Clearing the muck of other Covid threads.

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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
The thing that bothers me the most is the anger of others for vaccinated folks. Anger is an accountable sin if it breeds hate (and i think it gets close here)..I agree that Satan may be behind it. It's a perfect cover. Make it look like it is an offense to God fearers, and the"how dare you not trust the Lord for protection and healing" folk. Brilliant plan.

Well Satan is the god of this world and like Rahm Emmanuel said in the Obama Administration said: "never let a crisis go to waste". Whether China intentionally caused this or it was an accident, I don't know or at this point even care. I do know that the world is moving ever closer to worshipping teh antichrist when he makes his way here and that situations like this will be used to advance the Satanic agenda on earth.

We as believers should not be alarmed or even get bitter like many here do over the world doing what it is doing. we serve a King who is greater than these measly manipulations. If states, towns, and employers issue vaccine mandates, people are free to ignore them, but they may come with a price! Just like ignoring speed limits gets you a couple hundred dollar ticket, ignoring shot mandates may get you a fine, jail or loss of employment. They have rights just as we do. Paul didn't whine at Rome when he was falsely imprisoned! He simply made his point and used the government to advance the gospel!
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May 12, 2021
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I respect those who aspire to TRUTH, but not those who aspire to DISHONESTY. And where some ERRANTLY promulgate DISINFORMATION we can help them with the TRUTH; but after being warned, those that REJECT the TRUTH are allowed to continue down their path:

So having been warned, we're told to shake the dust off our shoes and leave them to their own devices:

Matt. 15:13 He answered, “Every plant which my heavenly Father has not planted will be rooted up. 14 Let them alone; they are blind guides. And if a blind man leads a blind man, both will fall into a pit.”

With Very Best Regards,
Bobby Jo & ELAM :rolleyes:


Revelation 22:11

Unfortunately, on a public forum like this, many of those people will continue to do it over and over, no matter how often -or accurately- they are corrected. And because there are many reading who are likely to be deceived each time they do it (which is exactly the purpose for some of these characters), we are obligated to sometimes (not every time because no human has the patience for that) repeat our contradictory opinions for all who are reading to see both sides of the equation.:) And also so that those who have the sense to think for themselves know that others share their opinion - in other words to validate those who are beginning to see that very TRUTH you speak of.

God bless.
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Feb 6, 2018
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So to you now not only am I a hypocrite, liar, promulgsator of misinformation, and unsaved, I am now aiding and abetting in mass murder?

Wow! I am so glad you don't have any voice in who does and doesn't get into teh kingdom. If you did, it would be awful lonely up there with just you alone. Gioven your leve lof judgmentalism, I am sure you would find a way to kick the trinity out.

@Bobby Jo did not address you, however you seem to be quick to slip the shoe on, as if that gives you authority to blast off personal negative comments to Bobby Jo.
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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
Revelation 22:11
Unfortunately, on a public forum like this, many of those people will continue to do it over and over, no matter how often -or accurately- they are corrected. And because there are many reading who are likely to be deceived each time they do it (which is exactly the purpose for some of these characters), we are obligated to sometimes (not every time because no human has the patience for that) repeat our contradictory opinions for all who are reading to see both sides of the equation.:) And also so that those who have the sense to think for themselves know that others share their opinion - in other words to validate those who are beginning to see that very TRUTH you speak of.

Hey G2R,

Wisdom and discernment flow out your pores, as we must recognize the trolls, deceivers, and minions so that we're no longer trying to convince them, but simply countering their snares for the unsuspecting!

WISE WORDS to a world in desperate need!
Bobby Jo & ELAM (ELAM does the thinking, and I do the typing) :rolleyes:

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Bobby Jo

Well-Known Member
Feb 5, 2019
United States
United States
@Bobby Jo did not address you, however you seem to be quick to slip the shoe on, as if that gives you authority to blast off personal negative comments to Bobby Jo.

Hey Taken,

There are more than we might guess who "kick against the pricks", and although they think they'll receive a "reward" -- it will be significantly different than they expected.

