It's Happened Again Right Side Broadcasting Network Has Been Suspended From YouTube

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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Your conflicted. You have a conflict of interests.

I'm not knocking you. At least your not listed as the "brainwashed" or "in denial"... Your type of dissonance is actually the only one thats understandable in my mind.

Theres still no evidence for a pandemic
Overall deaths has proven that it doesn't exist

Attempted suicides due to lockdowns here = 45,000
Suicides due to lockdowns here = 1,500
Average age = 40
Years of life lost = 60,000

Compared to
Deaths WITH covid. Not from. WITH covid = 900
Average age = 85
Years of life lost = 0

But who cares about them. Right... LoL. This world i's f^^^ed.
I'm sorry but I can't find any other adjective to describe it
I have not read or heard anything from the MSM about the numbers of Attempted or suicides yet in regards to COVID. I believe they play them cards close to themselves and only bring the subject up in a way that is crafted to what they deem as correct in their warfare that they wage in trying to control the majority's thought processes.

This world has always been under the power of such devils, one only needs to sit back and take heed at the reality of such, for they the majority know not what they do, as Jesus said when they killed him, to forgive them for they know not what they do. it's this world that is the problem and Christ Jesus is the vaccine to the problem and once we have been vaccinated we become the Kingdom of God.
Now there are false vaccines ? one may claim to have a vaccine ? but is it truly worthy of such a claim ?

Now I was vaccinated by Jesus Christ himself, one could put it that way. vaccinated against this world.
Now that I am in the Kingdom of God I have been sent out amongst the wolves, fearing not such people, as they can not kill my Soul, because I am Saved, so such can not snatch me from Gods hand. I understand their predicament and there is only one vaccine that we all really truly need.

Look at how the world looks at this COVID vaccine, they are peddling that you all must get this false vaccine !
now just look and see everyone running for this great con job to be saved ?
Have they found a cure, No !
Have they found a vaccine, No ! are they seeking a vaccine, No !
Is the MSM promoting what may strengthen you immunity against such a thing with anything, No ! but they have worked to shutdown any such topic subjects.
And who is it that is grandstanding in the Media making out that they are the authority to dictate such as they do, when all They are is some clown reading off a idiot card at best and not to mention are brainwashed twerps working for great money and a industry, that is full of queers and low lives trashy people, who go out of their way to twist peoples words and play them with such dog cunning, trickery, deceptions, then back to office in a group of highly payed uni educated spin doctors etc working out ways to pull a fast one over a subject. They hold all the cards ! They can cut and shut, past and drive a alluring background noise tract as well, as that works a treat for simpleton's.

The MSM can make anyone look like a monster and they can make a monster out to be a Saint. Just look at Obama the one who could do no wrong and now with Biden. How refreshing it is now not to hear the MSM is not at war 24/7 slandering the President of the USA with everything that they could try toss at him. Say that reminds me of the Jews in how they treated Jesus and then willed to let the thief go. why is that ? well because they could see themselves in that thief. as that's how the carnal mind works.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Its medical tyranny...
It's governments Vs people
Which side are you on?

Maybe this is why they burnt so many witches in the middle ages... Trying to push their snake oil potions...

Witches... Their all witches that need to burnt at the stake
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Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Its medical tyranny...
It's governments Vs people
Which side are you on?

Maybe this is why they burnt so many witches in the middle ages... Trying to push their snake oil potions...

Witches... Their all witches that need to burnt at the stake
I see you are in FINE form this morning... LOL
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
Its medical tyranny...
It's governments Vs people
Which side are you on?

Maybe this is why they burnt so many witches in the middle ages... Trying to push their snake oil potions...

Witches... Their all witches that need to burnt at the stake
I am hearing you.
They are out of control.

