God changed Seventh Day Sabbath Worship to First Day of the Week

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Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
All 10 Commandments are still valid and will be forever.

That's why God made an epic drama of the giving and writing of them...


...in Stone.

The most obvious symbolism of an eternal Law in all of history.

Genesis 2:2-3 God blessed the Seventh Day
Exodus 31:17 God made it a sign between He and the Israelites (those who worship the God of Abraham, Isaac and 'Jacob' [Israel]) FOREVER.
Isaiah 66:23 We will still be keeping the 7th Day Sabbath in Heaven.
Excellent post! :)


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
I thoroughly and whole heartedly reject keeping a Sabbath by commandment of law. Am I going to heaven or not?
You're demanding a judgment from me that I'm thoroughly incapable of rendering. Why do you persist with such an absurd pursuit? You've practically admitted you are involved in sophistry:
That is why I have gone down this path
rather than "arguing" over Sabbath day law.
There is no argument. Only plainly worded Scripture:

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)

You may ask yourself why you do not answer plainly, while others have?
But, indeed, I do not ask myself this. Why would what others

have done concern me? It's a cunning theory, but not terribly clever.


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2019
Central PA
United States
6) Then I saw another angel flying in the midst of heaven, having the everlasting gospel (ref. Rev 13:8) to preach to those who dwell on the earth—to every nation, tribe, tongue, and people— 7) saying with a loud voice, “Fear God and give glory to Him, for the hour of His judgment has come; and worship Him who made heaven and earth, the sea and springs of water." (ref. Exodus 20:11)

8) And another angel followed, saying, “Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, because she has made all nations drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.”

9) Then a third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, “If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives his mark on his forehead or on his hand, 10) he himself shall also drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out full strength into the cup of His indignation. He shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb. 11) And the smoke of their torment ascends forever and ever; and they have no rest day or night, who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name.”

12) Here is the patience of the saints; here are those who keep the commandments of God and the faith of Jesus.

13) Then I heard a voice from heaven saying to me, “Write: ‘Blessed are the dead who die in the Lord from now on.’ ”

“Yes,” says the Spirit, “that they may rest from their labors, and their works follow them.”
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Sep 6, 2012
Read the Acts 20 Scripture I posted, as written. What else do you think it means when the early disciples came together on the first day of the week (Sunday) to break bread? Are you familiar with Communion with Christ Jesus?

Actually, as far as scripture is concerned, there are only two times mentioned with regard to anybody getting together on the first (day) of the week - John 20:19 and Acts 20:7. There is never any mention of them ever again being together on the first. The John reference has them together in a closed room after the crucifixion because they were afraid of their fellow Jews. Nothing is said about a worship service or day of rest. And it couldn't have been in recognition of the resurrection because at that time they didn't even believe that the resurrection had taken place.

The Acts reference might very well have them together to break bread with Paul because he happened to be in town and wanted to talk to them before he had to leave again. The "breaking of bread" can simply be saying that the disciples got together to eat a meal on this particular first day of the week . The phrase, "to break bread", does not have to refer to a religious service - unless it is specifically stated - but to dividing loaves of bread for a meal. "It means to partake of food and is used of eating as in a meal...... The readers [of the original New Testament letters and manuscripts] could have had no other idea or meaning in their minds" (E.W.Bullinger, Figures of Speech Used in the Bible, pp. 839,840.

But even if the breaking of bread mentioned always did refer to the Lord’s Supper, it had nothing to do with placing a special emphasis on the first (day) because Acts 2:46 says that they broke bread every day.
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robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
You're demanding a judgment from me that I'm thoroughly incapable of rendering. Why do you persist with such an absurd pursuit? You've practically admitted you are involved in sophistry:There is no argument. Only plainly worded Scripture:

For this is the love of God, that we keep His commandments; and His commandments are not burdensome. (1 John 5:3)

But, indeed, I do not ask myself this. Why would what others
have done concern me? It's a cunning theory, but not terribly clever.
I'm thoroughly incapable of rendering

Now, that is certainly true.

Ok then. We'll put you down for a no: no one is to be judged over a Sabbath, because it is not a commandment.

There is hope for you. The Spirit of God wouldn't allow you to do it. It's called conviction.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
When we cease from our own works: works of flesh, works of our own righteousness, and works without faith, then we enter into His rest, with the peace of God that passes understanding.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Those that keep a Sabbath by law cannot be: Military, Police, First responders, Judges, Emergency care workers, Surgeons, Governors, Commercial pilots...

They must keep to themselves without interfering in public affairs. Once a Christian is proselized to Sabbath keeping, they must withdraw from all public authority and responsibility.

