My prayer as concerning those who fight against me on these boards.

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Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
And you, @jaybird, whose doctrine is against the Trinity (correct me if I'm wrong), would of course believe that the teachings of man that deny the Trinity in the Bible are sound arguments and somehow irrefutable. They are not. They are merely the teachings of man.

non trinity is not a doctrine, its a choice not to add what is not there.


Well-Known Member
Feb 29, 2016
I think that you have me mixed up with @theefaith.

Our monikers are similar but not the same.

I do not believe that only the church can save.

Perhaps others have made this same mistake?

you guys and another sound exactly alike. get proved wrong all the time yet continue you disprove idea as if nothing has happened. people that join these boards for discussions, debates and sharing ideas do not do this.

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
True...however the command to love is fulfilled by obeying all of God's commandments (Romans 13:8-10, 1 John 5:3, 2 John 1:6)...for the commandments are the specifics of God's love.
Yes indeed the true love , which the Holy Ghost sheds upon the heart of those whose faith is in JESUS
would fullfill automatically the whole law .
For the LOVE that comes from GOD would do good to all and it would love Christ above all and thy neighbor as thyself .
In other words , any love that can accept willfull sin and call that good , IS NOT coming from GOD .
ANY love that comes From GOD would not OMIT what JESUS Ever said or taught . IT would not heed
men who say that JESUS sayings were only for the jews or that generation .
IT WOULD teach ALL THINGS that JESUS said . IT would embrace and love those letters the apostels wrote .
IT would not twist what paul told the church in order to fit an acroynm .
IT would behold BOTH the GOODNESS and SEVERITY of GOD .
It would see all warnings as GOOD for our soul . It would not justify a mans teaching over JESUS own teaching .
IT would simply love and do good . It would not do evil . It would not trangress , The SPIRIT cannot trangress
it can only fullfill the law . not trangress . We would know NOT to look for the law as means of obtaining salvation or staying saved .
HOWEVER we would never use grace as a means to make void the law .
An example . A good example would be , folks who truly LOVE GOD would warn any brethren of any sin .
A bad example says , oh we can sin grace covers our sin . We ought to sound like paul , who said let it not once be named among you
and if any does err , do as paul , james and others said , REPENT , confess and forsake .
Cause paul warned us , SIN can and will harden a heart .
Peter was quite serious , so was paul , james , john and jude .
SO how come so many today , ARE NOT serious . but instead , any time you warn them to sin not ,
they simply as most say , OH you are trying to earn your way , your a legalist and etc .
I get called a legalist for simply saying THIS , THIS right here . THAT WE MUST CONTINUE IN JESUS TO THE END .
But JESUS said the same thing . SO did paul . so did peter . Even james warns
about how if one errs from THE TRUTH , that the one who converts him back to the TRUTH has saved a soul FROM DEATH .
I wish all would truly just read our bibles and learn them well .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We all need to be on gaurd about this right here .
Many are now going under another false love all inclusive gospel . And the end of that is the second death .
REMEMBER what paul said on several occasions about anyone preaching another Jesus , another gosple
Even john mentions this .
The one true gospel cannot be changed or it becomes a false gosple .
The true gosple states that to be saved one must confess JESUS by the MOUTH and beleive from the heart that GOD has raised
Him from the dead .
Never heed any other means in order to be saved .
Can we truly know this side of heaven that we are saved . IF WE DONT , then our trust is not IN THE WORK OF JESUS .
However , many can also say what i just said and yet they deny the faith because their works are wicked and their heart is far from him .
JUST like i once was . SO this is why i am saying , let us all return to our bibles
and let us grow in the grace of GOD and learn those scriptures well . FOR only the JESUS in that bible , SAVES .
ANY other version aint saving anyone .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
I love you all , and my heart desires not a one to perish .
This is why i do correct , why i encourage and point ONLY to the Biblical JESUS .
There are far too many versions of another Jesus that many churches are now and have been teaching .
JESUS ONLY SAVES and our faith must be in HIM . SO my plea is , let us learn the biblical JESUS well .
LEt us pray unto GOD and keep reading our bibles .


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
When an interpretation is made public it is made subject to public scrutiny and is no longer a private interpretation; it is now public.

No; while I know that I am right on a lot of issues, I allow for the fact that I may in fact be wrong on any issue where there is disputation; and I rely on the process of discussion to level out the doctrines as they are discussed.

For I consider that the process of discussion will bring the truth to bear on any given doctrine.

I spend an extensive amount of time reading the word; and for that reason I believe that my contribution to the discussion is going to be highly biblical.

But this does not mean that the contributions of others will not also be biblical.

But I will say that impaho, the Bible trumps the opinions of men.

I think that you have me mixed up with @theefaith.

