Christ vs the anti-Christ: Who is winning?

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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
Cool and on the other look Miss m let me be the third to tell you that no matter what your position, holding it so tightly only hurts your cause ok?

i tell you that I know nothing, and seek to make that clear
everything I say is a lie
FINALLY,,,,,something we can agree on......Everything you say is a lie


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
None of the other stuff you wrote matters so I deleted it and I will address your first and most illogical statement.

The Reformation DIVIDED Christianity. That is NOT a good thing. If you think it was a good thing you are confused.

The result of the Reformation suggested that every Christian that can read the bible and that they can interpret it properly since they feel like they are being led by the Holy Spirit. That is NOT a good thing....that is anti-Biblical.

But let's go with your theory that the RCC is heretical and has false doctrines. Well, now EVERY Church is heretical and has false doctrines since SOME of them agree with the CC on some doctrines and disagree with them on others yet THEY ALL DISAGREE with each other soooooo NO ONE HAS THE TRUTH. Whatever "truth" any Protestant church spouts is actually only an opinion since every opinion is allegedly led by the Holy Spirit.

If the RCC is twisting and misrepresenting Scripture then it is being done 100 times WORSE now that we have THOUSANDS of competing doctrines from HUNDREDS of different Churches that all say they have the truth.

You should reassess your theory and see how illogical it is.
I guess you deleted my points because you didn't want to deal with all the false teachings of the RC church that I pointed out.

Sorry but there is nothing "illogical" about what I said. It's the facts of the Reformation which you are choosing to ignore. The Holy Bible scripture - i.e. the 66 books of the Bible is what our Christian theology & Christian doctrines are based squarely upon. Christianity is not based upon the Human Religious dogma & Traditions of the RC church. RC's who study the Bible have their eyes opened like Martin Luther did & are lead by the Holy Spirit to become new Protestants & get baptized with the Holy Spirit. God calls them out of Roman Catholicism and into His spiritual church.
Btw, it is always a good thing to stick to what the Word of God only, Jesus gave us examples of that in the Bible , where He read scripture in the synagogues, spoke on the scriptures & when He was tested by Satan in the desert , Jesus quoted the scripture. The Bible tells us it is God-breathed and sharper then a two-edged sword....& to separate from False teachings that teach contrary to God's Word. Hebrews 4:12 " 12For the word of God is living and active. Sharper than any double-edgedsword, it pierces even to dividing soul and spirit,joints and marrow. It judges the thoughts and intentions of the heart. 13Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the eyes of Him to whom we must give account.…"
The RC church added dogma to give itself more power & spiritual authority over the people and to make money off people.

The RC church was selling indulgencies to absolve sin, do you get how wrong that is? The Lord JESUS is the only one who can forgive us our sins & pay the penalty for us through His sacrifice on the cross & make us right with GOD the Father. The RC church was cheating people out of money & lying to the people, Martin Luther was a monk and a scholar, he knew it was immoral and an anathema to give a false gospel to the people as Apostle Paul wrote Galatians 1:8 " Evidently some people are troubling you and trying to distort the gospel of Christ. 8But even if we or an angel fromheaven should preach a gospel contrary to the onewe preached to you, let him be under a divine curse! 9As we have said before, so now I say again: If anyone is preaching to you a gospel contrary to the one you embraced, let him be under a divine curse!…"
The majority of the denominations all agree on the basic Christian doctrines and it's usually only the minor interpretations that are disagreed upon, they united under Christ. The Church of Christ , as I mentioned before is across Christiandom made up of people from many churches who are born again from above , Salvation is through grace alone , by faith alone, in Jesus alone as the scripture states.



Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Another illogical statement.

DOGMA: dogmas (plural noun) a principle or set of principles laid down by an authority as incontrovertibly true.

