Antifa is taking over Seattle

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Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Victoria, Australia
Where the problem comes in is that the Police will argue that a taser is a "Non-Lethal weapon" that they can freely shoot you with total impunity. Yet, if you shoot it at them... well, the rules change! Is it a "weapon," or isn't it? If it is a weapon, then firing back is fair and reasonable. If tazing someone is "non-lethal," then tazing a cop is not the same as justifying shooting someone with a gun!

In one part I understand exactly where you are coming from. There are double standards and this can be open to abuse (and can be abused by some police).

But I also think there's more to it than just this. It's not a level playing field. A criminal or suspect does not have to put themselves into a situation. They have more choices regarding their actions. They can also do what they want (and choose not care about the laws). Many criminals know (at least to some extent) what rules the police need to play by and can use that to their advantage.

I think of a football match where one side can do what they want, but the other side has to follow the rules. This in large is what the police can be up against daily. That must be hard.

The police also have a duty that they need to uphold - which at that point included apprehending the suspect and recovering the taser. They couldn't choose "oh well - let's just let him get away - it could be dangerous for us to chase".

I suspect firing a taser at someone's face while they are running could lead to a fatal situation if they were to sieze up and hit their head. It's my understanding that police are trained in taser use, which includes considering potential hazards for their use, which could be another contributing factor.

I am not familiar with Tasers, but in my ignorance - I'm willing to consider the possibility that in the wrong hands, used in the wrong way or moment - tasers have the potential to be deadly.

I also understand police have to put themselves into situations that can be life threatening. I know - it can be argued "that's the job they chose", but it still doesn't negate that the two sides have very different situations.

This in no way endorses or justifies what happens? I don't know enough about the situation, but I know there are two sides to every story (many times 3) - but it seems most people these days end up only being interested in one side. Not just with social topics - but with scriptural topics as well, and this really concerns me.

I believe justice needs to be served. But I also believe in being innocent until proven guilty - and allowing the defense an opportunity to speak for themselves. I am in favour of holding judgement until all the facts come out whilst considering many possibilities.
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Aug 10, 2012
have you watched the tape? the police man without his taser was pursuing the suspect - why? His partner was right behind him in pursuit of the suspect and he had his taser.

Yes, the shooting was justified from what I saw. Police have no obligation to let him go, and in the pursuit their lives were threatened. He was a strong man, I doubt those cops would win a fair fight. So even if one were incapacitated it would be a risk to the both of them. Also the tazer has killed before, it is deadly.


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Yes, the shooting was justified from what I saw. Police have no obligation to let him go, and in the pursuit their lives were threatened. He was a strong man, I doubt those cops would win a fair fight. So even if one were incapacitated it would be a risk to the both of them. Also the tazer has killed before, it is deadly.

so you didn't read my post....fair enough

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
We have statues coming down, firstly by the protesters, now by the local authorities - all those linked to the slave trade. Also, locally, they are considering changing some street names that may be offensive, and a couple of grave stones in the next village to me, have been covered up because the language used is racist - they have been there for some considerable time and no one has battered an eyelid about them. Now they deemed wrong ( actually when I read one of them I did think that it was not the best of things to have engraved )
It does seem strange to me that these things have been all around us in the UK for a good hundred years , and no one has said a word. Either this whole issue has made people think and act, or whether it is rooted in the fear of offence I have no idea. It will be interesting to see what street names they think are offensive !!

It’s strange, I grew up in the 60’s and 70’s and didn’t give a thought to the ‘ Black and white minstrels show ‘ or ‘ Love thy neighbour ‘ ( a comedy about neighbours ,one black family, the other white ‘ You couldn’t use the language now, but at the time it was funny. Both were being offensive to each other.
The cops shows we had on were also very sexist, but so was the culture - they have just pulled an episode of ‘ fawlty towers ‘ from Netflix because it was against the Germans, it was a really funny episode.
By all means sensor and change things now, but I do wonder if you are right censoring what has already happened in the context of culture. I am still thinking this whole issue through, how do others feel ?
Back in the 60's and 70's how much that we now see on TV would be totally banned, because such was once seen as totally offensive, depraved or disgraceful or degenerate.
The Poms had the best comedy by far, On the Buses with Blakey and all, Frank Spencer on Some mothers do have them, The two Ronnie's, Grandville in Open all hours with Glades Emmanuel. Benny Hill.

In my work relations I had an Dutch man who was the boss of and old pommy who sub contracted under him and also a NZ black man by himself and then another NZ black man with an Asian working together, they were all mainly on different job sites and the last two did not like the Pommy much at all and I was just saying to them two on the job that their boss got his nose out of joint with me because I put him in his place and that he had not spoke to me for 8 months and then I pointed out that the Pommy had informed me, that their has never been a Dutch comedian in the history of the world and them two said that their opinion of that Pommy had just been elevated by far.
Now non of them like their Dutch boss at all. but they loved talking with me.
I talked openly about racial subjects with them and they with me and the Asian was pointing out about different types of Asians that he did not look up to at all and the NZ blacks pointed out spots in NZ that were a real problem with their own black people.
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“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
Why? Because a very small percentage of police officers mess up? We don't live in a perfect world. Statistically, most do an excellent job.

hmm...then I guess we can do away with Qualified Immunity then - according to you, it isn't needed

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
In one part I understand exactly where you are coming from. There are double standards and this can be open to abuse (and can be abused by some police).

