Be Rapture Ready Or Be Left Behind!! Your Choice!!

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Feb 6, 2018
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OK, so I briefed it a bit...dirt, earth, dust whatever.
What's inside? God breathed into his nostrils Oxygen. Unfortunately, Moses did not know what that is, so he called it "the breath of life" , as he did also with all air breathing animal life in Genesis.



Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Oh OK, then try this:
Gen. 2:7; 6:17 and 7:14-15, 21-22.
What's the difference?
Before Moses wrote the above, is there any record of his schooling, as to whether or not there are some reports on his grades in a Chemistry 1 class?
No? I didn't think so!


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Feb 6, 2018
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I already know what and how you believe,

Not hardly.

so now you should try to explain yourself.

I have no need to explain myself.

Pick a doctrine and go for it! But please stay on topic with it, and please keep your threads simple and short.

I am converted in Christ.
I am not subject to wrath.
I am already established as a son of God.
I shall be redeemed/ resurrected (if Bodily dead), up to the Clouds, in a glorified body,on a day of Gods choosing.

>> Earburner wrote:
Furthermore, since Adam's fall, and got booted out of Eden, he/we never RECEIVED any kind of eternal life/existence whatsoever.
>Taken replied:
Disagree with you.
Prove it

I have no need to PROVE anything to you.
I speak for myself, what I believe...
My beliefs are verified with Scripture.
Scripture speaks for Adam.

"..sons of God" are the Converted.
Luke 3:38 Adam, which was the son of God.

2 Cor 2.....them that "are" saved.

>> IOWs, no one has an eternal soul..
>Disagree with you.
Prove it

2 Cor 2 .... "are" saved
1 John3:9....Born of God

>>Therefore no one is alive in the grave (hell).
> Disagree with you.
Prove it

Dead bodies Buried in the Grave, yes.
(Personal Observation).
Souls Buried in the Grave, no.

>>Nor is anyone alive in your imagined concept of hell.
>Disagree with you.
Prove it

Too complicated for you, since you believe the Grave and Hell is the same place.

Luke 16
[22] And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried;
[23] And in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom.

>> No one, in any state after physical death, can remain alive (conscious) UNLESS Christ (His Holy Spirit) has been deposited within them. Rom. 8:9.
> Just contradicted yourself...
Prove it

no one has an eternal soul..
No one...."unless"...

No one, no one....but then they can!
Your words.

>>Shall you say that Christ lives in the graves?
> I don't say what you say.
Prove it

LOL...I don't say what you say.

>> So then, after death, where did the "thief" go?
Ans. His physical body went to the grave (hell),
Prove it

LOL...You are the one that said...

grave and hell is the same place

Being new here,

Yes, and you do not know me, nor do I have to prove what I say or prove what you say.

Glory to God,


Active Member
Sep 24, 2015
B.C., Canada
How many Times have you you been Saved?
Have you been born-again?

Those who are (still) righteous are practicing righteousness (1 John 3:7-10).
And there are dozens of other similar warning verses,
which you ignore and reject ... is that correct?
Continuing sincere repentance of your sins is necessary to wipe away these sins!


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Oh OK, then try this:
Gen. 2:7; 6:17 and 7:14-15, 21-22.
What's the difference?

No God did not BREATH OXYGEN into Adam, nor any other thing.

Since YOU claim to already know what I believe....

Then you would KNOW....

Man is not a pile of dirt...but rather Man was created by Gods Hand, from Dust of the Earth.

That creation was a FORMED BODY, called man....There is your first CLUE...MAN is a BODY, which IS a type of VESSEL.

The BODY, has flesh/skin on the outer...
And Organs, a Mind, Bones, ie internal systems.....and BLOOD, which IS the LIFE of the BODY.

The Natural BODY also has a Natural SPIRIT, which is simply "THAT MANS" Natural TRUTH.

The Natural SPIRIT of a man, is the mans NATURAL TRUTH "IN HIS HEART"...


The THING/VESSEL, WHICH holds the ...
LIFE FROM called a SOUL.
The LIFE IN the SOUL....which IS Gods Breath, BELONGS TO GOD.


HOW God does that, is revealed in Scripture.
God BLOWS into the mans nostrils.

Once that occurs, the mans BODY is activated into a LIVING BODY.

The LIVING BODY is called A MAN.
The LIVING SOUL in the BODY is called A MAN.

