My discernment has matured to recognise that most of what you preach is “ fairy talk” man made fairy talk,
Month ago, Brightframe led you back into incredible error, and you are not recovered.
You can deny it, but i saw it happen to you.
This is why you now can't "discern" Episkopos, while almost everyone else on the forum does.
And this is why you can't Discern the Calvinism (Hyper) that owns your mind so that you can't hear Me, or Marks, or God'sGrace, or Eternally Grateful, and a few others who are tired of hearing your ."stuck on repeat"... "im born again to believe".. ,HyperCalvin nonsense.
You came from a Hyper Calvinism forum, to this one.. so, you are one of those for way too long now..
And im very sorry for you......because, this one Cult Theology, is incredibly difficult to escape.
Catholicism and Calvinism, are terrible mental strongholds that seen so TRUE when you are deceived by them...
I have hope.......but, as i watch you here, this last 8 months, just go deeper into it..refusing to listen, and telling everyone that you are "spiritual" "led of the spirit'" and the rest are not....... its just very sad.