I think I realized something deep (End Times)

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God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
Dear members of christianityboard.com,

I hope this post doesn´t get removed for goading or violating the forum rules. I tried to post this message on christianforums.com and after a few friendly conversations they banned me.

So as you can imagine this post will be controversial and ´in-your-face`. I will try to rewrite the same post I wrote but from memory.

I have the gift of prophecy. Before you think I´m some kind of crazy lunatic (which I totally am but not because I have the gift of prophecy but because of other reasons), let me explain.

We´re in the birth pangs of the End Times. There´s no question about it. Every somewhat aware Christian has this feeling in their heart or brain.
If you don´t believe me on feeling, I will try to convince you with logical reasons.

Let´s look at some signs of what is going on in the world.

Materialism is on the rise (money itself is neutral but in our modern culture we see that probem running rampant and out of control. What did Jesus say again about the love of money?) (Also a lot of lovers of the self which is also a kind of materialism but of your own body and mind)

Immorality (In Canada Bill C-16 now makes it punishable if you don´t speak to transgenders as they/them) (And in speaking of his Second Coming Jesus said that decadent times would come, Matt 24:37)

Radical Islam (let´s not fool ourselves one of their pillars is Jihad, a struggle against the enemies of the Islam. Who are the enemies? All the non-believers.
Also radical acts of terrorism from Muslims are on the rise, just look at what happened recently with IS. I´m not saying that all muslims are bad just as not all christians are good but Islam is a violent religion and often there is no separation between religion and state in their countries).

Persecution (Christians are stereotyped as ignorant, sexist, uneducated people who use religion to cover up their own immorality according to non-believers, Christians are marginalized, threatened with absurd things like ´Prove to me that God exists?` No, prove to me that God doesn´t exist ;) , intimidated and even brought to court as in the case of a $135 000 fine against a Christian bakery in Oregon because they didn´t want to bake a cake for a lesbian couple. By the way, psychological research has proven that bisexuals tend to have ´elevated levels of sociosexuality` and psychopathic traits: Bisexual women tend to have elevated levels of sociosexuality and psychopathic traits)

Spiritual warfare (many people are angry at people who commit evil acts but they shouldn´t be angry at the people themselves as the people are just puppets who Satan plays however he wants. Know thy enemy and the enemy is Satan and a lack of faith and unity with other Christians) (Ephesians 6:12 ´We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.`)

Apathy (Many Christians still believe in the Second Coming but their faith is growing weak. They expect to see signs everywhere. Well, the signs are there if you have the capacity to think and judge for yourself. Just look around, we´re in the midst of a global pandemic with a virus that is constantly mutating into more dangerous forms).

I hope this stilled the doubt in your heart a little bit.

Now on to the real message. I´m nearly sure I determined who the Antichrist and the False Prophet are. Remember, this is prophecy and prophecy only can be judged as real if the predictions come true.

So I´m watching these two persons closely. If there ever comes a time where they start to wreak havoc, something will have to be done. As to what that is, I don´t know yet. On the other forum they wanted me to tell their names.
As I explained to them, I won´t do that. I care about other people but I care infinitely more about what God wants from me. And I don´t mess with heavenly powers.
If I get the message to release their names I will do that instantly but until then I wait patiently.

The False Prophet (the Beast from the Earth) already has an extremely large following and the man is already extremely popular and well-liked.

The Antichrist, that boastful son of a ....., is still very small right now in his country but I believe his influence will soon grow. He already has a lot of power and when the elections come, I´m sure there will happen something in his favour. Furthermore, from what I can see from his pictures, he boasts continually, has no sense of honour or morals, only cares about himself (but he hides behind a beautiful, healthy, young appearance and some charismatic speaking) and probably sleeps with all his female groupies even though he has no girlfriend/wife (“He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all” : Daniel 11:37). (He is literally the beast from the sea, he likes the sea a lot).

Some other people on christianforums.com asked me some questions before the thread got banned. Those questions were: post this on Youtube, there there are a lot of so called prophets. To which I replied: no thanks, Youtube is full of false prophets and I don´t want a following, I only want change.

Another older guy rambled about everything and then he said ´Jesus heals everything`. To which I replied: yes, I know. God and his Son have allowed me to bring a dead child back from the grave. I have developmental trauma due to neglect and abuse during my whole infancy, childhood and puberty and God has given me the necessary tools to overcome this severe condition which destroys a persons capacity for love, a normal life and everything else. For that I´m eternally grateful and I would even give my life as I know that without their help I would have had no life at all. Besides that, I already nearly died multiple times, so death (especially if it it for a righteous cause) still scares me but way less than in the average person.

