Hell's Population Clock

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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
FAQ: Are people really in Hell? They haven't been judged yet.

REPLY: The fiery sector of Hades is apparently a sort of death row where
folks in line for execution in the lake of fire are held in custody till their day
in court per Rev 20:11-15.

Pop Clock Update: 4,360 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 240,218,560
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Pop Clock Update: 574 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If the
figures in post #1 are within reason, then something like 31,625,104 new
arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of hades since Apr 12, 2012.
I hadn't seen this thread before. Your original post is a riot! The incessant Pop Clock Updates are a hoot! Is this whole thing yet another Monty Python skit? Is it all tongue-in-cheek or are you serious? I'm not suggesting there's anything wrong if you're serious, but I'd genuinely like to know. I like to think I recognize comedic genius when I see it, and I'm pretty sure I see it here. :jest::Thumbsup:


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
Oh, dear, @Webers_Home has informed me privately that he doesn't have the patience to put up with me, so he has put me on Ignore! I take this to mean he is indeed serious with this thread. But hey, sometimes comedic geniuses don't even realize they are, and that makes their skits all the more droll. (Wise choice putting me on Ignore, though. I'd probably do it myself if that were an alternative.) I'll be watching those Pop Clock Updates with rapt attention.

Edit: I skimmed 15 pages of this thread and just realized @Webers_Home is 80. I was picturing, oh, maybe 25. Holy cow, what a way to spend your old age (which I, as a completely immature 74-year-old twerp, can say). Keepin' track of that Hellish Pop Clock, doncha know. If this thread concludes with our hero revealing he's actually 22 and the whole thing has been a giant put-on, I for one will say "Job well done, sir."
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Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Folks on the wrong side of things in the afterlife should not get their hopes
up by expecting to be given a second chance.

2Cor 6:1-2 . . As God's fellow workers we urge you not to receive God's
grace in vain. For He says: In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the
day of salvation I helped you. I tell you, now is the time of God's favor, now
is the day of salvation.

Heb 3:8 . .Today, if you hear His voice, do not stiffen your resolve.

As a case in point; the Pharaoh of Egypt was given ample opportunity to
comply with Moses' demands until the night when an angel came thru Egypt
slaying all the land's firstborn sons; even the firstborn among livestock.

Another case in point is the Flood when Noah warned of an impending
deluge year after year until the day came when all not aboard the ark were
slain; including moms, infants, and elder citizens.

Compare the parable of the ten maidens wherein five weren't thinking. They
let themselves be distracted with a trifle and by doing so missed the party.

Pop Clock Update: 4,366 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 240,549,136
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.


Well-Known Member
Feb 17, 2024
United States
If classical Christianity's perception of the hereafter is correct; then it's
apparent that souls never stop cascading into the abyss in an endless
procession like the unbelievable millions of poultry broilers passing annually
through Tyson chicken processing plants on their way to Wendy's,
McDonalds, Carl's Junior, Jack in the Box, Burger King, Chic-fil-A, KFC, A&W,
Arby's, Dairy Queen, Taco Bell, et al; and to supermarkets and restaurants
all over the USA and wherever else Tyson vends its meats. The slaughtering
and the butchering never stop.

Pop Clock Update: 4,366 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 240,549,136
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012
Cookin' like chickens on a KFC grill!

My wife is an extremely devout Baptist and a native Russian with a somewhat dour sense of humor. NEVER have I seen her LAUGH SO HARD as when I shared this goofy thread with her. Indeed, she felt compelled to share it with her daughter in Belarus!

It's almost tragic how you missed your true calling. big fella.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
It's one thing to discuss Hell from the perspective of an armchair expert with
no emotional attachment, while quite another when one of your own might
be down there.

