My prayer as concerning those who fight against me on these boards.

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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
I do not perceive your statements as being characteristic of "much love".
Truth, honesty, humility, walking in truth, these things are important.

Being self-aware. Understanding how others see us. How we come across to others. I think these are all important.

We can gain, and grow, in love.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
If Peter was the first Pope, Popes are not infallible either.

For Paul rebuked Peter for an error in Galatians chapter 2; and this goes to show that Peter was not infallible.

Infallible on matters of faith and morals not discipline


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Truth, honesty, humility, walking in truth, these things are important.

Being self-aware. Understanding how others see us. How we come across to others. I think these are all important.

We can gain, and grow, in love.

Much love!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I have said that I have changed my pov on issues when I have been proven wrong and will continue to do so.
What is the proof that anyone should be receiving that he is wrong? Not so simple to state, is it? None of us in our flesh likes to be wrong or even worse to admit to someone else that we are wrong. I guess I have missed reading such an admission on your part. I am truly glad to hear that they have happened, because it helps me understand you a little better. I do have you in prayer!

Does that sound like there is no give and take as concerning whether or not I am right?
I have found for me that the best thing it to go all the way down to the bottom... as if we did not hold any doctrines or beliefs that we hold and leave ourselves empty and open to God. I try to do this every day. Give God the opportunity to insert in us any assurances or changes that He sees fit to insert. This is my blanket give or take, but on a case by case basis as we actually encounter people, in the flesh or on forums like this one, we do not begin with presumptions about the other guy because of something we have heard or read or experienced about "people like that" [whatever groups we have decided to include within such presumptions].

Okay...allow me in the present moment to give God the proper credit for all of the doctrine that He has me is from Him and all the glory goes to Him for any salvation that results out of it.
Anything that is good coming through you is certainly of Him, but also be prepared to denounce in yourself anything that is not from Him. Paul wrote in a quotation from the OT that "every man is a liar" and anyone who is not always in the Spirit and always following the lead of the Spirit, will have "lies" mixed into what he says or teaches or preaches. Unintentional they may be but if they are contrary to God's Truth, they would still be lies.

Who among us never errs by allowing things into his words about the God the things of God which are wrong? Someone who had overcome it all as Jesus did, never lies. But who among us is to that point? There may be some, but I believe we do not know enough to say either, "I am" or "I am not" right there as an overcomer exactly and always where God wants us to be.

Quit trying to walk alone based on 'common sense'. 'Common sense', I believe gets a whole lot of followers of Christ into trouble. What is often common very often is not even good sense and seldom is in accord with God's Word.

This last thing you posted is very humbling to me. I recognize that my OP of this thread does not measure up to what it says in 1 Corinthians 13.
You realize that now, but what then were you thinking when you initiated the thread with such a title question? Don't you talk to God regularly asking Him to help you stand always with Him and speak only when He wants to speak ? God is always right. We are only right when we are on His side. We should strive to always be there... but alone we cannot do it. It is impossible for men to stand with God without His help. But... He is always willing to help anyone who is sincerely asking of Him. No matter how close you believe you have come to God... never stop asking of Him and never stop admitting how insufficient your best efforts are in bringing you to His glory. You and I are never so high that we are worthy of Him.

Here it is, the world of the flesh:

"Love not the world, neither the things that are in the world. If any man love the world, the love of the Father is not in him.
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.
And the world passeth away, and the lust thereof: but he that doeth the will of God abideth for ever." I John 2:15-17

Good Ministers [=servants], may move beyond or may be moved beyond the lust of the flesh and the lust of the eyes first because they really immersed themselves in the right thing, but then as they were doing so well knowing so much and seeing such accomplishments along comes that third one, the pride of life, and their heads began to swell because they stop admitting to God their own insufficiency...

How clearly can you see His face? Don't stop seeking His face while time remains to you!

