good and the evil.
Another issue is that we've become a police state. Police shot and killed my unarmed neighbor's grandson. They've been killing with impunity. I know a young woman who was sexually molested by state troopers. The lawyer warned to not take action. What kind of a country do we now live in where cops can sexually molest a woman during a traffic stop??? You'd better tell your daughter to leave her Christian morals at home before she drives at night. Many police are good - we have some really nice ones near us but it has gotten far out of control. If you haven't noticed this yet you will. There is more but I'll stop here.

This is why you trust God for your protection, your health, and your financial welfare and not the state. I've often wondered what it would be like to be black in this country because they seem to have a real fear of the police, so great they sometimes refuse to comply out of fear. But regardless of what is going on in this country or the world, I rest in the peace that so long as I keep serving Him, my God will protect me and provide for me so that I can continue doing so. This is the answer that is available to everyone else out there if they will only take it, so I rest in that peace.
Do you have any sources that you've read that show that Islam is the religion of the NWO? It makes sense because they're taking over Chicago and we have a lot of middle-easterners around us.

Yes. Cathy O'Brien's book goes into some of this, and how US elites have been in bed with the Saudis for several decades now. It's a heavy read, as she was a mind-control sex slave from early childhood. I know a friend at another forum who was herself a victim of MK-Ultra, and who can confirm her testimony for you if you want more info. But here is a PDF so you don't have to pay for it (which is good. Not long after I bought this book I got followed by a rather sinister-looking individual for no reason, and I think it was no coincidence).
Full text of "TRANCEformation of America"

You can also track those the globalists associate themselves with and see it. Hillary "mysteriously" wound up with something like $6,000,000 after her and Bill robbed the Haitians of disaster relief funds several years ago, and where did the money show up? She had it transferred to a bank in some rabidly Jihadist nation, I forget which one it was now. I don't follow this stuff much anymore, but the connections are there if you want to see it. Obama stated in print that he had strong Muslim sympathies, and he proved it while in office by financially backing the Egyptian revolution when it looked like the Muslim Brotherhood was leading it, but sending nothing when they moved to have Islamist leader Mohamed Morsi removed from power.

Anyway, I gotta go watch some football, LoL. Thanks for the long post. It was something nice to respond to in getting my day started.



Well-Known Member
Staff member
Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I love that teaching about the Bereans as it gives us an example. I was tossed to and fro early on. It took awhile but I got discernment from God. Not that I couldn't be misled again - Satan is very shrewd. I've been reading "War on the Saints." It's dense so takes me awhile to get through. I've seen where when you begin to grow the evil one throws all manner of blocks in your path.
You are overcoming, have overcome the "being tossed to and fro..." You kept searching ♥ so many give up so quickly because they are IMHO not truly seeking with all their hearts...diligently! And yes, we CAN be mislead again if we are not in prayer about discernment before reading anything God. Yes Satan IS very shrewd-and he knows his time is sort so...working overtime. And boy does he EVER "throw all manner of blocks in our paths"!! ♥



Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
Can I ask you a favour? Can you, in light of what you have now learned, give quiet thinker, phoneman, and the holy book ends a break? Because they, though expressing it in different ways, are trying to share the same testimony. And I think they are all ex Catholics as well. Love yuh.

Totally ...I thought of them when I listened to your video...especially Phoneman... But it was you that I was responding to. :)
You said " they, though expressing it in different ways,"
I do see a difference with THBE and Phoneman thought...they seem to come across as condemning those of us who didn't like what and how they were posting. ( So angry at the reader) So, somehow there was a disconnect with what you believe they were sharing ..and those reading their words.
Your man "connects" he appears to never come across angry , he just delivers his information.
When a person is 'in your face' it tends to cause that disconnect and defensive hearing or reading of a post.