With MANY BLESSINGS to You and Yours,
Bobby Jo & ELAM (and sorry about his wet slobber-lick) :rolleyes:

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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
There are too many unfounded conspiracy theories out there that believers are gullibly swallowing without they doing their due diligence. Doctors going online or you -tube spouting how dangerous the vaccine is and that it is killing people and selectively using statistics to make it appear monstrous. First every one I have checked out ( about a dozen now) are well educated professional doctors! but they are not immunologists, virologists, geneticists, micro biologists. so while they are very intelligent, they are not expert in teh fields needed to make informed decisions.
I respect your position on these things. I'd like to say:

The issue here is that the disease is not NEARLY as dangerous as it has been made out to be in the media. So if the disease is 98% survivable, releasing (and mandating) a so-called medication for it that is much more dangerous statistically makes no sense whatsoever.
It has been proven that the FDA did not approve of the concoctions being given to the public. And the benefits do not outweigh the risks if the disease itself is survivable by the vast majority of the population.
With or without the conspiracy theories, the facts have proven the response of the injections to be completely unreasonable. To this very day, there are Doctors giving people Ivermectin and HCQ as well as other things that are curing people and they are being shunned by big Hospitals, big Pharma and the media and having their good names destroyed for their good deeds and for DOING THEIR JOBS.
It has been proven extensively that the fatality rates were completely trumped up and utter lies. Where did the Flu go???? No, the concoctions have NOT been effective at stopping the spread, there have been massive rates of Covid AFTER fully vaccinated - and even HERE, nobody wants that discussed.
Sure it was prudent, they knew they'd get the hell sued out of 'em for what they were releasing and insisting people take.
Wrong, wrong and more wrong.

God bless.

Thank you for countering the false narrative that he has accepted, with the truth.

As revealed by Dr. Mercola and taken from the CDC, one game they are playing is to not consider anyone vaccinated for 14 days after the jab - and Dr Mercola revealed that 80% of those who die after vaccination, die within that 2 week window, and then they are listed as an unvaxxed death!


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
There are too many unfounded conspiracy theories out there that believers are gullibly swallowing without they doing their due diligence. Doctors going online or you -tube spouting how dangerous the vaccine is and that it is killing people and selectively using statistics to make it appear monstrous. First every one I have checked out ( about a dozen now) are well educated professional doctors! but they are not immunologists, virologists, geneticists, micro biologists. so while they are very intelligent, they are not expert in teh fields needed to make informed decisions

Except that’s not correct, there ARE experts in the field who are warning about these dangerous experimental vaccines.

A Nobel prize winning virologist, ( Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine); an expert vaccinologist who once worked for the “mr vaccine” Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,(Geert Vanden Baossche); and the guy who INVENTED the mRNA vaccine, (Dr. Robert Malone), are warning about the dangers of the vaccines.

Not to mention a noted German pathologist (The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, ) warning that 40% of COVID corpses He autopsies, have been vaccinated.

Add to that the Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon are some of the experts sounding a warning:
Mike Yeadon Warns Vaccines May be Deliberate Depopulation Ploy | Principia Scientific Intl.

Dr. Robert Malone warns NOT to take the mRNA vaccine, and says we are being lied to - ad he invented the mRNA vaccine! I’d say he’s a qualified expert!
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Warns Against the COVID Shot


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Hey Taken,

There are more than we might guess who "kick against the pricks", and although they think they'll receive a "reward" -- it will be significantly different than they expected.

With MANY BLESSINGS to You and Yours,
Bobby Jo & ELAM (and sorry about his wet slobber-lick) :rolleyes:

Thanks Bobby Jo, same to you, many blessing, and my Buddy returns the doggy affection. :)
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
@Bobby Jo did not address you, however you seem to be quick to slip the shoe on, as if that gives you authority to blast off personal negative comments to Bobby Jo.

