Beheaded OSAS: Soul Separation from the Body

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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Still coming back?

There you are. I forgot what thread you were on.:cool:

Let's do this one chunk at a time, to see if we can move forward with any agreement.

But also, let's establish a base line: Do you believe if any man is sinning with the devil, that he is also a born son of God and saved by grace?

I say no: no one while fornicating will awake in the presence of the Lord, if they die bodily while fornicating.

We are confident, I say, and willing rather to be absent from the body, and to be present with the Lord.

The most simply stated, we neither caused ourselves to be born of our natural parents, nor did we cause ourselves to be born from God. And in that same way, just as we cannot cause ourselves to be somehow "unborn" from our parents, neither can we cause ourselves to be "unborn" from God. We just aren't capable of such things. Having been born, we exist, that's that.

The problem here is comparing natural things to spiritual, so as to cause spiritual things to be conformed to the natural.

The parables only show a shadowy figure of the spiritual things of God, even as creation shows the handiwork of God, but they are not exact representations of the spiritual.

The natural parable of the sower of seed is imperfect pertaining to the spirit of man, because while natural ground has no will nor say about any seed planted, the spiritual soul of man does have something to say and do about it: whether to receive and obey it unto life, or to reject it unto death.

'Causing ourselves' is simply by our own will and power, which is not how we are born of God.

But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God.

However, that does not mean we have nothing to do with being born of God, and nothing to do to be born of God. When we hear His voice, we must be the ones to repent and open the door to receive Him. We open the door by obeying His voice knocking: we do so by repenting of lusting to sin and obey Him in a pure heart.

Until we are obeying Him, He cannot enter, because the door is still closed to Him by the hearer only: they believe He is knocking and He is God, but they are not obeying and doing His word, which begins within the heart first to purify and purge ourselves of all lust and unrighteous thoughts for sinning.

Purifying our heart for His name's sake, is opening our door to Him, That is our part that we have power to do with Him.

His part was His cross and resurrection; whereby He could knock on doors of hearts with power to save and purge clean.

Jesus calls this the first works of the believer that is justified by Him:

Nevertheless I have somewhat against thee, because thou hast left thy first love.

Remember therefore from whence thou art fallen, and repent, and do the first works; or else I will come unto thee quickly, and will remove thy candlestick out of his place, except thou repent.

Natural man only sees obedient or sinful works with the body, but obedience or sinning against God begins within the soul and spirit of man, whether purifying our hearts in righteous obedience unto life, or lusting for sin and death to God.

What you say we are not able to do naturally, to be born or unborn of earthly mothers, is true, but is not true in the spiritual kingdom, where we choose to be born or unborn of God by obeying or sinning against Him, beginning within the heart and finishing it with the flesh.

But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed. Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death.

This is why we are being saved by faith, while being justified by works: the justification by Christ is the finishing work of faith in Jesus:

Was not Abraham our father justified by works, when he had offered Isaac his son upon the altar? Seest thou how faith wrought with his works, and by works was faith made perfect?

We believe it is He at the door, and open the door to receive Him by obeying His voice:

Thou blind Pharisee, cleanse first that which is within the cup and platter, that the outside of them may be clean also.

By dead faith alone, people seek to open the door to Jesus, while also enjoying the pleasures of lusting and sinning, but their delusion is that He has entered by grace anyway.

Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.

He did on His cross what we could not do, but now must we do what we can and must do only our own cross: crucify the old man of lust from our hearts.

Having no part in being born of God is for hearers only, not for doers of the word.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
You're a self-confessed unrighteous christian sinner, that accuses all the righteous being self-righteous Pharisee boasters.

Your a modern day pharisee.. I will pray for you my friend..

Your not righteous. You bear false witness against people. You claim you know what they believe when you have utterly no clue. And you continue on this rant. Instead of serving christ, your attack those who do.

Your a hypocrite. And I am done with you. Good day sir. You can attack all you want. I actually fell sorry for you. Because that is all you have


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
But also, let's establish a base line: Do you believe if any man is sinning with the devil, that he is also a born son of God and saved by grace?

