if i wanted to become a catholic

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Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
To be a Catholic, you have a pledge allegiance with your heart, soul, mind, body, and earthly funds to the Pope in Rome. Then, it's rituals and vane repetitions of "prayers" to people like the "saints"... blah, blah, blah
Why is it so necessary for anti-Catholics to make up lies and falsehoods and slanderous vitriol??? Do Catholics do that to you??? Do you really think you are doing God a favor by attacking Catholics with such arrogant bigotry??? Grow up and get out of your fundie ghetto.

Your cheap insults only serves to affirm my faith, of all the churches in the world, the Catholic Church is the most persecuted.
A smart person would consider that when looking for a real church. We see anti-Catholicism in our whole culture, from governments, the entertainment industry, and forums like this one where threads get contaminated by ignorance and prejudice. You are just on the anti-Catholic band wagon joined in with the rest of our culture. Chances are you live in the south.

Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches, statues being attacked

The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice
Anti-Catholicism has a long history in America. And as Philip Jenkins argues in The New Anti-Catholicism, this virulent strain of hatred―once thought dead―is alive and well in our nation, but few people seem to notice, or care. A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions. Jenkins shines a light on anti-Catholic sentiment in American society and illuminates its causes, looking closely at gay and feminist anti-Catholicism, anti-Catholic rhetoric and imagery in the media, and the anti-Catholicism of the academic world. For newspapers and newsmagazines, for television news and in movies, for major book publishers, the Catholic Church has come to provide a grossly stereotyped public villain. Catholic opinions, doctrines, and individual leaders are frequently the butt of harsh satire. Indeed, the notion that the church is a deadly enemy of women―the idea of Catholic misogyny―is commonly accepted in the news media and in popular culture, says Jenkins...

(the author is not Catholic, which indicates objective research, not subjective.)




Matthew 5:10-12
Fortunately for you, "moderator discretion" means you can even compose vile anti-Catholic thread titles (that makes a mockery of the rules) and get away with it. Go ahead and make your case against Catholicism, but do it on scriptural grounds, not false 18th century philosophies that have been refuted a million times. You guys talk a lot about end-time persecution while you inflict it on Catholics.:rolleyes: Give us the right to explain ourselves, the same right you give to yourself. And try not to be so insulting.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
There are more things to be concerned about in life than one's brand or one's religious club is better than another brand.

I would be more concerned that what and who I worshipped is the true God of Abraham and that the spirit of Christ lived within me and is changing me from within me, and outwards. We are to serve Christ and in turn do the Father's will and not any flavor of a world recognized religion and its human leadership.

Do you consider yourself a Christian first and a (Roman) Catholic second? They are not really the same thing, right?


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
There are more things to be concerned about in life than one's brand or one's religious club is better than another brand.
Agreed, but don't expect silence from me when faced with a made-in-America cults obsessed with Catholic bashing lies, falsehoods and twisted "histories". Seventh Day Adventism is notorious for that, their mask needs to come off. Do we do to them what they do to us???

I would be more concerned that what and who I worshipped is the true God of Abraham and that the spirit of Christ lived within me and is changing me from within me, and outwards. We are to serve Christ and in turn do the Father's will and not any flavor of a world recognized religion and its human leadership.
You profess an earthly body with no earthly head. Gotcha.

Do you consider yourself a Christian first and a (Roman) Catholic second? They are not really the same thing, right?
Is Catholicism Christian?

to: James White of Alpha & Omega Ministries

Dear Mr. White,

I am a cult researcher (#248 in 1993 Directory of Cult Research Organizations, Tolbert & Pement) and Christian apologist, who converted to Catholicism in 1990 after ten years of committed evangelicalism (including five as a campus missionary). I am disturbed by the tendency among cult researchers and other leaders in Protestantism to regard the Catholic Church as "apostate" and/or non-Christian, since it supposedly denies the gospel of Jesus Christ. This is not worthy of men of your stature and theological training, and is also uncharitable, since it is slanderous and schismatic.

I'd be interested in dialoguing with you or anyone you might know (with perhaps more time on their hands) who would be willing to do so, about this matter and any or all of the theological issues which sadly divide us (enclosed is a list of my tracts and a few samples). I have been published in The Catholic Answer and This Rock, two of the leading Catholic apologetic journals, and will soon have a book out, The Credibility of Catholicism (possibly published by Ignatius Press), which is a defense of Catholicism from Scripture, the early Church, and reason, as well as a very extensive critique and examination of the so-called "Reformation" (I prefer the objective term "Revolt").

