A Curious Question For Non-Trinitarians

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Jan 17, 2022
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Revelation 6 does not state that Jesus received His crown in 1914 AD, so you and your Watchtower Society cohort add to the prophecy recorded by John the Apostle:

"I testify to everyone who hears the words of the prophecy of this book: if anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues which are written in this book; and if anyone takes away from the words of the book of this prophecy, God will take away his part from the tree of life and from the holy city, which are written in this book" (Revelation 22:18-19).

The ride of the white horse = righteous war. C.T.Russell confused it for Har-mageddon but it was the war in heaven. Satan lost was cast to the earth with his angels--peace was taken from the earth= world war-1 to be exact. After ww1 millions upon millions died all over the earth from things mentioned of the other 3 riders. Mr Russell said in 1889--peace will be taken from the earth in 1914, the only man on earth who saw it. Not by a lucky guess.
Rev 6a;lso says--he receives his crown=Jesus presence- Matt 24:37--1Cor 15:23


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Jan 17, 2022
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@Aunty Jane @Keiw @Butch5 @keithr

The Watchtower Society personnel express confusion about 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, that King Jesus Christ's reign in the Kingdom of God has an end, above the proclamation of apostles, prophets, angels, heavenly voices, and the Word of God.

Here are some specific scriptural instances that exhibits the error:
  • The angel Gabriel declares that Jesus Christ reigns without end in the Kingdom of God "He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High; and the Lord God will give Him the throne of His father David; and He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end." (Luke 1:32-33).
  • God declares the Son's throne endures forever with "But of the Son, He says, 'Your throne, O God, is forever and ever, and the scepter of righteousness is the scepter of Your kingdom.'" (Hebrews 1:8)
  • Heavenly voices declare that Christ Reigns in the Kingdom of God forever and ever with "Then the seventh angel sounded; and there were loud voices in heaven, saying, 'The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever.'" (Revelation 11:15)
  • Daniel declares that Christ's Dominion is an everlasting Dominion with "And to Him was given dominion, glory and a kingdom, that all the peoples, nations and men of every language might serve Him. His dominion is an everlasting dominion which will not pass away, and His kingdom is one which will not be destroyed." (Daniel 7:14)
  • Peter declares the eternal Kingdom of God of Lord and Savior Jesus Christ with "for in this way the entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ will be abundantly supplied to you." (2 Peter 1:11)
  • Paul wrote "He is excepted" (1 Corinthians 15:27) referring to Jesus, and Paul wrote "He is excepted" inside the 1 Cor 15:24-28 passage. Here is the full verse, "For HE HAS PUT ALL THINGS IN SUBJECTION UNDER HIS FEET. But when He says, 'All things are put in subjection,' it is evident that He is excepted who put all things in subjection to Him" (1 Corinthians 15:27).

    Somehow, according to Paul, the Son is in subjection (1 Corinthians 15:28) while at the same time the Son is NOT in subjection because the Son is excepted (1 Corinthians 15:27), and this is because Jesus is God.

    Paul uses only the word "Son" to identify Jesus in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, not specifically "Son of Man" nor "Son of God"; nonetheless, Paul does use masculine pronouns to identify Jesus in the passage.

    For coherency among all these scripture such as Luke 1:32-33 and 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, Paul explains the Son of Man will stop reigning, but the Son of God will continue reigning.

    Jesus Christ is truly Man (Luke 1:26-33) - the Son of Man, and Jesus Christ is truly God (Luke 1:34-35, John 8:58, John 20:28) - the Son of God.

    We, children of God, can also refer to Jesus in his capacity as truly God as well as His capacity as truly Man. We can use context to make the distinction.

What do you think he hands back the kingdom and subjects himself to his God and Father means? Its simple english.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
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Not "produced me," but rather "possessed me at the beginning of His work, the first of His acts of old." To translate קָנָה (qānâ) as "produced me" is a horrible mistranslation, and this is just one of the great many examples of the intentional attempts to re-engineer God's inerrant and infallible word to fit the heretical narrative of the Watchtower organization. Yes, it's pointing to Jesus, and about Him in that sense, but not woodenly, as Jehovah's Witnesses want to suppose.

One should get as far away from the New World Translation as possible.

Grace and peace to you.