Our monikers are similar but not the same.

I do not believe that only the church can save.

Perhaps others have made this same mistake?

only the apostles have the guarantee of the HS to be free of error jn 8:32 16:13


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
So, what you are saying is that God tormented and killed people in the Old Testament because they ignored and disobeyed commandments he knew they couldn’t keep?

Just meditate on that for a moment.

If the logical madness of that assertion doesn’t move you; what kind of God are you serving man?

A God who cruelly punished people who were unable to accomplish a task forced on them?

Is this what Once Saved Always Saved/Eternal Security does to people?

God help us!

God "created" man, by FORMING a man's BODY.
That has not changed...God still Forms every Body.
God "makes" Formed Body's Alive, via His Breath.

Since "after Adam and Eve" that God called:
BY the Same Name, (ADAM), Male and Female, Man and Woman, Husband and Wife, father and mother...

Every Living man-KIND of thing is "reproduced" from a "man's SEED" fertilizing a "woman's" seed.

The thing about seeds, is every Seed, God CREATED, God has given that Seed, its own body, that He forms.
(1 Cor 15:38)

Seeds, by Gods Natural design, "must itself Die to cause reproduction."
Nuts lose their shell and can rot. Seeds of fruit will rot. Sperm becomes waste.
But seeds planted, break open, become a reproduced thing, of the KIND of thing the SEED came from.
Tree seeds become trees. Herb seeds become herbs, animals seeds become animals, human seeds become humans.

And some humans, can receive Gods seed. It requires no fertalization or dirt, and it doesn't die. But it must be Planted Within a man.
And the very place God Plants "His Seed in a man"...IS in a man's NEW Heart,
(Ezek 18:31)
that First be a Heart, God "makes" anew, which is called: Circumcision of the Heart.

The knowledge of Circumcision of the Heart, was revealed in the OT.
(Lev 26:41)
Further expound knowledge in the NT.
(Rom 2:29)
And the "Understanding", comes from God.

The Human Seed, its Flesh Body crucified, dying with Christ the Spiritual Death of that corrupt seed...Prepared thus to receive the Seed of God, that rebirths a man's natural spirit to a Heavenly ever lasting spirit.

Which is A seed that never dies.
And the spirit of man is the man's truth in his heart...first born from a natural man's seed, gaining men's truths...then from Gods Seed, gaining Gods Truth.

Thus says Scripture For those IN Christ...
John 14:17 the Spirit of Truth...

Those "OF" the world---are still seeking, finding and following the World's Truth...
Those IN Christ are seeking, finding, following, Gods Truth.

And the Evidence of WHO is following WHO is not a big mystery to those ...Accomplished "NOT OF the world".

Glory to God,


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
But I have never found that anyone has given a scripture that shows me to be wrong, and I have not changed my point of view as the result.

Could it be possible that “ They See yet they don’t see”..... just asking.....
Someone who has NEVER found a reason to think they've been mistaken about something?

I'd call that at the least a statistical anomoly.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
I am merely saying that God does not speak in riddles or in terms that cannot be understood by the normal human mind.
The normal human mind without God is the mind of a beast or even at times lower than that of a beast! How much did Balaam understand of God's purpose when He finally spoke through a donkey to make His point? Why did God send His message through a beast?

You are still sidestepping the main questions I put to you. Of course you are not bound here to answer me... but really how far away from me and other brothers and sisters are you going to be simply because you believe we are wrong on this point or on that one? The Body of Christ is to be one Body consisting of many parts. Are you forming your own body based on what you have decided or are continuing to seek His face so as to somewhere along the join yourself to the brethren who are traveling the same Way?

Your Bible knowledge from what I have read and as per our discussions of some time ago is good... But... the way you manifest that biblical knowledge too often has appeared to me as selfish and dead. Most of the time I will purposely bypass anything you have written... Once in a while to check I will read or begin to read one of your posts. On this thread are you fighting for God or for yourself?

Quite often you say that you know and that you are right either directly or indirectly. All of us believe we are right, but many people have a little give and take to their "I am right" statement. Have you already overcome the world of @justbyfaith as well as Jesus overcame the world? That 'my way or the highway stuff' of yours without giving God proper credit for anything good drives many sincere people away you... Your response to me and others on this thread has not helped you situation in spite of your best efforts...

You have really failed to understand and take hold of the message God gave to Paul here:

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity [love], I am nothing." I Cor 13:2

What is this charity, this love? Read and pray the following verses carefully and consider how well you are applying them or allowing them to be applied to own life:

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things" I Cor 13:7

Your opponents on this forum at times may be completely wrong, but mostly when I have read and believed that to be the case in one of your discussions, I could not support you because of the spirit leading you, which too often did not look like the Holy Spirit to me.

