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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Paul said “ All things are Lawful to “ ME”...

he continued by saying, "but I will not be brought under the power of any", and, "but not all things edify."

The person of faith obeys the law that you say increases sin in them. I'm going with John on this one, not you.

If those of Faith are doing such a great job “ obeying” the Law,

Consider that John said both that sin is the transgression of the law (1 John 3:4) and that if you know the truth, the truth will set you free from sin (John 8:31-36). So, if you are set free from sin, you are set free from transgressing the law...and that means you obey the law.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
No, the CORINTHIANS said that. Apparently, Paul did not agree with them that sleeping with your father's wife was lawful for them to do—1 Corinthians 5:1, Leviticus 18:8.

Paul said “ All things are Lawful to “ ME”...... Does that sound like a bunch of people said it? Lets let et the Reader’s obvious....
If Paul said it— JESUS SAID IT! Paul, unless he said otherwise , was a conduit between the Ascended Christ and the world.....The Holy Spirit used Paul as a Secretary ....simple as that ....Peter admitted that Paul was “ hard to understand” at times, but declared that everything that Paul wrote was Scripture.The Holy Spirit is behind EVERY WORD of Scripture....
What post was this in response to?


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
You are right. And it is because Satan -- in opposition to God -- would rather have Christians focus on sin than on righteousness. God wants us to focus on righteousness and holiness.

Just so.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You are right. And it is because Satan -- in opposition to God -- would rather have Christians focus on sin than on righteousness. God wants us to focus on righteousness and holiness.

Just so.

Much love!

The law tells us what is righteous by pinpointing unrighteous behaviour and saying that righteous behaviour is the opposite of it.

Of course it is wise to look at all of the virtues that are exalted in the word of God and to seek to exemplify them. In doing so, a man would succeed at avoiding all of the the vices opposite them (Galatians 5:16).


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I feel certain that any disagreement we have here must be about how we're using the words or something, but perhaps I can clarify in saying

If “ repenting From Sins” is the KEY to Salvation, and if you are saying That Repentance is referring to the sorrow and guilt attached to Sinning,

My understanding of repentance to salvation is when I realize that there's nothing about me that's good enough for God, when I realize He has provided a way (Grace), when I embrace that truth, wanting to be received by Him.

It's not so much, in my mind, about the absolution from particular sins, rather, a rescue from death into life.

When I realize I'm dead in sin, and want to be forgiven by God, when I trust in the Gospel message enough to receive Jesus.

When I've repudiated my own life, and want the life God gives. Or more theologically, when we are crucified to the flesh, and do it's mind, and we receive the mind of Christ.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
As always, let's be Bereans and test that assertion against the scriptures.....

Psalm 19:12-13
Forgive my hidden faults.
13Keep your servant also from willful sins

David makes a distinction between sins and willful sins. 'Sin is sin is sin' is not true at all within the context we've been discussing that. There are sins, and there are also willful sins.

My balloon is red, my balloon is round. How many balloons do I have?

He's not giving exclusive catagories of sin.

So let's do be Bereans. Can you think of any passages which actually give definitions for sin? A couple come to my mind. "All that is not of faith is sin." That's one.

Now, there is in fact a place that a sin is different, that being sexual sin, which is against one's own body.

There is living in the life of the Spirit. OR, there is doing the works of the flesh. You are doing one or the other at all times. Now, feel free to parse out the works of the flesh, this kind, that kind, personally, I fail to see the significance.

I've been given a lot of thought to this.

A number of people have come onto the forum to try and turn our minds towards the keeping of the law.

Galatians 6
12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

Something to think about.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
A number of people have come onto the forum to try and turn our minds towards the keeping of the law.

I hope you realize that I am not one of them.

I do preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ (Galatians 3:24); as a light by which a man realizes that he is a sinner in need of the Saviour (Romans 3:20) and as venue by which the soul can be converted (Psalms 19:7 (kjv)).

I also hold that if anyone turns away his ear from hearing the law, even his prayer shall become an abomination (Proverbs 28:9); and that if we look into the perfect law of liberty and abide therein, we will be blessed in what we do (James 1:22-25).

But as a means of salvation, the law has no virility. It does not have the power to impart life (Galatians 3:21).

Once a man has been redeemed by the blood of the Lamb, however, our relationship to the law changes so that it is no longer a taskmaster that condemns us when we fail; now it is a set of principles by which we might become truly wise.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
The person of faith obeys the law that you say increases sin in them.

You have to know that's not true. So much of the law is literally impossible for you to keep. No temple, no Levites, it goes on and on.

So you must have concocted your own "short list" of laws which you've decided are relevant, and you have the temerity to call that God's Law.

God's law has a lot in it you aren't doing.

Jesus didn't fulfill your short list, He fulfilled the Law. God won't judge from your short list, He will judge from His Law.

And you suppose God is endorsing your "short list" as measure of your salvation? Isn't that measuring yourself against yourself? Of course it is. You declare which laws you keep and don't keep, and declare yourself justified for keep, it is supposed, the ones you do.

