Focusing on Hell is all about Ego

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Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
Dude... I'm done talking to you... you can't hear anything I'm saying... all you're doing is feeding your ego and your pride with self righteousness and I'm done... time to shake the dust off my feet... peace...

Let me recap something I said:

"Lately, being on this board makes me feel like I'm in a room full of Joel Osteens! It's all about LOVE and what God wants to do for you, and lets through doctrine and truth out the window."

Let me say I was clearly wrong! I repent for my error in judgment. Joel Osteen HAS love. he doesn't bother much with doctrine or truth... But at least he has LOVE. Some people don't appear to care much for doctrine (teaching), truth OR love. Wonder what they have left? I apologize to you, and to Joel Osteen.

See? This is what happens when you attempt to love as Jesus did without regard to doctrine or truth. Love don't work then.

Prentis, I don't think bad about you, so please don't think so... It's a matter of finding the correct balance of the three and how they relate to one another. There's a trinity for you: Love, Truth, and Doctrine.

maybe for some prachers/Priests preachign on hell is ego, but not for all.

I think that Hell and the Devil are very real and we need to be aware of them.......

I enjoyed that post! Amen! To all of it!


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
. God's love has to coem first but all Chrsitians need to be taught about sin, death, the devil and Hell because they are very very real. I'm saying this because in the C of E we very rearely and i mean extremely rarely hear any kind of preaching on the subject to the point that your average Churchgoer does not even think about Hell.
what is the C of E????? This is the only thing I don't understand about your post.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
No FHII... that's what happens when you get tired of going in circles with someone when you feel like it isn't going anywhere...

When Jesus said to walk away from people that weren't hearing was He also walking without Love, or truth, or His doctrine? haha...

As for Prentis... the fact that he doesn't feel assured in his salvation tripped me out enough that instead of going to the beach with my friends I cancelled and sat here and talked to him about it.

You might see that as unloving, or untruthful, or this or that but I could care less what you think about me...

I know I did what was right and what the Lord wanted me to do... so your perception means nothing...


Well-Known Member
Apr 9, 2011
United States
No FHII... that's what happens when you get tired of going in circles with someone when you feel like it isn't going anywhere...

Yea, I know the feeling! Now shut up before I nail your other foot to the floor!

When Jesus said to walk away from people that weren't hearing was He also walking without Love, or truth, or His doctrine? haha...

Wow. What are you saying? Jesus walked without Love, or truth, or doctrine? He actually was. He loved the truth, spoke the truth and did it through his doctrine. Jesus spoke of shaking the dust off feet. You ain't done that. You carry the dust with you. Didn't you once shake the dust off your feet in speaking to me? I am willing to bet a hardy handshake that you will once again speak with Prentis... About something. You can't resist! If you never do again it'll be because of what I am about to say. You haven't shaken the dust off your feet at all! If you did you would've gone away! You wouldn't bother with us. you still carry dust around.

Why are you so filled with hate? Why are you so PARANOID? What is making you so paranoid?

As for Prentis... the fact that he doesn't feel assured in his salvation tripped me out enough that instead of going to the beach with my friends I cancelled and sat here and talked to him about it.

Wow. You really shook the dust off then. And Wow. Prentis may have his faults... But I don't know why you are speaking for him.

You might see that as unloving, or untruthful, or this or that but I could care less what you think about me...

Oh really? You cared so much about what Prentis thinks that you blew off your friends. It tripped you out! Yet, you care less what I think about you? If prentis in whatever he said could cause you to blow off your friends, I seriously doubt you care less about what I say.

I know I did what was right and what the Lord wanted me to do... so your perception means nothing...

Well, The Lord wanted Pharoah to reject Moses too. That's why the Lord hardened his heart so many times. You should read about that. Pharoah's perception of Moses didn't mean anything to him either, because that's what the Lord wanted him to do.


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Wow... you sure do have a tough guy ego sitting behind your keyboard and telling me to shut up... haha... whatever bad boi...

And I never said I was through talking to Prentis forever and I hate Him and what was the rest of the nonsense you're talking? ahh... who cares...

I mean... are you from another country and don't understand english that well? or is your reading comprehension intentionally that poor?

And please unquote the whole block of text so nothing you say is attributed to me...

Also I'm not speaking for Prentis... this has been the conversation we've been having all day... just because you're chiming in unwittingly and without total grasp of what we're talking about you assume I'm speaking for him.

I see a lot of hope in Prentis... I see the Word planted in him... I hear revelations come out of his mouth that I know are from the Lord... so I want to make sure he isn't bewitched by some dead religion... I want Him to feel assured of his salvation... I care about him... and yeah... I can care less what you think about me...

You aint Moses... haha...


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Robbie, Prentis, Comm - you guys really get it - thank you

Ducky - I continue to pray for you, brother. I believe a greater freedom in Christ, is about to dawn in your life! How exciting!
You should be praying for the fear of God in your life.

2 Corinthians 7:1 (NKJV)
1 Therefore, having these promises, beloved, let us cleanse ourselves from all filthiness of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the fear of God.


New Member
May 25, 2011
Montreal, Qc
Brother, I know you do this out of love, and I love you also as a brother...

