Discernment ..........Correction.... and the BIBLE

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Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
Not for one to take control of everyone else’s beliefs and opinions, then try to stomp them into the ground, because it doesn’t fit in with their belief system.

Let me show you something.... @Ritajanice

My Thread, taught a few very simple things about discernment, correction, and the bible.
I didnt use it to deny your Calvinism or to try to reveal Heretics.
So, you came to my Thread and disparaged the teaching, and denied it.. by trying to prove that the Holy Spirit, who is the discernment in a Born again believer, as He opens their Spiritual eyes...........You claimed that this which HE does as His work inside every believer, you said is a "GIFT",, and you try to tie this to your false understanding of "Supernatural Gifts".

So, that is not true.....and so as you are posting this nonsense on MY THREAD.. then you force ME to have to respond to YOU.
= That is what YOU CAUSE.
You post nonsense, all over the forum and you get corrected and then you feel "violated".
Well, that is your fault, as you cause it to happen.

And regarding your....Calvinism, that is your belief system,.. .IT...= is a doctrine of devils, and its a cancer on the body of Christ.
It should be denied access to a Christian Forum, because its an insult to the Grace of God and a Denial of the Cross of Christ.

God didn't lead you into Calvinism. He will never do this to anyone.

See, CALVIN makes Calvinists, not God.


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola

The more of God's word you have in you, the more of God's revelation you have that He causes to become "The Knowledge of God".

Getting ALL of that "down pat"..., as Paul's Doctrine, is how you : "work out your Salvation"..

The bible is a Circular Spiritual Puzzle.
Its not a linear teaching to be understood as if its a dictionary.
The Bible is "spiritually Discerned" and "they who are spiritual, (born again) discern all things"...

The reason God says to "study to show yourself approved unto God" is because when you study, you become familiar with the situation, and you become perfected by the studying... as you are practicing it.
Its like learning to play Guitar......>You have to learn the chords, to learn how to use them as a " chord family".

And the bible........God wrote it so that its a,...... "connect the spiritual doctrinal dots, by discernment"...

And what God does, is.. He shows you some Light.....and you have this..= ."OH I SEE THAT" moment.. .and that is one verse, one DOT somewhere in the NT that God has caused to become that "Rhema"..word.
So, as you study over time... and meditate on that one Dot.....that is now Rhema to you.....God will show you another one... somewhere else that is exactly another part that fits into the spiritual puzzle , and now you have more revelation..
And the NT does this for you, and TO YOU..... so, the more you study it.. is the more God helps you to discern it., and that means that you begin SEE THE SPIRITUAL, that is in the verses, vs, just reading the verse, as if you are reading a magazine.

An example... Lets say you are a non-saved Catholic.. and they read..... "Noah and his family were SAVED BY WATER"..

So, a "cult of mary"" person, is taught that they are "born again BY WATER".. so, for them, for this Cult.. the WATER is everything.. along with Mary and Church fathers".
That is their "big 3".
So, they read it like this..... "Noah was saved by water,................ just like they tell us we are also".

Now, when a CHRISTIAN reads this.. .. they DISCERN......>"Had Noah and family gotten out of that ARK, then Noah and Family would have DROWNED in that Water, along with every other living breathing creature.

So, the Christian DISCERNS that the ARK... is our CROSS of Christ... = Noah's Flood is damnation, and the ARK is His Cross.. and our way out of HELL.( eternal damnation), = is THE Cross of Christ....as that is our Noah's ARK.

See what God did for the Believer ??????, that He can't do for the Catholic unbeliever, because all they can do is READ IT.

A Catholic will argue till they bleed from their ears, that "WATER SAVED NOAH, because WATER SAVES US"....

A.) So, What is that?
That is God opening the verse inside your BORN AGAIN spirit.......and that is what a good teacher can do for you.

