I am excited....

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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Then, provide us with ONE instance of where I have "misrepresented" or "denied" Catholic teaching.

If you can do that - I will LEAVE this forum today and never bother you again.
If you CAN'T, however - then YOU lerave this forum.


PS - By the way - we ask intercession from NOT only Mary, but from ALL the saints in Heaven - and from each other as well - so you LIED again . . .
Papist Dead Bread, why attempt to hide what catholicism claims as the "special" intercession of Mary? The intercession of "Mary" (Satan incognito) is far more significant to catholics than that of the ordinary "saints" (which Biblically refers to ALL who've given their heart to God). The "saints" offer merit to reduce time in "Purgatory" (where Christians must pay the consequences for their sin because Jesus didn't), assistance with finances, finding car keys, etc.

But the role of "Mary" is so much more.

She has been elevated to the level of "Mediator", "Advocate", and "Co-Redeemer" by virtue of the ludicrous, ridiculous "ex-cathedra" claim of pope Pius IX in the 19th century declaring Mary "Immaculate", so that we no longer have the Three Persons of the Godhead, but a "Holy Quartet".

"Prophetess Of These Last Times, The Immaculate Conception, Mother Of The Church, Mary As The New Eve, Queen Of Heaven and Earth/Queen of Peace, The Assumption, Queen of the Holy Rosary, Queen and Mother of Families, Mary as Co-Redemptrix, Mediatrix, Advocate, Our Lady of all Nations, Ark of the New Covenant, Mother of the Second Advent." -- Flynn, Thunder of Justice: The Warning, the Miracle, the Chastisement, the Era of Peace (MaxKol Communications, 1992).

“The Church’s devotion to the Blessed Virgin is intrinsic to Christian worship.” The Church rightly honors “the Blessed Virgin with special devotion. From the most ancient times the Blessed Virgin has been honored with the title of ‘Mother of God,’ to whose protection the faithful fly in all their dangers and needs.” -- "Devotion to the Blessed Virgin,” Catechism of the Catholic Church (Vatican City: Liguori Publications, 1994): 253.

"But while in the most Blessed Virgin the Church has already reached that perfection whereby she exists without spot or wrinkle, the faithful still strive to conquer sin and increase in holiness. And so they turn their eyes to Mary: in her, the Church is already the “all-holy. -- “The Church is Holy,” Catechism of the Catholic Church (Vatican City: Liguori Publications, 1994): 220.

"As they listen to the word proclaimed in the Sunday assembly, the faithful look to the Virgin Mary...From Sunday to Sunday, the pilgrim people follow in the footsteps of Mary, and her maternal intercession gives special power and fervour to the prayer which rises from the Church to the Most Holy Trinity." -- John Paul II, Dies Domini (July 5, 1998).

Perhaps the most disgusting representation of "Mary" is found here:

"The sinner that ventures directly to Christ may come with dread and apprehension of his wrath; but let him only employ the mediation of the Virgin with her Son and she has only to show that Son the breasts that gave Him suck and His wrath will immediately be appeased." -- Catholic Layman, July 1856

Paganism's "savior" is known as the "wrath subdoer", which is exactly the attribute given to Mary - another testimony to the true roots of catholicism. Here, we see a vile image of a supposed child Jesus with a grown man's face sucking Mary's breast.

Before Playboy, Penthouse, and Hustler magazine, there was this:

More evidence that the roots of catholicism are not traced to 1st century Palestine, but to the ancient pagan, sexually lascivious, sex cult religions of the Sun god.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Uhhhhhh, the Jesuits are a priestly order - NOT a "level" of Catholicism, Einstein.
Besides - the Catholic church doesn't teach ANY of the lies you posted . . .

*sigh* levels of deception, Dead Bread. If deception were a video game, then "Jesuit Level" would be last, highest to level up to.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
I have catholic relatives on my wife's side of our family. Some of them traveled to Rome to pay homage to some statue!

I feel for and pray for them. My BIL remarked that God would never help you with some financial need! I can never have fellowship with them at all for that spirit of supposed religious superiority permeates the atmosphere. Just sad.

Another of them said you would ask a great man's mother to ask a favor of him rather than go to him directly. That is you ask Mary to ask God! This replaces Jesus as the one mediator between man and God.

