Trump using the Bible as a prop...

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Active Member
May 20, 2016
I rarely post videos or links, but when I do, they are always very short and pithy and get right to the point.

The following video is a PERFECT example of the hypocrisy of the young Left on freedom of speech – and their complete ignorance of Capitalism vs. Socialism. You don’t even have to sit through the entire 5 minutes to get the point . . .

Can You Define Socialism?

And, I'm also including a short primer on the stark contrasts between Capitalism and Socialism:
The entire topic of socialism is not right to the point. It was you who got all agitated about it because I dared to criticize capitalism.

Now I don’t know about the young left in the US. But over here in Germany any A-level student has read the “Communist Manifesto” as part of his/her history lessons. And by own bitter experience I can tell you that any left wing sociology student in Germany can discuss the finer differences between Marxism, Bolshewism, Marxist-Leninism, Trotzkiism, various kinds of Socialism and Anarchy at great length.

Now, you don’t have to be a socialist or anything of the like to see that an organisation like Prageru, that has been founded by a right wing radio host and that has mainly been funded by fracking billionaires is probably not going to give you unbiased information on socialism or its finer definitions. So indeed it did not come as a surprise to me that in your video even public healthcare is deemed ‘socialist’. Bismarck would turn in his grave: in Germany it was he who introduced public health insurance in 1883 and it was also he who designed the Anti-Socialist laws of the German Empire.

The system that I grew up in is called “social market economy”. Up until the fall of the Berlin wall it definitely yielded better living conditions than its East German counter part of the “planned economy”. In my living memory the churches - both Catholic and Protestant – tried to defend the “social” against the “market” aspect of it. Alas, since the competing system has fallen that’s been more of an uphill battle. I see you haven’t made it your battle, because somehow you managed to read the Bible without taking away the message that it’s the poorest and weakest in society that Christ has solidarity for. From the point of view of the Bangladeshi seamstress that made your shirt or US fracking victims who are left without clean drinking water from their tab the predator style capitalism probably isn’t all that great.
And - to bring us halfway back to topic - I can imagine very many black people don’t think it’s that great either: after all it was capitalists that treated their ancestors as merchandize and cheap labour and too often people of colour are still on the loser’s side of your beloved capitalism.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Reread the thread: Actually I brought up the Catholic Worker Movement whereupon you somehow brought up Pope Pius XII. Seeing that you did not follow our conversation very well, I suspect you are a indeed bit ignorant in this case. But I don’t think that has anything to do with you being Catholic. In fact I know very many Catholics with whom one can uphold a civil and mutually enriching conversation.

I also suspect that anything beyond Fox News is ‘left wing press’ to you. With Fox news having utterly mutated into Trumps propaganda-channel these days, that leaves your choice of press on the radical right wing nutter side of things. The kind of press I read is actually pretty conservative in the true sense of the word. They do old-school reporting whilst separating news from commentary. And they don’t bombard you with pictures of riots whilst not putting it into the correct perspective that the overwhelming majority of the protests has been absolutely peaceful Martin Gugino certainly was peaceful. Both the video and his personal background as a pacifist make that very clear to anybody who doesn’t wear deliberate blindfolds.

I’m Christian enough to remember that I’m not supposed to bear false witness against my neighbour. I’m also Christian enough to remember that I’m supposed to be on the side of the oppressed. I’m not to be on the side of those who are blind to the suffering of their fellow man and who try and belittle and delegitimize their pain and demands. Seriously: you don’t have to be Marxist to sympathize with these protesters and it gives me hope for the decency of the US as a nation, that the majority of Americans do, no matter what divisive nonsense their President and his pundits spew.
You speak about Fox news like they're nothing bu a shill for the right - yet the Leftist nonsense you espouse reads like a script from MSNBC or CNN. You seem to have good intentions - but you've have been seduced by the Left because you don't pay attention.

