How do you think Christians should interact with Mormons?

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Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
My problem with Mormonism is that their God is an exalted man of flesh and bones who died and was exalted to godhood of this planet, who is one of many gods with their own planets, who sit together in a council of Gods, and their God procreated Jesus through sexual intercourse.

Their trinity is three separate Gods, not one god manifest as three persons, and the Mormon Jesus is Satan’s brother. Jesus and Lucifer both presented plans for man’s salvation, and Satan rebelled when Jesus’ plan was chosen.

The Bible says God must be worshipped in spirit and in TRUTH.

And also the Salt Lake City mormon temple is covered with occult symbols: sunstones, moonstones, pentagrams, etc.

That’s just the tip of the iceberg, sadly.
Since you’re interested in Truth, I shall clarify what’s actually believed. Sadly there is a ton of bad information. Let me know if you want me to elaborate on any point in the morning (it’s super late right now).

Jesus Christ is the one and only So of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary.

Christ, along withe the Sport and Father are three different persons in one God.

Christ has a spirit in a gloried body. The Spirit does not have a body. Creedal Christians typically believe the Father is like the Spirit, LDS Christians like the Son

There is no special relationship between Christ and Lucifer that does not also apply to every single person, named that the Father is Father of everyone. Christ and Lucifer/Satan could not be more different. When the Father presented His plan of creating the earth et al, Christ the ever obiedent Son accepted His role as the Redeemer. Lucifer, in the other hand rebelled with (gisted) “I have a better idea! Everyone follow me and the glory be mine!” And hence was cast out.

Suns, moons, and stars are symbols used to signify the glory of heaven which were popular in the 1800’s.


Well-Known Member
Apr 6, 2021
United States
Since you’re interested in Truth, I shall clarify what’s actually believed. Sadly there is a ton of bad information. Let me know if you want me to elaborate on any point in the morning (it’s super late right now).

Jesus Christ is the one and only So of God. He was born of the Virgin Mary.

Christ, along withe the Sport and Father are three different persons in one God.

Christ has a spirit in a gloried body. The Spirit does not have a body. Creedal Christians typically believe the Father is like the Spirit, LDS Christians like the Son

There is no special relationship between Christ and Lucifer that does not also apply to every single person, named that the Father is Father of everyone. Christ and Lucifer/Satan could not be more different. When the Father presented His plan of creating the earth et al, Christ the ever obiedent Son accepted His role as the Redeemer. Lucifer, in the other hand rebelled with (gisted) “I have a better idea! Everyone follow me and the glory be mine!” And hence was cast out.

Suns, moons, and stars are symbols used to signify the glory of heaven which were popular in the 1800’s.

The more bizarre Mormon beliefs are in The Pearl of Great Price, and in Doctrines and Covenants, particularly stuff that prophets like Brigham Young said.

Here’s a partial comparison of Mormon and Christian belief:

Comparison Chart - Mormonism and Christianity - Apologetics


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
The more bizarre Mormon beliefs are in The Pearl of Great Price, and in Doctrines and Covenants, particularly stuff that prophets like Brigham Young said.

Here’s a partial comparison of Mormon and Christian belief:

Comparison Chart - Mormonism and Christianity - Apologetics
You ignored my previous response clarifying what’s actually believed. This website, like most other prostyling ones, has some pretty bad information. Is there something special about it you would me to respond to?


Well-Known Member
Apr 12, 2012
United States
To All Concerned:

I strongly suggest avoiding going head to head with Mormons debating the
many facets of their teachings, beliefs, practices, and/or architecture, etc. or
you will soon find yourself tangled up in a can of worms.

The most important thing you need to know about Mormonism is that its
version of the Melchizedek priesthood is not the Bible's version. See posts
No.8 and No.13

NOTE: If Mormons challenge you to produce textual evidence to substantiate
your knowledge of the Bible's version of the Melchizedek priesthood: don't
do it. Instead tell them that if they want textual evidence then they will just
have to study the letter to Hebrews themselves because you're not telling.

The reason I recommend that stance is because Mormon missionaries are
supposed to be well-versed so that you shouldn't have to produce textual
evidence. Don't let them talk you out of this by citing so-called rules of
academic discussion and so forth. You're neither a salesman nor a politician,
i.e. you don't have to win; all you have to do is know what you're talking
about; and as for him that's biblically ignorant; let him be ignorant still.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
To All Concerned:

I strongly suggest avoiding going head to head with Mormons debating the
many facets of their teachings, beliefs, practices, and/or architecture, etc. or
you will soon find yourself tangled up in a can of worms.

