Aussie and Kiwi politics and events

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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Well thank you, but I reckon he is innocent, he is not behind the virus.

I didn't say he is behind the covid cold either lol...
Anyway, no one can give an accurate assessment of a person without knowing who they are in the first place


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Not to mention the elephant in the room is dismissed as to why the bush fires got out of hand, well I can point out the reason why the fires got to the state that they did, it's called lack of duty of care ! they did aided and abetted the fuel loads ! not to mention disregarded everyone who warned them of such as there incompetence for years before hand ! not to mention the dictating over such people and the media has snubbed everyone who has spoke out on such subject, Nothing to be seen here is there stance.
The workings of Satan is in the details of all this. not only the fires but with many more issues that the media does not bother with reporting on.
No one could be so stupid to believe the media, but their you go, that's the power and influence of the media, they can make a saint out of a devil, we seen this of late as well, look at that blasphemy with that Floyd madness depicted with wings and halo.
One only depicts a person with a Halo who is truly worthy of such admiration, but clearly the majority of the public are that deranged that they can't see that depicting such is of Satan, they are idolising a moron.
Not to mention the majority are under the influence of Satan's working in the fires, fact is that the Devil is truly in the detail.

Be carful of such people ! they are clearly leading people astray !
100% true.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Well thank you, but I reckon he is innocent, he is not behind the virus.
I have thought that Gates is insane for many years now, he is involved in too many things like this. I am sure he thinks he is doing good but he is no true Christian, he is a worldly nut. I am thinking that it looks like he is involved in planning reduction in world population, anyone who is involved in secret things like he is, be sure that the Devil is in the detail.
Just remember Hitler was seen as a good bloke too beforehand.
Anyone who is not an open book freely speaking on any subject like he is involved with, is not to be trusted at all.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I have thought that Gates is insane for many years now, he is involved in too many things like this. I am sure he thinks he is doing good but he is no true Christian, he is a worldly nut. I am thinking that it looks like he is involved in planning reduction in world population, anyone who is involved in secret things like he is, be sure that the Devil is in the detail.
Just remember Hitler was seen as a good bloke too beforehand.
Anyone who is not an open book freely speaking on any subject like he is involved with, is not to be trusted at all.

I used to think that Gates was the founder of Microsoft and nothing more. But when this covid thing started i noticed him talking about the virus and vaccines and what needs to be done and i thought to myself "who are you to be giving such advise". That's when i started to learn about him...

Population control was always something that his parents were involved in, his father was the president of planned parenthood
Eugenics runs in his family and that motivates him.
U may of seen what he said in a ted talk in 2010...

He says at the end of that clip
"If we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that (rate of growth) by perhaps 10 or 15%"

How can you possibly lower the growth rate with vaccines??? Well this is his reasoning...

So he says that by having healthier kids the parents choose to have less children.
Call me a skeptic but i just don't buy it...

He knows exactly what his doing and what his doing is playing a dangerous game of God with mankind
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
From the outside, looking in, it seems to me that Aussie and Kiwi politics are so different that one really can't put them in the same drawer.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I used to think that Gates was the founder of Microsoft and nothing more. But when this covid thing started i noticed him talking about the virus and vaccines and what needs to be done and i thought to myself "who are you to be giving such advise". That's when i started to learn about him...

Population control was always something that his parents were involved in, his father was the president of planned parenthood
Eugenics runs in his family and that motivates him.
U may of seen what he said in a ted talk in 2010...

He says at the end of that clip
"If we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that (rate of growth) by perhaps 10 or 15%"

How can you possibly lower the growth rate with vaccines??? Well this is his reasoning...

So he says that by having healthier kids the parents choose to have less children.
Call me a skeptic but i just don't buy it...

He knows exactly what his doing and what his doing is playing a dangerous game of God with mankind
Yes I am sure it was around that time that I seen him for what he was.