Well with th enumber of you throwing false accusations around, it is easy to get confused which accusation was vomited out by which false accuser!
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Thank you for countering the false narrative that he has accepted, with the truth.

As revealed by Dr. Mercola and taken from the CDC, one game they are playing is to not consider anyone vaccinated for 14 days after the jab - and Dr Mercola revealed that 80% of those who die after vaccination, die within that 2 week window, and then they are listed as an unvaxxed death!

Well how do all the conspiracy theorists on this site know that those who die within two weeks of getting the shot, their death is directly attributed to the vaccine. After the super majority of reported deaths are all over 70 years, and all these folks have pre-existing conditons ( or almost all).

so what information do you have privy to that empirically proves that the shot was the killer? I am not saying that it isn't the cause or an indirect cause, but I am seeking the proof other than mere anecdotal evidence.

And what truth did he show. What peer reviewed papers did he cite? So far on all the threads only one immunologist has been cited being against the shot and he was using information from 15 years ago for another disease! That is not called solid truth.

It appears that you , and taken and Christo, and Aunty Jane and Stunned all rely on anecdotal evidence, unpublished reports, doctors who are not expert in immunology and calling that all hard truth. That will only convince those who started with a strong presuppostional bias against the shots to begin with.

BTW are you agains tall the shots or just teh mRNA shots?
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Ronald Nolette

Well-Known Member
Aug 24, 2020
South Carolina
United States
Except that’s not correct, there ARE experts in the field who are warning about these dangerous experimental vaccines.

A Nobel prize winning virologist, ( Luc Montagnier, a French virologist and recipient of the 2008 Nobel Prize in Medicine); an expert vaccinologist who once worked for the “mr vaccine” Bill and Melinda Gates foundation,(Geert Vanden Baossche); and the guy who INVENTED the mRNA vaccine, (Dr. Robert Malone), are warning about the dangers of the vaccines.

Not to mention a noted German pathologist (The director of the Pathological Institute of the University of Heidelberg, Peter Schirmacher, ) warning that 40% of COVID corpses He autopsies, have been vaccinated.

Add to that the Former Pfizer Vice President and Chief Science Officer Dr. Michael Yeadon are some of the experts sounding a warning:
Mike Yeadon Warns Vaccines May be Deliberate Depopulation Ploy | Principia Scientific Intl.

Dr. Robert Malone warns NOT to take the mRNA vaccine, and says we are being lied to - ad he invented the mRNA vaccine! I’d say he’s a qualified expert!
Inventor of mRNA Vaccine Warns Against the COVID Shot

and there are thousands of experts who are touting the shot! Of course without evidence without papers most of you here are saying they are complacent, complicit, lying or outright decieved. Bet you didn't know that every major vaccine or shot done there were experts who warned against them.

As for Dr. Malone, when I get extra time I will look to see if he includes any research in that lengthy video that is cited. I do know that other nobel virologists have said the synthesized spike protein is harmless and that it does not transmit rapidly. Once the spike is attached to a cell, the immune system attacks it and builds up antibodies against it. I am sure that the spike can breach trhe blood brain barrier but I am willing to bet teh chances are like .00002%

As for Luc Montagnier, He is against mandatory shots and does not favor the shot, but both Reuters and Politifact have said most of the quotes attributed to him are inaccurate or false concerning the dangers of the covid vaccine. Now if you have evidence to show that they are part of the cospiracy theorists cabal involving millions of medical professionals, politicians, media and ow fact checkers, I am open to look at it!

Now for Dr. Yeadon. He served as the chief scientist and vice-president of Pfizer's allergy and respiratory research unit in Sandwich, Kent. IOW He was a big fish in a very little pond. teh Sandwich Unit is fairly small relatively speaking.

And he did his research there where he oversaw the development of drugs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, not viruses, immunology, virology.

Besides saying that the vaccines are used to depopulate the earth, He was also shown wrong when He said that Covid would be over in the UK by 2020, masks were useless and that the vaccine would kill 50 times more children than the virus and that the vaccine would create many more deadlier variants. Only delta was as virulent as the original and the latest omicron while more transmissible is far less virulent and early REAL CLINICAL RESEARCH has shown, that omicron may give people immunity against delta.

