Why its important to keep the Sabbath

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Mat 5:3
Blessed are the poor in spirit: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:4
Blessed are they that mourn: for they shall be comforted.
Mat 5:5
Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth.
Mat 5:6
Blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness: for they shall be filled.
Mat 5:7
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Mat 5:8
Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.
Mat 5:9
Blessed are the peacemakers: for they shall be called the children of God.
Mat 5:10
Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven.
Mat 5:11
Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake.
Mat 5:12
Rejoice, and be exceeding glad: for great is your reward in heaven: for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you.
Mat 5:13
Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost his savour, wherewith shall it be salted? it is thenceforth good for nothing, but to be cast out, and to be trodden under foot of men.
Mat 5:14
Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on an hill cannot be hid.
Mat 5:15
Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house.
Mat 5:16
Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven.

Much Love

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Well Aunty, when the Creator makes the day for you, and blesses and makes it holy and sets it aside, shouldnt it be a even a smidgen of importance for you......
That depends on which Sabbath you mean.....there is more than one.
The one blessed by God in Genesis is the one that will bring all mankind back into reconciliation with God and finally gain its declaration, like all the other days of creation. I am definitely concerned with that one because it is the culmination of all that God purposed in the beginning....coming to fruition in the end.
It involves all Christians.

The Sabbath law given to Israel OTOH, is not binding on Gentiles....there is no requirement to hold Sabbath if you are not Jewish. I have written a fair bit on that subject. I like thorough research.

The Sabbath in Genesis has a much broader meaning than a mere day of the week to rest. God rested only from his creative works, not from his active interest in the successful outworking of his first purpose. (John 5:17)
Jesus worked, performing good deeds on the Sabbath and the Jews accused him of breaking it.....did he?
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Jesus did what His Father did. He gave them rest.
He lifted their burdens. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, pulling them out of the pit that they had fallen into.
He gave them faith. And those that recieved him, recieved him with gladness.
He fed them with manna from heaven and made them drink of the water of life. He clothed them in his own righteousness.
And he had mercy on us and gave us grace and forgiveness.
God created all these things from the foundation of the world. He set them in motion and then watched.
Man put his hand to it and marred it. Polluted it, with our own ways.
Jesus came to set it right. And to put us back on the right path.
If he had not come and brought us light, we would be in darkness still.

What is the seventh day? It is a day of observation. God watched while man was given rulership and dominion over the creation God had given to man. We are told to observe, we are told to watch, we are told to wait patiently upon the Lord.
Not to go out into the world seeking our own, but giving what God gave us freely to give to others.

And this is what Jesus did. God watched and Jesus did the works his father gave him to do.
To love God and to love one another.
This is our commision. This is our duty.
Now Jesus is watching to see what we will do.

We are to give others rest. We are to be the bearers of giving to others what has been freely given to us.
We are God's Sabbath, Just as Jesus is the embodiment of God's Sabbath.
A day of giving, a day of compassion, a day of healing and sharing bread and water to the thirsty and comfort to those who mourn.
This day is not an ordinary day. It is a way of life.

The day is the age in which we are living in. It is To Day.

Where is God?

He is watching.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Hey Barney…

You know, Aunty, I'm pretty fond of you and I don't like using the "B" word after such a declaration BUT I just gave your post here a good read and I gotta say it's a bit disappointing.

You've made some statements here that, frankly, seem a little below my impression of your intellectual integrity. Perhaps I'm being too harsh and maybe you just haven't boned up on Adventism but you're slinging a fair bit of common (read: low) anti-Adventist mud here, which is surprising considering I've given you and your brethren comparably more of the benefit of doubt over the years. Of course, you may rest assured that that courtesy will continue.

First, as a general remark, unlike Sabbath objectors, Adventists never claim there is any command given against keeping the Sabbath, and I can't for the life of me understand why folks think we need their affirmation to keep it any more than we believe they need ours to violate it. This seems to me to be more of a technical dispute that Sabbath objectors have with one another, which is the inevitable consequence of a house divided against itself, to which I referred in my original post, for better or worse, precipitating our present exchange.