The NAME given the MAN...Applies to BOTH, the BODY of the MAN "AND" the SOUL within the MAN.

The BODY Comes FROM Formed Dust...
The LIVING SOUL Comes FROM Gods Breath..

When the BODY'S it's BLOOD, stops flowing...the BODY BECOMES DEAD.

DEAD Bodies are buried, 6 feet in the Ground, called a GRAVE.

Living Souls, "depart" a DYING BODY.
They a place God has PREPARED for "souls AND His breath of life"...TO GO.

Saved Souls.....GO to Heaven, WITH GOD.
UnSaved Souls..GO to Hell, WITHOUT GOD.

Saved Souls...WAIT, for their BODIES to be resurrected IN GLORIOUS BODYS and be united with their.......Saved Soul....

AND ALSO...THEIR "BORN AGAIN" spirit, in their Heart....that has ALSO DEPARTED when their body is dying....and that spirit ALSO goes to Heaven.

An Unsaved soul, has NO born again spirit, thus their "natural spirit", DIES with it's BODY.

In Hell, WHICH is IN the Heart/Center of the Earth....(not 6ft under the surface of the ground!!) Unsaved Living Souls, are FULLY Aware with ALL SENSES, it had WHEN it was IN its Living Body.

Unsaved souls, IN HELL, can Hear, Smell, Taste, Touch/Feel, Speak....

THEIR Discomfort and Agony is Separation FROM God and all the wonderous Beauty and Pleasures UPON the Earth.

Before Moses wrote the above, is there any record of his schooling, as to whether or not there are some reports on his grades in a Chemistry 1 class?
No? I didn't think so!

Babbling nonsense. How ridiculous to ask me a question, YOU answer the question, then say...YOUR answer for me is what you thought!


FYI...God Taught His People, wisdom, knowledge, understanding, workmanship ....
And the knowledge was handed down from ancestors to descendants....

No Public schools, grades as your mind contoured up such thought.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Have you been born-again?

Those who are (still) righteous are practicing righteousness (1 John 3:7-10).
And there are dozens of other similar warning verses,
which you ignore and reject ... is that correct?
Continuing sincere repentance of your sins is necessary to wipe away these sins!

Thanks for your non-answer.

Humm, Did I mention Rejecting ANY scripture? uh No, I didn't, so NO that would NOT be correct.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Strong's ref. That may help.
Breath- 5397, 7307
Life- 2416

I do not need help, in understanding my own belief.

I do not need help, in understanding your haven't declared any belief...thus nothing to understand, regarding your belief.


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Feb 6, 2018
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Yep...PREPARED and READY on whatever Day the Lord calls me up hither TO THE CLOUDS...

Praise and Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
I do not need help, in understanding my own belief.

I do not need help, in understanding your haven't declared any belief...thus nothing to understand, regarding your belief.
Wrong! You need lots of help, but you refuse to hear and learn what the Lord says about His own words through the Holy Spirit- Isa. 55:8- 9.
As a result, all that you are learning is the regurgitated nonsense of analytical study, by your fleshly mind and/or your denominational persuasion, through analytically schooled pastors.
There is no "THE" Antichrist to come!
Beasts are never a person, nor is a person ever a beast! See Daniel for correction about that symbolism.

There is no "THE" 7 year Tribulation to come!
You misunderstand Daniel and the 70 weeks.

There is no "THE" Secret Rapture" to come!
You misconstrue the Day of the Lord, to the point of having Him return 3 times!

There is no "THE" Millennium to come!
Your understanding on that is encased in the word, thereby hindering you from ever learning what the Lord truly means by "a thousand years", when He had no knowledge of the time of His return, except the Father only!
Clue: there is no time limit on the age of God's grace, but he lack of faith in the world, is the deciding factor! The mark of the beast (not a person) shall to that!

Until trash all your false doctrines, your understanding remains darkened.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Clue: there is no time limit on the age of God's grace, but the lack of faith in the world, is the deciding factor! The mark of the beast (not a person) shall see to that!


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Feb 6, 2018
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You need lots of help,

Sounds like you are trying to get kick-backs for your therapist.... Not interested.

but you refuse to hear and learn what the Lord says about His own words through the Holy Spirit- Isa. 55:8- 9.


As a result, all that you are learning is the regurgitated nonsense of analytical study, by your fleshly mind and/or your denominational persuasion, through analytically schooled pastors.