I say no: no one while fornicating will awake in the presence of the Lord, if they die bodily while fornicating.

Your assertion . . . No Christian will commit any sin.

Is that what you are saying here?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2018
United States
This is why we are being saved by faith, while being justified by works:
You know, I've read through this post a number of times. Maybe it all comes down to this.

Justified by whom? You say we are justified by works, thinking of James, I imagine. "So you see he was justified by his works . . .", justified by whom?

Much love!


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
Normally, no sensible person would bother arguing how the head of the body is the head, and without the head, the body is dead, even as without the spirit that is in the head.

But these are not sensible times: Modern OSAS teaches a kind of soul separation from the body at salvation, so that when the soul is saved, the soul becomes separated from the body, so that the soul is forever heavenly preserved blameless of any more sinning of the old hapless body on earth. (A unique twist on being 'left behind')

And so, the old man of sin therefore has no more soul to head over it nor guide it, which means, when the soul is saved, the soul departs upward, while the poor old sinning body remains downward still sinning: Their old bodies are beheaded of their souls, Beheaded old bodies of sin.

This is how they are able to say that it is no more I in my body doing the sinning, but that old sinful body doing all things on it's own.

This is how they are also able to claim that they love God in the soul, spirit, and mind, but are simply unable to stop that old hapless body from sinning, This is the self-justifying double heartedness for life they say Rom 7 teaches for all Christians still on earth.

When they say they can't help themselves from sinning in the flesh, they are simply saying their souls are now too far away in heaven to do anything about it: the headless body is now become it's own head called the old man of sin.

One person even goes so far as to agree that the old body now is sort of on autopilot for the rest of it's days, It is only now doing what it was predetermined and programmed to do at the foundation of the earth: a sort of premade video just being played out to the end.


It is therefore necessary to show by Scripture, how that the soul is the head and headship of the body, while the body remains alive on earth:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

We see here, that God breathed into the nostrils of man's body the breath of Life, so that man became a living soul: The living soul is in the head and is the living headship of the body.

No soul, no headship, no head for the body: Beheaded on earth.

There is no body on earth, whose soul is not their headship within their mortal bodies. (I know, redundancy ad nauseum, but necessary when refuting the Great Mystery of OSAS)

And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

We see here once again that the soul is the head of the body, living within the body.

Christ is the living Soul of the everlasting God, in whose image we are created by Christ, Therefore, even as He was head of His on body unto death on the cross, so are we.

So then, from the womb, the soul of man created alive by the spirit of Christ is the headship of the mortal body, and remains so through all our days on earth: the soul never departs nor is separated from the body, nor is it without responsibility for the deeds, else the body be left headless with no headship at all.


Jesus Christ does not come and send our heads to heaven, while He takes over the body: Christianity is not spirit possession.

OSAS literally teaches a christ possession of their old bodies, while they go away to a far higher country, waiting for their resurrected spiritual bodies to catch up with them.

Their old hapless sinful bodies are not beheaded of the old sinning and now newly living soul, that is flown away to heaven on wings of angels, while the spirit within them takes over to watch it all play out unto the end.

OSAS teaching of soul separation from the body is demon possession of the flesh.

Why? Just to get rid of James 2 and deny that we are justified by works in the flesh, which does not include sinning for the devil against God.

I can see that too many people who call themselves christians don't agree with Genesis 2:7 that you quoted, which says, "And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul."
Genesis 2:7 clearly shows us that God took dust from the ground and formed it into a flesh and blood human body and then blew the breath of life(spirit) into that flesh and blood human body and that flesh and blood human body became a living soul or living person. This scripture makes it quite clear that the breath of life(spirit) separately, on it's own, without it being in a flesh and blood human body isn't a living soul or living person, but it's the combination of the flesh and blood human body with the breath of life (spirit) in that flesh and blood human body which makes a living soul or living person.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
and that flesh and blood human body became a living soul or living person.

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And man became a living soul with mortal flesh and blood body on earth like every other natural living creature on earth, yet without a living soul like man.