My kid brother decided early to live life on his own terms and not allow
religion to get in his way. As a result, he was secular his entire life before
passing away back in March of 2016 at 71 of pancreatic cancer. Well; if
there's a Hell, it's pretty certain my brother is down there; and that
suspicion has a very strong effect on my thoughts and feelings about eternal

The thing is; my brother isn't just another nondescript skull in the gene
pool: he's my kin, my very next of kin actually, We were born the same
year: me in January and him in December. We grew up in the same home,
were nurtured by the same parents, ate the same foods, attended the same
church, went to the same schools, and slept in the same bed for a while till
dad got us some bunks. We had mostly the same friends, and kept each
other company and were playmates together for quite a few years throughout
childhood. Our life together as juniors joined us at the hip, so to speak:
forging a lifelong bond that no amount of disagreement had ever broken.

My brother is a pretty tough guy, but Hell is designed to break people down,
and I fear that today my once-fearless adventuresome brother is now a
squeaky little whimpering gerbil wishing he'd taken an interest in religion
when it mattered the most.

There's an incident depicted in the 16th chapter of Luke wherein folks on
both sides of the afterlife are able to communicate. Well; I hope that's still
possible because I'd really like to visit my brother as often as I can before
he's transferred to the lake of fire depicted by Rev 20:11-15 because after
that, it's very likely I'll never get to see him ever again. And it appears from
Rev 21:3-5 that we're in for a memory wipe so I'll not even remember his
name and it'll be like he never existed; which is actually a blessing because
it would be very unpleasant to have thoughts of my kid brother haunting me

Pop Clock Update: 4,371 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 240,824,616
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
The way I understand it; Hell isn't only about penalty. It's also a
confinement utilized for quarantine. In other words: God doesn't want folks
around Him that are capable of theft any more than folks capable of
dishonesty. The books to be opened at the great white throne event depicted
at Rev 20:11-15 will not only determine folks punishment, but the sins
inventoried therein will be entered into evidence as proof they are capable of
unacceptable behaviors.

Pop Clock Update: 4,376 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 241,100,096
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
Many of the Christians I encounter online typically discuss retribution in a
seminary manner and sometimes forget we're talking about real people.

Rev 21:3-4 . . Now the dwelling of God is with men, and he will live with
them. They will be his people, and God himself will be with them and be
their God. He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more
death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed

Much of the tears, the mourning, the crying, and the pain will most certainly
be related to the great white throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15, which
will likely be a public spectacle.

In other words: people will have to watch as friends, family, associates, and
loved ones are literally pale with terror, lips trembling, mouths too dry to
speak, shrieking, sobbing, screaming, weeping, yelping, and bellowing like
wounded dogs as their eyes dart about in sheer white-knuckled panic,
desperately looking for someone, anyone, to help them as powerful celestial
beings drag them off to death akin to a foundry worker falling into a kettle of
molten iron.

The Bible says the lost will be given a fair trial (Jude 1:14-15) which
suggests some of us might be subpoenaed as witnesses for the prosecution
where we will have to testify, not for but instead against, people we know
and love; including our own, i.e. moms, dads, brothers, sisters,
grandparents, and quite possibly spouses too.

When I was a child, retribution was academic, i.e. an article of faith. But not
anymore because now I'm 80 and most of my family has passed on. It's
very, probable that my mom and two of my three brothers will have to face
justice at the great white throne event. Somebody else's kin facing that
throne is one thing, but quite a different feeling about it when it's likely to be
your own in that fix.

Now; whether the lake of fire speaks of termination plus perdition, or only
termination, is debatable; but one thing is for sure: according to Dan 12:2
and John 5:28-29 there's only one resurrection allotted per person.
Therefore nobody is coming back from the second death because the dead
will use up their one and only resurrection to stand trial.

Pop Clock Update: 4,382 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 241,430,672
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.

One 2 question

Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
Those numbers are entirely in God's hands
Those you say are condemned by God, by Whose hands will be thrown into a place of suffering, that is eternal, never ending prepared by God, have no means of escaping from God's hands. And you are at peace with entrusting these people into this Person's hands for safe keeping on death row til He is ready to condemn them without any chance of parole. You are ok to believe in and love such a Being Who acts in this way. Yet One Who has no control over such people except to contain or restrain them in His hand's til He, according to His pleasure, sends them to a place He has thought up, designed, built and has at the ready for that great day of final judgment?
What are you saying about this God you believe in? Maybe I have misunderstood you.