1 Timothy 2:5 KJVS
For there is one God, and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus;

As to so called protestant errors we have a nephew who is a Church of Christ convert and baptism is his only concern.

Every denominationalist I've seen on versed with spout the same denomination dogma.


When that which is perfect is come... They say it's the Bible.

The gifts of and baptism of the Holy Spirit ended with the death of the last disciple/apostle.

Tongues are of the devil.

I am deceived because I believe that God still does the things he did in "Bible days" as if these also are not Bible days!

When I speak with many about God's things they are swift to tell me they are Baptist, Catholic or whatever rather than they are Christians, followers, of Christ.

Daniel Eichenbaum, who was an orthodox Jew, asked me what denomination I was. God had sent me to him to witness though he was a stranger to me. I told him I was a Christian and that Jesus had come and saved me outside any church or denomination's walls. Daniel later became a born again Christian!

Every denomination has a few pet scriptures and traditions that they set up and thus supercede the word of God. They can never see the forest because of the thickness of the trees.
In a sea of denominational error, we must look for the "remnant" of God's people (Revelation 12:17 KJV) which is therein described. It is into this group that God is calling all His faithful out of the errors of Christianity - errors for which the blame firmly rests on the back of catholic leaders who stole away the Scriptures from the people for over a thousand years and left God's church fragmented even unto this day.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Nahhhh - just a watchdog.

You guys are used to spreading lies in your sects about the Catholic Church - and that's okay.
HOWEVER - you won't get away with it on MY watch - and that enrages you . . .
What lies, Dead Bread? We post the very words OF YOUR OWN APOSTATE CHURCH, you deny their authenticity, and then accuse us of lying. Textbook Jesuitical tactics, Dead Bread. Simply textbook.
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Catechism ~

Mary was invited to conceive "IN HIM"...

Huh? LOL

The Holy Spirit...is sent to sanctify the womb of the Virgin Mary AND DIVINELY fecundate (fertilize) it ...

Huh? The Virgin's Womb, (not yet defiled) required sanctification?

Far out...since it is SEEDS that Fertalize SEEDS..... LOL

485 ~
CAUSING here to conceive the eternal Son of the Father in a humanity DRAWN FROM HER OWN.

Whaaaat? Her own SEED?

What a load of unscriptural psychobabble.

No wonder SOME PEOPLE believe Jesus IS a HUMAN man.......THEY are TAUGHT a HUMAN WOMAN'S SEED WAS FERTALIZED by God.

Seems they missed the Lesson When angelic spirits fertilized a Human woman's seed......

What happened to THEM and WHAT was born out of those females?
{chains and prison for the spirits.
Gigantism for the babes so born}

Uh Jesus did not appear as a GIANT!


Yipes, what a load of nonsense.
Scripture says no such thing.

Glory to God,
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Frank Lee

Well-Known Member
Feb 23, 2017
Ouachita Mountains
United States
Only some catastrophic even in their lives will cause the religious indoctrinated to throw their catechism out the window and for the very FIRST TIME cry out Jesus help me!

Only the Holy Spirit knows what it will take for each one to have their heart turned away from man's creations - man's denominations - and turned to the savior.

Only then can they receive a heart of flesh to replace their hearts of stone.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2015
United States
Catechism ~

Mary was invited to conceive "IN HIM"...

Huh? LOL

The Holy Spirit...is sent to sanctify the womb of the Virgin Mary AND DIVINELY fecundate (fertilize) it ...

Huh? The Virgin's Womb, (not yet defiled) required sanctification?

Far out...since it is SEEDS that Fertalize SEEDS..... LOL

485 ~
CAUSING here to conceive the eternal Son of the Father in a humanity DRAWN FROM HER OWN.

Whaaaat? Her own SEED?

What a load of unscriptural psychobabble.

No wonder SOME PEOPLE believe Jesus IS a HUMAN man.......THEY are TAUGHT a HUMAN WOMAN'S SEED WAS FERTALIZED by God.

Seems they missed the Lesson When angelic spirits fertilized a Human woman's seed......

What happened to THEM and WHAT was born out of those females?
{chains and prison for the spirits.
Gigantism for the babes so born}

Uh Jesus did not appear as a GIANT!