The arguments Yeadon used against Sars Covid 2 were based on his work on Sars covid 1. while quite similar, Covid 2 was named NOVEL because it had new unseen things on it! Also his diatribe is laced with could be, maybe, might, can or poses as possible extra. He did no research to support his claims and has been denounced by many scientific organizations.

also this principia scientific international? It is not a scientific body, but a non-profit organization created to promote Yeadons anti-vax talks. Not the expert one really wants.

See I look at all the pros and cons and look at HOW they arrived at their conclusions. So far the only one I have not found a valid paper trail for is this Dr. Malone. No peer reviewed publications. No supporting cast agreeing with ACTUAL RESEARCH to support their claims. So we are faced with a choice. Either accept that the whole world is lying including tens of thousands of christian medical professionals and research scientists, or that these folks are either well intentioned but misinformed or they are the ones with an agenda.

Why should I believe the few who have very murky things surrounding them over the many? what is the reason the whole scientific and medical world is lying? Why over this medication? And is it just the mRNA shots or all shots?
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Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
and there are thousands of experts who are touting the shot! Of course without evidence without papers most of you here are saying they are complacent, complicit, lying or outright decieved. Bet you didn't know that every major vaccine or shot done there were experts who warned against them.

As for Dr. Malone, when I get extra time I will look to see if he includes any research in that lengthy video that is cited. I do know that other nobel virologists have said the synthesized spike protein is harmless and that it does not transmit rapidly. Once the spike is attached to a cell, the immune system attacks it and builds up antibodies against it. I am sure that the spike can breach trhe blood brain barrier but I am willing to bet teh chances are like .00002%

As for Luc Montagnier, He is against mandatory shots and does not favor the shot, but both Reuters and Politifact have said most of the quotes attributed to him are inaccurate or false concerning the dangers of the covid vaccine. Now if you have evidence to show that they are part of the cospiracy theorists cabal involving millions of medical professionals, politicians, media and ow fact checkers, I am open to look at it!

Now for Dr. Yeadon. He served as the chief scientist and vice-president of Pfizer's allergy and respiratory research unit in Sandwich, Kent. IOW He was a big fish in a very little pond. teh Sandwich Unit is fairly small relatively speaking.

And he did his research there where he oversaw the development of drugs for asthma and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, not viruses, immunology, virology.

Besides saying that the vaccines are used to depopulate the earth, He was also shown wrong when He said that Covid would be over in the UK by 2020, masks were useless and that the vaccine would kill 50 times more children than the virus and that the vaccine would create many more deadlier variants. Only delta was as virulent as the original and the latest omicron while more transmissible is far less virulent and early REAL CLINICAL RESEARCH has shown, that omicron may give people immunity against delta.

The arguments Yeadon used against Sars Covid 2 were based on his work on Sars covid 1. while quite similar, Covid 2 was named NOVEL because it had new unseen things on it! Also his diatribe is laced with could be, maybe, might, can or poses as possible extra. He did no research to support his claims and has been denounced by many scientific organizations.

also this principia scientific international? It is not a scientific body, but a non-profit organization created to promote Yeadons anti-vax talks. Not the expert one really wants.

See I look at all the pros and cons and look at HOW they arrived at their conclusions. So far the only one I have not found a valid paper trail for is this Dr. Malone. No peer reviewed publications. No supporting cast agreeing with ACTUAL RESEARCH to support their claims. So we are faced with a choice. Either accept that the whole world is lying including tens of thousands of christian medical professionals and research scientists, or that these folks are either well intentioned but misinformed or they are the ones with an agenda.

Why should I believe the few who have very murky things surrounding them over the many? what is the reason the whole scientific and medical world is lying? Why over this medication? And is it just the mRNA shots or all shots?
There are lots of other facts out there I wasn’t trying to write a book, but I could. The facts are in our cover enough these vaccines are doing serious damage killing tens of thousands of Americans so far and Mimi cows thousands of people, including killing them.