Another person wanted proof of my prophetic power. I replied that I saw a snake with a rose in its mouth, that a voice told me that every person, in the deepest of their hearts wants happiness and love, even though it doesn´t always seem like that, I saw Kavod:clouds, I felt awe, fear, extreme joy and love, had multiple deep realizations, a little voice that talked to me (not really talking but more like telepathically if that describes it well) and a change in my longheld previous worldview.

Well that´s it. I have to work now.

Why am telling you all of this? Because I have no one to talk with about this (all the people I know don´t have faith) and if even on Christian forums, you get banned for saying these kind of things, well then let me die in peace.
I didn´t ask for all these things. If I could go back and transform into another child who had a normal childhood and didn´t have to deal with all these weird things, I would instantly push that button. Just a normal childhood with normal parents, a lot of good friends, normal situations, ...

But sadly God didn´t allow me to have that kind of life.
And that´s why I´m here as a random stranger on an online forum spewing about all kinds of ´weird` things, hoping I don´t get banned and probably seen by everyone as a complete nutcase.
I hope someone on here knows what to do because I´m getting extremely desperate.

If you have questions, I will try to answer them tomorrow.

Have a nice day/evening,



Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Why am telling you all of this? Because I have no one to talk with about this (all the people I know don´t have faith) and if even on Christian forums, you get banned for saying these kind of things, well then let me die in peace.

Well for starters, greetings and welcome to Christianity Board.

You won't get banned for posting that sort of thing around here. You will likely get similar questions about exactly who it is you are talking about, and a number of comments related to what your post suggests the prophecies in question would involve.

My simple question would be do you think the Antichrist and False Prophet will both be Muslim?

God bless, and welcome once again.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Abuse can awaken people to spiritual influences. You've said some things that are concerning but didnt explain why you are desperate.

God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
Well for starters, greetings and welcome to Christianity Board.

You won't get banned for posting that sort of thing around here. You will likely get similar questions about exactly who it is you are talking about, and a number of comments related to what your post suggests the prophecies in question would involve.

My simple question would be do you think the Antichrist and False Prophet will both be Muslim?

God bless, and welcome once again.

Thanks for the rather warm welcoming!
No, they're definitely not Muslim.
The False Prophet hangs on to a version of pseudochristianity (his own version of religion) and the Antichrist is not religious as far as I can tell (what else would you expect?).

God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
Abuse can awaken people to spiritual influences. You've said some things that are concerning but didnt explain why you are desperate.

Because if what's written in the Bible is true (1/3 of the Bible concerns prophecies), then we stand before extremely harsh and evil times.

And as a prophet, I need to fulfill my duties. But I have no other prophets around me and God put me in an extremely immoral city with developmental trauma which I have to heal on my own, with the help of no one (only God's influence but he works in mysterious ways).


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Because if what's written in the Bible is true (1/3 of the Bible concerns prophecies), then we stand before extremely harsh and evil times.

And as a prophet, I need to fulfill my duties. But I have no other prophets around me and God put me in an extremely immoral city with developmental trauma which I have to heal on my own, with the help of no one (only God's influence but he works in mysterious ways).

Regardless of if you are a prophet or not you place too many burdens on yourself. God wants the Glory let him take the lead. You are the helper, and he is the one responsible for producing results.


Well-Known Member
May 27, 2018
Some other people on christianforums.com asked me some questions before the thread got banned. T
Welcome to CB.

While I may be a little skeptical about your predictions, there is absolutely no reason for banning a post such as this. It looks like more and more Christians are allowing cancel culture and free-speech suppression to take control of them. The whole point of an open forum is to allow all kinds of ideas to be presented, and the only things which need to be censored are profanity and vulgarity. However, some Christian forums hate the truth, which is rather telling.

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
Thanks for the rather warm welcoming!

You're welcome.
No, they're definitely not Muslim.
The False Prophet hangs on to a version of pseudochristianity (his own version of religion) and the Antichrist is not religious as far as I can tell

Then you and I are going to be fairly far apart in our eschatology, but that's not the end of the world.

God bless, and hope you enjoy being a member here once again.
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God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
Regardless of if you are a prophet or not you place too many burdens on yourself. God wants the Glory let him take the lead. You are the helper, and he is the one responsible for producing results.