I for one am and have always been one who questions what a doctor injects me with and their is no way in hell that I would have some drug addict inject me with anything that's for sure, let alone some experimental concoction that has not been tested going through all the A to Z of such things that they are supposed to do before hand. it's a beyond a joke ! it truly is. not to mention But but but ? But nothing !
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
I am hearing you.
They are out of control.

I for one am and have always been one who questions what a doctor injects me with and their is no way in hell that I would have some drug addict inject me with anything that's for sure, let alone some experimental concoction that has not been tested going through all the A to Z of such things that they are supposed to do before hand. it's a beyond a joke ! it truly is. not to mention But but but ? But nothing !

Hi Reggie B and ... @JohnDB... Hope your doing well... Had/having good easters.

We have to listen to our elders still at our age I reckon John.
People like our fathers. Reggie B is full of wisdom, always dropping facts on wax

From Nashville to Townsville
Reggie B be dropping facts

From Cooee to Tennessee
Reggie B be dealing facts


Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
LOL Monks don't have phones .... remember ??? LOL Sorry... couldn't resist...

No wait a sec...
The modern western monk has no computer I reckon...
He has only one electronic device... The humble telephone...
A red one with the dial... :D:p

I hope you have a great Easter Addy


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
@Cristo Rei and SAME to you...... Keep those reports coming in...
and KEEP WAVING.... the children LOVE it....

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Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
I think we have to learn from history to not repeat terrible moments, and while I don't think we're close to Nazi Germany, perhaps there is something to learn here: Book Burning

Book Burning
Beginning on May 10, 1933, Nazi-dominated student groups carried out public burnings of books they claimed were “un-German.” The book burnings took place in 34 university towns and cities. Works of prominent Jewish, liberal, and leftist writers ended up in the bonfires. The book burnings stood as a powerful symbol of Nazi intolerance and censorship.

Statue destruction and censoring Dr Seuss, Mr Potato head, Aunt Jemima, etc, etc, etc. Some might be OK as they promote racial divide. But put in Trump and anyone that supports Trump and we have a political censoring which totally goes against our two party system.

With all the censorship, I'm starting to worry that the USA is getting controlled by Marxist groups. Here's a section of the Marxism Wikipedia article:

"According to orthodox Marxist theory, the overthrow of capitalism by a socialist revolution in contemporary society is inevitable. While the inevitability of an eventual socialist revolution is a controversial debate among many different Marxist schools of thought, all Marxists believe socialism is a necessity. Marxists argue that a socialist society is far better for the majority of the populace than its capitalist counterpart."
The U.S. continues to march towards a Godless, borderless, socialist, disarmed, Sodom and Gomorrah America. The revolution is coming! Not a question of if, but WHEN.
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Well-Known Member
Jul 14, 2020
United States
The U.S. continues to march towards a Godless, borderless, socialist, disarmed, Sodom and Gomorrah America. The revolution is coming! Not a question of if, but WHEN.
Then I'm not the only one that sees that? I'm worried that the liberal socialist leadership in schools has already damaged the youth quite a bit. I think Christian schools are a boost to our morality as a nation. And I'm hoping the military members don't fall for the agenda of liberalism turned Marxist socialist.


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2020
The Midwest
United States
Then I'm not the only one that sees that? I'm worried that the liberal socialist leadership in schools has already damaged the youth quite a bit. I think Christian schools are a boost to our morality as a nation. And I'm hoping the military members don't fall for the agenda of liberalism turned Marxist socialist.
When push comes to shove, we need our military and our police force on the right side or else it's the end of America as we know it! Dark days ahead for America if the liberal/marxist/socialist movement wins the fight!


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
Hi Reggie B and ... @JohnDB... Hope your doing well... Had/having good easters.

We have to listen to our elders still at our age I reckon John.
People like our fathers. Reggie B is full of wisdom, always dropping facts on wax

From Nashville to Townsville
Reggie B be dropping facts

From Cooee to Tennessee
Reggie B be dealing facts


I did the math...seen what happened to those I know and made my choice.

