I'm concerned that Trump is illuminati

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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
I do not think that God appoints leaders, the people do that and they reap what they sow.
God is not in charge of this world, Satan is a power.

To say that God appoints the leaders is to say that the 6 million Jews was Gods doing, fact was that that was Satan's doing, the Talmud mob have been killing Israelites from way back to their Golden Calf, they tried to kill Holy Moses as well, the Talmud is not Israel at all, it's Satanist, claiming to be Jews and they lead the whole world astray.
Yes the Talmud love to call the 6 million killed a Burnt Offering because it was to their god Satan.

Not true Christian calls killing 6 million Jews a Burn Offering, it's called Genocide, not to mention that such was Satanic, not of God at all, but of mans works and that's a fact.
I believe this too - God wouldn't put Hitler in power - the god of this world did. There is some confusion but I could never believe that God would put an evil person into power. God knows that Bush was a Luciferian - there is no way that I would believe that God put him in a position where he likely carried out 9-11 and sentence all the unfortunate people who were in the twin towers to a fiery death. I have read too much and I believe it was an inside job. For any individual to knowingly plan and execute such an abomination, has to have a satanic soul; someone completely in Satan's power. I grit my teeth in church when our pastor said to "pray for the family of George Bush, because he claimed to be a Christian." I was so discouraged. What he should have asked for prayer for were the victims of the Bush family. It's frightening to see how pastors are so ill-informed. We need to enlighten pastors because if we don't who will?

They do lead the world astray. It does not matter if you didn't go to seminary, or if you're not an elder, or even an usher, if God reveals a truth to you I believe that we have a duty to share it. In fact, I implore you to share it. We're to do God's work while we're here. I know we don't want to face it, but we really are in a spiritual war.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Romans 13:1 New International Version (NIV)
Submission to Governing Authorities
13 Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.
The apostles refused to obey an order not to preach and teach in Jesus' name (see Acts 5:27-29).

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
This writer does not work for Trump's PR division I take it.
Apparently not. I still support President Trump but I'm about 99% positive he's not who he puts on to be. He's elite. Walter Veith exposed a lot in his video, and helped to confirm what I had suspicions about. Some don't place any stock in hand signals, but he flashed the triple six multiple times. Obama did, Clintons, the Pope, Merkel - all the players involved in the New World Order. Any thinking person will deduce that all those leaders can't be using precisely similar hand signs coincidentally.

I'm very concerned about the next steps they're going to take to fulfill their utopian society. They need mass genocide. They succeeded in killing 72,000 Americans in one year, and many, many more are rendered vegetables. It's evil beyond what our finite minds can conceive. I can't wait until Satan is defeated.



Pope Francis flashes the Triple Six sign while speaking to the US Congress in September 2015. Pope Francis speech from Vatican TV (57:16) Pope Francis speech from C-Span (6:34)


Clinton doing the 666 sign. (also known as the 3 rings)


This is not coincidence. We have the duty to God to enlighten all Christians to the massive conspiracy and lies that have been committed.
I'm concerned at the next step these evil individuals are going to implement. I think it's going to be nuclear or some other massive blow to the American people - and other countries. I hope that all Christians will stay alert and utilize our discernment. I also think that we need to pray more.

If we really face the truth, we'd realize that these leaders are demonized - for real. Use your discernment and you can see Obomination looks possessed. He looks like he's in a trance.

When you lie like the above individuals did, it opens the door to demonic oppression, infestation, and control.

And these are the people ruling over us.

God help us.

Let us pray.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Apparently not. I still support President Trump but I'm about 99% positive he's not who he puts on to be. He's elite. Walter Veith exposed a lot in his video, and helped to confirm what I had suspicions about. Some don't place any stock in hand signals, but he flashed the triple six multiple times. Obama did, Clintons, the Pope, Merkel - all the players involved in the New World Order. Any thinking person will deduce that all those leaders can't be using precisely similar hand signs coincidentally.