There is no "THE" Antichrist to come.


Rev 13
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 14
[11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.

Beasts are never a person, nor is a person ever a beast!


See Daniel for correction about that symbolism.


There is no "THE" 7 year Tribulation to come!

No wrath timeframe? Did you notify God?

You misunderstand Daniel and the 70 weeks.

Dude, why keep pretending you are psychic?
It's lame.

There is no "THE" Secret Rapture" to come!

LOL You brought that up and is pretty funny you keep arguing against yourself.

You misconstrue the Day of the Lord, to the point of having Him return 3 times!

LOL Fabricating nonsense doesn't help you look creditable.

There is no "THE" Millennium to come!


Your understanding

Is from the Lord.

Until trash all your false doctrines, your understanding remains darkened.

Thanks for sharing your ridiculous opinions and false accusations. It's been enlightening and almost a waste of time, save I multitask.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States

Sounds like you are trying to get kick-backs for your therapist.... Not interested.




Rev 13
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Rev 14
[11] And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.



No wrath timeframe? Did you notify God?

Dude, why keep pretending you are psychic?
It's lame.

LOL You brought that up and is pretty funny you keep arguing against yourself.

LOL Fabricating nonsense doesn't help you look creditable.


Is from the Lord.

Thanks for sharing your ridiculous opinions and false accusations. It's been enlightening and almost a waste of time, save I multitask.

Glory to God,
No, thank you for hearing His Truth, though you disregard it.
Re-study the 70 weeks in Daniel (KJV), and try to correctly discern which "he" in 9:27 is being spoken of in 9:26. If you say that it's not Jesus, then you have serious problems with prophecy.

And while you are at it, in the context of Daniel, try to listen to the angel in Dan. 7:17, as to what beasts are symbolic of. I hope you know your Ancient History, from Babylon to the Roman Empire.

The angel provides much on interpretation and detail for the visions given to Daniel. Unfortunately, most of "churchianity" confuse the visions with the interpretations given, and wind up with a mixed bag of tricks. Which is exactly what you push and promote. Learn to study the angel's interpretations only!! He is the authority on the meaning of the visions!!

Did you know that the "little horn" in Daniel was king Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid empire?
He was one of the four Generals (four horns) of Alexander the Great (the Goat with a notable horn) of the Grecian empire. You can find that in Dan. 8
Beasts are never a man, nor is a man ever a beast!

Study what I have shown, and maybe you won't be so quick to write me off.
Oh and BTW, read only the KJV version!!


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Feb 6, 2018
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No, thank you for hearing His Truth, though you disregard it.

You are so puffed up, you are in confusion.
I trust and believe ALL Scripture, and have not said otherwise.

It is "your truth" I disregard.

Re-study the 70 weeks in Daniel (KJV), and try to correctly discern which "he" in 9:27 is being spoken of in 9:26. If you say that it's not Jesus, then you have serious problems with prophecy.

Re-study Passages in Daniel?
Correctly discern Passages in Daniel?

You playing PSYCHIC AGAIN is a serious disorder your reveal...
... since I have not mentioned passages in Daniel.

And while you are at it,

At it? Dude...WHO "solicited YOU" to direct me to do anything?

in the context of Daniel, try to listen to the angel in Dan. 7:17, as to what beasts are symbolic of. I hope you know your Ancient History, from Babylon to the Roman Empire.

You should take your own advice and try listening to what is being said, instead of pretending you are PSYCHIC.

The angel provides much on interpretation and detail for the visions given to Daniel. Unfortunately,

Unfortunately, I never mentioned Daniel, and
Unfortunately, Your pseudo psychic skills fail you.

Unfortunately, most of "churchianity" confuse the visions with the interpretations given, and wind up with a mixed bag of tricks.

Unfortunately, I never mentioned, "churchianity", their take on visions or interpretations. Again, your pseudo psychic skills fail you.

Which is exactly what you push and promote.

I speak what "I" believe. And whether or not you agree, is of "no consequence" to me.

You pretending You have ANY authority to dictate the Basis for my beliefs is Laughable.

Learn to study the angel's interpretations only!! He is the authority on the meaning of the visions!!

Dude...knock it off. I have THEE Supreme ALL KNOWING Teacher and Authority of Gods Wisdom and Understanding of God.

