So, again, we understand that What Christ has completed on The Cross....= is Eternal. . And once you have received it by Faith, then what it provides for you, is eternal.
Salvation is Eternal Life "in Christ" and Eternal Life is not Temporary and its not based on your Behavior... Its only based on : John 14:6.
Read it..
The Cross of Christ is not the start of your Salvation. It is in fact Salvation itself,.... as Jesus dying on The Cross, is what God has eternally provided as His FREE = "Gift of Salvation".
Jesus on The Cross, is the mercy of God extended as the eternal forgiveness of God, that is based on Jesus becoming your sin offering..
So, once you have trusted in Christ, then God provides to you what Jesus has died to become for you. Which is...........
1.) "God hath made JESUS... To be SIN for US"...
2.) "Jesus is the One Time ETERNAL Sacrifice for Sin".
Now the "US"< specifically, is everyone who will trust in Christ and be born again... And the "US", is also the UNIVERSAL OFFER of God's forgiveness, to the world.. John 3:16........ And... 2 Corin 5:19 that tells us that God was IN Christ, not counting sin against the Believer at a time..
So, this bless OFFER.... of God's eternal Redemption that IS the Cross of Christ... is UNIVERSAL... but the application, the imputation of God's forgiveness that is found as The Cross of Christ, has to be received by your Faith.
A simple way to understand this is...
You Take Christ by your faith..., and God takes you by Blood Covenant Promise......forever.
Now, once you have received God's "Gift of Salvation", by Trusting in Christ..... . then your sins are forgiven, as if you have never committed one... and you are then born again, and now you exist in the Kingdom of God, as '"in Christ, and "one with God"....=.forever.
Salvation that is found IN CHRIST is not temporary and its not based on your behavior... Its based on Christ's shed blood, death, and resurrection.
You can't DO that for can only receive this Salvation that Christ is become for you, by your FAITH., as "God's Grace through Faith".
Listen carefull..
.....Now having become born again.......God now only sees you at all times.... and forever.... as "made righteous", having become :
"THE righteousness of God, IN CHRIST".
"The RIGHTEOUSNESS OF GOD......IN Christ"...
So, that is ETERNAL, as the Righteous you have received.....,,, that you have become, as "made Righteous"..... is GOD's OWN Righteousness that is the "imputed righteousness of Christ"
This is "THE Gift of Righteousness" that is YOUR Salvation "IN Christ".
Now the easy way to understand this ,is........ Jesus became your sin, and now your born again Spirit has become "Christ's Righteousness" and that is your eternal Salvation.
Now as i told you in the other Thread.... you have to understand that you are "MADE righteous"... having received God's "GIFT of Righteousness".
So, that is immediate, (born ...again).... and eternal.. because you are now become "THE Righteousness of God, in Christ", the moment you are born again.
Now, when you get the revelation that i just taught you.... then Paul tells us we are are "renewing our mind" as this is how you enter "walking in the Spirit" and exit "the carnal mind" and leave "the flesh".
So how do you do that?
Its to have the revelation that Paul reveals that im teaching you...that is to = understand WHO you have become "in Christ".. then once you posses it, you are doing what Hebrews 13:9 told you to do, that you must do.... And if you dont, then a cult will get you.. A man made doctrine that is false, will find you, and it will own your mind.
There is no... other option,.... and that is because Satan's power of deception is greater than your ability to withstand it.
So, this is why Paul tells you to "put on the Armor"... or you will become involved with a Cult.
Hebrews 13:9, tells you which part of the Armor of God, is most vital.. and that is the : "Helmet of Salvation"..... And what that is.. is to have the revelation that Paul reveals that im giving you both in the previous Thread and in this one... Its simply this..
A.) You are to only see yourself as God sees you, forever... now that you are born again.
This understanding of who you have become ""IN CHRIST"" God's perspective regarding all of His "Blood bought"... Born Again.
So again....what is that Perspective that is the "HELMET of Salvation" ?????, .. that is to "establish your HEART with Grace"??????,
Its to understand that:.........
1.) You are a born again Spirit, that is the Son-Daughter of God..
2.) You are eternally "made righteous", having become : ""THE Righteousness of God, In Christ"""'
3.) You are "not under the Law, but under Grace", so you exist here... ""Where there is NO LAW... there is no Transgression"...
4.) You now and forever exist in "the Kingdom of God" that literally means you are joined To God, Spiritually, as "ONE WITH GOD".. "IN Christ".
See all that?
That is who you have eternally become as a Child of God, as a Son/Daughter of God, as " "BORN......again".
Now if you are only water baptized and religious, then in not talking to you...
But if you are" BORN... AGAIN">....
Then Paul is showing you how GOD sees you, at all times.....and never again does God see you as a sinner.. He sees you as "IN CHRIST">.. a "Saint"....."made Righteous".. having eternally become.. "THE Righteousness of Christ" as a born again.. "new Creation".
- "but Behold, i was told by a heretic, that im supposed to confess sin to try to stay saved and stay forgiven".
A.) God only sees you as : "made free from Sin"... having Become : "The Righteousness of GOD, in Christ".
- "but Behold, if you knew what i have done since i was so ashamed, i have failed God so many times, even today..."..
A.) God only sees you, as "made free from Sin" "BORN..Again".. : "THE Righteousness of God, in Christ"... "Not under the Law but under Grace".
Reader.... if you are born again, then GOD does not see you as anything else, and will never see you as anything else..
So, when you get THAT MIND.... then your mind is being "renewed" and you have literally put on "The Helmet of Salvation".. and are now "walking in the Light" that is the true Knowledge of God, as REAL FAITH.