I'm probably not sharing my thoughts very well.
But at least I now know where you were all coming from. :)


Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Yes, he has been alive and well since before creation. And since Adam's fall he has had his champions. Certain individuals have come to the fore from time to time, but they come and go. What we need to watch for is not an individual. What we need to be watching is the system that the individual presides over. Those leaders change over time, but Babylon the Great, which had its beginnings way back at Babel, has over the centuries, over millennia, been developing and growing into what we witness today. She hasn't yet reached her final form, the culmination of the devil's manipulating of religion and politics which union (church and state union...a pagan practice common to all the Biblical and historical empires which arrayed themselves against the people of God and which in these last days we recognise as described in Revelation 13 and which will array itself against the people of God who keep the commandments and have the faith of Jesus Rev.12:17& 14:6)we call several different names or titles. Man of sin...son of perdition...Antichrist. Certainly led by an individual, but the system at which he is head has been around for a very long time. It is that system...that union of church and state which is developing before our very eyes, which we need to watch.
Here is the first of 36 lectures which exposes the true nature of not just the enemy, but of the God he is striving against. If you don't like this first lecture, don't feel compelled to watch the rest. I am not forcing you to weatch anything, I just believe this guy has much to offer of prophetic and real time truth.
That's hard for me to grasp. God hasn't given me much light yet on Revelations - I read through the link you gave to the Scripture. I have trouble concentrating and have to take things in small bites. I know from before that even though I read and don't grasp the meaning just yet that God will make it come clear in time.

Do you think the antichrist is living now? I was researching it this morning and read that some pastors believe the antichrist is Erdogan. I suspected Obama. But then I wondered if it could even be Trump because he's so loved now - I actually was so grateful to him but now I'm questioning everything. I know how subtle the evil one is so I'm being guarded about any leader now since God opened my eyes up to all this. I was actually reading this morning that a historian predicted the end of the U.S. soon. I really don't know how we can go on. There is just too much debt. Most manufacturing has left with NAFTA. Is Australia as bad as the U.S. now?

Who is trying to unify the church and state? I did read about Rick Warren who is on CFR who was mixing Christianity with Islam so I don't trust him.

I'll definitely watch the video. I liked that professor. I watched part of another one of his videos earlier.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I suspected Obama. But then I wondered if it could even be Trump because he's so loved now - I actually was so grateful to him but now I'm questioning everything.

:) I know you posted this to Brakelite, but try not to worry about the Antichrist, Sovereign Grace. Grow in your knowledge of the word first. The reason I'm saying it is because you will eventually realize that it's never going to be an American President, for one thing.

Just relax. The time is not yet, trust me. You will go on to be with the Lord, and there will still be decades yet to go before Revelations comes anywhere close to fulfillment.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Absolutely. The problem isn't with scholarship so much as with who is doing the teaching. I admire scholarship and own a good-sized library of it, but I only turn to it when the Holy Spirit leads me to. It's because a great deal of knowledge without divine inspiration just creates that many more opportunities to be off in one's interpretations.

You just said the right words: divine inspiration.

I understand. But let me show you something. There are always two ways of looking at things. My wife is Hispanic, and I've spent a great deal of time around Hispanic churches. Something I've learned is that despite their shortcomings (everyone has some), they are as a race actually pretty good for this country spiritually, the reason being that most come from strongly Christian backgrounds, and they are still having multiple children. The Western countries are actually slowly depopulating (in keeping with globalist goals) because the typical couple averages below 1.5 children. Muslims meanwhile are averaging some god-awful number, like 4 per couple or something. So despite the fact that they have a different culture, the presence of Hispanics is part of what is still keeping this nation Christian in a sense.

I don't have anything against Hispanics, and I worked with a lot of nice young Hispanic guys - I just don't want my family to have to support them. I admired their family values and the young men treated me really good. If they come here legally and work then it's not a problem, but I don't want my family working to support them and their large families. My husband and I didn't have children until we could afford them. No one should have children and expect others to foot the bill. We had to go to court and a lot of them are having babies with multiple women. When they each went before the judge they said they were disabled. The lawyer told us it's the new method they use to get out of paying child support. That's not good no matter what good religion they're bringing here. Because it's straining all the people who are paying taxes. We worked hard our whole lives and we would have been better off now if we had been allowed to keep what we earned instead of being forced to support everyone else. I worked some jobs I've hated and my husband was up 3:15 a.m. for over 40 years and it was hard hearing him struggle with a bad back and bad knees. Why should he be forced to carry immigrant men who should be working or families that keep having babies they can't afford? He's still running a business from home at a time when he should be able to rest and I was forced to work when I was in bad health. Scripture says if you don't work you don't eat. - That's just a sore topic. My friend ended her life because she couldn't afford her medication and illegals are coming here getting free medical care. I've gone without medical care at times to save money.

