Not faith alone?

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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Salvation: a christian in the state if grace at the moment of death we enter into the salvation of the Lord! Mt 24:44-47 faithful servant! Jn 15:1-5 abide in me.

Catholic Tradition...... “ By your Traditions you make void the Word Of God”
Pure Hog- Wash.... just like The fairy tale Land Of Purgatory.....Transubsomething......the Sinless forth and so on.....

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
If you did not have a new life I guess you could be here for the same reason the people you think are saying works earn salvation spend lots of time in a Christian Forum. I don't know if you have a new life or not. The point I am making is the accusation of being a 'hypocrite' and 'unbeliever' applies to, both, those who are not relying on the blood of Christ all by itself and those who say they are trusting only the blood but don't have the new life to prove it. Both will stand at the judgment with no works of righteousness to show they have been saved through faith in Christ.

Offering up “your” works for your Justification as opposed to putting your Complete Faith in “ Christ’s” Works is a Sure - Fire Recipe for Damnation..... Just as God rejected what Cain “ DID”—— he will Reject what “ You” did......
You fail to notice this: At the Judgement Seat story that Jesus shared, who was it that heard “ Depart from me— I never knew you?” It was all the Self-Righteous people that said , “ look what “ WE” did ! ......didn’t we do this and didn’t we do that ?
Notice there was NO MENTION of what Jesus did .....NO MENTION of the Shed Blood.....NO MENTION of the things that save—- Christ’s Blood and Our Faith.....
Believing the Gospel is what saves .....the Gospel is what God did for Fallen Me —- NOT what Fallen Men did for God.....they never understood that .....Pride made no room for it......The Pride Of Satan is what sent Satan to Hell.....The Pride Of Man ( look at MY Good Works) will cause the vast majority of mankind to follow Satan into Damnation.....
Abel got Saved because he put his Faith in the Shed Blood Of an Innocent—- YOU had better do the same...


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
The power to forgive or retain sins is not given only to the apostles and neither is it only given to those on whom the apostles would lay hands or to those who would receive "succession".

It is given to all those who receive the Holy Spirit, in the context of the passage.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Offering up “your” works for your Justification as opposed to putting your Complete Faith in “ Christ’s” Works is a Sure - Fire Recipe for Damnation..... Just as God rejected what Cain “ DID”—— he will Reject what “ You” did......
You fail to notice this: At the Judgement Seat story that Jesus shared, who was it that heard “ Depart from me— I never knew you?” It was all the Self-Righteous people that said , “ look what “ WE” did ! ......didn’t we do this and didn’t we do that ?
Notice there was NO MENTION of what Jesus did .....NO MENTION of the Shed Blood.....NO MENTION of the things that save—- Christ’s Blood and Our Faith.....
Believing the Gospel is what saves .....the Gospel is what God did for Fallen Me —- NOT what Fallen Men did for God.....they never understood that .....Pride made no room for it......The Pride Of Satan is what sent Satan to Hell.....The Pride Of Man ( look at MY Good Works) will cause the vast majority of mankind to follow Satan into Damnation.....
Abel got Saved because he put his Faith in the Shed Blood Of an Innocent—- YOU had better do the same...
Jesus said, I never knew you, to people who were workers of iniquity...

Matthew 7:23;

Matthew 13:41-42;

Ezekiel 33:11-20.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I rested in the true Gospel; having believed it to cleanse me of my past sins

If the Gospel only cleanses us from “ past sin” there is no hope for anyone.....You sin every hour of every day—- just like I do....
Col 2:13. “ having forgiven us from “ ALL” SINS........
Heb10:14 “ by one Sacrifice He Forever Made Perfect those who are made Holy...”
Heb9:12 “ His Own Blood,He entered ONCS into the Holy Place , having obtained Eternal Redemption for us “
Second Cor5:19. “ not counting their sins against them...” ( no mention of “ past” sins )
Romans 4:8 “ Blessed is the man to whom God will not impute sins” ( no “ past “ sins )

The following came from a great site ....” Esacape to Reality”......Fair Warning — ——.Legalist , Spreaders Of Leaven and Tares stay away ...