The facts are that these vaccines are biological weapons being launched against humans as part of a mass extinction plan that globalists have had ongoing for a long period of time.

And the globalists aren’t shy about putting their plans out there. It’s long been known their plans to reduce the population of the earth to a total of a half billion people.

When Trump was first elected Dr. Fauci flat out stated that Trump would be confronted with a pandemic. These statements are on record. He knew what was coming.

Globalist Bill Gates announced in 2018 that a viral pandemic would hit the world. He knew what was coming.

Two months before the pandemic hit, the globalists war gamed the coronavirus by name, called Event 201,making strategic plans for what they were going to do when it was released.

Facts are coming out this virus was genetically enhanced, in what they call gain of function research, in a Wuhan lab then released on the public.

They planned on using this fear mongering and panic they were purposely engineering to control the people, and they are not wanting to release that control but keep it going by using more fear about the variants, which are more contagious, but less deadly.

They emphasize the variants are contagious, but fail to mention they are less lethal. The cold virus, as an example, is extremely contagious, but not deadly at all.

The lockdown was completely unnecessary, and even I knew that as layman, that you don’t quarantine healthy people shut down the whole country, ruin the economy, cause pain suffering and misery for people being lonely and alone, increasing suicides, domestic abuse, etc, but you quarantine those most risk which is the elderly population.

And I only recently learned that at the time of the lockdown three prominent professors of prominent universities issued a statement the that the lockdowns were completely unnecessary and would do great harm, signed by 900,000 other medical experts - the MSM clamped a lid on the declaration and kept it hushed up.

The statement and a petition is called the great Barrington declaration. Google it.

The globalists knew at the time the lockdown would do great harm and was uncessary.

Then there’s the fact that they are using a death protocol, on purpose, for those who get the Covid infection. They are giving them no treatment for the serious lung infections and inflammation that they know will be coming - they give, no steroids, no anabiotic‘s to prevent secondary bacterial infections - they just send them home to await the coming ‘cytokine storm’, of lung inflammation that is what kills those with COVID, until it gets so bad they can’t breathe and they’re about half dead, and they go to the ER in a panic, where they stick them on a ventilator to die, instead of treating them.

Doctors on their own have started using common sense early treatment protocols, to save their patients lives.

And there are hundreds of doctors and medical experts, such as the group called ‘America’s front line doctors’, made up of ER doctors, that are informing the public about the blocked treatment protocols that are cheap, effective and safe, so that there’s not any need for a vaccine in the first place.

This is just the tip of the information out there about how heinous evil of the biological warfare attack on the world from the engineered virus and purposefully deadly vaccines.

They are lying to the public, and you are one of those who believe their lies at the moment, but you can’t trust any of their figures and facts you cite, and you can’t trust anything they say about the pandemic or treatment for it.

When a Nobel prize winning virologist warns us, it’s time to wake up and listen.

When the INVENTOR of the mRNA vaccine warns not to take it, and that we’ve been lied to, it’s time to listen.

When the former VP and SCIENCE OFFICER for Pfizer warns that these vaccines are evil, it’s time to listen.
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Eternally Grateful

Well-Known Member
Feb 27, 2020
Columbus, ohio
United States
There are lots of other facts out there I wasn’t trying to write a book, but I could. The facts are in our cover enough these vaccines are doing serious damage killing tens of thousands of Americans so far and Mimi cows thousands of people, including killing them.

The facts are that these vaccines are biological weapons being launched against humans as part of a mass extinction plan that globalists have had ongoing for a long period of time.

And the globalists aren’t shy about putting their plans out there. It’s long been known their plans to reduce the population of the earth to a total of a half billion people.

When Trump was first elected Dr. Fauci flat out stated that Trump would be confronted with a pandemic. These statements are on record. He knew what was coming.