Yipes, what a load of nonsense.
Scripture says no such thing.

Glory to God,
The same thing is conceptualized in Mormonism, albeit a bit more graphically: that "Elohim - Mormonism's "god the father" - came to Earth to have sex with Mary to produce a human body for Mormonism's Jesus.

According to Mormonism, Elohim was once born a human like us on a distant planet Kolab where he lived up to the teachings of Mormonism, died, and in the afterlife was granted to become a "god" (by others before him), which entitled him to his own planet to populate and rule over as king. His many celestial goddesses, apparently once human woman who, too, were granted goddess-ship, were given to him to provide him endless celestial sex and to produce for him spirit children. Jesus, Lucifer, and others came about from such celestial sex. Herein is the foundation for Mormonism's polygamy.

After Adam and Eve were created (I guess out of thin air seeing that neither were born to any human parents) to start the human race on Earth, these spirit children were to be granted the privilege of entering the bodies of human babies at conception and be born humans with the opportunity to be faithful to Mormon doctrine and, if accepted, eventually be granted the privilege of becoming gods of their own planets themselves like their father Elohim.

At a heavenly council, Jesus' suggestions about Earth's new human race were chosen over Lucifer's, which angered him and led him to start a war -
  • the spirits who fought valiantly against Lucifer got the privilege of being born white babies
  • those who were indifferent in the battle were cursed to be black babies
  • the rebellious spirits were cast out of heaven as demons with no chance of ever becoming a god.
After the fall of Adam and Eve, a Savior was promised, and eventually, Elohim came to Israel to have sex with Mary, after which Jesus was born a human and eventually became a god, but not before taking to himself several wives and fathering several children.

If the appeal of occult ideas can be summed up in one word, it is this: exclusivity. The doctrine that "I know the path and you don't because you're neither special, worthy, or intelligent...like me" appeals to the basest of all human vanity and is the foundation for paganism, Freemasonry, esoteric catholicism/Judaism/Calvinism, Mormonism, JWs, etc., and every other religion of exclusivity.
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Feb 6, 2018
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United States
Phoneman777 -

I could hardly read that without laughing!

Sounds like someone was tripping on drugs!

God Bless,


I discovered just today that in Bethlehem exists a church over a cave said to be where Mary breast fed Jesus. Lying about some places in this cave are calcium deposits officially authenticated by the Vatican as milk from Mary herself that squirted onto the walls. Touching these deposits of"milk" affords the Pilgrim special indulgences and forgiveness of sin.
And people today, even protestants, deny the RCC as being the Antichrist.
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Willie T

Heaven Sent
Staff member
Sep 14, 2017
St. Petersburg Florida
United States
I discovered just today that in Bethlehem exists a church over a cave said to be where Mary breast fed Jesus. Lying about some places in this cave are calcium deposits officially authenticated by the Vatican as milk from Mary herself that squirted onto the walls. Touching these deposits of"milk" affords the Pilgrim special indulgences and forgiveness of sin.
And people today, even protestants, deny the RCC as being the Antichrist.
I worked for six years in our State's largest Mental Hospital, and never heard one THAT good!
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Well-Known Member
Jan 26, 2008
United States
THANK YOU for that perfect example of perpetually-splintering denominationalism.
EVERY man interpreting Scripture for himself - and ALL of you claiming you were "led" by the Holy Spirit . . .

2 Pet. 1:20
But know this first of all, that no prophecy of Scripture is a matter of one's own interpretation.
Jesus was willing to walk alone rather than to follow anything besides God. So must we be even if everyone else seems to be. Education in the Bible or the Catechism or the essential teachings of any church group will NOT save us. Only God can do that no matter how well versed and well spoken we are.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 22, 2011
I discovered just today that in Bethlehem exists a church over a cave said to be where Mary breast fed Jesus. Lying about some places in this cave are calcium deposits officially authenticated by the Vatican as milk from Mary herself that squirted onto the walls. Touching these deposits of"milk" affords the Pilgrim special indulgences and forgiveness of sin.
And people today, even protestants, deny the RCC as being the Antichrist.