Yes mistranslated in trinity translations like many other things are. to fit false council teachings.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
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To avoid confusion here is the verse:

"In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God" (John 1:1)

First, your small "g" claim for the final word in the verse results in you having two gods because you claim Jesus is another god which clearly violates YHWH God's commandment "You shall have no other gods before Me" (Exodus 20:3).

Second, your proposition of "God was with God" cannot be linguistically expanded to "this God was with that God" without you breaking from the accurate translation, and both occurrences of God in "God was with God" represents the same God, so your "more than 1 God" claim crumbles.

Truly, Jesus is God with us (Matthew 1:23). Jesus, is truly Almighty God, YHWH (Revelation 1:8).

I just showed you reality-small g god is not calling that one THE GOD--Your translation says the word was Godso your secong=d line in plain english reads--And God( word) was with God) -that is 2 Gods but with another God over there as well=holy spirit.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
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United States
Behold your evil lie for you wrote "Theone whom he created all other things through."; on the other hand, the Apostle John wrote "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being" (John 1:3).

You added the word "other".

You "all other things".

John "All things".

Since John proclaimed "All things", then Jesus cannot be created for Jesus created "All things"; furthermore, since John proclaimed "All things", then Jesus is Creator God, that is, YHWH God.

Your evil deception includes that you think Jesus is not YHWH God, so you disbelieve in Jesus.

Now, this brings us to the "Us" in Genesis 1:26.

The Hebrew word Elohim is the English word God in Genesis 1:26.

"Then God said, 'Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness'" (Genesis 1:26).

The Hebrew word Elohim represents God in plurality, that is, One Being called God in multiple persons.

Your imaginary rule about Elohim not being plural IS YOUR EVIL LIE.

The plurality of "Us" matches precisely with the plurality of "Elohim" ("God"); therefore, the "Us" is representative of the person of the Father and the person of the Word of God and the person of the Holy Spirit of God.

There are NO created creatures in "Elohim" nor the "Us" in Genesis 1:26.

Incorporating John's message of "All things" (John 1:3) with "Let Us make man" (Genesis 1:26) proves that the "Us" absolutely demonstrates that Jesus is YHWH God because the "Us" is "God" in Genesis 1:26.

Your WICKED LIE that the "Us" in Genesis 1:26 represents created creatures is tantamount to you denying Jesus thus your deception results in everlasting punishment (Matthew 25:46) - whether you believe in everlasting punishment or not.

Trinity translations are filled with errors to fit false council teachings= 100% fact.


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
upstate NY
United States
You wickedly bear false witness against Jesus because you make the Christ out to be the angel Michael, so you violate "You shall not bear false witness" (Exodus 20:16).

There is NO scripture that states Jesus is Michael nor Michael is Jesus.

You bear false witness against King Jesus, truly God, and you lie about the Kingdom of God by way of you misrepresenting Paul's explanation in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 while you subtract many other passages, but
post #381 in this thread truthfully exhibits the passages about King Jesus, His reign forever, and the Kingdom of God without end.

Daniel 12:1--Michael stands up for the sons of Daniel( Gods chosen)--1Thess 4:16--Upon Jesus return, comes with the voice of the archangel--it is his voice-- Both Michael and Jesus are mentioned as the riders of the white horse in Revelation--its the same ride. It does not end until Rev 20 is complete and 1 Cor15:24-28 occurs. It began at Rev 6


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
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"The Father and I are One" (John 10:30).

"For this reason therefore the Jews were seeking all the more to kill Him, because He not only was breaking the Sabbath, but also was calling God His own Father, making Himself equal with God." (John 5:18)

The Jews picked up stones again to stone Him. Jesus answered them, “I showed you many good works from the Father; for which of them are you stoning Me?” The Jews answered Him, “For a good work we do not stone You, but for blasphemy; and because You, being a man, make Yourself out to be God.” (John 10:31-33)

Jesus Christ is truly Man (Luke 1:26-33) - the Son of Man, and Jesus Christ is truly God (Luke 1:34-35, John 8:58, John 20:28) - the Son of God.

The Son of Man says "I go to the Father, for the Father is greater than I" (John 14:28).

The equality of the Son of God with God remains intact!!!

Jesus teaches--The father and i are 1-- The Father is greater than i-- proving 1 means in purpose.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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He tells you he was created at Proverbs 8-- you dont know him.