The most important thing you need to know about Mormonism is that its
version of the Melchizedek priesthood is not the Bible's version. See posts
No.8 and No.13

NOTE: If Mormons challenge you to produce textual evidence to substantiate
your knowledge of the Bible's version of the Melchizedek priesthood: don't
do it. Instead tell them that if they want textual evidence then they will just
have to study the letter to Hebrews themselves because you're not telling.

The reason I recommend that stance is because Mormon missionaries are
supposed to be well-versed so that you shouldn't have to produce textual
evidence. Don't let them talk you out of this by citing so-called rules of
academic discussion and so forth. You're neither a salesman nor a politician,
i.e. you don't have to win; all you have to do is know what you're talking
about; and as for him that's biblically ignorant; let him be ignorant still.
A dispels of Christ should reach out to all: bond, free, male, female, black, white, regardless of nationality or creed.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
As a "Mormon", I thank you for your loving and thought out post. Such is a uncommon gem.

I you got any questions for, feel free to ask here or via PM. Note: I'm OCD honest, and I hate proselytizing (giving or receiving) so zero of that from me.

Of course, my sister in Christ! My apologies for the delay in response, I have been busy over the past few days reading and posting on other threads, and engaging with other friends.

1. Were you born and raised Mormon, is your entire family religious?

2. Have you ever considered converting to another branch of Christianity? Why or why not? Do Mormons believe all Christians outside the LDS Church are saved?

3. Are Mormons generally stricter than most other Christian branches, for example, in terms of behavior? I've heard for example, you cannot drink caffeine as a Mormon, are there things against sugar and other foods also?

4. Do Mormons believe themselves descendants of the lost Israelite tribes? I've read something about them traveling to the Americas long ago (according to Mormon beliefs at least).

P.S. What exactly do you mean at your last part? Do you mean that you struggle with some things on a personal level? I pray for your recovery and healing - and your peace! :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Of course, my sister in Christ! My apologies for the delay in response, I have been busy over the past few days reading and posting on other threads, and engaging with other friends.
That's totally ok! I myself have been busy with my new little baby and over-demanding work.
Your questions are excellent.
1. Were you born and raised Mormon, is your entire family religious?
My immediate family is LDS Christian, with extended family being all sorts of things ranging from very devout, very atheist, very "I just don't care", etc. I grew up in areas where LDS Christians are rare (like you're the only one in your whole school and it's 30+ minutes drive to the church building).

However, each person's faith journey is their own. I accepted Christ as my Lord & Savior at age 5, and had an unusual interest in faith-based topics from a very young age. Even from early elementary read all sorts of books of faith, ask all sorts of questions of my friends (whom were all different faiths), attend services with them, etc. I first read the Bible cover-to-cover at age 9. I did go through rebellious phase in early college and left, not because of faith itself, but due clashes with the sinners at church and my own issues.
2. Have you ever considered converting to another branch of Christianity?
I've thoroughly studied many different branches of Christianity- including months of attending, a crazy amount of reading, etc. And almost always come out having learned more about myself & my beliefs, others & their beliefs, and better understanding/love of others.
Why or why not? Do Mormons believe all Christians outside the LDS Church are saved?
In short: yes. LDS Christians totally acknowledge that non-LDS folks are indeed Christians too and shall be spending eternity joyfully dancing with Christ.
Longer answer: the LDS Christian view of the afterlife is different than mainstream Christians, and I can go into that if you want. But TLDR is the above.
3. Are Mormons generally stricter than most other Christian branches, for example, in terms of behavior?
LDS Christians believe that a disciple of Christ should indeed strive to follow Him-- "if you love me, keep my commandments". Yes, you should actually strive to be truthful, chaste, loving, serve your fellow man, etc. Being a Christian doesn't mean you go to church on Sunday and then spend every other hour kissing mammon's feet. And when mistakes happen (because they totally do), you repent with Christ's help. So, similar to other conservative Christian branches in that regard.
I've heard for example, you cannot drink caffeine as a Mormon, are there things against sugar and other foods also?
Smoking, coffee, tea, and alcohol are avoided as a promise an LDS Christian makes with God. Nothing wrong with caffeine, though I personally really dislike the stuff. Sugar on other other hand... I have a weakness for chocolate. I do strive to keep that under control, as part of taking care of my body (which is both part of being a good Christian just a responsible person).
4. Do Mormons believe themselves descendants of the lost Israelite tribes?
In Old Testament and early new Testament times, being a Israelite/Jew was viewed at a literal ethnic thing. This of course changed when preaching opened up to the Gentiles. It is believed that nowadays all of those promises to Abraham/Issac/Jacob extend to everyone, whether you are a literal descendent through blood or adopted through faith in Christ.
I've read something about them traveling to the Americas long ago (according to Mormon beliefs at least).
It is levied that a small group of Jews (like 5 families) traveled to what is now the Americas in 600 BC, their story / their descendants stories being told in the Book of Mormon. They eventually apostatized and were wiped out. This doesn't mean that they ~5 families only people to ever settle in the Americas - not remotely! Rather, genetic evidence points to the people of northeastern Asia being the primary settlers of the Americas and came in several waves. Heck, there were even some Vikings that briefly settled parts of Canada.
P.S. What exactly do you mean at your last part? Do you mean that you struggle with some things on a personal level? I pray for your recovery and healing - and your peace! :)
I'm not sure which part you're referring to, so I'll answer both.
"OCD honest" : I'm not literally OCD. But I am indeed extremely extremely honest and wear things on my sleeves. This is actually by choice. If someone asked "does this dress make me look fat?", I will answer "Absolutely" if that is the honest case.

