Trump using the Bible as a prop...

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Well-Known Member
May 17, 2020
United States
Actually the mortality rate is between 0.5% and 0.9% (in countries where the average age and/or obesity rates are high)
The Actual number is closer to 0.0033% no worse that the flu. As each day goes by, more and more people are being tested, which is being reported as more "new" case. These are not "new" cases.

Think about it, if an individual has symptoms, that person doesn't need to be tested. We knew, early on, that people who have the disease might be asymptomatic. This is the reason for the shutdown and the reason for testing. People were asked to stay home until testing became available. Now that folks are being tested, some people indicate a positive result. But these are NOT new cases; these are cases that were hidden. Testing revealed cases that already existed. Testing is not revealing the number of people GETTING sick; testing is indicating those who were ALREADY sick.

Seeing that the coronavirus is highly contagious that is a lot of dead people. So far more Americans have died from the corvid-19 than have died in the Vietnam war. And the number is rising.
Actual deaths are much lower than reported.

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Look closely at the second column, which reports ONLY Covid-19 related deaths. Look at the total -->> 110,824 The total last week was -->> 906. According to the NSC, 38,800 people died in automobile accidents in 2019. That's an average of 3233 per month. Based on science, I'd say the Pandemic is over.

Firstly: the virus was not engineered. “The scientific consensus is that COVID-19 has a natural origin.” (COVID-19 pandemic - Wikipedia)
Everyone knows, or should know, that the virus came from a lab in Wuhan China.

Secondly: Again: do you not care about the elderly?
Of course I care about the elderly.

So I happily closed down my business so that she could be safer.
How did closing down your business make your mother safer?

Well I guess you were so busy focusing on rioters that you missed the arguments of that vast majority of peaceful protesters the world over. BLM’s arguments are really not so hard to find, even BreadofLife managed, but here’s for you:
I'm disappointed you can't see the obvious. A group who actually cared about bigotry and hatred would call themselves, "ALL lives matter." A group calling themselves "Black Lives Matter" has decided to advocate for Black people as if "blackness" made them special. BLM inadvertantly or on purpose perpetuates the problem.

So when my Eastern German country-men toppled Lenin’s statues or when the Iraqi toppled those of Saddam Hussein that indicated “a hatred for the truth”? “A disdain for history”?
It depends. I'm not familiar with Lenin's statues but I did see a mob topple the statue of Saddam Hussein. If you are asking me whether a mob was thinking clearly and rationally when they pulled down the statue, I would say not. This seems like an emotional outburst by a few of Iraq's citizens, not the decision of a plurality who debated the issue and decided to remove a statue from a public space.

But, since you are not from the United States, I shouldn't expect you to understand our ways. The United States suffered a civil war, when brothers fought against brothers and entire families were split apart. After the war, the nation needed to heal. And for this reason, in order to make peace, Confederate States were allowed to erect statues to their war heroes and leaders. This was part of the price for reconciliation.

Now, after all these years later, if the formerly Confederate States decided, by a vote of the people or their representatives, to remove these statues to make room for the statues of other notable people, then okay. No problem. But we aren't talking about a rational decision by a group of thoughtful individuals. We are talking about the raw outrage of a mad mob of kids who were indoctrinated in hatred of America by teachers who also hate America.

Now I never learned anything about history by looking at a statue. I had to read books. So if you – like I do - deem the past and its truthful representation important, you better don’t re-elect Trump . . .
I haven't taken the time to research the article to see if what they say is actually the case. Given what I know about the President, I suspect the President has another agenda.

In the US, many of these Federal Programs have become corrupted by special interests and corrupt politicians. In order to fight systemic corruption in these Federal Programs, the President wants congress to change the laws so that these programs are held accountable for the money we give them. The President is not against libraries, he is against those who steal public funds for their own gain.

How do you face suffering, persecution or difficulties? By racism not being regarded as PC any more?
You don't seem to understand the issue. Racism is both a belief and an action. The government can regulate actions, but it can't change the human heart. Governments can make laws against acts of discrimination, but it can't change the human propensity to prejudice.

But BLM isn't about the grievances of black people; BLM is all about gaining power. That's it.