Unless they start making up exemptions. Which proves their hypocrisy in calling their Sabbath a commandment by law of God, because God has no exemptions for His commandments of law.

A law made by man is known by the exemptions men must make to their law in order to live in the world.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Not true you have not forgotten with whom you ARE - not <were> dealing.
Man, even when there is no reason whatsoever for you to lie, YOU LIE! You are a nut case of compulsory feigning and LYING!
Good answer.

Certainly laid that issue to rest.

How old are you? Seriously, I'd like to know.

robert derrick

Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2021
Houston, tx
United States
Heaven will welcome millions who never kept a single Sabbath. What has that to do with you and me today? Apology accepted, of course. :)

Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today, and forever. (Hebrews 13:8)

The way you reason, one would think you don't know Scripture very well. Surely that can't be the case. :)
My sincerest apologies. I did not see your response here.

Who are these millions in heaven that never kept a Sabbath? And how does that not apply to us?


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Those that keep a Sabbath by law cannot be: Military, Police, First responders, Judges, Emergency care workers, Surgeons, Governors, Commercial pilots...

They must keep to themselves without interfering in public affairs. Once a Christian is proselized to Sabbath keeping, they must withdraw from all public authority and responsibility.

Unless they start making up exemptions. Which proves their hypocrisy in calling their Sabbath a commandment by law of God, because God has no exemptions for His commandments of law.

A law made by man is known by the exemptions men must make to their law in order to live in the world.

It's interesting to me that everytime Jesus is confronted by the "religious authority" , it always falls on a Sabbath.
This "Those that keep a Sabbath by law cannot be... "
First responders.. Was Jesus a first responder when it came to helping the man at the pool?
Emergency Care Workers... Was Jesus an Emergency Care Worker when the woman who had an issue of blood was healed?
Commercial pilots.. lol .. Did the disciples follow Jesus as their "pilot" as they travelled through the corn fields to pick corn?

This is what the Pharisees did. They accused Jesus of breaking his own law.
Did Jesus and the disciples keep themselves from interfering in public affairs, did they withdraw themselves from society?
Or did they inject themselves smack dab in the middle of the fray?

God has no exemptions for His Commandments of law...
And this is true..
Your not supposed to go about doing your own thing, regular commerce (buying and selling carnally speaking)
A big thing back then and probably today as well was manufacturing idols to bow down to.. works of their hands...

The difference is doing ones own work and doing the works of the Lord.
And there is a whole list of what is acceptable to the Lord to do on the Sabbath days.
These are His exemptions:

Isa 58

And this is exactly what Jesus did do on the Sabbaths.
As our example of how we aught to follow His example.

Don't be a Pharisee


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
And who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see? The Lord himself.
So we are given understanding of what we hear and see according to the understanding he has given each of us individually.
The idea is, to bring all those ideas together and build a coalition, that have fundamental basic knowledge of truth.

This has been the recipe for the, undesirable, status quo.
So <<who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see? The Lord himself>>, yes - HIS WAY, to the Scriptures ONLY!
We are given understanding of what we hear and see in the SCRIPTURES, NOT <<according to understanding given each of us individually>>, but by God, yes, to every one of his children individually, through, in ,from, by, with, in, God's Written Word - even though and especially when and where Scripture goes CONTRARY individual ideas which always are brought together over time in the world, and are built in coalition with every contra-Scripture power found during all time in the world.
Therefore the collective and majority will overcome the individual and individualism and will thwart the obedient and obedience to Scripture only, and will coerce freemen of the Lord so that the traditional and political and cultural and national and EVERY HUMANIST HERESY AND ABOMINATION which has been the essence of the status quo for always SHALL drive out and forbid and banish and anathemize the truly BIBLICAL <<fundamental basic knowledge of truth>>.

Bible knowledge and understanding aims at the destruction of coalition built on humanist anti-biblical ideas that have no fundamental value for knowledge of Divine Truth but are the fundamentals of Roman Catholicism.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
This has been the recipe for the, undesirable, status quo.
So <<who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see? The Lord himself>>, yes - HIS WAY, to the Scriptures ONLY!
We are given understanding of what we hear and see in the SCRIPTURES, NOT <<according to understanding given each of us individually>>, but by God, yes, to every one of his children individually, through, in ,from, by, with, in, God's Written Word - even though and especially when and where Scripture goes CONTRARY individual ideas which always are brought together over time in the world, and are built in coalition with every contra-Scripture power found during all time in the world.
Therefore the collective and majority will overcome the individual and individualism and will thwart the obedient and obedience to Scripture only, and will coerce freemen of the Lord so that the traditional and political and cultural and national and EVERY HUMANIST HERESY AND ABOMINATION which has been the essence of the status quo for always SHALL drive out and forbid and banish and anathemize the truly BIBLICAL <<fundamental basic knowledge of truth>>.