This is true of anyone who says they keep the Law. They don't.

It's a blunt truth, but it's truth.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
You have to know that's not true. So much of the law is literally impossible for you to keep. No temple, no Levites, it goes on and on.

So you must have concocted your own "short list" of laws which you've decided are relevant, and you have the temerity to call that God's Law.

God's law has a lot in it you aren't doing.

Jesus didn't fulfill your short list, He fulfilled the Law. God won't judge from your short list, He will judge from His Law.

And you suppose God is endorsing your "short list" as measure of your salvation? Isn't that measuring yourself against yourself? Of course it is. You declare which laws you keep and don't keep, and declare yourself justified for keep, it is supposed, the ones you do.

This is true of anyone who says they keep the Law. They don't.

It's a blunt truth, but it's truth.

Much love!
If we walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit, the righteousness of the law is fulfilled in us (Romans 8:4); regardless of whether or not we wear tzitzit and tallit and tefilin or blow the trumpet on the new moon.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
A number of people have come onto the forum to try and turn our minds towards the keeping of the law.
Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man. (Ecclesiastes 12:13)​

If you love Me, keep My commandments. (John 14:15)​

So do Solomon and Christ, I guess.
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Waiting on him

Well-Known Member
Dec 21, 2018
North America
United States
My balloon is red, my balloon is round. How many balloons do I have?

He's not giving exclusive catagories of sin.

So let's do be Bereans. Can you think of any passages which actually give definitions for sin? A couple come to my mind. "All that is not of faith is sin." That's one.

Now, there is in fact a place that a sin is different, that being sexual sin, which is against one's own body.

There is living in the life of the Spirit. OR, there is doing the works of the flesh. You are doing one or the other at all times. Now, feel free to parse out the works of the flesh, this kind, that kind, personally, I fail to see the significance.

I've been given a lot of thought to this.

A number of people have come onto the forum to try and turn our minds towards the keeping of the law.

Galatians 6
12 As many as desire to make a fair shew in the flesh, they constrain you to be circumcised; only lest they should suffer persecution for the cross of Christ.
13 For neither they themselves who are circumcised keep the law; but desire to have you circumcised, that they may glory in your flesh.
14 But God forbid that I should glory, save in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by whom the world is crucified unto me, and I unto the world.

Something to think about.

Much love!
I’d rather they’d mourned.


Well-Known Member
Nov 3, 2020
Maryville, Tn.
United States
You are right. And it is because Satan -- in opposition to God -- would rather have Christians focus on sin than on righteousness. God wants us to focus on righteousness and holiness.
So how exactly does that work? I pray I am not coming off in a condescending way. I promise, that is not my intent at all. I truly want your opinion as to how it works.

How does one concentrate on righteousness and holiness? Are we not to seek these from God, hunger after them? The scriptures declare it so. God tells us to hunger and thirst not for forgiveness, but for righteousness, pure hearts, being a good, love-filled reflection of Christ in you.

And here I am talking about manifested goodness, of righteousness..... so.... fruit! Here is the problem as I see it. We have been taught that grace makes all that stuff, holiness, righteousness, goodness, spiritual fruits as 'desireable', of course, but unnecessary. God will eventually change you, and any way, grace covers it all. So what if we get in by the skin of my teeth. Heaven is Heaven, right?. God sees us as perfect. Right?

But even worse, satan has so bamboozled us that many Christian circles, the very act of seeking God's face for the changes to be made in you, is now often being seen as a sign of unbelief. It is legalism... you having to "work" for your salvation. Like "Watch out. Don't obsess over your sins. You ARE righteous. Stand fast, even when you are willfully sinning. They will eventually go away on their own. And praise God, even if they don't and you still cheat on your wife, praise God! How amazing grace is!" That, guys, is the grace of God turned into lasciviousness.

Forgive me if my wording is a bit more blunt than it might. But I so want to get you to see clearly the deception we have let creep in the church. Holiness is good. It is the highest honor a saint can be given. It is not legalism to set your affections on things above, to seek Him for the power to withstand satan's attacks.

This mindset is giving birth to some bad and dangerous error and it is here where the problem lies. Spiritual contentment without godliness is a warning sign of epic proportions. And we are blind to it. All that is about to change. Thank you Lord.

You see, we can talk about being righteousness and holiness minded and not sin-minded, but we have missed the entry point into such a life. We need to be found walking on the highway of holiness but first we have to get on it to begin with. But.... HOW?

How can such a thing happen? Are we to wait around until God stirs the waters and it is finally our turn to get changed? Or, do we change by such infinitesimally slow degrees that no one, including us, ever actually see a change? Or perhaps it is simply reassuring ourselves we are righteous people, we are forgiven forever, even if we no longer believe in Him. Or perhaps there is something God asks of us, something we need to DO. And no, it is not a work!

We are asked.... well, actually commanded, lol.... to believe that we are brand new creatures, that we are no longer in the flesh and owe it nothing. We are to reckon that sin.... willful sin's power over us.... is broken and that it is no more us that live but Christ IN us..... which is our new nature.