Hating proselytizing: proselytizing is different than sharing your faith. And I do hate proselytizing with a passion -- to me that is when somebody just tries to force their beliefs down your throat with zero interest for who you are, what you think, or you saying "no thank you". The proselytizer doesn't care about you at all, and they treat you like a kid playing with dolls. Proselytizing is frequently can be extremely negative: "I'm going to inform you what you believe and why you're wrong so I can feel better about myself!"

Versus sharing your faith is bringing the good stuff you believe (like Jesus Christ is the Son of God), to the table and respectfully sharing it with folks. And then respectfully listen to what they in turn believe. Learn about each other, and frequently you'll learn something about yourself too.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
Ummm.... no.

There is SO much wrong with your approach here @Webers_Home . I would pray that rather than talking about people, you instead learn talk with them, as Christ did. Whomever that person may be.
Amen! I always enjoyed and looked forward to my talks with the young Mormon missionaries. Most people labeled as Christians avoid the subject of God and the Bible for sure anywhere away from church settings and many of them even there. A good doctrine that is not practiced is not very good at all... like salt with no saltiness.


Active Member
Mar 3, 2021
United States
Longer answer: the LDS Christian view of the afterlife is different than mainstream Christians, and I can go into that if you want. But TLDR is the above.

Thank you so much for your wonderful answers! I have some more questions, I hope you do not object -- I know very few Mormons in real life.

1. What kind of afterlife does your community believe in? Are there things like reincarnation involved or something?

2. How do you defend Mormonism from accusations of being a "cult"? For example, during Mitt Romney's campaign -- some people were mentioning something about what he wore, I think?

3. Do you most Mormon young people have to serve in missionary roles, even in other countries? Have you so served, and what was your experiences? Are there significant challenges usually, and are there also considerable expenses?

4. Are there many converts to Mormonism? And do many Mormons leave the faith as they grow older, that you know of?

5. Why do some Mormons seem so positive and friendly and welcoming to others? Is this how they were raised? Do Mormons struggle with things like divorce, the party lifestyle, secularism and materialism, and drug and alcohol abuse, like the rest of America?

6. I know Utah has a large Mormon community, but has it spread to other states? Are there any non-Mormon Christians that you know of, and what were your interactions with them?

7. You mentioned the afterlife - and I know this is not an ordinary or easy issue for some people, but I've read in the past, quite a few years ago, when I was younger, somewhere that lots of Mormons have Near-Death Experiences or something like that, some of them writing books (like Embraced by the Light, I think one was called, detailing encounters with Jesus). Have you ever heard of anything like that? What are your personal thoughts and feelings on them?

Thank you so much, my sister in Christ! I hope everything goes well for you and yours! :)


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Thank you so much for your wonderful answers! I have some more questions, I hope you do not object -- I know very few Mormons in real life.
No worries, I love sharing! Getting to know people of other faith groups is actually why I hang out on religious forums.
1. What kind of afterlife does your community believe in? Are there things like reincarnation involved or something?
No reincarnation. The first big difference is that it is believed that a deceased person's spirit still has the opportunity to learn & grow. This is particularly important for folks whom never had the opportunity to learn of Christ during their mortal lives. The second big difference is after the Resurrection & Final Judgement, pretty much everyone gets to live forever. Even the wicked get to be mind-boggling happy, though that happiness is nothing compared to those whom have fully embraced Christ. There's also a big emphasis on being together with your family.
2. How do you defend Mormonism from accusations of being a "cult"? For example, during Mitt Romney's campaign -- some people were mentioning something about what he wore, I think?
"Anti-cult" stuff is... silly and unhealthy for everyone. Rather than focusing on developing the good things that person believes (says for example that person is a Baptist preacher and teaching the strong//good things Baptists believe), they focus on demonizing others with false accusations and threatening people to stay in line "don't be like those wicked hell-bound Mormons!". It's a horrible way for them to treat their own congregants and others.