For Christians ....which if the Following is True?

(a) Jesus will forgive all your sins

(b) Jesus has forgiven your past sins

(c) Jesus has forgiven all your sins

If you said (a) you’re probably thinking of 1 John 1:9 which says:

“If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.”

Some Christians take this to mean that Jesus will forgive our sins as we confess them. In other words we are free and forgiven only from the moment of our last confession until our next sin. The implication is that we need to confess all our mistakes, listing them out one by one. But what happens if we miss one? What about the sins we neglect to confess? When we get to eternity will we hear God say, “Oops, you missed one about 10 years ago. Sorry, I don’t know you”? I’m being facetious to make an important point: either we have to confess all of our sins or we don’t.

If we read all of what John is saying we see that confession for the forgiveness of sins is a one-time event. In this passage of scripture (verses 5 to 10) John is addressing unbelievers not Christians. How do I know this? Because it is the unrighteous who need to be purified from all unrighteousness (v.9). John is identifying with sinners when he says “if we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us.” What does John say sinners should do? Confess your sins and start living for Jesus. John promises that if sinners confess, Jesus is faithful to forgive. And when Jesus forgives, you are well and truly forgiven!

John is not preaching a doctrine of human confession but a doctrine of divine forgiveness. To make this plain John even brackets the confession verse with the double assurance that the blood of Jesus forgives us from all sin (v.7) and purifies us from all unrighteousness (v.9). All means all. “All sin” includes the sins we haven’t done yet. This is good news!

If you said (b) maybe you were thinking of 2 Peter 1:9. Here Peter mentions in passing that Jesus has cleansed us from our “past sins”. Although Peter doesn’t say it, some take this to mean that Jesus has not cleansed us from our present and future sins. In other words, Jesus got us started at the cross but now it’s up to us to stay on course. We have to take care and work hard to stay in that place of forgiveness.

What is the work that is required? Usually this scripture is connected with 1 John 1:9 and the need to stay ‘fessed up. The Devil must love this. Instead of telling the lost about the forgiveness Jesus offers, the church is cloistered away confessing its sins over and over again. Just when we think we’re all done the Devil hints, “are you sure you didn’t miss some?” And then we start confessing the sins we don’t even know about, just to make sure our insurance policy is topped up.

So are we completely forgiven or aren’t we? Look at what the Bible says happened at the cross:

“He forgave us all our sins.” (Col 2:13)

“When this priest (Jesus) had offered for all time one sacrifice for sins, He sat down at the right hand of God.” (Heb 10:12)

“I write to you dear children, because your sins have been forgiven on account of His name.” (1 Jn 2:12)

The Bible clearly teaches (c) – Jesus dealt with all our sin at the cross, past, present and future. If you are in Christ, you are completely forgiven. When we sin Jesus the Righteous One doesn’t judge us, He defends us (1 Jn 2:1) and then He teaches us to say “no” to ungodliness and worldly passions (Tit 2:12). When we sin we don’t fall out of grace, we fall into grace. Shall we then take this as a license to sin? Not at all. Why would we want to run back into that prison cell?
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
A person is saved by God's mercy. PERIOD. Faith is just the way that we access that mercy.

And that's what makes righteous works required to be saved when Jesus comes back. They don't earn deliverance from the lake of fire. They show you believe in God's merciful forgiveness of sin. Just as the woman who washed Jesus' feet in Luke 7:47-50 was shown to be forgiven by her acts of love for Jesus.