Catholicism is not only Christian -- it is far superior to Protestantism on biblical, historical, and rational grounds. Secondly, I would say that a position maintaining that Protestantism is Christian while Catholicism is not, is self-defeating, incoherent, and intellectually dishonest, if thought through properly (which is rarely the case). I never had this outlook as a Protestant for these very reasons.

Among the many insuperable difficulties of anti-Catholicism:

1) The Canon of the Bible was determined by the Catholic Church. Thus, "sola Scriptura" necessarily requires a Tradition and Catholic (conciliar and papal) Authority. Not to mention the preservation of Bible manuscripts by monks.

2) At what moment did Catholicism become apostate? At John's death? In 313? With Gregory the Great and the ascendancy of papal power? In the "Dark Ages" of c.800-1100? With the Inquisition or Crusades? Or at the Council of Trent? And how can anyone know for sure when?

3) 23,000+ denominations and the scandalous organizational anarchy, schism, and theological relativism inherent therein virtually disproves Protestantism in and of itself.

4) Protestantism has only been around for some 500 years!

5) If the Inquisition disproves Catholicism, then the Witch Hunts and killings of Anabaptists, the suppression of the Peasants' Revolt, and early Protestantism's horrendous record of intolerance (at least as bad as Catholicism's by any criterion) disproves Protestantism as well.

6) Protestantism inconsistently and dishonestly appeals to indisputably Catholic Church Fathers such as St. Auqustine (above all) St. John Chrysostom, St. Jerome, St. Ignatius, St. Irenaeus, St. Justin Martyr (also, later Catholics such as St. Francis, St. Thomas Aquinas, and Thomas a Kempis).

7) Likewise, it inconsistently appeals to Church Councils which it likes (generally the first four) and ignores the rest, on questionable theological and ecclesiological grounds. Development of doctrine is accepted to an extent, and then incoherently rejected. This is largely what made me a Catholic, after reading Newman's Development of Doctrine.

8) Funny how an "apostate" Church has uniquely preserved traditional Christian morality such as the indissolubility of marriage, gender roles, the prohibition of contraception, euthanasia, infanticide, abortion, etc., while Protestantism is compromising these with frightening rapidity.

"Sola fide" is not the gospel. If so, then there wasn't a gospel to speak of for 1500-odd years, since "sola fide" was a radically novel and unbiblical interpretation of justification and sanctification. The God I serve is greater than that-- His hands weren't tied until Dr. Luther figured everything out! Related to this is the slanderous assertion that Catholics are Pelagian or semi-Pelagian and believe in salvation by works. Nothing could be further from the truth. We merely refuse to separate works from faith in a dichotomous relationship as Luther did (which is why he wanted to throw out James-- so clear was its Catholic teaching). Catholicism condemned Pelagianism at the 2nd Council of Orange in 529 A.D., almost 1000 years before Luther. The very first Canon on Justification in the Council of Trent states:

"If anyone saith that man may be justified before God by his own works, whether done through the teaching of human nature or that of the law, without the grace of God through Jesus Christ; let him be anathema."

This would seem to be sufficient to put the matter to rest. But blind prejudice and anti-Catholicism stubbornly persist.

Many other biblical proofs for Catholicism are in my apologetic works, if you're interested. Thanks for your time.

Sincerely, your brother and co-laborer in Christ,

Dave Armstrong


Does that answer your question? :
Do you consider yourself a Christian first and a (Roman) Catholic second? They are not really the same thing, right?
Again: Secondly, I would say that a position maintaining that SDA is Christian while Catholicism is not, is self-defeating, incoherent, and intellectually dishonest, if thought through properly (which is rarely the case).

"Christian" and "Catholic" are interchangeable terms. Catholics are Christians, but there are stupid Catholics just as there are stupid anti-Catholics. Your question presupposes a false dichotomy. That's why my reply is so long.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
Why is it so necessary for anti-Catholics to make up lies and falsehoods and slanderous vitriol??? Do Catholics do that to you??? Do you really think you are doing God a favor by attacking Catholics with such arrogant bigotry??? Grow up and get out of your fundie ghetto.

Your cheap insults only serves to affirm my faith, of all the churches in the world, the Catholic Church is the most persecuted.
A smart person would consider that when looking for a real church. We see anti-Catholicism in our whole culture, from governments, the entertainment industry, and forums like this one where threads get contaminated by ignorance and prejudice. You are just on the anti-Catholic band wagon joined in with the rest of our culture. Chances are you live in the south.