Folks are granted religious liberty by the Sovereign of the universe to serve Him or serve Him not, according to the dictates of their own consciences until the day they die or for eternity, whichever they choose. So all the talk of judging and mandates seems to me only to cloud the issue, as the archenemy of souls would, of course, prefer.

There really is no "you guys," as you put it, because when you encounter an Adventist, you have roughly a 5% likelihood of interacting with a truly consecrated one, as is the case with virtually any faith-based group. The Barna Research Group has done extensive studies on this kind of thing. Mrs. White also said over a hundred years ago that this was the case. She used the phrase "not one in twenty." I wonder where she got that kind of information.

On to the main business, regardless of your view of Mrs. White's mission and ministry in the church (since I'm starting with the least important of your claims), no official statement has ever been made at the General Conference, the White Estate, or the Biblical Research Institute (which would be the closest entities that could be considered authorities in such a matter) that admits to any unethical or illegal operation in Mrs. White's literary work.

So far from such a state of things is the fact that an independent legal auditor (a reputable Roman Catholic Copyright Law attorney, no less) was employed by the church to examine her work and the result was quite the contrary to your misguided albeit adopted claim (link).

Adventist college staff and faculty in the North American Division are under the authority of Union Conference level administration which cannot reasonably be defined as representative of worldwide church beliefs, as Academics are apt to go rogue at any time, even in parochial institutions. It seems odd to me that such a possibility would have escaped your admittedly delightful and formidable mental prowess. Will a little flattery get me anywhere?

It was the purpose of McAdams and others of his ilk, while pretending to believe that Mrs. White's literary work was inspired in exactly the same way (although not for exactly the same purpose) as was the prophets' and apostles' of old who penned Scripture, to put her work under a human, "historical-critical" microscope to which they would never have dared subject the Bible. And this is the flaw of not only sophisticates like McAdams, Canright, Numbers, and Rhea, but every critic of Mrs. White. A fundamental misunderstanding of how inspiration works is at the base of it all.

As to the women teaching objection, I'll spare you the 'woman getting contentious in church' vs. prophetic gift argument. I'm assuming you're no stranger to it.

Moving on, the name "Seventh-day Adventist" is reported to have been given by divine inspiration or, at least, approval, as a deliberate means of theological agitation regarding eschatological concerns—not as a means of stating the foundation of our beliefs—which you could have discovered very easily by pointing your browser to www.adventist.org/beliefs (link). As Tom Bodett of Motel 6 says: "We'll leave the light on for ya."

Finally, my reference to 1 Corinthians 11:19 was not meant to draw attention to the second part of the verse, as you seem to be intent on pursuing (which, frankly, comes off a bit like back-pedaling, unless you'd like to venture into a discussion about the paradox of the inevitability of unity coexisting with schism in the church), but to the first part.

Always a pleasure, Sis. :)



Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Jesus did what His Father did. He gave them rest.
He lifted their burdens. He healed the sick, gave sight to the blind, made the lame walk, pulling them out of the pit that they had fallen into.
He gave them faith. And those that recieved him, recieved him with gladness.
He fed them with manna from heaven and made them drink of the water of life. He clothed them in his own righteousness.
And he had mercy on us and gave us grace and forgiveness.
God created all these things from the foundation of the world. He set them in motion and then watched.
Man put his hand to it and marred it. Polluted it, with our own ways.
Jesus came to set it right. And to put us back on the right path.
If he had not come and brought us light, we would be in darkness still.

What is the seventh day? It is a day of observation. God watched while man was given rulership and dominion over the creation God had given to man. We are told to observe, we are told to watch, we are told to wait patiently upon the Lord.
Not to go out into the world seeking our own, but giving what God gave us freely to give to others.

And this is what Jesus did. God watched and Jesus did the works his father gave him to do.
To love God and to love one another.
This is our commision. This is our duty.
Now Jesus is watching to see what we will do.