Did you know that the "little horn" in Daniel was king Antiochus Epiphanes of the Seleucid empire?
He was one of the four Generals (four horns) of Alexander the Great (the Goat with a notable horn) of the Grecian empire. You can find that in Dan. 8

Did you know??....the TOPIC of this OP is about being Prepared IN Christ; AND PRESENT WITH the Lord;

BEFORE the Wrath of the Lamb; (SEALS)
BEFORE the Wrath of God; (VIALS)

Did you know??....The Lord came to DIVIDE (Luke 12:51)

Did you know??....The END TIME Tribulation...Begins and Ends with....
.Wrath upon those NOT Divided unto the Lord
.Woes unto those NOT Divided unto the Lord
.Some BECOMING Divided unto the Lord
.Many REJECTING Division unto the Lord
.Wrath upon those In Steadfast Rejection of
....the Lord
.Indignation upon those In Steadfast
....Rejection of the Lord
.Death of the Bodies of those In Steadfast
....Rejection of the Lord
.SEPARATION of the Unforgiven Dead Bodies
....and Unsaved Living souls of those Bodies ....In Steadfast Rejection of the Lord
....TO HELL.
.SEPARATION of the Forgiven Dead Bodies
....and Saved Living souls and Quickened
....spirits of those Bodies, Forever WITH the

Then...Separation of those Divided

THIS OP is about the Urgengy for Individuals to get to getting and Decide WHICH SIDE OF THE DIVISION they shall Elect to STAND...
WITH the Lord......or AGAINST the Lord.

SEPARATION is coming soon!!

Because MAN is without the foreknowledge of a precise Day or Hour....WHEN the DIVIDED, will BECOME "SEPARATED".

Beasts are never a man, nor is a man ever a beast!

And "WHEN" a MAN-KIND of Creature.....VISIBLY SEES;
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Lion, man Calls that thing a LION.
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Serpent, man Calls that thing a SERPENT.
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Woman, man Calls that thing a
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Man, man Calls that thing a MAN.

Not Rocket Science...Merely VISUAL Perception;

Study what I have shown,

Why? I am content with the Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding the Lord has provided to me.

Rev 1
[1] The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servantsthings which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

and maybe you won't be so quick to write me off.

I KNOW whom I serve. No clue whom YOU serve.

Oh and BTW, read only the KJV version!!

Oh and BTW, Awesome for me, I have a new heart that HAS the WORD of God WRITTEN in it....and its authorship IS not OF Created men.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Be Rapture Ready Or Be Left Behind!! Your Choice!!

Rapture Ready...

Coverted IN Christ, to be Caught Up TO the Lord;
On a Day of Gods choosing,
To a Place of Gods choosing.

Praise the Lord God;
Division is being Accomplished Daily.
Separation is Coming Soon.

Be thou Prepared.

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
You are so puffed up, you are in confusion.
I trust and believe ALL Scripture, and have not said otherwise.

It is "your truth" I disregard.

Re-study Passages in Daniel?
Correctly discern Passages in Daniel?

You playing PSYCHIC AGAIN is a serious disorder your reveal...
... since I have not mentioned passages in Daniel.

At it? Dude...WHO "solicited YOU" to direct me to do anything?

You should take your own advice and try listening to what is being said, instead of pretending you are PSYCHIC.

Unfortunately, I never mentioned Daniel, and
Unfortunately, Your pseudo psychic skills fail you.

Unfortunately, I never mentioned, "churchianity", their take on visions or interpretations. Again, your pseudo psychic skills fail you.

I speak what "I" believe. And whether or not you agree, is of "no consequence" to me.

You pretending You have ANY authority to dictate the Basis for my beliefs is Laughable.

Dude...knock it off. I have THEE Supreme ALL KNOWING Teacher and Authority of Gods Wisdom and Understanding of God.

Did you know??....the TOPIC of this OP is about being Prepared IN Christ; AND PRESENT WITH the Lord;

BEFORE the Wrath of the Lamb; (SEALS)
BEFORE the Wrath of God; (VIALS)

Did you know??....The Lord came to DIVIDE (Luke 12:51)

Did you know??....The END TIME Tribulation...Begins and Ends with....
.Wrath upon those NOT Divided unto the Lord
.Woes unto those NOT Divided unto the Lord
.Some BECOMING Divided unto the Lord
.Many REJECTING Division unto the Lord
.Wrath upon those In Steadfast Rejection of
....the Lord
.Indignation upon those In Steadfast
....Rejection of the Lord
.Death of the Bodies of those In Steadfast
....Rejection of the Lord
.SEPARATION of the Unforgiven Dead Bodies
....and Unsaved Living souls of those Bodies ....In Steadfast Rejection of the Lord
....TO HELL.
.SEPARATION of the Forgiven Dead Bodies
....and Saved Living souls and Quickened
....spirits of those Bodies, Forever WITH the

Then...Separation of those Divided

THIS OP is about the Urgengy for Individuals to get to getting and Decide WHICH SIDE OF THE DIVISION they shall Elect to STAND...
WITH the Lord......or AGAINST the Lord.