Two months before the pandemic hit, the globalists gamed war gamed the coronavirus by name, making plans for what they were going to do Purposely released.

Facts are coming out this virus was genetically enhanced, in what they call gain of function research, in a Wuhan lab then released on the public.

They planned on using this fear mongering and panic they were purposely engineering to control the people, and they are not wanting to release that control but keep it going by using more fear about the variants.

The lockdown was completely unnecessary, and even I knew that as layman, that you don’t quarantine healthy people shut down the whole country, ruin the economy, cause pain suffering and misery for people being lonely and alone, increasing suicides, domestic abuse, etc, but you quarantine those most risk which is the elderly population.

And I only recently learned that at the time of the lockdown three prominent professors of prominent universities issued a statement the thatbthe lockdowns were completely unnecessary and would do great harm, signed by 190,000 other medical experts.

The statement and a petition called the great Barrington declaration. Google it.

Then there’s the fact that they are using a death protocol, on purpose, for those who get the Covid infection. They are giving them no treatment for the serious lung infections and inflammation that they know will be coming, they give, no steroids, no anabiotic‘s to prevent secondary bacterial infections - they just send them home to await the coming cytokine storm, of lung inflammation gets so bad they can’t breathe and they’re about half dead, and they go to the ER in a panic, and they stick them on a ventilator to die, instead of treating them.

And there are hundreds of doctors and medical experts, such as the group called ‘America’s front line doctors’, made up of ER doctors, that are informing the public about the blocked treatment protocols that are cheap, effective and safe, so that there’s not any need for a vaccine in the first place.

This is just the tip of the information out there about how heinous this purpose for Covid biological warfare attack on the world is.

They are lying to the public, and you are one of those who believe their lies at the moment, but you can’t trust any of their figures and facts you cite, and you can’t trust anything they say about the pandemic or treatment for it.
this is what a conspiracy theory looks like

facts without proof.

then base a conspiracy that someone is out to murder millions.

and you have a conspiracy which is based on a theory.


Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Well at least is the family airing their dirty laundry with family instead of in public! that would be the real tragedy.
But this is a public forum. Any passing visitor, without joining the forum, may read this thread. [Of course, to post anything membership is required.] Silence is...?


Well-Known Member
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Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Well with th enumber of you throwing false accusations around, it is easy to get confused which accusation was vomited out by which false accuser!

Still can not quote a person, agree or disagree.
Can not make a comment without a snarky remark....
AS IF, accusations make you right and everyone else is wrong.

OLD, worn out, Boring.
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Feb 6, 2018
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@Bobby Jo

I’m so mad at you for posting articles from PEOPLE WHO:
* Were involved in the creations of the vax’s, and their warning against it.
* Vax creators who want the facts of Vax court ordered hidden for years.
* Experiences after the vax from good health to permanent poor health.
* Elderly dropping dead straight after the Vax.
* Complications in Children having the Vax.
* Children being Vaxed without Parents Consent.
* The mandating, pushing, by the Govt, full well knowing the death it causes.
* The CDC contradictory reports.
* The WHO contradictory report.
On and on....

Don’t you todays TWISTED WORLD...
Informing and warning is ATTACKING anyone who likes the Jab over and over.
Funny and Weird and Sad.
:D And :confused: And :(

PS Seriously, thanks for your efforts AND sharing.
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Feb 6, 2018
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The thing that bothers me the most is the anger of others for vaccinated folks. Anger is an accountable sin if it breeds hate (and i think it gets close here)..I agree that Satan may be behind it. It's a perfect cover. Make it look like it is an offense to God fearers, and the"how dare you not trust the Lord for protection and healing" folk. Brilliant plan.

No one cares if a person “chooses” to be vaxed.
If your “choice” is to be vaxed, do it.
Many others don’t want it...and THEIR CHOICE then becomes to choose between Working and providing for their families or Be Vaxed.

IF you were a healthy person, and your choice was...
take multiple foreign injections or lose your job that provides for your family....Do you not see something wrong with that picture?
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