One 2 question

Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
as their eyes dart about in sheer white-knuckled panic,
desperately looking for someone, anyone, to help them
At this point of proceedings, will Jesus, the Lamb Who takes away the sin of the world, be absent, therefore not available to help them in their time of extreme need?
Much of the tears, the mourning, the crying, and the pain will most certainly
be related to the great white throne event depicted at Rev 20:11-15, which
will likely be a public spectacle.
If it's a public spectacle, I'm thinking Jesus the Scapegoat and Redeemer will be present at this event, this judgement trial but will have to go against His divine nature of love which is kind, forgives and keeps no record of wrong.

How powerless He would be feeling. The inter conflict and tension He would be experiencing throughout this seemingly endless public trial, where all the wrongdoing of billions of beings are replayed for all to see.

Oh the depth of delight His Father must experience throughout this great white throng judgment event. The anticipation of pouring out His vengeance and retribution which bubbles up inside Him must ignite His delight and pleasure, gratifying His inner longing, scratching that itch.

All glory to God for He is good. For He does ALL things for His glory and definitely for His own pleasure. Why would anyone not want to worship such a delightful, loving, kind Being.

This would certainly make one want to rush out there and reason with everyone to give up everything to devote themselves to such a Person.


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
When the dead stand to face justice per Rev 20:11-15, they won't be disembodied,
rather, they'll be physical due to the process of restoring their remains to life, i.e.

Dan 12:2 . . And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall
awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting

John 5:28-29 . . A time is coming when all who are in their graves will
hear the voice of the Son of Man and come out-- those who have done good
will rise to live, and those who have done evil will rise to be condemned.

The two physical resurrections are somewhat juxtaposed by Rev 20:4-6 &
Rev 20:13

* I'd imagine the lake of fire will be a terrible disappointment for the
beautiful people. It's bad enough they lose their looks the first time around:
losing their looks all over again will be devastating.

Pop Clock Update: 4,387 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 241,706,152
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.

One 2 question

Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
I'd imagine the lake of fire will be a terrible disappointment for the
beautiful people. It's bad enough they lose their looks the first time around:
losing their looks all over again will be devastating.
The God or god you imagine would be a merciless, vengeful, cruel, destructive person if He can redeem all beings to Himself but chooses not too.

The God I have a relationship with will manifest Himself by exercise His love when He restores, redeems, reconciles ALL His beings to Himself.

Will beings do some time for their crime? Sure. But forever? Not on God's watch. He will ensure that His grace eventually becomes irresistible. They will turn to God and call out for mercy. Will these cries fall on deaf ears? Not on God's watch.

As the overseer of the lake of fire He will hear them and will respond according to His mercy and grace.

Then all will be saved according to His plan, His will.


New Member
Mar 21, 2024
United States
Will beings do some time for their crime? Sure. But forever? Not on God's watch. He will ensure that His grace eventually becomes irresistible. They will turn to God and call out for mercy.
Well, but what about the angels who fell? They remain in hell.

Also, one out of every three angels fell into hell. What about us? Will about a third fall?

One 2 question

Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
Well, but what about the angels who fell? They remain in hell.

Also, one out of every three angels fell into hell. What about us? Will about a third fall?
The amazing thing is that the unrepentant angels who need to repent, be redeemed and reconciled to their Creator certainly will in time. When that is God hadn't revealed to me.

It will be at some stage in the existence of God after those who have done their crime have done some time in the lake of fire.

The blood of Christ will be effective in this process and the Creator will receive them to Himself and He will be over ALL having reconciled ALL things to Himself, of and in heaven, of and in earth. Now isn't that the greatest news of all, the gospel.
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Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
The amazing thing is that the unrepentant angels who need to repent, be redeemed and reconciled to their Creator certainly will in time. When that is God hadn't revealed to me.

It will be at some stage in the existence of God after those who have done their crime have done some time in the lake of fire.

The blood of Christ will be effective in this process and the Creator will receive them to Himself and He will be over ALL having reconciled ALL things to Himself, of and in heaven, of and in earth. Now isn't that the greatest news of all, the gospel.