Christians of any stripe have no need of that junk. Rather, when there's disagreements, let's take the time to listen to each other, learn, and be loving even while disagreeing.
3. Do you most Mormon young people have to serve in missionary roles, even in other countries? Have you so served, and what was your experiences? Are there significant challenges usually, and are there also considerable expenses?
Roughly half of young folks do. I personally did not -- I had mental health issues going on at the time. My three sisters did, in Brazil, the Amazon, and California. They very much enjoyed the chance to share Christ with different folks, learn new cultures, and strengthen their own testimonies. There are indeed challenges: homesickness, people being jerks, frustration, difficulty getting along with your preaching partner, etc.

(Continued below)


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Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
With love and consideration, however realizing that they might not let go of their own church ways, and if someone is able to get them out of the church that is confusing enough after hearing the truth about Christ and they go to another church where they become even more confused. It’s possible some will just become faithless.

Tender love, and care for them is well needed.

It hard coming out of something if a person has been a Mormon since the age of eight and attending the temple rights and what not.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
(Continued from above)
4. Are there many converts to Mormonism?
Yes, roughly half adults world wide are converts.
And do many Mormons leave the faith as they grow older, that you know of?
Similar to other groups, the most common time to leave is late teens / early twenties, as folks are transitioning into adults and what they themselves believe / want to do.
5. Why do some Mormons seem so positive and friendly and welcoming to others? Is this how they were raised?
Faith and culture both play a huge role here. Yes, obviously personal my faith makes me happy & encourages me to treat others with love. I'm a much better & more pleasant person than the years I walked away. Culturally there is likewise that drive to be loving & charitable to others. There's a great Book of Mormon verses "when you are in the service of your fellow man, you are only in the service of your God".
Do Mormons struggle with things like divorce, the party lifestyle, secularism and materialism, and drug and alcohol abuse, like the rest of America?
Divorce, materialism, and secularism : yes. I think these "me me me!" attitude pretty much affect everyone, such is our fallen & sinful ways.
Partying, drug, and alcohol abuse: much less. Part of the faith is making a promise to God to avoid these things. If you don't drink at all, you don't become a alcoholic.
6. I know Utah has a large Mormon community, but has it spread to other states?
Utah was actually settled by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints, as they were fleeing persecution from back east. They likewise settled parts of Idaho, Wyoming, Arizona, and Nevada and those sections still have a pretty heavy LDS Christian influence.

Other places like some parts Polynesian and some parts of Hawaii are largely LDS due to missionary efforts.
7. You mentioned the afterlife - and I know this is not an ordinary or easy issue for some people, but I've read in the past, quite a few years ago, when I was younger, somewhere that lots of Mormons have Near-Death Experiences or something like that, some of them writing books (like Embraced by the Light, I think one was called, detailing encounters with Jesus). Have you ever heard of anything like that? What are your personal thoughts and feelings on them?
I've heard of those, and honestly am just totally uninterested.
Thank you so much, my sister in Christ! I hope everything goes well for you and yours! :)
To you as well!


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
With love and consideration, however realizing that they might not let go of their own church ways, and if someone is able to get them out of the church that is confusing enough after hearing the truth about Christ and they go to another church where they become even more confused. It’s possible some will just become faithless.

Tender love, and care for them is well needed.

It hard coming out of something if a person has been a Mormon since the age of eight and attending the temple rights and what not.
Actually Ive attended other churches regularly since I was like 6. It's not remotely confusing/intimidating, and helps me better understand/love others, and grow my own theological thinking. It's extremely offensive and inaccurate to have someone say "oh you're just Mormon because you raised and brianwashed to be that way" (something I have literally been told in the past). Please don't talk/think of me or others like I'm a sack of potatoes that needs to be "brought out" of something. I do indeed have a working brain, and have studied things out, I love Christ, am happy to talk any questions you have, and happy to hear about your beliefs too.

What are you experiences attending church branches other than the one you were raised in @MatthewG ?
Sep 27, 2021
United States
The Bible informs us not to seek or pursue friendships with people that don’t believe as you do.

