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Active Member
Aug 7, 2024
United States
I have sense of humor.

In 1990s. At amusement park. Me and two brothers took ride on ski seated ride. On way back. My two brothers got off on time. I didn't. I was yelling at the employee to stop the ski ride. My two brothers were laughing like hell. They watched me go up alone.

My oldest brother. 1990s. Going to work. As he came down drive way to his car on the street. A big German shepherd came running from down the street at him. The dog was harmless. But my brother had panic attack several times. It stopped after like 5 times. He safely made it in car.

1980s. When I was kid. I talked two twins, girls my age. Problem was. I couldn't tell them apart. I kept getting there names comfused. One was Maureen and Colleen. I think they stopped talking to me out of frustration.

At dating church function, 1990s, me and friend went only one time . The group wrote down as many nanes they could remember. I got two names I remembered. And a senior sitting near me. He remembered his own name. We both gave each the thumbs up. Few of the women were giggling. Take care.
  • Haha
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