The 'milk' made me laugh..why on earth would anyone believe that!
I heard a man once say " You cannot be deceived unless there is something within you that wants to be." I have always held that lightly..
But I guess the silly milk-thing proves it to be true! :D


Do you folk understand the meaning of the expression Antichrist? It doesn't primarily mean against Christ, although in effect it results in that, it means in place of Christ, or instead of Christ. Now replacing Christ could be said of any false religion, be it Islam or whatever. But the RCC has turned the replacement of Christ as our sole Mediator into an art form. Everything Rome does is Antichrist. They have replaced Him with saints, with Mary, with Joseph, they have replaced Him with the mass, with the rosary, with ritual, icons, superstitions, and the priesthood itself. Oh yes, and of course touching the imaginary milk of Mary even brings absolution from sin. Anything that replaces the blood of the Lamb can be found with the walls of that pretender that calls itself Catholic. The Roman ediface is, from top to bottom, and everything in between, a replacement of the true Christ with the false. Such is why the reformers nailed her to the wall naming her the man of sin, the sin of petition, the little horn of Daniel 7, the true Antichrist, which denies the Father and the Son in everything they do.
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The 'milk' made me laugh..why on earth would anyone believe that!
I heard a man once say " You cannot be deceived unless there is something within you that wants to be." I have always held that lightly..
But I guess the silly milk-thing proves it to be true! :D
People for centuries have been more willing to cleave to ritual, form, and ceremony, even inanimate objects such as icons and statues, and even places where they imagine Mary or some other 'Saint' appeared, rather than accept a relationship with the saviour. Jesus said no man cometh to the Father except by me. It is so very sad that so many place such faith in things which cannot save, that cannot provide forgiveness, that cannot give peace or rest.


According to the presence of churches built to preserve the sites, there are 3 caves/churches celebrating the Nativity. One where the manger sat... One where Joseph waited the birth.... The third where Mary fed her baby. Oh, and one church which covers both sites for the crucifixion and the burial. And of course with the accompanying blessings, absolutions, etc.
In Capernium there is a massive church and a very large statue built over what is purported to be the remains of the house of Peter, while just over the road the synagogue where Jesus would have spent most of his time lies unmolested by such gross displays of superstition and paganism. Go figure.
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Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Mary having been born without sin and having never sinned.....<--->
Teaching of the self-proclaimed Teacher of Catholic Beliefs....<----> BOL


God Bless,
Actually, it's a teaching of Christ's Church.
I can't take credit for it . . .


Well-Known Member
Jan 2, 2017
United States
Why have you no God love in you for any?
It seems you feel superior even to other Catholics.

1Jonn 2:27 tells me I don't have to have a priest or man to instruct me.

What good do you have in your heart? I wonder and am sad for you! Not angry nor thinking anyone could tell you anything at all.
Without shouting at others what has God said to you?
Henceforth my only question for you is, what has God spoken to your heart? What is he speaking now?
Yup – God has spoken to me through His Church (Matt. 16:18:19, Matt. 18:15-18, Luke 10:16, John 16:12-15, John 20:21-23, 2 Thess. 2:15).
Has He spoken to YOU?? Does He tell you that He approves of you posting such hatred and violating His Commandment against bearing FALSE witness??

As for 1 John 2:27 – once again, you’ve veered OUT of context. ALL Scripture must e read in context or it is a LIE.

In 2 Thess. 2:15, Paul says: “Therefore, brothers, stand firm and hold fast to the traditions that you were TAUGHT, either by an oral statement or by a letter of OURS.

In Acts 8Philip asked the Ethiopian Eunuch if he understood what he was reading when he saw him reading Scripture. The Eunuch said:

Acts 8:31
“How can I,” he said, “unless someone explains it to me?”

Jesus Built a CHURCH and gave that Church SUPREME AUTHORITY to Baptize and TEACH all nations (Matt. 28:16-20) in the ways of the Lord.
Don't just quote the Bible - LEARN what it means . . .

I’d be interested to have you describe the god you’ve invented for yourself – because he certainly is NOT the God of Scripture – and of Christianity.

PS – why do you keep insisting that I am godless because I refuse to put up with your anti-Christian nonsense?? Your hypocrisy almost comical – if not so tragic . . .