You can add change Scripture however you want and so believe whatever you want, but the conclusion of your believe is as you confess: to be an unrighteous sinner unto the end, with the hope of sinful Adam and Eve to somehow still live spiritually forever.

And you cut your losses in conscience, by saying if you don't, you won't know it anyway, because you are only dusty fleshy bones and blood anyway.

OSAS is natural man trying to sound spiritual, and corrupt all Scripture to do so.

I prefer honest natural men and atheists, who simply say there is no soul nor spirit nor angel nor God, and all that matters in this life is mortal naturally made flesh and blood, that we can see, hear, taste, feel, etc...

That is so much more refreshing, than all that other pseudo scripture-speak stuff.


Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2017
Thomaston Georgia
United States
And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

And man became a living soul with mortal flesh and blood body on earth like every other natural living creature on earth, yet without a living soul like man.

You can add change Scripture however you want and so believe whatever you want, but the conclusion of your believe is as you confess: to be an unrighteous sinner unto the end, with the hope of sinful Adam and Eve to somehow still live spiritually forever.

And you cut your losses in conscience, by saying if you don't, you won't know it anyway, because you are only dusty fleshy bones and blood anyway.

OSAS is natural man trying to sound spiritual, and corrupt all Scripture to do so.

I prefer honest natural men and atheists, who simply say there is no soul nor spirit nor angel nor God, and all that matters in this life is mortal naturally made flesh and blood, that we can see, hear, taste, feel, etc...

That is so much more refreshing, than all that other pseudo scripture-speak stuff.

The animals are living souls like man, the only difference is God created man in his image, but not the animals.
Anyone who says the breath of life(spirit) separately, on it's own, without a flesh and blood human body, is a living soul or living person is contradicting Genesis 2:7. People can huff and puff about it and deny what Genesis 2:7 is saying all they want but they're huffing and puffing to God because they're contradicting his word. The True God isn't going to change Genesis 2:7 for anyone. Also I didn't change scripture I just said, in my own words, what Genesis 2:7 said. What I said agreed with what Genesis 2:7 is saying but most people are against it because it disagrees with what they believe but what I said and how I said it agrees with the scripture Genesis 2:7


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Modern OSAS teaches a kind of soul separation from the body at salvation, so that when the soul is saved, the soul becomes separated from the body, so that the soul is forever heavenly preserved blameless of any more sinning of the old hapless body on earth. (A unique twist on being 'left behind')



You should not attempt to teach and name that teaching, what you neither know or understand.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Utter nonsense.
Salvation does NOT justify sin, Salvation FORGIVES sin.
Since OSAS proselytes treat all letters on paper as no longer mattering after they take up their own halfway-house cross, then they frequently say things off the top of the heads, that make absolutely no sense whatsoever.

Salvation doesn't forgive nor do anything. It is a result of being forgiven of all past sinning.

God forgives sinning, not salvation, nor grace, nor justification, nor faith...

And since OSAS proselytizes are taught to forgive their own sinning past, present, and future by their own graciousness, then God probably doesn't even bother to, unless they do confess any sinning from the heart to the Lord. Although I don't know why they would bother, since they've already forgiven them, even before they do them again and again and again unto the grave.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
The dystopian error of OSAS soul separation begins with blaming their mortal bodies on sinning against God. They then make their own bodies the scapegoat for any sinning, after hearing Jesus dies on a cross, and they believe it.

Then they say their old body is now dead, and call it the crucified old man of sinning.

And then they declare it impossible for their soul and spirit to crawl back into their old dead bodies, so that their soul is sinning again, and not just their bodies.

Which of course is true, that no person can make their dead bodies alive again, although God did so in the Old and the New Testaments with a couple of men.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
God forgives sinning, not salvation,

Salvation is the literal forgiveness of God that is extended to us as a GIFT.
This is Christ on the Cross, as He is the basis that God uses to forgive the "world". John 3:16.