One of my children remarked that people on welfare are living better lives than those who work. I visited their house over the winter and it was uncomfortable because they kept it so ice cold. I had a terrible visit. Their two big dogs came into bed with me and I don't like to sleep with pets but that winter I was grateful for those dogs. Then they had patients who kept their heat way up and she asked the patient how she was able to afford paying her heating bill and she said she didn't have to pay her bill, she got heating assistance. Is it fair for my family to live miserably and freeze in the winter and work to support someone who keeps their house at a comfortable temperature who gets heat for free? It's not fair and God is a God of justice. So I have a problem with that because of what I've seen and experienced. It isn't just immigrants doing it it's many Americans too and I don't know how that doesn't bother their conscience that they're forcing others to take care of them.

Not all of them are saved; I'm not saying that. But as a people they have a strong Christian tradition, so I learned that what Satan intends for evil God can sometimes turn for good. :) This is why I say to keep your eyes on what God is doing, and try to see things from His perspective. He is way ahead of the globalists, and they will see His power at work in the earth before the end comes.

This is disgusting, but don't let the enemy cause you to view an entire race or religion of people negatively. I firmly believe Islam is the religion through which the Antichrist will come, yet I have also met many wonderful Muslim people in my life who were warm, kind, considerate and respectful, and better people than most of the Christians I was associating with. Satan will try to use sinners from every walk of life to make you reject entire classes of people. Don't let him do it, because then he will shut you off from being able to reach them for Christ, and they need Him. They need to know the truth.

It did color my views towards immigration. I also met friends of my brother-in-law whose son was killed by a speeding foreigner. They were the saddest people I've ever met and I couldn't say anything that would have eased their pain. We went to the airport and a gang of middle eastern men were acting obnoxious. One of the men exited the mens room fixing his zipper - so I don't like that. I'm somewhat old-fashioned and that's crude. The thing about Muslims that concerns a lot of people is their insistence that anyone who isn't Muslim must convert or is an infidel. But I know what you mean. I talk to a male friend who is gay and he's been nicer than some Christians I've known. I try to take people individually. I see what you're saying though about reaching them and I'll keep that in mind. That's actually a good point.

See, much of this is disheartening, especially the part about your friend. But there is a verse here that you REALLY want to master, and it is something I think Brakelite was trying to get over to you as well: Philppians 4:8, "Whatever is of good report... think on these things." Paul was trying to cheer them up because he knew that they were spiritually strong if they were looking on the positives, but would be spiritually weak if all they ever focused on was what Satan was doing. It's the same today.

It was hurtful about her but I witnessed to her and I think God got through to her. Yes, I know that verse in Philippians. I have actually been working on guarding my thoughts because I don't know how Satan does it but I know that he shoots thoughts into our minds, even when we're saved. My eyes have just been opened to all this and I'm eager to study Revelations and see how it all fits. I keep feeling like something is going to happen. We passed a nuclear reactor a week or so ago and I got an eerie feeling. I thought of how easy it would be for one of those people sneaking into the country to attack it. I wish they'd build the wall. I've been reading survival blogs and I watched a documentary on TV about all these people who build nuclear fallout shelters because they think something is going to happen. I think we're close.

I'm not saying any of this because I disagree with you. I'm just trying to help you stay happy and joyful in life despite all of it. The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, etc. and they will fill your life the more you focus on what God is doing and view things from His perspective.

I welcome feedback. I was injured and have been home a long time. (That was another great spiritual struggle all its own). But a woman who used to teach bible study was stuck at home and she said she was put out to pasture to feed on the Word and she became a good teacher. So hopefully something good will come out of it. My computer has been a life saver since I can communicate with other believers. We just recently started going back to church and bible study although it's a mortal struggle to get out sometimes, so I like communicating to other believers. I know that iron sharpens iron.

