I feel bad

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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
I think your point is well taken. There is no doubt that Christ not only had feelings, but felt them far more deeply than anyone possibly could. He doesn't just weep because of the loss he feels, or the empathy for his dear friends. He weeps because humanity was never meant to experience the sting of death. Man's state is hopeless and tragic.

There's a greater point here though. We see that Christ feels, but we don't see Christ saying that anyone needs to address his feelings. Christ isn't going around telling people how important his feelings are. He's not spotlighting the blood dripping down his forehead while he's praying, or experiencing the torments of separation from God.

It's ironic and paradoxical that self denial or self sacrifice requires pain and suffering, but it is through that pain and suffering that pain and suffering are abolished. It is only through a sense of self that this pain and suffering is possible, and yet we all ignore this fact that is so pervasive throughout the entire bible, but especially in the gospels. In other words, it's not an end in and of itself. It's something we need to go through and leave behind. When that happens, the last tear will dry as we step into eternity.

Obviously we're not supposed to simply dismiss the feelings of others, and there's far too much of that going on today. It's really become a sort of sport to see how well we can kick someone when they're down. We've lost the ability to employ tact. We walk around like a bunch of proselytizing Neanderthals bludgeoning each other with scriptural beams that end up lodged in our own eyes, and then presume we can remove the spec from those we've been beating.
Good post, the word passion itself means suffer, hard to suffer without feelings.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
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United States
There's no reason to persecute or insult someone if they are speaking in Christ,
Plenty of people found reasons to persecute Christ. I doubt things have changed much since then.

unless real feelings are hurt and involve,
We can agree there's that reason.

people persecute others cause they are jealous or because they hate the person for seeing Jesus in them.
Seems like another popular reason.

If people didn't like his first coming, why would they like his second one. You think the world want to see him a second time? They don't. They hated him the first time why would they like it now?
You hit the bulls eye with that one sister! Excellent point!!!

But the world is so demanding and it chooses it's own and I know most of the way people act is pretentious, it's just a big show.
Very perceptive. I'm probably as guilty as anyone else.

But who is the real joke here?
I think we're all a joke in our own special way.

Who are people to condemn and persecute someone's calling on thier life.
Who really cares? It's only God's opinion that matters, right?

Why take it out on the person, why not go take to God? Would it be a person's fault for being born with such a calling? Hmm. I'm sure the person didn't ask for this. We all have gifts and purposes but is it wrong that the next person loves the Lord and decided to turn to him in it's life? No body is stopping you from turning to God.
Good point. I hear echoes of Paul's comments on vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. We all have our own purposes in life, and we need to do what we are each tasked with doing the best we can.

you sit there and talk to me as if you see my life. Another thing, like some of you say his timing is perfect, well since my life is so terrible now and I have "issues", maybe that's why he is here now.
I think we can all relate to some degree or another. We speak what's in our own heart. Some people may be under a spirit of condemnation, and can't help project that onto others. It can easily spread when one we're vulnerable.

He said he would lose none of his, if his "sheep" is in danger or lost or whatever, why would he abandon that sheep too? Is it because the sheep's stumbles and and falls from time to time, he must abandon it? Is it too awkward or not worthy enough to be saved? Or is it because i'm the black sheep here too?
You're not the only one. It's hard to tell if this is something you're resisting or embracing yet. I'm being placed in the role of scapegoat, and can see that it may actually bring the rest of my family together. That's the purpose of a scapegoat. It's to strengthen a community by bringing them all together against a common enemy. I'm not resisting anymore. I'm not fighting them. I truly believe God has a greater purpose here, and it doesn't have to be about me.

Leave me alone.
I would suggest that those who are irritating you are quite easily banished by simply clicking on their name, and then clicking "ignore".

I have nothing to answer to...and I sure won't listen to your insults assumptions and accusations towards me cause you don't know me or anything about my life.
I agree that your response is quite true. However, I think you would agree that it is completely unnecessary to read their insults, assumptions, etc., and respond to them in the first place. This only provides those you are responding to with the satisfaction of knowing that you did actually read what they posted.