So, when you think of God's Grace, or Redemtpion, or Justification, or Forgiveness, as SALVATiON, then this is simply to be understood as Jesus Himself.
He is God's Forgiveness, given to us all.

Jesus is Salvation.
Jesus is God's Grace
Jesus is Eternal Life
Jesus is Redemption.

What does this mean?
It means that if you have Jesus in you, then you have all that applied to you, as you have become One with God.

If you are just a cultist, a religious heretic, who is water baptized only, then you do not have Christ and God does not have you.
All you have is a religious exercise that is meaningless regarding obtainig God's Salvation and eternal life.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
It’s a shame a good many more would not turn from theology that they have taken on board from others over the years !

This makes no sense to me, unless you are speaking of Christians that accept false doctrines from others, which is the devil's means of corrupting good Christian living and manners.

I do hope everyone here independently reads their bibles , including you and others that throw stones at others all the time………

I consider this to be a false accusation against me personally. You accuse me of attacking other people personally, when I only rebuke teaching, not people. I first attempt to correct any teaching with Scripture, and if necessary rebuke it openly.

I have been warned by your managers not to make anything personal, and I have been very careful about that, because I agree with it. But what about you? You just threw a typical knee-jerk reaction stone at me, that is false. Am I now attacking you personally for rejecting your personal judgment of me?

If you are accusing me of attacking people personally, as just another person on site, then I still will not report you.

But if you are speaking as a site manager with punitive powers, then you ought clarify your position.

You obviously consider it a personal sin to rebuke teaching, as it were casting stones at the teachers. Is it therefore now a forbidden rule to oppose any teaching, as it were attacking the teacher personally?

If so, it should be openly stated and put in the site rule.

And I would gladly comply with it, and only teach what I believe and agree with, and would report anyone who dares disagree with me or what others teach.

The debate section should be removed in that case.

I did not address you in private here, because you accused me openly.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Salvation is the literal forgiveness of God that is extended to us as a GIFT.
This is Christ on the Cross, as He is the basis that God uses to forgive the "world". John 3:16.

So, when you think of God's Grace, or Redemtpion, or Justification, or Forgiveness, as SALVATiON, then this is simply to be understood as Jesus Himself.
He is God's Forgiveness, given to us all.

Jesus is Salvation.
Jesus is God's Grace
Jesus is Eternal Life
Jesus is Redemption.

What does this mean?
It means that if you have Jesus in you, then you have all that applied to you, as you have become One with God.

If you are just a cultist, a religious heretic, who is water baptized only, then you do not have Christ and God does not have you.
All you have is a religious exercise that is meaningless regarding obtainig God's Salvation and eternal life.
This thread is about the mysticism of OSAS teaching of beheading, and soul separation.

I no longer participate in diversion tactics.

You can address me privately, or go to an appropriate thread, and invite me in.

However, I only deal in letters on paper, and have no respect for imaginations of peoples' own minds, including my own.

And there are people who openly declare, that they have no respect anymore for letters of ink on paper, especially when those letters do not conform to their own minds.

There is no common ground with me and them. I keep my opinions to myself, and only offer what is written, and rebuke what is not written on paper, or is plainly twisting those letters of Scripture into pretzels of their own delight.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2017
United States
Normally, no sensible person would bother arguing how the head of the body is the head, and without the head, the body is dead, even as without the spirit that is in the head.

But these are not sensible times: Modern OSAS teaches a kind of soul separation from the body at salvation, so that when the soul is saved, the soul becomes separated from the body, so that the soul is forever heavenly preserved blameless of any more sinning of the old hapless body on earth. (A unique twist on being 'left behind')

And so, the old man of sin therefore has no more soul to head over it nor guide it, which means, when the soul is saved, the soul departs upward, while the poor old sinning body remains downward still sinning: Their old bodies are beheaded of their souls, Beheaded old bodies of sin.

This is how they are able to say that it is no more I in my body doing the sinning, but that old sinful body doing all things on it's own.

This is how they are also able to claim that they love God in the soul, spirit, and mind, but are simply unable to stop that old hapless body from sinning, This is the self-justifying double heartedness for life they say Rom 7 teaches for all Christians still on earth.