Of course not. Marx lived almost 2000 years later.
Don't miss the point. Jesus fed people but only a couple of times and he multiplied food from a few loaves of bread and some fish. Jesus didn't take food from one person in order to give it to another person. Jesus was NOT a socialist. His main focus was NOT on feeding the pour. Judus the betrayer was ostensibly concerned for the poor, but Jesus tells him.

John 12:7-9
Therefore Jesus said, “Let her alone, so that she may keep it for the day of My burial. 8 For you always have the poor with you, but you do not always have Me.”

Acts 6:2
So the twelve summoned the congregation of the disciples and said, “It is not desirable for us to neglect the word of God in order to serve tables.

I’d just be intrigued to hear what your notion of Jesus teaching on the poor is. “All I can say to them and to you is get over it.”?
Again, don't let the point slip by you. I wasn't talking about injury or suffering. I was talking about being "offended", which some weak people think is suffering. The blacks aren't the only people with grievances; they aren't the only people being persecuted; and they certainly aren't the only people being tortured to death. But being offended IS something we all need "get over." Find a way to deal with being offended. Stop blaming other people for how you feel. Your feelings are your's to manage.

Never before has the US’s overall global standing been so low.
We no longer care about our global standing. We now care about fairness, which is why the President is demanding that Germany pay their share of NATO.

The “Deep State” is an invention of the tinhat-selling websites you seem to frequent.
You visit such websites do you?

As for the upcoming election: we can but hope that Trump and his gun-toting followers will accept its results, if Biden wins. Anything else would indeed be an insurrection.
Biden will not last the summer.

The Germans were in the position to wield influence on US-policy in 1945 when the CIA was founded? Now that is a tin-foil-hat-story that’s new to me.
Look for information on Project Rusty and General Reinhard Gehlen.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
It's all political. The Left is trying to dump Trump. They know every dirty trick. Don't be surprised if Trump loses the election. The World Government and the Mark are coming. Nothing can stop it.

Revelation 13:7 And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Revelation 13:16-17
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

Luke 21 THIS GENERATION will not pass away until all things are fulfilled.
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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
It's all political. The Left is trying to dump Trump. They know every dirty trick. Don't be surprised if Trump loses the election. The World Government and the Mark are coming. Nothing can stop it.

Revelation 13:7 And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Revelation 13:16-17
16 He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, 17 and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.
Nothing can stop it because humans made it all up. It does not exist.

Now if you are talking about the 3.5 years that God ALLOWS Satan to have fun, then only God or the body of Christ can stop it. It is call repentance and removing all wickedness from those who claim to be of Christ. God's people on earth, are the only ones who can repent, pray, and humble themselves, turn from their wicked ways. Then God will hear from Heaven and will heal this world. A world that is healed, will leave nothing for Satan to work with.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
I think this chip has nothing to do with Revelation 13, so nothing to worry about one way or the other.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
I think this chip has nothing to do with Revelation 13, so nothing to worry about one way or the other.
Many will be deceived into accepting the Mark.

Revelation 12:9 (NKJV)
9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2020
Mount Morris
United States
Many will be deceived into accepting the Mark.

Revelation 12:9 (NKJV)
9 So the great dragon was cast out, that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, who deceives the whole world;
Any one left at that time will no longer be deceived. It will be a matter of life and death.


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Don't be surprised if Trump loses. We are heading for World Government! Nothing can stop it.
Revelation 13:7
7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
Don't be surprised if Trump loses. We are heading for World Government! Nothing can stop it.
Revelation 13:7
7 It was granted to him to make war with the saints and to overcome them. And authority was given him over every tribe, tongue, and nation.

Perhaps you need to explain what time period this verse, Rev 13:7, is applicable to.

From my perspective, it seems to me that you have it all wrong.



Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Perhaps you need to explain what time period this verse, Rev 13:7, is applicable to.

From my perspective, it seems to me that you have it all wrong.

The time of THE END. "This generation" that witnessed Israel reborn. This is the terminal generation.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
The time of THE END. "This generation" that witnessed Israel reborn. This is the terminal generation.

Well then, perhaps you might explain when the beasts in Rev 13 are put into the abyss/bottomless pit and when they are then released. How old will this "generation" have to be to see the beasts rise up out of the Bottomless pit?

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
Well then, perhaps you might explain when the bests in Rev 13 are put into the abyss/bottomless pit and when they are then released. How old wit this "generation" have to be to see the beasts rise up out of the Bottomless pit?