I fully understand this, and so does anyone else who's been there. You will probably be studying this stuff for many years to come, because the Spirit is actually the one opening your eyes to it. Not everyone sees it. But in studying it, just don't let it bring you down. Judgment is coming to every man, and of all men on earth one should feel sorry for in some ways its the globalists and Satanists that are running the show. They will have millions of souls on their hands that they led to Hell by the lives they lived, and I most certainly would not want to be them in eternity. So as you learn, try to rest in the fact that justice will be served to every man and woman on earth, both the good and the evil.

It was an eye opener for sure, and the Holy Spirit does give light. I saw that not everyone sees it. I really felt foolish telling that Pastor. He gave me the worst look. I'm very intuitive - I probably have discernment as my gift - and I knew he thought I was talking wild. The more I tried to explain the worse it sounded. I can smile about it now but it stung for a couple days. I felt foolish. That was when I saw that not every believe knows it yet.

I wouldn't want to be them in eternity either. Justice is something that I have struggled with greatly. I've seen wicked people - even wicked Christians - do terrible things and seemingly walk away unscathed. I don't understand that as God is a God of justice. It's been a hard thing for me to let things go. I've always struggled with what our actions are to be and what we are to leave to God. I've been a believer many years now and still don't have that answer. God certainly gets truth in my innermost being.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
That's hard for me to grasp. God hasn't given me much light yet on Revelations - I read through the link you gave to the Scripture. I have trouble concentrating and have to take things in small bites. I know from before that even though I read and don't grasp the meaning just yet that God will make it come clear in time.

Do you think the antichrist is living now? I was researching it this morning and read that some pastors believe the antichrist is Erdogan. I suspected Obama. But then I wondered if it could even be Trump because he's so loved now - I actually was so grateful to him but now I'm questioning everything. I know how subtle the evil one is so I'm being guarded about any leader now since God opened my eyes up to all this. I was actually reading this morning that a historian predicted the end of the U.S. soon. I really don't know how we can go on. There is just too much debt. Most manufacturing has left with NAFTA. Is Australia as bad as the U.S. now?

Who is trying to unify the church and state? I did read about Rick Warren who is on CFR who was mixing Christianity with Islam so I don't trust him.

I'll definitely watch the video. I liked that professor. I watched part of another one of his videos earlier.
This is why you trust God for your protection, your health, and your financial welfare and not the state. I've often wondered what it would be like to be black in this country because they seem to have a real fear of the police, so great they sometimes refuse to comply out of fear. But regardless of what is going on in this country or the world, I rest in the peace that so long as I keep serving Him, my God will protect me and provide for me so that I can continue doing so. This is the answer that is available to everyone else out there if they will only take it, so I rest in that peace.

I don't blame the blacks for being fearful. A black was shot down the street from us and killed. But it isn't just blacks being shot - my neighbor's grandson was white. They're lives were destroyed. It's terrible what has been going on. And no one is stopping it - it's ungodly. Evil just seems to be running amok. I don't understand God and am not sure how to get to that place where you just rest in that. I was following God to the best of my ability and bad things happened. My pastor told me his grandmother had another child and the doctor dropped the baby and it died. She was a Christian. They're reasons why I hope the end is near.

Yes. Cathy O'Brien's book goes into some of this, and how US elites have been in bed with the Saudis for several decades now. It's a heavy read, as she was a mind-control sex slave from early childhood. I know a friend at another forum who was herself a victim of MK-Ultra, and who can confirm her testimony for you if you want more info. But here is a PDF so you don't have to pay for it (which is good. Not long after I bought this book I got followed by a rather sinister-looking individual for no reason, and I think it was no coincidence).
Full text of "TRANCEformation of America"

You were followed? That's crazy. I worried that if I was looking into this I might draw attention to myself and I'm better off in the background. But still I feel that God is leading me in this study. Thanks for the PDF. MK-Ultra scares me. I watched a video on it and it's so evil. I know a lawyer who lost his faith over dealing with priest sex abuse cases.