I suppose that when @Blood Bought 1953 slaps me on the right cheek, I should turn to him my left cheek every single time. I admit that I was too weak for that! I am not going to make excuses for my lack of measuring up to 1 Corinthians 13; but I will only say that it is not easy to live up to it and love your enemies all of the time when they are slamming you left and right. If I could do that, I would probably be Jesus Christ Himself.
I don't know @Blood Bought 1953 so I won't speak of his situation. I have only read his name and cannot remember reading one of his posts. [I read very few posts these days.] Even if he were doing you wrong, you certainly need to learn how to turn that other cheek. Stop trying to do it alone. Ask for God's help. Keep on asking and keep on trying... asking God to take up the slack by adding that which you do not have. God does. Impossible for man but for God all things are possible. If you doubt God's ability, Ask Him to help you with that...

Last night the Lord showed me again that my only hope is His grace, by speaking to my mind and telling me to leave my wife permanently if I really loved Him. You know, there is a scripture on that (Luke 14:25-33).

When I realized that I couldn't do that, He showed me that my only hope is His grace; because I cannot measure up to the fulness of what He requires. I was not willing to do what He required and leave my wife permanently. It would have meant becoming homeless in the cold and I was not willing to subject myself to that. Not to mention, I love my wife and this love is greater than the love that I have for the Lord, evidently. So, I do not love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength; which is the requirement if anyone is going to enter in on the basis of their performance, law-keeping, or works.
I won't advise you too closely about your wife. There may be a time when it is best to separate from an unbeliever, but with that I would listen closely to God and be very careful about what any man, including myself, tells you to do about your marriage.

I had a pastor when I was very young in the Lord tell me to divorce my wife and he would help me get custody of my children. At the time I had not even read the Bible one time, but I knew the man was wrong. That was back in the 1970's. My wife, [same wife] will celebrate with me our 49th anniversary this year.

As to loving your wife more than God, you do need God to help you with that. Loving your wife is a good thing, but you are out of balance on it as you know. I will be praying with you on it.

So then, I am a sinner as pertains to the love of the Lord. As much as I preach that the love of the Lord is shed abroad in the heart of the believer, I find that in my own life, I do not measure up to the fulness of His love. I do believe that He promises to fill us with all the fulness of His love, however (Ephesians 3:19-20, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16).

So, where I do not measure up, His grace has to cover me or I will never enter into the kingdom. For I cannot measure up.
What people see in you does matter. You may always fall short, but never confess that it impossible for God. He can fix whatever needs to fixed, but you must pray for it and allow Him to work in you toward that end. Never say, you cannot measure up with His help. There is always room for growth and He will help us. Do not limit God by expressing doubt about His ability. Speak positively and ask God to make it more than words coming out of your mouth.

"...Lord, I believe; help thou mine unbelief." Mark 9:24

"And Jesus looking upon them saith, With men it is impossible, but not with God: for with God all things are possible." Mark 10:27


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Therefore, my only hope is His forgiveness and grace and I have to give up on trying to be righteous as a a way to obtain favour with God. It is easy for me to fall into that trap; because the Lord has called me to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ and sometimes I can be blinded by my own preaching and forget that the purpose of it is to bring people to the end of themselves so that they stop trying to attain righteousness by law-keeping and so that they can obtain the righteousness of faith.
Learn to practice as well as say what you believe. On a forum like this you already know there will be some who disagree. You do not have to win them all to your point of view. God may use you, but like Jeremiah you may preach and teach the truth and in the end no one will hear or accept. There is a time to be silent... and it may come before the other guy admits he is wrong. That may never happen. There are other things besides the one argument you cannot win [even being certain that you are right]

I do believe that in my battles with @Blood Bought 1953, in the heat of the battle in attempting to defend myself against his accusations, I have overcompensated and preached the law even more strongly; and in this I believe I have forgotten about the grace of the Lord in my attempt to better preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ; and in my attempt to fight against the accusations that were leveled against me. Because the fact that I was accused made me dig in my heels and fight even harder to prove my point.
You cannot prove a point to the other person's satisfaction unless he is really open to it. You cannot open him! In any case only God gives any real increase to anyone. God may use you, but then again He may not. Don't push on it and get yourself into trouble with God as well as with man.
Nevertheless, even though I have again come to the realization that I am saved by grace and that my performance has nothing to do with my salvation, I will probably still continue to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ.