Proverbs 8 indicates Jesus always existed with "From everlasting I was established" (Proverbs 8:23).

Proverbs 8 indicates Jesus was NOT created.

You are dead wrong.

Jesus says He always existed for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).
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Mar 18, 2019
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Who are Christ's "brothers"? They are the same ones whom God calls his "sons"....so can Jesus be both 'Father' and 'brother' to the same persons?
In the illustration of the "sheep and the goats", Jesus refers to those who are his "brothers" as well as to those who support them....there are two separate groups who are both Christians, but Christ's "brothers" are his "elect".....those who support his brothers in their trials, worship the same God and serve the same "Lord".....
1 Corinthians 1:2...
" To the church of God which is in Corinth, to those who have been sanctified in Christ Jesus, saints by calling, with all who in every place call on the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, their Lord and ours".
There are two different groups of Christians.....one group "elected" to heaven ("saints"), and the others supporting them here on earth.

So how is Jesus "firstborn" among them? He was the first human to a die a mortal death and be raised as a spirit. Just like his "brothers" who were "baptized into his death" were to rise in the same way...."born again" in a new spirit body as a "new creation".

Since Jesus as "the Word" was "with God" "in the beginning"...what is this the "beginning" of?
An immortal and infinite God has no beginning or end.
As "the only begotten son of God" the very fact that he is...
1) a "son"...and
2) a "firstborn" and "only begotten" can mean only one thing......the Father as his 'begetter' had to have existed first in order to bring him into existence. Revelation 3:14 acknowledges this fact.....this is Jesus himself declaring that he is "the firstborn of all creation"......the very first and only direct creation of his God and Father. The son then had the privilege of constructing all things, which were made "through him and for him". That makes absolutely no sense if Jesus is God. Did he make creation 'through himself and for himself'.....?

As has already been shown to you many times....Proverbs 8:22-26; 30-31....is "wisdom personified" which is readily acknowledged by scholars as referring to the pre-human Jesus....(1 Corinthians 1:24, 30)
If this is speaking about actual wisdom, then being "brought forth" or "born" cannot apply, since God has always been wise.....it is not something acquired but something he always had.

“The Lord created me as the firstborn of his ways,
before the oldest of his works.
23 I was established in the earliest times,
at the beginning, before the earth.
24 I was brought forth when there were no ocean depths,
when there were no springs overflowing with water.
25 Before the mountains had been shaped,
before the hills, I was brought forth,
26 when he had not yet made the earth and the fields
or the mass of the world’s soil. . . . .

30 then I was beside him as a master craftsman,
and I was his delight day after day,
exulting in his presence continually,
31 rejoicing in his inhabited world
and delighting in the children of men."

No, Aunty Jane, you avoided a post God had me present to you, so I want to continue on this point.

Truly, Lord Jesus Christ says "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58).

Jesus says I AM, and He did not say "I was created".

So, one week before Abraham was born Jesus' words of I AM ring true.

And, two weeks before Abraham was born Jesus' words of I AM resound true.

And, three weeks before Abraham was born Jesus' words of I AM are true.

And, the minute prior to the minute any of all the angels were created Jesus' words of I AM trumpet true.

And, the week prior to any of the angels being created Jesus' words of I AM harmonize truthfully.

No matter when in time one seeks before Abraham was born, Jesus Christ's words of I AM remain absolutely true.

Going back in time, Jesus is always I AM, never created, He is always I AM.

Going back in time, anytime in all eternity because Jesus says "before Abraham" with no exceptions, Jesus Being.

Behold, Going back in time, Jesus Being.

JESUS IS EVERLASTING going back in time.

Jesus says "I am with you always, even to the end of the age" (Matthew 28:20).

The angel Gabriel declared to Mary about Jesus "He will reign over the house of Jacob forever, and His kingdom will have no end" (Luke 1:33).

Behold, Going forward in time, Jesus Being.

JESUS IS EVERLASTING going forward in time.

GOD is exclusively the One that IS EVERLASTING going back in time and going forward in time.

God is everlasting.

Jesus is everlasting.

No one except God is everlasting.

Everlasting YHWH God is Lord Jesus Christ for He declares "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58).

"I am the Alpha and the Omega," says the Lord God, "who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty." (Revelation 1:8, see also Revelation 21:6 and Revelation 22:13), thus says He Who is coming on the clouds!