What you are saying is that the bible doesn't espouse a set of principles laid down by an authority (God, Jesus, the Apostles) and that you nor Scripture has any truth....What a ludicrous statement.
No , wrong- I said Exactly the opposite. Read my posts again. I said the RCC is not "the church" it has no apostolic authority from God to issue it's own ideas as coming from God or being divine. Apparently you have issues with reading comprehension or understanding,because you also don't seem to understand the difference between what the RCchurch does, or says with what the Bible teaches, but that is understandable given you attend the RCC which doesn't encourage independent Bible study , but gives RC readings instead. Understand this wasn't a criticism of you, but an observation because when someone has only been exposed to the RCC they have a mental filter & sometimes stuff just doesn't compute because they have never been exposed to a different frame of reference outside of the RC church's view.
I keep telling you in every post, that Only the Bible is the INERRANT word of God , only the BIBLE scripture contains GODLY authority ---NOT the RCC, not the Pope, i.e. the Rcc Has no authority from GOD , it is Man made and only peddles a corruption of the Gospel & false teachings. It preaches salvation through faith plus works and that is contrary to what JESUS says. It also raises His mother up for being worshiped and prayed to and that is an abomination, Rcc saints don't intercede for us. This all did not come from the Bible.
It's important that people read and study the Bible for themselves & pray asking God to open your eyes to the Lord's truth, He will reveal His Son as the only way to the Father. Only Jesus can forgive our sins and wipe out the penalty of our debt. Only the beloved Son of God , the Lord Jesus Christ can turn away God's wrath from us. God is just and Holy and His judgment is coming to all and only by grace , through faith alone in Jesus Christ will we be saved from the penalty of our sins and raised up with Him to live eternally at peace with God through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.

1Timothy 2:5 " 5 For there is ONE GOD and One Mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus. 6 who gave Himself as a ransom for all...."—

I am only repeating history of the reformation why Luther opposed the RC church teachings and showing what the RCC has added , and what the Bible scripture states which is in opposition to what the RCC teaches.
Unfortunately if you are blinded you will be lock in step with the RC church's False man- created religious"dogma".
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
I would like to expound on your Noah reference. Sin was destroyed by water in the days of Noah and eight persons were brought safely (saved) through water. Baptism, which corresponds to this, now saves you. (1 Peter 3:20-21)
Hi MM,
... funny, -- it's so obvious, but I'd never connected those dots! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
... all the false teachings of the RC church ...
Funny how so many want to pull the splinter out of someone else's eye.

The fact is, I could name dozens of "false teachings" of the protestant church -- and I'm not even Catholic. I'm protestant.

Perhaps if we cleaned up our own church, then we could start on someone else's church! :)

Bobby Jo
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I do just as the Church says because it is the pillar and foundation of truth. You should also do as the Church tells you to do.....
You're admittance and confession that your pre-eminent authority in faith and practice is an ecclesiastical body made up of finite mortal error-prone men and women ...sinners like proof positive that your church is has taken the place of Christ.
When we consider the whore of Revelation 17 and note that on her head is written name's' of blasphemy, we must consider the question, "what is blasphemy? The answer is found in a couple of places in the gospels, basically it means claiming the power to forgive sin...claiming to be equal to God...claiming to have the prerogatives in authority that belong only to God.
We read that this antichrist system blasphemes against God, His sanctuary, and those in heaven. In other words, by claiming to have authority that belongs only to God, this antichrist seeks to set up a rival system that is a counterfeit to the true God, the gospel, and His church. There is only one place I know where can be found such a system, that claims the power to forgive sin...has set up a false sanctuary with a priesthood, an altar, and way to heaven that incorporates all manner of traditions and superstitions, as well as a rival head in charge over all, the pope. Nothing personal Mary, but that is Antichrist...a rival instead of the true God, and His true gospel.

Should I surrender to everything my church tells me to do? Absolutely not. If it agrees with the purpose for church...the publication of truth, then no problem. If it is in contradiction to truth, then my obligation is to God and Him alone, regardless of what the church says. And yes, I am and always will be the one to decide "what is truth". God wants no-one to leave his mind and conscience to the control of others.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Funny how so many want to pull the splinter out of someone else's eye.

The fact is, I could name dozens of "false teachings" of the protestant church -- and I'm not even Catholic. I'm protestant.