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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
85 Percent of What We Worry About Never Happens
Don Joseph Goewey, Contributor
author of The End of Stress, Four Steps to Rewire Your Brain.
08/25/2015 02:11pm EDT | Updated December 7, 2017

Five hundred years ago, Michel de Montaigne said: "My life has been filled with terrible misfortune; most of which never happened." Now there's a study that proves it. This study looked into how many of our imagined calamities never materialize. In this study, subjects were asked to write down their worries over an extended period of time and then identify which of their imagined misfortunes did not actually happen. Lo and behold, it turns out that 85 percent of what subjects worried about never happened, and with the 15 percent that did happen, 79 percent of subjects discovered either they could handle the difficulty better than expected, or the difficulty taught them a lesson worth learning. This means that 97 percent of what you worry over is not much more than a fearful mind punishing you with exaggerations and misperceptions.

Montaigne's quote has made people laugh for five centuries, but worry is no joke. The
stress it generates causes serious problems. The stress hormones that worry dumps into your brain have been linked to shrinking brain mass, lowering your IQ, being prone to heart disease, cancer and premature aging, predicting martial problems, family dysfunction and clinical depression, and making seniors more likely to develop dementia and Alzheimer's.

If we could get a handle on the worry that habitually, incessantly, and often unconsciously seizes hold of our mind, we would greatly increase the odds of living a longer, happier, and more successful life. But don't worry; new research has found that you can rewire your brain to stop worrying. It starts with the decision not to believe the misfortune that your worried thoughts see in your future. An example of someone who made that decision is an elderly woman my friend Martha was asked to drive to the clinic for an annual check-up. Martha didn't know this woman. All she was told was that this person was more than 90 years old and probably quite frail. But the person who opened the door when Martha knocked could hardly be described as old and frail. The person who stood before Martha was a sprightly lady who appeared to be in her seventies at most.

"Do you mind me asking how old you are?" Martha asked on the drive to the doctor.

"93," the woman answered.

Martha was astonished. "You look so much younger," she said. "What's your secret?"

"Well, honey," she answered, "30 years ago I made the decision to stop worrying and I haven't wasted a moment on worry since."

It was this decision that made her younger and healthier than her chronological age. Think of all the energy she gained through her decision not to worry. Think of all the anxiety she spared herself, all the needless stress she avoided. Martha said that it showed on her face, in her attitude, and in how well her brain functioned.

It's possible to make this same choice to let go of worry and gradually move past worry altogether. You can rewire your brain to quiet the worry circuit. It takes a decision and it takes a special kind of practice, but it's simpler than you might imagine. I present 20 proven tools and processes in my book, The End of Stress, that are neuroplastic in nature, meaning they represent a change of mind that can rewire the brain to extinguish knee jerk fear reactions that set off incessant worry, and all in a matter of four to six weeks. A tool as simple as The Clear Button can get you started.

Here's how it works. You imagine a button at the center of your palm. You press it and count to three, thinking of each number as a color.
  • Breathe in, count 1, think red.
  • Breathe in, count 2, think blue.
  • Breathe in, count 3, think green.
  • On the exhale, completely let go of thinking anything for a moment.
Nature gave us a 90 second window to bust stressful thinking before it takes a long walk off a short pier, and The Clear Button gets us through the window in time. The more you bust stressful thinking during the day, the more your brain will strengthen synapses that end worry.

Here is the neurological reason why the Clear Button works. The part of the brain that causes stress reactions literally has the intelligence of a toddler. And every parent knows you don't stop a tantrum by appealing to a child's logic. You distract the child. This tool distracts the terrible two-year-old in your brain from casting you off the deep end.

Another simple approach to dissolving worry is called "Finish Each Day and Be Done With It." It facilitates the choice to let go of the day's problems, so you don't take them home. This piece of wisdom comes from a letter written by the great American philosopher, Ralph Waldo Emerson, to his daughter who was worried over a mistake she'd made. This is what it says:

"Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders, losses, and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can.

Tomorrow is a new day; let today go so you can begin tomorrow well and serenely, with too high a spirit to be encumbered with your old nonsense. Each new day is too dear, with its hopes and invitations, to waste a moment on yesterdays."

By "old nonsense", Emerson is referring to our worries and woes. The two are synonymous. In the study I cited, nonsense and worry were one and the same thing -- not once in a while -- but nearly every single time.