You can also track those the globalists associate themselves with and see it. Hillary "mysteriously" wound up with something like $6,000,000 after her and Bill robbed the Haitians of disaster relief funds several years ago, and where did the money show up? She had it transferred to a bank in some rabidly Jihadist nation, I forget which one it was now. I don't follow this stuff much anymore, but the connections are there if you want to see it. Obama stated in print that he had strong Muslim sympathies, and he proved it while in office by financially backing the Egyptian revolution when it looked like the Muslim Brotherhood was leading it, but sending nothing when they moved to have Islamist leader Mohamed Morsi removed from power.

I read that about them stealing that money. That's so evil. They're all after Federal money - all the blood sweat and tears of taxpayers. It's ugly. I think of all the poor who are children who need basic life necessities and those evildoers blow multi-millions for wasteful things - for them to fly first class, stay in 5-star hotels, dine out, and all the trappings meanwhile young children are starving, need adequate clothing, and clean water. I don't know how they live with themselves. I guess they have seared consciences.

Anyway, I gotta go watch some football, LoL. Thanks for the long post. It was something nice to respond to in getting my day started.

It was also a blessing to me. I'm sure if a football game is on my hubby will be watching it. He shakes the house sometimes when a good play is made and he yells. He sometimes makes me jump!


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Just relax. The time is not yet, trust me. You will go on to be with the Lord, and there will still be decades yet to go before Revelations comes anywhere close to fulfillment.
I'm not so sure of that Hidden, things are moving exponentially behind the scenes.
Have you wondered why global leaders of every ilk are getting together on a rapidly regular basis?

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I was following God to the best of my ability and bad things happened.

Ok, now don't fall into a trap here. Many think that good things happen for good people and bad things for bad people, but it's not always that simple. You can be a Christian and living a very godly life, and yet suffer terrible hardships. This is what Paul was telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:3, and what he was referring to regarding himself in 1 Corinthians 4:9. Many times, having to endure hardship is a better sign that you are doing things right, rather than wrong. :)
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I'm not so sure of that Hidden, things are moving exponentially behind the scenes.
Have you wondered why global leaders of every ilk are getting together on a rapidly regular basis?

Well, like I was telling Sovereign Grace, I'm really not keeping track of things as much these days. My guess is they are currently working diligently to make sure that what happened with Trump in 2016 NEVER happens again, and getting their ducks in a row (i.e. putting long-range planning together). I think one of their biggest priorities is making sure Trump's ship sinks before 2020, to prevent a second term. But that's speculation.

If you have anything from some good inside sources, I'd be glad to read it. It does seem to be ratcheting up a little. Not sure what to make of the "bomb threats" on the insiders over the last few days.
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There is plenty we could look at and discuss with regards the stuff that is going on in the world. We could look at all the detail and various things the occultists and globalists are doing to we are blue in the face, but what we end up doing is losing sight of the big picture. We study so intently the leaves, we lose sight of the forest.
@Soverign Grace can I make a suggestion so that you don't become so overwhelmed with information which could lead in a very real way to depression and despair, and losing sight of God himself.
Lay aside for the time being all you have recently discovered in the world, and go back to the Bible. The book of Revelation and Daniel are like hand and glove, neither can be understood properly without the other. Start with Daniel. Daniel 2 gives the skeleton of all prophetic revelation that follows. Study Daniel chapters 7 and 8. They cover the same ground as chapter 2, but with more detail. All this will take time and foc us, but once understood, then you can fit what you have discovered more recently into the prophetic picture, and all will then make much more sense, God will be at the centre of everything, and you won't have lost hope our perspective.
That said, you will need help. And there are many different ways Daniel had been taught. Hermeneutics play an important role in understanding prophecy. I said previously that the pagan church/state system which is developing is the thing to watch. It is that system that is the Antichrist. Not the individual who heads it. It is the system that Daniel and revelation exposes, and once you understand what the system is and can identify them the key players within that system, everything else Falls into place. And by the way, the system has disguised itself well, even to the point of infiltrating Bible colleges and universities and changed the way the church today looks at p rophe cy. All the reformers knew who the Antichrist was. The church today is still looking to the future for some imaginary individual to come charging upon the scene with guns blazing destroying everything that is Christian and godly. If that is what you are looking for, you are already deceived by the Antichrist itself.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Well, like I was telling Sovereign Grace, I'm really not keeping track of things as much these days. My guess is they are currently working diligently to make sure that what happened with Trump in 2016 NEVER happens again, and getting their ducks in a row (i.e. putting long-range planning together). I think one of their biggest priorities is making sure Trump's ship sinks before 2020, to prevent a second term. But that's speculation.