Tell me something - if the BLM Marxists are so "concerned" about Black lives - why haven't they mentioned a WORD about all of the Black lives that were lost this weekend around the country?? What about the SEVENTY people shot in Chicago this past weekend - MOST of them Blacks shot bu other Blacks. In other cities, several small children were gunned down - some of them Black children, shot by other Blacks.
Who is protesting THEIR deaths??

When I see Marxist idiots rioting in the streets screaming about "equality" - yet they do NOTHING about the murders and rapes in their own communities - then I KNOW that the problem has nothing to do woith race or Black Radicalism. It has EVERYTHING to do with Marxist Socialism. and blaming the Right for all of their ills.

When the BLM idiots, in their "Statement of Beliefs" condemn the nuclear family model in favor of a "fostering a queer‐affirming network" - Christians should NOT support this manure. Christians should divorce themselves from this evil and live according to the Word of God - and not the edicts of some radical atheist group like BLM, Inc.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
You speak about Fox news like they're nothing bu a shill for the right - yet the Leftist nonsense you espouse reads like a script from MSNBC or CNN. You seem to have good intentions - but you've have been seduced by the Left because you don't pay attention.

Tell me something - if the BLM Marxists are so "concerned" about Black lives - why haven't they mentioned a WORD about all of the Black lives that were lost this weekend around the country?? What about the SEVENTY people shot in Chicago this past weekend - MOST of them Blacks shot bu other Blacks. In other cities, several small children were gunned down - some of them Black children, shot by other Blacks.
Who is protesting THEIR deaths??

When I see Marxist idiots rioting in the streets screaming about "equality" - yet they do NOTHING about the murders and rapes in their own communities - then I KNOW that the problem has nothing to do woith race or Black Radicalism. It has EVERYTHING to do with Marxist Socialism. and blaming the Right for all of their ills.

When the BLM idiots, in their "Statement of Beliefs" condemn the nuclear family model in favor of a "fostering a queer‐affirming network" - Christians should NOT support this manure. Christians should divorce themselves from this evil and live according to the Word of God - and not the edicts of some radical atheist group like BLM, Inc.
Yep the Left HATES America. They will eventually get their wish, World Government. They mean it for evil but God means it for good!

Revelation 7:9-14
9 After these things I looked, and behold, a great multitude which no one could number, of all nations, tribes, peoples, and tongues, standing before the throne and before the Lamb, clothed with white robes, with palm branches in their hands,
10 and crying out with a loud voice, saying, "Salvation belongs to our God who sits on the throne, and to the Lamb!"
11 All the angels stood around the throne and the elders and the four living creatures, and fell on their faces before the throne and worshiped God,
12 saying: "Amen! Blessing and glory and wisdom, Thanksgiving and honor and power and might, Be to our God forever and ever. Amen."
13 Then one of the elders answered, saying to me, "Who are these arrayed in white robes, and where did they come from?"
14 And I said to him, "Sir, you know." So he said to me, "These are the ones who come out of the great tribulation, and washed their robes and made them white in the blood of the Lamb.

More will be saved in the tribulation than in all of history!


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
The entire topic of socialism is not right to the point. It was you who got all agitated about it because I dared to criticize capitalism.

Now I don’t know about the young left in the US. But over here in Germany any A-level student has read the “Communist Manifesto” as part of his/her history lessons. And by own bitter experience I can tell you that any left wing sociology student in Germany can discuss the finer differences between Marxism, Bolshewism, Marxist-Leninism, Trotzkiism, various kinds of Socialism and Anarchy at great length.

Now, you don’t have to be a socialist or anything of the like to see that an organisation like Prageru, that has been founded by a right wing radio host and that has mainly been funded by fracking billionaires is probably not going to give you unbiased information on socialism or its finer definitions. So indeed it did not come as a surprise to me that in your video even public healthcare is deemed ‘socialist’. Bismarck would turn in his grave: in Germany it was he who introduced public health insurance in 1883 and it was also he who designed the Anti-Socialist laws of the German Empire.