When you've found a good teacher, then , first of all, they will be "all about Paul"... obsessed... and they will be "all about the Cross of Christ"....obsessed.
ALWAYS, as those are the 2 Foundations.
False teachers are the opposite... as for them its "Paul who".. "the Cross what"..... and yet if they know you are looking for it, they will FAKE IT., but they can't really, but they will try....as suddenly these LIARS start talking about PAUL, and they might even mention "The Cross", but not for long......as how can they discuss what they dont KNOW for themselves.....
So then, when you read what an anointed teachers writes.. you find that inside you, something POPS... becomes enlightened...and that is your discernment and God's Spirit, connecting with the Teachers Teaching., as a revelation for you... as spiritual enlightenment.
Its very supernatural.....hard to explain.. but that is the gist of it.

Correction ....

Most of the time, when God corrects us... He corrects us with the Scriptures.
So, if you are not studying them, spending quality time daily with them then God has to correct you with a situation.. and that is the hard way.
So, READER... get your bible...... and spend time with it every day..

Let me help. Study these.

Romans 3:21-28
Hebrews 13:9
2 Corinthians 5:19
Romans 4:5
Romans 4:8
Colossians 1:16
Colossians 2:11
John 1:10
Philippians 1:6

The Scriptures will reach inside you and shake you up, when you are really following Jesus., and sometimes you will cry about it because its YOU who is being revealed... and that can hurt... but its a good for us. It makes us more like Jesus, everytime it happens.

A lot of false teachers, who have a Martyr Complex issue, want to say.>>"well, God is going to get you.. because you've been bad".

Well, first of all, if you've been bad, you know it inside already, .........and so, you are already being corrected by your conscience, and then, you'll read the bible or hear a sermon and you know its talking to you..........
I had someone freak out 2 days ago because he felt i was spotlighting him, when i was just talking about people who watch dirty programs on NETFLIX... so... that explains that...
You dont need more correction then that most of the time.... Just the word of God, keeping you clean....., as that is going to do it, most of the time...........that is all the correction needed.


The Bible is ALIVE.
It talks to you. It makes you happy, or it can make you CORRECTED.
It will grow you to be strong in the Lord, if its "rightly divided" or it will keep you connect to a cult if its "wrongly divided".


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2020
Netanya or Pensacola
So, again, we understand that What Christ has completed on The Cross....= is Eternal. . And once you have received it by Faith, then what it provides for you, is eternal.

Salvation is Eternal Life "in Christ" and Eternal Life is not Temporary and its not based on your Behavior... Its only based on : John 14:6.

Read it..

The Cross of Christ is not the start of your Salvation. It is in fact Salvation itself,.... as Jesus dying on The Cross, is what God has eternally provided as His FREE = "Gift of Salvation".
Jesus on The Cross, is the mercy of God extended as the eternal forgiveness of God, that is based on Jesus becoming your sin offering..
So, once you have trusted in Christ, then God provides to you what Jesus has died to become for you. Which is...........

1.) "God hath made JESUS... To be SIN for US"...

2.) "Jesus is the One Time ETERNAL Sacrifice for Sin".

Now the "US"< specifically, is everyone who will trust in Christ and be born again... And the "US", is also the UNIVERSAL OFFER of God's forgiveness, to the world.. John 3:16........ And... 2 Corin 5:19 that tells us that God was IN Christ, not counting sin against the world.......one Believer at a time..
So, this bless OFFER.... of God's eternal Redemption that IS the Cross of Christ... is UNIVERSAL... but the application, the imputation of God's forgiveness that is found as The Cross of Christ, has to be received by your Faith.

A simple way to understand this is...

You Take Christ by your faith..., and God takes you by Blood Covenant Promise......forever.

Now, once you have received God's "Gift of Salvation", by Trusting in Christ..... . then your sins are forgiven, as if you have never committed one... and you are then born again, and now you exist in the Kingdom of God, as '"in Christ, and "one with God"....=.forever.

