Is same sex attraction lust driven?

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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
And does everybody here understand WHY we need a Savior?
AMEN to that my friend . ALL have sinned and me more than most . WE NEED JESUS .
YES WE DO . Let the LORD be praised . BUT DO remember if we truly know HIM we are changed . CHANGED .
I was the worst of the worst . AND dont try and say you were as bad as i once was . NO man here knows the evil
i did . HOWEVER i could still lip the name of JESUS . now that is real scary to be in that place .
TRUE FAITH has TRUE FRUITS my friend .
IF i came to you saying , I LOVE GOD , i Love JESUS and I MURDER and i was born like that , ARE YOU REALLY GONNA
believe i KNOW JESUS . JUst cause i say i DO , dont mean i do .
SO WHY On earth do we give the PC sins a free pass . SIN IS SIN my friend .
AND a lamb gets turned FROM SIN . IF i came saying to you , I LOVE JESUS , dont judge , I LOVE
sleeping with three year old girls , GOD MADE ME LIKE THAT . ARE YOU seriously gonna think i am saved .
SO WHY Do we give the LGBT a free pass . ITS A LIE my friend . NO lamb loves sin any longer .
NO lamb embraces darkness . WHY do churches give this sin a free pass . WE should not overlook any sin .
WE should correct brethren who do sin . AND i dont mean just that sin , i mean love of money and any other sin .
STOP giving evil a strong hold . we must do all to help folks , never let folks feel its okay to be in any SIN .

Jim B

Well-Known Member
Jun 5, 2020
Santa Fe NM
United States
IF i told this generation is robbing banks and murder good , most would say no .
YET if i dare to expose same sex as evil they call me evil .
Yall , we need a serious wake up call and fast .

So you're actually comparing bank robbery and murder (which are violent crimes) to same sex attraction? Really? You have a very strange sense of values.


Well-Known Member
Sep 21, 2021
Somewhere in time
United States
So you're actually comparing bank robbery and murder (which are violent crimes) to same sex attraction? Really? You have a very strange sense of values.

sin is sin. And its not our values, but God’s values. If God says something is sinful, then thats that. And apparently paul knew this as well when he said homosexuals wont see Heaven.


Well-Known Member
Jul 13, 2021
Island of Misfit Toys
United States
AMEN to that my friend . ALL have sinned and me more than most . WE NEED JESUS .
YES WE DO . Let the LORD be praised .

We agree (although I don't know you well enough to say if you were worse than most).

BUT DO remember if we truly know HIM we are changed . CHANGED .

Here we disagree. That's the theory. In real life, I've read the testimony of some that God DID change them; sometimes right away, sometimes gradually over years. (Praise God!) But the testimony of others is that God did NOT change them, sometimes in spite of much prayer and striving. (This is true not only for sexual sin, but also for addictions and other sins.) Even those who can clean the outside of the cup and live celibate lives (God bless 'em!), the same-sex attraction is ALWAYS there on the inside; it doesn't just "go away". These who recognize their helplessness can only trust God to "have mercy on me, a sinner".

I don’t know why God fixes some and not others. When He told Paul that He would not remove whatever the “thorn in the Flesh” was, He said, “My grace is sufficient for you”.

For those of us who have been healed of besetting sins, praise and thanksgiving for such a gift is appropriate. Remember those who have not been given the same gift with humility.

And may God's grace be sufficient for us all.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
With whatever time i have left , LET US POINT TO CHRIST TO GOD . and expose all evil by the righteous light of Christ .
We are in a massive war for the souls of men . And i make no apologies for correction . FOR LOVE CORRECTS .
It exposes the evil and desires the wicked to repent and not to perish .
Folks have no idea what LOVE IS anymore . THEY have not been transformed . THEY Sit under men who teach lies .
WE must point to CHRIST and continue to do so while there STILL IS TIME TO DO SO .
Amen brother, truer words were never spoken, such filth must not be accepted and embraced, it needs to be exposed and brought to light, as many have fallen for Satan's tricks and have allowed these sinful people to enter their congregation and corrupt it and our impressionable youth.

God made Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve as the saying goes.