If you or anyone else decides that they are turned off by my preaching, I do not judge them. As Jesus said, so say I, that the words that I have spoken will be their judge on the last day.
Remember that you want to communicate with people. Without compromising sometimes adjustments will accomplish God's will in the things. Don't press too hard and do not presume a person is completely wrong because he differs from you. You also may be wrong on points you believe.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I think that you may be confusing me with @theefaith.

I often purposely bypass what he has written, too.
Actually I sometimes bypass you as well: Him for his content and you for your often too adamant tone especially when I am physically weary [very often these days].

In most cases I am more likely to agree with you than with him as he seldom has anything of his own. I don't need to hear repeatedly the official statements [doctrines or dogmas or whatever] of his church.

While I might discuss a thing with you, usually there are lots of others around who cover nearly every conceivable point. You already know that I do not agree with every thing you believe. And ... there are way too many people talking about too many things these days for me to keep up... so I must be selective...


Well-Known Member
Sep 6, 2011
Now, to all those who think that the new commandment Jesus gave scraps the old because it was too hard to keep.....they are in for alarm. Love as I have loved you Jesus says. Now, who of all the proponents that gleefully scrap the Ten Commandments in favour of loving ones neighbour would give their life for an enemy???

The old Commandments were NOT “ too hard to keep”—— they were IMPOSSIBLE to keep. That was the Point Of God Giving them.To those Fools who thought that they “ DID” keep the Commandments, Jesus added to them—— think you are Hot Stuff because you never committed Adultery? Well, think again—— if you ever so much as even “ lusted” after a woman, you are as guilty in the eyes of God as the man who went ahead and did that Sinful deed.....
The Point Of The 613 ( not just Ten) commandments Of Moses and the True Meanings Of Those Commandments as revealed by Jesus was to get you to “ shut your mouth”in regard to any delusions that you can keep the Law ...... admit that you are a Sinner That MUST have Grace and MUST have a Savior.....then “ TURN” to that Savior ( the True Repentance That actually leads to getting saved) and put your Faith in His Shed Blood Plus NOTHING to Save you......
Jesus never “scrapped” the Commandments...He showed us how to condense and simplify them.....” Love your Neighbor as yourself and you have fulfilled all of the Law”......
This side of the Cross , Jesus left us with only two Commands —— “ Believe and Love”...... we can’t even do “ that” to the extent that we should .....Grace is the answer .....some need to swallow their Pride and humbly accept that fact......” it is by GRACE that ye are saved.” Never forget that.

That's right, the two greatest commandments sum up the ten not replace them. Great point.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Actually I sometimes bypass you as well: Him for his content and you for your often too adamant tone especially when I am physically weary [very often these days].

In most cases I am more likely to agree with you than with him as he seldom has anything of his own. I don't need to hear repeatedly the official statements [doctrines or dogmas or whatever] of his church.

While I might discuss a thing with you, usually there are lots of others around who cover nearly every conceivable point. You already know that I do not agree with every thing you believe. And ... there are way too many people talking about too many things these days for me to keep up... so I must be selective...
Come unto me all ye who are weary and I shall give Rest unto your souls .
Amadeus , i have found great peace in just keeping things simple . All the extra doctrines are just a nightmare .
Lets just keep it simple . Paul and them knew , TO be saved ONE had to beleive in JESUS , so they simply went out
and preached HIM and GOD gave the increase . Known unto GOD are those who will hear and those who will reject .
This is not known unto us . SO , lets just keep it simple and preach Christ and him crucified and teach HIS sayings
and the teachings also of the apostels and feast daily on our bibles .
Way too many folks get so far into mens doctrines that all they can do is continue to strive , and the doctrine of men
become their whole battle . WHEN all we had to do was just learn JESUS in that bible , and follow HIM
and just feast on all sound doctrine . I steer far and wide from entering into thoughts too high for me ,
ITS so peaceful just teaching the bible , JESUS , HIS sayings and simply having ALL HOPE above on HIM .
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BloodBought 1953

Well-Known Member
Jun 3, 2020
Portsmouth Ohio
United States
So, where I do not measure up, His grace has to cover me or I will never enter into the kingdom. For I cannot measure up.