We are to give others rest. We are to be the bearers of giving to others what has been freely given to us.
We are God's Sabbath, Just as Jesus is the embodiment of God's Sabbath.
A day of giving, a day of compassion, a day of healing and sharing bread and water to the thirsty and comfort to those who mourn.
This day is not an ordinary day. It is a way of life.

The day is the age in which we are living in. It is To Day.

Where is God?

He is watching.


I'm afraid that, in the final analysis, God's Sabbath has to be what God says it is—not whatever our presumably sanctified imaginations or steams of consciousness desire it to be, Zig.


Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
You know, Aunty, I'm pretty fond of you and I don't like using the "B" word after such a declaration BUT I just gave your post here a good read and I gotta say it's a bit disappointing.
Sorry, but it seemed appropriate on the subject matter to draw attention to the elephant in the room.
We have to make sure that our teachers are not taking us down a slippery path.…mine included.
It’s not the words as much as the “fruits”, Jesus said. It’s what we do and teach, compared to what we don’t do and don’t teach…..isn’t it?
You've made some statements here that, frankly, seem a little below my impression of your intellectual integrity. Perhaps I'm being too harsh and maybe you just haven't boned up on Adventism but you're slinging a fair bit of common (read: low) anti-Adventist mud here, which is surprising considering I've given you and your brethren comparably more of the benefit of doubt over the years. Of course, you may rest assured that that courtesy will continue.
As one who has to constantly wash mud off, I sympathize Barney…..but we have similar beginnings in the period knows as ‘the great awakening‘. Things were definitely stirring as we approached the time for Jesus to return to take his “saints” home to where he had ”prepared a place“ for them. It was a time for the devil to go into full on attack mode, but not in an obvious way…..he starts off subtle, like he did in Eden….”is it really so…? And gets people thinking along different lines…seeds of doubt are sown at a time when when that was actually necessary to free Christ’s disciples from “Babylon the great”….first, she had to be identified and it was made known in no uncertain terms that Christendom was identified with the harlot of John’s Revelation.
That went down as well as Jesus‘ teachings did with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The command from God was to “get out of her my people”….(Rev 18:4-5) so it was time to liberate his people from slavery to “Babylon the great” and educate them according to the true teachings of his son. Teachings that has been terribly corrupted by the devil’s counterfeit “weeds”.

The devil knew this was going to happen, and as soon as these stirrings began, he knew that his counterfeit was no longer convincing…..SDA’s we’re among the first to stir in the 1800’s. And the groundswell started another revolution of sorts….rather than trying to prop up the old system, based on the faulty foundation laid by the RCC, they began to separate from mainstream “Christianity” and expose its lies, just as Jesus did with Judaism.

We have similar roots but we are different plants. I appreciate your position, and the sincerity with which you uphold it, but I disagree with it purely on scriptural grounds.
So far from such a state of things is the fact that an independent legal auditor (a reputable Roman Catholic Copyright Law attorney, no less) was employed by the church to examine her work and the result was quite the contrary to your misguided albeit adopted claim (link).
Thank you for the link…I got a lot out of that, especially with regard to legal definitions and copyright laws….
But is that what exonerates EGW? It found that she had borrowed ideas from many other writers but not so as to be legally prosecuted by law. She flew under that radar. So we are back to square one IMO.

JW’s also quote from other source material, but always list the source material back to its author…..especially is this important when laws governing copyright are somewhat complicated as your link suggested.

I will always back anyone who wants to have a day of rest in their week to reflect on spiritual things, but what I cannot back is those who say it is required to observe the Sabbath as a condition of membership in a church. Do you see where I am coming from? There is no law for Gentiles to observe a weekly Sabbath….but there is no law for Jews that says they can’t. There is no law for it or against it, so it’s up to the individual, not the church, to choose to observe the Sabbath or not. No one breaks any law of God either way. Same with circumcision…..it’s now a personal choice.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Sorry, but it seemed appropriate on the subject matter to draw attention to the elephant in the room.
We have to make sure that our teachers are not taking us down a slippery path.…mine included.
It’s not the words as much as the “fruits”, Jesus said. It’s what we do and teach, compared to what we don’t do and don’t teach…..isn’t it?