I usually skip on to other threads when I see where you are begin your extended spiels. I doubt that I am the only who does that.

Yes, I am sometimes wrong, but... at all times the One we are to please is God... not anyone else. God is not looking for us to win an argument. God is looking for us to manifest the Love, which He is, even if we did not have any response at all to some man's question.
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
only the apostles have the guarantee of the HS to be free of error jn 8:32 16:13

Uh no.

Stay on point.
Jesus was speaking to Jews.
All Jews were NOT Apostles.
The KEY "Those that believed on him".
Continued study should reveal, the guarantee of the Holy Spirit, is for all believers, Jew or Gentile.

John 8:
[31] Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed;
[32] And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.

Luke 2:
[32] A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

Rom 15
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Heb 12:6, For whom the Lord loveth he chasteneth, and scourgeth every son whom he receiveth.

However, I don't think that this is happening with him; which indicates that the following is true in his life.

Heb 12:8, But if ye be without chastisement, whereof all are partakers, then are ye bastards, and not sons.

I suppose that I shouldn't judge; so I will leave it to the holy scriptures to be his judge.

Except you didn't leave it to the Scriptures, you've just come out and said you think the fellow isn't a child of God.

Which violates your membership agreement with the website.

[*]Do not state or imply that another member or group of members who have identified themselves as Christian are not Christians. If there is an issue where a member seems to have circumvented the basic tenants of the faith in order to join the community, please privately contact the Christianity Board Team to voice your concern.

Christianity Board Forum Rules

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
Uh no.

Stay on point.
Jesus was speaking to Jews.
All Jews were NOT Apostles.
The KEY "Those that believed on him".
Continued study should reveal, the guarantee of the Holy Spirit, is for all believers, Jew or Gentile.

Luke 2:
[32] A light to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of thy people Israel.

Rom 15

promise to the church the apostles
Matt 28 :19 they are to teach the people


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
promise to the church the apostles
Matt 28 :19 they are to teach the people

Ok. Not news people are stationed in positions to teach and preach ...
And certainly the "hope" is the People "position", competent teachers and preachers.....or "competent" teachers and preachers "start their own Church.

When you observe the millions of Churches world wide...
•Sometimes it IS communities that build their own buildings, and the People select a Head Preacher, they know and Trust to rightly Teach and preach.

Others, individuals go to to "theology schools, get their certificate, and start their own church, in homes, rented store fronts, get loans for a building, etc. Then invite the public.

Others, Apply, to take over a retiring Pastors Church...and People vote on the applicants.

Others, have A FEW men, make the decision for the entire congregation, and the congregation may or may not agree with the FEWS selection.

In Any case, it is the Individuals in the congregation whose duty it is TO Search the Scriptures and VERIFY, what is being Preached, IS Scripturally True.

And no doubt, MANY in congregations, are taught and preached personal Opinions...and never bother to VERIFY what the preacher preached was true or not.

And...many ARE Preached, by hypocrites...who themselves do not believe, or do as they preach.

Yep there are preachers to teach the people....and the counterpart is the People are to verify what they are preached with Scripture.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
only the apostles have the guarantee of the HS to be free of error jn 8:32 16:13

The Holy Spirit is given to those who have faith in Christ (Galatians 3:14).

Someone who has NEVER found a reason to think they've been mistaken about something?

I'd call that at the least a statistical anomoly.

Much love!

Is that what I have said?

I think that you are misrepresenting me.

I have said that I have changed my pov at times when I have been proven wrong.

Except you didn't leave it to the Scriptures, you've just come out and said you think the fellow isn't a child of God.

Which violates your membership agreement with the website.

No, because I qualified my statement by saying this:

If he gets chastened, then he is a true son.

If he doesn't, then he is "illegitimate".

I did not discount the possibility that he is a true son; but only mentioned that he is not if he does not get chastened by the Lord on this issue. I left it up to the holy scriptures to be his judge, iow.


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Quite often you say that you know and that you are right either directly or indirectly. All of us believe we are right, but many people have a little give and take to their "I am right" statement.

I have said that I have changed my pov on issues when I have been proven wrong and will continue to do so.

Does that sound like there is no give and take as concerning whether or not I am right?

That 'my way or the highway stuff' of yours without giving God proper credit for anything good drives many sincere people away you...

Okay...allow me in the present moment to give God the proper credit for all of the doctrine that He has me is from Him and all the glory goes to Him for any salvation that results out of it.

"And though I have the gift of prophecy, and understand all mysteries, and all knowledge; and though I have all faith, so that I could remove mountains, and have not charity [love], I am nothing." I Cor 13:2

What is this charity, this love? Read and pray the following verses carefully and consider how well you are applying them or allowing them to be applied to own life:

"Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up,
Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil;
Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth;
Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things" I Cor 13:7

This last thing you posted is very humbling to me. I recognize that my OP of this thread does not measure up to what it says in 1 Corinthians 13.

