Hillary Clinton on "Why young people are leaving church?"

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Well-Known Member
Apr 5, 2020
United States
It comes down to what Jesus Christ says, it that to judgmental for todays people ? that's what I would ask Hillary.
As to the Church, what one ? Methodist oh boy from what I have seen with such and my father in law is one. not to mention what he says about the so called priest over the last 20 years that he goes to, as them being gooses who know bugger all. he says to me, hey listen to this dribble that is being sprouted of late in his church and asking me what I think of it. They have driven away all the young people and if any they are hangers on only really to get the handouts in the main. take away the free handouts and all the New Zealanders with there many kids would be on the hunt somewhere other, but they do like to sing.
Hillary would probably say "Jesus was gay".
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Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
We have talked abour this before and I do agree with you on the abortion issue.

But this thread is about why young people are leaving church.

And while I don't agree with everything Hilary Clinton says or everything the "Red Letter Christians" say.

Judgement could be very well one of the reasons why young people arw leaving Church however there are a lot more reasons, another reason is too many Churches are not preaching a lively message, too many are not displaying the power of Jesus, the cessationist Churches are not helping with this problem at all.

I would say the Church needs to get back to the basics and preach more about the basics since this world is so lost.

So what definition of judgement is the issue?
Kicking someone out of fellowship for committing a one time sin or just calling sin sin?
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Can you back up what you’re saying about her beliefs? I mean from a credible source that quotes her?
Most Evangelicals Falsely Believe God Accepts Worship of All Religions, Study Shows

A majority of evangelicals now believe that God accepts the worship of all religions, according to a new study released by Ligonier Ministries that shows many have also grown confused about some core doctrines of the Christian faith.Chris Larson, president of Ligonier Ministries, says the results of the 2018 State of Theology survey conducted by LifeWay Research and released Tuesday shows an urgent need for bold teaching of historic Christianity.”The State of Theology survey highlights the urgent need for courageous ministry that faithfully teaches the historic Christian faith. It’s never been popular to talk about mankind’s sinfulness or the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ, but at a time when a darkened world needs the light of the Gospel, it’s disheartening to see many within the evangelical church confused about what the Bible teaches. We hope this survey provides local churches with a little more insight into what people in our neighborhoods and in our pews actually believe,” Larson said in a statement.

In the survey in which a representative sample of 3,000 Americans were interviewed, evangelicals were asked about their views on a series of theological statements including: “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.”

Some 51 percent of respondents were shown to agree with the statement, while 42 percent disagreed. Two years earlier in 2016, 49 percent of evangelicals were found to agree with the statement while 43 percent said they disagreed.

“The Bible is clear that the Gospel is the only way of salvation, and God will not accept the worship of other faiths. It is only through Jesus Christ and by His Spirit that we are able to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:24),” the researchers note.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Clinton cannot be found saying the words sister . at least i cant find the information .
I was hunting for you dear sister . But i cant find it .
I read several reports in the liberal media that she had Jean Houston, who co-directed the Foundation for Mind Research, to the White House while she was FLOTUS. Some people accused her of having seances at the White House. She denied these reports.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Sorry sister , it would not let me post it all , said it had to be less than Ten thousand characters . But you can read it at the site .

There were several of them .
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Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States
Most Evangelicals Falsely Believe God Accepts Worship of All Religions, Study Shows

A majority of evangelicals now believe that God accepts the worship of all religions, according to a new study released by Ligonier Ministries that shows many have also grown confused about some core doctrines of the Christian faith.Chris Larson, president of Ligonier Ministries, says the results of the 2018 State of Theology survey conducted by LifeWay Research and released Tuesday shows an urgent need for bold teaching of historic Christianity.”The State of Theology survey highlights the urgent need for courageous ministry that faithfully teaches the historic Christian faith. It’s never been popular to talk about mankind’s sinfulness or the exclusive claims of Jesus Christ, but at a time when a darkened world needs the light of the Gospel, it’s disheartening to see many within the evangelical church confused about what the Bible teaches. We hope this survey provides local churches with a little more insight into what people in our neighborhoods and in our pews actually believe,” Larson said in a statement.

In the survey in which a representative sample of 3,000 Americans were interviewed, evangelicals were asked about their views on a series of theological statements including: “God accepts the worship of all religions, including Christianity, Judaism, and Islam.”