As one who has to constantly wash mud off, I sympathize Barney…..but we have similar beginnings in the period knows as ‘the great awakening‘. Things were definitely stirring as we approached the time for Jesus to return to take his “saints” home to where he had ”prepared a place“ for them. It was a time for the devil to go into full on attack mode, but not in an obvious way…..he starts off subtle, like he did in Eden….”is it really so…? And gets people thinking along different lines…seeds of doubt are sown at a time when when that was actually necessary to free Christ’s disciples from “Babylon the great”….first, she had to be identified and it was made known in no uncertain terms that Christendom was identified with the harlot of John’s Revelation.
That went down as well as Jesus‘ teachings did with the Pharisees and Sadducees.

The command from God was to “get out of her my people”….(Rev 18:4-5) so it was time to liberate his people from slavery to “Babylon the great” and educate them according to the true teachings of his son. Teachings that has been terribly corrupted by the devil’s counterfeit “weeds”.

The devil knew this was going to happen, and as soon as these stirrings began, he knew that his counterfeit was no longer convincing…..SDA’s we’re among the first to stir in the 1800’s. And the groundswell started another revolution of sorts….rather than trying to prop up the old system, based on the faulty foundation laid by the RCC, they began to separate from mainstream “Christianity” and expose its lies, just as Jesus did with Judaism.

We have similar roots but we are different plants. I appreciate your position, and the sincerity with which you uphold it, but I disagree with it purely on scriptural grounds.

Thank you for the link…I got a lot out of that, especially with regard to legal definitions and copyright laws….
But is that what exonerates EGW? It found that she had borrowed ideas from many other writers but not so as to be legally prosecuted by law. She flew under that radar. So we are back to square one IMO.

JW’s also quote from other source material, but always list the source material back to its author…..especially is this important when laws governing copyright are somewhat complicated as your link suggested.

I will always back anyone who wants to have a day of rest in their week to reflect on spiritual things, but what I cannot back is those who say it is required to observe the Sabbath as a condition of membership in a church. Do you see where I am coming from? There is no law for Gentiles to observe a weekly Sabbath….but there is no law for Jews that says they can’t. There is no law for it or against it, so it’s up to the individual, not the church, to choose to observe the Sabbath or not. No one breaks any law of God either way. Same with circumcision…..it’s now a personal choice.

I'm not sure you read the Ramik paper very carefully, judging from your conclusion—not that I could blame you for not wanting to read a 28-page defense of Mrs. White's literary borrowing thoroughly, and pressing this issue never results in anything better than a "The {lady} doth protest too much, methinks" outcome.

And I don't subscribe to any distinction between Jew and Greek (Gentile) per Galatians 3:28, Romans 2:28, etc. Probably some kind of doctrinal variance between Witness and Adventist—I confess I'm not up to speed on this.

Otherwise, I don't disagree technically with anything here enough to have the kind of talking-past-each-other exchange into which these discussions are usually reduced. I regard you too well to precipitate that.

So I'll just say howdy and tip my hat to you, Aunty. :tiphat:

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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
I'm afraid that, in the final analysis, God's Sabbath has to be what God says it is—not whatever our presumably sanctified imaginations or steams of consciousness desire it to be, Zig.

Hi Barney,
What does God say it is?

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
For we not up to your standard, who maintain we are justified IN CHRIST by faith apart from our ever sub-standard, failure, of observance of The Law OF GOD (Romans 3:27-28), we ADMIT AND PLEAD GUILTY OF OUR IDOLATRY, and of OUR UNBELIEF IN CHRIST'S FINISHED WORK, AND RELIANCE ON OUR OWN EXCELLENCE INSTEAD.
Go away self deluded accuser of the brethren............

David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
You shouldn't quote texts to confuse people about their duty to God. That's going to be an awful thing to have to answer for.


You should repent from mocking God's Word and those who believe His words.

That will be a NIGHTMARE when you stand before HIM!

5Hear the word of the Lord,
You who tremble at His word:
“Your brethren who hated you,
Who cast you out for My name’s sake, said,
‘Let the Lord be glorified,
That we may see your joy.’
But they shall be ashamed.”