I suppose that when @Blood Bought 1953 slaps me on the right cheek, I should turn to him my left cheek every single time. I admit that I was too weak for that! I am not going to make excuses for my lack of measuring up to 1 Corinthians 13; but I will only say that it is not easy to live up to it and love your enemies all of the time when they are slamming you left and right. If I could do that, I would probably be Jesus Christ Himself.

Last night the Lord showed me again that my only hope is His grace, by speaking to my mind and telling me to leave my wife permanently if I really loved Him. You know, there is a scripture on that (Luke 14:25-33).

When I realized that I couldn't do that, He showed me that my only hope is His grace; because I cannot measure up to the fulness of what He requires. I was not willing to do what He required and leave my wife permanently. It would have meant becoming homeless in the cold and I was not willing to subject myself to that. Not to mention, I love my wife and this love is greater than the love that I have for the Lord, evidently. So, I do not love the Lord with all of my heart, soul, mind, and strength; which is the requirement if anyone is going to enter in on the basis of their performance, law-keeping, or works.

So then, I am a sinner as pertains to the love of the Lord. As much as I preach that the love of the Lord is shed abroad in the heart of the believer, I find that in my own life, I do not measure up to the fulness of His love. I do believe that He promises to fill us with all the fulness of His love, however (Ephesians 3:19-20, 1 John 4:8, 1 John 4:16).

So, where I do not measure up, His grace has to cover me or I will never enter into the kingdom. For I cannot measure up.

Therefore, my only hope is His forgiveness and grace and I have to give up on trying to be righteous as a way to obtain favour with God. It is easy for me to fall into that trap; because the Lord has called me to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ and sometimes I can be blinded by my own preaching and forget that the purpose of it is to bring people to the end of themselves so that they stop trying to attain righteousness by law-keeping and so that they can obtain the righteousness of faith.

I do believe that in my battles with @Blood Bought 1953, in the heat of the battle in attempting to defend myself against his accusations, I have overcompensated and preached the law even more strongly; and in this I believe I have forgotten about the grace of the Lord in my attempt to better preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ; and in my attempt to fight against the accusations that were leveled against me. Because the fact that I was accused made me dig in my heels and fight even harder to prove my point.

Nevertheless, even though I have again come to the realization that I am saved by grace and that my performance has nothing to do with my salvation, I will probably still continue to preach the law as a schoolmaster to lead men to Christ.

If you or anyone else decides that they are turned off by my preaching, I do not judge them. As Jesus said, so say I, that the words that I have spoken will be their judge on the last day.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
Is that what I have said?

I think that you are misrepresenting me.

I have said that I have changed my pov at times when I have been proven wrong.

Am I misrepresenting you? What is true here?

I don't think I have ever been proven wrong since coming to these boards.

I don't think that anyone has brought up any scripture, since I started posting here, that disproves my viewpoints in any way, shape, or form.

They haven't debunked my understanding at all.

But I have never found that anyone has given a scripture that shows me to be wrong, and I have not changed my point of view as the result.

Therefore it may in fact become an ongoing discussion, until the person has proved that there is no logical defense for my position.

But I don't think that that will ever happen;

It is an accurate knowledge of the fact that I know the truth and am preaching the truth.

You have never shown any scripture that refutes my doctrines.

If anyone truly shows me from scripture that my pov is wrong, I will most certainly change my pov.

The fact is that this has not been done time and time again.

But I have never found that anyone has given a scripture that shows me to be wrong, and I have not changed my point of view as the result.

Now, in all fairness, I did notice this as I was collecting the above quotes.

I have changed my pov on a few occasions when it was shown to me from scripture what the reality was.

But in all fairness, I think it's easy to see where your mind is concerning yourself.

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Jun 28, 2018
San Pedro
United States
Am I misrepresenting you? What is true here?

Now, in all fairness, I did notice this as I was collecting the above quotes.

But in all fairness, I think it's easy to see where your mind is concerning yourself.

Much love!

I do not perceive your statements as being characteristic of "much love".


Well-Known Member
Aug 25, 2020
United States
The Holy Spirit is given to those who have faith in Christ (Galatians 3:14).

Is that what I have said?

I think that you are misrepresenting me.

I have said that I have changed my pov at times when I have been proven wrong.

No, because I qualified my statement by saying this:

I did not discount the possibility that he is a true son; but only mentioned that he is not if he does not get chastened by the Lord on this issue. I left it up to the holy scriptures to be his judge, iow.

the faithful have the Spirit but not authority to teach and to be free from error