“ Acts Of Love “ are great! They do not Save, however....
The Sinful Woman in this story was NOT Saved by what she DID.....she was Saved because of what she BELIEVED .....Unlike the Scribes and Pharisees that held this banquet ( mainly for the purpose of tripping Jesus up ), and did NOT believe in Jesus—- This Woman actually “ BELIEVED” That Jesus was who He “ said” he was— God’s Son and the Promised Messiah and the “ Redeemer” spoken of hundreds of years previously by Job ( the oldest book of the Bible) Job did not have the Promises Of Abraham , nor did he have the Law Of Moses .....he had very little of the Revelations that we have , but he knew “ ONE” thing—- “ I know my Redeemer lives”
This woman knew Jesus was the “ Redeemer”..... God in the Flesh that could have Mercy on her and forgive her of her many sins.....THAT was why she was Worshipping Him at His Feet .....She was putting her Faith in Jesus to Forgive her because she knew who He was....That's why Jesus told her to “ go in peace...your sins are forgiven.....your FAITH has SAVED you”
It’s appropriate to notice here that Jesus did NOT say......”go and sin no more” when Jesus added that to others He was not demanding “ Sinless Perfection” .....He knows That is Impossible for Anybody inhabiting a Body Of Flesh .Jesus was giving a warning about the specific sin he was dealing with at the time.....He told the Prostitute that he saved from getting stoned to “ go and sin no more” ....he was talking about her Life Of Prostitution, to infer what many infer is asinine. A life of “Sinless Perfection” was not a Burden and an impossibility that Jesus put on anybody...
Grace has got your sins covered if you have put your Faith in Jesus Plus Nothing to Save you ....had that prostitute returned to Whoredom , especially after Jesus Saved her life , God would have Chastised her Severely - He could have struck her dead in her tracks like he did plenty of others— but if she had the Faith that Jesus was the One He said He was.....her Faith in Him would have Saved her—— kinda like the rest of us , right ?

BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
Agree. And Why most will end up on the Reject list.

Glory to God,

Nobody goes to Hell for “ Sin”..... they go there because of “ UNBELIEF”......Jesus took care of the “ Sin Issue “ 2000 years ago when He “paid for the Sins Of the World”
Total Forgiveness is out there for anybody that will simply “ come to Him”.....
Jesus did Everything Required to get one to it is up to the UnSaved man to simply “ cash in” to what Jesus already accomplished FOR us at the Cross.....That “cashing in” means RESTINg in the Gospel Of 1 Cor15:1-4.....If you are Worrying about your Salvation — afraid that you can somehow “ lose” it, that means you are to some extent, Trusting in Your SELF to get Saved .That is the opposite of Resting in what Jesus did FOR you ......God won’t have Hebrews 3 , He declares you as being “ disobedient” and in a State Of “UNBELIEF”......Doubting your Salvation is doubting God and His Gospel Of Grace ...He won’t have it.....
Some say that If you Doubt your Salvation——- you probably don’t have it.....I am not sure , but why Gamble ? Pray that God shows you how to REST in His Promises ......ESPECIALLY 1Cor15:1-4 ....It’s called “ Paul’s Gospel ( Given to Him by Jesus) and Paul says that “ his Gospel” is what God is going to JUDGE you probably heard it here first— be ready!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Hi @Blood Bought 1953,

I really do not want to engage in a war with you and I desire to forgive you...and I may have even been wrong in some of what I was preaching so that you may have been justified in calling my gospel "FALSE" and "PERVERTED"...

I could wish that you would have simply sent me a PM and let me see for myself what was wrong with what I was preaching instead of calling me a false teacher...

I was merely dealing with a passage of scripture that was new to me and I wanted to bring it to bear on the conversation...and I don't think that such a thing makes me a false teacher...therefore your identifying me as such was rather harsh and you might have considered that there was no deliberate deception on my part...I personally seek to preach only sound doctrine and I strive to keep false doctrine out of everything that I preach.

Having received my injection this Tuesday, I felt tempted by the lust of the flesh, and considering that the marriage bed is undefiled, I proceeded to have an intimate moment with my wife.

I consider that this was not a sin; and I believe that in coming to this conclusion I have gotten the victory over the accusations of the enemy in his trying to condemn me over behaviour that I previously felt guilty for.

I was reading recently in 2 Chronicles 8:16 (kjv) and the Holy Spirit spoke unto me that I am His temple or His house...and that I am even perfected according to the message of the Holy Spirit to me through that verse.

While I continue to have indwelling sin (1 John 1:8) and consider myself to be a sinner because of that.

I am perfected in the imputed righteousness of Christ....and am growing into that image of the finished product that the Lord sees in imputing His perfect righteousness unto me, in sanctification...I am growing up unto the measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ.

