You are wrong, as I have explained already.I asked you to provide the scriptures that justify what you were claiming, not for my benefit, but for the benefit of other readers of this forum. The scriptures that you have listed do not support your claim that Israel is finished in God's eyes.
No--that is not my claim. "Finished" (as Jesus said), does not mean "God wants nothing more to do with the nation of Israel."You have claimed through the enlightening of the "spirit," that God wants nothing more to do with the nation of Israel.
Again, I have explained already.Now it is not my role to bring correction to you, that is God's role, and He will do a much more thorough job than what I could do.
It is my understanding that the visitation of the fathers' iniquities upon their children and the children's children during the third and the fourth generation/age of the existence of Abraham's descendants, will draw to its designation conclusion in around 20 years' time.
From the scriptures, it is also my understanding the allocated 2,300-year period for the Little Horn to trample God's sanctuary and His Earthly Hosts will come to its completion in around 20 years' time when the Isaiah 24:21-22 judgement of the heavenly hosts will take place in heaven and the kings of the earth will be gathered to Armageddon to be judged after which the judged heavenly hosts and the judged Kings of the earth will be gathered together and imprisoned in the Bottomless pit for many days, nominally for 1,000 years, to await the time of their punishment.
From the scriptures, it is also my understanding that God will in around 20 years' time begin gathering all of Israel to Himself after the time of the Gentiles is completed and will teach them about the foundation stone of His religion where they are living scattered throughout all of the earth where they are living, so that they can be a blessing to all of the peoples of the earth.
It is also my understanding that God will fulfil His covenant of removing the beasts of the field, i.e. the beasts of Daniel 7:1-12, from the face of the earth so that Israel can enjoy a period of peace before they are released once more after their imprisonment in the Bottomless Pit for 1,000 years.
It is also my understanding that God will make like new again, the covenant that Israel rebelled against around three and a half thousand years ago at Mt Sinai, after God had brought them out of Egypt with great signs and wonders, to be His Kingdom of Priests, a Holy Nation and His possession among the gentile nations once more.
Also, from Daniel 7, it is my understanding, that just after the judgement of the heavenly hosts in heaven, in around 20 years' time, that the Son of Man will be brought before the Ancient of time to receive from Him a dominion over all of the peoples of the earth, that they should worship Him. It is my understanding from Rev 20 that Christ's priestly rule in Heaven will be for 1,000 years before it will be challenged once again, when the Bottomless pit is unlocked for the Little While Period.
Also from Daniel 2, it is my understanding that during the time of "these kings," having dominion over the land of Babylon, during this present time, that God will begin establishing His everlasting Kingdom here on the earth which will also be given to the Son of Man/Christ when He receive His dominion over all of the peoples of the earth.
ScottA, I agree with you that many false teachers, over the past centauries have lied to us about the End Times. However, if you can find fault with what I have presented above as to what will unfold in our near future, then please present your documented case with the scriptural backing that you have found in your reading in your rebuttal.
Your understanding (which is also most common among the church) is in accord with the "lie" foretold by Paul and also according to Peter, which was taught by "false teachers", saying that Jesus would not come "soon" or "quickly", that all He spoke of would not "shortly take place" as He said, and that He has not returned to many in the glory of the Father (in spirit) beginning "shortly" after He went to the Father.
Many have not believed what they have not yet seen. For, "The wind blows where it wishes, and you hear the sound of it, but cannot tell where it comes from and where it goes. So is everyone who is born of the Spirit" (John 3:8), and “The kingdom of God does not come with observation" (Luke 17:20).
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