I'm very concerned about the next steps they're going to take to fulfill their utopian society. They need mass genocide. They succeeded in killing 72,000 Americans in one year, and many, many more are rendered vegetables. It's evil beyond what our finite minds can conceive. I can't wait until Satan is defeated.

You need to be worried about the Democrats pushing liberalism, socialism and atheism.

Walter Veith
This is a Seventh-day Adventists who pushes all the SDA false doctrine and supports Ellen G White being a prophetess.

No credibility there.

There is no excuse or logic for supporting the investigative sanctuary judgment, seventh day Sabbath keeping, Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel, there will be a time when the earth is devoid of all life and other claims ultimately coming from their prophetess, not the Bible.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
But they accepted the punishment for doing so.

There are multiple examples in the bible. We are told to obey but not when the acts ordered are godless. And in the case of Rahab, she was saved due to her disobedience to authorities.

In Joshua 2, Rahab directly disobeyed a command from the king of Jericho to produce the Israelite spies who had entered the city to gain intelligence for battle. Instead, she let them down via a rope so they could escape. Even though Rahab had received a clear order from the top government official, she resisted the command and was redeemed from the city’s destruction when Joshua and the Israeli army destroyed it.

We're like sheep being led to the slaughter. We know the New World Order is being implemented by Luciferian officials at the highest level of government and likely around 80% of people don't know what's happening. They know something is wrong, but they don't know what. What are we to do with this knowledge? I don't know. I don't know what God expects of us. I've been praying. I hope you do too.
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Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
Apparently not. I still support President Trump but I'm about 99% positive he's not who he puts on to be. He's elite. Walter Veith exposed a lot in his video, and helped to confirm what I had suspicions about. Some don't place any stock in hand signals, but he flashed the triple six multiple times. Obama did, Clintons, the Pope, Merkel - all the players involved in the New World Order. Any thinking person will deduce that all those leaders can't be using precisely similar hand signs coincidentally.

I'm very concerned about the next steps they're going to take to fulfill their utopian society. They need mass genocide. They succeeded in killing 72,000 Americans in one year, and many, many more are rendered vegetables. It's evil beyond what our finite minds can conceive. I can't wait until Satan is defeated.



Pope Francis flashes the Triple Six sign while speaking to the US Congress in September 2015. Pope Francis speech from Vatican TV (57:16) Pope Francis speech from C-Span (6:34)


Clinton doing the 666 sign. (also known as the 3 rings)


This is not coincidence. We have the duty to God to enlighten all Christians to the massive conspiracy and lies that have been committed.
I'm concerned at the next step these evil individuals are going to implement. I think it's going to be nuclear or some other massive blow to the American people - and other countries. I hope that all Christians will stay alert and utilize our discernment. I also think that we need to pray more.

If we really face the truth, we'd realize that these leaders are demonized - for real. Use your discernment and you can see Obomination looks possessed. He looks like he's in a trance.

When you lie like the above individuals did, it opens the door to demonic oppression, infestation, and control.

And these are the people ruling over us.

God help us.

Let us pray.

That hand sign is by a lot of people, Christian and non-Christian.

I still agree with you we all have to stay alert. I learned that working in intelligence. Enemies love to blindside you.

Before you blame Trump such as abortion, remember who controls the purse strings--- Congress, not the president.

The border wall is at the point where negotiations have been shown to be pointless. The White House has an emergency declaration ready to go for funding.

I disagree with him on Syria and Isis. Pulling out is a big mistake.

I doubt he is a Christian but at least he doesn't believe in a wall separation.

It is a mess and going to get worse as the Democrats gain more power and the rhinos sit on their hands.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
You need to be worried about the Democrats pushing liberalism, socialism and atheism.

Walter Veith
This is a Seventh-day Adventists who pushes all the SDA false doctrine and supports Ellen G White being a prophetess.

No credibility there.

There is no excuse or logic for supporting the investigative sanctuary judgment, seventh day Sabbath keeping, Jesus Christ is Michael the Archangel, there will be a time when the earth is devoid of all life and other claims ultimately coming from their prophetess, not the Bible.