The system that I grew up in is called “social market economy”. Up until the fall of the Berlin wall it definitely yielded better living conditions than its East German counter part of the “planned economy”. In my living memory the churches - both Catholic and Protestant – tried to defend the “social” against the “market” aspect of it. Alas, since the competing system has fallen that’s been more of an uphill battle. I see you haven’t made it your battle, because somehow you managed to read the Bible without taking away the message that it’s the poorest and weakest in society that Christ has solidarity for. From the point of view of the Bangladeshi seamstress that made your shirt or US fracking victims who are left without clean drinking water from their tab the predator style capitalism probably isn’t all that great.
And - to bring us halfway back to topic - I can imagine very many black people don’t think it’s that great either: after all it was capitalists that treated their ancestors as merchandize and cheap labour and too often people of colour are still on the loser’s side of your beloved capitalism.
I didn't get "agitated" because you criticized Capitalism.
I simply pointed out the absolute FAILURE of Socialism around the world for the last 100 years. I also exposed the fact that YOU can't show me how Socialism has helped ANYBODY but those at the top.

You have YET to prove me wrong when I pointed out that Capitalism has fed, clothed, housed and provided opportunity for BILLIONS - whereas Socialism has always ended up in utter failure, poverty, starvation and the murder of its citizens.

And finally - there is simply NO comparison between the two economic systems when it comes to charitable giving. Charity flourishes under Capitalism - but NOT so with Socialism - and Charity is a GODLY virtue (1 Cor. 13:1-13).

Just ask the starving people in the collapsed socialist country of Venezuela where all of the care packages are coming from . . .
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You don't like Israel? God LOVES Israel! They are back and all the Israel haters are in BIG trouble.

Genesis 12:3
3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;

Firstly, I made no statement as to my like or dislike of Israel. That is you assumption when I questioned your understanding of Rev 13 and you made no attempt to provide your answer around the question that I had asked.

With respect to your claim that Israel is back in the Land is true, but they returned to the Land where Abraham lived in the Land of Canaan without any help from the Lord. Gen 15:16 clearly tells us this and the timing of their return to the land in their own strength was given that they, the descendants, would return in the fourth age of their existence and that the iniquity of the Amorite people who lived in the Land at the time of their return had not yet been fully realised.

However, Christ did reference this event of the return of some of Abraham's descendants in Matt 24:32 by using as a reference point for when the Summer season of harvest of souls will being around 91 plus years after the fig tree breaks forth in leaf buds.

As for Israel being gathered to God, Himself, that is another matter, and as Paul has told us that this will happen when the fullness of the time period of the Heathen Gentiles trampling the Sanctuary and His earthly Hosts.

God has yet to gather Israel to Himself and to redeem them and renew His original covenant with them that he had made with the nation of Israel at Mt Sinai. That will happen after the Armageddon event which is to happen in our near future.

In Ezekiel God promises to plant Israel in the fertile soil of Jesus, and that He will teach them them about the Religion of Jesus where they reside scattered all over the earth. Jesus also gave a hint in the Parable of the Minas as to when Israel will seek out God and ask Him to remove Satan as their master. immediately after Satan goes away to be imprisoned in the Bottomless pit for 1,000 years.

But as this has not yet happened, the Nation of Israel is not yet reconciled with God, and as such I cannot make a claim that Israel is Back as you are claiming.

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
But as this has not yet happened, the Nation of Israel is not yet reconciled with God, and as such I cannot make a claim that Israel is Back as you are claiming.

Ezekiel 36:26-27
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.

Amen Jesus!

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Ezekiel 36:26-27
26 I will give you a new heart and put a new spirit within you; I will take the heart of stone out of your flesh and give you a heart of flesh.
27 I will put My Spirit within you and cause you to walk in My statutes, and you will keep My judgments and do them.

Amen Jesus!

So, when will this occur? do you know when, approximately, this will happen?


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
So, when will this occur? do you know when, approximately, this will happen?
Yes! "This generation". Some living in 1967 will witness THE END.

Luke 21 This generation will not pass away until all things are fulfilled.


Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2020
Las Vegas
United States
Trump will never find heaven b/c its easier for a camel to get in. Hes too rich!

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Yes! "This generation". Some living in 1967 will witness THE END.

Luke 21 This generation will not pass away until all things are fulfilled.

Sadly, your understanding of the Greek word "genea" and the message that is being given is rather misguided, even if the English Translations may suggest that it is a descendant generation, the time period being spoken about in this verse is far greater and stretches to the end of the Millennium Age, over 1,000 years in duration.

However, if we only consider a descendant Generation, as you are suggesting, then the people you are suggesting will be around 80 to 100 years of old, and the number in this age bracket of Israelite people still being alive when God begins to gather them to himself will be rather small in number.

If we consider that the descendant generation is associated with the 1948 budding of the fig tree then the age group of that people group will be around 100 to 120 years old.

Your frivolous responses just do not cut it as far as being on the money with your answers.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Sadly, your understanding of the Greek word "genea" and the message that is being given is rather misguided, even if the English Translations may suggest that it is a descendant generation, the time period being spoken about in this verse is far greater and stretches to the end of the Millennium Age, over 1,000 years in duration.

However, if we only consider a descendant Generation, as you are suggesting, then the people you are suggesting will be around 80 to 100 years of old, and the number in this age bracket of Israelite people still being alive when God begins to gather them to himself will be rather small in number.

If we consider that the descendant generation is associated with the 1948 budding of the fig tree then the age group of that people group will be around 100 to 120 years old.

Your frivolous responses just do not cut it as far as being on the money with your answers.
You're a Greek expert? You can edit nearly all of our English Bibles?

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
You're a Greek expert? You can edit nearly all of our English Bibles?

I wish I could. But so many, like you, will complain, that I have altered your beloved infallible versions, where your understanding and salvation is being questioned, by suggesting any corrections to your favourite version and they become an affront and is considered by the likes of you and others as being a heretically sacrilege, because of your lack of understanding.

The error may have even creep in with the LXX translations, because of the lack of understanding and knowledge of the Jewish Scholars who generated the LXX.

Tradition is what will stifle any attempt to improve the translations so that the message content is in line with the original source language texts.

Also because there are so many faulty English Translation Bibles in circulation we will end up with another argument over which translation version is the closest to the message content of the available source language texts from which the translations were generated.

We have enough problems with the KJV only advocates.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I wish I could. But so many, like you, will complain, that I have altered your beloved infallible versions, where your understanding and salvation is being questioned, by suggesting any corrections to your favourite version and they become an affront and is considered by the likes of you and others as being a heretically sacrilege, because of your lack of understanding.

The error may have even creep in with the LXX translations, because of the lack of understanding and knowledge of the Jewish Scholars who generated the LXX.

Tradition is what will stifle any attempt to improve the translations so that the message content is in line with the original source language texts.

Also because there are so many faulty English Translation Bibles in circulation we will end up with another argument over which translation version is the closest to the message content of the available source language texts from which the translations were generated.

We have enough problems with the KJV only advocates.

Ok, you have zero proof. All who attack the Bible have ZERO proof.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Ok, you have zero proof. All who attack the Bible have ZERO proof.

Really, Am I attacking the original Bible's source texts or simply pointing out the errors in your understanding. There is a very big difference.

Where is your proof that I have attacked the Bible? By claiming that I have is a false poor man's argument against the other person to win against another member.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Really, Am I attacking the original Bible's source texts or simply pointing out the errors in your understanding. There is a very big difference.

Where is your proof that I have attacked the Bible? By claiming that I have is a false poor man's argument against the other person to win against another member.
Ok, agree that the Bible is the written Word of God and we might agree.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Ok, agree that the Bible is the written Word of God and we might agree.

The point of contention will still be what you see as being the Bible? Is it the numerous English translations that you read or is the Bible what is preserved within the source language texts that the translations were derived from but modified by the translators in the compilation of the various English translations available today?

I would suggest that we both agree that our various English translations of the source texts are all fallible?