Therefore, my only hope is His forgiveness and grace and I have to give up on trying to be righteous as a way to obtain favour with God. It is easy for me to fall into that trap; because the Lord has called me to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ and sometimes I can be blinded by my own preaching and forget that the purpose of it is to bring people to the end of themselves so that they stop trying to attain righteousness by law-keeping and so that they can obtain the righteousness of faith.

I do believe that in my battles with @Blood Bought 1953, in the heat of the battle in attempting to defend myself against his accusations, I have overcompensated and preached the law even more strongly; and in this I believe I have forgotten about the grace of the Lord in my attempt to better preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ; and in my attempt to fight against the accusations that were leveled against me. Because the fact that I was accused made me dig in my heels and fight even harder to prove my point.

Nevertheless, even though I have again come to the realization that I am saved by grace and that my performance has nothing to do with my salvation, I will probably still continue to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ.

This post contains everything that I have been saying in here for months...if you truly believe these things, as I do......we seem to be in complete agreement.....our debate is over....
I have NO problem with anybody preaching Law—- just as long as they understand it’s true purpose, which as you say is to “ bring us to the End Of Ourselves” , “close our mouths” and lead us to the Savior.... it us the EXACT thing I have been saying...
Your understanding of Grace is also “Spot-On” is our “ Reasonable Service” to do our best to live a life that pleases God and the 613 Commandments Point the way to do that—— we do them for our Own Good! They are great, but they are not the recipe for Salvation.....Obedience to the Laws Of God will get you blessed—— they will NOT get you saved! ( by the deeds of the Law— NO Flesh will be Justified)..... It is putting your TOTAL FAITH in the Shed Blood Of Jesus and His Finished Work at the Cross That Saves........... it is Grace from Start to Finish...... Grace covers all of those sins that we are unaware of ( the thousands of Sins Of Omission, for example ) and it covers all sins that we do not have the Super Memory or Good Fortune to “ catch” before we die.....
We agree on so many things.....if you are in agreement with my last sentence in the previous paragraph —— our “feud” is over ......and forgotten. May God bless us both in the understanding of these things....
Last edited:

Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
That's right, the two greatest commandments sum up the ten not replace them. Great point.
Actually, they explain how to keep them, Sum up would not be a proper fit,

if I love my neighbor, I will not covet

if I love my spouse I will not commit adultery

if I love my parents I will honor them.

It’s when our love turns to self in pride, we fall into sin, and that sin will eventually lead to breaking one of the ten,


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
That's right, the two greatest commandments sum up the ten not replace them. Great point.


does this grace free us from keeping the commandments (as in Christ did it for us) or does it actually enable us to be holy and keep the commandments faithfully?
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Come unto me all ye who are weary and I shall give Rest unto your souls .
Amadeus , i have found great peace in just keeping things simple . All the extra doctrines are just a nightmare .
Lets just keep it simple . Paul and them knew , TO be saved ONE had to beleive in JESUS , so they simply went out
and preached HIM and GOD gave the increase . Known unto GOD are those who will hear and those who will reject .
This is not known unto us . SO , lets just keep it simple and preach Christ and him crucified and teach HIS sayings
and the teachings also of the apostels and feast daily on our bibles .
Way too many folks get so far into mens doctrines that all they can do is continue to strive , and the doctrine of men
become their whole battle . WHEN all we had to do was just learn JESUS in that bible , and follow HIM
and just feast on all sound doctrine . I steer far and wide from entering into thoughts too high for me ,
ITS so peaceful just teaching the bible , JESUS , HIS sayings and simply having ALL HOPE above on HIM .
God makes it simple for people who only understand simple. For people willing and able to dig in deeper that is there as well... but sometimes that can be a dangerous thing for a person already tending to be proud of his abilities and accomplishments. This is include in what Jesus said here:

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matt 19:23-24

Jesus is not talking only about money [as in "green back dollar bill" or "coin of the realm"] but that is also included. People with high I.Q.s, or an extensive educations, or born in a materially rich countries or countries with greater political and religious freedoms, or to a richer than the average family, or a person with very good physical health... and so forth... are all include in the words of Jesus. They have all of that stuff in their way standing effectively between them and God. They can still make it but the pathway is a more difficult one. Jesus clarifies what is to required of them versus what may be required of a poor man [in the same sense poor] here:

"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48

Much is given... much is required! Americans are from my own experience frequently guilty of missing this point. More Americans are rich in the things I mentioned and others than probably in most or even all of the countries on planet Earth today. Are they doing more as individuals? Consider what Jesus says here:

"And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living." Mark 12:41-44

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
God makes it simple for people who only understand simple. For people willing and able to dig in deeper that is there as well... but sometimes that can be a dangerous thing for a person already tending to be proud of his abilities and accomplishments. This is include in what Jesus said here:

"Then said Jesus unto his disciples, Verily I say unto you, That a rich man shall hardly enter into the kingdom of heaven.
And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God." Matt 19:23-24

Jesus is not talking only about money [as in "green back dollar bill" or "coin of the realm"] but that is also included. People with high I.Q.s, or an extensive educations, or born in a materially rich countries or countries with greater political and religious freedoms, or to a richer than the average family, or a person with very good physical health... and so forth... are all include in the words of Jesus. They have all of that stuff in their way standing effectively between them and God. They can still make it but the pathway is a more difficult one. Jesus clarifies what is to required of them versus what may be required of a poor man [in the same sense poor] here:

"But he that knew not, and did commit things worthy of stripes, shall be beaten with few stripes. For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required: and to whom men have committed much, of him they will ask the more." Luke 12:48

Much is given... much is required! Americans are from my own experience frequently guilty of missing this point. More Americans are rich in the things I mentioned and others than probably in most or even all of the countries on planet Earth today. Are they doing more as individuals? Consider what Jesus says here:
The truly amazing thing is , i used to be very world wise and intellecutal . A big wordly thinker
full of pride with all this knowledge i had attained . When GOD drew me to Christ
That mindset changed . He made me dumb to the world that i would become wise unto Him .
Yep , i went from highly intellectual to being a mere child . OH but i tell us all , That is a gift from GOD .
Now let all praise the glorious Lord .
"And Jesus sat over against the treasury, and beheld how the people cast money into the treasury: and many that were rich cast in much.
And there came a certain poor widow, and she threw in two mites, which make a farthing.
And he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury:
For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living." Mark 12:41-44
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
What a highly intellectual thinker i once was . World wise and proud of all that knowledge i had learned .
Praise GOD for drawing me to Christ . That mind was changed . I became dumb to that wisdom
through the knowledge of the truth .
Its as though i went from being a highly intellectual world wise man to being a simple small child .
OH but what a beauty this truly is . Let all praise the glorious and wonderful Lord .
I once thought i saw , but was made blind and now do SEE . OH let the Lord be praised . Yes indeed .
As the saying goes i once was blind but now i see . OH we need the LORD at all times . Without HIM we cannot do a thing .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Oh when i spoke of all the extra doctrines , i was not speaking about doctrine in the bible .
Its all this calvin stuff , or rome stuff or etc . mens doctrines . Those are a nightmare unto the soul
Oh but every word of GOD is prescious . Let us glean the truth from our bible . And the SPIRIT
shall reveal as we ought to know . God keeps the lambs . And WHEN HE knows we need to know , HE lets us know
as we need to know . But let not pride infect any . For God gave unto lucifer the most gifts in heaven .
BUT HE became enamored with the gifts and himself . And many have fallen for the same pattern .
Let us seek GOD and the things of GOD , for the reason that we can simply serve HIM better . Let us be lowly
and just seek to exalt HIM in all things .
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Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
You don’t have a choice of doctrines few or many but can only reject or believe what God has revealed who can neither deceive or be deceived!

the church teaches Matt 28:19 and we must accept instruction Lk 1:4


Well-Known Member
Aug 15, 2020
United States
I am not young and just learning the Bible. I have been studying it for over 35 years.

Lol.....I got you by Five Years ! The Mystery is now solved....maybe within the next five years you will finally believe that Jesus died for your sins.....when you actually REST in that Fact....your False,Perverted, so- called Gospel Of “ Lucky Repentance” will vanish on its own.....can you hang in there and learn from me the next five years? I pray for you too, you know.....
41 years :)
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