Chances of getting hurt from a mRNAvaccine: 1/500,000.
Chances of getting hurt from covid: 1/4

If you were gambling...which odds would you play?

I play the odds all the time in the stock market. I win the odds at least 3/4 times. The other I'm out at the first bit of loss.

Now I see a bunch of people who make wild guesses, FOMO and follow anybody's advice...and the end result is that I am getting their money because they have no idea what they are doing in the market.
They have a 1/4 success rate (if that) but keep on putting money into dead stocks waiting for a rise or buy into stocks with no rise left in them... because they don't want to miss out...and I'm selling them my shares.

Who is going to make out of that deal ok?
Doing what everyone else does is not what we as Christians are called to do or be...we do the contrary. Broad is the path that leads to destruction and you get smiled at and heralded all along it's route...narrow is the path that leads to life...and few find it.

And so... you have to ask yourself. What is my own track record of decision making in life? What choices could I have made different and had a much better outcome?

And where the science on the one vaccine available to you is's better than nothing. (They really need to do something else)
And I'm not really sure what I would choose. A fairly ineffective vaccine with poor documentation? Or Nothing at all.

Right now the UK variant is the dominant strain. The Oxford/AstraZeneca vaccine is almost innefective against the UK variant. It also has a disaster zone for their trial's paperwork.

So I really understand your hesitancy.
It's of some benefit of course...but is it enough?

But there are more coming. Some like Sinofarm's I would refuse on principles. But boosters for the UK variant are coming. I plan on getting that and the S.A. variant if need be. The odds say that I will be fine with this course of action. And I'm accustomed to winning. Are you?


Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
When push comes to shove, we need our military and our police force on the right side or else it's the end of America as we know it! Dark days ahead for America if the liberal/marxist/socialist movement wins the fight!

Are you sure?
I'm thinking that this is very similar to Schrodinger's Cat...
The cat exists in all states at the same time.

So does America. We have those who are moral and righteous and we have those who are morally bankrupt. Then we also have those who say "What? There's a choice?"
Then there's the fourth group who says that they are of the morally righteous but keep doing immoral actions.

Four states of existence exist for the cat. All equally existing at the same time.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Chances of getting hurt from a mRNAvaccine: 1/500,000.
Chances of getting hurt from covid: 1/4

AHAHAHAHA please... Evidence for such is 0. It kills 85 year olds at a rate of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. Nothing more...:p

And it doesn't change the fact that this whole vaccine "roll out' is criminal and the lockdowns are immoral...

I'll still take my chances with God thanks. He will take me if he wants and i will be ready, i am ready.
I think im more prepare for death than for a medical tyranny of constant fear mongering and vaksines...

But u should move down here Johnny. Iv moved out of Victoria. No one cares about covid down here, its as if nothing ever happened.
No one wears masks, iv yet to see one person wearing the ridiculous pieces of apparel...

LoL, haven't watched any media on covid or vaksines for 3 weeks now...
Therefore you will have to take things up with Reggie B. His my covid speaker now.

Here is a picture postcard from the apple isle.


The picture doesn't even do it justice really... Its a stunning site to behold...
Have u been to Niagara falls... That would be awesome

And we have good beer here too. None of that American crap... Lol...:D
Last edited:

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
@Cristo Rei and SAME to you...... Keep those reports coming in...
and KEEP WAVING.... the children LOVE it....


Here we go, some pics... Their from my phone which is an old Galaxy S5.
My best shots are on my Canon camcorder but the old S5 still took some pretty shots...




Thats Gods world and thats where I live


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
@Cristo Rei OK.... you did that on purpose... you WANTED to make me jealous... LOL

That is SPECTACULAR.... WHAT GRANDEUR... WHAT BEAUTY... Thank you for sharing this with me... I am in AWE.
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Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
@Cristo Rei OK.... you did that on purpose... you WANTED to make me jealous... LOL

That is SPECTACULAR.... WHAT GRANDEUR... WHAT BEAUTY... Thank you for sharing this with me... I am in AWE.