SEPARATION is coming soon!!

Because MAN is without the foreknowledge of a precise Day or Hour....WHEN the DIVIDED, will BECOME "SEPARATED".

And "WHEN" a MAN-KIND of Creature.....VISIBLY SEES;
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Lion, man Calls that thing a LION.
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Serpent, man Calls that thing a SERPENT.
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Woman, man Calls that thing a
Something that LOOKS LIKE a Man, man Calls that thing a MAN.

Not Rocket Science...Merely VISUAL Perception;

Why? I am content with the Knowledge, Wisdom and Understanding the Lord has provided to me.

Rev 1
[1] The Revelation of Jesus Christ, which God gave unto him, to shew unto his servantsthings which must shortly come to pass; and he sent and signified it by his angel unto his servant John:

I KNOW whom I serve. No clue whom YOU serve.

Oh and BTW, Awesome for me, I have a new heart that HAS the WORD of God WRITTEN in it....and its authorship IS not OF Created men.

Glory to God,

e-study Passages in Daniel?
Correctly discern Passages in Daniel?

You playing PSYCHIC AGAIN is a serious disorder your reveal...
... since I have not mentioned passages in Daniel.[/QUOTE]
That right there is the source of your problem. I am pointing it out, so that you may decide to restudy Daniel, and correct your interpretation of Revelations.

99% of Daniel was fulfilled, when Christ first appeared.
As for Revelations, "must shortly come to pass" means that ever since Christ Ascended, much of Rev. has now been fulfilled also.

There is no "THE secret rapture" .
ALL, both the saved and the unsaved, shall see Him on the Day of His return, in flaming fire.
In that moment, the saints shall rise in the air to meet Him, and the unsaved shall be burnt to a crisp, along with the earth, all at the same time.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
1. Be Rapture Ready Or Be Left Behind!! Your Choice!!

2. Rapture Ready...

3. Coverted IN Christ, to be Caught Up TO the Lord;
On a Day of Gods choosing,
To a Place of Gods choosing.

3. Praise the Lord God;
Division is being Accomplished Daily.
Separation is Coming Soon.

Be thou Prepared.

Glory to God,
1. Correct! But it will not be a secret, when He appears in flaming fire.

2. Maybe so! But are you ready for "a falling away FIRST", caused by the mark of the beast, enforced by the UN (the image of the beast)?
You just might be one of them that shall " fall away" from faith.
Do you recall Esau's dilemma of selling out on his "BIRTH-right" for food? What might it be that you can't "buy or sell" , unless you change your mind and voluntarily decide to get "the mark"?
Now you know why God hated Esau.

3. Yes, " a falling away" from faith is coming soon, and it will be caused by the mark of the beast.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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e-study Passages in Daniel?
Correctly discern Passages in Daniel?

You playing PSYCHIC AGAIN is a serious disorder your reveal...
... since I have not mentioned passages in Daniel.

That right there is the source of your problem. I am pointing it out, so that you may decide to restudy Daniel, and correct your interpretation of Revelations.

99% of Daniel was fulfilled, when Christ first appeared.
As for Revelations, "must shortly come to pass" means that ever since Christ Ascended, much of Rev. has now been fulfilled also.

Oh good grief....
Read Daniel, No wait read these parts of Daniel, Follow your way, Read Daniel again to know Revelations has been fulfilled, blah, blah, blah...

There is no "THE secret rapture" .

Do you revel in remaing IGNORANT?

[B[YOU...not me is the one who continually brings up and talks about Daniel and some fixiation of yours on something YOU CALL,
"THE Secret Rapture"....[/B]

Dude...Try really hard to activate your Gray Matter to Comprehend....What is YOUR WORDS and MY DISINTEREST in; and My having NO ACCOUNTABILITY for; YOUR WORDS.