Edit: by filth I mean the act not the person, as I've said many times before those that abstain from their homosexual acts and repent can be saved but those who do not and continue in their homosexual lifestyle should not be allowed into any congregation or be accepted, as many have accepted and claim it's such a beautiful thing, when it's not.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
sin is sin. And its not our values, but God’s values. If God says something is sinful, then thats that. And apparently paul knew this as well when he said homosexuals wont see Heaven.
Yes indeed . God wont be mocked , if ye sow to the flesh ye shall of the flesh reap corruption .
But if ye sow to the spirit ye reap life everlasting .
Too many have bowed the knee to an image of what they think is GOD and they think is love .
And they have made their god this love god . this humanistic love has become their god .
Its all they talk about , its love wont correct , its love wont preach sound doctrine .
Rather its love teaches DID GOD really say this or that , NAY he wont do that , He is LOVE it whispers to their hearts and minds .
cannot be our teacher, nor his men our teachers . Its time to return to the bible and let us learn
the biblical pattern that Christ taught and the true apostles left us in that bible . Eat on all biblical sound doctrine
staying in prayer and being hearers and doers of all things He did teach .
The apostacy is growing massive now .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We agree (although I don't know you well enough to say if you were worse than most).

Here we disagree. That's the theory. In real life, I've read the testimony of some that God DID change them; sometimes right away, sometimes gradually over years. (Praise God!) But the testimony of others is that God did NOT change them, sometimes in spite of much prayer and striving. (This is true not only for sexual sin, but also for addictions and other sins.) Even those who can clean the outside of the cup and live celibate lives (God bless 'em!), the same-sex attraction is ALWAYS there on the inside; it doesn't just "go away". These who recognize their helplessness can only trust God to "have mercy on me, a sinner".

I don’t know why God fixes some and not others. When He told Paul that He would not remove whatever the “thorn in the Flesh” was, He said, “My grace is sufficient for you”.

For those of us who have been healed of besetting sins, praise and thanksgiving for such a gift is appropriate. Remember those who have not been given the same gift with humility.

And may God's grace be sufficient for us all.
God changes our hearts . While its true we might not have the knowledge , understanding , wisdom
at the first , we do have that heart change that pulls us right to LOVING GOD and seeking HIM OUT .
That heart change is real . And yes it is true that HE will always work on us .
But the change comes , that true desire to know Him and to seek HIM out is given us at the very first .
THEN we go on to learn HIM more and more and we grow in the faith and etc .

amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
We agree (although I don't know you well enough to say if you were worse than most).

Here we disagree. That's the theory. In real life, I've read the testimony of some that God DID change them; sometimes right away, sometimes gradually over years. (Praise God!) But the testimony of others is that God did NOT change them, sometimes in spite of much prayer and striving. (This is true not only for sexual sin, but also for addictions and other sins.) Even those who can clean the outside of the cup and live celibate lives (God bless 'em!), the same-sex attraction is ALWAYS there on the inside; it doesn't just "go away". These who recognize their helplessness can only trust God to "have mercy on me, a sinner".

I don’t know why God fixes some and not others. When He told Paul that He would not remove whatever the “thorn in the Flesh” was, He said, “My grace is sufficient for you”.

For those of us who have been healed of besetting sins, praise and thanksgiving for such a gift is appropriate. Remember those who have not been given the same gift with humility.

And may God's grace be sufficient for us all.
The thorn in pauls flesh was not a sin . It was given him due to the abundance of the revelations .
So as he would not become high minded , lest he be exalted above measure .
Sin , however , GOD convicts us of it . And while sin is present within us , we HATE IT and we die daily and fight against its desires
to have the rule over us . ITS WITH US , but we aint gotta be a slave to it any longer .
WE have the POWER in CHRIST to overcome . We have the HOLY SPIRIT which does convict us
when a wicked thought pops into our minds , so as we do not entertain it and become slave to it to act it out .
and that includes warning against ALL sin and all error we see within the church .
Cause sin can do something else that many no longer believe .
IT can harden the heart my friend . SO exhort one another daily lest any of you do become hardened through the decietfulness of sin .
Lest any root of bitterness does spring up and thereby many be DEFILED .
WE must armour up more than ever now . WE must make our last stand .
DOnt want for the pastors to do it for us . HECK most pastors are already infected with the apostacy .
IF we want souls saved , then we get up and we preach Christ and let that LIGHT shine .
And we must correct any brethren in any sin and do it very fast .
WE must return to the orignial , very clear , SOUND doctrine that was left to us in that bible .
THE MORE we read it , the sharper we get and much easier it becomes to discern a viper in the pulpit .
We must now make an all out return to the faith and all it entials . Learning the bible for ourselves .
Let those reminders sink in deep into the heart and the minds of the peoples .
Cause the apostacy and its teachers are not taking any time off , WELL NEITHER CAN WE . MOUNT UP , ITS WAR for the souls of men .
AND ON JESUS WE MUST STAND . For the raging rivers of deceptoins are flooding all over the lanbs
and if we aint ON CHRIST we gonna down with the current of its deceptoin . MARK THOSE WORDS well . JESUS IS OUR ONLY HOPE
so i suggest we follow the biblical one and learn that bible well .


Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
We agree (although I don't know you well enough to say if you were worse than most).