Yes he is playing god. I am sure he believes he is doing it for the good of man, but so was Hitler and all the Communist, not to mention Socialist all have this madness, Bible calls such Mans works and they get possessed with such, they create a world controlled by Political Correctness and enslave people like cattle.
True Freedom of speech is lost under the Satanist order and any such becomes totally controlled, you can not offend their new age religion in very much the same way that it is very much like Islam. maybe that must be why they look up to Islam, they like or welcome dictating power, it must be ? what I have seen of Socialist is that they admire thugs to dictate over all. that's why they are attracted to such people, like Hitler, Stalin you name it, all of the lunatics were idolised.
That's why the Socialist lefty's support social violence looting setting fire to damage others and demand they get their way regardless. they clearly do not care they have no respect for virtue or God, we shall know them by their works.

I was puzzled as to why would the Gays organisations support Islam, well Satanist are that possessed that they like to play with fire. deranged people will to be on a knife edge. like moths to a flame.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
In Victoria we have been forced to wear a mask so i have modified mine by putting holes into it.


The benefits of these holes are;
- They prevents my glasses from fogging up
- They allow moisture in my breath to escape
- They allow Co2 to escape
- They allow a better intake of oxygen


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
They allow Co2 to escape

So did the unmodified mask. It's always hilarious that the deniers are sure that masks can't filter out a virus that's 0.1 micrometer, but are also sure that they filter out something that's 0.000232 micrometers.

They allow a better intake of oxygen

Oxygen molecules are even smaller.


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
I used to think that Gates was the founder of Microsoft and nothing more. But when this covid thing started i noticed him talking about the virus and vaccines and what needs to be done and i thought to myself "who are you to be giving such advise". That's when i started to learn about him...

I thought you guys were fixed on Soros?

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
So did the unmodified mask. It's always hilarious that the deniers are sure that masks can't filter out a virus that's 0.1 micrometer, but are also sure that they filter out something that's 0.000232 micrometers.

To be fair i never said i was sure of anything, definitely not what u r saying.
The main reason for the holes is that it prevents my glasses from fogging up which was the first reason i listed. The other reasons are added benefits

Oxygen molecules are even smaller

Ive used an oxygen sensor and found that instead of the oxygen being around 20.5% it drops to under 18%.
Here are some people doing the same test... Cheers



Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
@Backlit if maskes are effective at keeping sawdust out of your airways, if they are effective at keeping fumes from chemicals out of your airways, then they should offer some protection against a virus.
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
I used to think that Gates was the founder of Microsoft and nothing more. But when this covid thing started i noticed him talking about the virus and vaccines and what needs to be done and i thought to myself "who are you to be giving such advise". That's when i started to learn about him...

Population control was always something that his parents were involved in, his father was the president of planned parenthood
Eugenics runs in his family and that motivates him.
U may of seen what he said in a ted talk in 2010...

He says at the end of that clip
"If we do a really good job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services, we could lower that (rate of growth) by perhaps 10 or 15%"

How can you possibly lower the growth rate with vaccines??? Well this is his reasoning...

So he says that by having healthier kids the parents choose to have less children.
Call me a skeptic but i just don't buy it...

He knows exactly what his doing and what his doing is playing a dangerous game of God with mankind
And people wonder why i have no confidence in microsoft and all its monitoring tools, or face book, google android etc, tech is not there for "your" convenience,


Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
So it seems that by nature I'm a conspiracy theorist. That means when anything important and earth-shattering takes place in my life, or in a family member's life, or in someone's life that I catch on the news whether relative or not, I question whether it's real, fake, a bit of each, genuinely terrifying (which according to most media outlets is just about everything) , or something I can ignore as just another hoax. So when mandatory mask wearing was announced, my first question was, why? My hackles rose, I bristled in righteous indignation, thinking who do these politicians think they are, demanding I forgo the hard fought freedoms my ancestors died for? Then I thought about the $200 fine that would be imposed on the miscreants, and my righteous indignation quietly slipped away into the dustbin of history. Then I began to think about some other things that I have grave suspicions regarding. Like facial recognition cameras dotted throughout the train stations, airports, shopping centres and malls of the world, tracking the unsuspecting and recording where they are at any given moment, to be used against them should they be brought before the inquisitions of the future despotic dictators of the nations. Then I realised. It is all a Muslim plot. They've taken over all the governments of the world and we never saw it coming. It was Muslim spies and infiltrators who have convinced the world to wear masks. Not only does this dastardly evil plot enable terrorists to run rampant all across the globe unrecognised and free to carry out all their nefarious plans, but they have all the peoples in the world, both male and female, wearing hajib! What evil cunning is this! What subterfuge! What deception!mask 1.jpg mask 2.jpg mask 3.jpg
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
So it seems that by nature I'm a conspiracy theorist. That means when anything important and earth-shattering takes place in my life, or in a family member's life, or in someone's life that I catch on the news whether relative or not, I question whether it's real, fake, a bit of each, genuinely terrifying (which according to most media outlets is just about everything) , or something I can ignore as just another hoax. So when mandatory mask wearing was announced, my first question was, why? My hackles rose, I bristled in righteous indignation, thinking who do these politicians think they are, demanding I forgo the hard fought freedoms my ancestors died for? Then I thought about the $200 fine that would be imposed on the miscreants, and my righteous indignation quietly slipped away into the dustbin of history. Then I began to think about some other things that I have grave suspicions regarding. Like facial recognition cameras dotted throughout the train stations, airports, shopping centres and malls of the world, tracking the unsuspecting and recording where they are at any given moment, to be used against them should they be brought before the inquisitions of the future despotic dictators of the nations. Then I realised. It is all a Muslim plot. They've taken over all the governments of the world and we never saw it coming. It was Muslim spies and infiltrators who have Cranbourne Seventh Day Adventist Church Fellowship convinced the world to wear masks. Not only does this dastardly evil plot enable terrorists to run rampant all across the globe unrecognised and free to carry out all their nefarious plans, but they have all the peoples in the world, both male and female, wearing hajib! What evil cunning is this! What subterfuge! What deception!View attachment 10010 View attachment 10011 View attachment 10012

That's why for many women living around Broadmeadows it's just business as usual...


Picture taken at Broady shopping center

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
And people wonder why i have no confidence in microsoft and all its monitoring tools, or face book, google android etc, tech is not there for "your" convenience,

LoL... Gates went from doing viruses on windows to doing viruses on people


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2019
United States
Ive used an oxygen sensor and found that instead of the oxygen being around 20.5% it drops to under 18%.
Here are some people doing the same test... Cheers

You're measuring in the wrong place. Use an oxymeter. : oxymeter


It measures how much oxygen is in your blood. (Yehren gets one out, and begins test with mask)

So, initially, my level was 96. The entire five minutes, it went between 96 and97, ending at 96. Pulse varied, but went from 58 at the start to 60 at the end, varying from56 to 61 during the period I was wearing the mask. (I have a slow pulse,since I was a distance runner in high school)

The normal pulse oxymeter reading is between 95 and 100. Below 80 is cause for concern.

Oxygen is about 20 percent of the total gases by volume in the atmosphere. Some impairment of physical effort happens when the concentration falls to about 16 percent, but one can survive for extended periods of time, if the levels are above 6 percent.

How can you manage to function normally, with such wide variations in ambient oxygen? Homeostasis. If there's too much oxygen, your breathing slows sufficiently to maintain a good level. If there's not enough, your breathing will slightly increase to accommodate. It turns out that CO2 levels in your blood will stimulate breathing. This is why you can pass out if you hyperventilate. You remove most of the carbon dioxide from your blood, and you forget to breathe.

So again, faulty assumptions, bad conclusion. See if you can find an oxymeter and try it yourself.
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