2 Corinthians 6:14 commands to “Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers” and verse 17 states to come out from relationship with those with different beliefs.

The Bible also commands us not to listen to their preaching:

Galatians 1:8-9 if any man preach any other gospel unto you than that which we have preached unto you, let him be accursed

2 John 1:10 If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed.

Obviously we will have relations and interactions with different faiths, for example I have a step-sister who is Mormon who I love very much, but if you are seeking friends you should be praying and looking for people with the same beliefs as you.


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
Actually Ive attended other churches regularly since I was like 6. It's not remotely confusing/intimidating, and helps me better understand/love others, and grow my own theological thinking. It's extremely offensive and inaccurate to have someone say "oh you're just Mormon because you raised and brianwashed to be that way" (something I have literally been told in the past). Please don't talk/think of me or others like I'm a sack of potatoes that needs to be "brought out" of something. I do indeed have a working brain, and have studied things out, I love Christ, am happy to talk any questions you have, and happy to hear about your beliefs too.

What are you experiences attending church branches other than the one you were raised in @MatthewG ?

Have met with Jehovah witness and been to their church before. They didn’t use the Bible but they used some article they had parented out.

All I know is that grace and works doesn’t profit anything. Only faith in the Son of God.

“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:1-4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I love people, and the truth is good to share though many don’t like such simplicity as this.


Well-Known Member
Jul 29, 2018
Mid-west USA
United States
Have met with Jehovah witness and been to their church before. They didn’t use the Bible but they used some article they had parented out.

All I know is that grace and works doesn’t profit anything. Only faith in the Son of God.

“Brethren, my heart’s desire and prayer to God for Israel is that they may be saved. For I bear them witness that they have a zeal for God, but not according to knowledge. For they being ignorant of God’s righteousness, and seeking to establish their own righteousness, have not submitted to the righteousness of God. For Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to everyone who believes.”
‭‭Romans‬ ‭10:1-4‬ ‭NKJV‬‬

I love people, and the truth is good to share though many don’t like such simplicity as this.
I 100% agree that salvation solely comes via faith in God. It is a gift of His grace. We follow Him because we love Him, not to try to somehow buy/earn salvation.

I would also encourage you (or anyone) to put aside stereotypes that prevent us from seeing the way God does work in other's lives. For example, I'm not and ingrate brainwashed person who's never heard a the "real Christian message". Likewise, I am going to be ok you doing believe in cheap grace (a stereotype many LDS Christians hold of Creedal Christians). There are real differences between Christian denominations, but we'll never know what is truthful there unless we cast aside prejudice and actually look/listen.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
So I'm kind of conflicted. Of course, they seem to be wonderful people on an individual basis. But I highly doubt that their revelation is genuinely legitimate or relevant to most practicing Christians and believers today.
Yes. Mormons are generally wonderful people, but Christians need to let them know very kindly and very clearly that their beliefs are in conflict with Bible Christianity.

If they wish to delve into this further, they are welcome to see the difference. If they wish to persist in the mistaken idea that they are in the true Church of Jesus Christ, then "from such turn away". Heresy is heresy and false doctrine is false doctrine, and there is no point in trying to sugarcoat this truth. They have "another Jesus" and "another gospel" (see Galatians chapter 1).
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Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
And also the Salt Lake City mormon temple is covered with occult symbols: sunstones, moonstones, pentagrams, etc.
The whole temple ritual is connected with Freemasonry and there is no denying that.

"Dr. Reed C. Durham was one of the first Mormons to seriously study the Masonic past and inspiration for the LDS church. He wrote of how the anointing and coronation of the King and Endowment ceremony in the temple were altered rites from Freemasonry. Dr. Durham also noted the language such as ancient orders, examination, degrees, candidates, secrets, lodges, rules, signs, tokens, the order of the Priesthood and keys, made it obvious that there were powerful “Masonic overtones” involved in the formulation of the LDS religion."

The Hidden Connection Between Freemasons And Mormons


Well-Known Member
Apr 21, 2021
United States
I 100% agree that salvation solely comes via faith in God. It is a gift of His grace. We follow Him because we love Him, not to try to somehow buy/earn salvation.

I would also encourage you (or anyone) to put aside stereotypes that prevent us from seeing the way God does work in other's lives. For example, I'm not and ingrate brainwashed person who's never heard a the "real Christian message". Likewise, I am going to be ok you doing believe in cheap grace (a stereotype many LDS Christians hold of Creedal Christians). There are real differences between Christian denominations, but we'll never know what is truthful there unless we cast aside prejudice and actually look/listen.

Would agree with you to love people as Christ loved people.