We asked, based upon us stepping out in faith that we are new creatures and our armor IS on, we are asked to yield ourselves to God. But wait, He does not want us to approach Him as worms, sinners saved by grace. Sinners who will continue to sin because no one is perfect.

No, new creature, no. He wants you to accept that newness as your possession. And with our shields of faith up, He asks us to yield ourselves to those who are alive from the dead!

God wills that we battle sin inside us unto we are totally broken of all confidence in our flesh, our old nature. For only then are we in the position to truly look away from us and our failure and look to Him for the miracle He has for us. It is then we are ready to truly believe we are new natured children of God, because we have no hope of pleasing God unless we do.

It makes no sense on the surface. We must struggle to enter our rest?? Why? it is because it is the only way our old nqture can be seen for who he is.... NOT US! This, dear fellow children of God, joint-heir with Christ, if we are to be holiness and righteousness minded, we must put them on.

And it is here, at this exact point, that God's people are awakening to the truth of who they are. NEW. And they will walk away, once for all, from the old carnal them that died when Christ died. And when they do, to their amazement, their God will CAUSE them to walk in sweet, willing obedience. They will walk in the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil that has been their birthright since the day they were first saved..... and the harvest will begin. Glory!




Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
So how exactly does that work? I pray I am not coming off in a condescending way. I promise, that is not my intent at all. I truly want your opinion as to how it works.

How does one concentrate on righteousness and holiness? Are we not to seek these from God, hunger after them? The scriptures declare it so. God tells us to hunger and thirst not for forgiveness, but for righteousness, pure hearts, being a good, love-filled reflection of Christ in you.

And here I am talking about manifested goodness, of righteousness..... so.... fruit! Here is the problem as I see it. We have been taught that grace makes all that stuff, holiness, righteousness, goodness, spiritual fruits as 'desireable', of course, but unnecessary. God will eventually change you, and any way, grace covers it all. So what if we get in by the skin of my teeth. Heaven is Heaven, right?. God sees us as perfect. Right?

But even worse, satan has so bamboozled us that many Christian circles, the very act of seeking God's face for the changes to be made in you, is now often being seen as a sign of unbelief. It is legalism... you having to "work" for your salvation. Like "Watch out. Don't obsess over your sins. You ARE righteous. Stand fast, even when you are willfully sinning. They will eventually go away on their own. And praise God, even if they don't and you still cheat on your wife, praise God! How amazing grace is!" That, guys, is the grace of God turned into lasciviousness.

Forgive me if my wording is a bit more blunt than it might. But I so want to get you to see clearly the deception we have let creep in the church. Holiness is good. It is the highest honor a saint can be given. It is not legalism to set your affections on things above, to seek Him for the power to withstand satan's attacks.

This mindset is giving birth to some bad and dangerous error and it is here where the problem lies. Spiritual contentment without godliness is a warning sign of epic proportions. And we are blind to it. All that is about to change. Thank you Lord.

You see, we can talk about being righteousness and holiness minded and not sin-minded, but we have missed the entry point into such a life. We need to be found walking on the highway of holiness but first we have to get on it to begin with. But.... HOW?

How can such a thing happen? Are we to wait around until God stirs the waters and it is finally our turn to get changed? Or, do we change by such infinitesimally slow degrees that no one, including us, ever actually see a change? Or perhaps it is simply reassuring ourselves we are righteous people, we are forgiven forever, even if we no longer believe in Him. Or perhaps there is something God asks of us, something we need to DO. And no, it is not a work!

We are asked.... well, actually commanded, lol.... to believe that we are brand new creatures, that we are no longer in the flesh and owe it nothing. We are to reckon that sin.... willful sin's power over us.... is broken and that it is no more us that live but Christ IN us..... which is our new nature.

We asked, based upon us stepping out in faith that we are new creatures and our armor IS on, we are asked to yield ourselves to God. But wait, He does not want us to approach Him as worms, sinners saved by grace. Sinners who will continue to sin because no one is perfect.

No, new creature, no. He wants you to accept that newness as your possession. And with our shields of faith up, He asks us to yield ourselves to those who are alive from the dead!

God wills that we battle sin inside us unto we are totally broken of all confidence in our flesh, our old nature. For only then are we in the position to truly look away from us and our failure and look to Him for the miracle He has for us. It is then we are ready to truly believe we are new natured children of God, because we have no hope of pleasing God unless we do.

It makes no sense on the surface. We must struggle to enter our rest?? Why? it is because it is the only way our old nqture can be seen for who he is.... NOT US! This, dear fellow children of God, joint-heir with Christ, if we are to be holiness and righteousness minded, we must put them on.

And it is here, at this exact point, that God's people are awakening to the truth of who they are. NEW. And they will walk away, once for all, from the old carnal them that died when Christ died. And when they do, to their amazement, their God will CAUSE them to walk in sweet, willing obedience. They will walk in the victory over the world, the flesh and the devil that has been their birthright since the day they were first saved..... and the harvest will begin. Glory!


Very excellent.
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