But I also think there's more to it than just this. It's not a level playing field. A criminal or suspect does not have to put themselves into a situation. They have more choices regarding their actions. They can also do what they want (and choose not care about the laws). Many criminals know (at least to some extent) what rules the police need to play by and can use that to their advantage.

I think of a football match where one side can do what they want, but the other side has to follow the rules. This in large is what the police can be up against daily. That must be hard.

The police also have a duty that they need to uphold - which at that point included apprehending the suspect and recovering the taser. They couldn't choose "oh well - let's just let him get away - it could be dangerous for us to chase".

I suspect firing a taser at someone's face while they are running could lead to a fatal situation if they were to sieze up and hit their head. It's my understanding that police are trained in taser use, which includes considering potential hazards for their use, which could be another contributing factor.

I am not familiar with Tasers, but in my ignorance - I'm willing to consider the possibility that in the wrong hands, used in the wrong way or moment - tasers have the potential to be deadly.

I also understand police have to put themselves into situations that can be life threatening. I know - it can be argued "that's the job they chose", but it still doesn't negate that the two sides have very different situations.

This in no way endorses or justifies what happens? I don't know enough about the situation, but I know there are two sides to every story (many times 3) - but it seems most people these days end up only being interested in one side. Not just with social topics - but with scriptural topics as well, and this really concerns me.

I believe justice needs to be served. But I also believe in being innocent until proven guilty - and allowing the defense an opportunity to speak for themselves. I am in favour of holding judgement until all the facts come out whilst considering many possibilities.
As to the Police being the job that they chose, not really ?
I did not chose my job and I never wanted to be in it at all, because I knew it was madness anyone who wants to be such is insane looking for a real hard life.
I seen a good mate who worked with me, got into the Police Service only because that was an opportunity at the time for real good money and an easy job, but he got sent to one of the worst places, The media does not truly report on that area and if they do report, it's a total joke and they are trying to put the police in a bad light only. the last one I seen on TV news was painting the top cop out to be a monster. what happened was some total criminal Gin tried to steal his great wad of keys he carry's on his belt, she jumped him and ran for it but he just only grabbed her in time and she screamed and resisted for all she was worth and the media only painted the cop in the worst light that they could.
The Media dominates like a great whore, they were playing the issue of the stealing of the keys was nil avoid and played at the distress of the poor girl, she was grabbed :oops:and ended up on the ground in the dirt, that was the issue that was being played out. them keys are not just the keys to the police car but to everything at the Police Station. if the cop had lost them keys is the real issue in reality that is a real serious deal in fact.
I would not be surprised at if the media put the girl up to doing such, hopping that she would be shot in the back or something that would make a real juicy story for them Vultures.
The carrying on of all the rioting out their is all totally supressed by the State Government and the Police reports are not to show the true reality of the crime, all such is watered down as the Government demands them to cover best that they can or the cops will get demoted or sacked, so it does not reflect on the Premier.
Every police car is damaged at times but never reported in the media.

Clearly the Socialist Governments are hell bent on trying to create a classless degenerate society, so they can create Laws that empower them way over all people regardless, that's a Key to it all and when they have got rid of all opposition party's, then they will turn on all the degenerates that they helped to create. because such people are seen by Socialist as just useful idiots to their cause of total world domination, they are clearly aiding and abetting all degenerate people.


Well-Known Member
May 14, 2020
Victoria, Australia
As to the Police being the job that they chose, not really ?

Hi Reggie,

Firstly, thank you for your service. I have had family members on the job, as well as a couple of close friends - and every time I think I've learned what they have to put up with - they show me something else that yet surprises me again.

My comment regarding 'police chose the job' is that I hear it used all the time as an excuse. "If they don't like the risks, they shouldn't do it - because they chose it". Personally - after the stories I've heard - I think it's an ignorant approach. The comment was to acknowledge that people say this - but it's a over simplistic viewpoint.

Sorry to hear about your mate. I have a serious dislike (hatred) for the media - or more likely spirit(s) behind the media with the lies, deception, and fuel they love to add to fire. I suspect that the devil has very strong talons deep into most media outlets these days.

Once again - thank you for your service!
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Blacks compose 13% of the population of the United States. Black men are approximately 6% of the population, yet, they commit 50% of all the murders in America! This man was not pulled over because he was "Black," but for suspected DUI. He overpowered the cop (shame on that cop) and disarmed him of his taser. Then he ran, turned and fired.