Perhaps if we cleaned up our own church, then we could start on someone else's church! :)

Bobby Jo
Sorry, but your post shows a lack of awareness of why the Reformation happened in the first place, & of what the RC church teaches that is a false gospel that does NOT save & lack of awareness that the RCC pumps out False dogma that opposes what the Bible scriptures teach & just a general lack of knowledge of the Protestant churches & the fact that the majority AGREE on the Main Christian doctrines and only disagree on minor things. My post was not out of the blue , it was in response to Mary's question to me about why I hold the opinion that the Reformation was a very good thing because if it wouldn't have happened all Christendom would have been dominated and indoctrinated by the Corruption of the RC church .
This issue is not about "the speck in our own eye" it is not about let's just ignore the false teachings in the RC church because nobody's perfect - that is a very naive opinion about Biblical theology that Christianity is based upon.
Mary made a claim that the reformation was wrong because she is under the misinformation and indoctrination of the RCC which teaches that only the RCC are "the church" mentioned in the Bible , so she believes that it has "divided" the church of Christ, when in fact it has allowed the freedom for Protestantism to grow Christ Jesus submitted, Bible following assemblies that actually teach the true Gospel of Jesus Christ and to study the word of God ONLY not follow human traditions and worship God according to scriptures not according to the control of the Papal authority in Rome.
The claim by the RCC that it alone is "the church of Christ" is one of the major falsehoods that the RC church has perpetuated in order to make it's followers think if they leave the Roman Catholic Church that they will not go to heaven and that is a terrible manipulative LIE.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Hi MM,
... funny, -- it's so obvious, but I'd never connected those dots! :)

With Best Regards,
Bobby Jo
That is a false teaching that mary is sharing that you are agreeing with. The Bible does not connect those dots. Water does not save only the blood of Jesus saves. Unfortunately she is repeating the false teachings the RC church has given her, which is trying to justify their infant baptism as just one of it's many things that Rome has added to the gospel. The Bible teaches that it is Grace alone, through faith alone, in ----Jesus alone is what is the Gospel of Jesus according to the scriptures. It is not faith plus baptism, nor faith plus attending mass, nor faith in Jesus plus charity, nor faith in Jesus --plus saying hail mary's....etc..that is called a gospel of works which is not written in the Bible scripture, it is a FALSE gospel of Rome.


Nov 30, 2016
Ute City, COLO
United States Minor Outlying Islands
You're admittance and confession that your pre-eminent authority in faith and practice is an ecclesiastical body made up of finite mortal error-prone men and women ...sinners like proof positive that your church is has taken the place of Christ.
When we consider the whore of Revelation 17 and note that on her head is written name's' of blasphemy, we must consider the question, "what is blasphemy? The answer is found in a couple of places in the gospels, basically it means claiming the power to forgive sin...claiming to be equal to God...claiming to have the prerogatives in authority that belong only to God.
We read that this antichrist system blasphemes against God, His sanctuary, and those in heaven. In other words, by claiming to have authority that belongs only to God, this antichrist seeks to set up a rival system that is a counterfeit to the true God, the gospel, and His church. There is only one place I know where can be found such a system, that claims the power to forgive sin...has set up a false sanctuary with a priesthood, an altar, and way to heaven that incorporates all manner of traditions and superstitions, as well as a rival head in charge over all, the pope. Nothing personal Mary, but that is Antichrist...a rival instead of the true God, and His true gospel.

Should I surrender to everything my church tells me to do? Absolutely not. If it agrees with the purpose for church...the publication of truth, then no problem. If it is in contradiction to truth, then my obligation is to God and Him alone, regardless of what the church says. And yes, I am and always will be the one to decide "what is truth". God wants no-one to leave his mind and conscience to the control of others.
1 Samuel 8:18 Lexicon: "Then you will cry out in that day because of your king whom you have chosen for yourselves, but the LORD will not answer you in that day."

Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Sorry, but your post shows a lack of awareness ...
Let's start with the point that I'm aware that you have a fixation on someone/something besides yourself. Perhaps if you started with yourself, you could proceed to help others.