But God need not to have me assured of my salvation, it works nothing. He bids us come give our lives away, that we might have lives. I do not wish to try and save this life... But throw it away for God. I wish to honor him and show him I love him. I hope not to fall short, that is all. Because I have a hope, that is Christ Jesus in me.

I count myself a dead man already, hopefully I will not fail in doing so the rest of my life. :)


New Member
Jan 4, 2011
Huntington Beeach
Read that scripture I posted in the other thread... I really hope you hear it man... love you buddy... sorry to be harsh... but I really believe you're someone worth fighting for...


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Isn't it amazing how those who complain about others judging are the worst to judge others? Ah the love.


New Member
Feb 12, 2010
Not only that but there has been SEVERAL flat out lies and slander committed here by the 'love' crowd.

They 'love' when it's convenient. And accuse we who believe the Bible of being 'unloving'.


New Member
Aug 21, 2011
Bronx, New York, U.S.A
That is right. Focusing on Hell is all about avoiding damnation......we were created for more than avoiding damnation. We serve a God that love us and has always wanted to be in free communion with us. Focusing on Hell to gain converts is demonic.

Unfortunately, this is what pastors in some Church use against the members.......its fear tactics in order to keep membership and attendance up.

I think calling it demonic is a bit too far, it could be a demonic gateway if one isn't careful. It has been part of a disscussion with theologians and philosophers since the dawn of time. I've had many people who I am trying to convert ask how such a loving God could could allow anyone to suffer like that. It's a difficult arguement usually and telling them, to sweep it under the rug doesn't win anybody over.

It is demonic......the focusing on Hell and using Hell as a means to get people to change gives the impression that God is an angry God itching to punish, and will punish the wicked for all eternity. It gives the impression that God does not forgives. This is the impression that Satan wants people to believe about God.....but in truth it is more a reflection of Satan's nature.


New Member
Aug 6, 2010
Southeast USA
Jude 1:21-23
21 Keep yourselves in the love of God, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life.
22 And of some have compassion, making a difference:
23 And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh.

Fearing God's wrath simply supplies a healthy respect for God and His Righteousness. To not include the warning of suffering God's wrath and eternal condemnation when preaching The Gospel is like allowing a stranger that's getting ready to step off a cliff to go ahead and let it happen.


New Member
Apr 14, 2010
Unfortunately, this is what pastors in some Church use against the members.......its fear tactics in order to keep membership and attendance up.

-- These churches are so few and far between that your implication this is widespread is completely misleading.

And you forget that if they are in church, they are already considering themselves Christians and NOT people who are being witnessed to in the hopes of having them give their lives to Christ.

And since church attendance is voluntary, and TV and other media show scores of other options for all denominations, people who would stay in a church like this are there by CHOICE.

It is demonic......the focusing on Hell and using Hell as a means to get people to change gives the impression that God is an angry God itching to punish, and will punish the wicked for all eternity. It gives the impression that God does not forgives. This is the impression that Satan wants people to believe about God.....but in truth it is more a reflection of Satan's nature.

-- It is NOT demonic. And "focus on Hell" witnessing is NOT a mainstream practice used to convert anyone.

The implication by the "Love Only" crowd here is that this is the only other option to the "witnessing" they do, which is completely false.

If you want to call something "demonic" it is the fact that these "Love Only" people either actually believe such a thing and thus are shown to be incredibly misguided, or they know the truth and still make these false accusations, thus making them intentional liars.

You witness to people by sharing who God is.
- You testify to who He is
- You explain that He loved them enough to die for them
- You let them know that He loves them as much as He loves you and wants what is best for them
- You let them know that if they choose to follow Him they will have their sins forgiven, be set free, and have a place in heaven for all eternity.
- You ALSO let them know that what Jesus requires from them is that they turn away from sin and that if they do, He will forgive that sin NO MATTER WHAT IT IS.
- You ALSO let them know that God sees all sin as the same as far as severity: adultery, homosexuality, dishonesty, theft, love of self, abuse, etc.
- You ALSO let them know that He too suffered from temptation so He understands their struggle.
- You ALSO let them know that He is willing to help them address any sin, addiction, problem, etc. in their lives if they seek and trust Him.

If you do not let them know about sin and how important it is to do away with it, you are only fulfilling PART of what Jesus calls you to do.

Christ Himself spoke out SEVERAL TIMES on the dangers of sin.

Those who chose not to address it but "love only" are being Cafeteria Christians, ignoring Christ's own words in Scripture and are indicating their way is better than Christ's way.



Jun 17, 2011
That is right. Focusing on Hell is all about avoiding damnation....

To All,

It's a failure of logic to blame the unemployed for the unemployment numbers. It's equally a failure of logic to blame sin on hell.

Yep, if some idiot hadn't posted the "Bridge Is Out", fewer cars would have gone in the water.




New Member
Apr 17, 2010
Not only that but there has been SEVERAL flat out lies and slander committed here by the 'love' crowd.

They 'love' when it's convenient. And accuse we who believe the Bible of being 'unloving'.

You know, this is one of those moments I can't quite believe has come....I completely and totally agree with Ducky!!!