Bible knowledge and understanding aims at the destruction of coalition built on humanist anti-biblical ideas that have no fundamental value for knowledge of Divine Truth but are the fundamentals of Roman Catholicism.
that's a lot of words


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
Therefore the collective and majority will overcome the individual and individualism and will thwart the obedient

So your saying the church as a whole is self-destructive?
I was speaking of the coalition of the church (body of Christ, born again believers, etc )


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2014
South Africa
I was speaking of the coalition of the church (body of Christ, born again believers, etc )

"Your life is hidden WITH CHRIST IN GOD" is the only coalition heard or seen on earth of ALL True Believers upon which there is "Sabbath's Feast of Christ Assembling of yourselves together IN THE NAME OF JESUS CHRIST when WE ARE COME TOGETHER FOR TO HEAR THE WORD OF GOD." No politicking, no lobbying, no left, right or center or <coalition> of what or whomsoever, but "CHRIST THE ALL IN ALL FULFILLING FULLNESS OF GOD GIVEN TO THE CHURCH AS HEAD." Amen
Which makes Seventh day Adventism and Roman Catholicism an equally impossible Christian manifestation.


Well-Known Member
Oct 19, 2020
Maine, USA
United States
This has been the recipe for the, undesirable, status quo.
So <<who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see? The Lord himself>>, yes - HIS WAY, to the Scriptures ONLY!
We are given understanding of what we hear and see in the SCRIPTURES, NOT <<according to understanding given each of us individually>>, but by God, yes, to every one of his children individually, through, in ,from, by, with, in, God's Written Word - even though and especially when and where Scripture goes CONTRARY individual ideas which always are brought together over time in the world, and are built in coalition with every contra-Scripture power found during all time in the world.
Therefore the collective and majority will overcome the individual and individualism and will thwart the obedient and obedience to Scripture only, and will coerce freemen of the Lord so that the traditional and political and cultural and national and EVERY HUMANIST HERESY AND ABOMINATION which has been the essence of the status quo for always SHALL drive out and forbid and banish and anathemize the truly BIBLICAL <<fundamental basic knowledge of truth>>.

Bible knowledge and understanding aims at the destruction of coalition built on humanist anti-biblical ideas that have no fundamental value for knowledge of Divine Truth but are the fundamentals of Roman Catholicism.

And who gives us ears to hear and eyes to see? The Lord himself.
So we are given understanding of what we hear and see according to the understanding he has given each of us individually.
The idea is, to bring all those ideas together and build a coalition, that have fundamental basic knowledge of truth.

I am speaking about what is in the scriptures though...
When it comes to how each person individually interprets those words.
As we see everywhere, specially in bible forums, everyone has an interpretation of how they hear, or how they are given to hear by the Spirit.

You want to know what is detrimental to the bible?
Arguing about it.
If we can't agree as a church of what is written, even in it's most basic fundamental teachings,
is it any wonder the world looks at us, not as something to want to be a part of, but something to be got rid of.
We don't show a very good example of brotherly love to begin with.
All we do is snap at eachother, try to prove how much smarter we are than the next guy..
it's pathetic.

While the world is trying to kill God again, by attacking religious rights, withholding church assemblies, they are burning churches all over Canada for crying out loud..
And we sit here arguing about what?
How constructive is that?

It's time to put down the arguments and start figuring out a way to get out there and evangelize.
It's so much easier to point your finger and criticize and judge others, than it is to hold your hand out with hope and compassion.
That's what I mean by a coalition.
This Body needs to shape up or it will be shipped out.

The Jews didn't get it right.. looks like Christianity might be on the same path of self-destruction, unless we recognize it,
and repent.
They want all rememberance of God to cease and desist.
They won't stop until they have burned down every church that disagrees with them.
If your a wordly church, you get a free pass. If your spiritual.. they're coming for ya.
They don't want the next generation to know God.
This isn't a new thing, it's happened many times in the OT.
And it's bound to happen again if we don't keep the lights on.

just rambling..
I just get frustrated.. I'm listening to Jerry Nadler droning on in the background ranting about voter integrity laws and how it infringes on the rights of voters to require an ID..
Christians require an ID.. It's called standing in the Name of the Lord!

So don't take what I'm saying personally Gerhard,
I usually write to the general audience..
I appreciate your comments whether I agree or not, or even if I can follow.
Sometimes I have to read your posts 3 or 4 times to understand what your saying.
LOL.. of which I have had the same comments made about my posts.. so..
Patience.. that is the Key.