I believe that I differ with you in that I believe that entire sanctification is obtainable in this may in fact be a kjv-only proposition...but it seems to me that 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 (kjv) and Hebrews 10:14 (kjv) do in fact teach that we can come to a place in our lives where we don't sin any more (see also 1 John 3:9, 1 John 3:6, 1 John 2:17).

I would not presume to say that living perfectly is a requirement for salvation (any more).

I will only say that it is a prospect for those of us who are saved.

In Romans 7:24, we find that the pathway out of a Romans 7:14-25 lifestyle is to be discontented with your sins...I believe that if anyone has a relationship with the Holy Spirit and is still a sinner, that He will be convicting them and that they will be afflicted in their conscience.

For that reason I believe that the prospect of entire sanctification is indeed good news for the sinner who has a relationship with the Holy Spirit.

That is all I'm going to say for now.

I just want to let you know that I do forgive you regardless of whether you are going to throw it back into my face again or not...and I am going to be praying for you that the Lord will abundantly bless you all your days.

Love in Christ,

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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
PS I also want to ask you to forgive me for taking so long to be able to permanently forgive you for what you did to me. I know that I did not exhibit the most Christ-like behaviour in my reaction to you.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Nobody goes to Hell for “ Sin”..... they go there because of “ UNBELIEF”.
I think that the Bible would tell us otherwise...

Mat 7:23, And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

Mat 13:41, The Son of man shall send forth his angels, and they shall gather out of his kingdom all things that offend, and them which do iniquity;
Mat 13:42, And shall cast them into a furnace of fire: there shall be wailing and gnashing of teeth.

Eze 33:18, When the righteous turneth from his righteousness, and committeth iniquity, he shall even die thereby.

While I think that your statement, in context of how you preached it, is true to a certain extent. People go to hell because of sin and unbelief.

Sin is what makes them deserving of judgment/punishment...and unbelief makes them unable to receive forgiveness and it also prevents them from surrendering their whole hearts to the Lord so that they might live a holy life after becoming saved.

I think that too many people (one is too many) think that it is not trampling on the blood of Jesus to commit willful sin after having received the appropriation of His sacrifice...

What you are doing by committing sin after having received the gift of salvation is that you are adding to His pain and suffering on the Cross if His pain and suffering on the Cross even continues to avail for you.

Every time you commit a new sin, that is a sin that He had to pay for.

I would say to everyone to beware lest you cross the line and sin past the point of no return.

The scripture says,

Psa 49:8, (For the redemption of their soul is precious, and it ceaseth for ever: )
Psa 49:9, That he should still live for ever, and not see corruption.
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
I do have a new life. I am a new creation. And because that's true, I know that I'm not trying save myself by my works, and, that I really am relying solely on the blood of Christ to be saved. See, it works both ways. Lack of righteous works is the symptom of, both, the person trying to save themselves by their own works, and the person who says they are relying solely on the blood of Christ but doesn't have works to substantiate that claim.

I have plenty of “ works”...... I just don’t dwell on them or brag about them because they are not things that “ I” do .Rather , they are the things that God does “ through” me.They did not save me nor do they “ keep” me Saved..... I am Saved because I have the Holy Spirit in me and these “ Good Works “ flow Naturally From That usual, anything “ good” that comes out of me stems from that “ inside of the Cup” thingy that Jesus talked about
I don’t Concentrate on “ being good”..... I do not concentrate on “ doing good”.I concentrate on doing it Paul’s way.....Now That I am Saved because I believe Paul’s Gospel and REST in it.....I concentrate on Finishing my Walk Of Faith the Way that I started it —- FAITH!
Faith is Believing in a Promise of God .....if you truly Believe God’s Promises ,you Will Act on them ...that is what I try to do.....I act on a Promise Of God.....That is Faith.....for that Faith ,God puts His Spirit in me and I “ FIND” myself doing the things that please God .....I don’t even have to just comes out naturally.....I am obedient to what Jesus said through Paul .....How are we to “ LIVE” now that we are Saved ? Simple. “ The Just shall “ LIVE” by Faith
We do the Trusting—- He does the works for me.....and it’s the Secret for being Obedient AND for doing “ Works”


