Does the day of Christ resurrection tell us to worship on Sunday?

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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Fearless cowardice taken to beyond limits simply proven and paraded by your emission of the last two little but austere words which Paul wrote as the Holy Spirit directed him to write, "either by an oral statement or written letter FROM US" the apostles of Jesus, not from the brother lovers' playboy pope.
Keep on with your fraud; it helps to recognise the deceiver when one sees him.
“From US” – is from the leaders of His Church.

“From US” includes those who succeeded the Apostles, as we see in Acts 1:20, where Matthias was chosen to succeed Judas:
Acts 1:20
“Let another take his office.”

The Greek word used here for “Office” is “Episkopay”, which means BISHOPRIC.
Matthias was a successive BISHOP – like the other successive Bishops in Christ’s Church.

The idea that the leadership of Christ’s Church is NOT successive is asinine because it leaves the Church is complete disarray and leaderless confusion.

YOUR sect has a hierarchy – yet you condemn the Catholic Church for having a hierarchy.
Utter hypocrisy . . .


Active Member
Jun 20, 2013
Mobile, Alabama
United States
As for Pilgrimmer, so for you too Scriptureless God's Word-less... DUH!

And again, you respond with insults and nonsense. I based my arguments on passages from both the New Testament (Hebrews) and the Old (Jeremiah, Psalms, and Isaiah), all of which speak of the two covenants and in particular of the sabbaths, with Paul explaining what the sabbath rest was, why the Israelites of old missed out on it (although they kept the 7th day throughout their wilderness wanderings), and how it is fulfilled now for those who are in Christ.

So the problem is not that my arguments are without scriptural support, it's that you don't agree with what those Scriptures are saying.

"Believe me, the hour is coming when you will neither in [Mt. Gerizim] nor yet in Jerusalem worship the Father .. But the hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshippers shall worship the Father in spirit and in truth."

The death and resurrection of Jesus has not only changed the place and time of worship, but it changed even the way we worship. In the former days, "worship" literally meant to bow down or prostrate oneself (ergo Deut 26:10, Joshua 5:14, 1 Samuel 1:3, Psalms 5:7 & 95:6, Isaiah 46:6, Matthew 4:9, 1 Corinthians 14:25, Revelation 19:10 just for a sampling) and the Old Covenant required that God's people come up to Jerusalem to offer up sacrifices and offerings and bow down before Him in His Temple. The inner court of the Temple, called the Court of Prayer, is where the Jews assembled morning and evening and on feast days and they bowed down and worshipped during the offering of the incense which they believed represented the prayers and worship of the people rising up to God.

But Jesus said that the hour was coming when God's people would no longer worship God in the Temple, but that God would seek people who would worship him in spirit and in truth. So true worship is not going up to Jerusalem and entering the Temple and prostrating ourselves at the door of the Temple, but true worship is coming before the presence of God in spirit and prostrating our heart and mind and will before Him in thanksgiving and adoration.

So again, the death and resurrection of Jesus and the institution of the New Covenant changed everything, not just the day on which we worship God and the place in which we worship Him, but even the way in which we worship Him ... true worship is spiritual worship. And it's not worship on any particular day, it's the attitude in which we live every day of our lives.

Originally, the purpose of Sundays was to assemble to break bread and fellowship with one another, for teaching and exhortation, and to gather up the contributions for the work of the ministry.

In Christ,
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Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2009
South Florida
United States
Your ignorance is astounding.

First of all - Christmas and Saturnalia have nothing to do with each other.
The pagan celebration of Sol Invictus and Saturnalia goes from December 17th and ends on 23rd. It wasn’t even adopted until the Roman Emperor Aurelian made it official in 274 AD.

The Christian historian, Hippolytus of Rome, explains in his Commentary on the Book of Daniel (c. A.D. 204) that the birth of Jesus was believed to have taken place on December 25th:

“For the first advent of our Lord in the flesh, when he was born in Bethlehem, was December 25th, Wednesday, while Augustus was in his forty-second year, but from Adam, five thousand and five hundred years. He suffered in the thirty-third year, March 25th, Friday, the eighteenth year of Tiberius Caesar, while Rufus and Roubellion were Consuls.”