Well-Known Member
Apr 1, 2020
Tulsa, OK
United States
I would suggest that we both agree that our various English translations of the source texts are all fallible?
.... awkward ....

If someone receives a letter written in French from a French Dignitary,
and needs it translated.... they might get various translations, yes.

If they visit the French Dignitary in person, face to face, and talk with them, they can ask directly and find out first hand , without any mistake.


Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
What is revealing is the percentage of tests that come back positive and that hospitals in the US are beginning to get overwhelmed with people who suffer severe symptoms of corvid 19: Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Texas Doctor Talks 'Overwhelming' Impact on Hospitals as Coronavirus Cases Surge

Based on science the US is still in the first wave while most other countries are already preparing for the second.
What you are reading is propaganda. Don't accept everything you read at face value.

First of all, testing doesn't reveal new cases. Testing reveals "unknown" cases of people who had the disease and remain asymptomatic. Those who are actually sick and have symptoms don't need a test to tell them they are sick. Right? Symptoms = sick. Tests = antibodies. (i.e. already infected and got better.) Second, the critical issue is the mortality rate = number of known cases divided by the number of actual Covid-19 deaths. Based on these figures, the mortality rate is dropping. As of yesterday, it was .0003 percent. No more than the normal flu or the common cold. The more people who test positive for the virus, the lower the morality rate. More cases is actually good news not bad news.

I know it’s tempting to put your head in the sand when it comes to such frightening things as a pandemic.
I was never frightened because it wasn't an actual pandemic. The deaths are real, but the reports were wrong and criminally erroneous. The models predicted that the US would see over 2 million deaths. Nothing like that is even close. Even now, reports of the death counts are inflated. In order to see this, one needs to visit the CDC website and see the data first hand, rather than seeing it filtered through the "ministry of truth."

But this won’t help. Viruses don’t care about Trumps alternative facts and his attempts to either downplay the Virus’ danger or declare victory when in fact his failed politics made the US the worst affected first world country there is.
There is no such thing as alternate facts. Facts are facts. And again, the high number of reported cases is a good sign, not a bad sign. We have learned a lot since this thing first started. One thing we learned is that some people can be infected with the virus without indication. Testing has proven that many people were infected with the virus and didn't even know it. When all these, otherwise unknown cases were taken into account, it turns out that the virus is not as deadly as first reported.

Personally I never voted for Angela Merkel. But man, am I glad to have a level headed scientist for a chancellor these days and not a reality TV star.
Scientists are sinners too. Don't lean too heavily on them, especially those seeking funding.

The irony is that he’s basically killing his own voter-base by enticing them to not wear masks, not to do social-distancing and to believe in all kinds of fancy conspiracy theories and miracle cures. But with all the black humour I can summon, I still feel sorry for anybody who dies a slow and painful death of suffocation. So please stay safe and keep others safe.
Wearing masks is actually bad for you. We are not supposed to breathe stale air. People with heart conditions can suffer heart failure if exposed for too long. Think about it. Can a cloth mask over the face do anything to stop a microscopic virus? No? Really? Hydroxy is a proven cure.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
.... awkward ....

If someone receives a letter written in French from a French Dignitary,
and needs it translated.... they might get various translations, yes.

If they visit the French Dignitary in person, face to face, and talk with them, they can ask directly and find out first hand , without any mistake.

Joseph, are you suggesting that there are no mistakes in the English translations of the source texts that many refer to as "The Bible."

Can you confirm that there are no instances in our various English Translations of the source documents from which the translations have been created from, that do not convey the same contextual message content as the source texts from which they were written? If you answer "Yes, there are those errors contained within our English translations.", then the English Translations are fallible.

Even peoples comprehension of English texts, can lead to differing understandings of the actual message content.

The trouble with your suggestion of Talking with "God" is that too many people have the wrong connections and so do not get the right answers and then claim that "God told them so and so."

There is nothing "awkward" with this. It means that we do need to ensure that we have constructed the right connections in our relationship with God.

The problem is that many people believe that their "understandings" are infallible.