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
I have plenty of “ works”...... I just don’t dwell on them or brag about them because they are not things that “ I” do .Rather , they are the things that God does “ through” me.They did not save me nor do they “ keep” me Saved..... I am Saved because I have the Holy Spirit in me and these “ Good Works “ flow Naturally From That usual, anything “ good” that comes out of me stems from that “ inside of the Cup” thingy that Jesus talked about
I don’t Concentrate on “ being good”..... I do not concentrate on “ doing good”.I concentrate on doing it Paul’s way.....Now That I am Saved because I believe Paul’s Gospel and REST in it.....I concentrate on Finishing my Walk Of Faith the Way that I started it —- FAITH!
Faith is Believing in a Promise of God .....if you truly Believe God’s Promises ,you Will Act on them ...that is what I try to do.....I act on a Promise Of God.....That is Faith.....for that Faith ,God puts His Spirit in me and I “ FIND” myself doing the things that please God .....I don’t even have to just comes out naturally.....I am obedient to what Jesus said through Paul .....How are we to “ LIVE” now that we are Saved ? Simple. “ The Just shall “ LIVE” by Faith
We do the Trusting—- He does the works for me.....and it’s the Secret for being Obedient AND for doing “ Works”

Gal 5:22, But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith,
Gal 5:23, Meekness, temperance: against such there is no law.

Rom 3:21, But now the righteousness of God without the law is manifested, being witnessed by the law and the prophets;

Rom 8:4, That the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit.


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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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Nobody goes to Hell for “ Sin”..... they go there because of “ UNBELIEF”......


No"body" goes to Hell "For Sin"

Body's- are NOT sent to Hell.

..."they" (Body's) go there (Hell) because of UNBELIEF..."

Living Body's are Not sent To Hell.
Physically Dead Body's are Not sent To Hell.

(A man; body, soul, spirit...Who Does NOT BELIEVE In The Lord God;
... bodily, soul, spirit IS "IN" SIN and "COMMITTED" SIN-
Expressly- AGAINST The Lord God)

His Body Lives IN SIN AGAINST God.
His Body Dies IN SIN AGAINST God.
His Body Is Buried IN SIN AGAINST God.
His Body Shall be Raised (From the grave ON Earth TO IN Hell) IN SIN AGAINST God.
His Body Shall be Judged IN Hell.
His Body Shall be Destroyed IN Hell.

His Living soul, IN his Living Body, ON Earth, Lives IN SIN AGAINST God.
His Living soul, Departed OUT of his DEAD Body, IS SENT To Hell.
His Living soul Remains IN Hell, IN SIN AGAINST God, Waiting for Judgement.

His natural spirit, AGAINST God, dies with his natural body and IS BODILY Buried On the Earth.

A man's ... Body, soul, spirit of Unbelief In the Lord God;
•IS Precisely SIN AGAINST The Lord God.
•SIN AGAINST the Lord God IS Precisely WHY
(Body's Die and return to the Earths Dust, Unsaved Departed Living Souls ARE sent TO Hell, and their natural spirits Are Not born Again.)

Jesus took care of the “ Sin Issue “ 2000 years ago when He “paid for the Sins Of the World”

Jesus' ACTION - multi-
Jesus "PAID" the Price FOR All men's Bodily Sins AGAINST God (with His Body.)
...Jesus Did NOT pay the Price For Men's Souls or spirits.
2) Jesus "OFFERED"...
•His FLESH Body- For a man's Flesh Body's SIN
•His BLOOD- For Forgiveness of man's BLOOD
(FYI- Blood IS a man's BODILY LIFE )
•His Gift of Salvation- For a mans soul.
•His Gift of Gods Seed- For the Rebirth of a man's spirit.
4)His Spirit OF Power Within the man.

True- ALL Body's believers or not...AGAINST God (in Sin) or Not--- Shall Physically Die...
Shall BE Raised UP.
(John 6:51)
(Heb 10:10)

True- a man Body, soul, spirit...MUST "ACCEPT" the Lord Gods OFFER of Forgiveness OF SIN AGAINST the Lord God...To Receive Forgiveness FROM the Lord God.