Bobby Jo


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Once again, perhaps if you fixed all the FALSE TEACHINGS of the Protestant church, ...

Do you even know what the Protestants need correction in?!?

Bobby Jo
Once again, your ignorance on the subject is not bliss. ;)


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
Let's start with the point that I'm aware that you have a fixation on someone/something besides yourself. Perhaps if you started with yourself, you could proceed to help others.

Bobby Jo
Very sadly, apparently you don't care about people's souls and where they end up eternally.
I suggest you get educated on the basic facts of the Reformation and why it happened in the first place, what were Luther's reasons, what the Rcc still presents that are false teachings, how rcc "traditions" are valued over what is literally written in black and white in the Bible scripture. Also educate yourself on what the Bible says about preaching a false gospel. Because lacking even the most basic knowledge of the above results in having nothing useful to contribute to a meaningful discussion on the subject. :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Very sadly, apparently you don't care about people's souls and where they end up eternally.
I suggest you get educated on the basic facts of the Reformation and why it happened in the first place, what were Luther's reasons, what the Rcc still presents that are false teachings, how rcc "traditions" are valued over what is literally written in black and white in the Bible scripture. Also educate yourself on what the Bible says about preaching a false gospel. Because lacking even the most basic knowledge of the above results in having nothing useful to contribute to a meaningful discussion on the subject. :)
tzcho2, your methodology here only drives people AWAY from whatever it is you believe. If you "care about people's souls and where they end up eternally", I would suggest a complete change.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
;) Says the person who tries to mislead people by utter deception and promoting the practice a false religion.
No we do not become gods and one day rule our own planets, no god wasn't a man who became a god....


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
;) Says the person who tries to mislead people by utter deception and promoting the practice a false religion.
No we do not become gods and one day rule our own planets, no god wasn't a man who became a god....
1) I have never proselytized on this forum and never will. I find such to be dreadful egotistical behavior.
2) Again, you "facts" about what I believe are 100% false, and you seemingly don't care about truth. This trend is seen to be consistent with not just my beliefs, but anyone besides your own.
3) This is the exact attitude (egotism, uncaring about truth, belligerent etc) that you've displayed against SO many people only drives so many AWAY from your beliefs and whatever you view as salvation.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
1) I have never proselytized on this forum and never will. I find such to be dreadful egotistical behavior.
2) Again, you "facts" about what I believe are 100% false, and you seemingly don't care about truth.
3) This is the exact attitude that you've displayed against SO many people only drives so many AWAY from your beliefs and whatever you view as salvation.
As others have stated, you have a history of not giving truthful answers & misrepresenting mormonism which makes your comments untrustworthy. I'm just not interested in anyone with a hidden agenda.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
As others have stated, you have a history of not giving truthful answers & misrepresenting mormonism which makes your comments untrustworthy. I'm just not interested in anyone with a hidden agenda.
By "others" you mean one person who declares anyone who doesn't agree with him to be lying?
Again, I"m OCD truthful and answer any question that the person is interested in the answer, as I've shown you. It's the opposite of a "hidden agenda".

And once again, you're showing that same dreadful egotistical behavior, and not caring about truth. You're driving people AWAY from the beliefs you prostylize here.

But if you think my plain statement here is "deceitful" or a "hidden agenda", you can alway put me on "ignore" and never have to here my OCD truthfulness.


Well-Known Member
Feb 15, 2019
United States
By "others" you mean one person who declares anyone who doesn't agree with him to be lying?
Again, I"m OCD truthful and answer any question that the person is interested in the answer, as I've shown you. It's the opposite of a "hidden agenda".

And once again, you're showing that same dreadful egotistical behavior, and not caring about truth. You're driving people AWAY from the beliefs you prostylize here.
Seek the only spiritual truth there is which is found in the Bible. Man-made teachings are false imaginings or purposeful deceptions , but either way they don't reveal the way to be forgiven by God which is only through the Gospel & there is only one gospel , one way of salvation, grace through faith alone in Jesus. Not through works.