Some 51 percent of respondents were shown to agree with the statement, while 42 percent disagreed. Two years earlier in 2016, 49 percent of evangelicals were found to agree with the statement while 43 percent said they disagreed.

“The Bible is clear that the Gospel is the only way of salvation, and God will not accept the worship of other faiths. It is only through Jesus Christ and by His Spirit that we are able to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:24),” the researchers note.
Wow, this sad!
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Yeah . we in the falling away big time . Even the very core of our faith , that JESUS alone saves is no longer being believed by more than half in that survey . Probably higher now . THE LAMBS MUST CLING TO OUR KING . HE ALONE SAVES . No other religoin saves squat .
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I read several reports in the liberal media that she had Jean Houston, who co-directed the Foundation for Mind Research, to the White House while she was FLOTUS. Some people accused her of having seances at the White House. She denied these reports.
“The Bible is clear that the Gospel is the only way of salvation, and God will not accept the worship of other faiths. It is only through Jesus Christ and by His Spirit that we are able to worship the Father in spirit and in truth (John 4:24),” the researchers note.

Prayer Warrior

Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2018
United States

SO was this .
So sad for Bush saying that different religions are routes to God. I wouldn’t want to be him on Judgment Day after influencing people to believe such a big lie! I pray that he will repent if he hasn’t already.

He also had some education policies that I have openly opposed. Both he and his father did. Evil stuff!


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
So a question about the original topic: what kind of judgement are young christians leaving church over? Can someone clarify for me?


Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
Came across this article on Facebook from "Christian Today".

Hillary Clinton believes that young people are leaving Church because it has became too judgemental. So would you agree with her on this point?

Clinton, a Methodist, aired her views while asking Barber what he thinks the Church should be doing today to reverse the decline among younger generations.

"Because a lot of people are leaving the Church. A lot of young people are leaving the Church, in part because the way they understand what Christianity has become ... so judgmental, so alienating that they think to themselves, well, I don't need that," she said.


And here's the podcast, I have not listened to the podcast, but if you wish to listen to it, here is Hillary Clinton talking about "Faith."


Being judged is part of Christianity. Of course we will all be judged by Jesus in the end. So I think Hillary's point is invalid and, if I can say, immature in the Christian sense. Nobody likes being judged, but people that are honest with themselves accept judgment and work it to better themselves. I'm still working on being a better Christian, and it will take time and effort. And that's what her statement denies. A desire to be good so that one might pass thru judgment and into Jesus presence.

We used to have this guy on the other Christian forum push a lot of lake of fire judgment on everyone. Instead of resisting his judgmental words, I ran with it and realized that if God wanted to he could cast us all in the lake of fire because of judgment. Mercy is the only thing that will save us, mercy from God because he loves us and wants us to be with him.

Perhaps Hillary is right though? Yes perhaps.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Just remember this everyone . Biden nor harris would answer the question , WILL you stack the COURT
A biden win means , NO HOPE AT ALL for those babies .
They might not overturn it even with AMY , BUT THEY SURE WONT IF BIDEN stacks that court .
Lets make giving birth GREAT AGAIN and end abortion .

Addressing- your comment: Stack the Court.
This Nation has become so Corrupt- that the "little", words and phrases have become common place with the public.

Stack the court- for example.
The phrase does not bother me, but what is underlying is stomach turning.
• the USSC like any court is "supposed" to make rulings ON the Basis of Constitutional Law. If that is the case, How is there NOT 100% agreement in Renderings?
Because in Fact, Rulings come down to a Vote of personal Opinions.
• The People at Large have become Hostage to One man's OPINION, regarding Numerous issues.
It's a trickle path...through all phases of Government that is so out of control, the People haven't a clue How to Stop it, Or Fix it, being SO Convinced, (their role, the People), is to Fight amongst themselves), while Corrupt representatives (glued to honored seats), will LEAD them to Wealth, Safety and Peace.
All government Representatives are Servants, NOT Leaders.
And Today's generation are taught and encouraged TO Vote FOR Leaders. They begin as BABY Dependendents and are Conditioned to be Adult Dependents, in a Nation that was Designed as A Republic Form of Government, guaranteeing every Citizen Independence.

Glory To God,


My eldest granddaughter showing the result of her
Feb 27, 2008
Melbourne Australia
Came across this article on Facebook from "Christian Today".