Salvation that is found IN CHRIST is not temporary and its not based on your behavior... Its based on Christ's shed blood, death, and resurrection.
You can't DO that for yourself.........you can only receive this Salvation that Christ is become for you, by your FAITH., as "God's Grace through Faith".

Listen carefull..
.....Now having become born again.......God now only sees you at all times.... and forever.... as "made righteous", having become :

"THE righteousness of God, IN CHRIST".
"The RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD......IN Christ"...

So, that is ETERNAL, as the Righteous you have received.....,,, that you have become, as "made Righteous"..... is GOD's OWN Righteousness that is the "imputed righteousness of Christ"
This is "THE Gift of Righteousness" that is YOUR Salvation "IN Christ".

Now the easy way to understand this ,is........ Jesus became your sin, and now your born again Spirit has become "Christ's Righteousness" and that is your eternal Salvation.

Now as i told you in the other Thread.... you have to understand that you are "MADE righteous"... having received God's "GIFT of Righteousness".
So, that is immediate, (born ...again).... and eternal.. because you are now become "THE Righteousness of God, in Christ", the moment you are born again.

Now, when you get the revelation that i just taught you.... then Paul tells us we are are "renewing our mind" as this is how you enter "walking in the Spirit" and exit "the carnal mind" and leave "the flesh".

So how do you do that?
Its to have the revelation that Paul reveals that im teaching you...that is to = understand WHO you have become "in Christ".. then once you posses it, you are doing what Hebrews 13:9 told you to do, that you must do.... And if you dont, then a cult will get you.. A man made doctrine that is false, will find you, and it will own your mind.

There is no... other option,.... and that is because Satan's power of deception is greater than your ability to withstand it.
So, this is why Paul tells you to "put on the Armor"... or you will become involved with a Cult.
Hebrews 13:9, tells you which part of the Armor of God, is most vital.. and that is the : "Helmet of Salvation"..... And what that is.. is to have the revelation that Paul reveals that im giving you both in the previous Thread and in this one... Its simply this..

A.) You are to only see yourself as God sees you, forever... now that you are born again.

This understanding of who you have become ""IN CHRIST""......is God's perspective regarding all of His "Blood bought"... Born Again.

So again....what is that Perspective that is the "HELMET of Salvation" ?????, .. that is to "establish your HEART with Grace"??????,

Its to understand that:.........

1.) You are a born again Spirit, that is the Son-Daughter of God..

2.) You are eternally "made righteous", having become : ""THE Righteousness of God, In Christ"""'

3.) You are "not under the Law, but under Grace", so you exist here... "
"Where there is NO LAW... there is no Transgression"...

4.) You now and forever exist in "the Kingdom of God" that literally means you are joined To God, Spiritually, as "ONE WITH GOD".. "IN Christ".

See all that?
That is who you have eternally become as a Child of God, as a Son/Daughter of God, as " "BORN......again".

Now if you are only water baptized and religious, then in not talking to you...

But if you are" BORN... AGAIN">....

Then Paul is showing you how GOD sees you, at all times.....and never again does God see you as a sinner.. He sees you as "IN CHRIST">.. a "Saint"....."made Righteous".. having eternally become.. "THE Righteousness of God......in Christ" as a born again.. "new Creation".

- "but Behold, i was told by a heretic, that im supposed to confess sin to try to stay saved and stay forgiven".

A.) God only sees you as : "made free from Sin"... having Become : "The Righteousness of GOD, in Christ".

- "but Behold, if you knew what i have done since i was saved......im so ashamed, i have failed God so many times, even today..."..

A.) God only sees you, as "made free from Sin" "BORN..Again".. ....as : "THE Righteousness of God, in Christ"... "Not under the Law but under Grace".

Reader.... if you are born again, then GOD does not see you as anything else, and will never see you as anything else..

So, when you get THAT MIND.... then your mind is being "renewed" and you have literally put on "The Helmet of Salvation".. and are now "walking in the Light" that is the true Knowledge of God, as REAL FAITH.
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