Here we disagree. That's the theory. In real life, I've read the testimony of some that God DID change them; sometimes right away, sometimes gradually over years. (Praise God!) But the testimony of others is that God did NOT change them, sometimes in spite of much prayer and striving. (This is true not only for sexual sin, but also for addictions and other sins.) Even those who can clean the outside of the cup and live celibate lives (God bless 'em!), the same-sex attraction is ALWAYS there on the inside; it doesn't just "go away". These who recognize their helplessness can only trust God to "have mercy on me, a sinner".

I don’t know why God fixes some and not others. When He told Paul that He would not remove whatever the “thorn in the Flesh” was, He said, “My grace is sufficient for you”.

For those of us who have been healed of besetting sins, praise and thanksgiving for such a gift is appropriate. Remember those who have not been given the same gift with humility.

And may God's grace be sufficient for us all.
Honestly, I think this is the case for all of us. None of us are 100% without struggle in some area. I was saved at age 13, and there was a radical change in many areas of my life. But I wasn't automatically healed of DID (dissociative identity disorder) the moment I was saved. And I wasn't instantly rescued from daily trauma which continued to create more brokenness. There were years of growing in Christ and being nourished in the Word and strengthened in relationship with Him, before He brought me to face my brokenness. That process is still ongoing and He has done an immense amount of healing over the last 16 years. I have been gently reminded, "My grace is sufficient" for years.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Those who sin , REBUKE before ALL that others may FEAR .
I think folks have forget that .
Brother, the point is that though we strive for perfection, we will still fail now and then. As scripture states... the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Romans 7:24
[24]O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

(Read that whole chapter of Romans chapter 7.)

This is why we need the Savior. We couldn't do it for ourselves. Paul also said this....

1 John 2:1
[1]My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

So we know, that it's not our own righteousness that saves us, but faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. No matter how much we try, our righteousness is still as filthy rags. It will never be enough to save us.

While we are here, we strive to live after the Spirit and mortify the deeds of the flesh. We no longer choose to live in and practice sin. And yet, if, due to the weakness of the flesh, we mess up ....we have an Advocate with the Father ....Jesus Christ the righteous.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Brother, the point is that though we strive for perfection, we will still fail now and then. As scripture states... the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.

Romans 7:24
[24]O wretched man that I am! who shall deliver me from the body of this death?

(Read that whole chapter of Romans chapter 7.)

This is why we need the Savior. We couldn't do it for ourselves. Paul also said this....

1 John 2:1
[1]My little children, these things write I unto you, that ye sin not. And if any man sin, we have an advocate with the Father, Jesus Christ the righteous:

So we know, that it's not our own righteousness that saves us, but faith in the finished work of Christ on the cross. No matter how much we try, our righteousness is still as filthy rags. It will never be enough to save us.

While we are here, we strive to live after the Spirit and mortify the deeds of the flesh. We no longer choose to live in and practice sin. And yet, if, due to the weakness of the flesh, we mess up ....we have an Advocate with the Father ....Jesus Christ the righteous.
But we both know what the problem is . IF we dont preach sound doctrine the way
the early church taught it , Then expect leaven to only increase and it has done just this .
In other words when we start to make light of sin and error and start trying to pander more to the hearer
and trying to make the people feel at home and thus dire warnings and etc starts leaving off ,
That wont work .
We must be as serious as were the apostles when it comes to sin and error .
We must sound identical to their approach .
Here are there examples . LET it not ONCE be named .
Those who sin REBUKE before all so that others may FEAR .
Let all who name the name of Christ depart from inquity .
WHO we serve is whose we are .
WE must start sounding more serious like that . Cause that pattern actually WORKS .
When sin is seen as less and less deadly to a church , WATCH OUT its gonna fall . Something has arleady gone wrong .
I aint saying no one sins , What i am saying is CORRECT ANY Error asap when you see it .
And let us put those constant reminders about being grave and sincere as well .
Reminders like BEING DILIGENT lest any man FAIL OF the grace of GOD , lest any root of bitterness does spring up
and thereby many be defiled . More reminders like GOD wont be mocked .
Too many are very fast to just come on and say DONT Judge to those who are more grave and more serious .
Not YOU dear sister . I aint saying you do that . But many do .


Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
But we both know what the problem is . IF we dont preach sound doctrine the way
the early church taught it , Then expect leaven to only increase and it has done just this .
In other words when we start to make light of sin and error and start trying to pander more to the hearer
and trying to make the people feel at home and thus dire warnings and etc starts leaving off ,
That wont work .
We must be as serious as were the apostles when it comes to sin and error .
We must sound identical to their approach .
Here are there examples . LET it not ONCE be named .
Those who sin REBUKE before all so that others may FEAR .
Let all who name the name of Christ depart from inquity .
WHO we serve is whose we are .
WE must start sounding more serious like that . Cause that pattern actually WORKS .
When sin is seen as less and less deadly to a church , WATCH OUT its gonna fall . Something has arleady gone wrong .
I aint saying no one sins , What i am saying is CORRECT ANY Error asap when you see it .
And let us put those constant reminders about being grave and sincere as well .
Reminders like BEING DILIGENT lest any man FAIL OF the grace of GOD , lest any root of bitterness does spring up
and thereby many be defiled . More reminders like GOD wont be mocked .
Too many are very fast to just come on and say DONT Judge to those who are more grave and more serious .
Not YOU dear sister . I aint saying you do that . But many do .
Same sex attraction is not only lust, lust is natural for the opposite sex though one must control oneself and pray to control those feelings, after all we are human, but same sex attraction is a mental disorder and a grave sin, but now you can’t even take someone who is gay to a psychiatrist because it’s politically incorrect and you’ll get charged with a hate crime.
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amigo de christo

Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
San angelo
United States
Same sex attraction is not only lust, lust is natural for the opposite sex though one must control oneself and pray to control those feelings, after all we are human, but same sex attraction is a mental disorder and a grave sin, but now you can’t even take someone who is gay to a psychiatrist because it’s politically incorrect and you’ll get charged with a hate crime.
Correct paul called it being without NATURAL affection , OR VILE affections . Try calling it vile affections in the church today
and see what they tell you . We gotta return to the bible and fast .
They dont get it . What happens when you wont correct leaven ........OH YEAH IT LEAVENS UP THE PLACE .
Seeker friendly literally allowed so much leaven in , and without any correction and it took over the place .
NOW they AGREE with it . THIS will happen to any church that does this . THEY will begin in time to accept it .
WE cannot be unequally yoked together .
The door to the church is open to all , BUT If that church wont correct what enters into it , EXPECT THE PLACE TO LEAVEN . AND IT DID TOO .
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
Correct paul called it being without NATURAL affection , OR VILE affections . Try calling it vile affections in the church today
and see what they tell you . We gotta return to the bible and fast .
They dont get it . What happens when you wont correct leaven ........OH YEAH IT LEAVENS UP THE PLACE .
Seeker friendly literally allowed so much leaven in , and without any correction and it took over the place .
NOW they AGREE with it . THIS will happen to any church that does this . THEY will begin in time to accept it .
WE cannot be unequally yoked together .
The door to the church is open to all , BUT If that church wont correct what enters into it , EXPECT THE PLACE TO LEAVEN . AND IT DID TOO .
Exactly my good brother, once you open the door to acceptance without repentance and abstinence you spoil the whole bunch, one must never sugarcoat these things it’s the reason why things have gotten so out of hand with this LGTB acceptance in almost every church. What are we teaching our young? That it’s okay to be gay? No it’s not ok it’s a mortal sin a grave sin, we must expel those who refuse to repent and abstain, cut the weed out at the roots so the weed doesn’t grow again, that’s what must be done.
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Well-Known Member
Sep 12, 2020
United States
Same sex attraction is not only lust, lust is natural for the opposite sex though one must control oneself and pray to control those feelings, after all we are human, but same sex attraction is a mental disorder and a grave sin, but now you can’t even take someone who is gay to a psychiatrist because it’s politically incorrect and you’ll get charged with a hate crime.
We can't force them to accept truth and God's order. There are ones who, for whatever reason (possibly a biological issue or psychological that needs healing), have an attraction toward the same sex, but choose abstinence and pray to mortify the deeds of the flesh.

But those who seek counseling should definitely be allowed that right without the government butting in. There are many testimonies of ones who have come out with God's help.

Lust, imo, isn't appropriate or healthy in any relationship. In a marriage between a man and woman, there should be desire and passion that is rooted in love ....not lust.
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Soldier of Jehovah and Christ
Jun 10, 2019
New Jersey
United States
We can't force them to accept truth and God's order. There are ones who, for whatever reason (possibly a biological issue or psychological that needs healing), have an attraction toward the same sex, but choose abstinence and pray to mortify the deeds of the flesh.

But those who seek counseling should definitely be allowed that right without the government butting in. There are many testimonies of ones who have come out with God's help.

Lust, imo, isn't appropriate or healthy in any relationship. In a marriage between a man and woman, there should be desire and passion that is rooted in love ....not lust.
That’s why I said when one gets those feelings one must pray to rid yourself of those sinful feelings, we are human but to lust after the same sex, it’s not lust it’s mentally screwed up if you look at the same sex and get sexual feelings something is definitely wrong with you, not natural.
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