Hillary Clinton believes that young people are leaving Church because it has became too judgemental. So would you agree with her on this point?

Clinton, a Methodist, aired her views while asking Barber what he thinks the Church should be doing today to reverse the decline among younger generations.

"Because a lot of people are leaving the Church. A lot of young people are leaving the Church, in part because the way they understand what Christianity has become ... so judgmental, so alienating that they think to themselves, well, I don't need that," she said.


And here's the podcast, I have not listened to the podcast, but if you wish to listen to it, here is Hillary Clinton talking about "Faith."


What I am convinced about is that the natural man cannot understand the things of the Spirit so dearest Hilary who believes that she has a direct line to God is the last person I would listen to for advice about what God is or isn't. What concerns me more is that she is a jezebel that supports the wholesale slaughter of babies in the womb. Until she can separate herself from such barbarity, I haven't the slightest interest in what she thinks.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
The church so often thinks that because they are in ministry that they have the right to dominate people...
It's been 12 years since I've been in the church.
Young people want Jesus, not dead religion that celebrates their denominational leaders more than the One who sent them.

I get your point loud and clear.
I was totally ignorant of what Scripture was saying. Failed at reading the Bible, presupposing to read it like a novel from front to back and disappointed.
Thought Church would be the Answer. Utterly disappointed. More so of a Fasion show, whispers of Gossip, Entertainment performances, People soliciting their Businesses of everything from their selling of Building contracts to Avon products, The yawns and making plans of where to go eat...UGH
Thought Sunday "school", might be more Helpful. One verse highlighted, spoken, and back to the business of Fashion, Picnic planning, church sponsored with their facility sport teams, more solicitation of businesses, also Disappointing.
I elected to Learn How to Learn, and applied that knowledge to the Scriptures.
It was a lengthy process, but yet makes the simplicity regarding the knowledge in Scriptures clear.
That was years Ago. As as far as Young people, Agree, they Are Thirsty FOR the Truth.
I had an advantage with my own children. They all had a popularity in their schools.
It was a simple lesson they took to heart;
• There is Never a Valid reason to Lie.
• Be a friend to Everyone;
Their friends were of every Flavor...
Race, weight, gender, wealth, click association, studdering, deafness, good grades, poor grades, no barriers.
• These kids absolutely are self- divided in Schools...But regularly They were invited to gatherings at our home. We would plan an activity...A vollyball tournament, a picnic, a slip-n-Slide water fun, water balloons, pumpkin carving, etc. teaming up the ones who knew eactother least...and Bible Study.
• The two highlights to mention-
1) Is kids at school hearing about our get-together's and asking my kids for an Invite, and getting one.
2) Was kids calling or dropping by, ASKING for More Bible Study. If they dropped by, we had a Study right then. If they called, the response was, Were home, Come here.

It was amazing to watch the kids with a little guidance, share and teach eachother, (regardless of they having been conditioned to hate what they do Not KNOW) their own talents and skills, in all kinds of things.

No doubt, my kids did get some blow-back ...
In some kids challenging them...as to Why would they Invite...a different race, the fat kid, the deaf kid, the punk Reputation kid, the unpopular kid, etc.
To which...their reply was: Why Not?
And BTW, you are invited too, because It matters not, which category, others have put YOU in.

Just saying, it is possible to have a direction that leads to good results.
Surely the Lord is to credit for what was accomplished at my home. At times what should have been overwhelming with often over a 100+ Diverse kids all at the same place.

There was a Rule. Didn't have a Trumpet to sound, but can Whistle very loud, and immediately, all would Become Completely silent...and pay attention ... To Any Instruction or Situation.
From ... Time to Eat... TO we have a disagreement brewing, that needs settling Right Now, and all observing HOW the disputing parties coming into agreement...
HOW- was teaching the two parties HOW to Judge "themselves" between "themselves", without the Observers input of Opinions/taking Sides... and always ended in the Two parties...shaking hands, hugging, and ON with the activities.

This is just a Brief of the Bigger picture. But, have to say, I was fortunate and Blessed to be a small part of these kids lives, that many of their own parents never experienced.

I am not on Facebook, but my kids are, and tell me the diverse relationships from their schools Days, have continued on through facebook friendships, as they can see who is friends with who. God is Good. He has the Way and His WAY always is successful.

Glory to God,
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