I am very concerned about the Democrats pushing liberalism, socialism, and atheism. It's a joke on the American people to see bubble-head Ocasio in a position of governance. How was she even elected? I know Soros backed her, but who in their right mind would vote for her? Or don't our votes even count anymore because it's all fixed? Will you join my husband and I in praying for God to remove her? I'm going to ask the same at bible study. I don't know if it will work, but an old saint and I prayed to remove a corrupt principal and it's worth a try. Please confirm that you'll join us. The more people the better.

It's terrifying to see a foreigner in a position of governance who is connected to a radical religion - I don't know her name or what state she's in. How did that happen? It's so very hard - it's purely satanic: what's right is wrong, what's white is black, what's right is wrong. It's almost too hard to tolerate. I keep saying this world is becoming uninhabitable for Christians. Everything is destabilized. We see the wrongs taking place before our eyes, and we're paralyzed like a deer in the headlights. We're uneasy because we know our Republic is going under, yet we don't know what to do. We have a militarized police force that will be called if we step an inch out of line. What should we do? Have you ever asked yourself that? I have.

I think Christians need to unite and we need to descend on Washington. Christians should join into a powerful force. They're too scattered. You were in government, why don't you try to organize a coalition? Why not you?

I know your feelings about the SDA church but I found Veith to be credible. They may possibly be off on a few points but every church I was ever in had points I didn't believe in. Squabbles happened in the bible. I keep my discernment sharp and if I hear anything off then I turn from it. But I learned some things about the Catholic church and Jesuits from Veith that really helped me to piece together what's happening. I still have more to learn however, but I'm grateful to Veith for his work.

...for you are still worldly. For since there is jealousy and dissension among you, are you not worldly? Are you not walking in the way of man? 4For when one of you says, “I follow Paul,” and another, “I follow Apollos,” are you not mere men? 5What then is Apollos? And what is Paul? They are servants through whom you believed, as the Lord has assigned to each his role.…1 Cor. 3:4

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
That hand sign is by a lot of people, Christian and non-Christian.

I still agree with you we all have to stay alert. I learned that working in intelligence. Enemies love to blindside you.

Before you blame Trump such as abortion, remember who controls the purse strings--- Congress, not the president.

The border wall is at the point where negotiations have been shown to be pointless. The White House has an emergency declaration ready to go for funding.

I disagree with him on Syria and Isis. Pulling out is a big mistake.

I doubt he is a Christian but at least he doesn't believe in a wall separation.

It is a mess and going to get worse as the Democrats gain more power and the rhinos sit on their hands.

I don't believe it's a coincidence. There are too many pieces of the puzzle that fit. I believe it is mass deception and I can't help but believe that Trump is in on it. Too many things I've read have raised red flags about him.

I would have liked working in intelligence and figuring out the enemies tactics. I've dealt with some very manipulative people and I learned how evil works up close. People lie in a million and one ways. They twist the truth in ways that are hard to even conceive all the while making themselves come out smelling like a rose.

I don't blame Trump for abortion - I blame him for not calling for a National Emergency. 72,000 Americans died in one year from the drugs flooding in from Mexico and killing off many American youth and crippling their families with grief. I don't know the numbers, but I"m sure they've exceeded the above number of youth that have died since Trump took office. Only an individual with a dark heart could keep the border open knowing the suffering that is being inflicted.

I was like everyone else: I kept making excuses for Trump: "He has so much against him! Look how he's being attacked!" "No one man can stand that much hatred directed at him" "He's got something up his sleeve! He's going to secure the border! Just trust him!" I did all that until I realized that I was fooling myself. All he did was talked about border security, he never actually did anything. It seemed suspicious; like it was all theatre, when he would go on twitter and decry the latest "Witch Hunt!" It happened too many times. It didn't have the ring of truth. He constantly acted like he didn't have the power to stop it, when he does. It's all a lie. The American people have been fooled.