Hippolytus’ reference to Adam is from another one of his writings, the Chronicon, where he explains that Jesus was born nine months to the day of March 25th. According to his calculations, the world was created on the vernal equinox, March 25. It was also believed that the Crucifixion took place on the anniversary of that date, some 5500 years later. This means that the Early Church believed that the Annunciation took place on March 25th on the anniversary of the Creation. The consensus was that Jesus was born exactly nine months later on December 25th.

Hippolytus's work was dates 204 AD - a full 70 years BEFORE the adoption of the pagan holiday.

As for your Easter/Ishtar nonsense - this is yet another whopper invented by debunked anti-Catholic author, Alexander Hislop and his laughable book The Two Babylons. Easter is an ENGLISH word that sounds a lot like "Ishtar". Unfortunately for Hislop - and ignorant readers like yourself - English is a fairly NEW language on the world stage. MOST ancient languages use the root word Pasche or Pascha or Pasque for Easter - so there goes that idiotic theory . . .

Do your homework and get back to me . . .
The truth of the matter is plain for all to see....


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
More of Alexander Hislop’s nonsense.

The vessel that holds the consecrated host is called a monstrance. The design symbolizes the glory of God – not sunbeams.

Catholics don’t worship the sun – and any attempt to falsely accuse the Church of this idiotic nonsense is completely unsubstantiated.

You are a pagan Sunday worshipper and that's a fact and so is your RC sun-cult. Not even the Bible escaped your Sunday worshipping.


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
“From US” – is from the leaders of His Church.

“From US” includes those who succeeded the Apostles, as we see in Acts 1:20, where Matthias was chosen to succeed Judas:
Acts 1:20
“Let another take his office.”

The Greek word used here for “Office” is “Episkopay”, which means BISHOPRIC.
Matthias was a successive BISHOP – like the other successive Bishops in Christ’s Church.

The idea that the leadership of Christ’s Church is NOT successive is asinine because it leaves the Church is complete disarray and leaderless confusion.

YOUR sect has a hierarchy – yet you condemn the Catholic Church for having a hierarchy.
Utter hypocrisy . . .

RC bishopric striptease and pole dancing show


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
You are a pagan Sunday worshipper and that's a fact and so is your RC sun-cult. Not even the Bible escaped your Sunday worshipping.
"I have NO intelligent response for your evidence."

That's what I thought . . .


Jesus transferred HIS supreme Authority to His CHURCH (Matt. 16:18-19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 16:12-15, John 20:21-23). He declared that WHATEVER His Church loosed or held bound on earth would also be loosed or held bound in Heaven.
God did not give the church authority to overrule His eternal commandments by coercing His people under threat of death to obeya tradition invented by man. Get real.

When His Church declares a truth – it is done so under the guidance of the Holy Spirit – who guides His Church to ALL Truth (John 16:12-
The evidence of whether the holy Spirit was involved in that particular transaction (replacing the Lord's Day with the day dedicated to the sun god) lies in whether that particular act can be substantiated by scripture in such a way that it doesn't totally and completely contradict God's declared word on the subject. You may claim authority to do this and do that till the cows roost in your pine tree, but if in doing so God's commandments are negated which He wrote on stone symbolising permanence, your claims are nothing more than vanity and hot air. And to have to resort to killing those who disagree with said tradition amounts to nothing less than tyranny of the worst kind.
And the time will come when those that kill you will believe they are doing God's service.


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
God did not give the church authority to overrule His eternal commandments by coercing His people under threat of death to obeya tradition invented by man. Get real.

The evidence of whether the holy Spirit was involved in that particular transaction (replacing the Lord's Day with the day dedicated to the sun god) lies in whether that particular act can be substantiated by scripture in such a way that it doesn't totally and completely contradict God's declared word on the subject. You may claim authority to do this and do that till the cows roost in your pine tree, but if in doing so God's commandments are negated which He wrote on stone symbolising permanence, your claims are nothing more than vanity and hot air. And to have to resort to killing those who disagree with said tradition amounts to nothing less than tyranny of the worst kind.
And the time will come when those that kill you will believe they are doing God's service.