Yes, you're right.
But I want to help advance his plan so badly.
It feels like I'm going to die if I'm not moving forward and doing something.

And yes, I have trouble relaxing. I have an extremely busy mind and exert myself physically everyday and sleep very bad.

Yesterday, I also got attacked by a guy in the park while I was working out. Luckily, I scared him off. He wanted to steal my belongings and he looked like a psychopath.
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God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
You're welcome.

Then you and I are going to be fairy far apart in our eschatology, but that's not the end of the world.

God bless, and hope you enjoy being a member here once again.

I was never a member of this forum, have you read my post clearly?
And Islam didn't exist when Jesus Christ was around so why would they be the religion from which the False Prophet and the Antichrist arise?

God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
Welcome to CB.

While I may be a little skeptical about your predictions, there is absolutely no reason for banning a post such as this. It looks like more and more Christians are allowing cancel culture and free-speech suppression to take control of them. The whole point of an open forum is to allow all kinds of ideas to be presented, and the only things which need to be censored are profanity and vulgarity. However, some Christian forums hate the truth, which is rather telling.

Thank you Enoch111.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
Yes, you're right.
But I want to help advance his plan so badly.
It feels like I'm going to die if I'm not moving forward and doing something.

And yes, I have trouble relaxing. I have an extremely busy mind and exert myself physically everyday and sleep very bad.

Yesterday, I also got attacked by a guy in the park while I was working out. Luckily, I scared him off. He wanted to steal my belongings and he looked like a psychopath.

It is strange I know some men that are of a gentle disposition, yet they seem to get into fights. Like trouble seeks them out.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
Dear members of christianityboard.com,

I hope this post doesn´t get removed for goading or violating the forum rules. I tried to post this message on christianforums.com and after a few friendly conversations they banned me.

So as you can imagine this post will be controversial and ´in-your-face`. I will try to rewrite the same post I wrote but from memory.

I have the gift of prophecy. Before you think I´m some kind of crazy lunatic (which I totally am but not because I have the gift of prophecy but because of other reasons), let me explain.

We´re in the birth pangs of the End Times. There´s no question about it. Every somewhat aware Christian has this feeling in their heart or brain.
If you don´t believe me on feeling, I will try to convince you with logical reasons.

Let´s look at some signs of what is going on in the world.

Materialism is on the rise (money itself is neutral but in our modern culture we see that probem running rampant and out of control. What did Jesus say again about the love of money?) (Also a lot of lovers of the self which is also a kind of materialism but of your own body and mind)

Immorality (In Canada Bill C-16 now makes it punishable if you don´t speak to transgenders as they/them) (And in speaking of his Second Coming Jesus said that decadent times would come, Matt 24:37)

Radical Islam (let´s not fool ourselves one of their pillars is Jihad, a struggle against the enemies of the Islam. Who are the enemies? All the non-believers.
Also radical acts of terrorism from Muslims are on the rise, just look at what happened recently with IS. I´m not saying that all muslims are bad just as not all christians are good but Islam is a violent religion and often there is no separation between religion and state in their countries).

Persecution (Christians are stereotyped as ignorant, sexist, uneducated people who use religion to cover up their own immorality according to non-believers, Christians are marginalized, threatened with absurd things like ´Prove to me that God exists?` No, prove to me that God doesn´t exist ;) , intimidated and even brought to court as in the case of a $135 000 fine against a Christian bakery in Oregon because they didn´t want to bake a cake for a lesbian couple. By the way, psychological research has proven that bisexuals tend to have ´elevated levels of sociosexuality` and psychopathic traits: Bisexual women tend to have elevated levels of sociosexuality and psychopathic traits)

Spiritual warfare (many people are angry at people who commit evil acts but they shouldn´t be angry at the people themselves as the people are just puppets who Satan plays however he wants. Know thy enemy and the enemy is Satan and a lack of faith and unity with other Christians) (Ephesians 6:12 ´We do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places.`)

Apathy (Many Christians still believe in the Second Coming but their faith is growing weak. They expect to see signs everywhere. Well, the signs are there if you have the capacity to think and judge for yourself. Just look around, we´re in the midst of a global pandemic with a virus that is constantly mutating into more dangerous forms).

I hope this stilled the doubt in your heart a little bit.

Now on to the real message. I´m nearly sure I determined who the Antichrist and the False Prophet are. Remember, this is prophecy and prophecy only can be judged as real if the predictions come true.