Once iv got the stuff on my Canon sorted then i might open u a thread of stunning pics
I was even considering getting a drone before i came... U can get unbelievably stunning shots from drones


Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2020
Once iv got the stuff on my Canon sorted then i might open u a thread of stunning pics
I was even considering getting a drone before i came... U can get unbelievably stunning shots from drones
I would honestly love that and be honoured if you would share with me... I am so touched that you are following through and actually updating me as asked months ago... I am PRAYING for you my friend.... that God would touch you deep within your soul.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 7, 2010
United States
AHAHAHAHA please... Evidence for such is 0. It kills 85 year olds at a rate of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. Nothing more...:p

And it doesn't change the fact that this whole vaccine "roll out' is criminal and the lockdowns are immoral...

I'll still take my chances with God thanks. He will take me if he wants and i will be ready, i am ready.
I think im more prepare for death than for a medical tyranny of constant fear mongering and vaksines...

But u should move down here Johnny. Iv moved out of Victoria. No one cares about covid down here, its as if nothing ever happened.
No one wears masks, iv yet to see one person wearing the ridiculous pieces of apparel...

LoL, haven't watched any media on covid or vaksines for 3 weeks now...
Therefore you will have to take things up with Reggie B. His my covid speaker now.

Here is a picture postcard from the apple isle.

View attachment 14152

The picture doesn't even do it justice really... Its a stunning site to behold...
Have u been to Niagara falls... That would be awesome

And we have good beer here too. None of that American crap... Lol...:D

Most of my friends have had it...and about a fourth of them have been permanently harmed by it.
Sorry, but I've seen that the science they are saying is true with my own eyes.
You guys just don't have the infection rates to personally see it. We do. And they have been shorting the number of covid related deaths in this state for some I don't know. I've heard of two cases of that now. (Not from the newspaper either)

Of course your experience is going to be different than mine...and if I was you I'd probably be having a similar opinion.

Fall Creek Falls is our local place similar to the pics you have shown. I've never been to Niagara Falls...too far North and too cold for my bones. LOL.

Cristo Rei

Well-Known Member
Apr 30, 2020
In Christ
Most of my friends have had it...and about a fourth of them have been permanently harmed by it.
Sorry, but I've seen that the science they are saying is true with my own eyes.
You guys just don't have the infection rates to personally see it. We do. And they have been shorting the number of covid related deaths in this state for some I don't know. I've heard of two cases of that now. (Not from the newspaper either)

Of course your experience is going to be different than mine...and if I was you I'd probably be having a similar opinion.

Fall Creek Falls is our local place similar to the pics you have shown. I've never been to Niagara Falls...too far North and too cold for my bones. LOL.

Should i call in my lawyer?
Reggie B?


Millennial Christian
Staff member
Jul 19, 2015
The Land of Aus
AHAHAHAHA please... Evidence for such is 0. It kills 85 year olds at a rate of 0.000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001%. Nothing more...:p

And it doesn't change the fact that this whole vaccine "roll out' is criminal and the lockdowns are immoral...

I'll still take my chances with God thanks. He will take me if he wants and i will be ready, i am ready.
I think im more prepare for death than for a medical tyranny of constant fear mongering and vaksines...

But u should move down here Johnny. Iv moved out of Victoria. No one cares about covid down here, its as if nothing ever happened.
No one wears masks, iv yet to see one person wearing the ridiculous pieces of apparel...

LoL, haven't watched any media on covid or vaksines for 3 weeks now...
Therefore you will have to take things up with Reggie B. His my covid speaker now.

Here is a picture postcard from the apple isle.

View attachment 14152

The picture doesn't even do it justice really... Its a stunning site to behold...
Have u been to Niagara falls... That would be awesome

And we have good beer here too. None of that American crap... Lol...:D

:eek: did you move to Tassie the best state?