When? The Bible doesn't tell exactly when. But it does tell us about the season. Israel is back.

Luke 21:28
28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
When? The Bible doesn't tell exactly when. But it does tell us about the season. Israel is back.

Luke 21:28
28 Now when these things begin to happen, look up and lift up your heads, because your redemption draws near.

So the reality is that you love to give your opinion on the present situation by cherry picking scriptural references without having any knowledgeable understanding on the facts presented in the prophecy that you have referenced to support your hair brain theories.

All you have done is confirmed that your knowledge on when Rev 13 will occur, with respect to the present time, is a big fat zero. As such you are no better than BJ and his opinions.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
You know I have to say that I cannot abide the constant label ‘ trump hater ‘ just because someone does not agree with everything he does all the time. I have not agreed with many things, but agreed with some things he has done and said. It does not mean ‘ I Hate him ‘ .
However this whole photo opportunity with holding up the bible just doesn’t fit in with what was going on around him- It just seemed so out of place and context. I mean what did it mean , what relevance did it have. ‘ Look at me I am a Christian ‘ that’s the message !
I must admit that I don’t think he has handled recent events very well - it could have been a Great opportunity for him, but I think he ended up making himself look stupid. That is not rooted in hate, but just observation.

Never forget that Fidel Castro also claimed to be a Christian....I don’t know what specific church Fidel worshipped at..... I “ Do” know that trump belongs to the “ I have never done anything wrong to have to ask for forgiveness” Church’s in D.C. the Corner Of “Blind” and “ Lost” Avenues....


Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
So the reality is that you love to give your opinion on the present situation by cherry picking scriptural references without having any knowledgeable understanding on the facts presented in the prophecy that you have referenced to support your hair brain theories.

All you have done is confirmed that your knowledge on when Rev 13 will occur, with respect to the present time, is a big fat zero. As such you are no better than BJ and his opinions.
You don't like Israel? God LOVES Israel! They are back and all the Israel haters are in BIG trouble.

Genesis 12:3
3 I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you;


Active Member
May 20, 2016
The Actual number is closer to 0.0033% no worse that the flu. As each day goes by, more and more people are being tested, which is being reported as more "new" case. These are not "new" cases.

Think about it, if an individual has symptoms, that person doesn't need to be tested. We knew, early on, that people who have the disease might be asymptomatic. This is the reason for the shutdown and the reason for testing. People were asked to stay home until testing became available. Now that folks are being tested, some people indicate a positive result. But these are NOT new cases; these are cases that were hidden. Testing revealed cases that already existed. Testing is not revealing the number of people GETTING sick; testing is indicating those who were ALREADY sick.

Actual deaths are much lower than reported.

Provisional Death Counts for Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)

Look closely at the second column, which reports ONLY Covid-19 related deaths. Look at the total -->> 110,824 The total last week was -->> 906. According to the NSC, 38,800 people died in automobile accidents in 2019. That's an average of 3233 per month. Based on science, I'd say the Pandemic is over.
What is revealing is the percentage of tests that come back positive and that hospitals in the US are beginning to get overwhelmed with people who suffer severe symptoms of corvid 19: Subscribe to read | Financial Times

Texas Doctor Talks 'Overwhelming' Impact on Hospitals as Coronavirus Cases Surge

Based on science the US is still in the first wave while most other countries are already preparing for the second.

I know it’s tempting to put your head in the sand when it comes to such frightening things as a pandemic. But this won’t help. Viruses don’t care about Trumps alternative facts and his attempts to either downplay the Virus’ danger or declare victory when in fact his failed politics made the US the worst affected first world country there is.

Personally I never voted for Angela Merkel. But man, am I glad to have a level headed scientist for a chancellor these days and not a reality TV star.

The irony is that he’s basically killing his own voter-base by enticing them to not wear masks, not to do social-distancing and to believe in all kinds of fancy conspiracy theories and miracle cures. But with all the black humour I can summon, I still feel sorry for anybody who dies a slow and painful death of suffocation. So please stay safe and keep others safe.


Active Member
May 20, 2016
Yup - nothing like an idiotic diversionary tactic i a discussion when you have LOST the point.