When they say they can't help themselves from sinning in the flesh, they are simply saying their souls are now too far away in heaven to do anything about it: the headless body is now become it's own head called the old man of sin.

One person even goes so far as to agree that the old body now is sort of on autopilot for the rest of it's days, It is only now doing what it was predetermined and programmed to do at the foundation of the earth: a sort of premade video just being played out to the end.


It is therefore necessary to show by Scripture, how that the soul is the head and headship of the body, while the body remains alive on earth:

And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

We see here, that God breathed into the nostrils of man's body the breath of Life, so that man became a living soul: The living soul is in the head and is the living headship of the body.

No soul, no headship, no head for the body: Beheaded on earth.

There is no body on earth, whose soul is not their headship within their mortal bodies. (I know, redundancy ad nauseum, but necessary when refuting the Great Mystery of OSAS)

And not holding the Head, from which all the body by joints and bands having nourishment ministered, and knit together, increaseth with the increase of God.

We see here once again that the soul is the head of the body, living within the body.

Christ is the living Soul of the everlasting God, in whose image we are created by Christ, Therefore, even as He was head of His on body unto death on the cross, so are we.

So then, from the womb, the soul of man created alive by the spirit of Christ is the headship of the mortal body, and remains so through all our days on earth: the soul never departs nor is separated from the body, nor is it without responsibility for the deeds, else the body be left headless with no headship at all.


Jesus Christ does not come and send our heads to heaven, while He takes over the body: Christianity is not spirit possession.

OSAS literally teaches a christ possession of their old bodies, while they go away to a far higher country, waiting for their resurrected spiritual bodies to catch up with them.

Their old hapless sinful bodies are not beheaded of the old sinning and now newly living soul, that is flown away to heaven on wings of angels, while the spirit within them takes over to watch it all play out unto the end.

OSAS teaching of soul separation from the body is demon possession of the flesh.

Why? Just to get rid of James 2 and deny that we are justified by works in the flesh, which does not include sinning for the devil against God.

I must say it is disturbing how well you are able to take one thing “OSAS” and make every verse and every passage seem like “OSAS” is always the topic being discussed there. Like the whole word of God is about OSAS. That is it guys… OSAS is what the word is about. It is alarming because I’m afraid I latch on to something hard too and make everything as if it addresses what I want it to be addressing. o_O I truly haven’t seen these verses and passages built up around OSAS as the main problem.

in relation to the OP
“Modern OSAS teaches a kind of soul separation from the body at salvation, so that when the soul is saved, the soul becomes separated from the body, so that the soul is forever heavenly preserved blameless of any more sinning of the old hapless body on earth. (A unique twist on being 'left behind')

And so, the old man of sin therefore has no more soul to head over it nor guide it, which means, when the soul is saved, the soul departs upward, while the poor old sinning body remains downward still sinning: Their old bodies are beheaded of their souls, Beheaded old bodies of sin.”

to me the point is that old man is buried in Christ and is dead. head and body. But the symbolism of given a new Head which is Christ speaks of direction and steering and leading; His Headship over His body. It has always baffled me because if we speak against the body and its poor direction …then isn’t the blame against the poor direction of the body placed on the Head of that body? It has baffled me because it is like saying “Christ as the Head” …well He doesn’t know how to keep His body under subjection. o_O

That He might have authority over His own body …which body you are: joined together not one but many members. It seems what goes into the ground is alone and the true Life blood of the body of Christ is the “bond” of Love within the brethren…where all are nourished and knit together, bone of His bone and spirit of His spirit…1 Corinthians 6:17
What you said about OSAS being weird, you are correct, I think, because it makes no sense how His body the church has joints and marrow and health and “the life is in the blood” that supply, that body, being nourished and knit together. Where if one suffers loss they all suffer loss. And if one rejoices, they all rejoice. So if one descends into Hell, where do they all go I wonder?
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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
This makes no sense to me, unless you are speaking of Christians that accept false doctrines from others, which is the devil's means of corrupting good Christian living and manners.