So I´m watching these two persons closely. If there ever comes a time where they start to wreak havoc, something will have to be done. As to what that is, I don´t know yet. On the other forum they wanted me to tell their names.
As I explained to them, I won´t do that. I care about other people but I care infinitely more about what God wants from me. And I don´t mess with heavenly powers.
If I get the message to release their names I will do that instantly but until then I wait patiently.

The False Prophet (the Beast from the Earth) already has an extremely large following and the man is already extremely popular and well-liked.

The Antichrist, that boastful son of a ....., is still very small right now in his country but I believe his influence will soon grow. He already has a lot of power and when the elections come, I´m sure there will happen something in his favour. Furthermore, from what I can see from his pictures, he boasts continually, has no sense of honour or morals, only cares about himself (but he hides behind a beautiful, healthy, young appearance and some charismatic speaking) and probably sleeps with all his female groupies even though he has no girlfriend/wife (“He will show no regard for the gods of his fathers or for the desire of women, nor will he show regard for any other god; for he will magnify himself above them all” : Daniel 11:37). (He is literally the beast from the sea, he likes the sea a lot).

Some other people on christianforums.com asked me some questions before the thread got banned. Those questions were: post this on Youtube, there there are a lot of so called prophets. To which I replied: no thanks, Youtube is full of false prophets and I don´t want a following, I only want change.

Another older guy rambled about everything and then he said ´Jesus heals everything`. To which I replied: yes, I know. God and his Son have allowed me to bring a dead child back from the grave. I have developmental trauma due to neglect and abuse during my whole infancy, childhood and puberty and God has given me the necessary tools to overcome this severe condition which destroys a persons capacity for love, a normal life and everything else. For that I´m eternally grateful and I would even give my life as I know that without their help I would have had no life at all. Besides that, I already nearly died multiple times, so death (especially if it it for a righteous cause) still scares me but way less than in the average person.

Another person wanted proof of my prophetic power. I replied that I saw a snake with a rose in its mouth, that a voice told me that every person, in the deepest of their hearts wants happiness and love, even though it doesn´t always seem like that, I saw Kavod:clouds, I felt awe, fear, extreme joy and love, had multiple deep realizations, a little voice that talked to me (not really talking but more like telepathically if that describes it well) and a change in my longheld previous worldview.

Well that´s it. I have to work now.

Why am telling you all of this? Because I have no one to talk with about this (all the people I know don´t have faith) and if even on Christian forums, you get banned for saying these kind of things, well then let me die in peace.
I didn´t ask for all these things. If I could go back and transform into another child who had a normal childhood and didn´t have to deal with all these weird things, I would instantly push that button. Just a normal childhood with normal parents, a lot of good friends, normal situations, ...

But sadly God didn´t allow me to have that kind of life.
And that´s why I´m here as a random stranger on an online forum spewing about all kinds of ´weird` things, hoping I don´t get banned and probably seen by everyone as a complete nutcase.
I hope someone on here knows what to do because I´m getting extremely desperate.

If you have questions, I will try to answer them tomorrow.

Have a nice day/evening,

I love that you admit you're a lunatic. I get the feeling lunatics are welcome here :)

Hidden In Him

Well-Known Member
May 10, 2018
Lafayette, LA
United States
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Aug 10, 2012
I love that you admit you're a lunatic. I get the feeling lunatics are welcome here :)
I would hate to exclude someone the Lord loves, when they are seeking fellowship. The Lord would be just to see that we are filled with Jannes and Jambres.
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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2020
The wilderness
United States
I would hate to exclude someone the Lord loves, when they are seeking fellowship. The Lord would be just to see that we are filled with Jannes and Jambres.
I am not trying to exclude anyone from fellowship. I'm here for fellowship as well and I can relate a lot more with this dude than some on here.
I think the supernatural experiences get swept under the rug because people that haven't experienced it, can't relate. I can relate with him!

God is the greatest

New Member
Feb 2, 2021
It is strange I know some men that are of a gentle disposition, yet they seem to get into fights. Like trouble seeks them out.

Yeah, I probably go to places that are too dangerous. I'm used to the night and loneliness.
And during the night is when you have a higher chance that people high in Dark Triad traits (psychopathy, machiavellianism, narcissism) come out to play.

I know their kind because I'm partly like them due to the neglect and abuse that I suffered.
But I'm trying to join the Light Triad (Kantianism, faith in humanity and humanism).