Where the problem comes in is that the Police will argue that a taser is a "Non-Lethal weapon" that they can freely shoot you with total impunity. Yet, if you shoot it at them... well, the rules change! Is it a "weapon," or isn't it? If it is a weapon, then firing back is fair and reasonable. If tazing someone is "non-lethal," then tazing a cop is not the same as justifying shooting someone with a gun!

Once again, the Police have laws that say, "Rules for thee, but not for Me!"

There is no justification for the violence and burning down a Wendy's. The clear double-standard of the Police in America has given us another example of what needs to be addressed, clarified and corrected.
Well Cops are the arm of the Law and a citizen is not the arm of the Law, just as when one is in the defence force as in active duty is the roll they play. outside of that you have no rights as such play.
If you want to have a go at anyone, best not do such to a Police officer as you have no rights at all to attack the man of the Law, such people should be shot, you want to resist arrest well you should have to pay to the officer, say $5.000 fine for resisting an officer straight off the bat and any injury to the cop the $ goes up. spiting at a cop or threating a cops family one should do time in jail and if one is a real bad criminal threating a cops family such a one should be hanging offence.
Cops have to deal with full on low life year in year out, so it should be zero tolerance to any mug that try's to have a go at Police.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Clearly the Socialist Governments are hell bent on trying to create a classless degenerate society, so they can create Laws that empower them way over all people regardless, that's a Key to it all and when they have got rid of all opposition party's, then they will turn on all the degenerates that they helped to create. because such people are seen by Socialist as just useful idiots to their cause of total world domination, they are clearly aiding and abetting all degenerate people.
Yes, I was thinking on how socialists abandon their humanist causes once their goals have been achieved. It never goes well, except for those in power. There is no real love for these victim classes, only a lie and appearance of concern.

The socialists must have a demon or many. It is the only way to understand their irrational behavior, and their organization with no central authority.


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Well Cops are the arm of the Law and a citizen is not the arm of the Law, just as when one is in the defence force as in active duty is the roll they play. outside of that you have no rights as such play.
If you want to have a go at anyone, best not do such to a Police officer as you have no rights at all to attack the man of the Law, such people should be shot, you want to resist arrest well you should have to pay to the officer, say $5.000 fine for resisting an officer straight off the bat and any injury to the cop the $ goes up. spiting at a cop or threating a cops family one should do time in jail and if one is a real bad criminal threating a cops family such a one should be hanging offence.
Cops have to deal with full on low life year in year out, so it should be zero tolerance to any mug that try's to have a go at Police.

If a cop becomes jaded like this, they chose the wrong profession. Fire them! All you offer is a recipe for the Fascist State. You, and the Police forget who works for who! The Constitution and the Bill of Rights trumps any of their positional authority, or all you have is garden variety tyranny.

If it is a crime to do something to the Police/ it is equally a crime for the Police to do it to someone else! If it is not a crime to use "non-lethal" means in an altercation by Police/ it should not be a crime to use that very same "non-lethal" means on the Police. Such a system that does not make men equal in this respect, is rife with abuse, and is the reason America is in Anarchy today.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Well Cops are the arm of the Law and a citizen is not the arm of the Law, just as when one is in the defence force as in active duty is the roll they play. outside of that you have no rights as such play.

Thank God that America is not set up for such a tyrannical system as this! This is the Fascist State that the Democrats want! They want people disarmed, to "leave it up to the professionals"! "Call 911" when someone is trying to kill you... so they can come file a report and draw a chalk-line around you!

Police have no obligation to protect you! That is what the Courts have decided! Cops do not carry guns to protect you; they carry guns to protect themselves! Making a "Rule" that you cannot stop violators of the Law because you are not employed by the Government, especially if you are the victim... is a misplaced faith in paid Public Servants that have no obligation to do anything!


Well-Known Member
Mar 10, 2011
in a house
United States
Firstly, thank you for your service.

I echo this thank you @Reggie Belafonte, there are many out there who got your back and support you all. I had an Uncle who was a Police Officer and I am very pro Police and anti degenerate.

The socialists must have a demon or many

I believe thy have a legion that specialize in this stuff


Well-Known Member
Jan 27, 2020
United States
Since the primary purpose of the police is "To Protect and Serve" what do you mean by they have no obligation to protect you?
Warren v. District of Columbia - Wikipedia
The Police are Not Required to Protect You — Barnes Law

This is how we see the Police stand by in Democrat Cities when the Liberal Communists Rampage and attack people, burn buildings, tear down statues or deface property or even loot. But get a handful or "Proud Boys" defend themselves and start winning the fight with ANTIFA, and the police are on them like flies on a turd!
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Well-Known Member
Feb 25, 2020
United States
No you didn't. Did you listen to what the police said was going on, not what CNN said? Because CNN doesn't give all the facts. They lie by simply ignoring a lot of inconvenient truths.
Show me what you're talking about.