I have NOT ONCE asked you to share what YOU DO NOT BELIEVE.

ALL, both the saved and the unsaved, shall see Him on the Day of His return, in flaming fire.
In that moment, the saints shall rise in the air to meet Him, and the unsaved shall be burnt to a crisp, along with the earth, all at the same time.

Rev [7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Dude...those "OF THE EARTH" are still "NATURAL" BOO HOO...."WAILING", which IS A CRY OF PAIN, GRIEF, ANGER!!

Those "NOT "OF" the EARTH, are "OF" God, are not "ON" EARTH, wailing, cries of pain, grief and anger.... :rolleyes:

THEY ARE "OF" God and "WITH" God.


Well-Known Member
Feb 2, 2019
South Carolina
United States
Oh good grief....
Read Daniel, No wait read these parts of Daniel, Follow your way, Read Daniel again to know Revelations has been fulfilled, blah, blah, blah...

Do you revel in remaing IGNORANT?

[B[YOU...not me is the one who continually brings up and talks about Daniel and some fixiation of yours on something YOU CALL,
"THE Secret Rapture"....[/B]

Dude...Try really hard to activate your Gray Matter to Comprehend....What is YOUR WORDS and MY DISINTEREST in; and My having NO ACCOUNTABILITY for; YOUR WORDS.

I have NOT ONCE asked you to share what YOU DO NOT BELIEVE.

Rev [7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Dude...those "OF THE EARTH" are still "NATURAL" BOO HOO...."WAILING", which IS A CRY OF PAIN, GRIEF, ANGER!!

Those "NOT "OF" the EARTH, are "OF" God, are not "ON" EARTH, wailing, cries of pain, grief and anger.... :rolleyes:

THEY ARE "OF" God and "WITH" God.
ALL, both the saved and the unsaved, shall see Him on the Day of His return, in flaming fire.
In that moment, the saints shall rise in the air to meet Him, and the unsaved shall be burnt to a crisp, along with the earth, all at the same time.
Rev [7] Behold, he cometh with clouds; and every eyeshall see him, and they also which pierced him: and all kindreds of the earth shall wail because of him. Even so, Amen.

Taken said:
Dude...those "OF THE EARTH" are still "NATURAL" BOO HOO...."WAILING", which IS A CRY OF PAIN, GRIEF, ANGER!!
Those "NOT "OF" the EARTH, are "OF" God, are not "ON" EARTH, wailing, cries of pain, grief and anger....
In the Day of the "rapture", do you agree that the saved shall ascend unto the Lord immediately, while at the same time, the unsaved will be burnt to a crisp?


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Feb 6, 2018
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1. Correct!

But it will not be a secret,

So, Why do you KEEP saying it is? LOL

when He appears in flaming fire.

NO Consequence to me...

2 Thes 1
[8] In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ:

Maybe so! But are you ready for "a falling away FIRST", caused by the mark of the beast, enforced by the UN (the image of the beast)?

Already Prepared...

Luke 12
[4] And I say unto you my friends, Be not afraid of them that kill the body, and after that have no more that they can do.

You just might be one of them that shall " fall away" from faith.


1 John 4
[4] Ye are [I am] of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, [me] than he that is in the world.

Do you recall Esau's dilemma of selling out on his "BIRTH-right" for food?

So? Esau's NATURAL birthright, has NOTHING whatsoever, to do with MY SPIRITUAL birthright.

What might it be that you can't "buy or sell" , unless you change your mind and voluntarily decide to get "the mark"?

Rev 13
[17] And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

As was MY BROTHER JOHN, IN CHRIST, UP Above the face of the Earth, so ALSO, shall I be UP Above the face of the Earth;

Rev 4
[1] After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither and I will shew thee things which must be hereafter.

WHEN men "ON" Earth are DECIDING to Come to Christ or Take the Beasts "mark"...

Now you know why God hated Esau.

No. I have KNOWN, so you have not revealed any news to me.

Yes, " a falling away" from faith is coming soon, and it will be caused by the mark of the beast.

Falling away is FIRST, and that man OF sin revealed is revealed.

2 Thes 2
[3] Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition;

Polling statistics regarding people "falling away" in the US, from 1990 to 2015 have shown a steady percentage of people "falling away".

And the man of sin, has yet to be revealed.

Other men, such as myself are Becoming Converted, and ALSO UNABLE to "fall away".

Glory to God,