"I am YHWH, and there is no other; Besides Me there is no God" (Isaiah 45:5).

"Before Me there was no God formed, And there will be none after Me" (Isaiah 43:10).

Jesus Christ is truly Man (Luke 1:26-33) - the Son of Man, and Jesus Christ is truly God (Luke 1:34-35, John 8:58, John 20:28) - the Son of God.

All people that think Jesus Christ was created hold to news that is not the Good News (Gospel) of Jesus Christ (Galatians 1:6-7), so you have no gospel at all.


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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There is not a single passage of scripture where it says Jesus was half man and half God.

You lie about the Word of God, and you lie about what I wrote.

I did not write that Jesus is half man and half God, but I did write:

Jesus Christ is truly Man (Luke 1:26-33) - the Son of Man, and Jesus Christ is truly God (Luke 1:34-35, John 8:58, John 20:28) - the Son of God.

Your broken and evil theology and doctrine cannot handle the Truth (John 14:6) the previous paragraph nor in the next paragraph.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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Amen! "I AM = Eternally Existing One!" Confirming Scripture:

"Micah_5:2 But thou, Bethlehem Ephratah, though thou be little among
the thousands of Judah, yet out of thee shall He come forth unto Me That
Is To Be Ruler in Israel; Whose Goings Forth have been from of old, from
500 Confirming Scriptures "JESUS Is Almighty God!"

Grace And Peace...

Awesome! God is consistent!

There is "everlasting" past in Micah 5:2.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in everlasting past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).
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Mar 18, 2019
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And again, Paul's context is Christ Jesus's preeminence over all creation, which slams the door on the idea that Jesus is at part of God's creation. Even with the mangling of John 1 in the NWT, it still affirms that Jesus was not created, but that He was with God in the beginning, and that all things came into existence through Him, and apart from Him not even one thing came into existence, the clear result being that the NWT contradicts itself in multiple places, which is just astounding.

Having said that, I realize full that I'm preaching to the choir, here, Kermos, but the stark contrast between Jesus and us that Paul is very clear on there that Christ Jesus is the image of the invisible God...

"He is the image of the invisible God..." (Colossians 1:15)

...where we creatures are merely created in the image of God:

"Let us make man in our image, after our likeness..." (Genesis 1:26)

And having fallen from this state (in Adam, Genesis 3), those of us who are in Christ (born again of the Holy Spirit, John 3) we are being conformed to the image of Christ (Romans 8) ~ we will eventually be just like Him, but we will never be Him of course, which is a distinction that is (should be, anyway) self-evident ~ and there is no more condemnation for us.

Isn't the Gospel of Christ a beautiful and amazing thing? Good news indeed.

Grace and peace to all.

I think we've been nearly saying the same thing about Colossians 1:15, but in varying words.

What you wrote about "the image of the invisible God" and "image of God" is poignant.

And, yes, the Gospel of Christ is beautiful and amazing and awesome!

God bless you.
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Mar 18, 2019
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That's funny. You saying some disagrees with the word of God. You disagree with Jesus Himself. He said to the Father that He was the only Ture God. You disagree with that.

You merely cry afoul with no proofs. You have no proofs to support your ungodly, humanistic promulgation.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).

Jesus does not stop at Exodus with His words recorded in John 8:58, but He goes back to Genesis by mentioning Abraham, and He goes back eternally because He establishes His existence as perpetual prior to Abraham.

Oh, so you claim there are two gods based upon that which you wrote in your quoted post.

You disagree with the Word of God because the Word of God states there is One True God (Isaiah 45:5).


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Mar 18, 2019
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Actually, I can. But, even if I couldn't that doesn't prove He did exist. You're making an assumption.

You claim you can identify a time when Jesus did not exist, but you didn't which is telling about your deception.

You cannot identify a time prior to Jesus saying "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58) in which Jesus did not exist, nor can anyone. According to the Christ, Jesus existed in eternity past.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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Here in lies your problem. You're buying into arguments against Scripture. You're defying sound logic and grasping fantasies. Jesus Himself said that the Father is the only true God. Jesus said, He came out of the Father. Paul said, 'to us there is one God, the Father'. Both Jesus and Paul make distinctions between God and Jesus. You can listen to people try to explain this all away and hold to a 5th century doctrine that is not found in Scripture, or you can believe Jesus, Paul, and the Scriptures. The choice is yours.