What you are presenting is not the gospel of the scriptures.

Isiaih 24:21-23 speaks to this topic of redemption and the judged heavenly hosts, the angels who rebelled against God in the heavenlies, they are not forgiven and are imprisoned for many days waiting the time of their punishment.

What you are presenting is UR theology which is not found in the scriptures at all.



Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
FAQ: Since God created us the way we are; then He is ultimately responsible
for our conduct; right?

REPLY: Some years ago I went into a music store in San Diego and noticed
that one of the store's glass display cases contained a rather large variety of
curious bottles. So I asked the clerk what they were. He said they were
bongs. You mean for smoking dope? I asked. He replied: Yes; that is their
purpose. So I responded: But isn't dope illegal? He replied: Yes, dope is
illegal, however we don't sell dope; we only sell the means to smoke it. You
see; the responsibility for smoking dope was on the end-users of bongs
rather than upon the sellers of bongs.

In a similar incident, I went into an electronics store to purchase a mobile
CB radio and noticed an array of devices in the display case that I didn't
recognize. The clerk told me they were linear amplifiers; which, he said, are
devices for boosting a standard 5-watt CB's signal strength. I asked the clerk
if that was legal. He said no, it isn't legal to boost the standard signal.
However, he said, it isn't illegal to own equipment with the capability to do
so. In other words; the law placed the responsibility for boosting CB signals
on the end-user of linear amplifiers rather than the sellers of linear

What I'm getting at is: God created humanity with the capability to make
bad choices. But at the same time, He created humanity with the capability
to make good choices too. For example:

"Then Yahweh said to Cain: If you do what is right, will you not be accepted?
But if you do not do what is right, sin is crouching at your door; it desires to
have you, but you must master it." (Gen 4:7)

In the forbidden fruit incident, Adam chose poorly. Does it make sense to
blame God for Adam's choice? No; Adam knew the risk going in; but
proceeded anyway. (1Tim 2:14)

But you see: so-called "product liability" is a convenient way of blaming
others for our own failings. In other words: product liability's proponents
insist that the availability of things like forbidden fruit, bongs, and linear
amplifiers constitutes enablement. So these days instead of saying "The
Devil made me do it; therefore my conduct is his fault" now people say "I
was provided the means to do it; therefore my conduct is the provider's

Many of the products under sinks and out in garages are toxic; so
manufacturers put warning labels on them. They do the same thing with
electrical equipment, power tools, and mechanical devices so people can
operate them safely and avoid injury. Now; placing those products for sale
to the public constitutes enablement, but they're assuming end-users are
intelligent enough to read warning labels and/or user's manuals. If users
ignore warning labels and the cautions printed in manuals; it's their own
fault for being stupid.

Pop Clock Update: 4,401 days have elapsed since beginning the thread. If
the figures in post No.1 are within reason, then something like 242,477,496
new arrivals have checked into the fiery sector of Hades since Apr 12, 2012.

One 2 question

Active Member
Dec 9, 2023
What you are presenting is not the gospel of the scriptures.

Isiaih 24:21-23 speaks to this topic of redemption and the judged heavenly hosts, the angels who rebelled against God in the heavenlies, they are not forgiven and are imprisoned for many days waiting the time of their punishment.

What you are presenting is UR theology which is not found in the scriptures at all.

It still baffles me when I come across statements like yours.

What you are presenting is UR theology which is not found in the scriptures at all.

You are dead right. It won't be found in the scriptures as its content is extremly limited so could never and will never give us anything near the full revelation of God.

I love how God reveals Himself in a variety of ways, using various means. And yes, the words within the bible being merely one of these.

Personally I don't read much at all. Not the bible nor other well known within Christian writers material.

Excuse my ignorance but what is UR theology?

Jay Ross

Well-Known Member
Jun 20, 2011
I love how God reveals Himself in a variety of ways, using various means. And yes, the words within the bible being merely one of these.

Personally I don't read much at all. Not the bible nor other well known within Christian writers material.

Excuse my ignorance but what is UR theology?

Oh well, there is no point in then having a conversation with you then.