If you have anything from some good inside sources, I'd be glad to read it. It does seem to be ratcheting up a little. Not sure what to make of the "bomb threats" on the insiders over the last few days.
I don't know what news they feed you over there in the US but here in OZ the coverage of Trump is abysmal as it is in European news and African news. One cant help but conclude the guy is a loser.
US politics aside, its a matter of gleaning and reading between the lines of whatever news coverage I'm exposed to. Nothing hinges on one or two articles. Its the general movement of events that paint the picture although Bookends did post very informative videos of global Church happenings. The coverage of these in the media oddly enough wasn't given much press considering the importance of the matter.
As i've said before, paradigm is helpful otherwise one can be staring the obvious in the face and not see it.

Regarding bomb threats.... frankly, im not surprised at any of that given the violence and sickly slop people feed on.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
There is plenty we could look at and discuss with regards the stuff that is going on in the world. We could look at all the detail and various things the occultists and globalists are doing to we are blue in the face, but what we end up doing is losing sight of the big picture. We study so intently the leaves, we lose sight of the forest.
@Soverign Grace can I make a suggestion so that you don't become so overwhelmed with information which could lead in a very real way to depression and despair, and losing sight of God himself.
Lay aside for the time being all you have recently discovered in the world, and go back to the Bible. The book of Revelation and Daniel are like hand and glove, neither can be understood properly without the other. Start with Daniel. Daniel 2 gives the skeleton of all prophetic revelation that follows. Study Daniel chapters 7 and 8. They cover the same ground as chapter 2, but with more detail. All this will take time and foc us, but once understood, then you can fit what you have discovered more recently into the prophetic picture, and all will then make much more sense, God will be at the centre of everything, and you won't have lost hope our perspective.
That said, you will need help. And there are many different ways Daniel had been taught. Hermeneutics play an important role in understanding prophecy. I said previously that the pagan church/state system which is developing is the thing to watch. It is that system that is the Antichrist. Not the individual who heads it. It is the system that Daniel and revelation exposes, and once you understand what the system is and can identify them the key players within that system, everything else Falls into place. And by the way, the system has disguised itself well, even to the point of infiltrating Bible colleges and universities and changed the way the church today looks at p rophe cy. All the reformers knew who the Antichrist was. The church today is still looking to the future for some imaginary individual to come charging upon the scene with guns blazing destroying everything that is Christian and godly. If that is what you are looking for, you are already deceived by the Antichrist itself.
The some imaginary individual to come charging upon the scene, be it to save or destroy Christianity, That is what I have had to deal with.
I say that the kingdom of God is within you it's within your grasp, you just have to abide in Jesus Christ and that's the key, so without such you are lost to all the powers of Satan's works.

People should know that the German people thought that they were doing good, but they were deceived buy cunning works just as all people are deceived by the cunning of Satanist.
Generally Satanist are not bad people they are just doing the works of man because they do not know Jesus Christ, so they are under strong delusions, they think that they are doing good and are proud of what they do and they will force there madness on all, because they believe that they are right. Satanist reward you for doing there will and following them, like in there Political Correctness ways, you are made to think that you are part of the mob of justice Nazis. it's like a seed that is planted that all must follow and they must march to that beat, they have like blinkers on, they can not see clearly for the strong delusions they have all around them, if you have another opinion you are out of line and you become an enemy of the State you must become Socialist and become just a number to your idols who do not want to know you as a person but just a sucker.
You see the Devil when he was talking to Jesus, he did not try to attack of injure him, but he only peddled deceptions and deceptions are what can make some people become unhinged, loose sight of reality and cause only more problems then it solves.
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Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
I don't know what news they feed you over there in the US but here in OZ the coverage of Trump is abysmal as it is in European news and African news. One cant help but conclude the guy is a loser.