Christians have the advantage of being given discernment. We're to "have our senses trained by reason of use." I constantly try to use mine to hone it. I watch for micro expressions, even slight deviations from the truth, body language, and I watch the eyes. In the deliverance ministry often demonically controlled people won't look into a Christian's eyes. Some Christians have looked into the eyes of people, and sense they're not looking into just the person's eyes. I believe every Christian can develop this discernment. I believe that many of our legislators at the highest level of government are inhabited by evil spirits. I read a book by Rev. Basham: "Deliver us From Evil." It's an informative book.

In the light of day the above seems so foreign, but if we're to believe our bibles, why would the man of Gadara, or the slave girl that followed Paul, or the people delivered of "many devils" be listed in the bible if it was not meant for us to understand that people today are experiencing the same problems? Look at some of the evil being promoted in the country now - of course we know the old man is desperately wicked, but beyond that there are intelligent demons who help their "host" commit even more evil. If Mary Magdalene had 7 demons, how many do you think Nancy Pelosi has? I think America is growing worse in part because when anyone practices evil, it draws demons to an area. A family member bought a house one time and I was against it. I think back then, my spiritual senses weren't as developed, but some part of me was uncomfortable. They bought it anyway. What a disaster.

They saw black shadows moving in the house, the TV would turn on and off by itself, one of their friends was laying on the couch and was choked; no person was near him. He was spooked and refused to go in the house again. They placed a tape recorder in the room and left. I listened to the ungodly recording. It scared me. They left the house and the bank took it over. I called around and tried to get someone to cleanse the house. I spoke with a guy in our state who does it, and he told me that any evil practiced in a place will draw demons there. The family members moved out and later told me that there was a pentagram painted on the barn. So a former occupant was fooling around with something they shouldn't.
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Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
That hand sign is by a lot of people, Christian and non-Christian.

I still agree with you we all have to stay alert. I learned that working in intelligence. Enemies love to blindside you.

Before you blame Trump such as abortion, remember who controls the purse strings--- Congress, not the president.

The border wall is at the point where negotiations have been shown to be pointless. The White House has an emergency declaration ready to go for funding.

I disagree with him on Syria and Isis. Pulling out is a big mistake.

I doubt he is a Christian but at least he doesn't believe in a wall separation.

It is a mess and going to get worse as the Democrats gain more power and the rhinos sit on their hands.
Fact is the Jews tell America what to do and America jumps to attention doing there bidding, killing Islamist that the Jews want killed, ISIS was a creation of the Jews, you ever seen ISIS attack Jews, never ! Trump was told to pull out and he just obeyed his masters.
The Jews get what they want or they will financially destroy the USA and don't forget that the people do not mean jack because they are just stupid goyim slaves who don't know jack about such things at all. because they are all dupes to the Media and education system who can't think for themselves because they have never been taught to.

Trump is hell bent on building the wall from what our media are telling us in Australia and our media are no no no about it all.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
Fact is the Jews tell America what to do and America jumps to attention doing there bidding, killing Islamist that the Jews want killed, ISIS was a creation of the Jews, you ever seen ISIS attack Jews, never ! Trump was told to pull out and he just obeyed his masters.
The Jews get what they want or they will financially destroy the USA and don't forget that the people do not mean jack because they are just stupid goyim slaves who don't know jack about such things at all. because they are all dupes to the Media and education system who can't think for themselves because they have never been taught to.

Trump is hell bent on building the wall from what our media are telling us in Australia and our media are no no no about it all.
I'm really coming to that realization that they're pulling the strings. Trump's obeying his masters with the bodies and blood of Americans. And what's so filthy is that our CDC is withholding pain medication from the Vets who come back with limbs blown off - and Trump is right at the helm; he ordered a 25% cut in morphine - and Vets have been killing themselves. It's sadistic. I don't think we'll get the wall because the NWO intends on Canada, America, and South America being all one. Every day more people are piling into America. Every time I call a government office I get a foreigner now. When we went to the airport every single employee was a foreigner. I think the illuminati killed off American youth to replace them with foreigners who are pliable. I won't go to a foreign doctor because I read that many are using fake medical documents to get into America. Everything here is destabilized.