True- a man's Heart, that Confesses his SIN (having HAD) Disbelief AGAINST The Lord God...and "Confessing Having BELIEF IN" the Lord God....
• Receives...
Forgiveness FROM the Lord God for his "SIN AGAINST" the Lord God,
• Receives...
The Lord Gods Gift of Salvation of the man's soul.
• Receives...
The Lord Gods Gift of Faith-" FULLNESS" of the man's spirit.
• Receives Gods Gift of Gods Power- Comfort- Spirit- Christ- within him TO Forever seal and Keep him WITH the Lord God.
• Receives "the Promise" TO BE BODILY "RAISED...uncorrupted, immortal, IN Forever Reflection of Gods Glory"
• Receives Other Gifts and Blessing afforded To Only The Saved and Quickened.

A man's SIN IS AGAINST the Lord God FOR Disbelief, IN HIM.

Only the Lord God Himself can FORGIVE a man's SIN AGAINST the Lord God.

Only the Lord God Himself can Save a man's Soul, Quicken a man's spirit, Raise a Body IN immortality.

Men Disbelieving IN men IS NOT a Sin.
Men Against men IS NOT a Sin.

Men Against Men Committing Invasion/ HARM Against a Man's Person/ Possessions is Trespassing...not SIN.
Men CAN Forgive men OF Trespasses.
Men CANNOT Forgive men OF SIN.

Mark 2:
[7] Why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? who can forgive sins but God only?
[21] And the scribes and the Pharisees began to reason, saying, Who is this which speaketh blasphemies? Who can forgive sins, but God alone?

Glory to God,

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
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United States
You fail to notice this: At the Judgement Seat story that Jesus shared, who was it that heard “ Depart from me— I never knew you?” It was all the Self-Righteous people that said , “ look what “ WE” did ! ......didn’t we do this and didn’t we do that ?
You fail to notice two things.

One: They're not bragging on their works of obedience in Matthew 7:21-24. They are bragging on their works of ministry (prophesying, working miracles, etc.). Christ condemned them for not putting his teachings into practice.

Two: You fail to notice at the judgement seat story in Matthew 25:31-46 that it is those who sin in disobedience who go to the left and into the fire. Only those who lived in obedience to Christ go to the right and into the kingdom. If you are being taught that the people in Matthew 7:21-24 are being condemned for putting the words of Jesus into practice then you are in a cult. Run for the door! That cult exists to lead people astray who can't see. Can you see? If you can, you'll see that Jesus is not condemning them for doing works of righteous living. They are being condemned for NOT having works of righteous living.
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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The power to forgive or retain sins is not given only to the apostles and neither is it only given to those on whom the apostles would lay hands or to those who would receive "succession".

It is given to all those who receive the Holy Spirit, in the context of the passage.

In Context- New Testament Teaching;
From a Jew
To a Jew
About Jews/Tribes

In Context-
Tribes of ISRAEL had been Under the Law for 4,000 years.
Jews first- then all the Tribes were being Taught...a NEW Testament.
Old Testament Law Fulfilled, All SIN forgiven...VIA the New Testament OF Jesus the Christ Giving Forgiveness OF Sin.

In Context-
"OT Law"- violation of The Law WAS SIN
Laws's acts Against God
Laws's acts Against men.
All acts were Sin...
God forgave "sin" of man Against God.
Men forgave "sin" of man Against man.

In Context-
The Laws did Not Apply To Gentile's.
Gentile's were Never Under a Law, Of Men Against Men was A SIN!

In Context-
A Gentiles Sin is Against God.
Only the Lord God Himself can Forgive a Gentile OF Sin Against God.
Gentile's CAN NOT SIN AGAINST one another.
Gentile's CAN NOT forgive Sin of another Gentile.
Gentile's CAN Trespass AGAINST other men.
Gentile's CAN Forgive Trespasses.
Gentile's CAN BE Forgiven their TRESSPASS Against other men...By the other man.

Jews Can, "According TO THEIR LAW, Forgive other men OF SIN".

If you ARE A Gentile...NOT UNDER THE LAW...
You have NO Lawful Authority TO Forgive ANY man of Sin.