I'm not surprised by that, but I doubt the news coverage anywhere in the world is as aggressively anti-Trump as it is here in the United States. The controlled media here absolutely DESPISE the man, hate him with a vengeance, and express it every single minute of every hour of every day of every month of every year. Their hatred of him is so over-the-top that I can interpret as nothing other than a guaranteed sign that he is an enemy of the globalists and the globalist agenda, and very serious threat to it. They worshipped Obama like he was a god and could do no wrong (and I wish I was exaggerating there but I am not. It was sickening), and would have done the same with Hillary since both are NWO elitists. So it's been refreshing having a genuine statesman in the Presidency for once in my lifetime, even if the whole world still makes him out to be a "loser."
US politics aside, its a matter of gleaning and reading between the lines of whatever news coverage I'm exposed to. Nothing hinges on one or two articles

I know, but every once in a while someone comes along who publishes substantive inside information (usually at the risk of losing their life). I guess I'm just done wading through nine miles of BS only to find the few yards of insight worth keeping. I don't really have the time for it these days as I'm much more involved in the work of God.

Thanks for the response though.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I don't know what news they feed you over there in the US but here in OZ the coverage of Trump is abysmal as it is in European news and African news. One cant help but conclude the guy is a loser.
US politics aside, its a matter of gleaning and reading between the lines of whatever news coverage I'm exposed to. Nothing hinges on one or two articles. Its the general movement of events that paint the picture although Bookends did post very informative videos of global Church happenings. The coverage of these in the media oddly enough wasn't given much press considering the importance of the matter.
As i've said before, paradigm is helpful otherwise one can be staring the obvious in the face and not see it.
Our Media are like Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia with full on propaganda 24/7
Just look at Trump he is an open book a well to do man that proved himself in life, but look at the Obama a nobody that is a closed book and was a no body, did nothing for anyone of any true worth but just printed more money to make himself look good to people who do not understand money, if he did not print money the people would of seen him for what he truly was a good for nothing con man.
But the media try desperately to paint a picture of Trump as being a no body and some sort of sh-t kicker bum or uneducated dolt, but Trump has the highest IQ of all USA Presidents ever bar only one. but in fact all the accusers could hold a candle to Trump.

Now I believe that there has never been a Saint in any Leadership of any Nation in History, you have to be a cunning shrewd bastard to be a leader to be sure, but it's just how much so is the question.


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
Our Media are like Nazi Germany and Stalin's Russia with full on propaganda 24/7
Just look at Trump he is an open book a well to do man that proved himself in life, but look at the Obama a nobody that is a closed book and was a no body, did nothing for anyone of any true worth but just printed more money to make himself look good to people who do not understand money, if he did not print money the people would of seen him for what he truly was a good for nothing con man.
But the media try desperately to paint a picture of Trump as being a no body and some sort of sh-t kicker bum or uneducated dolt, but Trump has the highest IQ of all USA Presidents ever bar only one. but in fact all the accusers could hold a candle to Trump.

Now I believe that there has never been a Saint in any Leadership of any Nation in History, you have to be a cunning shrewd bastard to be a leader to be sure, but it's just how much so is the question.
If money and popularity are the factors that determines the value of a man as you have implied in your post, you have adopted the values of the world.

Some days ago Sovereign Grace said she threw her grandfather's masonic bible into the trash. Your comment in response to that was, 'it was probably worth a lot of money'....... Again, it is the money factor that you highlight in Obama's reign.

My comment to you is Reggie, you have unwittingly revealed how you establish value and importance.
This is diametrically opposed to what scripture considers the priority.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
:) I know you posted this to Brakelite, but try not to worry about the Antichrist, Sovereign Grace. Grow in your knowledge of the word first. The reason I'm saying it is because you will eventually realize that it's never going to be an American President, for one thing.

Just relax. The time is not yet, trust me. You will go on to be with the Lord, and there will still be decades yet to go before Revelations comes anywhere close to fulfillment.
That's interesting that you feel it's not for decades. I was thinking it was much sooner because of all that is going on. Is there some reason why you feel this way? I'm hoping it's much sooner because of how things have gotten. Just in my lifetime there has been such a massive change. I honestly don't know how much longer we as a country can go on. Maybe you live in an area not as much affected, but I don't see how we can carry all the populations of South America on welfare and now India. One of my children told me that doctors are leaving the hospital where they work because they said we can't keep giving free health care out to the world. So I'm seeing and hearing these things and am wondering how long things can go on this way. For all of Trump's tough talk, he's not securing the border.

