When a person comes to God by Faith in Christ... God gives them "Christ's righteousness" as "the imputed righteousness of Christ'.
This is the "Divine Exchange", whereby Jesus takes your sin, as "God hath made Jesus to BE .Sin....for us".
In other words, Jesus becomes our sin, as If He is the sinner.....= "God hath laid on Jesus the SIN (iniquity) .. of us ALL"..
Isaiah 53:6
That is John 3:16..... and 2 Corinthians 5:19... and Romans 3:17.
And what do we become now that Jesus has become our sin bearer?
We, the Born again become .."Made Righteous".... "made free from sin".. having Become..."THE Righteousness of God, in Christ"
How do we get that?
= "imputed righteousness" as "THE GIFT of Righteousness".
So, that is how we start as CHRISTians.......... and only 2 seconds earlier we were SINNERS, unforgiven..
Now, we are "made righteous", "Saints".
There is our Salvation...
But now, the next day starts and there you are born again, made righteous, and yet you have wrong thought patterns and you have habits and behavior issues, that are of the MIND.......not the Spirit.. as the Spirit is born again, but your MIND is not.
So, the process of Discipleship, the literal important part, is not trying to be some fake imitation of Christ.......but its to understand fully, who you have become, as a "new Creation IN Christ" learning what this is all about, is how you "work out your Salvation".
See reader, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.... YOU ALREADY HAVE SALVATION....... AND NOW you are to learn how to exist in it., correctly.... = by gaining all the revelation knowledge that is available to you, so that you get your mind in line with God's perspective of you.
Baby Christians, do not have this yet., and they can be 50 yrs saved.
Mature BELIEVERS, do have the REVELATION.... and the mature believer, is this one...Paul teaches....>"as many as be PERFECT">.
And that means that you have attained to God's perspective regarding what it means to be a "new Creation in Christ".
If you dont have'll be talking about sin a lot.. You'll be trying to confess sin... You'll believe you can lose your salvation... You'll talk about Law and commandments a lot,.. You will believe that water washed away your sin.... and you will have no understanding of the Cross of Christ.
When a person comes to God by Faith in Christ... God gives them "Christ's righteousness" as "the imputed righteousness of Christ'.
This is the "Divine Exchange", whereby Jesus takes your sin, as "God hath made Jesus to BE .Sin....for us".
In other words, Jesus becomes our sin, as If He is the sinner.....= "God hath laid on Jesus the SIN (iniquity) .. of us ALL"..
Isaiah 53:6
That is John 3:16..... and 2 Corinthians 5:19... and Romans 3:17.
And what do we become now that Jesus has become our sin bearer?
We, the Born again become .."Made Righteous".... "made free from sin".. having Become..."THE Righteousness of God, in Christ"
How do we get that?
= "imputed righteousness" as "THE GIFT of Righteousness".
So, that is how we start as CHRISTians.......... and only 2 seconds earlier we were SINNERS, unforgiven..
Now, we are "made righteous", "Saints".
There is our Salvation...
But now, the next day starts and there you are born again, made righteous, and yet you have wrong thought patterns and you have habits and behavior issues, that are of the MIND.......not the Spirit.. as the Spirit is born again, but your MIND is not.
So, the process of Discipleship, the literal important part, is not trying to be some fake imitation of Christ.......but its to understand fully, who you have become, as a "new Creation IN Christ" learning what this is all about, is how you "work out your Salvation".
See reader, if you are born again, and not just water baptized and religious.... YOU ALREADY HAVE SALVATION....... AND NOW you are to learn how to exist in it., correctly.... = by gaining all the revelation knowledge that is available to you, so that you get your mind in line with God's perspective of you.
Baby Christians, do not have this yet., and they can be 50 yrs saved.
Mature BELIEVERS, do have the REVELATION.... and the mature believer, is this one...Paul teaches....>"as many as be PERFECT">.
And that means that you have attained to God's perspective regarding what it means to be a "new Creation in Christ".
If you dont have'll be talking about sin a lot.. You'll be trying to confess sin... You'll believe you can lose your salvation... You'll talk about Law and commandments a lot,.. You will believe that water washed away your sin.... and you will have no understanding of the Cross of Christ.
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