Reggie Belafonte

Well-Known Member
Mar 16, 2018
I'm really coming to that realization that they're pulling the strings. Trump's obeying his masters with the bodies and blood of Americans. And what's so filthy is that our CDC is withholding pain medication from the Vets who come back with limbs blown off - and Trump is right at the helm; he ordered a 25% cut in morphine - and Vets have been killing themselves. It's sadistic. I don't think we'll get the wall because the NWO intends on Canada, America, and South America being all one. Every day more people are piling into America. Every time I call a government office I get a foreigner now. When we went to the airport every single employee was a foreigner. I think the illuminati killed off American youth to replace them with foreigners who are pliable. I won't go to a foreign doctor because I read that many are using fake medical documents to get into America. Everything here is destabilized.
The Talmud so called Jew has been at work within the RCC and then into protestant church's for a long time:(, they are the same as the Golden Calf mob were, that crept in and worked to destroyed Israel.:mad:
So the Talmud mob are very smart in how they go about there workings, that most do not even know who they are or anything about them:(. that's how well the Talmud works, they worked to create wars for there own gain and WW2 was just one of there creations and they sat back pissing themselves laughing at all the people who were killed and lives destroyed.:oops: the Talmud Whore works within everything that they truly need so as to peddle the lies, they are with in all the Churches, Governments you name it, Talmud Jesuits at the head of the freemasons and this is just another tool of theirs and most within the freemasons do not know it and the same with people in all the Churches. it plays games with people leading them all astray and don't forget they truly are masters of such, Satan is the greatest one for deceptions.

Who could of bastardised our people so much within only so many years :cool:? one only has to look around and see such taking root, society has been undermined, just look at the nonsense that is peddled nowadays:eek:, it's cultural Marxism Political Correctness turning people into mushrooms ( fed something and kept in the dark ) freedom of speech they want walked all over and a snowflake mob of misfits trying to dominate over everyone with their insane madness, thing is that such people are not nice people at all but totally evil who love to stand over others and will not listen:eek:. just look at how they see abortion,:( well that shows what they truly are monsters:mad:. now who is it that has empowered such people into thinking such madness, not to mention they wear such as a badge of honour,:confused: what a creep show, I may even have more respect for Nazis killing Jews ect:oops: then that mob of total morons. a perfectly healthy baby up to 9 months can just be discarded ? no ! I can not believe it, such are worshiping Moloch ! and that's a fact. and the Fact is that History shows the Talmud Whore worships Moloch in fact as it is one of their gods, so here we have that old Jewish nonsense empowering people just like it did back in the days of the OT, so we get uneducated idiots on this subject who will claim that what ever the Jews do is Gods will now:( and all of the Christian religions are now following the stupid so called Jews:eek: and they have turned their backs on Jesus Christ totally peddling this rapture rubbish like they do, it's nothing but a great con job playing into the hands of the Satanist Talmud Whore.

All one has to do is come to Jesus Christ and abide in him and all is good.:)
Fact is that anything that is not in Jesus is just worthless and such will be burnt up in the end and exposed for that such truly is.

Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
The Talmud so called Jew has been at work within the RCC and then into protestant church's for a long time:(, they are the same as the Golden Calf mob were, that crept in and worked to destroyed Israel.:mad:
So the Talmud mob are very smart in how they go about there workings, that most do not even know who they are or anything about them:(. that's how well the Talmud works, they worked to create wars for there own gain and WW2 was just one of there creations and they sat back pissing themselves laughing at all the people who were killed and lives destroyed.:oops: the Talmud Whore works within everything that they truly need so as to peddle the lies, they are with in all the Churches, Governments you name it, Talmud Jesuits at the head of the freemasons and this is just another tool of theirs and most within the freemasons do not know it and the same with people in all the Churches. it plays games with people leading them all astray and don't forget they truly are masters of such, Satan is the greatest one for deceptions.