You didn't address the scripture presented, instead you make unfounded assertions.

Confusion about Jesus mentioned near the word "creation" in Revelation 3:14 and Colossians 1:15 abounds, but this compilation clarifies the matter scripturally and Spiritually. First, here are the passages.

"To the angel of the assembly in Laodicea write: The Amen, the faithful and true Witness, the Beginning of the creation of God, says this" (Revelation 3:14).

"He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation" (Colossians 1:15),

Here are some specific scriptural instances that prove your error:
  • Paul explained the firstborn in relation to the born of God persons (John 3:3-8) in this passage related to Colossians 1:15 "For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brothers" (Romans 8:29).
  • Jesus is the beginning of creation (Revelation 3:14) and the firstborn of creation in that:
    • "All things came into being through Him, and apart from Him nothing came into being that has come into being" (John 1:3), SO THE SON OF GOD, JESUS, BEGINS THE CREATION AND COMPLETES THE CREATION (REVELATION 3:14).
    • "He is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn of all creation" (Colossians 1:15), SO THE SON OF MAN, JESUS, IS THE FIRSTBORN OF ALL THE BORN OF GOD PERSONS (JOHN 3:3-8).
    Jesus Christ is truly Man (Luke 1:26-33) - the Son of Man, and Jesus Christ is truly God (Luke 1:34-35, John 8:58, John 20:28) - the Son of God.
    • In Revelation 3:14 we find Christ referring to Himself in His capacity of truly God, Almight Creator of Heaven and Earth.
    • Since Jesus can say one sentence with multiple meanings; therefore, in Revelation 3:14, also, we find Christ referring to Himself in His capacity of the Son of Man - He is the Beginning of the resurrection among many brothers born of God for He says to the self same assembly "He who overcomes, I will grant to him to sit down with Me on My throne, as I also overcame and sat down with My Father on His throne" (Revelation 3:21). Jesus is the leader among the Assembly of God (God's Ecclesia).
    • In Colossians 1:15 we find Paul referring to Christ in His capacity of the Son of Man - He is the firstborn after the crucifixion among many brothers born of God. Jesus is the leader among the Assembly of God (God's Ecclesia).
  • Colossians 1:15 does not state that the Son of God, Jesus Christ, was created.
  • Revelation 3:14 does not state that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was created.
  • Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He is YHWH God for there is NO other (Isaiah 45:5).


Well-Known Member
Jan 17, 2022
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Proverbs 8 indicates Jesus always existed with "From everlasting I was established" (Proverbs 8:23).

Proverbs 8 indicates Jesus was NOT created.

You are dead wrong.

Jesus says He always existed for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).

Prov 8:25 disagrees with you. Brought forth with labor pains= created direct-first and last. The firstborn of all creation.


Oct 24, 2009
Homer Ga.
You merely cry afoul with no proofs. You have no proofs to support your ungodly, humanistic promulgation.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).

Jesus does not stop at Exodus with His words recorded in John 8:58, but He goes back to Genesis by mentioning Abraham, and He goes back eternally because He establishes His existence as perpetual prior to Abraham.

Oh, so you claim there are two gods based upon that which you wrote in your quoted post.

You disagree with the Word of God because the Word of God states there is One True God (Isaiah 45:5).
It's clear that you don't take the Scriptures seriously. If you did you would engage the passages. Jesus said the Father is the only true God, Paul said, 'to us there is one God, the Father. They both made a distinction between Jesus and the Father. You can ignore that and go on believing in logical contradictions and things not found in Scripture if you'd like. Since we don't have the same source of authority, the Scriptures, there's no point in further discussion.


Oct 24, 2009
Homer Ga.
You claim you can identify a time when Jesus did not exist, but you didn't which is telling about your deception.

You cannot identify a time prior to Jesus saying "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58) in which Jesus did not exist, nor can anyone. According to the Christ, Jesus existed in eternity past.

Jesus is God for the ever living Jesus proclaims this Truth "Truly, truly, I say to you, before Abraham was born, I AM" (John 8:58), so according to the Christ, Lord Jesus existed in eternity past which means He is uncreated thus He proclaims that He is YHWH God for there is NO other that exists in eternity past (Isaiah 45:5).

If you knew the Scriptures you wouldn't need to ask. But since you asked.