I invite you to cut-and-paste the statement and post it where you'll see it at the close of your work day. If you allow Emerson's words to release you completely from your day's labor, your evening is guaranteed to be more enjoyable, more relaxing, and more restorative. You'll also sleep better. I've framed Emerson's statement and placed it on my desk and I read it with conviction before closing up shop for the day. Then I head into the evening committed to being happy and at peace, so I can enjoy the people and things I love

Very good Willie!
This is something I have finally conquered and man it is so freeing. My parents were such worry warts, they never overcame it...they were sick most of their adult lives and died way too young, and 28 days apart. It was something that followed all of us kids for most of our lives. If we cannot do anything about a situation, why worry about it?! God has come through in spades in this area for me. My brothers and sisters still have some of it left in them but, they see me no longer worrying about ANYTHING, ever and I think they are coming along a bit more each day. Thanks for sharing this, it is so important to our peace in Christ. :)
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Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Plenty of people found reasons to persecute Christ. I doubt things have changed much since then.

We can agree there's that reason.

Seems like another popular reason.

You hit the bulls eye with that one sister! Excellent point!!!

Very perceptive. I'm probably as guilty as anyone else.

I think we're all a joke in our own special way.

Who really cares? It's only God's opinion that matters, right?

Good point. I hear echoes of Paul's comments on vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. We all have our own purposes in life, and we need to do what we are each tasked with doing the best we can.

I think we can all relate to some degree or another. We speak what's in our own heart. Some people may be under a spirit of condemnation, and can't help project that onto others. It can easily spread when one we're vulnerable.

You're not the only one. It's hard to tell if this is something you're resisting or embracing yet. I'm being placed in the role of scapegoat, and can see that it may actually bring the rest of my family together. That's the purpose of a scapegoat. It's to strengthen a community by bringing them all together against a common enemy. I'm not resisting anymore. I'm not fighting them. I truly believe God has a greater purpose here, and it doesn't have to be about me.

I would suggest that those who are irritating you are quite easily banished by simply clicking on their name, and then clicking "ignore".

I agree that your response is quite true. However, I think you would agree that it is completely unnecessary to read their insults, assumptions, etc., and respond to them in the first place. This only provides those you are responding to with the satisfaction of knowing that you did actually read what they posted.

Awesome answers @shnarkle ... God is already working in your family, don't give up on them, no matter how nasty they are to you.


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
Other Faith
United States
Awesome answers @shnarkle ... God is already working in your family, don't give up on them, no matter how nasty they are to you.

I haven't given up on them. I can only take your advice and pray. However, I did point out to my mother that by lying to my sister to save her own skin, she was explicitly showing that she really didn't care for their safety. She tossed and turned all night, and then emailed me back saying that instead of pretending she was sick, and couldn't go, she was going to tell her that she was afraid for her own safety, and she was telling her that because she loved her, and didn't want to see her kill herself without telling her that.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
I haven't given up on them. I can only take your advice and pray. However, I did point out to my mother that by lying to my sister to save her own skin, she was explicitly showing that she really didn't care for their safety. She tossed and turned all night, and then emailed me back saying that instead of pretending she was sick, and couldn't go, she was going to tell her that she was afraid for her own safety, and she was telling her that because she loved her, and didn't want to see her kill herself without telling her that.

" She tossed and turned all night..."
Hmm. Seems God is speaking into her heart?


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
Other Faith
United States
" She tossed and turned all night..."
Hmm. Seems God is speaking into her heart?
Not just speaking to her heart, but giving her courage to face my sister. My sister is vicious. She has always had a temper except for a couple of years when she was going to AA meetings. Then we got to see what a wonderful person she really was. She was so sweet and helpful, but then she decided that she could drink and do drugs, and she was right back to being the way she is now.


Well-Known Member
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Apr 30, 2018
Buffalo, Ny
United States
Not just speaking to her heart, but giving her courage to face my sister. My sister is vicious. She has always had a temper except for a couple of years when she was going to AA meetings. Then we got to see what a wonderful person she really was. She was so sweet and helpful, but then she decided that she could drink and do drugs, and she was right back to being the way she is now.

Good for her, and thank God for that as it seems that all these years your mom (and yourself) walked on eggshells around your sister. No way to live. I pray for your mom's courage will not faint and that your sister will get the help she needs. Families can hurt us more than most....go figure.


Active Member
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Good for her, and thank God for that as it seems that all these years your mom (and yourself) walked on eggshells around your sister. No way to live. I pray for your mom's courage will not faint and that your sister will get the help she needs. Families can hurt us more than most....go figure.
Well that's what the bible says our enemies are those of our own household...and what's worst is when you find yourself attach to these people...
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Active Member
Nov 22, 2019
United States
Plenty of people found reasons to persecute Christ. I doubt things have changed muchsince then.