Interactive map shows growing number of Catholic churches, statues being attacked

The New Anti-Catholicism: The Last Acceptable Prejudice
Anti-Catholicism has a long history in America. And as Philip Jenkins argues in The New Anti-Catholicism, this virulent strain of hatred―once thought dead―is alive and well in our nation, but few people seem to notice, or care. A statement that is seen as racist, misogynistic, anti-Semitic, or homophobic can haunt a speaker for years, writes Jenkins, but it is still possible to make hostile and vituperative public statements about Roman Catholicism without fear of serious repercussions. Jenkins shines a light on anti-Catholic sentiment in American society and illuminates its causes, looking closely at gay and feminist anti-Catholicism, anti-Catholic rhetoric and imagery in the media, and the anti-Catholicism of the academic world. For newspapers and newsmagazines, for television news and in movies, for major book publishers, the Catholic Church has come to provide a grossly stereotyped public villain. Catholic opinions, doctrines, and individual leaders are frequently the butt of harsh satire. Indeed, the notion that the church is a deadly enemy of women―the idea of Catholic misogyny―is commonly accepted in the news media and in popular culture, says Jenkins...

(the author is not Catholic, which indicates objective research, not subjective.)




Matthew 5:10-12
Fortunately for you, "moderator discretion" means you can even compose vile anti-Catholic thread titles (that makes a mockery of the rules) and get away with it. Go ahead and make your case against Catholicism, but do it on scriptural grounds, not false 18th century philosophies that have been refuted a million times. You guys talk a lot about end-time persecution while you inflict it on Catholics.:rolleyes: Give us the right to explain ourselves, the same right you give to yourself. And try not to be so insulting.
Criticizing your history and pointing out your unbiblical doctrines is not persecution.


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
You profess an earthly body with no earthly head. Gotcha.
I see you have been tainted by your religion and its traditions and doctrines. So I can see why you actually did not read my words from a spiritual body perspective over an earthly one. Your religion 'makes' you focus on the earthly rather than the spiritual realm in your daily life.

I never said I professed an earthly body for my spirituality. You know we do possess a spirit and a physical body? And my attention is purely focused on the spirit and those that are lead by the spirit and not by an incompatible, sinful, corruptible and fallible physical person for my salvation? If you cannot grasp this basic concept that it might be useless for me to explain it further.

Your are the one because of your beliefs and your religion that cannot yet past the physical realm and your physical human person leadership that usurped the role of Christ. So again, and for emphasis, I can see that your religion has made you biased solely towards an earthly corruptible head for your salvation.

I profess and speak to the spiritual body and only the spiritual sense/realm within a person. It is unavoidable still in this present age that our spirits, whether still carnal (unconverted) or spirit filled with Christ's spirit, inhabits an earthly human body. You see my distinction and your hasty conclusion is thus very predictable being of a religion that speaks many words to and for Christ although never actually believes through actions to give him the role as our Lord and Savior of his Body, of true believers.

So there is no gotcha mate. Reminds me of an immature child's reaction to a game they won or they thought they won.

This subject is NO GAME I assure you. It is a very serious subject and runs to the core for one's salvation and destruction. Please do not take this subject lightly.

Either you place your faith in a human head and a brick-and-mortar church building and hierarchy with all of its extra-scriptural traditions, or you place your faith SOLEY in Christ, and doing the will his Father for your salvation. Which is it going to be, as there can be no compromise?!


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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
Why is it so necessary for anti-Catholics to make up lies and falsehoods and slanderous vitriol??? Do Catholics do that to you??? Do you really think you are doing God a favor by attacking Catholics with such arrogant bigotry??? Grow up and get out of your fundie ghetto.

Your cheap insults only serves to affirm my faith, of all the churches in the world, the Catholic Church is the most persecuted.
A smart person would consider that when looking for a real church. We see anti-Catholicism in our whole culture, from governments, the entertainment industry, and forums like this one where threads get contaminated by ignorance and prejudice. You are just on the anti-Catholic band wagon joined in with the rest of our culture. Chances are you live in the south.

An amusing but old woe is me post filled with the very accusations you complain are so slanderously directed to Catholics! :p

An individual who elects to exclude themselves from inclusion in Catholicism, is not about those who choose to be Catholics, but is exclusively about an individual exercising his own Freewill to participate in religious practices of his own choosing.

If you have complaints about world-wide attacks AGAINST Catholics, Catholic property...who cares? Catholics are not exclusive to persecution!
* If name calling defined People, you would get a Blue Ribbon!
* If disagreeing with People of a different Religious Practice defined People, Catholics touting a Large membership, would get the finger wagging award!