Jesus said unto them, If God were your Father, ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God; neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (Jn. 8:42 KJV)

Aunty Jane

Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2021
Indeed, like the Trinity doctrine that was added to it! :rolleyes:
The trinity....immortality of the soul, hellfire, and a host of other things have been added to God's word....and we non-trinitarians are the ones in error?.....:rolleyes: Good grief!

Do all Christians go to heaven? NO.
Do Christendom's churches have a good understanding as to what God's Kingdom is? NO.
Do they know what the Kingdom is for and how it "comes"?....what the Lord's Prayer means? NO.
Do we see Christendom's members out preaching about God's Kingdom, fulfilling "the great commission" before "the end" of the present world system overtakes humanity? NO.
Did Jesus ever say that he was Almighty God....did the Father himself ever say so....even once? NO.
Is there life immediately after death when an immaterial "soul" departs from the body to go somewhere else? NO.
Did Jesus or any of the apostles teach what Christendom does about the soul? NO.
Is there a single scripture that uses the words "immortal soul" side by side in the same sentence? NO.
Does the Bible say that souls go to heaven? NO.
Do souls go to hell to fry forever in eternal fire? NO.
Should infants be baptized as if there is some kind of proxy arrangement for baptism? NO.
Should we be celebrating pagan festivals that have merely been renamed to make them appear to be "Christian"? NO.
Do we see the church leaders separating themselves from politics in line with Jesus command to be "no part of the world"? NO.
Do we see Christendom's leaders promoting peace by advising their members to be "no part of the world"? NO.
Do we see the churches refraining from supporting the bloodshed of their own government. NO.
Do we see Christendom's adherents putting their "Christianity" before their patriotism? NO.
Do Christendom's members obey the Christ in everything? NO.
Will they tell their members in the military to put down their weapons in obedience to Christ's admonition at Matthew 5:43-44? NO.
Will they refuse to kill their own brethren if they are on the other side of a war? NO.

So will the real Christians please stand up.....?

I could go on......"people who live in glass houses" and all that.....


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2019
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United States
Note that Rev. 11:15 says "the kingdom of our Lord, and of his Christ", that is, of God and of His anointed (Jesus). Clearly, once again, the Scriptures distinguish between God and His Son Jesus. It says "he" will rule forever, that is, God will rule forever, but God has chosen Jesus to rule for Him:

Col 1:18) ... that in all things he [Jesus] might have the preeminence.
Php 2:9-11 (WEB):
(9) Therefore God also highly exalted him, and gave to him the name which is above every name;
(10) that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of those in heaven, those on earth, and those under the earth,
(11) and that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.

God will rule over the world forever, with His Son Jesus exalted to the position of Lord (or king) over all. In the Old Testament Joseph was a type for Jesus. Joseph ruled over all of Egypt, and only Pharoh (a type for God) was above him in authority. Christians will also become kings in God's kingdom:

Revelation 1:5-6 (KJV):
(5) And from Jesus Christ, who is the faithful witness, and the first begotten of the dead, and the prince of the kings of the earth. Unto him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in his own blood,
(6) And hath made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever. Amen.

You've got that wrong! Paul is quoting Psalms 8:6, which says:

(6) You make him ruler over the works of your hands. You have put all things under his feet:

and applying it to Jesus. He says "He [God] put all things in subjection under his [Jesus'] feet" and "it is evident that he [God] is excepted who subjected all things to him". Al things are under Jesus, but Jesus is under God:

1 Corinthians 11:3 (WEB):
(3) But I would have you know that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.

Your confusion continues. Instead, the conflict should have alerted to you to the possibility that you had misinterpreted it - which you had!

You missed the point, so let's get back to the point.

The point is that Revelation 11:15 states that Christ will reign forever and ever in the Kingdom which contrasts against your interpretation of 1 Corinthians 15:24-28, so here is the passage a few loud voices in heaven:

"The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ; and He will reign forever and ever" (Revelation 11:15).

The passage in 1 Corinthians 15:24-28 means that Jesus the Son of Man subjects the Kingdom to the Father, yet Jesus equal with God, truly God, (John 5:18, John 10:30-31) continues reigning in the Kingdom (Revelation 11:15).

You disbelieve the Word of God (John 8:58), and you persist in your evil deception that Jesus is not God.
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