Have you been following reports of the caravan? They found middle easterners in the group. All it would take is one of them getting to a nuclear reactor and it's the end. We passed a nuclear reactor near us and I had the eeriest feeling - it just showed me how easy it would be for someone to gain access to it. I think too many Americans are too complacent. I'm more of an action-oriented person. I write to legislators and try to do what little I can with the energy and health I have and urge others to action. In the parable of the ten bridesmaids I take that as God wanting us to stay alert because the end can come at any time.

I know that people through the years have thought that their era was to be the end so I keep that in mind. But right now I feel an urgency to tell my family of this - I texted them last night that Nostradamus predicted WW 3 in 2018 - and learn all I can. Of course that old struggle I have rises up: what are we to do versus what we leave to God is on my mind. But for right now I feel an urgency to share this. I printed some articles out and gave it to the one pastor of our bible study. The other one was completely not ready to hear. But I'm going to give our church pastor a copy of it.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I'm not so sure of that Hidden, things are moving exponentially behind the scenes.
Have you wondered why global leaders of every ilk are getting together on a rapidly regular basis?
You are thinking like I am. Why are all of the wealthy building nuclear bunkers? Has anyone been even following this? I watched a documentary on it and it was alarming. I know we're all going to die but dying by a nuclear attack is an evil death. Every single American should be screaming their heads off about our unsecured border. I'm just so shocked that so many Americans are in some kind of a foggy sleep. If I had the money I would buy one. At the most we should keep something on hand that in case of intense suffering we would be able to put ourselves and our families into a humane sleep to be with God. I know not everyone thinks this way but I've endured a lot of physical suffering and you may not grasp the intensity of it unless you experienced it. I do not want my family to suffer like I have/ do. I have physical pain so bad it takes my breath away so I've known agony. I read that death by nuclear attack is atrocious. I have consistently emailed legislators and President Trump. I wish others were motivated to do the same.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Ok, now don't fall into a trap here. Many think that good things happen for good people and bad things for bad people, but it's not always that simple. You can be a Christian and living a very godly life, and yet suffer terrible hardships. This is what Paul was telling Timothy in 2 Timothy 2:3, and what he was referring to regarding himself in 1 Corinthians 4:9. Many times, having to endure hardship is a better sign that you are doing things right, rather than wrong. :)
Well I must be doing a lot right because I've had hardship on top of hardship. I have been blessed too - I've had friends stab me in the back because they were jealous, and try to put hardship in my life, and it worked. I know betrayal as in "Alexandar the Coppersmith did me much harm" and "Mine own familiar friend in whom I have trusted has lifted his heel against me" - you would be shocked at the level of depravity that even Christians have gone due to jealously. After going through the worst betrayals one could imagine, I was injured and live in daily physical torment - I have known the despair that Paul has talked about. And I have wrestled with God like Jacob. So I'm a Christian who has been in the trenches not on the mountaintops. I argue with God every day. I don't understand Him but I still seek Him because I've lived through turning my back on God and that didn't work either. But I at times despair of life still.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Well, like I was telling Sovereign Grace, I'm really not keeping track of things as much these days. My guess is they are currently working diligently to make sure that what happened with Trump in 2016 NEVER happens again, and getting their ducks in a row (i.e. putting long-range planning together). I think one of their biggest priorities is making sure Trump's ship sinks before 2020, to prevent a second term. But that's speculation.

If you have anything from some good inside sources, I'd be glad to read it. It does seem to be ratcheting up a little. Not sure what to make of the "bomb threats" on the insiders over the last few days.
I'm not so sure Trump getting elected was an accident. I saw photos of him throwing the devil's hand and illuminati signs, and he admitted to being a Mason. He could be legitimate but I saw that all he ever did was TALK about border security. 72,000 Americans died last year from drugs flooding in from Mexico. Approximately 54,000 have died already since he's been President. Where is the border security? He has every power to secure the border. He doesn't need congress - he's lying about that. I'm just questioning everything. People sometimes come as wolves in sheeps clothing.