I never said that there wasn't greed in this country - OR within Capitalism. Because we are humans - there will ALWAYS be greed.
However - history has proven that "Socialism" is anything BUT.

instance of Socialism and or Communism in the last 100 years has resulted in a totalitarian state where weapons were confiscated, religion was banned and the executions of "enemies of the state" numbered over 100 million.

You need to wake up.

Like I said before - Pope Francis is infallible when it comes to teaching doctrine. That's a matter of faith. I completely disagree with him on MANY (not all) social issues - and I am not bound as a Catholic to agree with him on these issues.

As far as quoting Popes - YOU'RE the one who brought up Pope Francis - so don't lie.
However, if you want to get into a "Pope-quoting" battle with me - be prepared. I'm not an ignorant Catholic . . .

Secondly - don't try to sell me or other thinking person on the "virtues" of Black Lives Matter. The ONLY Black lives that matter to them are the ones whose circumstances they can manipulate in the left-wing press.

Finally - your moronic assertion that anybody who protests against Black Lives Matter is a "racist" is absolute nonsense - and as manipulative as BLM altogether.
As I showed you in my last post - Larry Elder, Candice Owens and several other educated Black Conservatives are vehemently against this hate group (BLM). Are they "racists"??

Shame on you for claiming to be a Christian and following a Godless, anti-Christ group like Black Lives Matter.

Protesting inequality is a noble thing.
"Black Lives Matter" is anything BUT . . .


Active Member
May 20, 2016
Yup - nothing like an idiotic diversionary tactic i a discussion when you have LOST the point.

I never said that there wasn't greed in this country - OR within Capitalism. Because we are humans - there will ALWAYS be greed.
However - history has proven that "Socialism" is anything BUT.

instance of Socialism and or Communism in the last 100 years has resulted in a totalitarian state where weapons were confiscated, religion was banned and the executions of "enemies of the state" numbered over 100 million.

You need to wake up.

Like I said before - Pope Francis is infallible when it comes to teaching doctrine. That's a matter of faith. I completely disagree with him on MANY (not all) social issues - and I am not bound as a Catholic to agree with him on these issues.

As far as quoting Popes - YOU'RE the one who brought up Pope Francis - so don't lie.
However, if you want to get into a "Pope-quoting" battle with me - be prepared. I'm not an ignorant Catholic . . .

Secondly - don't try to sell me or other thinking person on the "virtues" of Black Lives Matter. The ONLY Black lives that matter to them are the ones whose circumstances they can manipulate in the left-wing press.

Finally - your moronic assertion that anybody who protests against Black Lives Matter is a "racist" is absolute nonsense - and as manipulative as BLM altogether.
As I showed you in my last post - Larry Elder, Candice Owens and several other educated Black Conservatives are vehemently against this hate group (BLM). Are they "racists"??

Shame on you for claiming to be a Christian and following a Godless, anti-Christ group like Black Lives Matter.

Protesting inequality is a noble thing.
"Black Lives Matter" is anything BUT . . .
Reread the thread: Actually I brought up the Catholic Worker Movement whereupon you somehow brought up Pope Pius XII. Seeing that you did not follow our conversation very well, I suspect you are a indeed bit ignorant in this case. But I don’t think that has anything to do with you being Catholic. In fact I know very many Catholics with whom one can uphold a civil and mutually enriching conversation.

I also suspect that anything beyond Fox News is ‘left wing press’ to you. With Fox news having utterly mutated into Trumps propaganda-channel these days, that leaves your choice of press on the radical right wing nutter side of things. The kind of press I read is actually pretty conservative in the true sense of the word. They do old-school reporting whilst separating news from commentary. And they don’t bombard you with pictures of riots whilst not putting it into the correct perspective that the overwhelming majority of the protests has been absolutely peaceful Martin Gugino certainly was peaceful. Both the video and his personal background as a pacifist make that very clear to anybody who doesn’t wear deliberate blindfolds.

I’m Christian enough to remember that I’m not supposed to bear false witness against my neighbour. I’m also Christian enough to remember that I’m supposed to be on the side of the oppressed. I’m not to be on the side of those who are blind to the suffering of their fellow man and who try and belittle and delegitimize their pain and demands. Seriously: you don’t have to be Marxist to sympathize with these protesters and it gives me hope for the decency of the US as a nation, that the majority of Americans do, no matter what divisive nonsense their President and his pundits spew.