On the seventh day of creation, do you really think God was tired? Or was there a spiritual foreshadowing in the reason God hallowed that day?
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Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2009
Reminds me of that day, when the big mountain Goats are coming into mating season, and rutt up to one another and butt heads, just get a lot of sore heads and no one wins. But men are stubborn this will go on till time itself ends, or Jesus comes than the scales will fall off, and pride will be found wanting.


More of Alexander Hislop’s nonsense.

The vessel that holds the consecrated host is called a monstrance. The design symbolizes the glory of God – not sunbeams.

Catholics don’t worship the sun – and any attempt to falsely accuse the Church of this idiotic nonsense is completely unsubstantiated.
But isn't that God that fella is holding up in that glass box? Why does God need symbolic glory... And how did the artist know what glory looked like? Do you know what glory looks like?


On the seventh day of creation, do you really think God was tired? Or was there a spiritual foreshadowing in the reason God hallowed that day?
Ummm did I say God was tired? How about a third option? Do you think that God might have known that mankind would need a day to rest because he would tend to overwork and become ineffective in ministry and in the more important aspects of life like justice and mercy? Yes, God made that one day out of seven holy. Just that day. He blessed it did he not. Is there any record of Him removing that blessing? Transferring that blessing to smother day? Declaring we don't need to rest physically any more? That He would bless whatever day we choose? That be testing on another day we make it holy? Please, share all the scriptures that cancel, negate, alter or transfer the blessing of Sabbath keeping elsewhere


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2019
United States
Ummm did I say God was tired? How about a third option? Do you think that God might have known that mankind would need a day to rest because he would tend to overwork and become ineffective in ministry and in the more important aspects of life like justice and mercy? Yes, God made that one day out of seven holy. Just that day. He blessed it did he not. Is there any record of Him removing that blessing? Transferring that blessing to smother day? Declaring we don't need to rest physically any more? That He would bless whatever day we choose? That be testing on another day we make it holy? Please, share all the scriptures that cancel, negate, alter or transfer the blessing of Sabbath keeping elsewhere

God gave it to Israel, and Israel alone. Every covenant has a sign to that covenant. But when the covenant comes to an end, so does the sign. Some covenants overlap future covenants, and the sign remains because the covenant remains.

The Noahmic covenant was the rainbow - current until end of this world when it is burned up.

The Abrahamic covenant sign was circumcision - went through the Old Covenant until Jesus, the promised Seed.

The Ten Commandments covenant sign was the Sabbath - in place until Jesus fulfilled the Old Covenant and introduced the New Covenant.

New Covenant sign is the Cup representing the blood of Jesus. Jesus' covenant with us is based on His Spirit - not the Law. When you walk in the Spirit you are not under the law.


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
God did not give the church authority to overrule His eternal commandments by coercing His people under threat of death to obeya tradition invented by man. Get real.
And neither does the Church declare Traditions that "overrule" God's Commandments - nor does she threaten to kill people who don't follow Sacred Tradition.
Try to stay honest here . . .
The evidence of whether the holy Spirit was involved in that particular transaction (replacing the Lord's Day with the day dedicated to the sun god) lies in whether that particular act can be substantiated by scripture in such a way that it doesn't totally and completely contradict God's declared word on the subject. You may claim authority to do this and do that till the cows roost in your pine tree, but if in doing so God's commandments are negated which He wrote on stone symbolising permanence, your claims are nothing more than vanity and hot air. And to have to resort to killing those who disagree with said tradition amounts to nothing less than tyranny of the worst kind.
And the time will come when those that kill you will believe they are doing God's service.
Sooooo, commemorating the Day of Rest on Saturn's Day - the god of wealth and agriculture, is better than Sunday??

The Church merely declared the FULFILLMENT of the Sabbath - which Christ stated emphatically that HE was Lord over (Matt. 12:8). There was no "overruling" of ANYTHING.


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2019
Christ himself, was the biggest transgressor of the Sabbath, if anyone was.
Also, did he not say that the Sabbath was made for man, and not man for the Sabbath?


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
But isn't that God that fella is holding up in that glass box? Why does God need symbolic glory... And how did the artist know what glory looked like? Do you know what glory looks like?
Ummmm, how do you depict rays of glory and light in brass, Einstein?
It's not a painting - it's a 3-dimensional object.