We can agree there's that reason.

Seems like another popular reason.

You hit the bulls eye with that one sister! Excellent point!!!

Very perceptive. I'm probably as guilty as anyone else.

I think we're all a joke in our own special way.

Who really cares? It's only God's opinion that matters, right?

Good point. I hear echoes of Paul's comments on vessels of honor and vessels of dishonor. We all have our own purposes in life, and we need to do what we are each tasked with doing the best we can.

I think we can all relate to some degree or another. We speak what's in our own heart. Some people may be under a spirit of condemnation, and can't help project that onto others. It can easily spread when one we're vulnerable.

You're not the only one. It's hard to tell if this is something you're resisting or embracing yet. I'm being placed in the role of scapegoat, and can see that it may actually bring the rest of my family together. That's the purpose of a scapegoat. It's to strengthen a community by bringing them all together against a common enemy. I'm not resisting anymore. I'm not fighting them. I truly believe God has a greater purpose here, and it doesn't have to be about me.

I would suggest that those who are irritating you are quite easily banished by simply clicking on their name, and then clicking "ignore".

I agree that your response is quite true. However, I think you would agree that it is completely unnecessary to read their insults, assumptions, etc., and respond to them in the first place. This only provides those you are responding to with the satisfaction of knowing that you did actually read what they posted.
Maybe you should look up information about narcissists you can find out a lot about why you may be going through what you are now. They have lots of videos on YouTube about such stuff..I never heard of that word before but someone introduced me and it has helped me a lot to understand some stuff...and I agree but I believe there is only one reason why people hate Jesus is because he tells the truth but how can you hate someone you don't know or don't believe in. People don't really hate Jesus. They hate the idea of him because they are jealous. They don't literally hate Jesus. They hate his words because it reveals the truth about itself..you can't hate somebody you don't know..and whilewhile some the truth will hurt , we can just either accept it or not..I rather accept the truth cause the truth can't be denied ..I rather know the truth about myself and have it corrected then to live in a lie ..that's not mature and not a way to be mature in ourself and the Lord...we can't hide anything anyway..the truth will come out eventually so we might as well own up to it and see things for what they are..besides truth can get you a further way along then lies can... :-/ I also believe God has been misrepresented in this world..that's why people are lost and do not understand period....
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
Well that's what the bible says our enemies are those of our own household...and what's worst is when you find yourself attach to these people...

Hebrews 3:6 KJV
[6] But Christ as a son over his own house; whose house are we, if we hold fast the confidence and the rejoicing of the hope firm unto the end.

You guys don’t have any enemies.
Tecarta Bible


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2013
Other Faith
United States
Maybe you should look up information about narcissists you can find out a lot about why you may be going through what you are now. They have lots of videos on YouTube about such stuff..I never heard of that word before but someone introduced me and it has helped me a lot to understand some stuff...

A narcissist needs to see that they have a heart that is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked. Been there, done that. Bought the T shirt. When one sees the depravity of their own heart, a YouTube doesn't come close to revealing much of anything. The Holy Spirit has this way of getting down to where the marrow meets the bone. I've already had way more than enough classes in Psychology to be dangerous, and I can assure you they don't go into nearly enough depth to be of much use; nowhere near as deep as God is able to penetrate.
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Jan 21, 2009
North America
I've already had way more than enough classes in Psychology to be dangerous, and I can assure you they don't go into nearly enough depth to be of much use; nowhere near as deep as God is able to penetrate.
Oh I agree, Sir, about the way the Word of God is far more searching than psychology...
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
It’s alleged that humans speak at about 300 words per second, but think at about 3000 words per second some higher.. it takes ten thousand ata boys to repair one your worthless.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
If people didn't like his first coming, why would they like his second one. You think the world want to see him a second time? They don't. They hated him the first time why would they like it now?

@shnarkle is right in this is an excellent point.

You're not the only one. It's hard to tell if this is something you're resisting or embracing yet. I'm being placed in the role of scapegoat, and can see that it may actually bring the rest of my family together. That's the purpose of a scapegoat. It's to strengthen a community by bringing them all together against a common enemy. I'm not resisting anymore. I'm not fighting them. I truly believe God has a greater purpose here, and it doesn't have to be about me.

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