Who could of bastardised our people so much within only so many years :cool:? one only has to look around and see such taking root, society has been undermined, just look at the nonsense that is peddled nowadays:eek:, it's cultural Marxism Political Correctness turning people into mushrooms ( fed something and kept in the dark ) freedom of speech they want walked all over and a snowflake mob of misfits trying to dominate over everyone with their insane madness, thing is that such people are not nice people at all but totally evil who love to stand over others and will not listen:eek:. just look at how they see abortion,:( well that shows what they truly are monsters:mad:. now who is it that has empowered such people into thinking such madness, not to mention they wear such as a badge of honour,:confused: what a creep show, I may even have more respect for Nazis killing Jews ect:oops: then that mob of total morons. a perfectly healthy baby up to 9 months can just be discarded ? no ! I can not believe it, such are worshiping Moloch ! and that's a fact. and the Fact is that History shows the Talmud Whore worships Moloch in fact as it is one of their gods, so here we have that old Jewish nonsense empowering people just like it did back in the days of the OT, so we get uneducated idiots on this subject who will claim that what ever the Jews do is Gods will now:( and all of the Christian religions are now following the stupid so called Jews:eek: and they have turned their backs on Jesus Christ totally peddling this rapture rubbish like they do, it's nothing but a great con job playing into the hands of the Satanist Talmud Whore.

All one has to do is come to Jesus Christ and abide in him and all is good.:)
Fact is that anything that is not in Jesus is just worthless and such will be burnt up in the end and exposed for that such truly is.
I have to read up on this more. What do you mean by "Talmud Jews" - the illuminati; the 13 families? I don't know how your country is but ours is getting anti-christian. I keep reading stories about Christians being persecuted in one way or another. People are actually becoming rabidly anti-christian. My husband shakes his head and says they're out of their heads. I read that they infiltrated the Catholic church, so I guess Catholicism wasn't always bad. Now some of these pastors are playing footsies with the RCC. There really has been an apostasy with some of them.


Well-Known Member
Oct 15, 2018
United States
So what are some of you saying? Vote for a Democrat? For libertarian? Vote for no one?

While I do not believe Trump is a Christian or a true conservative, there isn't a Democrat I would vote for for any office. In 2016 I voted for Cruz in the primary and Trump in the general.
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Soverign Grace

Well-Known Member
Sep 15, 2018
United States
So what are some of you saying? Vote for a Democrat? For libertarian? Vote for no one?

While I do not believe Trump is a Christian or a true conservative, there isn't a Democrat I would vote for for any office. In 2016 I voted for Cruz in the primary and Trump in the general.
I don't know if our votes counts for anything, but I still vote Republican and will still vote for Trump.

I'll tell you what I see even in my own family. Young people have been hoodwinked by liberal college professors. One of my children is in college and it's sickening that these professors push their anti-God views. Then when it comes time to vote, they vote Democrat. We have to try to influence our own circle if possible. I talked to an older woman from bible study who voted Democrat. I was shocked and asked her if she knew what he stood for. She said "Oh no, I just voted for him because my daughter told me to." It's the blind leading the blind. It was such a case of an uninformed voter. I think we need to talk to everyone in our small sphere of influence and urge them to vote Republican. (If our votes even count)

Democrats to strike "So help me God" from oath: House Democrats to Strike ‘So Help Me God’ from Oath | Breitbart

But I think it's the Hegelian Dialectic. Pelosi is in on it, and I think Trump likely is. I think the American people are being massively fooled.

We've been in a massive moral freewill. The illuminati have spread filth. You can read it in their 21 stated goals. They're largely succeeded. I'm disturbed at the apostasy of the church. I just read today that 20 or so pastors in DC "blessed" a planned-parenthood abortion clinic.

The doomsday clock is at 2 mins. to midnight: Doomsday "Experts" Warn Of Civilization-Ending Information Wars


“"The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few
Apr 25, 2012
West Coast
United States
It is unfortunate that some many Christians are one issue voters. As long as Hitler is prolife and running against a prochoice liberal, he is golden