I’m sure your words will have a huge impact on drawing people in to be a Catholic, just like you. Just kidding!

Stop whining about People who exercise their Freewill to exclude themselves from what you have exercised your Freewill to include yourself in.
No one cares about such juvenile tactics.

Glory to God,
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Well-Known Member
Staff member
Encounter Team
Feb 6, 2018
United States
United States
You profess an earthly body with no earthly head. Gotcha.

God MADE and provided A Single Earthly Father role-model, to suffice from that day to the end of days. (No bother of repeated elections or appointments by a handful of men!)

Gen 17:
[4] As for me, behold, my covenant is with thee, and thou shalt be a father of many nations.
[5] Neither shall thy name any more be called Abram, but thy name shall be Abraham; for a father of many nations have I made thee.

He whom you choose to be “your earthly father”, is your business.
He whom I choose to be “my earthly father”, is my business.

He whom a Catholic chooses to be “their earthly father”, is NOT a secret!
It is a succession of men, chosen by men, and accepted by Catholics.

He whom I have chosen to be “my earthly father”, is NOT a secret!
It is a SINGLE man God Himself chose and MADE my earthly father;

Isn’t FREEWILL awesome!


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
I see you have been tainted by your religion and its traditions and doctrines. So I can see why you actually did not read my words from a spiritual body perspective over an earthly one. Your religion 'makes' you focus on the earthly rather than the spiritual realm in your daily life.
You don't even know me yet you make false accusations of an earthly focus.
I never said I professed an earthly body for my spirituality.
No but you seem to profess the proven false doctrines of Ellen G. White.
You know we do possess a spirit and a physical body? And my attention is purely focused on the spirit and those that are lead by the spirit and not by an incompatible, sinful, corruptible and fallible physical person for my salvation?
The only person we trust for our salvation is Jesus Christ. There is nothing remotely Christian about making constant, endless straw man fallacies concerning my faith.
If you cannot grasp this basic concept that it might be useless for me to explain it further.
What's useless is arguing with a brain washed SDA who claims the Church apostatized, and gives no evidence.
Your are the one because of your beliefs and your religion that cannot yet past the physical realm and your physical human person leadership that usurped the role of Christ.
Where did I say that?
So again, and for emphasis, I can see that your religion has made you biased solely towards an earthly corruptible head for your salvation.
For emphasis, repeating the same lie over and over again will only influence stupid people.
I profess and speak to the spiritual body and only the spiritual sense/realm within a person. It is unavoidable still in this present age that our spirits, whether still carnal (unconverted) or spirit filled with Christ's spirit, inhabits an earthly human body. You see my distinction and your hasty conclusion is thus very predictable being of a religion that speaks many words to and for Christ although never actually believes through actions to give him the role as our Lord and Savior of his Body, of true believers.
You talk about hasty conclusions???
So there is no gotcha mate. Reminds me of an immature child's reaction to a game they won or they thought they won.
Discussion with SDA's is like playing chess with a pigeon, they poop all over the board and strut around as if they won. My "gotcha" point means you have issues with authority. Jesus established a physical, visible, infallible, indestructible, hierarchical Church, and no amount of made-in-America fist shaking cult can ever tear it down, no matter how hard you try.
This subject is NO GAME I assure you. It is a very serious subject and runs to the core for one's salvation and destruction. Please do not take this subject lightly.
Catholic bashing is built into your religion, it's a sick obsession.
Either you place your faith in a human head and a brick-and-mortar church building and hierarchy with all of its extra-scriptural traditions, or you place your faith SOLEY in Christ, and doing the will his Father for your salvation. Which is it going to be, as there can be no compromise?!
You can't stop with straw man fallacies. This fallacy occurs when you over-simplifies or misrepresents my argument (i.e., setting up a "straw man") to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of fully addressing my actual argument, speakers relying on this fallacy present a superficially similar -- but ultimately not equal -- version of your real stance, helping them create the illusion of easily defeating you. Relying on the pope for salvation is a typical ant-Catholic fallacy, always asserted, never proven. Same goes with the stupid canard of apostacy.

At what moment did Catholicism become apostate? At John's death? In 313? With Gregory the Great and the ascendancy of papal power? In the "Dark Ages" of c.800-1100? With the Inquisition or Crusades? Or at the Council of Trent? And how can anyone know for sure when? The Bible guarantees that could never happen, so you make Jesus a liar saying that it did. I avoid feeding trolls. The thread title is "If I wanted to be Catholic", not "if I wanted to be a SDA." There was a thread dedicated to exposing SDA for what they are. SDA: Seventh Dilemma Adventism
Enough of your lies, good bye.



Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
You don't even know me yet you make false accusations of an earthly focus.
No but you seem to profess the proven false doctrines of Ellen G. White. The only person we trust for our salvation is Jesus Christ. There is nothing remotely Christian about making constant, endless straw man fallacies concerning my faith. What's useless is arguing with a brain washed SDA who claims the Church apostatized, and gives no evidence.
Where did I say that? For emphasis, repeating the same lie over and over again will only influence stupid people.
You talk about hasty conclusions???
Discussion with SDA's is like playing chess with a pigeon, they poop all over the board and strut around as if they won. My "gotcha" point means you have issues with authority. Jesus established a physical, visible, infallible, indestructible, hierarchical Church, and no amount of made-in-America fist shaking cult can ever tear it down, no matter how hard you try.
Catholic bashing is built into your religion, it's a sick obsession.
You can't stop with straw man fallacies. This fallacy occurs when you over-simplifies or misrepresents my argument (i.e., setting up a "straw man") to make it easier to attack or refute. Instead of fully addressing my actual argument, speakers relying on this fallacy present a superficially similar -- but ultimately not equal -- version of your real stance, helping them create the illusion of easily defeating you. Relying on the pope for salvation is a typical ant-Catholic fallacy, always asserted, never proven. Same goes with the stupid canard of apostacy.

At what moment did Catholicism become apostate? At John's death? In 313? With Gregory the Great and the ascendancy of papal power? In the "Dark Ages" of c.800-1100? With the Inquisition or Crusades? Or at the Council of Trent? And how can anyone know for sure when? The Bible guarantees that could never happen, so you make Jesus a liar saying that it did. I avoid feeding trolls. The thread title is "If I wanted to be Catholic", not "if I wanted to be a SDA." There was a thread dedicated to exposing SDA for what they are. SDA: Seventh Dilemma Adventism
Enough of your lies, good bye.

So you believe I'm a member of a particular 'Christian' religion or denomination and you've even picked one out for me? Interesting.

Happy Trails


Well-Known Member
Jan 11, 2020
So you believe I'm a member of a particular 'Christian' religion or denomination and you've even picked one out for me? Interesting.
I had to guess, seeing as how you support the ridiculous, unproven assertion of major apostasy, a common theme with Mormons, JW's, SDA's and uneducated paranoid fundamentalists. Are you a Calvinist? Your vitriol is the same, whether or not you are a one man church with an axe to grind.

St. Bernard & the Papacy / Pope as “Head” (vs. Calvin #21)
What Year Did Popes Become Antichrist? (vs. John Calvin)
Roman Primacy / Popes & Collegiality (vs. Calvin #18)

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Well-Known Member
Feb 6, 2020
I find it completely astonishing that a Catholic could entertain a mindset that has a persecution complex so soon after his own institution was forced by common human decency and loss of civil power to forsake her own 1000 years of historical insistence in shortcutting other people's entry into the after life.
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Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2018
United States
I had to guess, seeing as how you support the ridiculous, unproven assertion of major apostasy, a common theme with Mormons, JW's, SDA's and uneducated paranoid fundamentalists. Are you a Calvinist? Your vitriol is the same, whether or not you are a one man church with an axe to grind.

St. Bernard & the Papacy / Pope as “Head” (vs. Calvin #21)
What Year Did Popes Become Antichrist? (vs. John Calvin)
Roman Primacy / Popes & Collegiality (vs. Calvin #18)
Are you really looking at yourself in your private mirror and you now do not like what you have become or represent. Quite illuminating don't you think? Worth investigating further....


Well-Known Member
May 4, 2018
if i wanted to become a catholic
hmmmm, I s'pose becoming a Catholic is a bit like becoming a baker......you need certain ingredients to sprinkle around. There are also certain hoops to jump through although I've never seen a baker do this....a misstep onto one of those bags with the white stuff might send a precious cloud out the door when it could be used for better purposes....and finally, just don't kick the football to the guy up the front of all those pews even though he might be your mate!......it'll mess up the clothes.

thank you for your sense of humour, your tolerance and your all inclusive spirit!
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Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2017
United States
How Different is Catholicism From Jehovah's Witnesses and Protestantism.
Well, JW's ARE Protestants and all PROTESTants protest the teaching of the Catholic Church because they believe the CC's doctrines/dogmas are not in line with Scripture. The funny thing is..... all the Protestants think the other Protestant denominations doctrines/dogmas are not in line with Scripture either. Only THEIR doctrines/dogmas are in line with Scripture. What a mess the Reformation has brought us.....:(
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