Your authority is You CAN Forgive other men of Trespasses Against You, Your Possessions.

Two Different Things.

In Context- what applies TO WHOM and WHY.

Eph 2
[1] And you hath he quickened, who were dead in trespasses and sins;

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
Salvation: a christian in the state if grace at the moment of death we enter into the salvation of the Lord! Mt 24:44-47 faithful servant! Jn 15:1-5 abide in me.

Catholic Tradition...... “ By your Traditions you make void the Word Of God”
Pure Hog- Wash.... just like The fairy tale Land Of Purgatory.....Transubsomething......the Sinless forth and so on.....
This has been reported as hate speech: upsetting to a member or group of members in the community. A violation of the rules. Jesus condemned false traditions invented by the Jews to avoid honoring their parents, He did not condemn the Traditions He himself followed all His life, He did not condemn the traditions Paul commands us to keep. Nowhere in the Bible is Scripture used to attack the Church, but you don't care, you do it it anyway because it is your man made tradition to so.
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Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
Offering up “your” works for your Justification as opposed to putting your Complete Faith in “ Christ’s” Works is a Sure - Fire Recipe for Damnation..... Just as God rejected what Cain “ DID”—— he will Reject what “ You” did......
If you think salvation not being earned by works means you can arrive at the judgement without any works to show for your faith you are grievously mistaken. No changed life is just as much a sign of being unsaved for the works salvationist as it is for the greasy gracer.

Ferris Bueller

Well-Known Member
Sep 9, 2020
Middle South
United States
You fail to notice this: At the Judgement Seat story that Jesus shared, who was it that heard “ Depart from me— I never knew you?” It was all the Self-Righteous people that said , “ look what “ WE” did ! ......didn’t we do this and didn’t we do that ?
Notice there was NO MENTION of what Jesus did .....NO MENTION of the Shed Blood.....NO MENTION of the things that save—- Christ’s Blood and Our Faith.....
Neither is there any mention of Christ's blood and our faith in Matthew 25:31-46. Does this mean Jesus is going to save people by whether or not they have enough good works to earn their salvation? No. It means works show if you have faith in, and love for, Jesus. Just as the woman's works showed her to have faith in God's forgiveness and showed her love for Jesus in Luke 7:47-50. Jesus sees her works and says, "your FAITH has saved you". What she did was the evidence upon which he made that judgement about her faith.

That's how it will be at the judgement when Jesus comes back. Many, many 'Christians' are not ready for his appearance because they do not have the life that Jesus will use to judge them as being genuine believers. These fake Christians do not know their unrepentant lives of sin reveal them to not be real believers. Faith that is alone is not the faith that saves. The corrupt church has told us that the faith that is alone is the faith that saves.


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
I have plenty of “ works”...... I just don’t dwell on them or brag about them because they are not things that “ I” do .Rather , they are the things that God does “ through” me.They did not save me nor do they “ keep” me Saved..... I am Saved because I have the Holy Spirit in me and these “ Good Works “ flow Naturally From That usual, anything “ good” that comes out of me stems from that “ inside of the Cup” thingy that Jesus talked about
I don’t Concentrate on “ being good”..... I do not concentrate on “ doing good”.I concentrate on doing it Paul’s way.....Now That I am Saved because I believe Paul’s Gospel and REST in it.....I concentrate on Finishing my Walk Of Faith the Way that I started it —- FAITH!
Faith is Believing in a Promise of God .....if you truly Believe God’s Promises ,you Will Act on them ...that is what I try to do.....I act on a Promise Of God.....That is Faith.....for that Faith ,God puts His Spirit in me and I “ FIND” myself doing the things that please God .....I don’t even have to just comes out naturally.....I am obedient to what Jesus said through Paul .....How are we to “ LIVE” now that we are Saved ? Simple. “ The Just shall “ LIVE” by Faith
We do the Trusting—- He does the works for me.....and it’s the Secret for being Obedient AND for doing “ Works”
This is the Catholic view of "good works" yet you condemn us for the very thing we agree with. This proves my theory, that your brand of anti-Catholicism is not so much based on doctrinal differences, but prejudice, ignorance and mental illness.
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