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
You should repent from mocking God's Word and those who believe His words.

That will be a NIGHTMARE when you stand before HIM!

5Hear the word of the Lord,
You who tremble at His word:
“Your brethren who hated you,
Who cast you out for My name’s sake, said,
‘Let the Lord be glorified,
That we may see your joy.’
But they shall be ashamed.”

"I know you are but what am I?"

That's all you got?


David in NJ

Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2021
United States
"I know you are but what am I?"

That's all you got?


i love you as my Brother in Christ.
As such i would never lie to you, misinform you or discourage you from loving the LORD Jesus Christ.

i also would never try to change the day on which you gather for fellowship in Christ.

All this little David desires for you, is for you to SEE that JESUS supercedes the law.
That no one is made righteous by the law (including saturday sabbath).
That God implemented a death penalty for 'working on His Rest'.
JESUS is the REST that no one can work on = John 3:16-18 , Ephesians ch2 , Romans , Galatians , Hebrews

Have a Blessed week in the LORD my Brother
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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
Phew,good thing the Sabbath is not the Mosaic law.

This issue has been so masterfully clouded by the devil that we have people leaving positive reactions to sarcastic statements that are opposed to their views.

It is amazing.


Duck Muscles

Active Member
Mar 19, 2024
No one can ever kill God.

If we forget God through the Satanic machinations of evil empires God still reigns.

All that exists will insure wherever we look we shall never be able to forget God created that.

Every moment, every breath, reminds us God is there. And we are too because God is there.

Those who want to erase God from the landscape of America fail at the mere thought of putting in that effort.

And when they pass on, some sooner than later, they shall know God was always there.

If America one day falls, as all empires and nations eventually do, God shall not.

And if from the shadows and ashes of our demise a whisper escapes so to call out one last time, God bless America!
God shall be there whispering in reply.

I did. Now, rest in peace.


Well-Known Member
Jun 19, 2019
United States
That doesn't address my observation. You merely repeated your prior post.
You said...
Binding something on earth would usually refer to something bad needing forced restraint. That then shall be loosed in Heaven?

I gave you the answer. Scriptural interpretation is one thing…. Inserting things that are not there is another. These scriptures imply no negative or positive….just the authority to make decisions that will be carried through in Heaven.

A lot of the people here saying that it is a requirement for Christians to observe the Sabbath….are adding whatever beliefs they want to the scriptures. Beliefs, Truths, Facts….Beliefs requiring Christians to observe the Sabbath is an old argument that was settled in the 1st century when the Apostles shutdown the Judaizers. And this is a good example of the fact that beliefs can be anything, even separate from the scriptures or superimposed on the scriptures. There is simply nothing in the New Testament that says that Christians are required or should observe the Jewish Saturday Sabbath.

“I will give you the keys of the kingdom of heaven; and whatever you bind on earth shall have been bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth shall have been loosed in heaven.” Matthew 16:19

“Truly I say to you, whatever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven; and whatever you loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.” Matthew 18:18


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States

i love you as my Brother in Christ.
As such i would never lie to you, misinform you or discourage you from loving the LORD Jesus Christ.

i also would never try to change the day on which you gather for fellowship in Christ.

All this little David desires for you, is for you to SEE that JESUS supercedes the law.
That no one is made righteous by the law (including saturday sabbath).
That God implemented a death penalty for 'working on His Rest'.
JESUS is the REST that no one can work on = John 3:16-18 , Ephesians ch2 , Romans , Galatians , Hebrews

Have a Blessed week in the LORD my Brother

I honestly have no idea what makes you think I don't see and agree with what you're saying you desire for me to see here, Dave. :)

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Well-Known Member
Aug 22, 2023
United States
This issue has been so masterfully clouded by the devil that we have people leaving positive reactions to sarcastic statements that are opposed to their views.

It is amazing.

My post isn't sarcastic. It's referring to scripture while using a posting style that sarcastic Anti-Sabbatarians are familiar with.