I consider this to be a false accusation against me personally. You accuse me of attacking other people personally, when I only rebuke teaching, not people. I first attempt to correct any teaching with Scripture, and if necessary rebuke it openly.

I have been warned by your managers not to make anything personal, and I have been very careful about that, because I agree with it. But what about you? You just threw a typical knee-jerk reaction stone at me, that is false. Am I now attacking you personally for rejecting your personal judgment of me?

If you are accusing me of attacking people personally, as just another person on site, then I still will not report you.

But if you are speaking as a site manager with punitive powers, then you ought clarify your position.

You obviously consider it a personal sin to rebuke teaching, as it were casting stones at the teachers. Is it therefore now a forbidden rule to oppose any teaching, as it were attacking the teacher personally?

If so, it should be openly stated and put in the site rule.

And I would gladly comply with it, and only teach what I believe and agree with, and would report anyone who dares disagree with me or what others teach.

The debate section should be removed in that case.

I did not address you in private here, because you accused me openly.
Wow that’s taken you a long time to address my post……..I am not a site a manager , I am part of the moderators team, but I am also a member of this forum and often write purely as a member and this was one of those occasions. The point I was raising was that many come to faith and believe what they have been told, either from within the church they are a part of, or from what others have conveyed to them. I did this for years. Until I started to read scripture for myself …..I believe you reached the conclusion that ignorance is the cause for others reaching a different conclusion to you, and others who are down on those who believe in OSAS
All of us can be influenced by others, including you.
In no way was this official and if you ever have a problem with anything I say, or think I am attacking you then please feel free to report the post , as a member I come under the same rules as you do and I can still receive warnings if it is considered that I have broken those rules.
Indirectly I do think you attack others when you label people as ‘ them ‘ ( meaning all those who believe OSAS
) and go on and on in endless threads endeavouring to be critical, but that is my interpretation, obviously you interpret your words in a different way.
I have no problem with you addressing this on the forum. I am sorry if you felt I was attacking you.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Wow that’s taken you a long time to address my post……..I am not a site a manager , I am part of the moderators team, but I am also a member of this forum and often write purely as a member and this was one of those occasions. The point I was raising was that many come to faith and believe what they have been told, either from within the church they are a part of, or from what others have conveyed to them. I did this for years. Until I started to read scripture for myself …..I believe you reached the conclusion that ignorance is the cause for others reaching a different conclusion to you, and others who are down on those who believe in OSAS
All of us can be influenced by others, including you.
In no way was this official and if you ever have a problem with anything I say, or think I am attacking you then please feel free to report the post , as a member I come under the same rules as you do and I can still receive warnings if it is considered that I have broken those rules.
Indirectly I do think you attack others when you label people as ‘ them ‘ ( meaning all those who believe OSAS
) and go on and on in endless threads endeavouring to be critical, but that is my interpretation, obviously you interpret your words in a different way.
I have no problem with you addressing this on the forum. I am sorry if you felt I was attacking you.
So long as you are not speaking for the site. No problem. I do not believe attacking a doctrine is attacking the teacher, even if the teacher gets offended at their doctrine being rebuked. I do not cast stones at people, and so long as anyone sticks to the argument at hand, then I do not consider them getting personal with me.

The problem is when the teachers get offended by the argument, and only seek to discredit the messenger, as throwing stones at them.

I don't ever do that with anyone who seeks to rebuke what I teach. I welcome such challenges.

You do make a fine point, that I will take to heart.

Speaking of 'them', can be the same as saying 'you' to another, which I avoid, unless it is to agree with or thank them for a good correction.

And so long as I am free to address certain teachings by OSAS believers, then I will be specific and say that a certain one is doing so. I have already done this elsewhere and acknowledged not all believers in OSAS believe the same in detail.

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Well-Known Member
Dec 20, 2020
United Kingdom
Perhaps when I post as a member I should make it clear that I am not posting in an official manner , perhaps that’s something I need to think about xx
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